Baked mackerel with mushrooms and cheese. Mackerel stuffed with mushrooms and cheese Oven-baked mackerel stuffed with mushrooms

Once I cooked a fish according to this recipe and my household ate it in no time! Mackerel, baked in the oven with cheese and mushrooms, turned out to be so delicious that it is simply impossible to describe! They demanded more. I cooked a few pieces a second time already, one remained in the refrigerator - on the second day it became denser, and no less tasty. I decided that this is how you can cook it for the festive table. That is, cook the fish in the evening, just put it in foil in the refrigerator. And before serving, put it beautifully on a plate. By the way, this way it will be cut well, because you can’t cut it beautifully when hot, it will fall apart into pieces. But less words Let's get started with this amazing dish. And if you are not very strong in cooking fish, you can read useful tips on how best to get close to it. So, bake mackerel stuffed with mushrooms and cheese in the oven - amazing delicious dish your household!

We will need:

  • Mackerel
  • 2 large onions
  • 300 g champignons
  • 100 g of hard cheese (I have Russian)
  • Salt, pepper mixture
  • Lemon juice - 1 spoon
  • 1 spoon of sour cream


Cut the onion into cubes, pour a little oil into the pan and fry it lightly. Then add thinly sliced ​​mushrooms to it. Fry until golden brown, salt, pepper and set aside, let the filling cool down.

In the meantime, wash the fish, pull out the gills from the head and the ridge with bones. It had never been like this before, I thought there was a lot of trouble. But no, everything was easy and simple.

Everything, the fish is ready for further action. Three cheese, half mixed with mushroom filling, the second half will come in handy later. Add a spoonful of sour cream, mix everything - the filling is ready.

Salt and pepper the fish both outside and inside. Stuff mushrooms with cheese and onions, pour over lemon juice. Sprinkle grated cheese on top.

We line the foil on a baking sheet, cut the onion into half rings and line the bottom, lay the fish beautifully on top. Carefully wrap it in foil on all sides and put it in the oven.

What does the story say about fish dishes

We know from school history lessons that fish was on the menu of primitive people. After all, it was much easier and safer to catch her than the beast. In ancient Greece and the Roman Empire, fish dishes were valued on a par with meat dishes. Fish was served fried, boiled and smoked. Fish dishes were complemented with sauces made from herbs and olive oil and wine. In Russia, fish replaced meat during fasts. She was caught in rivers and lakes, but herring and cod were imported. The Japanese have traditionally made up a large part of the diet with seafood. The statistics speak for themselves: the average Japanese eats almost 75 kg per year. fish, while the Russian - only 10 kg.

About the benefits of fish

When choosing between marine and freshwater fish, preference should still be given to marine fish. The most important advantage of marine fish is the presence of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in it. These acids, by strengthening blood vessels, make them more elastic, therefore, minimizing the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases. In addition, the presence in marine fish of such important microelements as iron, iodine, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, as well as vitamins A, D, E, F helps to strengthen immunity and reduce the risk of cancer. By regularly eating sea fish, you will forget the way to the dentist and optometrist. And women of Balzac age will keep their elastic skin without wrinkles. These advantages are enough for fish to be an effective medicine. But it is not only useful, it is also very tasty. From fish you can cook a huge number of dishes.

Mackerel - cheap and healthy

Which fish do you prefer? All of these benefits are found in high-calorie varieties of fish, such as salmon, tuna, halibut, pink salmon, salmon. Unfortunately, not each of us can afford to regularly see these expensive delicacies on the table. But, fortunately, there is a wonderful mackerel fish or, as it is also called, mackerel. She has all the above listed qualities of expensive red fish, but her price is much lower. No wonder she is called the people's nurse.

This fish can be prepared so that it will be the highlight of the dinner party or dinner party. Do you want to make sure of this? We suggest you evaluate the following recipes for stuffed mackerel:

Stuffed mackerel: recipes with photos

We need three mackerels. Of course, it’s good if the fish is freshly caught, but fresh-frozen mackerel is more accessible to everyone. We remove the heads from two carcasses, leave one carcass with the head. The gills must be removed, the fins too.

We cut two mackerels into fillets. Be sure to remove the black film that lines the abdomen from the inside.

We cut the mackerel that remained with the head along the back. Near the tail and head, cut the ridge with scissors and carefully remove it. We clean the belly of the fish from the insides, black film and bones, if they remain there.

As my grandmother says, fish needs three "P": salt, pepper, acidify. So we do: salt, pepper and acidify well with lemon juice.

We crush several cloves of garlic with a garlic press, add seasoning for fish and send it to marinate for at least half an hour.

After the fish, you need to add chopped garlic, a mixture of seasonings


  • prepared and pickled mackerel carcass - 1 pc;
  • medium-sized carrots - 1 pc;
  • small onions - 2 pcs;
  • canned green peas - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • olive oil, salt, pepper;
  • since stuffed mackerel in foil will be cooked, you will need a roll of foil.

