Lunar birthday. Forecast for a lunar day Guardian Angel 9 lunar days

Time to take care of protection from the evil eye and damage

9 lunar day - unfavorable, even dangerous

And, most likely, when they come, you will immediately feel it. Unreasonable anxiety, nervousness, irritability and fears that do not have objective reasons, headache- this is an incomplete list of unpleasant phenomena accompanying the 9 lunar day.

There are five unfavorable, dangerous days in the lunar month (9th, 19th, 23rd, 26th, 29th). And although each of them has its own specifics, they affect our state of mind, well-being and life in exactly the same way: these days we feel bad, and we suffer all sorts of failures. There are no mystical "otherworldly" reasons for this. The fact is that during these periods the position that the Moon occupies relative to the Earth and the Sun causes powerful gravitational perturbations. Sharp fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, the Earth's electromagnetic field, air temperature and humidity, wind strength and direction begin.

And since our body lives in the same rhythm with the Cosmos, it reacts to changing external conditions by changing brain activity and work. internal organs and systems; the process of cleansing from everything superfluous, unnecessary begins, the internal energy weakens. We, instead of reducing the load, continue to lead a normal life. And the body on such days simply does not have the strength for this. Hence failures, conflicts, frustrated plans, poor health.

Today's 9 lunar days are associated with damage and the evil eye. These days we are the most vulnerable. Today you need to lay low: do not make plans, do not start new business, postpone, if possible, making responsible decisions, do not borrow or lend money, do not get carried away shopping - there is a great risk of wasting money or losing. Agree, in the end, saving will also help you get closer to your money dream, at least not move away from it. But the primary task on the 9th lunar day is to protect yourself from the evil eye and damage.

What is damage and evil eye?

The concepts of the evil eye and damage are perceived by many with distrust, they seem to be something unreal, a fairy tale from a grandmother's chest. Nevertheless, these are quite real phenomena. The evil eye and corruption are, first of all, envy and malice. The difference between these concepts is that the evil eye occurs involuntarily, while damage is intentional. For example, a person radiating "evil" energy can jinx it with a look, a word, or even a thought, as they say, rashly, not on purpose: he, as it were, splashes out a charge of negative energy. And if security measures are not taken, a clot of negative psychic energy will penetrate into the astral body of the “victim”. That is, the evil eye is nothing more than a blow to our biofield. Its result is a short-term recording of negative information by the body's aquatic environment.

The consequences of the evil eye are not dangerous, but not very pleasant either. It can give rise to a series of minor failures (a computer broke down, a wallet was pulled out, a bag was pulled out of the hands, shortchanged, slandered, etc.), causeless fears, an outburst of aggression, sleep disturbance, or vice versa, excessive drowsiness, headache, depression, increased fatigue. The evil eye cannot lead to serious violations of health and fate, because it is sent unconsciously, without the intention of causing harm.

But damage is a conscious action of a not respectable person, which entails very serious consequences. In this case, the aquatic environment of the body remembers the information for a long time. Damage usually appears within a month after induction. A person begins to feel ever-increasing weakness, sleeps poorly, his health deteriorates, protracted problems with money, work or personal life begin, which have no logical explanation. They cause damage with the help of special magical rites. But if the person causing damage is a strong, strong-willed person, with powerful personal energy, then no rite is required. It is enough for him “with all his heart” to wish you evil at the moment when you are energetically weakened, and that’s it – the job is done.

Fortunately, damage is a phenomenon, although more serious than the evil eye, but also much rarer. First of all, because few can send damage. On dangerous lunar days, it is easiest to get the evil eye and damage, since our internal energy is weakening. To avoid these troubles, today, before leaving the house, you need to install protection, and upon returning home, clean up.

Water against spoilage and the evil eye on the 9th lunar day

A guaranteed way to avoid the evil eye or corruption is to spend the day at home. So if possible, take a break, do things that do not require stress. Try, as far as possible, to limit contacts, not only with people, but also with means. mass media. Refrain from watching and listening to the news, reading newspapers. If communication is unavoidable, try to contact only those you are sure of. If you need to go somewhere or receive guests, drink the charmed water (melt water is preferable to protect against damage and the evil eye). Since the evil eye and spoilage are fixed by the aquatic environment of the body, it is water with a protective formula embedded in it that most reliably protects against them. Then the body simply will not perceive negative information, it will not be recorded, will not be fixed in its aquatic environment.

Monastic protective formula

Fill a glass with melted water, throw a pinch of salt into the water and cross the water with a burning church candle with the words:

Jesus Christ is in front, the Mother of God is above me, the guardian angel is behind me, the angels are on the sides, there is no way for enemies!

Cross the water and say protective formula need three times. Then drink water.

Protective plot for water and coal

Throw a birch ember into a glass of water (if there is no ember, light a match and, while it burns, break off the burnt part three times and throw the pieces into the water). Then read the plot three times over the water:

I will get up, a servant of God (name), blessed, go out of the hut, cross myself, go out of the yard into an open field, put on a cloud, gird myself with the dawn of the morning, hundred in the young month, I will be hidden by clear stars from prize-winners, from mowing, from reproaches, from fears , from turmoil, from an oncoming, from a sharp eye, from a black eye and from a white one, from a sorcerer and from a sorceress, from a sorcerer and from a sorceress, from all dashing creatures, from their own and from strangers, from a stooped and hunchbacked one, from an old man and old women, from the black and blue, from the simple-haired girl, and from the white-headed woman, and from everyone on the road they meet, comprehend, look, envy.

God’s creatures cannot be recognized by any born person, the clouds cannot be opened, not unlocked, the young of the month cannot be pushed away, the frequent stars cannot be beaten, the morning dawn cannot be crossed with an ax, so I, the servants of God (name), cannot jinx anyone, do not spoil, do not mutilate , century by century. Which words are forgotten, bydushye, be my words all fully negotiated, every day, every hour, without hesitation, recklessly from now on and forever. The sky is the key. The earth is a castle. Amen.

