The essence of the concept of “psychological and pedagogical support. Accompaniment Accompaniment definition in pedagogy methodical

Sections: Correctional Pedagogy

In modern pedagogy, the concept of "accompaniment", considered in the context of a humanistic approach, is becoming increasingly important. Its use is dictated by the need to integrate the processes of provision, support, protection, assistance, and also to emphasize the independence of the subject in decision-making. In the dictionary of the Russian language S.I. Ozhegov's accompaniment is interpreted as follows - "to follow along with someone, being nearby, leading somewhere or following someone" (S.I. Ozhegov, 1990).

“Accompany - accompany, accompany, go,” notes V.I. Dal.

Thus, the study of the etymology of the concept of "accompaniment" allows us to conclude:

  • it is considered as joint actions (system, process, activities) of people in relation to each other in their social environment;
  • involves the interaction of various subjects that can be in both subject-object and subject-subject relations;
  • moreover, accompaniment conditionally includes three components, not only the subjects-travellers and the escort, but also the path that they go through together;
  • this is, first of all, compatibility, this is indicated by the prefix "with" and the meaning of the word.

The essential characteristic of accompaniment is the creation of conditions for the transition of the escorted person from help to self-help. It can be conditionally said that in the process of accompaniment, the teacher creates the conditions and provides the necessary and sufficient (but by no means excessive) support for the transition from the position “I can’t” to the position “I can cope with my life’s difficulties on my own”. L.G. Subbotina includes support and assistance to the pupil in pedagogical support.

M.I. Gubanova considers support as help, provision, protection, where one of the main components is pedagogical support. Support and accompaniment can be considered as mutually passing paradigms of pedagogical activity, necessary for a person at different stages of his life.

Support, on the one hand, precedes pedagogical support, and on the other hand, follows it at the request of the child.

In domestic pedagogy, methods and methods of pedagogical support were fruitfully developed by innovative teachers (Sh.A. Amonashvili, I.P. Volkov, E.I. Ilyin, S.N. Lysenkova, V.F. Shatalov), who, within the framework of pedagogy of cooperation substantiated the need for humane relationships between the participants in the pedagogical process. In their research, the humanistic attitudes underlying pedagogical support are:

  • acceptance of the personality of the child, direct appeal of the teacher to the pupil, dialogue with him, understanding of his real needs and problems, effective help to the child on the basis of accepting him as he really is;
  • empathic understanding of the child, which gives the teacher the opportunity for full and inexhaustible interpersonal communication with him, providing him with assistance exactly when it is most needed;
  • open, trusting communication that requires the educator not to
    played his part, but always remained himself; this enables pupils to understand, accept and love the teacher as he is.

O.S. Gazman, N.B. Krylova identifies the following support standards that should be incorporated in the professional position of the educator:

  1. Love for the child and, as a result, unconditional acceptance of him as a person, warmth, responsiveness, the ability to see and hear, empathy, mercy, tolerance and patience, the ability to forgive.
  2. Adherence to interactive forms of communication with children, the ability to speak with them in a comradely way (without lisping and without familiarity), the ability to listen, hear and hear.
  3. Respect for dignity and trust, faith in the mission of each child, understanding of his interests, expectations and aspirations.
  4. Expectation of success in solving the problem, readiness to provide assistance and direct assistance in solving the problem, rejection of subjective assessments and conclusions.
  5. Recognition of the child's right to freedom of action, choice, self-expression; recognition of the will of the child and his right to his own will (the right to “I want” and “I don’t want”).
  6. Encouragement and approval of independence, independence and confidence in his strengths, stimulating introspection; recognition of the equality of the child in dialogue and solving one's own problem.
  7. The ability to be a comrade for the child, the willingness and ability to be on the side of the child (acting as a symbolic defender and lawyer), the willingness not to demand anything in return.
  8. Own introspection, constant self-control and the ability to change position and assessment / self-esteem.

Based on the essence of pedagogical support, T.V. Anokhin distinguishes the following stages of the joint activity of the teacher with the child:

  1. Diagnostic: involves the discovery of the child's problems, his awareness of their significance and the desire to solve them.
  2. Search: joint search with the child for reasons and solutions.
  3. Design: building a contractual relationship between the teacher and the child in order to move towards solving the problem.
  4. Activity: complementary activities of the teacher and the child, where the child himself mainly acts, which the child cannot, is replenished by the teacher, psychologist, doctor, social pedagogue.
  5. Reflective: analysis of joint activities to solve the problem, discussion of the results obtained, ways to solve the problem.

An analysis of psychological and pedagogical research on the problem of pedagogical support allowed us to define pedagogical support as an integral process of support and assistance in the formation and development of the personality of a pupil of an orphanage through a system of actions of an educator.

Thus, the essence of pedagogical support is considered and understood in the following meanings: as a system of pedagogical actions; as a set of measures of a different nature; as a purposeful process; as pedagogical technology.

  • helping the child in his personal growth, focusing on empathic understanding of the student, on open communication (I.O. Karelina, N.L. Konovalova, N.G. Osukhova, F.M. Frumin, V.I. Slobodchikov, etc.) ;
  • a system of teacher activity aimed at familiarizing the child with socio-cultural and moral values, on which he relies in the process of self-realization and self-development (V.A. Airapetova, A.V. Mudrik, T.G. Yanicheva, etc.);
  • the sphere of activity of the teacher, focused on interaction with the child in the process of supporting him in the formation of personal growth, making decisions about the chosen activity and self-affirmation in it (M.I. Gubanova, L.G. Tarita, etc.);
  • support and development of the subjectivity of the personality (E.V. Bondarevskaya, A.A. Zolotarev, V.V. Serikov, I.S. Yakimanskaya, etc.);
  • the direction of the teacher's activity in the field of social and professional self-determination of youth (Yu.V. Slyusarev, I.I. Khasanova, etc.).

A.A. Arkhipova identifies two interrelated components in the psychological and pedagogical support of orphans.

The first of them is the systematic monitoring of the psychological and pedagogical status of the child and the dynamics of his psychological development in the process of education and upbringing. It is assumed that from the first minutes the psychological and pedagogical service begins to carefully and confidentially collect and accumulate information about various aspects of the mental life and the dynamics of the child's development, which is necessary to create conditions for successful learning and personal growth of each pupil. To obtain and analyze information of this kind, methods of pedagogical and psychological diagnostics. At the same time, teachers and psychologists have a clear idea of ​​what exactly they need to know about the child, at what stages of education diagnostic intervention is necessary and by what minimum means it can be carried out.

The second is connected with the creation of special psychological and pedagogical conditions for helping orphans. The main characteristics of support are its procedural nature, prolongation, non-directiveness, immersion in the real everyday life of a person, special relations between the participants in this process.

OK. Berezhnaya, A.A. Arkhipova emphasize that the psychological and pedagogical support of pupils should be focused on those personal achievements that the child really has. In the process of accompaniment, conditions are created for children to independently, creatively master the system of relations with the world and with themselves, as well as for each child to improve personally significant choices. Considering this problem in relation to orphans in a boarding school, it should be noted that there are various types of support for this category of children. Depending on the conceptual prerequisites and the possibility of attracting specialists, it is defined as "psychological and pedagogical" or "socio-pedagogical", is considered in the context of the socialization of orphans.

So, O.V. Berezhnaya characterizes psychological and pedagogical support as a means of socialization. In her opinion, the model of this process in a boarding school includes:

Expert predictive component Characteristics of a pupil of a boarding school described through key (leading) social and socio-psychological competencies that determine the system for assessing the level of adaptation of orphans
Diagnostic component The system of a comprehensive diagnostic (psychological-medical-pedagogical) examination of pupils with an emphasis on assessing the level of social competence
Content-technological component The system of interaction between traditional and specially organized boarding school services and their activities for the rehabilitation and support of orphans in the institution
Organizational and managerial component The system of external communications of the boarding school, providing optimal conditions for the social adaptation of orphans
HR component The functionality and professional competence of specialists working with orphans in a boarding school, including a program for their professional training and advanced training

The use of the term "psychological and pedagogical support" in relation to the process of forming the social experience of pupils in a special (correctional) boarding school is dictated by the need to integrate the processes of support, protection, assistance in the process of interaction with the environment. The use of this term indicates that support is provided by educators in pedagogical activities by pedagogical methods and means. The use of psychological means is optional.

