How is the christening of an adult. Features and rules

Elena Terekhova

Features of adult baptism

Is it different adult baptism from baby baptism? Yes. An adult should have an idea about the Orthodox faith. It is necessary to read the New Testament and know what the Trinity is, why the Son of God was incarnated, why the sacrifice of the Cross was needed, why Christ was resurrected, and what the Church is.

You should also know why such sacraments as baptism, chrismation, and communion are needed. There are churches where special talks are held for those wishing to be baptized. They are a must to visit.

If there are no such conversations in your church, you need to talk with the priest - he will tell you everything.

Familiarize yourself with the basics of Orthodox dogma on your own, in addition to this, you need to know by heart the Lord's Prayer "Our Father", "Our Lady of the Virgin, rejoice." They are in any prayer book.

Before baptism, it is advisable for an adult to fast for three days. This means do not eat meat, dairy food, do not drink alcohol, do not smoke.

Also, before the sacrament of baptism, it is necessary to make peace with those with whom they were in a quarrel, not to watch entertainment programs, to married persons, for this time to refuse marital relations with a spouse.

The sacrament consists of the rite of annunciation, the consecration of water and oil, baptism, the dressing of the person being baptized in white clothes, after which the sacrament of chrismation is performed on him.

Before starting the reading of the catechetical prayers, the priest blows three times in the face of the person he is baptizing. He does this symbolically to show how God created man from dust and breathed life into him. Then the priest blesses the person being baptized three times and reads prayers.

After the prohibition prayers are read (they are needed to prohibit evil spirits), adult baptism human comes to the question and answer stage. This means that you need to turn to the west, then to the east, answer the questions of the priest, renounce Satan.

Then the baptized must read the Creed - an Orthodox Christian prayer, which contains the Orthodox dogma.

After this prayer, the priest again asks questions, and this is repeated three times. Now the catechumen can receive holy baptism. The blessing of water begins. The priest also wears white clothes. If godparents are present (adults may also have them), they are given lighted candles in their hands.

The anointing is taking place. Then - a triple immersion in the font. The baptized and the priest go around the font three times, which is a symbol of eternity.

When an adult is baptized, just like a baby, a piece of hair is cut off. This symbolizes the transfer of one's life to the will of God. Remember that Orthodox Christians wear a pectoral cross all the time. It can be removed only in exceptional cases.

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Baptism is one of the seven sacraments of the Christian church. This solemn act plays a huge role in the life of a believer. It has a cleansing meaning, as a result of which a person, as it were, dies and is reborn again for a new life.

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The sacrament of baptism is performed with the help of water, which at the cosmic level endows a person with grace and cleanses from the sin given to him at birth. An adult is forgiven for any sins committed before baptism.

Tribute to fashion or command of the heart

If for some reason a person was not baptized in infancy, then at a conscious age, sooner or later this problem begins to bother him. It is important to figure out whether he needs to be baptized or not. And if so, why.

Often in conversations at the everyday level one can hear questions: “Is baptism so important?”, “Is it really impossible to communicate with God without it?”.

Returning to the origins of Christian teaching, it is worth remembering what the Lord bequeathed before ascending to heaven after the resurrection: "... go teach the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit."

If people want to be Christians, they must obey the will of the Savior. After all, it was he, the son of God, who lived among people, took upon himself the sins of the human race, suffered severe suffering on the cross, died, rose again and ascended to God. By his life, he showed people the way of salvation, the way by which they can come to God. But for this you need to die and rise with Jesus. The sacrament of baptism just symbolizes these actions.

To be baptized or not It's an adult's choice. No one can force him to do this. It is important that a person does not succumb to the temptation to “be like everyone else”, not having in his soul the desire to subordinate his life to the service of God.

The priests say that it is possible to perform the ceremony without the faith of the person being baptized in God, but it will not cost anything. If, after baptism, a person does not begin to live according to Christian customs (reading spiritual literature, attending divine services, observing fasts and church holidays), the grace of God will quickly disappear, and the atheist will not be able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven after death.

It is no secret that some people subject themselves to the rite of baptism in order to acquire, in their opinion, certain benefits for themselves. For example: improve health, improve financial situation, protect yourself from damage, the evil eye. This is absolutely unacceptable. After all, the essence of baptism is to give oneself to God completely and unlimitedly, and not to wait for "manna from heaven" from him.

Preparation period

Adults come to the Russian Orthodox Church with a request for baptism. Therefore, the preparation for baptism is significantly different from the ceremony for babies, because the parents make an important decision for the child, and the formed personality itself is responsible for its actions. Priests are not indifferent to knowing what is behind a person's desire to be baptized.

