Howlite blue. Magical and healing properties of howlite

In its natural form, howlite stone is rarely seen on the shelves of jewelry stores. Most often it is sold as an imitation of turquoise or coral. It is often confused with cacholong. However, it is quite interesting in itself, and has an impressive list of magical and healing properties. Suitable for almost all signs of the zodiac. What is this multifaceted mineral that can, like a chameleon, take on many forms?

Howlite is a fairly young stone. During geological work on the island of Nova Scotia, it was accidentally discovered by the scientist Henry Gova. This was in 1868. It was in honor of the scientist that the mineral got its name - howlite.

The main stone reserves are in North America. Some have also been found in Europe. In southern California, a specimen weighing half a ton was found, and specimens weighing 100 kg are also often found. Mostly mined small specimens in the form of a ball or flattened.

The name howlite sounds quite dissonant for the Russian ear, so most often this mineral is called howlite. Another name is turkvenite (from the English turquoise), its stone received for its striking resemblance to turquoise after being dyed blue. It is sometimes called caulite or silicoborocalcite.

Appearance, colors and value of the mineral

The color palette varies from snow-white (very rare) to grayish or brownish with dark brown and almost black streaks. If you place the stone in ultraviolet light, you can see small crystals that will glow white or yellowish.

Howlite is not particularly loved by jewelers in its natural form for its unremarkable appearance, but it perfectly absorbs paint. That is why the blue-colored mineral is often passed off as turquoise. Painted red, it is a good imitation of corals.

Physical properties, formula and composition

The structure of howlite is soft and porous. It has the following physical properties:

  • hardness is 3.5 on the Mohs scale;
  • the color of the mineral is grayish-white;
  • the stone has a porcelain luster;
  • the mineral is opaque;
  • specific gravity is 2.5 g/cm3;
  • contains impurities of potassium and sodium;
  • when placed in acid, the stone will dissolve.

Mineral formula: Ca2B5SiO9(OH)5

magical properties

Howlite is credited with the following magical properties:

  • it is a talisman of pupils and students, helps to concentrate and better absorb new knowledge. It can also be worn by all people who are learning something new;
  • stabilizes emotions, removes anxiety, helps to overcome anger;
  • removes negative emotions and can absorb diseases;
  • the wearer of howlite becomes more receptive to the beautiful and better sees the beauty of the world around him;
  • symbolizes innocence and at the same time is the personification of male power;
  • will be useful for a person who is depressed, as he drives away disturbing thoughts;
  • beneficial effect on the environment.

Medicinal qualities

Howlite also has the following medicinal properties:

  • renders positive influence on the level of calcium in the body, helps with dental diseases and fractures;
  • recommended for pregnant women for good fetal development;
  • helps in the work of the cardiovascular system and in the fight against stress.

Masseurs love it, as the stone has excellent heat capacity and retains heat for a long time. It is widely used in stone massage, as well as in massage against cellulite and varicose veins.

The meaning of howlite for the signs of the zodiac

A raw stone can be worn by all representatives of the zodiac circle. However, it can enhance some qualities of character and weaken others. It can affect each sign of the zodiac in different ways:

  1. Aries you should not often wear this stone, as it enhances the conflict and uncompromising nature of the fire sign. It can be worn periodically, it is well suited to those people who participate in any competitions.
  2. On Taurus acts neutral. It can positively influence health and emotional state.
  3. Gemini it is very useful, especially to the beautiful representatives of this restless Sign. Helps concentration of energy and its application in the right direction. The Gemini can wear it without taking it off.
  4. Cancers gives energy, helps to gain vitality. However, if you have problems with blood pressure, it is better to refuse such decoration.
  5. majestic lions the stone should be worn as little as possible. Howlite will strengthen the already high conceit and pomposity of Lviv, which is fraught with conflicts and clashes with others.
  6. Virgin they can wear a talisman all the time, the mineral suits them perfectly.
  7. Howlite is also useful for Libra, he gives this air Sign calmness, balance and will help in making decisions.
  8. Beneficial effect on Scorpions giving them discretion and responsibility.
  9. Capricorn will help to become softer, overcome insecurities and make new acquaintances.
  10. Great for Aquarius, they can wear it around the clock.
  11. Romantic Pisces will give inspiration and give creative energy.

