Why should a pregnant woman eat dill. Dill water for nursing and pregnant

Dill is a familiar plant that is actively used in cooking. Fragrant greens perfectly complement salads, soups and other dishes. It is valued not only for its taste, but also for its rich vitamin composition. Some expectant mothers early dates note an unusual craving for this seasoning, but is dill always useful during pregnancy?

Even such a useful product should be consumed in moderation. In addition, there are situations when pregnant women eat dill and it is not at all desirable. Consider the positive and negative properties of this plant, as well as the features of its application.

Dill is actively used in folk medicine. And this is not surprising, because the plant contains many vitamins (A, C, E, B), useful acids and minerals.

With regular use, dill has the following effects on the body:

  • normalizes the work of the digestive tract;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • reduces vomiting;
  • improves kidney function;
  • beneficial effect on the nervous system.

It also normalizes the functioning of the liver, eliminates the stagnation of bile in the body. There is also a vasodilating effect of dill, which relieves headaches.

It is almost impossible to harm yourself with this spice. The exception is the excessive consumption of dill (more than one medium-sized bunch per day). In this case, severe nausea and dizziness may occur.

The abuse of dill is highly discouraged for pregnant women who have been diagnosed with a threatened preterm birth. A large amount of this greenery can stimulate labor activity. In ancient times, this feature of dill was even used by midwives during obstetrics.

Another hidden threat lurks in insufficiently washed plant shoots. Any garden greens (even self-grown ones) can contain helminth eggs, E. coli and other dangerous microorganisms.

Therefore, in order to protect yourself, before using dill, it must be thoroughly washed and in no case should it be eaten directly from the garden.

Why use dill during pregnancy?

In what situations can greens and dill seeds during pregnancy be of real benefit? From a very early date, this greenery becomes an assistant to the expectant mother. At the beginning of pregnancy, the use of dill helps to reduce nausea, prevent vomiting during toxicosis, and improve appetite. At this stage, it is recommended to use fresh dill, adding it to food.

Starting from the second half of pregnancy, many women are concerned about swelling. Due to the diuretic action, dill decoction removes excess fluid from the body, alleviating the condition.

If the expectant mother has a cold, this is also a reason to use the "green helper". Dill relieves the symptoms of acute respiratory infections (sore throat, cough), promotes sputum discharge and bronchial cleansing.

Violation of the digestive tract (constipation, gases, intestinal colic) is a frequent companion of pregnant women. In such a situation, a decoction of dill will be the most harmless remedy. By the way, it is also recommended for nursing mothers to improve lactation and prevent colic in the baby.

Dill water will be useful for headaches and insomnia. Unlike medications, such a tool will not have a negative impact on the unborn child and will make life easier for mom.


Dill during pregnancy is a safe and natural cure for many ailments that plague expectant mothers. For medicinal purposes, you can use green shoots, seeds and decoction. How to use fresh or dried dill depends only on the preferences of the woman, but the use of the plant in other forms has become the basis of several recipes and has its own characteristics.

Decoction and infusion of greens

Infusion and decoction of dill during pregnancy are used for edema, for diseases of the genitourinary system, constipation, nausea, and bloating. They can also be used to stimulate the onset of labor if a woman is overweight. Prepare and use them as follows:

  1. A decoction for inflammation of the kidneys and urinary tract. It should be poured 1 tbsp. l. dill seeds with a glass of boiling water and put on a slow fire for 10 minutes. The finished broth is filtered and drunk warm three times a day, 100 ml each. The tool should be used in the complex therapy of the disease and only after the approval of the attending physician.
  2. Infusion for edema and incipient gestosis. Dill seeds are poured into a thermos at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. for 200 ml of boiling water. The remedy is insisted for 6 hours, then taken three times a day, 1 tbsp. l.
  3. Decoction to stimulate childbirth. For cooking, you need to take 2 tbsp. l. chopped dry or fresh herbs and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over them. Next, the product is placed in a water bath for 30 minutes. After removing and cooling the decoction, they drink 200 ml every 2 hours until contractions appear. The method does not give a 100% guarantee and is not suitable for everyone; before using it, you should consult a gynecologist.

Dill should be treated with caution. Decoctions and infusions are contraindicated in low blood pressure and cholelithiasis.

Dill seeds

Dill seed during pregnancy can not only be the basis for the preparation of decoctions, but also be used in dried form. It is recommended to reduce pressure, reduce the manifestations of toxicosis, and also as a laxative.

With bouts of nausea, adherents of traditional medicine advise expectant mothers to chew dill seeds until they disappear. unpleasant symptoms. In addition, they can be added to baked goods and used in ground form as a seasoning for dishes.

