Nurofen children's for pregnant women from temperature. Can I take Nurofen in early pregnancy? General information about Nurofen

Is it possible to take Nurofen during pregnancy? An urgent question for women who are looking for a reliable, effective and most importantly safe remedy for relieving inflammation and pain. The answer to the question is very ambiguous, since the instructions for the drug indicate that it is taken during pregnancy only if the potential benefit to the mother is more important than possible complications during pregnancy and pathologies in the development of the child. If the drug is used by women bearing boys, then the drug can lead to pathologies in the development of the genital organs of the child.

Please note that the active ingredient in Nurofen is Ibuprofen. Ibuprofen acts not only as an active component of other medicines, but is also an independent drug. But his instructions clearly state that it is forbidden to take the drug during pregnancy, especially in the first and last trimeters. Simply put, despite the fact that Nurofen and ibuprofen are the same drug, they have different instructions for use. Whether to use Nurofen during pregnancy is up to you and your gynecologist.

Instructions for nurofen during pregnancy

Instructions for Nurofen during pregnancy is a guide to the use of the remedy. According to the instructions, this drug is an antipyretic and analgesic anti-inflammatory agent. Nurofen, has several forms of release, which makes its reception as convenient and effective as possible.

But is it possible to take the drug during pregnancy, will it help bring down the temperature or relieve pain? As already mentioned, this drug is not advisable to take during pregnancy, so let's look at possible side effects. Many doctors argue that an adverse reaction to the drug is possible only in the case of long-term use, but during pregnancy, due to hormonal changes, the risk of side effects increases.

  • Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain.
  • Cystitis, nephritis.
  • Shortness of breath, bronchospasm.
  • Puffiness, allergic reactions on the skin.
  • Increase in blood pressure.
  • thrombocytopenia and bleeding.

Nurofen Gel

Nurofen gel during pregnancy is considered safer, since it practically does not affect the process of bearing and developing the baby. But, like Nurofen tablets, Nurofen gel must be prescribed by a doctor. Nurofen Gel is an external preparation. A single dose for an adult is 50-100 mg of ibuprofen, which corresponds to 4-8 cm of the drug squeezed out of the tube. The gel is applied every four hours, but not more than four times a day. When applying the gel, it is very important to rub it thoroughly into the skin until it is completely absorbed.

When using Nurofen in the form of a gel, there are a number of adverse reactions. First of all, it is redness and burning of the skin, allergic reactions and even bronchospasm. As for contraindications, the gel cannot be used for bronchial asthma, hypersensitivity to the active substance, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The drug is used with extreme caution during pregnancy and lactation.

Nurofen ointment

Nurofen ointment during pregnancy is the safest form of this drug. The drug is used to treat back pain and inflammatory diseases. The ointment is well absorbed and effectively affects the lesion. Very often, Nurofen ointment is used with physiotherapy methods, that is, with physiotherapy exercises and massages.

The use of Nurofen ointment during pregnancy should correspond to the prescribed dosage, and the treatment should not be longer than the specified period. Ointment, like other drugs, has a number of contraindications and side effects. Therefore, before taking this remedy, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the potential dangers.

Nurofen syrup

Nurofen syrup during pregnancy is an anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drug. The syrup is available in bottles and sachets with a dosage of 100 and 5 ml. For ease of use, each package of Nurofen is equipped with a syringe or measuring spoon.

Nurofen syrup is prescribed for influenza, hyperthermia, bacterial diseases and to eliminate pain syndromes, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, toothache and headache. During pregnancy, Nurofen syrup is taken with extreme caution. On the early dates the drug is not desirable to take, this also applies to the last trimester. In any case, the use of the drug must be approved by a doctor who, after diagnosing the disease, will select an individual dosage.

Nurofen tablets

Nurofen tablets during pregnancy, like any antibiotics, are not recommended. But, nevertheless, tablets are used to treat headaches, back pain, toothache, neuralgia, SARS and fever. After taking the drug, the active substance - ibuprofen is absorbed into gastrointestinal tract. The drug binds to plasma proteins by 90%, and gradually penetrates into the joint cavity, concentrating in the plasma.