Gallery: howlite stone (45 photos)

The stone is suitable for calm and good-natured people. Fire signs should be worn intermittently: in this case, he will not unnecessarily highlight the negative features of these representatives of the Horoscope.

Application area

Howlite is mainly used in the manufacture of colored beads, cabochons and figurines. Beads are further used to make bracelets, necklaces and beads (according to appearance they are almost indistinguishable from natural turquoise). Cabochons are used in the manufacture of rings and pendants.

An interesting fact is that natural-colored howlite is loved in the USA and Canada. Here it is called white turquoise and jewelry made from this mineral is readily bought up, since the cost of such beads, bracelets and rings is quite low.

How to properly care for a stone

As already noted, the mineral is quite soft, so it should be handled with care to prevent or at least reduce the likelihood of scratches. Painted stones should be protected from excessive exposure to water and chemical detergents.

Cleaning natural stones (video)

How to distinguish howlite from natural turquoise and other stones

Often you can find cheap imitations of stones such as turquoise, malachite, lapis lazuli. Jewelry stores that are sensitive to their name usually educate customers about using imitation rather than natural stones in jewelry. Unfortunately, now there are a sufficient number of unscrupulous jewelers who can sell blue-colored howlite under the guise of turquoise at exorbitant prices. How not to be deceived when buying?

There are several tricks that will help to identify the differences between howlite and other stones:

  • howlite jewelry has a porcelain sheen;
  • unpainted white pores can be seen on the surface of the mineral;
  • scratches may be visible on the decoration.

If the product has already been purchased, you can conduct a simple test: wipe the product with a cotton pad dipped in alcohol. If after that traces of paint remain on the cotton wool, then there will be no doubt - under the guise of a more expensive stone, a colored mineral was purchased.

Howlite can be distinguished from cacholong by hardness (in cacholong it is 6.5 versus 3.5 in howlite). Cacholong has a mother-of-pearl luster, its color is milky white, multi-colored blotches and patterns are rarely found. It can be quite difficult to independently determine the belonging of a stone, since both minerals are very similar.

A plain-looking mineral can be transformed by staining into noble turquoise or beautiful coral. Howlite's properties make it a versatile stone that suits almost all people.

Today, jewelry manufacturers are increasingly paying attention to howlite stone. It is easy to process, susceptible to dyes and has a high resistance to operational stress. Previously, it was used exclusively to imitate turquoise, in last years unpainted howlite can be found in the composition of jewelry. It is also interesting that the stone is used to improve health and increase intellectual abilities.

History of the stone

Howlite got its name in honor of its discoverer Henry Gove. A Canadian geologist found it in 1868 in Nova Scotia.

There are other names for the stone:

  1. Howlite;
  2. Cowley;
  3. Silicoborocalcite;
  4. Pressed turquoise.

The history of the crystal has no special legends or myths. They say that with the help of it, ancient sorcerers could change the weather, prevent natural disasters. The gem was discovered not so long ago, so scientists have yet to study its unusual properties. Despite this, howlite has already become a favorite decoration for church ministers and a ritual attribute of healers and psychics.

Field and production

The stone is found in the form of growths that resemble cauliflower in appearance. This form is obtained due to the increase in the volume of crystals when combined with each other. A gem is formed due to the precipitation in pools of saline solutions, which are rich in calcium and boron. Sometimes one whole mineral reaches one meter in length and weighs several tens of kilograms.

The main deposits are America and Canada. Not so long ago, mining sites were discovered in Germany and Serbia. The largest unit was found in California, it weighed 500 kg.