This is especially true if, due to edema, a woman is prescribed a salt-free diet. Food sprinkled with crushed seeds will not seem so bland, but at the same time contribute to the outflow of excess fluid.

Dill is an almost indispensable product in the menu of a future mother. Its reasonable use excludes the possibility of undesirable consequences, but still it is necessary to put into practice any of the recipes described above under the supervision of the attending physician.

Useful video: dill in traditional medicine

Any woman in an interesting position knows that she is supposed to eat properly and fully so that the child receives all the substances necessary for development. But the concept proper nutrition during pregnancy is very different from the usual diet.

After all, what in ordinary life is extremely useful can harm mother and child. Therefore, trying to saturate dishes with any ingredient, find out more information about it. Sometimes a harmless and even seemingly useful product can turn out to be dangerous. For example, everyone knows how useful greens are, which pregnant women, for obvious reasons, try to lean on. Yes, putting more parsley, cilantro and dill in the salad is not harmful. But it is harmful to abuse any particular kind of greens. Many mothers have heard about the miraculous properties of dill. He's out of trouble gastrointestinal tract helps, not for nothing that even babies from colic are given dill water. Many have heard that it will alleviate toxicosis, and will help to calm loosened nerves.

So, is dill safe for pregnant women? In reality, as always, it is not so simple. Yes, dill, like its closest relative fennel, are sources of useful substances: nicotinic and folic acids, iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium. They contain a lot of vitamins, A and C, group B, essential oil, pectin, flavonoids, mineral salts.

Dill not only promotes the establishment of digestion processes, stimulates peristalsis, reduces gas formation and putrefactive processes, but also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver, cardiovascular and hematopoietic systems. Dill is prescribed as a diuretic, carminative, vasodilator, choleretic, expectorant, bactericidal agent for many diseases.

During pregnancy, dill contributes to the fact that the fetus develops and grows better. He can take off headache and toxic nausea in the mother. With the help of dill, you can solve the problem of bloating that is relevant for pregnant women. It will help remove excess fluid, and therefore prevent swelling, calm down, fall asleep, lower blood pressure. It would seem, how can you expect something harmful to be in this grass? Yes, against the background of the above annotation, the question of whether dill is possible for pregnant women seems even inappropriate. You can eat dill, you can add it to salads, soups, and even just sometimes chew a few branches. Another thing is if, succumbing to a pregnant whim or excessive zeal, you start eating it in bunches. Everything is good, as you know, in moderation. In addition, this abuse is fraught with the fact that dill will open its other side, which is unsafe for pregnant women. In large quantities, dill exhibits abilities that its decoction is usually capable of. A decoction of dill during pregnancy is dangerous, as it can cause miscarriage and even premature birth. And, although some women praise a decoction of dill as a remedy for toxicosis, it’s still not worth the risk. At least for those who already have an increased tone of the uterus.

As soon as a woman becomes pregnant, she seeks to saturate her own body with fresh and healthy vegetables and fruits in order to ensure the intake of nutrients she needs during this period. In her diet, there is a must-have greens, in which the dill, which is familiar to us, occupies a leading position.

Sometimes a pregnant woman really wants dill (if you don’t eat it, then at least inhale its aroma). A pregnant woman consumes this herb fresh, makes various drinks from it, adds it to dishes, and it happens that she tries to solve her health problems with it. But, is it possible to often use dill while waiting for the baby?

Useful properties of dill

Dill has a positive effect on all human organs and systems, namely:

  1. Digestive system. Dill normalizes the processes in the digestive system, prevents strong formation of gases and colic - this has a positive effect on a woman in position. It also maintains the intestinal microflora in a stable state, prevents and removes putrefactive processes and fermentation, which are caused by excess protein in the body, inflammation in the intestines, a change in the secretory function in the gastrointestinal tract, or a woman's prolonged stay in depression or stress.
  2. Useful substances that are in spices have a positive effect on the functioning of the liver.
  3. In the initial period, this herb helps a woman in a position to relieve nausea, toxicosis and morning sickness.
  4. Eating dill in the second half of pregnancy, a woman gets rid of such problems as preeclampsia, intestinal obstruction, high blood pressure.
  5. The nutritional elements of this spice have a diuretic, choleretic, bactericidal effect, and help in dilating blood vessels.

It turns out that this is an ordinary herb that is on every garden bed, it is very necessary for the stable operation of all the vital organs of a woman. Officially recognized by medicine - dill is a healing herb. Boils and rinses on dill are often recommended by doctors to women in position, as it is a cure for many diseases.