Sprinkle yourself crosswise with this water, drink the rest.

Protective plot for water and salt

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water. Then burn three matches in turn, baptizing water with them and throwing them into a glass. After that, a conspiracy is read three times over the water:

I help, the servant of God (name), from all sorrows and from evil people, from the white eye, from the black, from the brown, from the blue, from the male, from the female, from the child. Bad thought, go into the wind, the wind into the stone, the stone into the water. Be my words strong, stronger than a damask knife. I close my words with a lock, I throw the key under the white-flammable stone Alatyr. Like castles have strong bows, so my words are molded. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Sprinkle yourself crosswise with this water, drink the rest of the water.

Protective psalm

Fill a glass with melt water, throw a pinch of salt into the water, cross the water with a burning church candle and read the 90th psalm:

He who lives under the roof of the Most High rests under the shadow of the Almighty. He says to the Lord: “My refuge and my protection, my God, in whom I trust!” He will deliver you from the snare of the hunter, from the deadly sore. He will overshadow you with his feathers, and under his wings you will be safe; a shield and a fence are His truth. You will not be afraid of terrors in the night, of an arrow flying by day, of a plague that walks in darkness, of a pestilence that devastates at noon. A thousand will fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but won't come close to you. Only you will look with your eyes and see the retribution of the wicked.

For you said, "The Lord is my hope"; You have chosen the Most High as your refuge. Evil will not happen to you and the plague will not come near your dwelling. For he will command his angels about you to guard you in all your ways. They will carry you in their hands, lest you strike your foot against a stone. You will step on an asp and a basilisk; you will trample on the lion and the dragon. “Because he loved Me, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my name. He will call to Me, and I will hear him; I am with him in sorrow; I will deliver him and glorify him; I will satisfy him with length of days, and I will show him my salvation.”

What should be done in the evening on the 9th lunar day?

In the evening, if you suddenly feel something is wrong, you will find signs of someone else's energy-informational interference - it can be a headache, attacks of fear, increased fatigue or irritability, excessive drowsiness, sudden mood swings, exacerbation chronic diseases- carry out the cleaning procedure. If you took action in the morning, none of this should be. Signs of the evil eye can appear in two cases: if negative information was initially present in the water that you coded for protection (this is excluded only in melt water) and if there is an insufficient degree of concentration during the reading of the conspiracy. The easiest way to cleanse is to take a bath with sea salt, water and salt will absorb the negative. Below are three more options - choose any. These rituals only remove the evil eye. Corruption is a serious matter, sometimes requiring not one, but several rites, and it must be removed on the waning moon, that is, after the full moon. Therefore, we will talk about how to diagnose it and how to get rid of this trouble later.

Washing with melt water on the 9th lunar day

Ablution is carried out before the main washing. Used for this melt or holy water.

Pour water into two basins, cross it. With water from one basin you wash the body, with water from the second basin - the head. You need to wash from the bottom up, starting from the feet (women start from the left, men from the right foot). Movements are also made from the bottom up. Then you wash the second leg, the front and back of the body, hands - they must be washed from the fingertips. During the bath, imagine that every movement washes away energy dirt from you. After finishing with the body, rinse the head with water from the second basin. Then you need to wash in the usual way - in the shower, with a washcloth and soap. The rite of washing ends with rinsing: you again pour melted or consecrated water into a basin and pour it over your head. You will immediately feel how refreshed, cleansed, freed from everything unnecessary.

Removing the evil eye with salt water

Fill a bowl with water (regular, not melted) at room temperature so that it reaches your ankles. Stand in a basin and throw a handful of salt into the water with your left hand - as much as you can take in your hand. Any salt will do - sea salt, table salt. Stand in the basin for about 10 minutes, imagining how all the bad things that have accumulated in you go into the water. Remember that salt draws out not only bad, but also good, so you don’t need to stand in the basin for more than 15 minutes. Hold a burning church candle in your left hand. It is impossible to extinguish a candle, it should burn out all, so cut off a small piece from it in advance, such that it lasts about 10 minutes.

Removing the evil eye with water, salt, charcoal and a crust of bread

Light a church candle. Pour water (preferably melted water) into a glass, throw a crust of bread into it and read the Our Father prayer once and the Song of the Most Holy Theotokos three times.

Song of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Virgin, rejoice, blessed Mary, the Lord is with you; Blessed are You in women and blessed is the fruit of Your womb, as if the Savior gave birth to our souls.

Read prayers with your soul, slowly and without being distracted by anything extraneous. Then throw a pinch of salt into the glass and read the prayers again: “Our Father” - once, the Song of the Most Holy Theotokos - three times. Then do the same by throwing a birch ember into the glass (if there is no ember, use a burnt match). This whole procedure must be repeated three times. At the end of it, drink three sips from the glass, then wash your face three times, from bottom to top, with your right hand. Pour the rest of the water down the sink.

Energetic cleansing of the house

On the 9th lunar day, your home also needs to be cleansed. After all, this is not just a room where you sleep, eat, where you come from work. The house is our extension. It absorbs the energy of your thoughts, feelings, emotions, moods, the energy of people who come to us. But not only the energy state of the house depends on you. Your health, psycho-emotional state and financial situation, in turn, depend on the house. If he has absorbed a lot of negative energy messages, they do not disappear anywhere and, in the form of clots of destructive energy, hover in the rooms, snipping off pieces from your happiness and well-being. That is why today, on the 9th lunar day, it is so important to take care of the health of the house. I will give you four ways to purify - with water, a magic broom, a candle and incense. Each of them has great magical power, I give a few methods only so that you can choose the most convenient for yourself.

