Facts about human health. Random Health Facts You Didn't Know

Myth #1: Drink at least 2 liters of water a day.

For the first time this postulate of a healthy lifestyle was promulgated in 1945. Then the US Board of Nutrition advised all prudent Americans to drink 8 glasses of water a day in order to stay in shape and keep their bodies clean and tidy. Since then, many diets include the same recommendation, and there is an opinion among the people that a large amount of liquid helps to lose weight.

Actually. By itself, water will not bring you any harm, but in large quantities, as you know, anything can be harmful. Try to figure out how much liquid you consume per day: even if you exclude all other drinks, you still eat vegetables and fruits and thus get moisture. If overdone, the result can be a condition called hyponatremia, or, more simply, a lack of salts in the body. This will greatly increase the risk of cardiovascular and other serious diseases, says Dr. Rachel Vreeman, an associate at the Center for Child Health Research at Indiana University.

Myth #2: Stress makes your hair turn gray.

Recently, it is fashionable to blame everything on stress - from acne to cancerous tumors. This go-ahead is perhaps the second most popular after “lack of vitamins” and “malnutrition”. By the way, they often explain hair loss.

Actually. Stress really has a negative effect on our body. The more nervous a person is, the faster they age, says Dr. Nancy Snyderman, because stress increases the amount of free radicals in the body. And they, in turn, are the main culprits for the appearance of wrinkles and hair loss. However, there is no scientific evidence that stress is accompanied by graying, no. The timing of the appearance of gray hair is determined by our genes, not by the ability to control ourselves.

Myth #3: Reading in dim light damages your eyesight.

Do you remember what your mother told you as a child? Brush your teeth in the morning, wash your hands before eating, sit up straight and don't read under the covers. And now a good half of the population of our planet is confident in the inviolability of this rule.

Actually. When you read in low light, your eyes have to seriously strain. However, the maximum that this threatens is headache and possibly wrinkles around the eyes. In addition, the eyes may hurt for a while. You will feel itchy and dry, but this will pass fairly quickly. There is no long-term benefit from reading in low light, says Snyderman.

Myth #4. Coffee is bad.

Disputes between tea and coffee lovers have been going on since ancient times and probably will not end for a very long time. We will try to understand a lot of arguments and give only medical facts.

Actually. And again we return to the question of a sense of proportion. Of course, if you do not leave the coffee machine all day long, by the evening you will be a real bundle of nerves, ready to burst at any moment. See above for the effects of stress on the body. But in moderation, coffee can even be beneficial.

First, coffee, like green tea, contains antioxidants (of course, if we are talking about a natural product). And therefore significantly reduces your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, says Idaho Medical Center nutritionist Stacey Beeson. A recent study from Harvard University showed that for women who drink coffee daily, this risk drops by as much as 30%. Other similar studies show that coffee also reduces the risk of bowel cancer, cirrhosis of the liver, Parkinson's disease, and gallstones. Another plus is that coffee stimulates brain activity and, contrary to popular belief, does not increase the chances of undermining the cardiovascular system.

At the same time, the norm for the average person is no more than 3 cups per day (based on 100 ml per cup), Beeson believes. If even this amount brings you insomnia and high blood pressure, cut it in half or switch to substitutes. If you are pregnant or lack calcium in the body, it is better to consult a doctor.

Myth number 5. When high temperature you have to starve

This myth has been going on since those distant times, when there was simply nothing to treat a cold, and people went to any, even the most ridiculous, in our opinion, means to get rid of the disease. Another reason for this belief is that the digestion of food slightly raises the body temperature. People who are fond of self-medication also believe that in the heat you should not take away the body's strength to process food - it supposedly has few of them anyway.

Actually. As a rule, colds and fever are caused by various viruses that enter the body and live in it from a week to 10 days. How you eat during this time does not affect the lifespan of the virus, says Vreeman. Doctors have no scientific evidence that diet during illness somehow affects the body's resistance, but even if you don't really feel like eating, it's better to have a snack with something small but juicy. Because, whatever one may say, you simply need fluid to stay hydrated. In addition, moisture will help you to bear the disease more easily - it will reduce the amount of mucus, thereby alleviating a runny nose and cough.

Myth #6: Fresh food is better than frozen food.