Spice in the fight against edema

For pregnant women who suffer from swelling, the spice is of some value, as it has a pronounced diuretic effect. To remove excess fluid from the body, the spice must be brewed and drunk instead of tea or broth.

Dill to increase appetite in a pregnant woman

At the initial stage of pregnancy, due to changes in the level of hormones in the body, a woman practically does not want to eat anything. Her taste preferences change, she is afraid to eat her favorite dishes because of the onset of nausea or toxicosis. To increase appetite, add dill to the dish - this will give it a pleasant smell and freshness.

If a pregnant woman tolerates dill well, then you can season the meat broth with spice and drink it when you really don’t want to eat anything at all. This simple dish will give a woman strength and support the body during this difficult period of her life.

Spice in the fight against colds

If pregnancy occurs in the cold season, when the level of colds increases, then dill can be used as a remedy for viruses and harmful microbes.

When coughing or inflammation of the larynx, the spice must be used, as it has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect.

To protect against gestosis that occurs on later dates pregnancy, or for its treatment at an early stage, doctors recommend using dill seed tinctures and decoctions or adding grass seed powder as a seasoning to various dishes.

If dill powder can be seasoned with dishes, then things are more difficult with broth: in order for broth to have a positive effect, proportions must be observed when preparing it. To properly prepare the broth, you need to: brew two tablespoons of dried dill seeds in a glass of boiling water, let the composition brew for at least six hours in a thermos. You need to drink one spoonful twice a day.


The spice is a safe and natural cure for many diseases that often plague a pregnant woman. For treatment, it is allowed to use green shoots, seeds and broth. How to use the spice in dried or fresh form depends only on the desire of the woman, but the use of dill in other forms formed the basis of some recipes, and has its own characteristics.

Boil and tincture of dill
A decoction or tincture while waiting for a baby is used by women as a means of combating puffiness, with diseases of the genitourinary system, intestinal obstruction, toxicosis, and gas formation. At the same time, they can be used as a labor simulator if a woman is overdue.

Prepare and drink them as follows:

  1. A decoction in diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system. It is necessary to pour a spoonful of dill seeds into 250 ml of boiling water and put on a small fire for about ten minutes. Filter the prepared broth and take 100 grams three times a day. The broth should be used in combination with the treatment prescribed by the doctor and only with his consent.
  2. A broth that stimulates the birth process. To prepare it, you need to chop dry or fresh dill to make two tablespoons, and pour liters of hot water on the floor. Place the container in a water bath for half an hour. Then remove the broth, let it cool. And drink it 200 grams every 2 hours until the onset of contractions. This technique does not give an absolute guarantee that childbirth will occur, and is not suitable for all women. Before using it, you should consult a specialist.

It is necessary to carry out treatment with this spice very carefully. There are contraindications for the use of decoctions and tinctures.

Harm from dill during pregnancy

Many pregnant women question about harmful properties dill is not even considered as such. They tried it on themselves. beneficial features, because of this, and do not want to hear about the possible negative consequences of its consumption. At the same time, many doctors not only do not prohibit, but also actively advise the use of dill to solve health problems. However, in each case, in particular, if it refers to the health of the expectant mother, one must adhere to the commandment: “Do no harm!”. Even in super useful products, a certain part of the harm is hidden.

There is a negative impact with excessive consumption of healthy products. Taking very large portions of even the most harmless food will never lead to good.

The spice contains 1/3 or even more of all the chemical elements of the periodic table. Taking a significant amount of dill will have a negative effect and can cause vomiting, nausea, dizziness, a decline in vitality, and in some situations it can cause premature birth.

Because of this, you need to be very careful! The benefits of this wonderful spice can only be obtained if you adhere to moderation in consumption.

Video: useful properties and contraindications of dill

Due to the diuretic properties inherent in this plant, dill during pregnancy from edema helps almost all expectant mothers whose body cannot cope with the increased volume of fluid. At the same time, you can solve such a problem as stagnation of bile in the liver, imbalance of intestinal microflora, intestinal colic, constipation and flatulence during pregnancy.

Moreover, if for vitaminization you need to eat fresh dill, then dried seeds (Fructus Anethi) should be used for edema and constipation. Given the powerful bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties of dill flavonoids and terpenes, dill can be used in the same way for cystitis during pregnancy.