Cleaning + energy cleansing on the 9th lunar day

This method of purification is combined with cleaning. More precisely, this is the most common cleaning, only a cleaning agent is added to the water:

  • a pinch of salt (sea or table)
  • rind removed from 2-3 lemons (before putting the rind in water, mash it with your hands)
  • or a mixture of apple cider vinegar (1 tablespoon) and
  • essential oil of fir, cedar or pine (10-12 drops).

Pick one. At the time of cleaning, you need to open the window so that the negative energy can leave (if it's cold outside, keep at least the window open). You can do without additives and clean with melt water. If you have the opportunity to prepare melt water in the amount necessary for cleaning, why not? Wash the floor. Sprinkle carpets with salt and vacuum them. Then slightly moisten a cloth in the prepared water and wipe all surfaces - windows, doors, furniture. Pour the rest of the water into all drains (bath, sink, toilet, sink in the kitchen).

During cleaning, it is desirable to imagine that along with dust and debris you are “erasing”, throwing out of the house all misfortunes, all failures, all ailments, including lack of money.

magic broom

The fact that a broom is not such a simple device as it seems at first glance, you probably guess yourself. After all, everyone remembers that witches in fairy tales used a broom as a means of transportation and stirred their potions with its shaft. In addition, the broom is used for cleaning the premises, that is, it initially carries a charge of cleansing energy. It is this property of hers that will interest us. Only we will use not an ordinary broom, which is in your kitchen, but a special, magical one. It is not difficult to make such a broom: you will need several birch branches - the energy of this tree has cleansing properties. The only downside this method cleansing is that it can not be used in winter.

1. Go outside and carefully cut off 3-5 birch branches. Be sure to thank the tree for its gift and leave a symbolic offering near its trunk - a coin, some grain, honey, milk or wine. Cover your gift with a handful of earth or a leaf.

2. Fold the branches together and tie them with cotton thread or rope. When you do this, think with concentration that this broom will sweep all the troubles and poverty out of your house.

3. Open windows or vents so that negative energy can escape.

4. With the resulting “broom”, symbolically sweep your house, imagining that you are sweeping out all the accumulated pathogenic energy. Revenge is needed towards the front door.

5. When you're done cleaning, take the broom out of the house.

Candle cleansing

A candle is a tool for transforming the energy of the surrounding space. It is generally accepted that the main thing in a candle is the flame. In fact, wax (paraffin) is more important - it has the ability to store energy charges. When we light a candle, there is a complete transformation of this charge. For cleansing, it is advisable to take a church wax candle or a white candle (white is the color of cleansing), although these are not mandatory conditions.

1. First, you need to transfer the energy charge of the house to the wax of the candle, that is, how to “charge the candle with the house”. Therefore, before you light a candle, you must hold it with both hands: your hands, like the whole body, bear the energy imprint of your home. Imagine that you transfer part of the energy of the house to the candle, and it becomes part of it.

9 lunar days. Candle cleansing.

2. Now light a candle - with this action, the process of transforming the energy of the house will begin. Go around the entire apartment with her around the perimeter, imagining how negative energy burns out. Hold the candle with both hands!

3. Go into every room, look into every corner. There should not be a single place in the house that is not lit by the cleansing flame of a candle. Do not forget about the bathroom, toilet, pantries, niches - they all need to be cleaned too. In darkened secluded places, harmful energy likes to hide - burn it. If in some place the candle crackled, smoked, linger there until the flame becomes even again.

4. Place a candle and let it burn out.

Fragrant cleansing on 9 lunar days

You are familiar with all the intricacies of conducting such a ritual (. Only earlier it was about herbs that attract money, and now we will be interested in cleansing herbs.

Has a cleansing effect:

initial letter,


9 lunar days. Herbal cleansing







Cleansing the house by fumigation differs in some nuances

First, it is necessary to open the windows during the ritual. Do not worry, the effect of this will not decrease: after all, our task is not to fill the house with aromas, but to drive away negative energy with their help. She'll leave through the windows.

And secondly, after you go around the house with the censer, do not extinguish it. Let the incense burn for an hour or two. When the smoke dries up, add more herbs. Just do not shake the ashes off the surface of the coal, otherwise the incense will begin to exude bad smell. Scrape off the rest of the incense with a spoon and only then put in a new batch. And, of course, as you remember, I strongly recommend preparing fragrant mixtures yourself.

Here are some recipes:

Incense for cleansing the house No. 1

3 parts incense

3 parts rosemary

2 parts thyme

1 part cedar or pine needles

Incense for cleansing the house No. 2

4 parts incense

2 parts cinnamon

1 part mint

1 part pine needles

Incense for cleansing the house No. 3

3 parts juniper berries

2 parts pine needles

1 part parsley or caps

1/2 part dill seeds

Incense to remove the evil eye

2 parts sandalwood (crush incense stick)

1 part bay leaves

This incense is lit in the evening on the 9th lunar day, after sunset. Use it if you feel like you've been jinxed. When you smoke incense, sit near the censer - the smoke should fall on you.

Express Cleansing

If you did not have time to get a censer - it does not matter. Essential oils and herbal infusions are at your service. Combine essential oil (8-10 drops) with ordinary water (about one third of a glass), pour into a spray bottle and spray around the apartment. Dispersed in the air, aromatic oils do not smell fragrant for a long time, but their effect lasts for a long time.

Pine, fir, anise, cedar, lemon, juniper, rosemary, lavender, eucalyptus and mint oils have a cleansing and protective effect. Those who do not stock up on essential oils can spray salted water or infusion of mint, eucalyptus or rosemary around the apartment in the same way (pour 1 tablespoon with a glass of boiling water, leave for 15–20 minutes, then strain).

I hope that the dangers that this day threatens will pass you by. To do this, remember, you need to protect yourself before leaving the house, and if you haven’t done this or suspect you have an evil eye, perform a purification ceremony. It will be great if your house is also cleansed. On the 9th lunar day, it is easy to get the evil eye, but it is also easy to get rid of it.

9 lunar day is one of the five most unfavorable and dangerous days of the lunar cycle. This is a time of illusions, deceptions, temptations, intrigues and intrigues. Be careful!