Colors and varieties

Most often in nature there are stones of light gray color, which have characteristic dark streaks. Masters paint the mineral in various colors:

  • Red;
  • Blue;
  • Blue-green;
  • Brown.

The most famous type of stone is turkvenite. It is well dyed in a blue hue, so it often replaces expensive turquoise, which is almost depleted. To imitate corals, the mineral is painted red. Sometimes even the most experienced craftsmen cannot distinguish these stones.

Howlite differs from turquoise in white porous holes, a uniform mesh structure. When heated, the fake will melt and turn black, and natural turquoise will crack. To distinguish these two stones, moisten a cotton swab with alcohol and rub the product. If the paint is peeling off, it's howlite.

In order not to confuse howlite with cahalong, you should pay attention to the veins of the gem. The opal variety has a mother-of-pearl luster and a porcelain chip. Turkvenite differs from cahalong in increased fragility. If you run a needle over its surface, impressive scratches will remain.

physical characteristics

Howlite is an alkaline rock, calcium borosilicate. The hardness of the stone on the Mohs scale is no more than 3.5 units. This indicates the susceptibility of the gem to various mechanical damage. The color of the aggregates is gray and white with streaks of black or brown. The structure of the structure is porous. Glitter at a stone opaque, glass, porcelain.

It is opaque, but after cutting into plates there are gaps. At a close distance, you can see individual crystals that sparkle under the bright sun or in ultraviolet light. The mineral is soluble in acids, easy to process and cut.

Medicinal properties

Lithotherapists are confident in the healing properties of the gem. It has a positive effect on systems human body, namely:

  1. strengthens bones;
  2. accelerates the processes of restoration of damaged tissues;
  3. has a positive effect on the teeth;
  4. normalizes calcium balance;
  5. increases protective forces;
  6. improves the work of blood vessels;
  7. promotes purification from toxins;
  8. relieves stress and depression;
  9. relieves toothache.

The mineral is used by massage therapists for the treatment of diseases of the joints, sciatica, varicose veins. It relieves pain and tension in the muscles, removes salt deposits, improves blood circulation. It also helps with cellulite. To do this, you need to drive through problem areas with stone beads.

To prepare mineral-based healing water, you should take a few small-sized natural howlites and place them in a glass of water. You need to carry out the procedure in the evening, and in the morning you can start drinking a glass of liquid once a day half an hour before meals. Many lithotherapists prefer to use stone powder inside. Such therapy should be agreed with the attending physician.

The magical properties of howlite

Howlite is great for meditation. It is applied between the eyebrows and makes out-of-body travel. The mineral is able to influence the consciousness and allows a person to enter the state that is necessary for communicating with otherworldly forces.

With the help of the mineral, mediums carry out practices to eliminate mental pain, liberation from past events. White howlite is most suitable for these purposes.

Howlite strengthens memory, allows you to concentrate and easily memorize new material. Therefore, this crystal is simply necessary for schoolchildren and students, teachers and scientists. The stone can be purchased in its pure form and stored near the head of the bed to get rid of nightmares. It is a good amulet for children and teenagers.

The magical properties of the stone appear depending on the color:

  • Black howlite helps fight fears and gives self-confidence.
  • Pink causes drowsiness and relaxes the nervous system.
  • White serves as a symbol of good luck, goodness and purification.
  • Blue pacifies too energetic people.

It is recommended to wear jewelry with howlite for people who are prone to attacks of aggression and anger. The energy emitted by the gem has a calming effect on the human brain, removes negative reactions to stimuli.

The meaning of howlite in the signs of the zodiac

Astrologers recommend purchasing a stone for Taurus, Scorpio, Virgo and Capricorn. Each of these zodiac signs will get what they want from the stone. Virgo will be able to cope with intolerance and pacify anger, Taurus will stop tormenting themselves from the inside, Capricorn will overcome stubbornness, and Scorpio will free the mind from bad thoughts.

