Why dream of mushrooms in the forest in winter. Why dream about picking mushrooms in the forest

Picking mushrooms in the forest is a common thing for avid lovers of "silent hunting", but during night dreams this activity is quite unusual, especially if you are not a mushroom picker. Although in Everyday life there is nothing terrible in such a task, a dream about it can bring a series of disappointments. To find out why you dream of picking mushrooms in the forest, you need to remember all the details of the dream and turn to dream books.

Dream Interpretation

Miller believed that mushroom picking could be interpreted as a symbol of vicious or unhealthy desire. His dream book says that such a dream indicates the presence in a person's life of many bad habits, addictions to adventures and lies, or even a desire to break the law.

Other dream books offer the following interpretations:

If you are interested in what mushrooms are dreaming of and picking them in the forest according to the Ukrainian dream book, then it says that such a dream promises profit and a good development of events. Also it may be a symbol of longevity and family happiness.

Types and condition of mushrooms

One of the best signs for a dreamer is the collection of porcini mushrooms (boletus mushrooms). These forest gifts symbolize financial well-being and can promise profit for businessmen, an increase in wages and unexpected material bonuses. If you happened to see how the whole family collected mushrooms, this means that relatives and friends will not need anything.

A dream in which you were picking porcini mushrooms in a forest by the road indicates the need to be careful, because in the pursuit of money you may find yourself in poverty.

Those who collected mushrooms in night dreams should become calmer, because these mushrooms symbolize useless fuss. This means that your actions will not lead to any result, so you should spend your energy rationally.

Honey mushrooms are in a dream those who will soon be lucky enough to reap the fruits of their own efforts, therefore they are considered an excellent sign. If someone cut them off before you, then you need to be decisive in your work in order not to give competitors a chance to intercept a profitable project.

The appearance of toadstools and fly agarics in a dream is a favorable sign. He prophesies a happy event that will soon change your life for the better. Also, these mushrooms in night dreams can bring a pleasant surprise in reality.

Collecting boletus symbolizes that you own a major personal secret. If in a dream you collect and lose such mushrooms, someone may find out about this secret, which will lead to negative consequences.

If in a dream you collected a basket of chanterelles mixed with fly agarics or grebes, this means an upcoming risky offer. You can agree to it if there were significantly more chanterelles, since such a sign indicates a successful outcome of the event.

Fresh or wormy gifts of the forest

Equally important is the condition of the mushrooms that you collected during night dreams. The following options are possible:

Those dreamers who had to cut a lot of mushrooms, which later turned out to be inedible, should reconsider their own skills and knowledge, since such a sign indicates incompetence.

Other sleep details

When interpreting a dream, its general atmosphere is also of great importance, which in this case depends on which forest you have dreamed of. The following options may come up:

  • deciduous - to the emergence of solid capital or making big profits;
  • coniferous dreams of excellent health and quick relief from diseases;
  • mixed speaks of the need to reconsider your relationship with loved ones, since you can hurt them with rash words or actions;
  • picking mushrooms in a forest with dead trees is considered a bad sign, indicating that new beginnings will turn out to be a failure;
  • the magical forest symbolizes financial well-being, so such a dream will lead to an unexpected bonus or profit.

Other details of the dream can also change its meaning. Those who have visited the mushroom meadow should become less gullible, since such a symbol indicates the presence in your life of hypocrites and traitors pretending to be friends. A mushroom meadow with toadstools or fly agarics speaks of empty hopes for some business that you will not be able to bring to life. If you have planned a new business, do not waste your energy on it.

If in a dream you watched a mushroom picker collecting forest gifts, get ready for new troubles. Such a sign can prophesy both failure in work and illness.

Dreamers who picked mushrooms with their loved one should not worry. Such a vision portends a strong and happy marriage. It is especially good if you collected not only mushrooms, but also berries. This means that in your family life there will be passion, mutual trust and well-being.

If you dreamed that you collected a full basket of mushrooms, but then someone stole it, then soon expect deception from a loved one. Also, such a dream can mean future disappointment in one of your close friends.

In a dream, picking mushrooms in the forest can be both a good and a bad sign. If the interpretation of your dream turned out to be not the most pleasant, you should not be upset, because night visions do not always come true and can only be warnings.

Attention, only TODAY!