Symbol of the day bat, bat.

Why is the 9th lunar day considered difficult?

The ninth day is the first "hard" day in the lunar month. It is fraught with temptations, so be constantly on the alert. The "shadow" side of the human personality comes to the fore.

All vices, deeply hidden "black" thoughts and desires rise from the depths of the subconscious¹ and try to realize themselves at any cost.

This time is fraught with serious problems with far-reaching negative consequences. Numerous quarrels can arise, and completely from scratch.

You need to be careful in everything from crossing the street to using cutlery, because on this day the likelihood of injury and injury increases. It is advisable to limit contacts with unfamiliar people as much as possible: any of them can draw you into some kind of adventure.

If one correctly understands the nature of the ninth lunar day, then many misfortunes and tragedies can be avoided. During this period, karma unfolds²: the subconscious rhythms of a person are synchronized with the rhythms of lunar energy. As a result, a situation arises in which everything that you previously closed your eyes to comes out.

From the depths of your subconscious, all unresolved problems, unfulfilled promises, hatred, anger, resentment, etc. rise to the surface. You can be healed from this state if you do what should have been done a long time ago.

Remember: on the ninth day, nothing happens by chance. All our thoughts and actions are recorded in the astral plane in the form of certain matrices. And in the future, if we do not change anything in our lives (primarily in the spiritual sense), all these patterns return to us with a certain periodicity with a kind of reminder.

We are "treading water in the same place, because there is no way we can fill in the finished matrix." We constantly find ourselves in the same situations. And this despite the fact that we are required only once to solve the problem that has arisen, and not to run away from it, thinking that it "will resolve itself." It is better to show will, perseverance and determination once than to constantly return to the same topic.

9 lunar day - the day of healing karma

During this period, inspiration can visit a creative person, new thoughts, ideas, ideas for new creative projects can unexpectedly come. If so, that's a good sign.

This means that you have correctly untied the karmic knot, and the energy that he held back before has finally rushed in the right direction.

The same can be said about self-education. If you feel a craving for new knowledge, it means that you have freed yourself from some restrictions and the previously held back energy needs to be realized. Creativity and self-education are two similar processes, since they are characterized by concentration, openness to the new.

Try not to respond to comments about the quality of your work. In most cases on the ninth day they are unfair. Besides, this is not the best day to defend your opinion.

According to the Vedic lunar calendar, this day is perfect for starting a long journey, as well as for all activities designed for a long time. This is a wonderful day for marriage, but only for those who have sufficiently cleared their karma. Otherwise, you can simply fall under the influence of circumstances.

Those who easily fall under the influence of others should refrain from such steps. Think of your dignity. Reinforce in your mind the idea that you are no better or worse than others, but at the same time a unique being with your own and certainly positive outlook on life. This is a period of spiritual strength.

What impact does the ninth day have in social terms?

This is an unlucky, dangerous, satanic day. The period of seduction, illusions, deceptions, delusions, poisonings. There may be bad, painful dreams (they should not be trusted).

This is the day on which we receive only bad signs, which must be taken carefully: soberly consider and evaluate each one. It is necessary to purify thoughts, active self-defense from aggressive blackness.


You can not look in the mirror or break it. The strongest warning on this day is spilled milk. If a nursing mother's milk disappears that day, the child will be punished by fate.

How does the ninth day manifest itself in everyday life?

The day is good for working in the garden, for traveling. Bad for marriage, for studying, for working in the kitchen. If on the ninth day of the moon a cactus blooms, this is good.

mystical influence

9 lunar day is the day of the most unfavorable events. Deception, pride, inadequacy can ruin all undertakings. As a rule, the activity of this direction on this day is always punishable, the consequences are terrible.

On the 9th lunar day, it is recommended to abstain from sexual relations. Women should be very careful, as the likelihood of being raped is very high, due to the fact that men at this time are very susceptible to aggression and unbridled sexual desires.

What do dreams mean?

Dreams on the ninth day show a person what conflicts exist at the level of his subconscious, that is, they indicate an internal hidden conflict and its nature.

In dreams of this period, predictions usually appear, referring to problems deeply hidden in the subconscious. Therefore, one should especially carefully study and interpret the dreams of the ninth lunar day. Everything that appears to you in a dream is related to your karma and all this requires an immediate decision.

At this time, nightmares are not uncommon. But all of them, when carefully analyzed, are interpreted as unresolved problems of an emotional nature.

What is the esoteric aspect of the ninth day?

As a rule, all esoteric schools devote the ninth day exclusively to procedures and rituals for clearing karma. One of the options for getting rid of karmic "roots" can be initiation into a secret teaching.

During initiation, the past of a person is completely erased and his life begins anew, as they say, from scratch. No wonder Christian mystics believe that on this lunar day Jesus Christ was baptized.

The traditional practice on the 9 lunar day is the removal of alien negative programs, the so-called "damage". Any negative program (not just damage) acts in two ways: it blocks the flow of beneficial energies, and introduces alien negative energies (“dirt”) into the body.

Both the first and the second lead to the fact that a person loses the ability to naturally restore wasted strength. After the program has come into force, a person's ability to harmoniously exchange energies with the world is disrupted.

Human energy is a free circuit with inputs and outputs of energy. Life energy constantly flows through it, which a person receives from the earth, the Cosmos, from food and relationships with other people. The blockage of this system of a person can occur at the entrance or at the exits of energy - in the arms, legs, or on the chakras.

How to determine the presence of damage?

You can determine the presence of energy blocking with a match.


  1. You need to take a glass of water.
  2. Light a match from a candle flame and hold it with your left hand.
  3. When the match burns out halfway, you need to intercept it with your right hand and let it burn through to the end.
  4. A charred match should be thrown into a glass of water.
  5. If there is no blockage, then the match will float on the surface of the water, if there is an energy blockage, then the match will sink to the bottom.