Howlite negatively affects Sagittarius, Aries and Leo. Together with the gem, these signs will begin to feel depressed, their mood will be constantly spoiled. The rest of the representatives of the horoscope are not forbidden to wear jewelry with a stone. With prolonged contact with the human body, the effect of the mineral is actively enhanced. Therefore, it is advised to take breaks in wearing.

Jewelry and gem products

Howlite is widely used by jewelers for making earrings, pendants, bracelets and beads. Often this gem is framed in silver, it looks especially good with it. The price of howlite jewelry depends on several factors:

  1. Additional stones and metals.
  2. Cut quality.
  3. The presence of color.
  4. Appearance.
  5. Sales region.

A natural gem of a small size costs about 200 rubles. A finished product with howlite can be bought for 500-600 rubles. The crystal is used to make fakes. Decor elements, figurines and vases are made from it.

Storage and care

Stone jewelry should be washed carefully. To do this, you can use a soft brush and liquid soap dissolved in water. There are other rules for storing and caring for howlite:

  • It is necessary to protect the crystal from exposure to chemicals.
  • Do not heat the gem or expose it to direct sunlight.
  • Howlite is stored in a dark closed bag or bag.
  • Do not use alcohol for cleaning.
  • It is recommended to wipe the gem 1-2 times a month so that it does not lose its luster.

Howlite is a unique creation of nature. The beauty and sophistication of the original stone make jewelry with it very attractive, and the miraculous properties of the mineral help to cure many diseases, gain self-confidence and even connect with higher powers.

This stone has a soul and energy that is beyond the power of every person to know. Therefore, you should carefully select a gem, study its characteristics and storage rules.

The name comes from the Persian "firuza" - the winner. The most valuable blueturquoiseno visible inclusions. But often the processing of turquoise comes with the parent rock, so the finishedstonesmay have a variety of inclusions. According to the nature of the inclusions, turquoise is divided into varietal types: veined, interspersed, patterned, reticulated (spider web). Turquoise is opaque. The best jewelry pieces show through in thin layers. Wax gloss. Fragile. Turquoise dissolves in acids. "Does not like" solvents, fats, oils, cosmetics, soaps. Under the influence of these funds, it can become spotty, turn green. When heated above 250°C, the pleasant blue color changes to an inconspicuous green, so care must be taken when soldering products. The different density of turquoise causes increased porosity in less dense samples. Therefore, the properties of turquoise depend on quality. Highly porous turquoise is matte, hardly polished and is mainly used with impregnation. Jewelry turquoise makes up only a small percentage (5-8%, rarely 10-20%) of all mined. If there are brown or black veins in the turquoise secretions, these varieties are called "turquoise queen". Iranian turquoise is especially valuable. Its main deposits are in Iran, USA, China, Mexico, Australia, Peru, Chile, Mongolia, Bulgaria, Egypt, Turkey, Israel, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Sudan, Germany, Poland, England, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Armenia.

Currently, turquoise is widely used in jewelry; for inserts into rings, it is treated with a cabochon. Also used in beads, earrings, medallions.

In ancient times, figures of people and animals were often engraved on turquoise rings, and inscriptions were made. For example, in Ancient Egypt it was a scarab beetle, symbolizing courage, fatherhood, peace. Turquoise was used to make small plastic arts, for example, cult figurines of deities. Turquoise amulets were very common. In ancient times, in many countries, it was considered a military talisman. Went to the manufacture of ritual masks (Indian tribes of America). Often turquoise was used in combination with shells, corals, pearls and other stones.

Turquoise is very easy to imitate. They imitate turquoise from glass, wood resins, calcite and magnesite, painted ivory, etc. Many successful and widespread imitations have their own names, for example, Viennese turquoise is a heat-treated and pressed mixture of malachite, aluminum hydroxide and phosphoric acid, Neolithic - mixture of copper phosphate and aluminum hydroxide. At present, a technology has been developed for obtaining high-quality synthetic turquoise.