Since scientists learned about such a wonderful thing as antioxidants, nutritionists have been praying in unison for fresh products. “Freezing kills useful substances,” is how doctors repeat the mantra. The same applies to any cooking method associated with heat treatment.

Actually. Frozen fruits and vegetables can be just as good as fresh ones if they are harvested and frozen, as they say, at their peak of ripeness. And cold processing and sealed packaging retain much more vitamins than what remains in “fresh” products that have lain in the sun or in a supermarket refrigerator.

Myth #7: Eggs increase cholesterol levels.

The logic of this statement is simple: the eggs themselves contain a lot of cholesterol - accordingly, if they are, the level of this harmful substance in the blood will increase.

Actually. The latest research in this area has shown that only certain types of dietary fats affect cholesterol levels. And they are much less in eggs than, for example, in medium-fat milk (almost 2 times). At the same time, eggs contain proteins, vitamins A and D. They are inexpensive, accessible and easy to prepare. So one egg a day would be a very healthy addition to your diet, Beeson says.

Myth number 8. If you freeze, you will catch a cold

Another common truth, told to us in childhood. And since my mother said so, then it is so?

Actually. Lowering the external temperature does not affect the state of immunity. Unless, of course, we are talking about extreme degrees of frostbite, when it is no longer necessary to worry about a cold. And we catch a cold, as mentioned above, thanks to viruses, and not because of the cold. With regard to the trend towards the largest number colds occur in the cold season, it is not associated with temperature. The fact is that in winter we are more often indoors, pushing ourselves in the subway, sitting in a cafe instead of walking along the street. And this is the most favorable soil for the spread of infection.

The interesting things presented in the article relate to several problems. modern people- lack of healthy sleep, excess weight and early aging.

Health and sleep

Modern man lives in a fast rhythm, so he often lacks sleep. Students who combine work and study, fathers of families, just lovers of entertainment sleep little. But scientists emphasize the importance of sleep for human health and well-being. When a person sleeps, his brain processes the information received during the day and makes room for new ones.

Aging human brain starts at age 27. The peak of intellectual abilities falls on the age of 22. After that, memory, clarity of thoughts and speed of mental activity worsen. But the knowledge acquired throughout life is stored in the memory of a person until about the age of 60.

Scientists from England concluded that regular consumption of dark chocolate can slow down the aging of the skin. A few slices of this delicacy a day help to improve the metabolism of the skin and inhibit the breakdown of collagen fibers. Also, according to researchers, dark chocolate resists the occurrence of melanoma, a cancer that affects the skin.

Researchers from institutes Western Europe and the US have compiled a list of foods that delay aging. It includes about two dozen titles. Among them:

According to researchers, these products contain biochemical elements that prolong the lifespan of body cells. Among the "rejuvenating" products, kiwi is distinguished, which stimulates the production of fibrillar protein in the body - collagen. The juice of this fruit can be used as a facial mask to help rejuvenate the skin.

Employees of the University of Tsukuba (Japan) found that coffee contains elements that prevent the destruction of the brain. This drink saves human brain cells from decay and helps restore memory. Honey has a beneficial effect on the mental abilities of people and improves reaction.

Obesity is a problem for many men and women over 30 and even younger. Today, diets, fitness centers are popular, but still, many people have been unsuccessfully trying to get rid of extra pounds for years. Some facts about being overweight:

The above interesting facts about human health may be questionable or may not correspond to someone's individual characteristics. Researchers have yet to make new discoveries about sleep, excess weight and aging. But it is important to pay attention to what should be healthy lifestyle and habits. It can improve life itself and even prolong it.

The most interesting facts about health that everyone should know are collected in this article.

Cardiovascular disease is extremely rare in horses. The English veterinarian S. Littlejohn explains it this way: “Horses do not smoke, do not drink, follow a strict vegetarian diet and do a lot of exercise.”

The only animals that suffer from leprosy, except for humans, are armadillos. A third of the 250 Americans who contract leprosy every year come from armadillos.

Insufficient physical activity worldwide causes the same number of deaths as smoking.

In conditions weightlessness caries develops faster than on Earth. On the teeth of mice launched into space, the microorganisms that cause caries multiplied more actively than usual. It is believed that in weightlessness, saliva is worse distributed over the oral cavity and poorly washes microorganisms from the teeth.

Salt is harmful to the cardiovascular system of the human body. If its amount is reduced by at least 3 grams per day, life expectancy will increase by 5-6 years.