Methodological principles of psychological and pedagogical support in a special (correctional) school are:

  1. Comprehensive the study of the development of the child's psyche involves the discovery of deep internal causes and mechanisms for the occurrence of one or another deviation. It is carried out by a group of specialists: a doctor, a defectologist teacher, a speech therapist, a psychologist, a social pedagogue.
  2. Systemic the approach involves the analysis of the results of the mental activity of the pupil at each stage of development. It is very important that not only negative phenomena are identified, but also preserved functions and positive aspects of the personality, which will form the basis for corrective and developmental activities.
  3. Dynamic The approach involves tracing the changes that occur in the process of the development of the pupil, as well as taking into account his age characteristics. (monitoring).
  4. Identification and accounting potential opportunities of the child - this principle is based on the theoretical position of L.S. Vygotsky about the zones of actual and immediate development. These possibilities are revealed in the process of cooperation between the pupil and the adult in the process of assimilation by him of new methods of action.
  5. Unity principle diagnostic and corrective assistance is necessary in the preparation of an individual route for the psychological and pedagogical support of the pupil.
  6. The principle of observability. With regard to orphans, scientists introduce an additional observable stage. Within its framework, it is in the conditions of an orphanage that the pupil, after completing the main accompanying events, remains in the focus of the teacher's attention.
  • The system of psychological and pedagogical support for pupils in a special (correctional) boarding school reflects the basic principles, stages, technologies and methods of joint activities of a teacher, educator, psychologist and other specialists.
  • Psychological and pedagogical support is a continuous process of support by all specialists.
  • Psychological and pedagogical support of pupils is a set of measures: diagnostics, determining the prognosis of mental development and assessing the potential of the child.

Only with the implementation of the above provisions can we talk about psychological and pedagogical support as one of the effective technologies for the successful social adaptation of orphans with developmental disabilities.


  1. Upbringing and education of children in a special school / Edited by V.V. Voronkova -M.: School-Press, 2004.
  2. Workshop on developmental and educational psychology. Aut.-stat. HER. Danilova; ed. I.V. Dubrovina. -M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2000. - 160 p.
  3. V.R. Schmidt Class hours and career guidance talks for high school students, T.Ts. "Sphere", 2005.
  4. T.V. Potapova Conversations about professions with children - M .: TC Sphere, 2008.
  5. Mental retardation in children: Method. allowance for students. Comp. O.P. Rozhkov-M.: NPO MODEK publishing house, 2007.
  6. Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics: textbook. allowance for students. higher textbook institutions / ed. I.Yu. Levchenko, S.D. Zabramnoy - 5th ed., erased. -M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2008.
  7. Education and upbringing of children in an auxiliary school: A similarity for teachers and students of defectology. f-tov ped. in-tov / Ed. V.V. Voronkova -M.: School-Press, 1994.
  8. T.G. Nikulenko, S.I. Samygin Correctional Pedagogy: -2nd ed., "Phoenix, March", 2010.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

FGBOU VPO "Chelyabinsk State University"

Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy

Department of Special and Clinical Psychology


Psychological support in the system of psychological service

Student of the PSS-201 group

___________FROM. N. Shcherbakova.

Teacher Goltfarb O.S.

Chelyabinsk 2014

Maintenance principles, their characteristics

The main principles of accompanying a child in the conditions of life in educational institution are:

Priority of the interests of the accompanied (“On the side of the child”);

Continuity of support;

Multidisciplinarity (integrated approach) of support;

Striving for autonomy.

Let's take a closer look at these principles.

advisory(optional) character. The leading idea of ​​support is the provision on the necessary independence of the child in solving problems relevant to his development, which is why the logic of support dictates the need to abandon “legislative” decisions, all decisions of the support center can only be advisory in nature. Responsibility for solving the problem remains with the child, his parents or persons replacing them, teachers, close circle. Obviously, if one side of the "subjective quadrangle" cannot take part in the decision-making (for example, due to the child's lack of parents or incompetence of ministry), then the functions of this side are taken over by other carriers of the problem. The more competent the child is in solving his problems, the more rights he should have for the final decision.

"On the child's side." The principle repeats the title of the well-known monograph by Francoise Dolto (1985), it reflects the basic contradiction of the accompaniment method. It is obvious that the "culprit" of any problematic situation in the development of a child is not only the social environment or the natural genotype of the child, but also the characteristics of his personality. Simply put, in problem situations, the child is often wrong. It would seem that justice requires an objective analysis of the problem, but one should not forget that “on the side of adults” is their life experience, numerous opportunities for independent self-realization, and many social structures and organizations. Very often, on the side of the child, only he and the support system specialist, who is called upon to strive to solve each problem situation with the maximum benefit for the child.

Maintenance continuity. The child is guaranteed continuous support at all stages of assistance in solving the problem. The escort specialist will stop supporting the child only when the problem is solved or the approach to the solution is obvious. This principle also means that children who are under the constant influence of risk factors (for example: a chronically ill child, a child in special education, an orphan child) will be provided with continuous support throughout the entire period of their formation.

Multidisciplinarity(integrated approach) support. The principle requires the coordinated work of a “team” of specialists who preach common values, are included in a single organizational model and own a single system of methods.

Striving for autonomy. One of the most difficult principles to implement. On the one hand, the autonomy of the center acts as a guarantor of protection from administrative pressure on the part of the leadership or teachers of the school on certain recommendations of the center. It's no secret that teachers often, in an effort to "get rid of an objectionable child", seek advice from the center and are seriously annoyed if their requirements are not confirmed by specialists.

On the other hand, employees of an independent, autonomous center turn out to be little informed about the real life of the school, it is more difficult for them to establish contact with service employees who are members of the teaching staff.

Therefore, in practice, a model is most often developed, which is characterized, along with large independent Escort Centers, by creating services or support groups in institutions. The latter may include a variety of teaching staff of a school or an orphanage: educators, class teachers, social pedagogues, organizing teachers, teachers united in a group on the principle of carrying out activities of general or thematic support for students or a psychological, medical and pedagogical council.

The activities of modern centers and support services are aimed at ensuring two coordinated processes:

Individual support of children in educational institutions;

Systemic support aimed at preventing or correcting a problem that is typical not for one child, but for the system as a whole.

Individual support of children in an educational institution involves the creation of conditions for identifying potential and real “risk groups” (that is, children under the influence of one or more risk factors) and guaranteed assistance to those children who need it. This method of work is the opposite of the so-called "application" support, according to which the centers (or relevant services) work only with those children about whom the parents (or teachers) contacted the center. At the same time, it is often those who most of all need support that fall out of the circle of care and attention of adults.

System support and socio-pedagogical accompanying design is carried out by centers and services in several directions:

participation in the development and implementation of programs for the development of educational systems, taking into account the creation of favorable conditions for the development of children;

designing new types of educational institutions (orphanage, social hotel, school for individual education, etc.) that children need;

creation of preventive and corrective programs aimed at overcoming the problems characteristic of many children.

Psychological support in the system of psychological services (Bardner, Romazan, Cherednyakova; Bityanova, etc.).

Psychological service for children with developmental disabilities should not be limited to counseling and psycho-corrective classes. The effectiveness of psychological support largely depends on the impact of the socio-psychological environment surrounding a child or adolescent with developmental problems.

This impact is successfully achieved with the help of psychological support, which has been intensively introduced into the psychological service system in the last decade (Bardner, Romazan, Cherednyakova, 1993; Bityanova, 1997; Galiakhmetov; Likhtarnikov, 1998, etc.).

In the dictionary of the Russian language, "accompany" means - "to go, go along with someone as a companion or escort." Literally translated, accompaniment means assistance. M. R. Bityanova, analyzing the specifics of support in the work of a school psychologist, considers support as a system of professional activity of a psychologist that creates socio-psychological conditions for the success of a child's education in a situation of school interaction. The author considers support as a method and ideology of the work of a school psychologist.

Purpose of escort, according to the author, is the creation "within the framework of an environment objectively given to the child, conditions for maximum personal development and learning in this situation" (1997, p. 21), i.e., the active directed impact of the psychologist on the social conditions in which the child lives . The tasks of accompanying healthy schoolchildren, considered by the author, are undoubtedly of great practical importance, however, the content orientation and tasks of psychological support for children with developmental disorders differ significantly from the tasks of psychological support for a healthy child.

We believe that the psychological support of children with developmental disorders is the activity of a psychologist aimed at creating an integrated system of clinical and psychological, psychological, pedagogical and psychotherapeutic conditions that contribute to the successful adaptation, rehabilitation and personal growth of children in society (school, family, medical institution, etc.). P.).

Accompaniment is understood as a dynamic process, a holistic activity of a psychologist, which includes five interrelated components:

    systematic tracking of the clinical-psychological and psychological-pedagogical status of the child in the dynamics of his mental development;

    creation of socio-psychological conditions for the effective mental development of children in society;

    systematic psychological assistance to children with developmental disorders in the form of counseling, psychocorrection, psychological support;

    systematic psychological assistance to parents and relatives of children and adolescents with developmental problems;

    organization of the child's life in society, taking into account their mental and physical capabilities.

Tracking the psychological status of a child is a rather time-consuming process that requires close interaction of all specialists involved in the life of the child (psychologist, teacher-defectologist, psychiatrist or neuropathologist).