All actions should be repeated, starting with the other hand. So you will understand which side of the body there are blocks.

How to remove damage (energy blockage)?

  1. Circle the burning candle an odd number of times around the wrists of both hands.
  2. Then circle an odd number of times around the tip of each finger, first on the left hand, and then on the right.

For prevention and for cleansing from energy "dirt", it is useful on the ninth lunar day to walk with a candle flame along the contour of the whole body, while observing fire safety.

  1. You need to take a candle first in your right hand, go around the left side with a flame, starting from the top of your head and slowly going down.
  2. Having reached the crotch, the candle must be taken in the left hand and continue to circle the leg, side and arm on the right side along the contour.
  3. Having brought the candle to the top of the head, circle the head with a candle three times, after which the candle can be extinguished.

How to remove spoilage with an egg?

This method of removing damage is familiar to many. On the ninth day of the lunar month, this procedure becomes most effective.

  1. They take a fresh chicken egg, carefully break it into a jar of water, trying not to damage the yolk.
  2. Then, a jar with an egg should be alternately brought to the crown of the head, to the crown of the head, to the forehead, throat, chest, stomach, pubis and coccyx.
  3. The egg will react to the energy by changing its appearance in the form of flagella, balls, condensations and other things. The more the egg is deformed, the more energy "garbage" in the human field.
  4. Such a diagnosis of the snake is also a cleansing, as it pulled out some of the negativity onto itself.
  5. The contents of the jar must be poured into the sewer, and the jar must either be thrown away or sterilized.

There are different types of lunar calendars based on different astrological approaches. But the most accurate is still considered

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ The subconscious is an outdated term used to refer to mental processes that occur without displaying them in consciousness and in addition to conscious control (Wikipedia).

² Karma, kamma is one of the central concepts in Indian religions and philosophy, the universal law of cause and effect, according to which the righteous or sinful actions of a person determine his fate, the suffering or pleasure he experiences (Wikipedia).

³ Asana - According to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, "it is a position of the body that is comfortable and pleasant" (Wikipedia).

You can get acquainted with the description of various yoga asanas if you use the search line of our site.

The ninth lunar day is one of the most dangerous days of the lunar cycle. His energy is highly active.

AT lunar calendar the ninth lunar day is called satanic day. It is difficult to endure both mentally and physically. Today, all the dark sides of a person's character are intensifying and the basest desires are awakening.

If a conflict occurs on this day, then reconciliation will not come for a long time. Today, one should not succumb to anger, anger, rage and other negative emotions. On this day, it is undesirable to make acquaintance with new people. You can not communicate with people with whom a person has an enmity. If possible, you should avoid meeting with ex-spouses.

On the ninth lunar day, more crimes are committed than on the rest of the time.

9 lunar days in many esoteric and astrological schools are called karmic. Everything that happens to a person today is not an accident, but the consequences of his previous actions.

If the solution of some issue was postponed and safely forgotten, then today it will make itself felt with various troubles.

The guardian angel of this day is Haman. This is the ruler of the ninth heaven. Aman creates children's dreams and patronizes bright, immaculate souls. It develops hidden potentials in children, helps to find inner peace and fulfills the desires of kids.

General characteristics of 9 lunar days:

  • Energy of the day: active.
  • Symbol of the day: bat, bat.
  • Element of the day: fire.
  • Stone of the day: serpentine, rauchtopaz, black pearl, alexandrite.
  • Color of the day: orange and tones of brown.

Description of 9 lunar days - the time of lies, deceptions and poisonings. Today, a person will receive only bad signs and news. Even they need to be carefully considered and carefully analyzed each of them.

Bad deeds done today will have consequences in the future. On these days, a weak person can fall under the bad influence of other people.

If you pour milk or break a mirror on the ninth lunar day, you can expect troubles and misfortunes both today and in the future. The pain that arose in the chest on this day suggests that a person has many problems. Perhaps the time has come to engage in self-development and the search for spiritual food, and not material gain.

Today, any person will have the opportunity to improve their karma. In the soul, you need to forgive those people who offended him. This will help untie karmic knots.

The 9th lunar day is difficult and dangerous. Man today needs additional protection.

Esotericists advise wearing talismans on these days. You can use the help of your stone, suitable for the horoscope. Today it is advised to wear it in a ring on the middle finger of the right hand. Any homemade talisman can protect a person. The dwelling also needs protection, rose and geranium can provide it.

Today you can do energy cleansing at home. The most effective of them is the cleansing of the energy space with fire. You need to light a candle and walk around the house with it. In this case, you can say prayers.

On the 9th lunar day, care must be taken when using scissors, knives and other cutting tools. When driving through the roadway, a person needs to be especially careful, because today the risk of accidents on the roads is increasing.

Although the 9th lunar day is a dangerous day, you can’t be afraid of everything and wait for something bad to happen. Thoughts are sometimes material, so troubles can simply be attracted. If you think about the good and not succumb to negative emotions, then trouble can bypass.


It's best not to date today. On these days, conflicts can occur between people, so you do not need to meet with your loved one. The quarrel that happened on this day will be remembered for a long time and may even cause a break in relations.

On these days, it is recommended not to get acquainted and not to start novels. Tomorrow the partner may appear in a new light and the illusion will disappear. Love disappointment will not be easy to survive, so astrologers and esotericists do not advise starting novels.

9 lunar day is the most inappropriate day for marriage. If you formalize a relationship today, then some time after the wedding, you can be disappointed in your partner and in love in general.

The day is unfavorable for conception. If you conceive a child today, then he may grow up to be a dangerous criminal or he will have to face terrible trials in life.


On the 9th lunar day, you can do light household chores that do not require physical strength. You can't overwork.


These days you need to pay attention to people involved in gardening and gardening. Today, all manipulations with plants are favorable.

To reap a rich harvest, they need to provide abundant irrigation and bait on these days.