Since ancient times, people have had a special relationship with mushrooms. They are often used in the preparation of healing potions and are attributes of many magical rites.

Dreams about mushrooms have a very controversial interpretation, so it is very important to take into account the smallest nuances when analyzing dreams.

The most important interpretation of mushrooms in a dream is the receipt of any important information in life. Mushrooms in nature grow in a huge variety. And this fact is fundamental in the interpretation of dreams. Plays the role and size of the mushrooms seen in a dream.

Collect mushrooms - interpretation of sleep

In real life, picking mushrooms is always a great pleasure. Therefore, the question of why dream of picking mushrooms in a dream is of interest to many. But besides this, you should pay attention to whether you carry the collected mushrooms home, cook them or eat them.

It is believed that the most common plot is picking mushrooms. This dream in many dream books is a warning that your own desires can be dangerous for you. Therefore, in real life, you should be very careful and very thoughtful approach to solving certain problems.

Why do big mushrooms dream?

Why do big mushrooms dream? If you remove large mushrooms that you put in your basket, then this portends great luck in any business. But it should be remembered that the solution of issues in such a period of time should be taken lightly, in no case should you go too far.

I dreamed of a mushroom meadow

If in a dream you found yourself in a mushroom meadow, then in real life you need to be careful when communicating with people from your immediate environment. There is a high chance of betrayal. After such a warning dream, it is very easy to avoid trouble in real life. All that is needed is to carefully analyze the incoming information. It is very important to carefully consider all proposals for cooperation.

If you are picking mushrooms in a cemetery in a dream, it means that you too often mentally turn to your past. This does not need to be done at all, since at such moments there is a large loss of energy, which is better to be redirected to other goals. Also, such a dream may indicate that you are very dependent on your parents or your love affair will not end very well.

When interpreting a dream, it is important to take into account the place where mushrooms are picked:
  • In the forest - in real life, an unexpected turn of events should be expected;
  • In the mountains - to the emergence of unexpected obstacles on the way to the goal;
  • Near a natural reservoir - very joyful events are on the way;
  • On the side of the road or in a narrow forest belt - to commit absolutely rash acts.

Dream interpretation - drop mushrooms

If, while picking mushrooms in a dream, you constantly drop them, then this indicates that you will not be able to use the money you have earned for any reason. It is necessary to carefully analyze what you see in such a dream. The dream plot may contain a hint about how to do the right thing in real life.

Miller's dream book

According to Miller's dream book, picking mushrooms in a dream means that in real life it is unreasonable to strive for wealth. Such an approach will not only allow you to get rich, but may also contribute to the complete collapse of all plans. For businessmen and entrepreneurs, such a dream is very dangerous, as it can be a harbinger of problems with the law.

According to Freud

According to Freud's dream book, picking mushrooms means a rich sex life. Moreover, for a man, this is a subconscious evidence that he changes partners very often and, naturally, this can end very badly.

Why dream of eating mushrooms?

Another common plot involves cooking and eating mushrooms. It is important to understand why you dream of eating mushrooms in a dream? In this case, too, there are many interpretations that depend on various factors.

Sleep is favorable if you eat a mushroom dish prepared with your own hands.

This may portend:
  • Opportunities for new earnings;
  • Return of old debts;
  • Unexpected receipt of money.

But along with this, in any case, eating mushrooms indicates that you need to deal with your own emotions.

Raw or wormy mushrooms in a dream

The best sign is raw mushrooms used for food. This is a sign of good health and future longevity. If in a dream there are wormy mushrooms, then in real life one can expect the betrayal of a close friend. In some dream books, spoiled mushrooms in a dream are interpreted as a subconscious manifestation of unfounded suspicions. In addition, rotten mushrooms in a dream may indicate that there are dishonest people in your environment, from whom troubles should be expected in the near future.

Why dream of pickled mushrooms?

If you see pickled mushrooms in a dream, then this is a symbol of a comfortable existence in the coming time. But the dreamed salty mushrooms have a different interpretation. They warn of the possibility of an unpleasant situation, which can only be resolved with the help of close friends.

Eat fried mushrooms in a dream

Eat in a dream fried mushrooms- this means that you are a person who looks for flaws in other people in order to cover up their mistakes. That is, such a dream is advice, get rid of such a habit as soon as possible.