The main stages of the process of psychological support include:

Preparatory stage and solves the following tasks:

1) Establishing contact with all participants in accompanying the child.

2) Determining the scope of work and the sequence of the maintenance process.

3) Preparation of the necessary documentation.

4) Drawing up a work schedule.

The psychologist, establishing contact with specialists, must necessarily explain the goals of the psychological support of the child.

During the oriented phase:

1) contact is established with the parents and relatives of the child;

2) contact is established with the group that the child attends, and if it is a school or Kindergarten, then with the class teacher or educators;

3) specialists are familiarized with the results of psychological examination;

4) the features of the mental development of the child are jointly discussed with teachers and other specialists.

At the planning stage, an individual program for accompanying the child is created and this program is approved by specialists.

The stage of implementation of the individual program includes the following tasks.

1. Providing the necessary assistance to the parents of the child, teachers in creating the conditions necessary for a child with a developmental disorder for a full-fledged healthy lifestyle and successful mastery of educational programs, taking into account his mental and physical capabilities.

2. Providing the necessary psychological assistance to the child's parents, his relatives, friends in order to harmonize interpersonal relationships, optimize the educational process.

3. Education and counseling for teachers, defectologists and other professionals working with the child.

At the final stage, it is analyzed how effectively the work was carried out, recommendations are given for the child's further activities (vocational training, continuing education at a school with vocational guidance, etc.).

To regulate the activities of specialists in the process of psychological support, we recommend keeping appropriate documentation. Some authors suggest concluding an agreement between specialists, which, in our opinion, is a positive start. The experience of our work shows the expediency of keeping a diary according to the type of medical history, in which each specialist reflects the dynamics of the mental state and the development of cognitive processes and the personality of the child. In this diary, the psychologist presents a detailed psychological conclusion about the child, a plan for psycho-correctional work. The diary must be kept by a psychologist. Psychological support should be provided by a permanent (family) psychologist. If the child is studying in a special school, then this is carried out by a school psychologist, if the child is not studying and is brought up at home, then the psychologist of the dispensary or clinic to which the child is attached must accompany the child.

The definition of the concept of "accompaniment" according to E.I. Kazakova

The concept of support as a new educational technology in our country was developed by E.I.Kazakova fl995-2001).

Under escort is understood as a method that ensures the creation of conditions for the adoption by the subject of development of optimal decisions in various situations of life choice. (A simplified interpretation: accompaniment is assistance to the subject in making decisions in difficult situations of life choice.) At the same time, the subject of development is understood as both a developing person and a developing system. Situations of life choice are multiple problem situations, in the resolution of which the subject determines for himself the path of progressive or regressive development.

The introduction of the term accompaniment is not the result of a scientific linguistic experiment; replacing it with classical help, support or provision does not fully reflect the essence of the phenomenon. This does not mean any form of assistance (let alone support), but support, which is based on maintaining the maximum freedom and responsibility of the subject of development for choosing a solution to an urgent problem. This refers to the complex process of interaction between the escort and the escort, the result of which is a decision and action leading to progress in the development of the escort. When analyzing the term, it is no less important that the subject or carrier of the problem of a child's development is not only himself, but also his parents and teachers. Consequently, in the theory of accompaniment, an important position is the assertion that the carrier of the problem of the development of the child: in each case, the child himself, and his parents, and teachers, and the child's immediate environment.


    Children with developmental disabilities. [Text]: Anthology. Comp. V.M. Astapov.: M.; 2005

    Correctional pedagogy. / Ed. B.P. Puzanov. [Text] / Fundamentals of education and upbringing of children with developmental disabilities. - Moscow: Publishing Center "Academy", 1998. - 144p.

    Mamaichuk I.I. Psychological assistance to children with developmental problems [Text] / I.I. Mamaichuk - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2001. - 220 p.

    Teaching children with developmental problems around the world: a cross. [Text] / comp. L.M. Shipitsin. : St. Petersburg, 1997. - 256 p.

    Fundamentals of special pedagogy and psychology [Text]: textbook. allowance for students. universities / Trofimova N.M. - M.; St. Petersburg; Nizhny Novgorod: Peter, 2006

    Psychological, pedagogical and medical and social support for the development of the child: [Text] / Ed. Shipitsyna L.M. - St. Petersburg, 2001.

    Special psychology: textbook for students of higher educational institutions: [Text] / Edited by V.I. Lubovsky.- M., 2007.

"Accompany", as Ozhegov's dictionary explains, means "to follow along with someone, being near, leading somewhere or following someone." The concept of "accompaniment" was introduced into science by the St. Petersburg scientists L.M. Shipitsyna, E.I. Kazakova and is interpreted by them as helping the child in making decisions in problem situations, in which he himself is responsible for actions.

E.I. Kazakova gives the following definition of support - this is a method that provides the creation of conditions for the subject of development to make optimal decisions in various situations of life choice.

According to M.R. Bityanova, escort is a system professional activity psychologist, aimed at creating socio-psychological conditions for successful learning and psychological development of the child in situations of school interaction.

E.A. Kozyreva believes that support is a system of professional activity of a teacher-psychologist, aimed at creating conditions for the positive development of relations between children and adults in an educational situation, psychological and mental development of the child with a focus on the zone of proximal development.

According to M.I. Rozhkov, support in the psychological and pedagogical sense is most often considered as a method that provides the creation of conditions for the subject to make optimal decisions in various situations of life choice. Accompanying is always the interaction of the maintainer and the followed.

Psychological and pedagogical support - a system of professional education of a teacher - a psychologist, aimed at creating socio-psychological conditions for successful learning and psychological development of a child in situations of school interaction.

The object of psychological and pedagogical support is the training and psychological development of the child in a situation of school interaction. The subject of socio-psychological conditions of successful training and education.

Accompaniment must be considered as an integral system of a school psychologist, where there are necessarily interconnected components:

Systematic tracking of the psychological and pedagogical status of the child and the dynamics of his development .;

Creation of socio-psychological conditions for the success of training and development;

Creation of special conditions for children with problems in mental development and learning.

Investigative escort ideas:

Conceptual Consequences- the very idea of ​​support is the basis, all the components of the support system must be present in the psychologist's department.

Organizational Consequences- it is based on the system of characteristics of the psychologist's daily work, organizational consolidation (in the current long-term plans of both the psychologist and the team). Psychological support is an official element of the educational process at the level of planning, regulation and control over the result .;

Functional-role consequences- the basis is the ability of a psychologist to determine: who is and who is not the object of his psychological d-ty. The object can be either a schoolchild or a group of schoolchildren (conditions are created for them; psychological impact is exerted). Adult participants in the educational process are the subjects of support.

Approaches to planning psychological and pedagogical support at school

In general, planning work with each of the 4 student parallels subject to psychological and pedagogical examination is the construction of the following sequence of specific practical steps:

1. Organizational and methodological preparation to the cycle. This is a clear hourly planning of upcoming diagnostic events, councils, notification of all involved persons, preparation of the necessary methodological materials

2. Carrying out the first stage of a diagnostic examination.

2.1. Observation of students in the classroom, recording data in the protocol (2 hours per class).

2.2. Carrying out methods of diagnostic minimum with all students of this parallel.

2.3. Conducting an expert survey of teachers.

2.4. Conducting parent surveys.

2.5. Processing the results, filling in the forms of conclusions for all students, selecting a group of students for various schemes of in-depth psychodiagnostics.

2.6. Organizational and methodological preparation for the second stage psychodiagnostics .

3. Carrying out the second stage of psychodiagnostic examination.

3.1. Conducting a diagnostic examination of schoolchildren.

3.2. Processing data, filling in conclusions on the survey.

4. Preparation for the psychological and pedagogical consultation.

4.1. Conducting consultations with the school doctor and class teachers regarding the upcoming council.

4.2. Preparation of analytical information on classes and parallels in general.

4.3. Drawing up a discussion plan: identifying groups of psychologically well-off schoolchildren and schoolchildren with different types of problems.

4.4. Preparation of forms for the conclusion of the council.

5. Conducting a psychological and pedagogical consultation.

5.1. Exchange of information between members of the council regarding specific students.

5.2. Development and planning of an accompanying strategy for each student.

5.3. Filling out the form of the opinion of the council for this student.

5.4. Development and planning of an accompanying strategy for each student.

5.5. Development and planning of the maintenance strategy for the whole class or parallel.

6. Implementation of the decisions of the council.

6.1. Implementation of general advisory activities: holding parent meetings, advising the administration, holding group consultations for subject teachers.

6.2. Planning joint actions of class teachers and a psychologist.

6.3. Selection of schoolchildren in special developmental groups, planning and conducting individual consultations of parents, teachers and schoolchildren.

6.4. Conducting individual consultations for subject teachers, parents and high school students.

6.5. Implementation of social dispatching activities (search for a specialist, ensuring his contact with the client, implementation of supportive measures).