Howlite (kaulite, turquenite) is a mineral, calcium borosilicate. Hardness 3.5. The mineral is gray-white in color with brown and black veins and a silky, waxy luster. The name turkenite/turquenite has been used in the stone carving and mineral trade since the 1970s to refer to the blue variety of howlite. Since 2004, the name "turkenite" or "turkvenite" has been used in some cases in relation to the so-called fortified, as well as ennobled turquoise. It is named after its discoverer, Canadian geologist Henry How - Henry How, 1828 - 1879. Howlite is also called kaulite or howlite, following the English pronunciation.

Kaulite is a synonym for howlite

Silicoborocalcite - a synonym for howlite

Turkvenite - a variety of howlite

Unfortunately, in Russian it does not sound very harmonious, so this mineral is almost always hidden in jewelry called "pressed turquoise". By itself, it is rather nondescript, but when painted under turquoise, it acquires such a beautiful color that it would fit to be called a heavenly stone. The stone is very beautiful, and the jewelry made from it too.

The color of howlite is usually white or grey, and minerals with brown and black veins are often found - as in turquoise. In ultraviolet light, tiny howlite crystals, barely visible to the naked eye, sometimes glow with a yellowish or whitish light. Natural turquoise never comes in large chunks and does not have the porcelain sheen of howlite. In addition, on painted howlite, small crystals can be distinguished through a magnifying glass, which does not happen on turquoise.

Howlite is easily dyed blue and therefore often acts as a substitute for turquoise. The imitation is very accurate, so such imitations are often passed off as natural turquoise and sold at exorbitant prices.

Beads, cabochons, small figurines are cut from howlite (more often also from painted, from howlite of natural color - rarely). Their polished surface shines like porcelain. Sometimes dyed red and used as an imitation of corals.

Howlite has been known to people for less than two hundred years - this is very little when compared with turquoise and amber, for example. But some abilities of this stone are already known. It stabilizes emotions, prevents outbursts of anger, relieves anxiety. It is said that he is able to absorb the negative energy of negative emotions and divert (absorb into himself) diseases.

This is the talisman of students: schoolchildren and students, scientists and teachers ... This stone is good to wear if you are currently learning something new. Howlite promotes concentration and better assimilation of new knowledge.

Howlite makes a person more sensitive to beauty. Sky-blue colored howlite works especially well in this respect. It is really magnificent and reminds of sunny days, high feelings and aspirations - probably due to the flawless color. Howlite is translucent or translucent at the edges of the specimens. Fragile. Howlite has viscosity due to the fact that it consists of the smallest crystals entangled with each other.

For jewelry, pieces of the mineral are first polished and resemble pebbles when finished, and then painted blue. Howlite is very porous and easily stained, but the paint does not penetrate deeply, so such stones are no longer suitable for carving, and with frequent wear, their surface is abraded. You can find howlite, painted in different tones: pure sky blue, or with a hint of green.

Most likely, the list of properties and wonderful features of the stone is the invention of sellers to maintain interest in the stone. Hence the new legends and the attribution of magical properties to the stone. Does he have them - he probably has them, like any stone, but in order to feel them and feel the influence - you need much more than just buying a stone. So, from what is attributed to howlite (see the beginning above): it can absorb the negative energy of the disease or negative emotions; the white color of howlite symbolizes innocence and at the same time masculine strength; jewelry with howlite helps with depression, pacifies anger, drives away melancholy and anxious thoughts; help with restless dreams or if a person wants to remember past dreams and even past lives; conducts Yin energy and influences anahata and muladhara; can help bring about favorable changes in the environment; increases self-esteem and enhances self-confidence. Since howlite contains calcium, it is believed that it has a positive effect on bones and the balance of calcium in the body. It is said that howlite helps with toothache and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the teeth.

You can take this list seriously, or you can not, but if you like jewelry made from this stone, then you can buy them, and not as an imitation of turquoise, but as a valuable stone on its own.