9 lunar day is favorable for dousing with cool water. This will strengthen your health and cleanse you of negative energy. Today, other cleansing procedures that remove toxins and toxins from the body will also benefit. You can visit the bath, provided that the person has no problems with the heart and blood vessels.

Today you can arrange a fasting day and completely refuse food. People suffering from obesity can start a diet on this day.

The disease that has arisen today is a danger to humans. This is especially true for those ailments that occur with an increase in temperature. A sick person these days should not be left alone.

Today, under the strictest ban are alcoholic drinks. Even a glass of wine consumed on this day can affect health in the most unpredictable way.

Vulnerable places today are the stomach and intestines, so you need to be especially careful about the food you eat. Greens, carrots, bananas and mushrooms should be excluded from the menu of this day.

work, money, business

This day can be used to complete current affairs. 9 lunar days are favorable for people gifted with talents. Today they can create in full force, because there is an opportunity to create a world masterpiece.

These days, you need to be careful in everything. Any contact can have negative consequences. Even meetings with partners today can end very badly.

9 lunar day is not suitable for dealing with financial matters and important documents. On these days, the risk of becoming a victim of a scam increases. You don't have to trust others. Only your own intuition can help you avoid trouble.

A haircut

There are no astrological schools consensus as to whether or not a haircut is favorable on the 9th lunar day. According to one opinion, such manipulation with strands will negatively affect human health.

Another version says that a haircut on the 9th lunar day will save a person from accumulated negative energy. How then to proceed? It’s better not to cut your strands, because there are many other favorable days for such manipulation.

Characteristics of people born on the 9th lunar day

A birthday on the 9th lunar day is a day that gives a person longevity. This is perhaps the only gift of this day.

People born on the 9th lunar day have a complex character and often have outbursts of anger. In order for their life to turn out well, they will have to work hard on themselves. This applies to both physical and spiritual development.

People born on this day usually suffer from poor health. They need to constantly monitor the changes that occur with their body. The sooner such people begin treatment, the better for them.


Dreams on the 9th lunar day speak of the contradictions that arise in a person. The positive and negative sides of character can fight in it, and the dream will demonstrate which of them wins.

9 lunar day is called the day of quarrels and conflicts. This also affects dreams. A person often has quarrels, wars, battles and so on in these days.

It is important to understand the meaning of dreams seen today. Each dream can tell a person about his problems, experiences, phobias, fantasies, and so on. Therefore, each dream is subject to interpretation with the help of a dream book.

Although the 9th lunar day is the most difficult day of the lunar month, it will also have to be experienced somehow. Curb your emotions, and he will not seem as scary as they say about him.

Energy 9 lunar day: active day

Lucky number 9 lunar day - 9.

Element of the day 9 lunar day- Fire.

Stones - black pearls, alexandrite, rauchtopaz (gives loneliness), serpentine (attracts blackness).

Lucky color 9 lunar day- orange, chestnut, chocolate and brown;

Lucky day of the week 9 lunar day- Tuesday.

Lucky direction 9 lunar days- South.

Prevailing form of 9 lunar days- triangle, zigzag, broken line.

Symbol of 9 lunar day: Bat; Bat.

Keywords: tension, randomness, negative emotions, desire for joy, courage, overcoming fear.

Guardian Angel of the 9th lunar day: Amas is the ruler of the ninth heaven. Creator of children's dreams. Protector of pure souls. At this time, the Moon especially favors children and their parents. This angel controls the fulfillment of desires and helps cleanse souls. Amas bestows Creative skills and a penchant for science and creative thinking, creates emotional balance, peace of mind and inner peace.

Basic properties of the day

The ninth lunar day is the first "heavy" day in the lunar month. It is fraught with temptations, so be constantly on the alert. The "shadow" side of the human personality comes to the fore. All vices, deeply hidden "black" thoughts and desires rise from the depths of the subconscious and try to realize themselves at any cost. That is why this time is fraught with serious problems with far-reaching negative consequences.

There may be numerous quarrels, conflicts, and completely from scratch. On the 9th lunar day, you need to be careful in everything from crossing the street to using cutlery, because on this day the likelihood of injury and injury increases. It is advisable to limit contacts with unfamiliar people as much as possible: any of them can draw you into some kind of adventure.

If you correctly understand the nature of the 9th lunar day, you can avoid many misfortunes and tragedies. During this period, the deployment of karma takes place: the subconscious rhythms of a person are synchronous with the rhythms of lunar energy. As a result, a situation arises in which everything that you previously closed; eyes coming out. From the depths of your subconscious, all unresolved problems, unfulfilled promises, hatred, anger, resentment, etc. rise to the surface.

You can heal from this condition if you do what should have been done a long time ago. Remember: on the 9th lunar day, nothing happens by chance. All that you will encounter during this period are your past unresolved problems.

We have already said that all our thoughts and actions are recorded in the astral plane in the form of certain matrices. And in the future, if we do not change anything in our lives (primarily in the spiritual sense), all these patterns return to us with a certain periodicity with a kind of reminder. We are "treading water in the same place, because there is no way we can fill in the finished matrix." We constantly find ourselves in the same situations.

And this despite the fact that we are required only once to solve the problem that has arisen, and not to run away from it, thinking that it "will resolve itself." In a word, it is better to show will, perseverance and determination once than to constantly return to the same topic. On the 9th lunar day, nothing needs to be shelved: this box just becomes our subconscious. A ship weighed down with an unbearable load will surely go to the bottom.

The 9th lunar day is the day of karma healing. During this period, inspiration can visit a creative person, new thoughts, ideas, ideas for new creative projects can unexpectedly come. If so, that's a good sign. This means that you have correctly untied the karmic knot, and the energy that he held back before has finally rushed in the right direction. The same can be said about self-education. If you feel a craving for new knowledge, it means that you have freed yourself from some restrictions and the previously held back energy needs to be realized.