6.6. Planning and implementation of related forms of work (education, general developmental work, etc.).

7. Planning and monitoring the effectiveness of the work carried out.

7.1. Consultations with subject teachers and class teachers following the results of the psychological and pedagogical cycle of work with schoolchildren of this parallel.

7.2. Long-term planning of accompanying activities at the end of the cycle (together with teachers and educators).

The implementation of the main activities described above in one cycle (within the framework of work with one parallel) takes 14-15 weeks with proper organization.

Let us define the conditions for the effective functioning of the proposed model for planning psychological and pedagogical support:

1. Planning should be done in early September for the entire school year.

2. A number of activities of the school psychologist should be included in the plans of the school at the planning stage. Those. First of all, we are talking about diagnostic minima. The first stage of diagnosis should be carried out during the daytime, instead of lessons, and this fact should be recorded in the curriculum. The same applies to psychological and pedagogical consultations and expert surveys of teachers, group consultations of subject teachers and parent meetings following the results of a general diagnostic examination.

3. Collaboration with a psychologist, analysis and creative implementation of his recommendations must be turned from a personal matter of a teacher into his official professional duty.

Aleksandrova E.A.

Having declared the personality to be the subject of free activity, Oleg Semenovich Gazman raised the question of expanding the subject of education, providing for the allocation of a special direction in the theory and practice of education, which he called “pedagogy of self-consciousness. It covers subject-subject pedagogical activity, which aims to stimulate the processes of selfhood in the student, to provide assistance and support in the formation of his self-concept, to create conditions for the development of the child's ability to evaluate his own activity. The end result of such work is the formation of the freedom of the individual.

Note that the processes of selfhood, the formation of the self-concept by a growing person cannot be divided into those occurring during upbringing and during training. These are the processes of his individual education as a process and result of the child creating his way of life and thinking, carried out by him in a free mode through a conscious choice of sources of information. The latter entails an increase in the role of the teacher as an individual consultant and an increase in the number of types of his activities, because in the system of individual education, the subject-subject communication of children and adults cannot be monotonous by definition.

So, in the educational process there is a meeting of a growing person and an adult. The beginning of their interaction can be laid either by an objective learning situation (which happens in most cases), or by a subjective situation of developing communication. The teacher's choice of one or another type of activity depends on the authorship of the purpose of the interaction, the needs of children in it, and the degree of the visible part of the activity of the subjects. The combination of these criteria allowed us to divide the types of pedagogical activity into three blocks.

Block I combines the activities of the teacher in situations where the child cannot cope with the difficulty on his own or does not see the danger threatening him. To this block we include the types of "guardianship", "care", "protection".

Distrust of the experience and the child's own strengths is a characteristic feature of the teacher's behavior in this case. Children's need for interaction is high. The degree of their visible activity is minimal compared to the degree of teacher's visible activity. The authorship of the purpose of the interaction can belong to both the child and the teacher.

Guardianship as a type of pedagogical activity is used when the child is completely unable to navigate in a problem situation. The teacher in this case plays the role of a "nanny", "mother-mother".

According to the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov, guardianship is defined through the words “care”, “care”, as well as “care” - through “care”. But the latter implies an activity aimed at someone, at showing attention to him, which is not used in the semantic analysis of the word "guardianship".

Care, in our opinion, as a type of activity is used by the teacher after care. The teacher constantly monitors the behavior and activities of the child and intervenes in the process of his development even when the child copes on his own (the role of "mother", "nanny").

Protection involves the organization by the teacher of the process of limiting, protecting, defending the interests of the child in the event of a physical and / or mental danger threatening him, provided that the child cannot cope with it himself. The role of the teacher is “guard”, “lawyer”, “911 service”.

Block II, the most common in Russia, includes one type of activity - "mentoring". “The teacher is the ultimate truth” - this is the pedagogical conviction (read - delusion) that distinguishes him from others.

In this case, the need for children to interact with the teacher is frankly small. The degree of visible activity of the teacher prevails over a similar characteristic of the student's activity. The authorship of the purpose of the interaction in most cases belongs to an adult.

The “mentoring” tactic, based on the slogan “do as I do”, is used by educators in several cases.

1) if the child wants to perform some action of the reproductive plan, but does not know how, and the teacher does not want (does not have the opportunity) to “waste” time creating a problem-search situation.

2) if the child does not want to act, but it is necessary for adults (or they think that they need it), who do not have the opportunity or do not want to explain to the child the need for this type of activity.

3) if the child can and wants to do it himself, but the adult does not allow him to show independence, not believing in his strength and creative abilities.

Acting as a "coach", "woodpecker", "a drop that sharpens a stone", the teacher creates the conditions for the reproduction of cultural heritage in an unchanged type and the denial of the learning process as such.

Block III is typical for the interaction of teachers with those schoolchildren who have formed a "I-concept". Depending on it, the student shows one or another need for interaction with the teacher, but definitely less than we indicated above. The degree of the student's visible activity sharply prevails over the visible part of the teacher's activity. The authorship of the goal of interaction more often belongs to the student than to the teacher.

To this block we include the types of pedagogical activity "help", "support", "accompaniment".

Help as a type of pedagogical activity is used when a growing person can generally cope with a problem situation on his own, but encounters some difficulty.

In this case, on the part of the teacher, it is sometimes sufficient to demonstrate to him the methods and techniques for resolving similar situations. “Nurse”, “corrector”, “catalyst”, “hand” - this is how we define his role.

The study of the works of O.S. Gazman shows that pedagogical support as a special area of ​​pedagogical activity includes “processes SO and SA-MO", allowing to solve the problems that constantly arise in children. But N.B. Krylova sees it in a broad sociocultural context as an element of any SO= cooperation and interaction, because he considers pedagogical support a manifestation of a positive attitude towards human activity and readiness SO= action to his undertakings and self-realization.

According to N.N. Mikhailova and S.M. Yusfin, in the case when the existing or projected educational system is focused on the implementation of a humanistic approach to the interaction between adults and children, support acquires the meaning of the principle of pedagogical activity, that is, it becomes the most important pedagogical credo people working with children.

Being a student of this scientific school, we believe that pedagogical support is a process of creating

a) primary conditions, including the emotional background for a child in a particular educational or life situation to be able to consciously and independently make an adequate choice of behavior and / or sources of information that does not contradict either his personally significant values ​​or cultural traditions;

b) secondary conditions - so that the child can act independently in accordance with the situation of this choice, even when faced with some kind of difficulty.

In each specific case, the teacher is forced to instantly assess the situation and figure out what kind of support the Child needs “here and now”. Experience shows that it is not uncommon for a Child to come to a support teacher only to be listened to, not scolded or given advice, just to express himself. Sometimes the student only needs a hint of possible ways out of the problem situation, and the hint is not direct, but indirect, and sometimes the classroom teacher is faced with the need to develop a detailed algorithm of his behavior together with the pupil.

We believe that pedagogical support differs from education, first of all, in that manipulation is categorically unacceptable in it. Although we note that some teachers consider it precisely as a manifestation of soft veiled manipulation.

Pedagogical support is provided both at the request of the child, and if the teacher sees that the student can cope with the situation on his own, but is not sure of his abilities or of the “correct” choice. When defining the concept of pedagogical support for a child, we call “a sense of shoulder” as the key words, that is, the creation of an atmosphere in which the child clearly knows that he has someone to rely on: “we are nearby, we are together”. The role of the teacher is “friend”, “shoulder”, “trampoline”.

Let's pay attention to the dynamics of interaction between a child and an adult:

1. the teacher works - creates the primary conditions for the child to choose;

2. the child makes a choice and, acting according to it, encounters a problem. Make a request for support to the teacher;

3. he creates secondary conditions for the child to resolve the problem;

4. the child solves the problem.

The next type of activity is pedagogical support.

Pedagogical support differs from support not so much by a decrease in the degree of adult intervention in the process of individual education of a child, but by an increase in the ability of a growing person to independently resolve their educational and personal problems.

An analysis of the situations in which the children's requests for this type of activity were followed showed that in this case they needed to feel that they were not alone at the moment of meeting the problem, that in the most extreme case they had a person to whom they could always turn.

When carrying out pedagogical support, the teacher should focus on a combination of methods and techniques for developing individual key personal and professional competencies of the student and his high communicative/general culture.

The dynamics of interaction between a child and an adult in this case is as follows:

1. a teacher works - teaches the child to create the conditions necessary for work and life, to resolve problem situations and monitors his life in order to be there in case of emergency;

2. the child, in the process of life, encounters a problem and, using the acquired skills of resolving problem situations, searching for the necessary information, resolving conflicts, etc., successfully resolves it, and knowing that, in extreme cases, he has a person to whom he can apply.