Nurofen is metabolized in the liver and excreted unchanged in the urine and bile. Nurofen tablets should not be taken in early pregnancy and in the last trimester. Any use of Nurofen should be supervised by a doctor, and if side effects occur, the drug should be discarded.

Nurofen Express

Nurofen Express during pregnancy is used as an analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent. In the first and second trimester, the drug is used with extreme caution, and in the third trimester, any medication should be abandoned. Nurofen Express is used for headache and toothache, for the treatment of muscle spasms and neuralgia. The peculiarity of Nurofen Express is that it has a convenient form of release, quickly and effectively affects the body.

Children's Nurofen

Children's Nurofen during pregnancy is a drug, the active ingredient of which is ibuprofen. Children's Nurofen is a citrus-flavored suspension that children and adults like very much. The composition of the drug does not include dyes, alcohol or sugar, so it does not adversely affect the body of a pregnant woman or the body of a baby.

The drug is recommended to be taken in inflammatory processes in the body, high temperature, pain in the ears, toothache, sore throat, inflammation of the lymph nodes, bruises, sprains and fractures. The action of the drug begins 15-20 minutes after ingestion and lasts about 5-7 hours. But, please note that the dosage of children's Nurofen is calculated depending on the weight of the baby. This suggests that taking the minimum dose of children's Nurofen during pregnancy may not affect the woman, so taking it is impractical.

The use of nurofen during pregnancy in the 1st trimester

Nurofen during pregnancy in the 1st trimester is not recommended for use. Since it is in the first trimester that the laying of the vital organs of the child is carried out. That is why taking painkillers during this period of pregnancy is prohibited. Please note that the active substance in Nurofen is ibuprofen, but this substance is a separate drug. This drug is forbidden to be taken during pregnancy, but Nurofen's instructions indicate that it can be taken during pregnancy. But ibuprofen during pregnancy in the 1st trimester can cause a miscarriage, and hence Nurofen.

In any case, taking antibiotics during pregnancy, and especially in the first trimester, should be monitored by a gynecologist. A woman must comply with the dosage of the prescribed drug and the time of admission.

Nurofen during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester

Nurofen during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester can only be used for vital signs. In the second trimester, the placenta is already fully formed, so taking antibiotics cannot adversely affect the development of the child. But you can take Nurofen only on the advice of a doctor.

If the pregnancy proceeds with complications and there is a threat of miscarriage, then it is better to refuse Nurofen and any other antibiotics. In this case, the treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases carried out by safe methods of traditional medicine.

Nurofen during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester

Nurofen during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester is strictly prohibited for use. This categoricalness is explained by the fact that the drug can affect the contractile activity of the uterus and cause premature birth. But some women after taking Nurofen overstayed their pregnancy and had complications during childbirth.

Nurofen should not be taken while breastfeeding. Since the drug passes through breast milk into the unprotected body of the child. If there is a need to take Nurofen in the last trimester of pregnancy, it is recommended to replace it with safer antibiotics.

Nurofen in early pregnancy

Nurofen is not recommended during early pregnancy. But the opinions of doctors about this drug differ, so some argue that it is possible for pregnant women, but in small doses, others are categorically against Nurofen. Treatment with Nurofen in the early stages of pregnancy can lead to serious pathologies in the development of the child. In addition, the drug can cause miscarriage.

If you still decide to take this drug, then you need to weigh the pros and cons and familiarize yourself with the possible side effects. Due to the intake of Nurofen, there may be digestive tract disorders, dizziness, nausea, hearing impairment and other painful symptoms. Therefore, the drug should be allowed and monitored by a doctor.

Nurofen during pregnancy is a very controversial drug, the use of which is questionable. On the one hand, the drug effectively fights inflammatory processes in the body, and on the other hand, it is dangerous for the normal development of the unborn child and endangers pregnancy. Therefore, the use of Nurofen should be prescribed by a doctor and only if the benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the baby.