The clue to sleep by the type of mushroom

Mushrooms in nature grow in a huge variety. And this fact is fundamental in the interpretation of dreams.

First of all, you should know that, despite the fact that inedible mushrooms can provoke severe poisoning in life, seeing them in a dream is a good sign, according to the interpretation of most dream books. And this is a happy coincidence for you in an important area of ​​\u200b\u200blife for you. But sometimes there is another interpretation, which portends not very pleasant chores, which in general should not affect the course of life events.

According to Loff's dream book, fire-capped mushrooms seen in a dream portend strong and passionate feelings.

Interpretations of edible types of mushrooms

It is also important to know what they are dreaming of and what they can mean if other types of mushrooms were dreamed of:
  • When porcini mushrooms were seen in a dream, this indicates that in the near future you will not have health problems and you are absolutely ready physically to achieve your goal.
  • Dreaming champignon mushrooms can be a sign of minor troubles. But at the same time, it is likely that they will bring good benefits in the future.
  • Why do chanterelle mushrooms dream - chores in real life will be useless.
  • When mushrooms were dreamed of, a meaningless quarrel is brewing.
  • Seeing boletus mushrooms in a dream means receiving confirmation that you have chosen the right path in life and you should not turn off it, as this can threaten with serious losses.
  • If you dream of boletus mushrooms, then you need to be prepared for the fact that soon you will have to pay for the wrong decision made in the distant past.
  • When mushrooms appeared in a dream, it may soon be possible to make a profitable investment and it is very important not to miss such a chance. But a dream with mushrooms is interpreted differently for mushroom pickers - it promises a good harvest this season. In addition, mushrooms on a good tree can indicate a developing disease, and on a rotten one - a speedy recovery.
  • If you dreamed of butter mushrooms, then the dream can be considered neutral in its meaning, since it simply indicates that you are working fruitfully and, most likely, your work will be appreciated by the leadership on merit.

In general, a dream in which edible mushrooms were dreamed should be taken calmly. Maybe you just need to take a closer look at your immediate environment, and for some time very carefully use the information received from others.

Almost all dream books highlight the interpretation of dreams with mushrooms in women. Almost all dream books associate a single strong mushroom with a male essence. It is on this that the interpretation of dreams with mushrooms in women is based. If you dream that you are admiring a beautiful mushroom, then this portends a sexual relationship in the near future. But if you see in a dream a large but spoiled mushroom, then this means that you are not satisfied with your relationship with a partner in the sexual sphere.

Mushrooms in the dreams of men

For both men and women, uncontrolled picking of various types of mushrooms portends promiscuity. Moreover, if they come across poisonous mushrooms, then this may indicate that you will be the initiator of sexual relations.

Interpretation of sleep for a girl or woman

For a young girl who is about to get married, a fly agaric dream is a warning. She should think about whether she made the right choice, because such a dream can serve as a symbol of a future unsuccessful marriage. But edible mushrooms seen in a dream on the eve of the wedding are a good sign. He promises a strengthening relationship with the groom and a future happy marriage. If the bride dreamed that she was picking beautiful mushrooms without any flaws, then this means that she will not only be happy in marriage, but will also not know financial difficulties.

In some dream books, there is a connection between pregnancy and a dream in which a woman picks mushrooms in a hem or in a bucket.

Considering all of the above, it should be understood that if you dreamed about mushrooms, then you should try to remember the dream to the smallest detail. After all, they are the main nuances that will allow you to correctly interpret the dream. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the dream in which you saw mushrooms can simply be a reflection of reality if you took a pleasant walk through the forest or purposefully went for mushrooms.

Very often they represent various changes in the field of health and personal life, partly in business. If you regularly visit the forest to pick up full baskets of boletus, chanterelles or other fragrant mushrooms, then such a dream does not mean anything, it's just an episode from your real life, especially if there were routine elements in the dream.

However, for those who buy them in stores or have nothing to do with this forestry, the dream book advises you to pay attention to such a dream, since it definitely matters.

This is what most often dreams of beautiful mushrooms, tasty and poisonous.