The more educated a person is, the less likely they are to have brain diseases. Intellectual activity causes the production of additional tissue to compensate for the diseased.

Medical research conducted in 2010 showed that someone who has no friends has the same health risks as a smoker who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day.

Feeding bread to ducks is extremely harmful to their health and ecosystem. Feeding birds in the warm season, a person brings great harm to birds. .

Their natural instincts to search for food, favorable natural conditions are dulled, and they become almost tame. The stomach of a wild duck does not digest this food well and the bird dies. Especially dangerous is black bread, which can cause severe fermentation in the digestive system of waterfowl.

The number of cases of skin cancer caused by tanning beds far exceeds the number of cases of lung cancer caused by smoking.

74% of men and 64% of women in the US are obese or overweight, according to the National Institutes of Health.

There is a movement called "Movement for the voluntary extinction of mankind", the purpose of which is the gradual destruction of the human race, through the voluntary cessation of reproduction, which will allow the Earth's biosphere to recover.

Have you ever wondered Why do common colds start during a cold snap? And all because human skin is more sensitive to cold. For comparison: on one square centimeter of the skin there are about 12 points sensitive to cold, and only 2 - to heat.

Fruits and vegetables can help the body produce its own aspirin.

McDonalds is suing a wellness company called McWellness, signaling that McDonalds may have a division in the medical field in the near future.

Air fresheners contain numerous chemicals dangerous to our health, such as formaldehyde, which can cause serious breathing problems.

Bananas are radioactive enough that a truck transporting them can lead to false positives when checking radioactive materials in US ports, and they are perfectly harmless to humans.

Dogs can smell cancer and reduced content blood sugar.

Sitting upright in a chair is bad for your back. You need to lean back and sit at an angle in 135 degrees.

Smokers are four times more likely than non-smokers to complain of feeling tired in the morning and are 70% more likely to have hearing problems.

The newest and most expensive drugs are not necessarily the best and safest.

If you regularly consume orange or grapefruit juice, you can significantly reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

In a lifetime, a person travels a distance equal to three revolutions around the globe.

People who live on the coast live longer than those on the mainland.

Less than 10% of all people on the planet know how to breathe properly. When breathing, it is necessary to use not only the chest, but also the stomach.

Interesting Facts about health. Health is wealth! Being healthy is a must. Everything in this world is replaceable except health. The well-known aphorism “prevention is better than cure” is popular among everyone, and everyone agrees with it. Maintaining health requires a healthy diet, exercise and a good lifestyle, hence it is not a difficult task to be healthy. Let's take a look at some health facts.

  • Exercising when you are young will improve brain function as you get older.
  • Earwax protects the inner ear from fungi, bacteria, insects and dirt. It also cleans and lubricates the ear canal.
  • Insulin, which is responsible for converting excess sugar into fat, is produced by the body at its peak in the evening.
  • Poor nutrition in pregnant mothers can cause premature aging child's heart.
  • When your body leads a sedentary lifestyle, the brain slows down its functions due to a decrease in the supply of fresh oxygen to the blood.
  • When you feel a pulse on your wrist or neck, it means that the blood starts moving and stops in the artery.
  • Neck pain can come from stress and anxiety.
  • Ginger can reduce the symptoms of induced muscle pain by up to 25%.
  • Eating too much meat can accelerate the biological aging of the body.
  • The human head loses heat at the same rate as any other part of the body.
  • There are more bacterial cells in your body than human cells.
  • Depressed people get colds more often. Energetic, happy and relaxed people are immune to colds and flu.
  • Laughter increases the activity of antibodies in the body by 20%, helping to destroy viruses and cancer cells.
  • Blackberries help the brain retain new information.
  • Every time you eat or drink, you are either feeding the disease or fighting it.
  • Your weight can fluctuate from 0.1 to 1.5 kg during the day.
  • A diet rich in vegetables and fruits may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, including stroke and heart attack.
  • 30-40% of UV still penetrates cloud cover on cloudy days.
  • Women who use a hormonal form of birth control are more prone to depression than those who don't.
  • Just 1 day of inactivity and excessive sitting can affect the body's ability to process insulin, thereby increasing the risk of developing diabetes.
  • 5% of adults suffer from diabetes. This is almost double what it was in 1980.
  • Drinking water can help someone with weight loss. The rate at which our body breaks down our fat is increasing.
  • A cup of coffee a day can help you reduce your risk of depression by 20%.
  • Sleeping less than 7 hours a day can reduce life expectancy.