For a pregnant woman, the expectation of a future child is reverent and long-awaited. She starts new look life, a more reverent and careful attitude towards oneself. Trying to eat right, walk on fresh air, work less and rest more, do not take pills that are undesirable during childbearing. However, a headache cannot be avoided for nine months, as well as a high temperature, especially if there is a flu epidemic. ARVI diseases, severe headache, fever are undesirable during pregnancy. They can be dangerous for a growing and developing fetus. However, both pain and temperature must be eliminated. The most commonly prescribed Nurofen, aka Ibuprofen.

What is Nurofen? It is an analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drug. The effect is reached in three hours after its acceptance. Most often, Nurofen is prescribed in tablets - either coated or effervescent. The coated tablets are washed down with liquid, and the effervescent tablets are dissolved in a glass of water before meals. The dosage of Nurofen is 200 mg 3-4 times a day.

Can pregnant women take Nurofen? There is no single answer. In general, it can be accepted. However, it is not known what it will result in in the future. Taking Nurofen increases the risk of genital disorders in boys. He is also a threat to girls. The annotation to this drug only says that it can be used during the gestation period only when the possible benefit to the woman outweighs the possible risk to the baby. You can use this drug only in the first and second trimester, and in the third trimester it is strictly forbidden. This prohibition is due to the fact that Nurofen helps to reduce the work of the uterus, which can cause premature birth.

Here's what's interesting: Ibuprofen should not be used during the first three months of gestation. In the future, it can be used in treatment, subject to the consultation of a doctor. Recall that Ibuprofen and Nurofen are the same drug. The threat of miscarriage exists not only in the first and third trimesters.

As for NurofenPlus, it should not be taken during pregnancy. This is indicated in black and white in the instructions for its use. Please note that it should not be taken during lactation. It means that it turns out: it is impossible for newborn babies, but in the womb - this is at the discretion of the mother.

Like any other drug, Nurofen has a large number of side effects to be aware of. The digestive system suffers from such symptoms: vomiting, anorexia, nausea, diarrhea, heartburn, epigastric discomfort, irritation, abdominal pain, ulcers on the gums, pain and dryness in the oral mucosa, aphthous stomatitis, hepatitis, ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract , constipation. Central nervous system: insomnia, headache, depression, dizziness, confusion, agitation, hearing loss, drowsiness, aseptic meningitis - it is rare, and occurs in people with autoimmune diseases. Urinary system: acute renal failure, cystitis, nephrotic syndrome, polyuria and allergic nephritis. Organs of vision: irritation and dryness of the eyes, toxic optic neuritis, swelling of the eyelids and conjunctiva, diplopia. Cardiovascular system: tachycardia, heart failure, increased blood pressure. Allergic reactions: itching, angioedema, fever, skin rash, anaphylactic shock, urticaria, allergic rhinitis, anaphylactoid reactions, Lyell's syndrome, erythma multiforme exudative, eosinophilia. Respiratory system: shortness of breath and bronchospasm.

In addition, increased sweating, blurred vision and bleeding.

Experts say that such side effects occur only if you take this drug for a long time. But why take risks for a pregnant woman who becomes very suspicious during the period of gestation, which is quite natural: it is important for her to bear a fetus and give birth to a healthy baby. If you have consulted with a doctor and he allows you to take this drug without any fear, then remember those contraindications and what drugs it can be combined with and with which it cannot. It's best not to get sick. However, is it possible. If you want to be treated folk remedies then also be careful. Sometimes they can harm your health and the health of your baby. So be on the lookout and watch what you eat and drink. We advise you to think only about the good!

Author of the publication: Margarita Shiryaeva

It would be great if, while carrying a baby, the expectant mother would feel great, without facing a headache and any other pain. However, in reality this does not happen. During the gestation period, all the forces of the body are directed to bearing the baby, so resistance to infections decreases. With fever, fever and pain, Nurofen may be prescribed during pregnancy.

Everyone knows that most drugs should not be taken during pregnancy. But getting sick at this time is extremely harmful, because the poor health of the mother is reflected in the baby. In no case do not prescribe drugs for yourself, be sure to consult a gynecologist.