In the old days, people who turned to the church with a request for baptism were declared catechumens. Their preparation for the day of baptism lasted more than one day. During this period, they read a lot, attended church, studied the basics of Christianity. And only the clergy decided whether a person was ready to perform the ceremony. In fact, the catechumens were gradually brought into the life of the church.

Today, priests also carry out preparatory work with those who have expressed a desire to undergo the sacrament of baptism. When people ask questions: “How to conduct Baptism?”, “What is needed for the rite of Baptism for an adult?”, “Is it worth it to be baptized if the wife wants it?”, - there can be only one answer: “Sincere and firm faith is needed.”

Steps to achieve what you want

No need to wait for the priest to be gentle and affectionate, his goal is to understand the readiness of a person to be baptized . The main thing is to stand your ground, answer sincerely and without concealment. The first meeting may be unsuccessful, and he will appoint several more audiences. Like a real psychologist, the priest understands that at the first meeting it is impossible to understand the human essence. To establish the truth, further conversations are needed. How many of them there will be - the father decides.

In conversations with the priest, those who wish to be baptized will receive answers to incomprehensible questions regarding Christian religion. He can clarify how an adult is baptized, how many times you can be baptized. And after deciding that a person is ready for an important event, find out what the cost of this action is.

Reward for Receiving God's Grace

Temples do not charge fees for ceremonies. There is only a donation for the needs of the church, which is collected in special boxes. Its value depends on the desire and capabilities of people, it can be a penny or thousands. Details can be found in a candle shop or church workers.

But this is not the case everywhere. Some churches have fixed price lists for various services. In them you can find out how much the desired procedure costs. Trading in temples is not welcomed by the Bible, but in order to survive in difficult times, clergy have to turn a blind eye to this unpleasing business. Although the funds raised are mainly used to help the poor, repair church buildings, and build new churches.

Required Information

There are nuances that you need to pay attention to:

Preparation for the sacrament

Before the ceremony compliance is required at least for the last three days. It involves the rejection of meat, dairy products, eggs, alcohol, smoking.

It would not hurt to spend this time reading the Gospel, the Law of God, the Psalms, and prayers. It is worth giving up a fun pastime, watching TV shows, spouses need to refrain from intimate relationships.

Before being baptized we must make peace with all enemies, confess.

On the eve of baptism, starting from midnight, there should be no poppy dew in the mouth.

Important Attributes

Adult men and women need to have christening gown, towel, open slippers, pectoral cross on a chain or string.

Clothing and towels must be white. For men, this is a long shirt, and for women, a long, reminiscent of a night shirt with long sleeves or a dress. These clothes are not worn Everyday life and do not erase. It is believed that she has the ability to help during serious illnesses, if you put her on an unhealthy person.

About there is an opinion that it should not be gold. It is better to buy a silver or an ordinary inexpensive cross in the church. It is important to remember that after the priest puts it on the neck of the baptized, it is impossible to remove the symbol of faith, unless there is a medical indication for this.

Instead of slippers, slates are suitable so that the feet are open during the sacrament.

Features of the baptism of women

Women and girls are in the temple with their heads covered. This speaks of humility before God and men. Clothing should be modest, clean, tidy. Cosmetics and jewelry are prohibited.

The rite is not performed if the woman is menstruating. This issue is discussed with the priest in advance in order to choose the right day.

During immersion in water, the christening gown will get wet and, most likely, will be translucent. To avoid an awkward moment, you can wear a swimsuit under it..

The rite of baptism of an adult

After the completion of all actions, the rite of chrismation takes place, when the priest makes signs in the form of crosses on the body of the person being baptized with the words "Seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit." Then the priest, together with the baptized, go around the font three times, this symbolizes eternity.

Finally, the hair is cut- this means that the new Christian is handed over to God's will.

After baptism, the life of a new member of the Holy Church changes dramatically. Man has made a commitment to keep the commandments of the Lord. This will bring some changes in the habitual life. You will have to give up many habits, control your actions, change, if necessary, your attitude towards others. But don't be afraid of change. There is a lot of light and joy in the Christian faith.

Usually nowadays people passsacrament of baptism in childhood. Everyone strives to have their children baptized as soon as possible after birth. This is the custom in Orthodox society. But the consequences of many years of enslavement to Socialism are still being felt. Then people were told that Orthodox faith- this is a deception, "the opium of the people." For the baptism of a child, they were punished quite severely in Soviet society. So after the collapse Soviet Union people were baptized in adulthood with tops. We will take a closer look at how an adult is baptized in this article.