Various Health Facts

  • Lack of exercise causes as many deaths as smoking.
  • Eating regularly at restaurants doubles the risk of obesity.
  • More than 30% of cancer cases can be prevented by avoiding alcohol, tobacco, and having healthy eating and physical activity.
  • Walking can reduce the risk of breast cancer by 25%.
  • The father's diet before conception plays a decisive role in the health of the child.
  • Severe depression can lead us to a decrease in biological age by increasing the aging process in cells.
  • Marijuana smokers are at risk of frequent bronchitis and other respiratory problems, just like cigarette smokers.
  • In health care, $6.9 billion a year goes to fight constipation in the US alone.
  • People who complain live longer because tension is released, leads to increased immunity and improves their health.
  • The first dead heart transplant was performed by surgeons in Australia in October 2014.
  • People who read books live an average of 2 years longer than those who don't read at all.
  • Nearly 150,000 people die in the UK every year because only very few people can provide first aid.
  • America was the first country in the world to officially eliminate measles.
  • Nightmares are early sign brain diseases such as Parkinson's disease and dementia.

Weird Health Facts

  • Over 13 million workdays are lost every year due to stress-related illnesses.
  • Right-handed people have better oral health and a lower incidence of caries, as they have better hand dexterity and are more efficient.
  • Right-handers live on average 9 years longer than left-handers.
  • Diabetes is the number one cause of blindness in the US.
  • Sunburn causes more skin cancer than lung cancer due to smoking.
  • The human brain stops growing at the age of 18.
  • Walking at a brisk pace for a distance of 5 km burns almost as many calories as running the same distance.
  • Today, chickens are fattened so much that they weigh 266% more than they did 40 years ago.
  • Chocolate beautifies your skin.

Health. fact of the day

  • Hours of daily practice exercise not enough to fight the harmful effects of sitting all day.
  • People who sit for more than 23 hours a week are at risk for cardiovascular disease.
  • On average, there are 400 times more bacteria on an office desk than in a toilet.
  • Every half an hour of physical activity, 6 days a week, can reduce the risk of premature death by 40%.
  • Yogurt has probiotic bacteria that are good for the digestive system.
  • Eating tomatoes helps prevent sunburn.
  • If DNA is unraveled from all the cells in your body, then this thread will stretch for a distance of 10 billion km. This is, for example, the distance from Earth to Pluto and back.

Are you interested in the topic of health? Then the corresponding section of the site is for you! Here you will find articles about health in a variety of areas: sports, treatment of diseases, reviews of useful products and medicines, and much more!

Why is it important to take an interest in health?

It is clear that health is of the utmost importance. Why? There are two key reasons:

  • health significantly affects the emotional and spiritual development of the individual. You can get rid of a lot of things that cause harm. You can leave an unsafe job, change your region of residence, etc. However, a person cannot get rid of his body. And if he chooses something that systematically harms him, this will affect not only the body itself, but also the soul. After all, everyone knows very well how difficult it is to be in good mood if you have a headache or a toothache. But more serious health problems can be much more unbalanced;
  • It is health that determines the quality of life. A simple example can be given here. Even the most thoroughbred horse will never win at the races if it is not taken care of. The same can be said about the human body. If you do not pay due attention to his health, it is impossible to use all your maximum potential.

Magazine - interesting about health

Our health magazine offers a lot of interesting articles from which you will learn a lot useful information. On our site you can find articles covering the following topics:

  • sport;
  • proper nutrition;
  • personal care;
  • weight loss
  • the beauty;
  • pregnancy;
  • selection medicines etc.

Here you can find out which products are considered the most useful, what the symptoms of certain diseases can be, how to get in shape after an illness or childbirth, etc. All articles are written in simple language that is understandable to an ordinary person without medical education. You do not need to delve into complex terms - our authors speak to you in your language.

We try to cover the most pressing issues related to the topic of health. Accordingly, in the "Health" section you will not find information that is morally outdated. Our authors strive to give you only up-to-date information.

And most importantly, articles about health appear on our site regularly. So, you can always get information on the topic that interests you!