We repeat once again that the role of the teacher in the process of pedagogical support is to create for the child an emotional background of confidence that, if necessary, he always has a person to whom he can turn with a question. "Feeling of the elbow" - this phrase maximally reflects the essence of pedagogical support: "we are close, but not together - everyone has their own path."

So, pedagogical support is a type of pedagogical activity, the essence of which is both in the preventive process of teaching the child to independently plan his life path and individual educational route, organize life, resolve problem situations, and in permanent readiness to adequately respond to situations of his emotional discomfort.

It follows that as the means and methods of pedagogical support, we should designate the means and methods of individual learning, which involve relying on the free choice of the schoolchildren and students of their individual educational route, based on their professional preferences and personal interests.

As you can see, support and accompaniment as types of pedagogical activity are extremely interconnected. On the one hand, support precedes accompaniment, on the other hand, it follows it at the request of the child. In this regard, we consider it possible to consider the types of pedagogical support and support together, distinguishing them according to the following criteria:

  • according to the degree of adult participation, we single out direct (s) and indirect (s) support / accompaniment;
  • according to the time of rendering: leading (her), timely (th), warning aftereffect;
  • by duration: one-time(s), prolonged(s), discrete(s).

Let's briefly characterize them.

Direct support / accompaniment is practiced by the teacher in the process of his conversation with the student. A characteristic feature of this subspecies is the absence in the teacher's speech of phrases containing subtext, and his appeal to a particular child, and not to the class as a whole. The goal is a constructive joint search for ways out of the current situation.

Indirect support / accompaniment is carried out by the teacher with the help of fairy tales, epics, during said proverbs or sayings, a sung phrase from a song ... This is a centuries-old way to push a growing person to solve the problem on his own, without offending him with moralizing and without imposing his opinion.

This species is characterized by an appeal to a group of children as a whole, although individual "hints" are not excluded. In this case, unlike the previous one, the role of the class teacher is no less, but less noticeable, and the goal is to provoke the child to independently search for a solution to the problem or to think about the moral aspects of the situation.

The essence of anticipatory support / accompaniment is that students receive from the teacher “information for reflection”, a reason for observation even before they have a problem. And at the moment when a difficult moment arose in his real life, he already has a set of methods and techniques for its successful resolution. This type of support/accompaniment in many respects has something in common with the mediated one, but it is characterized not so much by the discussion of the projected situation, but by the playing of one or another role in it. Its purpose is to create orientation-role situations, the living of which helps the children develop individual strategies for behavior in a problem. The teacher is working on the process of creating conditions for students to adequately perceive information of a verbal and non-verbal nature, affecting the direction of their interests and behavior both in the present and in the near future, in order to help them realize and manifest for themselves the zone of the nearest cultural development and support the awakening interest to self-development.

Timely support / accompaniment is carried out immediately at the moment the student needs support, at his request, or according to external signs of an imminent physical or psychological danger for the child.

A characteristic feature of this type is the question-answer form of addressing a particular child and, in case of emergency, the involvement of specialists in a particular field (psychologist, social pedagogue, physician, representatives of law enforcement agencies). Its goal is to create conditions for the child, under which he, on his own or with the help of specialists, solves the problem that dominates for him at a given time.

Support / accompaniment - a warning aftereffect occurs after an event has occurred in a person's life that can give rise to a problem. It aims to neutralize the initial stress and relieve tension so that the student can adequately consider the situation and prevent the occurrence and development of possible consequences.

One-time support / accompaniment is provided when the teacher is sure that the child is able to cope with the problem on his own and he needs only the initial pedagogical impulse. Its characteristic feature is the use of teachers not only verbal methods of communication, but also non-verbal ones (facial expressions, gestures). The purpose of communication on the part of the teacher is to awaken the internal reserves of the child, to instill in him self-confidence.

Prolonged support / accompaniment is used by the teacher in the case when the child cannot cope with the problem on his own for a long time, despite his almost daily appeals to the class teacher, or if this process is lengthy in nature, but requires supervision by an adult .

A characteristic feature is a series of meetings between the teacher and the child (or a group of children with similar problems). The main goal is to instill in the child the confidence that at any time he can find support and help form a positive attitude towards reality.

Discrete support / accompaniment is appropriate from time to time, when the teacher sees the need to tactfully correct the development of the situation. In this case, the teacher uses various types of pedagogical activity and their combinations, determined by the nature of the difficulties experienced by the student in work and communication. Variability, variety of their techniques depend on the professionalism of the teacher, his sincere interest in the fate of each child.

So, if we, recognizing and sharing the ideas of O.S. Gazman, are talking about the priority of the individual work of a class teacher with children, then it would be logical to consider pedagogical support and support as the basic types of activities in all areas of the curator's activity: "Health", "Communication" , "Teaching", "Leisure" . Our experience shows that in most cases this is reasonable and feasible. But, trying in practice to implement the types of pedagogical support and support in the field of "Teaching", we often meet with the rejection of their subject teachers, since their activities are based on the generally recognized forms and methods of teaching according to Ya. A. Komensky - "to teach everyone everything" and "subjects ... to teach monotonously."

On the one hand, we have the stability of the class-lesson system (read - mandatory authoritarian uniformity, formal variability) and, on the other hand, the child's need for a real individual pedagogical approach, not only in extracurricular activities, but also in educational activities.

We saw the resolution of this contradiction in the organization of the educational process on the basis of pedagogical support and support for individual education.

So, if the essence of individual education is the formation and development of a person's image, then not only the process of education, but also the organization of teaching should be as close as possible to his individual needs.

Here we meet with well-established pedagogical clichés, which are often voiced by our opponents.

1. Individual education already exists in the form of external studies and distance learning. Agreeing with this, we note that they are included in the system of individual education, which as a whole is not limited to these forms.

2. We already provide individual education at school by organizing group and pair education.

Our answer is similar to the previous one.

3. The child's individual work is his "independent" work, that is, the fulfillment of the teacher's task without communicating with anyone at a given time.

From our point of view, the term "individual work" is not always synonymous with the term "independent work", although in their detailed analysis we find numerous layers of common meanings.

In the case of individual work, the student meets with the teacher, having in mind his learning goal and his ways of achieving it. In the case of independent work in its traditional sense - the goal of the lesson, set from the outside - whether by educational standards, whether by a teacher. And if the setting of the goal of the teaching "from the inside" contributes to the full manifestation of the cognitive activity of the child, since it is his personal need, then the setting of the goal and topic of interaction from the outside can give rise to rejection and even aggression of children. In particular, a different rhythm of work in the classroom can serve as a source of conflict between the student and the teacher; extreme dependence of the child on group norms of communication; his emotional mood that does not correspond to the educational situation, etc.

All these negative aspects are leveled if the school recognizes the need and possibility of recognizing the rights and freedoms of the student in terms of the free choice of an individual educational route.

4. Individual education is not only possible in the conditions of mass forms of education, but also takes place everywhere, since the process of creating a person's self is a priori individual.

Sharing the last part of the thesis, we note that in the traditional system of education, our students have to “select grains from the chaff”, trying by trial and error to determine their way of education, their style of teaching, to harmonize and adapt it with the teaching style of a teacher who tries in vain in class to unit time to organize an "individual approach" and awaken supposedly dormant initiative and activity. Large expenditures of time (the rate of learning of the child may be higher than that of the class as a whole), energy for memorizing information that is not in demand in life in the future - these are the clear features of modern education.

5. Individual education destroys the classroom system.

According to our research, active learning activity initiated by the child for himself does not negate the class-lesson system, which will be shown below. It is an obstacle to individual education only in the form in which it is currently practiced: everyone learns at the same pace, listens to educational material at the same level of presentation, and so on.

But, on the other hand, the theoretical ideas and practical developments of schools that open their classrooms and walls in general are spreading: O.S. Gazman School-Club, M.A. Balaban and O.M. A.N.Tubelsky, M.Schetinin’s schools, Productive schools participating in the “City-as-School” project. As Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Rector of the RSUH Yu.N. educational environment(Golitsino, 1999), “everything connected with Comenius goes down in history. A low bow and goodbye, but we will live differently. This is an intellectual claim, not a practical utilitarian one.

So, individual education involves the free development of the self of the student and the formation of his own image - the formation of his Self. At the same time, the teaching is carried out by him according to an individual educational route, which involves a free choice of information sources, the order and form of meeting with them, the rate of perception of the content of educational material, self-assessment options and presentation of the products of their education to others.

Let's take an example. If there are several teachers teaching the same subject, we will arrange the schedule so that students get the opportunity to attend a lesson with one of them whose teaching style most closely matches the style of his teaching.

Option 1. The school has two chemistry teachers. Usually one of them teaches classes, say, with the tenth grade, the other with the eleventh. But we offer each of them to work with students of both the 10th and 11th grades. We put their classes in the schedule at the same time. And we allow high school students to attend classes with any teacher whose teaching style suits them best. Moreover, what is important, this innovation does not require financial costs, the workload of the teacher remains the same, it is enough just to coordinate the schedule.