Creativity and self-education are two similar processes, since they are characterized by concentration, openness to the new. In both cases, we are required to be flexible and think outside the box. Try not to respond to comments about the quality of your work. In most cases, on the 9th lunar day, they are unfair. In addition, this is not the best day to defend your opinion.

Think of your dignity. Strengthen in your mind the idea that you are no better and no worse than others, but at the same time a unique being with your own and certainly positive outlook on life. Try not to commit even the slightest bit unethical act. The best support and protection against self-doubt will be parents. Call them and have a heart to heart talk with them.

Be sure to remember all the good things that you have thanks to your parents, and sincerely thank them for it.

Creativity and self-education are two similar processes, since both of them are characterized by concentration, openness to new things, flexibility and non-stereotyped thinking. For success in creative endeavors and in the field of self-education, it is imperative to show a heuristic consciousness.

The ninth lunar day gives a person the opportunity to use the energy that until that time was unclaimed in him due to energy blocks as a result of karmic "knots".

For those who easily fall under the influence of others, who are easily led astray, and who are prone to sudden outbursts of anger and aggression, it is better to refrain from such activities. 9 lunar day is a period of spiritual power.

Influence social

Unlucky. satanic day. The period of seduction, illusions, deceptions, delusions, poisonings. There may be bad, painful Dreams (they should not be trusted). A day on which we receive only bad signs, which must be taken carefully: soberly consider and evaluate each.

It is necessary to purify thoughts, active self-defense from aggressive blackness.

signs of the day

You can not look in the mirror or break it.

The strongest warning on this day is spilled milk.

If a nursing mother's milk disappears, the child will be punished.

Household influence

Good for gardening and travel. Bad for marriage, for studying, for working in the kitchen. If on the ninth day of the moon a cactus blooms, this is good. The 9th lunar day is not the right time for carpentry and plumbing work: there is a high probability of getting injured. Tibetan astrologers say that this day is perfect for starting a long journey, as well as for all activities designed for a long time.

Influence mystical

The day of the worst events. Deception, pride, inadequacy can ruin all undertakings. As a rule, the activity of this direction on this day is always punishable, the consequences are terrible. Purification, passivity, control are recommended.

An oppressive feeling in the chest is a sign that many problems have accumulated and it is necessary to turn to the assimilation of spiritual food, to the origins, to tradition. You can do all power asanas. It will be very effective to forgive the person who offended you.

Medical influence

The disease is dangerous, but well treated. Frequent neuralgia. Heart disease is on the rise. Day of psychoanalysts, although the psyche is overloaded on this day with complexes and a sense of unresolved problems. Phobias and suicidal tendencies are exacerbated. Frequent suicide and crime. Decreased serotonin levels. Intoxication, poisoning, etc. In the medical aspect, attention should be paid to the chest, to the prevention of intercostal neuralgia, angina pectoris.

Impact on those born

Very painful. They are often poisoned. Poor hormone balance, weakened immune system. Cleansing procedures and a sober lifestyle can help. They need to constantly clean themselves, get rid of toxins, both physical and astral.

Effect on conception

9 lunar day is undesirable for conception. Your child may become a danger to society, in other cases, his life will be in terrible trials. Don't take risks.

Business area: 9 lunar day

It is advisable to cancel serious matters on this day. If it is planned to sign contracts or conclude agreements, if possible, postpone them for at least one day, otherwise everything may not turn out as planned. At the very last moment, the deal may fail or some misunderstandings may arise.

The ninth lunar day is not the best time for business, so it's best to take a break, retire for a while and devote it to your inner world.

During this period, the likelihood of robberies is also high, for this reason, security should be strengthened in all warehouses and valuable jewelry should be especially carefully monitored.

In communication, at work, you need to be restrained and tolerant of other people's shortcomings. It is better to refrain from any criticism and not to make remarks to anyone, because people are now very nervous and sensitive. Even because of some innocent, accidentally thrown word, a scandal or a serious conflict can erupt, which is subsequently very difficult to resolve.

Try not to be aggressive. During this period, even your best intentions can be misunderstood.

If on the ninth lunar day someone offers you a "profitable" deal or the conclusion of a contract, refuse, for sure you are "under the pig." As mentioned above, this is a period of temptations and "unclean" deeds. Do not take part in any adventurous activities: started on the ninth lunar day, they usually end in serious trouble, up to imprisonment.

If possible, do not leave the house and do not attend any presentations and entertainment events during this time. Many astrological schools claim that this period is dangerous with attempts on people who own large sums of money.

An ideal occupation for a Businessman on the ninth lunar day would be his hobby. For example, if you love to draw, devote all that time to painting. You will receive a long-awaited spiritual rest, restore strength and refresh your head.

Matrimony and wedding: 9 lunar day

9 lunar day is not intended for a wedding! For most couples, it is better to refuse marriage, otherwise you will be disappointed, both in a partner and in general in life. If you want to keep your love, do not bind yourself in marriage on the ninth lunar day. The 9th lunar day is a wonderful day for marriage only for those who have sufficiently cleared their karma. Otherwise, you can simply fall under the influence of circumstances. Those who easily fall under the influence of others should refrain from such steps.

Health: 9 lunar day

On the ninth lunar day, they may worsen chronic diseases. This is due to the fact that chronic diseases are karmic in nature, that is, they arise only when any problem for a long time is not solved at the psychophysical level and eventually passes to the physical. Unexpectedly, those organs that you seemed to have healed a long time ago can also get sick.

But in fact, it is not only the symptom that is eliminated, but the disease itself, that is, its energy matrix is ​​not removed from the aura. That is, as has been repeatedly said above, the unresolved problem did not disappear, but went into the deeper layers of the subconscious.

On the ninth lunar day, any ailments, diseases, exacerbation of any processes are all SOS signals, the body tries to shout to the mind that you would do something.

On the ninth lunar day, it is useful to carry out all kinds of cleansing practices, especially bowel cleansing.