Sign of health or illness

Collecting them in a dream means feeling unwell, especially a cold. For some people, any mushrooms in general portend an exacerbation chronic diseases, rheumatism or skin diseases, especially such as papilloma or benign neoplasms. Especially if the collection takes place after the rain by one person. For patients, the dream book promises an exacerbation of the disease and a deterioration in health.

Why dream of picking mushrooms in a grove that were very large, alone? The dream interpretation writes that you will have to work hard to get a big cash profit. But to see large poisonous mushrooms in the forest after rain means to get sick as a result of not the most careful attitude to your health. Most often, this is a kidney disease, various skin growths, bumps and moles, in some cases a dream means the initial manifestation of oncology or rheumatism.

Why dream of seeing a big porcini in a dream, how does it grow and pluck it? The dream book writes that for girls and women, he portends a pregnancy, which is likely to be interrupted. For men, a dream can speak of a strong attraction to a lady that will not be satisfied. Poisonous toadstools clearly portend illness, suffering, troubles and sorrows. Seeing them is a very unfavorable sign for everyone.

Therefore, pay attention to the dream in which you started picking mushrooms alone or see that someone is doing it. It can provide valuable information about your health or about changes in someone else's health. Especially informative is a dream in which someone began to pick mushrooms in a forest of unnatural size or an unpleasant appearance.

Regular family activity

Why does the whole family dream of picking mushrooms in the forest, especially tasty and fragrant ones? Expect unexpected profits that you will have to spend on something that has been put off for a long time or just leave it in reserve. True, if the mushrooms were small, you will have to work hard before the money gets into your hands. The dream interpretation writes that routine work can become your only source of income, although this dream tells young people that the funds themselves will go to them in the palm of their hand and will be easy to get.

Why dream if picking up russula or fragrant honey mushrooms, chanterelles, ended with the fact that someone found one large mushroom, tasty and fragrant? He will receive a reward, cash profit or just a bonus, which he will gladly share with you. If the fungus in the forest turned out to be poisonous, then such a dream portends him an illness or great grief.

Why dream of picking mushrooms at night in the forest? The dream interpretation writes that your income will not be entirely legal and you will have to secretly earn a living. Collecting toadstools at night can mean bad luck, trouble and illness. Especially such a dream is bad for people at a respectable middle age. He promises businessmen big losses, collapse of activities and debts for which it will be difficult to pay off.

In women's dreams

Collecting any mushrooms is not the best dream for a girl, especially a russula. The dream interpretation promises her tears and sorrows, strong disappointments and betrayals.

In the woods? This dream is very interesting. Its correct interpretation depends on the details. It is very important whether mushrooms were edible or poisonous. Each source interprets this dream in its own way. Below are the interpretations of this dream by various dream books.

Dream interpreter from A to Z. Interpretation of dreams

Why dream of picking mushrooms in the forest? This dream means that all the labors of a person will be rewarded. Mushrooms in a dream can also be a sign of pregnancy, satisfied passion, or extreme fatigue. Buying them is an unreasonable haste and unhealthy desires in matters of capital accumulation. They can bring the sleeper to litigation. Eating mushrooms - to aging. If a person cooks them in sour cream in a dream, then in reality he will live for his own pleasure. To treat someone with mushrooms is to be humiliated in reality. This dream can also mean secret love. When a dreamer sees poisonous mushrooms in a dream, in reality a happy event will allow him to get out of a difficult and dangerous situation. For a young lady, this dream promises an irresistible craving for carnal pleasures, but neglect of the material. dreams of improving health, weight loss and relaxation. Selling or buying them in a dream is a good acquisition in reality.

Dream Interpretation Grishina. Dream interpretation

Why dream of picking mushrooms in the forest? This dream can portend great success, petty deeds and great work. If a person in a dream walks through a forest where there are many huge mushrooms, in reality he should not expect any changes in life. Cooking - to surprises. Growing mushrooms in a dream are a sign that it is difficult for the sleeper to understand spiritual matters. Breaking and trampling them in a dream is to resist your own inertia in reality.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

This source interprets this dream in its own way. Picking mushrooms in the forest, according to this dream book, means receiving some kind of reward. Mushrooms in a dream can also mean receiving help that will come through advice. There are them - for longevity. If you dream of poisonous mushrooms - to a happy occasion.