Again, opponents may object to us that students will attend the lessons of the least demanding teachers. But experience shows that today's youth is focused on receiving a quality education that best suits their life plans and ambitions, while those who want to "swindle" will find such an opportunity in any case.

And one more nuance. If we allow students to attend classes with different teachers, then they will have a unique opportunity to hear the same topic, presented not so much from a different point of view, but in a different way as a whole. And, therefore, to get acquainted with various facts and examples. Agree, few modern teachers use a standard set of examples in the classroom. Most of them are creative and searching specialists, and each lesson is unique in its own way.

Option 2. Children with different learning abilities study in any class. Therefore, we must create conditions for their perception of the material presented by the teacher at one or another level of complexity.

Let's assume that the parallel consists of three classes. During the day, they must attend three paired lessons: chemistry, physics, biology.

We will offer teachers to develop three options for presenting the topic material: at the first level of complexity, which meets the requirements of the state standard, at the second - expanding the student's educational horizons, and the third - involving his entry into research activities. We will offer high school students of all three grades, after analyzing their learning opportunities and needs, to develop an individual educational route without “binding” to classmates. For example, a student can attend a lesson in physics of the first level of complexity (standard material) at the first "couple", then at the third level - chemistry and at the second - biology. An "innovative" schedule would look like this:

Option 3. With a sufficient number of teachers, we can combine the first and second options.

Schedule for 10th grade Monday
chemistry physics biology
1 pair Level 1 Full name (aud.__) Level 2 Full name (aud.__) Level 3 Full name (aud.__) Level 2 Full name (aud.__) Level 1 Full name (aud.__) Level 3 Full name (aud.__)
2 pair Level 3 Full name (aud.__) Level 1 Full name (aud.__) Level 1 Full name (aud.__) Level 3 Full name (aud.__) Level 2 Full name (aud.__) Level 1 Full name (aud.__)
3 pair Level 2 Full name (aud.__) Level 3 Full name (aud.__) Level 2 Full name (aud.__) Level 1 Full name (aud.__) Level 3 Full name (aud.__) Level 2 Full name (aud.__)

Let us note that with such an organization of the educational process, the concept of “class” is abolished. The schedule is compiled for a parallel of students.

A student, self-determining in an individual educational route, consistently becomes a member of one or another microgroup at a particular lesson. The meeting in one lesson of students of different classes of parallels and even, later, different parallels maximally corresponds to real life situations, since outside the walls of the school we do not always communicate exclusively with peers and colleagues in the profession.

This system has another advantage over traditional form organization of learning: thanks to pedagogical support and accompanying individual education, the idea of ​​​​gradually transferring responsibility for one's own life, education and independent solution of individual problems to the person himself is being realized, a red thread running through the reflections of all supporters of the pedagogy of Freedom, representatives of the scientific school of O.S. Gazman.

Similar information.

Pedagogical support.

Let us analyze the content of the concept of "support". According to the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, this term denotes an action that accompanies a certain phenomenon. Etymologically, it comes from the word "accompany", which has several meaningful interpretations. The meaning of the interpretation depends on the scope of the word, but denotes the simultaneity of an ongoing phenomenon or action. It is interesting that when using this verb with the reflexive particle "sya" in the content characteristic, the emphasis shifts to the supervised. Thus, the following meaning is acquired - “to entail as a direct continuation or consequence”, “to be equipped, supplemented by something”. In our opinion, in this sense the term is more commonly used in psychology.

Currently, in the scientific literature, the term "accompaniment" is understood, first of all, as support for mentally healthy people who have any difficulties at a certain stage of development. It should be noted that support is understood as the preservation of personal potential and the promotion of its formation. The essence of such support lies in the realization of the right to the full development of the personality and its self-realization in society. Chistyakova, T. M. Churekova and others) and “support” (A. G. Asmolov, A. A. Bodalev, T. G. Gordon, O. S. Gazman, V. K. Zaretsky, T. A. Mertsalov, A.V. Mudrik, I.Yu. Shustova, etc.) are used as a designation of the system of activity of a psychologist, as a special type of psychological assistance, i.e. as synonyms. Therefore, we will adhere to the same opinion and consider in detail those interpretations of the maintenance term that help to solve the tasks.

All researchers consider support within the framework of humanistic and personality-oriented approaches. Recently, many studies have appeared on the problem of supporting professional activities in various fields of science, culture and public life (Polyansky M.S. (2001) - support for military activities, Belous E.N. (2004) - sports activities, Purnis N.E. (2001) - accompanying technologies in the training of architects, Ivanova L.I. (2005), Deryusheva M.A. (2006) - support for the professional activities of medical workers, etc.). Of course, in modern Russian science, the emphasis is on the process of professional development and the development of professional competence. Therefore, in our opinion, the development of the support problem is connected with the educational process. Let us consider works that are similar in content to the objectives of our study.

In psychology, "accompaniment" is a systemic complex technology of socio-psychological assistance to the individual (G. L. Bardier, M. R. Bityanova, E. I. Kazakova, N. A. Menchinskaya, V. S. Mukhina, Yu. V. Slyusarev, L .M. Shipitsina, I.S. Yakimanskaya and others).

Support technology in education is an area of ​​scientific and practical activity of a number of specialists. This is a relatively new direction in the psychology of education in Russia, which is developing on the basis of a multidisciplinary approach to ontogeny. Putting into practice the ideas of humanistic and student-centered education, the support technology becomes a necessary component of the educational system, which allows creating conditions for the full development of children.

The concept of support as an educational technology was developed by E.I. Kazakova. The sources for the creation of this concept were research and experience in providing comprehensive care to children in specialized institutions, as well as experimental and innovative activities of specialists interacting with children in the education system. This concept is based on a system-oriented approach to human development. One of the main provisions of the concept of E.I. Kazakova is the priority of relying on the individual-personal potential of the subject, the priority of responsibility for the choice made. Thus, the author believes that in order to exercise the right of a person to freely choose various development options, it is necessary to teach a person to understand the essence of the problem, to develop certain decision-making strategies. Kazakova (1995-2001) in her research clearly distinguishes support as a method, as a process and as a service. According to her views, the maintenance method is a way of practical implementation of the maintenance process, and the development maintenance service is a means of implementing the maintenance process. In the theory of support E.I. Kazakova regarding the development of preschool children, it is argued that in each case, the carrier of the child's problem is both the child himself and his immediate environment: teachers, educators, parents. The author believes that the very process of accompanying the development of the child is carried out on the basis of the following principles: - the recommendatory nature of the advice of the accompanying person;

priority of the interests of the person being accompanied; – continuity of support; multidisciplinary support; - the desire for autonomy.

These principles help to put into practice various types of psychological and pedagogical support: individual and systemic.

Let's consider various types of psychological and pedagogical support. Individual accompaniment of children in educational institutions "implies the creation of conditions for identifying potential and real" risk groups "and guaranteed assistance to those children who need it." Consequently, such support can be considered as a form of organizing the activities of a teacher-psychologist in a preschool educational institution, as a model for the implementation of psychological and pedagogical work with preschoolers.

System support, according to L.M. Shipitsyna, is carried out by independent centers and services in several directions: in the implementation of certain educational programs; in designing new types of educational institutions; in the creation of preventive and corrective programs. In practice, according to a number of authors, systemic support is carried out either at the request of the administration, or at the request of parents, or during a mass examination of children. In this case, individual work with the child is in a subordinate relationship. Based on the concept of E.I. Kazakova, many researchers develop and implement various systems and models of support both in educational institutions and in professional activities. For our work, the theory of accompaniment by M.R. Bityanova, embodied in the model of the activity of a school psychologist or a school psychological service, M.R. Bityanova (1998) defines support as a system of professional activities of a psychologist in an educational environment, aimed at creating a child's emotional well-being, his successful development and learning. She sees the task of the teacher-psychologist when interacting with the child in creating conditions for "productive advancement along the paths that he himself has chosen in accordance with the requirements of the teacher and the family." In other words, the author believes that psychological and pedagogical support is the scientific psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process. The author identifies three interrelated components of the accompanying activity of a teacher-psychologist at school:

systematic monitoring of the psychological and pedagogical status of the child and the dynamics of his development in the process of schooling;

creation of socio-psychological conditions for the development of the personality of students and their successful learning;

creation of special socio-psychological conditions for children with developmental problems.

These components cover almost all aspects and areas of activity of a psychologist, and not only in an educational institution. Therefore, we believe that the psychological and pedagogical support of the process of development of a preschooler will consist in the implementation of each of the three named areas. For us, the substantive aspects of the theory of support by M.R. Bityanova, namely:

1. The unconditional value of the inner world of the child. 2. Creation of conditions for independent creative exploration of the world by the child and relations with it. 3. Creation of conditions within the framework of an objective pedagogical environment given to the child for the maximum disclosure of individual and personal potential. 4. The implementation of support mainly by pedagogical means and with the leading role of the teacher.