Sex and erotica: 9 lunar day

On the ninth lunar day, it is recommended to abstain from sexual relations.
Women should be very careful, as the likelihood of being raped is very high, due to the fact that men at this time are very susceptible to aggression and unbridled sexual desires.

Dreams: 9 lunar day

The dream images of the ninth lunar day show a person what conflicts exist at the level of his subconscious, that is, they indicate an internal hidden conflict and its nature.

In dreams of this period, images usually appear that refer to problems deeply hidden in the subconscious. Therefore, one should especially carefully study and interpret the Dreams of the ninth lunar day. Everything that appears to you in a dream is related to your karma and all this requires an immediate decision. At this time, nightmares are not uncommon. But all of them, when carefully analyzed, are interpreted as unresolved problems of an emotional nature.

Esoteric: 9 lunar day

As a rule, all esoteric schools dedicate the ninth lunar day exclusively to procedures and rituals for clearing karma. One of the options for getting rid of karmic "roots" can be initiation into a secret teaching, since during initiation a person's past is completely erased and his life begins anew, as they say, from scratch. No wonder Christian mystics believe that on this lunar day Jesus Christ was baptized.

Lunar ritual for 9 lunar days

Practice of the day: - Determination of the presence and removal of spoilage.

The traditional practice of the 9 lunar day is the removal of alien negative programs, the so-called "damage".

Any negative program (not just damage) acts in two ways: it blocks the flow of beneficial energies, and introduces alien negative energies ("dirt") into the body. Both the first and the second lead to the fact that a person loses the ability to naturally restore wasted strength.
After the program has come into force, a person's ability to harmoniously exchange energies with the world is disrupted.

Human energy is a free circuit with inputs and outputs of energy. Life energy constantly flows through it, which a person receives from the earth, the Cosmos, from food and relationships with other people. The blockage of this system of a person can occur at the entrance or at the exits of energy - in the arms, legs, or on the chakras.

How to determine if you have damage?

You can determine the presence of energy blockage on your hands with a match.

  • To do this, take a glass of water.
  • Light a match from the flame of a candle and hold it with your left hand until it burns out completely.
  • Grab the match by the already burnt end, let it burn out completely and then throw it into a glass of water.
  • If there is no blockage, then the match will float on the surface of the water, if there is a blockage of energy on the hands, then the match will go obliquely to the bottom.
  • Do the same with your right hand.

How to remove damage (energy blockage)?

  • Make an odd number of circles with a burning candle around the wrists of both hands, along the contour of the palm, and then, circle an odd number of times around the tip of each finger, first of the left hand, and then of the right.
  • For prophylaxis and for cleansing from energy "dirt", it is useful to circle the flame of a candle along the contour of the entire body on the 9th lunar day.
  • Hold the candle first in the right hand, tracing the contour of the left side.
  • Starting at the top of the head.
  • Having reached the perineum, take the candle in the left hand and continue to outline the legs, sides and arms on the right side along the contour.
  • Having brought the candle to the top of the head, circle the contours of your energy Double. With which a person is connected by the crown.

Removal of spoilage by an egg. This method of removing damage is familiar to many. On the 9th lunar day, this procedure is most effective.

  • You need to take a fresh chicken egg, carefully break it into a jar of water, trying not to damage the yolk.
  • Then, alternately bring the jar with the egg to the crown of the head, to the exits from the chakras along the front channel: to the forehead, throat, chest, stomach, pubis and coccyx.
  • The egg will react to the energy by changing its appearance in the form of flagella, balls, condensations and other things. The more the egg is deformed, the more energy "garbage" in the human field.
    Such a diagnosis of the snake is also a cleansing, as it pulled out some of the negativity onto itself.
  • The contents of the jar must be poured into the sewer, and the jar must either be thrown away or sterilized.

People born on the ninth lunar day live long, but usually they feel very unhappy in life. They often suffer from human misunderstanding, from personal fears and complexes, they perceive all the failures that have happened to them quite painfully, and it is not uncommon that they become addicted to drugs or alcohol. Such people should always cleanse themselves and try to get rid of all external influences and negative emotions, also cultivate altruism and humility in their personality, and try to see only good in the world around them.

in the 9th
lunar day

Those born on this day are likely to live a long and fruitful life, but will have health problems. Regular cleansing of the body will help get rid of diseases. People born on the ninth lunar day should also remember the purity of karma. If a person has pure thoughts and intentions, if he strives for kindness and sincerity, he will be able to avoid great life difficulties.

The potential given by nature, born on the 9th lunar day

  • live long, but consider themselves not very lucky
  • the need to cope with one's shortcomings and find peace of mind
  • people with a difficult character and a difficult fate

If you were born on this day, avoid critical situations, the teacher should avoid "sharp corners". Most situations, one way or another, a person creates himself. Do not provoke conflicts and do not participate in them.

Get rid of negative emotions, try to think positively, spiritual practices are very useful.

Those born on the 9th lunar day will live a long and fruitful life. Often they are unhappy: they need to constantly cleanse themselves, get rid of toxins, both physical and astral. There are weak health, but if they perceive it as a challenge. If they fight for internal and external purity, then their problems will become a new step in development.

Possible negative qualities of those born on the 9th lunar day

  • sometimes they feel deeply unhappy and suffer from a misunderstanding of others, from their own complexes and fears
  • painfully perceive failures and become addicted to alcohol or drugs, attracts the "shadow" side of life
  • push others to the most unexpected actions, sometimes very unpleasant

Two conflicting qualities coexist in people on the 9th lunar day: they do not have good health, but at the same time they often become long-livers. It is necessary to maintain a comfortable state of the psyche, not to overload it, to develop stress resistance. Those born on the 9th lunar day prefer covert action to open combat. It is very important to have a clear spiritual orientation, not to let the dark side of your soul triumph. People of this day have a strong load on the heart, blood vessels. Harmful alcohol.