Dream Interpretation of Winter

Why dream of picking mushrooms in the forest? Such dreams, as a rule, portend dubious acquisitions and incomes. A forest glade with beautiful strong mushrooms promises unplanned profits. However, one who dreams with her needs to be careful. Amanitas, grebes and other poisonous mushrooms mean a very tempting offer that the sleeper should not agree to. It can be disastrous.

Modern dream book: pick mushrooms in a dream

This dream means that the sleeper will accidentally inflict severe moral pain on one of his relatives or friends, as a result of which he will break off relations with this person for a long time. Dry mushrooms on a thread - to victory over enemies. For a woman, this dream means many admirers. Eating fried mushrooms - to a successful career.

French dream book

Mushrooms dream of longevity and good luck. If they have red hats - to the successful completion of protracted cases, and if they are black - to sadness. Morels are a symbol of good health for those who collect them. White mushrooms portend longevity for those who eat them in a dream.

Picking mushrooms is a fun and rewarding activity. "Silent hunting" allows not only to diversify the diet, but also to make preparations for the winter period.

Beginning mushroom pickers can be advised to collect only tubular varieties, among which there are no deadly mushrooms. The most common, highly nutritious and very popular tubular varieties among mushroom pickers include the fruiting bodies of white or boletus, boletus and boletus, as well as butter.

Some types of tubular fruiting bodies are not collected by mushroom pickers due to low nutritional value or unpleasant taste characteristics. Occurring conditionally poisonous species lose their toxicity in the process of prolonged and repeated heat treatment. The mushroom broth obtained as a result of cooking is disposed of and not used for food purposes.

Learning to correctly distinguish between poisonous and edible varieties of agaric mushrooms is much more difficult. It is the category of lamellar fruiting bodies that includes the most toxic and deadly species, represented by fly agaric and pale grebe. Important to remember, that it is absolutely impossible to collect old, rotten and damaged by insects or worms fruiting bodies, in which there is an increased amount of toxic substances.

Mushrooms growing near busy roads, in urban areas, near industrial enterprises are not suitable for food. In this case, the mushroom pulp may contain a significant amount of radioactive elements, heavy metals or lead. Among other things, it must be remembered that folk remedies Tests including silverware, onions and garlic, and milk are not 100% accurate in determining toxicity.

How and where to look for mushrooms (video)

Mushroom picking time in Russia

Mushroom season in our country is a fickle concept and very much dependent on soil and climatic conditions. March is the most non-mushroom month, but already in April and May, the fruiting bodies of morels, the May or St. George mushroom, as well as the common boletus, appear.

The onset of summer is marked by the appearance of porcini mushrooms, boletus, oil, as well as boletus, and in August the third mushroom layer begins. At this time, fruiting bodies of several dozen edible varieties are formed. The peak of the mushroom season in our country falls on September and the first decade of October. It should be noted, that the main natural factors, which are represented by humidity and temperature, have a special influence on the growth and period of active fruiting.

When picking mushrooms in Ukraine

Soil and climatic conditions on the territory of Ukraine are very favorable for the growth and development of fruiting bodies of many types of fungi. More than two hundred species grow here. edible mushrooms, but only 10% or about twenty of the most famous and popular varieties are especially popular with experienced connoisseurs of "silent hunting" and beginner mushroom pickers.

The season of active fruiting of mushrooms starts in the first summer month. It is during this period that a large number of russula and flywheels. From the first decade of July, you can harvest aspen mushrooms and boletus, mossiness and oil, chanterelles and porcini mushrooms. The ripening of forest raspberries, blackberries and blueberries can serve as a temporary guideline. However, the most fruitful months for mushrooms are August and September. And already in October there is an active collection of mushrooms, valuev and milk mushrooms.

What you need to know about picking mushrooms in the forest

Compliance with the rules for collecting mushrooms allows not only to minimize the risk of poisoning, but also helps to preserve the reproduction of mycelium in subsequent years.

Mushrooms are harvested in the early morning, even before the moment when their above-ground part warms up with the sun's rays. Such fruiting bodies persist as long as possible. Do not collect overgrown or old mushrooms. It is more correct to lay fruiting bodies in a wicker basket with their hats down. This method of transportation allows them to be preserved in the best way. It is necessary to collect only well-known varieties.