These principles of work are quite acceptable in the practice of supporting the development of cognitive processes in preschool children. Firstly, the educational environment in the preschool educational institution is currently based on analogies of school life and educational activities of the child. Secondly, the educational system of the preschool educational institution makes the same requirements for the child as the school system - solving the problems of education, socialization and psychological development. Thirdly, the role of the teacher-psychologist in the preschool educational institution in practice is to organize the joint work of the preschool institution and the family, where he acts as a partner in developing a development strategy for the preschooler. In addition, the last principle clearly demonstrates in the preschool educational institution the leading role of the family in the development of a preschooler, and the teaching staff is only an assistant in this case. In our opinion, the role of the family in school is significantly reduced not only due to age characteristics, but also due to the lack of professional pedagogical skills and abilities of parents. Further analysis of the term "support" shows the need to determine the methodological foundations of its application. G.A. Berulava (2004) in the book "Methodological Foundations of Practical Psychology" considers support from the standpoint of the subjective paradigm of personality development. The author believes that "the primacy of integrative personal constructs" is realized on the basis of all levels of individuality, therefore the main task of a practical psychologist is the psychological support of personality development. G.A. Berulava defines the goal of support as the creation of the necessary conditions for its most effective formation. From this point of view, a vivid illustration of the psychological support of personality development is its practical implementation in a preschool educational institution, where the variability of the educational program, the priority of the child's health and the leading role of the family contribute to the effective work of the psychologist and teachers.

Other researchers (E.M. Aleksandrovskaya, G.L. Bardier, N.S. Glukhanyuk, N.I. Kokurekina, N.V. Kurenkova, R.V. Ovcharova, N.G. Osukhova, I.V. Romazan, T.S. Cherednikova, T.G. Yanicheva and others) note that support provides support for natural reactions, processes and states of the individual. At the same time, successfully organized psychological and pedagogical support opens up prospects for personal growth, helps the child enter the “zone of proximal development”. Among the types of psychological activities in the support model, the following priorities and their stages are distinguished: psychological education, prevention, propaedeutics, diagnostics, counseling, education, correction, examination. From these positions, we will analyze the following works, which help to more fully reveal the content of the concept of "support". T. G. Yanicheva (1999) understands support as a system of organizational, diagnostic, developmental activities for teachers, parents and students that create optimal conditions for the functioning of the educational environment that allows the individual to fulfill himself. T.L. Poroshinskaya (1999) analyzed the features of support in non-state educational institutions, understanding this process as a model of the psychological service. She notes that the psychological content of support is based on the diagnosis and creation of a child development program, which is the starting point for modeling and building a developing and corrective component of the educational environment. Glukhanyuk (2001) considers support as a general method of work for a psychologist, as a method of creating conditions for optimal decisions in a situation of life choice. Thus, the emphasis is placed on the responsibility of the development subject itself. R.V. Ovcharova (2000, 2005) defines support as a direction and technology of a psychologist's activity. According to the author, in the first case, support includes support for the individual and his orientation in difficult, problematic situations, as well as support for the natural development of individual-personal potential. In the second case, it is “a set of interrelated and interdependent measures represented by various psychological methods and techniques that are carried out in order to ensure optimal socio-psychological conditions ... to maintain psychological health ... and the full development of the child's personality and its formation as a subject of life ". The difference between support as a technology and other types of professional activity of a psychologist lies in the positions of the subjects of support, methods of interaction, priorities in work, as well as in the criteria for the effectiveness of the psychologist's work. T.I. Chirkova (2000) believes that the fundamental difference between the models of psychological support lies in the field of means, ways, centering, priorities, dominance, proportion of the same components of the professional activity of a psychologist. The author believes that the subject of the psychologist's activity in the preschool educational institution are the positive aspects of the development of the child and the pedagogical process; and the priority direction is the modulation of the educational process, the creation of conditions for the positive development of the personality of a preschooler. Analyzing the process of support in the preschool educational institution, T.I. Chirkova comes to the conclusion that the strategy for planning the content of the work is one's own initiative in determining the content of the work and consistency with the needs of other subjects of interaction. In this case, the expected result of the activity is the full development and success of the educational process. According to T.I. Chirkova, the model of psychological support, its methodology is a stage in the prospective development of the psychological service of education, including in preschool educational institutions.

E.A. Kozyreva (2000) believes that the idea of ​​psychological and pedagogical support is productive at many levels, having determined the priorities of the activity, it is possible to determine the features of the development of an educational institution. She understands support as “a system of professional activity of a teacher-psychologist aimed at creating conditions for the positive development of relations between children and adults in an educational situation, the psychological and mental development of a child with a focus on his zone of proximal development.” The author notes the active role of the psychologist in this process. E.A. Kozyreva created a program to support all participants in the educational process in high school. The main objective of the program is the personal development of children. In the course of such support, the psychologist influences the development of relationships, the requests of teachers and parents arise naturally. The implemented program, according to the author, makes it possible to form positive relationships between schoolchildren, their teachers and parents. Children acquire the experience of relationships, get the opportunity to consciously choose the style of communication, adjust it, having constant feedback. E.A. Kozyreva notes that the program of psychological and pedagogical support has a positive effect on the development of comfortable relations between the school administration, pedagogical and parent teams.

N.G. Osukhova (2001) defined support as a model of psychological assistance - it is a specially organized process aimed at creating conditions for the realization of individual and personal potential. In such accompaniment, personality-oriented interaction comes to the fore, in which the positions of all participants change. The psychologist here acts as a partner, rewarding in the process of interaction the internal conditions that help the child to productively go through the crisis period of life and reach a new level of personal development. N.G. Osukhova believes that in each specific case, the tasks of support are determined by the characteristics of the individual or family who receive psychological assistance, and the situation in which support is provided.

EM. Alexandrovskaya (2002) with co-authors considers support as a psychological and pedagogical technology designed to help a child in solving his problems or preventing them. The authors note the priority of assistance in choosing an educational route of study, and then solving the problems of school adaptation. In their opinion, schoolchildren with difficulties in adaptation need psychological and pedagogical support only at a certain stage of development. In the future, the developing potential of the educational environment allows children to solve problems on their own.

A.A. Mayer (2004), in his book on the organization of work in a preschool educational institution, argues that "the essential characteristic of psychological support is the creation of conditions for the transition of the individual to self-help." According to the author, the psychologist only creates conditions for the realization of personal potential. A.A. Mayer believes that, unlike correction, support technology does not involve “correction of shortcomings and alteration”, but the search for the hidden resources of the individual and his environment, relying on his own capabilities and creating, on this basis, psychological conditions for restoring ties with society. “The main characteristics of support can be called procedural, prolonged, non-directive, immersed in the real life of a person, special relations between the participants in the process.” Methodological analysis of the definitions of the term "support", conducted by A.A. Mayer, allows us to state that support is a special form of prolonged medical-valeological, social, psychological, and pedagogical assistance. The result of such assistance to the individual in the process of socialization and individualization is a new quality - adaptability, i.e. the ability to independently achieve a relative balance in relations with oneself and others in favorable and extreme situations. Consequently, the work of a psychologist in a preschool educational institution will be to develop this quality - adaptability - by all means available to him.

L.I. McAdey (2004) analyzes the support process from the position of correctional psychology, noting the effectiveness of this form of psychological support when interacting with children with disabilities. The author comes to the conclusion that support technologies help to analyze the immediate environment and the level of mental development, using individual work with children and participants in the educational process.

N. V. Nikorchuk (2006) in her article analyzed the cases of using the concept of “monitoring in psychology and pedagogy. She gives the following definition: “Psychological monitoring is a complex technology that combines diagnostics, consultation, correction into a single effective system of psychological means implemented in a certain sequence, filled with strictly selected content and allowing flexible and effective psychological support of the educational process, to achieve the desired goal.” N.V. Nikorchuk explains that within the framework of psychological monitoring of a secondary school, "psychological support is provided for pre-profile and profile education, gifted children and children with a high level of intellectual development, students studying in classes of correctional and developmental education." The author believes that each type of such support solves its specific tasks at a certain stage of learning. Thus, N.V. Nikorchuk essentially combines two concepts - maintenance and monitoring - giving priority to the latter. It should be noted that such a combination, in our opinion, should be done with caution. We believe that procedural support involves a broader activity than monitoring.