Recipe one: mackerel stuffed with carrots, onions and peas.

  1. We clean the carrots and rub on a grater. We also clean the onion from the cover shirts and cut into small pieces.

  2. Stew carrots and onions in olive oil, salt and pepper. Add a spoonful of canned green peas and mix the resulting mixture.

  3. We form a boat from foil. We lay onion circles on its bottom, pour with olive oil. The onion will not let the belly of the mackerel burn, the finished fish can be easily rearranged on the dish.

  4. We fill the fish with minced vegetables, close the foil but not tightly.

  5. If you are preparing mackerel stuffed with onions, then it is better to cut the carcass of the fish from the side of the abdomen and lay it on its side.
  6. Lay the prepared fish on a baking sheet.


  • prepared and pickled mackerel carcass, cut into two fillets;
  • champignons - 5-6 pcs;
  • small onions - 2 pcs;
  • hard cheese with a spicy taste - 150g.
  • olive oil, salt, pepper.

Recipe Two: Stuffed Mackerel with Mushrooms and Cheese

  1. We clean the mushrooms from the skin and cut into plates.

  2. Finely chop one onion. We will stew it in olive oil along with chopped champignons. Salt, pepper.

  3. Cut the second whole onion into slices. Place them on a piece of foil and drizzle with olive oil. Lay each fillet on the foil separately, skin side down.
  4. Lubricate the fillet with mayonnaise.

  5. Spread a layer of mushrooms with onions on top and sprinkle with grated cheese.

  6. We close the foil, leaving the milestone of the fish completely open. Otherwise, the melted cheese will stick to the foil, and all the beauty will be ruined.

Recipe three: mackerel stuffed with cheese and prunes

This recipe for stuffed mackerel is prepared in the same way as stuffed mackerel with mushrooms, only we use prunes instead of mushrooms.

Wash prunes well hot water, dry in a paper towel, cut into pieces and spread on a layer of mayonnaise. Onions are not added to minced meat.

Stuffed mackerel with photo

Rinse fish, dry with paper towels.

Trim fins and tail. Make an incision along the back, separate the meat from the ridge and cut the ridge with scissors. It is also necessary to remove the gills from the head. Then take out all the insides and wash thoroughly inside and out. Dry again using paper towels.

Salt the mackerel a little, sprinkle with black pepper and spices for fish. You can limit yourself to only salt and black pepper.

Prepare the filling. Cut mushrooms and onions into cubes. Fry everything in a pan, adding 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Fry over medium heat until the mushrooms are browned.

In a bowl, combine the cooled fried mushrooms with onions, sour cream and half the cheese, which must be grated on a coarse grater.

Mix everything well.

Cut off a piece of foil in which you can wrap the mackerel completely. Lubricate it with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil. Put the fish in the center and place all the filling inside, as shown in the photo.

Sprinkle the remaining grated hard cheese on top.

Wrap the mackerel in foil and place in a preheated oven to 200 degrees. After 30 minutes, open the foil and leave to bake for another 20 minutes to get a beautiful and ruddy cheese crust.

Mackerel stuffed in the oven is ready. Allow to cool slightly and serve. The next day, the fish becomes even tastier and denser, then it will be easier to cut it into portioned pieces.

Bon appetit!

Baked mackerel with mushrooms and cheese is a surprisingly tasty and exceptionally healthy dish.
Recipe content:

Mackerel itself, whether stuffed, baked or stewed, is always appreciated by nutritionists and is recommended for a diet table. After all, it contains very few calories, in 100 g there are only 200 kcal. Mackerel is rich in fish oil, and contains a lot of phosphorus, zinc, vitamin D and protein. And its protein is three times faster absorbed by the human body than the protein of beef and pork. And unsaturated fatty acids in meat human body work as antioxidants and perfectly strengthen cell membranes.

General principles for cooking baked mackerel with mushrooms and cheese

Mackerel in the oven is one of the most delicious and versatile fish dishes. Cooked mackerel in this way can be served both for the festive table and for a regular family dinner. In addition, it takes only half an hour to bake and it is already ready.

There are a lot of recipes on how to cook mackerel in the oven deliciously. The most common way is to use foil or a baking sleeve. Then the fish is evenly baked, while remaining juicy and fragrant.

Of the spices, mainly white or black pepper, mustard seeds, garlic, salt or special spices for fish are most often used. Mushrooms are used for the filling, but they can be supplemented with carrots, potatoes, etc. For the marinade, there is also an endless field for experiments. Marinade can be supplemented with soy sauce, olive oil, alcoholic drinks...