Benefits of being baptized as an adult

First, a person consciously undergoes the Sacrament, voluntarily renounces Satan, all his deeds and unites with God. He will no longer be able to say that he was forced to accept the faith. And then the chance to change religions is reduced to a minimum.

Secondly, he does not need godparents to vouch for him. He himself is able to utter the words of renunciation. Usually, the search for godparents lengthens the time of preparation for the Sacrament and complicates it.

It is also easier for the priest who performs the Sacrament, because he will not scream loudly, like babies when they are dipped into the font.

A person who is about to receive the Sacrament of Baptism must be fully acquainted with the tenets of the Orthodox faith. He should not be a heretic or accidentally entered the temple.

For better preparation exist in every temple preparatory interviews. The priest or another person blessed for this explains to people what the Orthodox faith is, who Christ is, what is the meaning of this Sacrament. All this must be known to those wishing to receive Holy Baptism.

Previously, such people were called "catechumens." They were not allowed to attend the most important part of the liturgy, the liturgy of the faithful, when the Eucharistic canon is served.

A person who is about to be baptized must know by heart Symbol of faith and prayer Our Father, because that is what he will have to read aloud at the Sacrament.

Also, the catechumen should have basic concepts about Christ, the Most Holy Theotokos, and some saints. About why Christ came to earth, from whom he was incarnated, for what he died on the cross, on what day he resurrected. It will not be superfluous to study the general rules of conduct in the temple .

The catechumen must be ready to renounce Satan, blow and spit on him, without laughing at the same time, take this with all seriousness and responsibility. From that moment on, the devil becomes his enemy for life, he will take revenge on this person and try to seduce him from the true path. But at the same time, the priest reads the prohibition prayer, in which he forbids the devil to possess the soul and body of the catechumen, asks God to protect this newly baptized person in everything, to protect him from the devil's slander.

What Not to Do

The catechumens need to know what not to do during the preparation and at the Sacrament itself:

  1. Women cannot undergo the Sacrament in impurity.
  2. You can not enter into intimate relationships on the eve of the Sacrament.
  3. Women should not put a lot of makeup on their face, because when immersed in water, it will flow.
  4. You can not eat and smoke before the Sacrament.
  5. You can't come drunk.
  6. Women who have recently given birth should not receive the Sacrament earlier than forty days after giving birth.
  7. You can not be baptized in a bathing suit or underwear.

What do I need to bring for adult baptism?

The applicant must have with him:

  • pectoral cross on a string or chain;
  • white baptismal shirt (opaque and long);
  • towel.

The baptismal shirt is worn before the performance of the Sacrament. In it, the priest plunges the catechumen into water. A towel is needed in order to dry off after diving into the font.

For convenience, you can bring slippers with you to put them on immediately after diving.

adult christening cost

All sacraments in the church free. However, all parishes exist on voluntary donations and it is customary (if possible) to donate a small amount to the priest for the time spent and the performance of the sacrament.

There are churches in which a fixed donation for baptism is established. The average donation in city churches is 2,500 rubles. The price may vary depending on the region and the temple.

Adult Baptism Days

Baptism of both adults and children is performed on any day. On all holidays, fasts, ordinary days. You can be baptized any day. But you should agree on baptism in advance, because. Each temple has its own routine, as does each priest. Perhaps on this day all the priests will be busy with other rites. Therefore, be sure to agree in advance on the sacrament of baptism for a specific day and time.

Adult Baptism Video:

Meeting with Archpriest Andrei Tkachev: The Sacrament of Baptism

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Baptism of an adult. Features and rules.

Many articles have been written about the baptism of babies, about the rules and traditions. But no one considers baptism in adulthood, when a person takes a responsible step deliberately, not following fashion, but according to his own convictions.

According to the Decree of the Patriarch, adults who are going to receive the sacrament of baptism, as well as godparents, must be interviewed at least 3 times. At these interviews, the priest talks about faith. What is Orthodoxy? What is its significance in human life? Who is a god? This is done so that people would have an idea about Orthodoxy, about the faith they are going to accept. According to the church, now 90% of those who are baptized have no idea what faith they accept.

Godparents are not required for adult baptism. The priest tells all the features at the interview, you can ask him questions of interest.

There are several options for baptism and it all depends on the particular church. Sprinkling baptism, partial immersion baptism (head only), and total immersion baptism. Not all churches have baptistries - rooms where adults are baptized with full immersion. But in which it is - it is worth considering what you need with you.