What is better to cook: a decoction of dill during pregnancy or an infusion? More useful substances will be preserved if, with problems with the intestines or bladder prepare an infusion of dill during pregnancy, that is, do without the boiling process. A glass of boiling water will require a dessert spoon (or a tablespoon without a slide) of dry seeds. In a tightly closed container, the seeds filled with soft boiling water must be kept until the temperature of the infusion drops (about 40 minutes), and then filtered.

How to drink dill during pregnancy? Phytotherapeutists recommend taking 100 ml of dill infusion - once or twice a day, half an hour before meals.

Is it possible to have dill during pregnancy?

After all that has been said about the benefits of this spice-flavoring plant, we cannot pass over in silence those substances in its composition that should convince pregnant women not to get involved in the use of dill infusion.

Firstly, due to the high content of magnesium (more than 250 mg per 100 g of dry seeds), dill helps to lower blood pressure, so it is contraindicated with low blood pressure.

Secondly, the flavonoid kaempferol, which contains almost 13 mg per 100 g of dill, reduces the absorption of iron, and if a woman takes iron-containing drugs prescribed for anemia, then you should not drink dill infusion. In addition, biochemists have discovered the ability of this flavonoid to inhibit the production of a special protein, VEGF, an endothelial growth factor necessary for the formation of the vascular system of the embryo.

Dill seed contains isoestagol (a derivative of propenylbenzene) anethole, which has all the properties of phytosterols. True, in dill there are six times less phytosterols than in sesame seeds, and four times less than in sunflower seeds, but almost the same as in legumes (beans and soybeans). But extra hormones, even if plant ones, are completely useless for pregnant women ...

The phenolic ether myristicin contained in dill seeds (which repels pests from dill beds) has not only bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties, but in case of an overdose it can cause hallucinations. But umbelliferon, which relieves spasms of smooth muscles, with excessive use of a decoction of dill seed can catch up with depression.

You may not need dill during pregnancy, in the sense of its seeds, but in traditional medicine it is often used after the birth of a child - to increase breast milk production.

By the way, the Journal of Herbal Medicine recently published a report from a study conducted by specialists from the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery of the University of Medical Sciences in Tehran, according to which dill seeds facilitate childbirth and reduce the intensity of pain that accompanies natural delivery.

Dill water is an effective and cheap drug that will help to cope with gastrointestinal problems. You can use a specially purchased drug in a pharmacy, or you can cook it yourself from dill seeds.

Indications for use

The drug is symptomatic, as it helps to alleviate the condition of an adult and an infant during the formation of the digestive tract. The tool is indicated for use in order to improve bowel function and facilitate the passage of gases.

The composition of the drug

The main component of preparations from dill water is fennel (pharmacy dill) and purified water.

Medicinal properties

Dill water helps prevent problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in a nursing mother, which can be expressed indigestion, flatulence, constipation or colitis. With a poor stay of milk, you can quickly normalize lactation with this drink. The water itself contains a large number of necessary vitamins for the child and helps to maintain the work of his immunity.

Dill water can get rid of colic and prevent their occurrence, it fights constipation in a child and has a sedative effect, helping the baby fall asleep faster. Therefore, her intake of breastfeeding will benefit not only her, but also the child.

Fennel will relieve spasms of smooth muscles and facilitate the process of gas discharge. At the same time, the work of the entire digestive system improves, and an antimicrobial effect is also noted.

Mode of application

How to make dill water

Naturally, it is easier to buy a ready-made solution at a pharmacy, but to save money, you can prepare it yourself - the main thing is to know how many seeds to use. There are two main methods of preparation:

  1. Pour a teaspoon of plant seeds with 200 ml of boiling water, let it brew in a closed container for 1 hour, only then drink.
  2. Recipe for cooking in a water bath. Pour the seeds with hot water and hold for 30 minutes in a water bath. At the end, the infusion must be filtered and drunk.


If possible, it is recommended to drink dill water to a nursing mother, and not to a child, since the drug can provoke an allergic reaction. To prevent allergies, you should also not violate the doses recommended in the instructions.

Dill during pregnancy

During pregnancy, dill will allow the fetus to develop better and grow properly. It helps to improve the health of the expectant mother, because it fights nausea and headaches, normalizes sleep and calms, reduces high blood pressure, and helps with bloating. All of these signs often haunt pregnant women.

Fennel will help remove excess fluid from the body of a woman in position. It contains a large number of substances necessary for pregnancy: folic acid, potassium and calcium, nicotinic acid, iron, phosphorus, etc. In addition, dill is rich in vitamins B, C and A, various essential oils and pectins.

Fennel is a low-calorie and vitamin-rich plant, which is characterized by the absence of contraindications, therefore, dill water often becomes an indispensable tool for both pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as for babies.