Turkenite / turkvenite- a very beautiful stone in blue-blue tones, obtained by staining the magnesite mineral with dyes based on copper oxide. It has a rich blue color and black veins, very similar to turquoise. Turkenite is also accepted in the market of stones and jewelry name of various turquoise imitations. Most often under this name there are painted in Blue colour minerals magnesite (magnesium carbonate) And howlite (calcium borosilicate). Therefore, turkenite is also called "blue magnesite" or "blue howlite". Turkenite is in constant demand as a cheap replacement for turquoise, the color of which is also due to copper.

Very often, turkenite is sold under the guise of turquoise as a fake, but in vain - turkenite is wonderful in itself, so if you sell jewelry with turkenite, they will be in great demand because they are beautiful, especially since this stone is incomparably cheaper than natural turquoise.

Since ancient times, people have liked turquoise, it is not for nothing that it is so popular, and turkenite today - as its analogue in appearance - can take its rightful place among our jewelry.

Turkenite, in fact, has the properties of magnesite, since it is in fact.

It is useful for people who want to start a family. Helps young men and women to choose a life partner, divorced - to find a new couple. The mineral has a beneficial effect on children. It strengthens relationships between relatives.

According to the horoscope, magnesite (and magnesite-based turkenite) is most suitable for Gemini. It restrains their excitement, protects them from losses and losses. Capricorn and Libra helps to get the most out of any situation.

As a talisman, it protects its owner from dangers along the way, natural disasters, therefore it is recommended for travelers, geologists, sailors, truck drivers, and all those whose activities are related to movement.

Since 2004, the name "turkenite" or "turkvenite" has been used in some cases in relation to the so-called fortified, as well as ennobled turquoise. Natural turquoise is never in large pieces and does not have a porcelain sheen.

Tinted howlite is often such a clever imitation of turquoise that it is almost impossible to distinguish it from the real stone. BUT: the paint does not penetrate deep into howlite, making it unsuitable for stone carving.

When polished, howlite acquires a porcelain sheen, and this property can also be used to identify natural turquoise. Magnesite in its original natural form is similar to marble. To imitate turquoise, a crystalline variety of the mineral is used. Turquoise can be distinguished from it (as in the case of howlite) by the shallow coloration of magnesite.
Howlite and magnesite in the jewelry industry also act as independent stones of natural (whitish or gray, sometimes yellowish) color.

English HOWLITE- Ca 2 B 5 SiO 9 (OH) 5 - mineral, basic calcium borosilicate

Mohs scale with reference samples of minerals. It is very convenient to check the hardness of the stone - even at home.

Howlite(kaulite, turkvenite) - a mineral, calcium borosilicate. Hardness 3.5. The mineral is gray-white in color with brown and black veins and a silky, waxy luster. The name turquenite has been used in stone-cutting and mineral trade since the 1970s. to refer to the blue variety of howlite . Since 2004, the name "turkenite" or "turkvenite" has been used in some cases in relation to the so-called fortified, as well as ennobled turquoise.

Natural color howlite beads.

Turquoise and howlite can be distinguished by their hardness (5-6 and 3.5, respectively). If you have a Mohs scale with reference samples, this is not difficult.

It is named after its discoverer - Canadian geologist Henry How - Henry How, 1828 - 1879. Howlite is also called kaulite or howlite, following the English pronunciation.

  • Kaulite is a synonym for howlite
  • Silicoborocalcite - a synonym for howlite
  • Turkvenite - a variety of howlite

Unfortunately, in Russian it does not sound very harmonious, so this mineral is almost always hidden in jewelry called "pressed turquoise". Turquoise is not there at all, and here is howlite - please.

By itself, it is rather nondescript, but when painted under turquoise, it acquires such a beautiful color that it would fit to be called a heavenly stone. I have several "pressed turquoise" jewelry. (on the picture), as well as samples of colored howlite in the collection of minerals. The stone is very beautiful, and the jewelry made from it too.