Do not forget to take your passport and arrive for an appointment 15 minutes in advance. This is necessary in order for you to be issued a baptismal certificate. Women do not enter the temple with their heads uncovered. No cleavage or short skirts. The skirt should be below the knee, preferably closed shoulders. The procedure is quite long, it is better to do without heels and stock up on waterproof slippers. Useful when exiting the font. Take a towel with you (a very necessary thing). You need to purchase a special shirt for immersion in the font. They can be sold directly in the temple. Try to find out about this in advance.

Women need to be aware that the fabric can see through when wet, so put on a swimsuit and take a change of underwear with you. Please note that you must have your ankles open for most of the ceremony. The cross can be purchased directly from the temple. If you bought it in a store, it's okay, the priest will bless it right there. It is better to choose a cross from silver, since gold is considered a “sinful” metal, but no one will forbid you to wear gold either. In the church, before the ceremony, you also need to buy a candle or candles if someone accompanies you.

With the blessing of the priest, you can take photos and videos.

Getting baptized is a very important step, so you need to think about why you are doing this. If just following tradition or fashion, do you need it? If you are not going to go to church, if you are not going to live according to Christian laws, it is unlikely that baptism can become some kind of blessing for you. Looking for a business hotel? Go to the site

  • #1

    A strange statement: "... it is unlikely that baptism can become some kind of blessing for you."
    Why, then, are babies being baptized, who certainly are not going to go to church themselves and do not know anything about any laws yet?

  • #2

    Jesus answered: Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.

    Is there any benefit from having a chance to enter the Kingdom of God?

  • #3

    Dmitry, godparents make vows for babies. They also take care of his upbringing in the Church.
    Is there any good if this chance is buried in the ground? In fact, this turns out to be a betrayal, and it’s even worse.

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Modern people are increasingly thinking about their souls, so many decide to be baptized in the church. But before you decide to take such a step, you should carefully weigh everything. If the desire to be baptized is caused only by the desire to pay tribute to fashion, then it is better to postpone it. After all, joining a church community imposes certain obligations on a person. With a conscious desire to live as a Christian, some preparation is required, the fulfillment of several conditions.

The meaning of the rite

Baptism is one of the most ancient church traditions, which is written about in the Bible. Jesus Christ Himself was also baptized, so every believer should follow His example. A mandatory attribute of the sacrament is water, where the believer is immersed three times. This action is accompanied by an appeal to the persons of the Holy Trinity - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. It symbolizes the spiritual birth into eternal life and the death of man to sin. In the sacrament, there is deliverance from original sin, which was inherited from the first people (Adam and Eve). Baptism is performed once in a lifetime.

The sacrament is preceded by an obligatory conversation with a church minister, simply with a priest. You can meet him after the end of any service, you just need to come up and say about your desire to undergo the ceremony.

In some temples, individual interviews are held, in others they are general. As a rule, it is required to come to the talks three times. During them, the priest talks about church life, about what changes the believer will have to make in his behavior, how an adult is baptized.

In former times there was an institution of catechumens. Future Christians were prepared to join the Christian community gradually. The preparatory period lasted from 40 days to several years. People studied the Holy Scriptures, learned to pray. The church community had to make sure that the applicant had a strong desire to live a Christian life.

Preparation for the ritual

Baptism takes place throughout the liturgical year. It doesn’t matter how old a person is, you can perform the ceremony at any age, on any day, there are no restrictions on this. After all, everyone has their own fate - some make such an important decision when they are in the hospital or under the influence of other circumstances that make you think about eternity.

It is possible to arrange for the rite to be performed individually, but this is usually done for a group that attended the readings. The day is chosen by the rector of the temple arbitrarily. As a rule, this is Saturday, so that new members of the church can fully participate in the Divine Liturgy the next morning, start communion.

Each temple may have its own timetable, which can usually be found at the entrance to the building.

It is better to know in advance how the rite of baptism of an adult goes, in order to take part in it consciously. The priest usually talks about this at preliminary conversations, explaining the meaning of each action. In Russia, all divine services and rites are held in Church Slavonic. It would be useful to get a dictionary in order to understand at least the most common expressions during worship. After all, being baptized in order to simply “stand up” the service is a rather pointless exercise. A baptismal kit will also be needed, it usually includes:

You can purchase these items separately, the main thing is not to forget anything. Spiritual preparation is also needed - it is desirable to know the 10 commandments, you need to memorize a couple of prayers (the Symbol of Faith, “Our Father”), they will be pronounced aloud during baptism.

How the sacrament is performed

The rite of baptism among the Orthodox is traditionally performed under the vaults of the temple. In many churches there are no specially built fonts for full immersion of the body in water. Then they use a large bowl over which people bow their heads. You should not worry about this - the main thing is that all the necessary prayers are read, then the sacrament is considered valid.