Description of the drug

The drug belongs to the group of non-steroidal medicines that have an anti-inflammatory effect. Taking the drug quickly relieves pain, relieves inflammation, and eliminates fever. The active ingredient of the product is ibuprofen. Can I take it during pregnancy or not? This substance is included in a small list that is approved for use if the instructions for use are followed.

Advice! There is evidence that the drug not only stops inflammation, but also stimulates the production of interferons, increasing the body's resistance to bacteria and viruses.

When taking the drug inside, the active substance penetrates into the blood within an hour. But if you take the remedy with food, then the digestibility time doubles.


The use of Nurofen during pregnancy can be prescribed for the following pathologies:

  • rheumatoid pathologies - rheumatism, osteoarthritis, arthritis, etc.;
  • febrile conditions with colds, infections, temperature;
  • pain syndromes and pain during pregnancy associated with damage to the peripheral nervous system;
  • from toothache;
  • from a headache.


Pharmacies may offer several different forms of the drug, so if the doctor prescribes Nurofen or Nurofen Express during pregnancy, you need to clarify which form is best for you. The choice of form is carried out depending on the type of disease and the individual characteristics of the organism.

Gel (ointment)

The gel is prescribed for joint and muscle pain, as well as for neuralgic diseases. You can use the gel for sprains and bruises. The gel eliminates pain, helps relieve inflammation.

100 grams of the drug contains 5 grams of ibuprofen. Gel and ointment differ only in the main one, in the gel it is water, and in the ointment it is fatty. Nurofen gel during pregnancy is absolutely safe for the woman herself and her baby. Therefore, if necessary, you can use the gel even in the early stages.


This is a children's version of the drug, it can be used to treat babies from the age of 3 months and for women in position, including in the early stages. One suppository contains 60 mg of the main ingredient (ibuprofen).

You can use children's Nurofen in the form of suppositories with a mild headache or toothache, with pain in the ears or throat. Children's Nurofen is also chosen in the case when taking pills or drinking syrup is inconvenient for some reason. For example, with nausea, which often torments expectant mothers in the first trimester.


This is another children's version of the drug. Children's syrup includes:

  • ibuprofen (5 mg per 100 ml suspension);
  • maltitol syrup;
  • flavoring and aromatic additives;
  • water.

Advice! On sale you can find children's syrup with orange or strawberry flavor. There is also a children's form in tablets with a sweet shell.

Nurofen in syrup during pregnancy can be used, including in the first trimester, to relieve pain caused by any reason. You can drink children's Nurofen in a feverish state. The dosage is selected individually, most often, it is recommended to drink syrup 15 ml three times a day. But, perhaps, a doctor can prescribe a different treatment regimen.

Advice! Syrup and other children's forms contain half the active ingredient than tablets intended for adults. Therefore, in the first trimester, it is recommended to choose syrup or suppositories.


Nurofen comes in several varieties. In addition to the basic one, you can see forms with names:

  • Forte;
  • Express;
  • Plus.

Let's figure out what is the difference between the drugs and which of them can be taken to eliminate pain during pregnancy. Normal Nurofen and the drug marked "Express" contain 200 mg of the active substance. The Forte option includes a double dose of the active substance, that is, 400 mg.

The difference between these three forms is that regular Nurofen and the Forte variant are tablets, while Express is a drug with liquid content. Due to the fact that the liquid drug enters the bloodstream faster, the drug in capsules begins to work much faster, approximately 15 minutes after ingestion.

Precautionary measures

Nurofen can not be taken by everyone, there are a number of contraindications to taking the drug. This:

  • intolerance to the ingredients of the product;
  • insufficiency of kidney and liver functions;
  • heart failure;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • in the form of a syrup, the drug is contraindicated in diabetes.

So, Nurofen is one of the few drugs that can be taken by pregnant women. But, of course, the reception should not be uncontrolled. Nurofen during pregnancy should be prescribed by a doctor. Women should remember that the drug is contraindicated in the third trimester.