Howlite in its natural color.

The color of howlite is usually white or grey, and minerals with brown and black veins are often found - as in turquoise. In ultraviolet light, tiny howlite crystals, barely visible to the naked eye, sometimes glow with a yellowish or whitish light. Natural turquoise never comes in large chunks and does not have the porcelain sheen of howlite. In addition, small crystals can be distinguished in a magnifying glass on painted howlite, which does not happen on turquoise.

Howlite is easily dyed blue and therefore often acts as a substitute for turquoise. The imitation is very accurate, so such imitations are often passed off as natural turquoise and sold at exorbitant prices.

Beads, cabochons, small figurines are cut from howlite (more often also from painted, from howlite of natural color - rarely). Their polished surface shines like porcelain. Sometimes dyed red and used as an imitation of corals.

Sample of howlite from the collection of DeAgostini "Minerals. Treasures of the Earth".

Howlite has been known to people for less than two hundred years - this is very little when compared with turquoise and amber, for example. But some of the abilities of this stone are already known. It stabilizes emotions, prevents outbursts of anger, and relieves anxiety. It is said that he is able to absorb the negative energy of negative emotions and divert (absorb into himself) diseases.

This is the talisman of students: schoolchildren and students, scientists and teachers ... This stone is good to wear if you are currently learning something new. Howlite promotes concentration and better assimilation of new knowledge.

Polished howlite natural natural color.

Howlite is not sky blue, but sea green.

Howlite makes a person more sensitive to beauty. Sky-blue colored howlite works especially well in this respect. It is really magnificent and reminds of sunny days, high feelings and aspirations - probably due to the flawless color.

Howlite is also sometimes sold in its natural color, sometimes under the misleading trade name "white turquoise" or "white buffalo turquoise" - "mystical white turquoise" or "mystical white stone".

Howlite is translucent or translucent at the edges of the specimens. Fragile. Howlite has viscosity due to the fact that it consists of the smallest crystals entangled with each other.

For jewelry, pieces of the mineral are first polished and resemble pebbles when finished, and then painted blue. Howlite is very porous and easily stained, but the paint does not penetrate deeply, so such stones are no longer suitable for carving, and with frequent wear, their surface is abraded. Can be found howlite dyed in different tones: pure sky blue, or with a hint of green.

The ring on the far left in the photo is with howlite. It goes well with beads and bracelets made of this stone.

Most likely, the list of properties and wonderful features of the stone is the invention of sellers to maintain interest in the stone. Hence the new legends and the attribution of magical properties to the stone. Does he have them - he probably has them, like any stone, but in order to feel them and feel the influence - you need much more than just buying a stone. :-) So, from what is attributed to howlite (see the beginning above): it can absorb the negative energy of the disease or negative emotions; the white color of howlite symbolizes innocence and at the same time masculine strength; jewelry with howlite helps with depression, pacifies anger, drives away melancholy and anxious thoughts; help with restless dreams or if a person wants to remember past dreams and even past lives; conducts Yin energy and influences anahata and muladhara; can help bring about favorable changes in the environment; increases self-esteem and enhances self-confidence.

Howlite beads - these are very difficult to distinguish from natural turquoise - the resemblance is striking.

Since howlite contains calcium, it is believed that it has a positive effect on bones and the balance of calcium in the body. It is said that howlite helps with toothache and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the teeth.

You can take this list seriously, or you can not, but if you like jewelry made from this stone, then you can buy them, and not as an imitation of turquoise, but as a valuable stone on its own. It is, by the way, inexpensive, and really beautiful jewelry is quite affordable.

The mineral howlite is named after its discoverer, Henry Gove. The word "howlite" is composed of the first letters of the surname of the Canadian geologist "gov" and the word "lit", which means stone. That is, "Gov's stone". The mineral got its second name "pressed turquoise" due to the fact that the stone, which is naturally white, is dyed blue and an imitation of turquoise is obtained.