In summers that are too rainy, the fruiting bodies are heavily saturated with water, causing the flesh to become watery, friable, and decomposing. Such mushroom pulp becomes unsuitable for human consumption. Fruiting bodies collected and brought home are immediately cleaned of adhering particles of soil, foliage and needles, as well as grass and other plant debris. It is also mandatory to remove all parts that are affected by insect larvae. Parts of the legs with heavy contamination are cut off.

Only young mushrooms with a fairly dense pulp are used for food. It is advisable to immerse the peeled mushrooms in cold salted water for about an hour, after which they are processed and subjected to reliable heat treatment as soon as possible. The basic rule that must be followed when collecting fruiting bodies remains the same - you can only collect well-known and benign species that can be safely used for food purposes.

How to pick mushrooms (video)

In search of mushroom places in the forest

Edible mushrooms with high nutritional value can be found in a variety of places, so you don’t have to go on a “silent hunt” into the forest. Fruiting bodies of edible species actively grow and develop on the edges, as well as glades, in copses and low forbs. The mushroom picker is able to grow well, so you can find fruiting bodies in places where high yields were noted in past years.

Each variety is characterized by the ability to form mycorrhiza with certain plant species. For example, in young and already mature pine plantations, white mushrooms, as well as mossiness mushrooms, several varieties of russula, and even boletus, traditional for our country, bear fruit very abundantly. In spruce forests, mushrooms and chanterelles, forest mushrooms and russula grow most often. And in fairly humid, with not too good lighting, floodplain forests form fruiting bodies of edible mushrooms and morels. Among the meadow grasses and on pastures, common champignon and meadow mushrooms bear fruit.

What forest mushrooms should not be put in a basket

Only experienced mushroom pickers can independently distinguish edible species from inedible or poisonous varieties. It must be remembered that not only the most famous fly agarics and grebes can be poisonous, but also the so-called twin mushrooms or false mushrooms, appearance reminiscent of such valuable varieties as white fungus, honey agarics, butterfish and chanterelles. The following types of fungi are among the most dangerous for human life and health:

  • death cap, occurring from the first decade of August until the end of September;
  • false fox or orange talker, occurring from the first decade of July to mid-October;
  • false honey agaric, occurring from the first days of summer to mid-October;
  • fly agaric, occurring from the middle of the last summer month to mid-September;
  • satanic mushroom encountered from the first summer days and before the onset of a stable autumn cooling;
  • russula burning-caustic, occurring from mid-summer to mid-autumn;
  • milky grey-pink, occurring from the last summer decade until the onset of a stable autumn cooling;
  • grate red, growing in forests from the last decade of spring until the onset of autumn;
  • hymnopilus beautiful, growing from the last decade of the first summer month until mid-September;
  • value false, growing from the first decade of the last summer month until the end of September.

Among other things, it is impossible to collect and use for food purposes overgrown or wormy fruiting bodies, which can cause poisoning and problems with gastrointestinal tract. Excessively water-soaked mushroom pulp may indicate severe overgrowth or damage to the fruiting bodies. In the process of such natural decay, the formation of substances harmful to human health can occur, including the poison neurin, which makes mushrooms poisonous.

Picking mushrooms in the forest in winter

There are not too many connoisseurs of winter edible mushrooms in our country. Nonetheless, even in winter there is an opportunity to collect tasty and healthy fruiting bodies of several types:

  • winter mushrooms are quite tasty mushrooms, but require mandatory pre-heat treatment. Fruiting bodies are found in the first decade of winter, and grow abundantly on stumps and fallen deciduous wood including aspen and poplar. This edible species is characterized by a bright yellow cap and relatively firm flesh;
  • winter oyster mushroom difficult to confuse with other varieties, due to a very characteristic, located on the side of the leg, smoothly turning into a hat. Young oyster mushrooms are very similar in appearance to ordinary seashells of light gray or slightly brownish-brown coloration. Oyster mushrooms grow in groups, have a pleasant taste and aroma.

With the onset of winter, if frosty days come early enough, autumn species common to our soil-climatic zone, represented by several types of rows, autumn honey agaric, sulfur-yellow tinder fungus and scaly tinder fungus, may well be found in the forest. It is possible to collect them only before the onset of the very first thaws. It is important to remember that after thawing and with the onset of subsequent frosts, the mushroom pulp will completely lose all its taste and nutritional qualities.