Currently, psychological and pedagogical support is considered by some researchers from the standpoint of maintaining the psychological health of children. The concept of "mental health", introduced by I.V. Dubrovina, means the totality of all mental properties that ensure the harmonious development of the personality and the possibility of full functioning in the process of life. This content of this concept implies a balance between the qualities of a person, between the person himself and the environment. However, it does not reveal the mechanisms for achieving equilibrium. In our opinion, psychological health is provided by a whole complex of mental phenomena throughout a person's life. To solve the tasks set by us, the results of the work of YL are interesting. Fedorova (2003). In her dissertation, she gives a detailed analysis of the problem of support in the educational process. In the course of the study, she comes to the conclusion that the usual areas (psychodiagnostics, psychocorrection and education) of a psychologist's activity within the framework of support technology acquire their own specifics. The characteristic features of psychodiagnostics, according to Yu.P. Fedorova, are:

vision of diagnostics as a launch pad for maintenance, its focus on information support of the maintenance process; - focus on identifying strengths, positive personality, on determining the correctness of the pedagogical strategy; - systematic tracking of the psychological and pedagogical status of schoolchildren in terms of their current state and prospects for the nearest development throughout their stay at school; - the conditionality of diagnostic results by the social situation of development, objective and subjective difficulties, which are associated with the education and upbringing of a child in specific pedagogical conditions of an educational institution.

The analysis carried out by Yu.P. Fedorova, shows that the content of developmental work should correspond to those components of the psychological and pedagogical status of preschoolers, the formation and full development of which at this age stage is most relevant. Correctional work will be determined by those components of the psychological and pedagogical status of a preschooler, the level of development and content of which does not meet the psychological, pedagogical and age requirements. In this case, correctional and developmental work is organized on the basis of the results of psychodiagnostic minima.

Consultative and educational work of a psychologist in a preschool educational institution (M.R. Bityanova, D.V. Lubovsky, E.I. Kazakova, T.N. Chirkova, etc.) will unfold in three directions: collection and accounting of information about the development of the child; development and implementation of strategies and tactics of interaction with the child; designing a system of psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process as a whole. In the first case, the issues of age and individual development are solved. In the second, questions of the content and style of interaction with an individual child or age group, which is the starting point for the development by the participants of accompanying the strategy and tactics of their own activities within the framework of this model. These issues are addressed in three aspects: for children experiencing difficulties in psychological development; to take into account the peculiarities of the psychological and pedagogical status of the child in the analysis of the content of education; for organizing interpersonal communication in a group. The third area of ​​activity of a teacher-psychologist is connected with solving problems related to the construction of the educational process of a preschool educational institution as a whole. The psychologist makes an expert assessment of the essence and content of the educational program of the institution. In this sense, there is an analysis of the development program of preschool educational institutions, where innovative moments and the introduction of new technologies in the educational process of preschoolers are evaluated. From this point of view, psychological and pedagogical support can be meaningfully understood as a complex technology, an effective system of professional activity of a psychologist in a preschool educational institution, manifested in various forms.

Thus, the analysis of scientific literature shows that psychological and pedagogical support has an unlimited variety of types and forms that differ in direction, subject and object: parenting support; accompanying a child (gifted, hyperactive, with learning difficulties, in a critical situation, etc.); support of the teacher in the process of teaching and educational activities; accompaniment of parent-child relationships, etc. We agree with the above scientists that the model of the psychologist's activity proposed by M.R. Bityanova, easily adapts to the preschool educational environment. Therefore, described by M.R. Bityanova components of the accompanying activities of a psychologist at school are applicable to the activities of a teacher-psychologist in a preschool educational institution. Similarly, the structure of the activity of a teacher-psychologist of a preschool educational institution includes:

analysis of the teaching and educational environment of the preschool educational institution, taking into account the opportunities and requirements that it imposes on the child's capabilities and the level of his development;

determination of psychological criteria for the effectiveness of training and development of a preschooler;

development and implementation of certain activities that are considered as a condition for the successful development and education of the child;

the development of a specific system of psychologist's activity that ensures the maximum effect of the child's development in this particular situation.

However, practice shows that the diversity and freedom of choice of preschool educational programs sometimes makes significant adjustments to the implementation of the support system. Therefore, we believe that for the effective implementation of support technology, it is necessary to take into account the motivation of the administration and the interest of parents. Based on the foregoing, we believe that in the system of preschool education it is possible to implement not only individual support for the development of the child's personality, but also systemic support for the educational process. However, the combination of types of accompaniment is determined, in our opinion, by the specifics of the regional culture (V.N. Akhrenov, M.L. Baranova, V.S. Koshkina, E.B. Kurkin, O.E. Lebedev, A.M. Novikov, A.M. Tsirulnikov, S. Chaiklin and others) and the psychological competence of educators (A.S. Belkin, Ya.L. Kolominsky, R.V. Ovcharova, SV. Stepanov, O.Yu. Grishina, YL. Fedorova, T.V. Shcherbakova and others. ).

Let us consider studies that allow us to more clearly define the features of psychological and pedagogical support in a preschool educational institution. A.A. Mayer believes that the role of specialists in providing qualified support for the development of a preschooler is great. Following other researchers, in the system of accompanying activities, he identifies certain stages:

diagnostics (tracking), which serves as the basis of responsibility for the decision.

goal setting;

selection and application of methodological means;

analysis of intermediate and final results, which makes it possible to adjust the course of work.

Of course, the activity of the teacher-psychologist of the preschool educational institution consists precisely in the implementation of these stages of support. A.A. Mayer, analyzing the development programs of the preschool educational institution, comes to the conclusion that the psychological and pedagogical support for the development of preschool children involves: 1. Satisfaction of basic needs (warmth, nutrition, other factors that ensure health). 2. Ensuring psychological and social security in the preschool educational institution. 3. Satisfaction of primary interests (subject-developing environment and social situation, contributing to the formation of productive activities and relationships with others). 4. Preventive and prompt assistance in solving individual problems related to the assimilation of curricula, the adoption of rules of conduct in preschool educational institutions, interpersonal communication with adults and peers. 5. Formation of readiness to be the subject of one's own activity.

Thus, A.A. Mayer argues that in the context of a preschool educational institution, support is the creation of a space for the development of a child in order to optimize development in interaction with the outside world. It is considered as a process parallel to the process of education, upbringing and development of creating comfortable conditions and technological support for the child's entry into the world of culture, his socialization. First, the actualization of the potential for development and self-development of the child is ensured, conditions are created for transferring him from the position of an object to the position of the subject of his own life activity. Further, the process of socialization is associated with the provision of development and self-development by means of interaction between the teacher and children in the form of co-creative productive activity and communication. As a result, according to the author, the child moves from the position of the subject to the position of personal realization of his own activity. The task of the psychologist at this stage of work is to analyze the degree of formation of the main indicators of the child's development.

A.Yu. Kachimskaya (2005) believes that psychological and pedagogical support for the development of a child enables teachers, together with employees of a preschool institution, to develop the goals of a single team (teachers and educators), solve the main tasks of its functioning within the framework of the issue of continuity, determine the direction of development of such a complex system as is a functional complex kindergarten - school. “According to the request of school psychologists, methodologists and kindergarten teachers create their own data bank that characterizes the psychological characteristics of children, their areas of current and immediate development, and possible difficulties that may arise at the initial stage of teaching children in an innovative school.” A.Yu. Kachimskaya notes that the transformation of a child into a subject of the educational process in the system of psychological and pedagogical support requires, as a necessary component, the organization of special work on the purposeful formation of complex forms of independence and activity. Such work, according to the author, is a prevention of passivity, infantilism, which may arise with an emphasis on excessive guardianship, daily control, adaptation of a teacher or parent to the style and level of the child's activity.

The provisions analyzed above do not contradict the concept of E.I. Kazakova and the activity model of the school psychologist M.R. Bityanova. For us, it is of interest to describe the process of support within the framework of the educational program of the preschool educational institution, as well as focusing on the features of the accompanying activity of a psychologist. In general, the analysis of scientific literature shows that the problem of support in education is considered both as a strategy for the development of a personality and as a tactic for realizing its individual potential. In our opinion, the psychologist needs to clearly distinguish between the objects of support, its subject and means. Based on this, the content of the activities of a teacher-psychologist in a preschool educational institution, the forms and methods of work are determined, and the effectiveness of the conditions for implementing the program to support the child's natural development is evaluated. In addition, this allows you to identify particular cases of accompanying activities, various tactics for the development of individual and personal potential. As shown in the diagram, the activity of a psychologist involves interaction with all participants in the support process. Therefore, it is important to delineate the functional responsibilities of each participant. However, the functions of maintainers are determined by the subject of the maintainer, so we do not consider it necessary to dwell on this in detail.

We rely on the fact that psychological and pedagogical support is a scientific psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process. To solve the tasks set, we define psychological and pedagogical support as a model of the activity of a teacher-psychologist in a children's educational institution, aimed at optimizing the individual and personal development of a preschooler in interaction with the outside world.