Howlite itself is rather unremarkable, but has a very beautiful structure. Therefore, it is often stained. Having a color shade, after coloring, they begin to play in a different way. But jewelers have become accustomed to making beautiful jewelry from unpainted stone.

The natural color of the stone is white or grey. beautiful shape and the dynamic structure of howlite acquires due to the black and brown veins interspersed in it. In ultraviolet light, microscopic stone particles sometimes reflect yellowish or whitish light. If you visually compare howlite with turquoise, then it has a special porcelain luster. In addition, under a microscope, you can see small crystals in howlite, which is usually not the case in turquoise. Therefore, turquoise-colored howlite always slightly outperforms natural stone with its rich structure.

To create, the stone is polished to a semblance of pebbles, and only then painted in the desired color. Despite the fact that the mineral has a porous surface and is easily dyed, the paint does not penetrate deep inside, so such stones are no longer suitable for carving and have a finished look. The colors in which the stone is painted traditionally have a green or heavenly hue, which looks very harmonious on the stone.

The polished surface of the stone shines like porcelain: it is not by chance that figurines, cabochons, and beads are cut out of howlite. Such products are sometimes painted red to give an imitation of coral.

The stone directs a person to internal sensitive processes, to the perception of beauty. The painted stone is magnificent and reminds of sunny days, high feelings and aspirations - probably due to the flawless color.

Place of Birth

The main deposits of howlite are located in Nova Scotia (Canada). Occasionally, the stone is also found in California (USA).

Medicinal properties
Howlite was discovered relatively recently by geologists, only 200 years ago. Its properties are not fully understood, but the healing qualities that help in the fight against diseases are already known.

The composition of the mineral contains a high percentage of calcium. Therefore, the stone will help with problems that arise when the latter is out of balance. The mineral is able to restore and maintain the balance of calcium in the body and have a beneficial effect on human bones in general. If you are concerned toothache, then howlite will help in the fight against it. One has only to attach a stone to a disturbing place and the pain will begin to recede. It is also highly recommended for pregnant women to wear jewelry with this stone, because it is during this wonderful period of life that calcium is so necessary for the formation of a little man.

IN folk medicine the energy of the stone is famous as an absorber and converter of negative emotions. Therefore, jewelry with a stone will help people in the fight against stress, depression and sleep anxiety.

White stone is used for the production of massage balls, which serve as a good remedy in the fight against cellulite. In general, howlite massage will help with diseases such as varicose veins, blockage of blood vessels and joint disease.

magical properties
Howlite has an excellent ability to absorb the owner's negative energy and transform it into positive. This applies to both the morbid and psychological state of a person. Jewelry with a mineral pacifies anger, drives away melancholy and disturbing thoughts, gives purity of thoughts and sharpens the sense of beauty. Howlite works similarly with a person's self-esteem: it strengthens a sense of self-confidence.

The white color of the stone, like any other color, carries its information content. In this case, howlite symbolizes innocence, beginning, balance, peace, humility. All color properties are reflected in its carrier and are transmitted to a person in contact with the mineral.

There is a belief that howlite is able to introduce a person into lucid dreams, to control them. Meditation with a stone allows you to plunge a person into his past lives, to realize his purpose, essence and path.

Howlite is considered an excellent assistant in mastering all kinds of knowledge and skills. It helps a person to concentrate as much as possible on the science that he wants to master, and makes sure that knowledge is absorbed faster and better. We can say that the owner of a howlite will be an eternal student, because all his life he strives to gain as much knowledge as possible and not only in his field of activity.

Howlite has a positive effect on the heart and sacral chakras. Interaction with a stone reveals a person, sharpens sensitivity, awakens the will to live, physical energy, causes a feeling of confidence and stability.

From an astrological point of view, howlite is advised to be worn by people born under the signs of Capricorn, Virgo and Scorpio. It is not recommended to wear it to Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, since howlite arouses a strong interest in any science, and cannot teach perseverance and the desire to complete the begun training.