No matter how you cook mackerel, remember that the result of the finished dish fully justifies the time and effort spent.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 205 kcal.
  • The number of servings - 4 pcs.
  • Cooking time - 20 minutes to prepare the products, 1 hour to marinate and 30-35 minutes to bake the fish


  • Mackerel - 2 carcasses
  • Champignons - 300 g
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Hard cheese - 100 g
  • Mayonnaise - 50 g
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Soy sauce - 4 tbsp
  • Black ground pepper - to taste
  • Seasoning for fish - 1 tsp
  • Refined vegetable oil - for frying

Cooking baked mackerel with mushrooms and cheese

1. Defrost and cut the mackerel: cut off the head, fins, tail and entrails. These trimmings (except for the insides) can not be thrown away, but used to make soup. Be sure to cut off the black film. After dividing the fish into fillets, cutting off the backbone. Wash the fish pieces and pat dry with paper towels.

2. Now prepare the marinade. Put mayonnaise, seasoning for fish in a container, squeeze the juice from half a lemon, add salt and black pepper.

3. Mix the marinade well.

4. Now take each fillet and coat them with the prepared marinade. Wrap the container with the fish in cling film and leave to marinate for 1 hour.

5. In the meantime, wash the mushrooms, dry them and cut into strips, as shown in the photo. You can peel the mushroom caps if you wish, although this is not necessary at all.

6. Heat a frying pan with refined vegetable oil and send the mushrooms to fry. A lot of liquid will be released from the mushrooms during frying, it is necessary that it all completely evaporate, so set the high heat mode.

7. While the liquid from the mushrooms evaporates, remove the husk onion, and cut it into half rings.

8. After that, send the onion to fry in a pan with mushrooms. Season the mushrooms with salt and black pepper.

Many people think that mackerel is good only in salted and smoked form, but there are many recipes for preparing this healthy sea fish.

And today I want to offer you one of them.

List of ingredients:

Take the number of products at will, I give a proportion based on 5 mackerels.

  • 5 freshly frozen mackerels
  • 800 gr. mushrooms
  • 2 onions
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 bell pepper
  • 300 gr. cheese
  • 1 lemon
  • 5 cloves of garlic
  • A piece of ginger (2-3 cm.)
  • 2-3 tbsp sour cream
  • 50 gr. vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp seasonings for fish
  • Salt and pepper

Mackerel baked in the oven with vegetables and mushrooms - a step by step recipe:

First we need to marinate the fish, prepare the marinade.

In a separate bowl, rub half of the prepared garlic on a fine grater, we will need the rest a little later.

We also rub a small piece of ginger there, and discard the remaining coarse fibers from it.

Pour in lemon juice, I left the juice of a whole lemon for 5 fish.

We add half of the vegetable oil, we will fry vegetables in the remaining oil, pour seasoning for fish, salt and pepper.

Thoroughly mix the marinade and now marinate the fish.

Mackerel must first be washed, cut off the fins and be sure to remove the inner black film that is bitter.

Leave the tail and head as desired, just remember to remove the gills.

We coat our fish very well with the prepared marinade, both inside and out.

We distribute the marinade over the whole fish, laying it with its belly up, and for now set it aside.

In the meantime, while our fish is marinating, we will prepare the rest of the products.

We rub the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the onion into a small cube, rub the cheese on a coarse grater, chop the remaining garlic and cut the mushrooms into small pieces.

Mushrooms take any, both fresh and frozen.

I have fresh mushrooms.

All products are prepared, vegetables are cut, and now we are going to the stove to prepare the stuffing for the fish.

Set the pan on the stove, pour in the remaining vegetable oil, heat it well and pour onions.

Fry the onion until slightly golden.

As soon as the onion is browned, pour the garlic and fry for a minute, then add the carrots and simmer until soft.

Carrots are lightly fried, add sweet Bulgarian pepper and simmer for 2-3 minutes.

Now we add mushrooms to the vegetables and simmer them until cooked, they will give juice and as soon as it evaporates, after 10 minutes, add pepper, salt, and add sour cream.

Mix everything thoroughly and let the mass boil for 1-2 minutes.

Sour cream will thicken the vegetable mass and give it a pleasant creamy taste and aroma.

The filling is ready and now we will stuff the fish.

We will bake the mackerel in a refractory form, put the fish on the back and try to open the abdomen a little, so that it is more convenient to stuff.

Pour the rest of the marinade over the fish.

We stuff the fish with the prepared vegetable filling, lightly tamping it, and evenly distributing it.

Put grated cheese on top of the vegetable filling and press it a little to the vegetables.

Our fish is stuffed and ready for baking, we send it to the oven, heated to a temperature of 180 ° C for 30 minutes.

This recipe is good because the fish can be stuffed in advance and put in the refrigerator, and baked immediately before serving.

The fish is baked, we take it out.

The fish turns out to be unusually tasty, juicy, soaked in garlic-lemon marinade, stuffed with fried vegetables and mushrooms, with baked cheese crust.

I invite everyone to the table and traditionally wish you bon appetit!
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Mackerel baked in the oven with vegetables and mushrooms - video recipe:

Mackerel baked in the oven with vegetables and mushrooms - photo:
