Honey mushrooms are false and edible. Meadow mushrooms: photo and description Edible meadow mushrooms

Mushrooms and their beneficial properties from known to mankind for thousands of years. These inhabitants of forests, meadows, fields and household plots have many features and useful characteristics. Mushrooms are a connection of various living organisms and combine the features of plant and animal compounds that are widely used in medicine, cooking, and the national economy. This unusual product is a source of a large amount of protein, carbohydrates, minerals, amino acids, trace elements. Mushrooms are studied by the science of mycology.

In cooking, mushrooms are divided into edible and poisonous.

  • To edible include chanterelles, russula, milk mushrooms, champignons, mushrooms, mushrooms.
  • inedible- fly agaric, pale grebe, poisonous rowing, false mushrooms are sulfur-yellow. The content of toxic toxins in them is so high that a slight use will lead to fatal poisoning.

Honey mushrooms are of several types:

  • Summer.
  • Autumn real.
  • Winter.
  • Lugovoi.
  • Field.

meadow mushrooms

From spring to late autumn, a great variety of mushrooms grow all over the world, striking in a variety of species. You can find them in coniferous and deciduous forests or plantings.

If there is no sprawling endless forest nearby, you can safely go to the meadows, fields or pastures to “hunt” for mushrooms. Under favorable weather conditions, mushrooms actively grow in open spaces.

Meadow mushrooms sometimes grow, forming "witch circles" or "elf rings", which is a natural phenomenon. Fungal communities grow through the grass, creating an arc or ring on the surface with a diameter of tens of centimeters to several meters. This is due to the uniform germination of the mycelium around the circumference, after which the inner part of the mycelium dies due to lack of nutrition, while the outer part continues to develop and bear fruit abundantly.

Honey agaric meadow

Belongs to the Negniuchnikov family and includes many species, of which only a few are edible. These include the field honey agaric, which grows in large groups in open spaces, and not on stumps, like other relatives.

External characteristics

An edible thin-lamellar mushroom with a body weight of about one gram, a cap diameter of 2 to 7 centimeters, depending on age, on a thin, dense stem, 2 to 9 centimeters high.

The surface of the cap is smooth, covered with scales of a darker color, straightens as the fungus grows, leaving a small mound in the center. In rainy weather, the hat becomes sticky and changes color from light cream to brown.

In a young mushroom, the flesh is white or yellowish., at the cut point, the color remains unchanged. The plates fit tightly to each other, as they grow, the distance between them increases.

Meadow or field mushrooms are able to tolerate severe dehydration. In dry hot weather, the body of the fungus shrinks, but after rain it is saturated with moisture and is able to produce light beige or white oval spores.

Places of distribution

Explore forest expanses in search of mushrooms from mid-May to October. Mushrooms are found on the grassy soil of pastures and meadows, along roads, on the edges, in ravines, ditches, gardens and orchards.

Similarity to inedible mushrooms

Very often honey agarics are confused with wood-loving collibia. This conditionally edible mushroom is not very popular with cooks because of its pungent odor and low taste. It differs from edible ones in a hollow leg and lighter plates. There is a dangerous resemblance to poisonous mushroom- a whitish talker, which skillfully disguises itself as good fungi and loves to settle down next to the family of meadow mushrooms. This deadly enemy is the champion in the content of the alkaloid muscarine.

It differs from the edible one by the absence of a tubercle on the cap and plates descending to the middle of the stem.

Supports and their properties

They are called the lilac-legged ryadovka - a large fleshy mushroom with a convex hat and edges wrapped down, which grows in open places. The smooth shiny cap has a bright purple or brownish-red color. The leg is strong and thick with purple hairs at the base. The fleshy pulp is dense, has a slight anise aroma and a pleasant taste.

Mushrooms in the meadow begin to be collected in April and end in late autumn with the onset of cold weather. Podotavniki well withstand weak frosts, which distinguishes them from poisonous relatives.

They belong to the category of edible mushrooms. Distinguished by excellent taste. Used in boiled, fried and pickled form. There are many excellent recipes for their preparation in the world.

Mushrooms occupy a significant place in human life and are used in cooking, medicine, and the national economy.

Use in medicine.

  • E- a strong antioxidant, removing toxins from the body, helps to maintain the water balance of cells.
  • RR- nicotinic acid is involved in the process of lowering the index of cholesterol in the blood, is used to reduce spasms of the vessels of the extremities.
  • IN 2- regulates the metabolic processes of the body, positively affects the mucous membranes gastrointestinal tract, plays an important role in the treatment of eye diseases such as cataracts.
  • Potassium, sodium, iron and manganese- trace elements, without which no healthy human body can do.

In addition to all of the above, mushrooms contain a large number of protein, carbohydrates and mineral salts.

People who, for various reasons, refuse to eat meat, replenish their protein content by eating mushrooms.

Honey mushrooms are a group of mushrooms popular for their gastronomic qualities. The honey agaric belongs to different families. These mushrooms grow in large colonies, which means that it will not be difficult to find them in the forest, but they also have false twins. They feed on the dead organic remains of stumps. The collection of mushrooms is long in time and ends with the closing of the autumn mushroom season.

The name honey agaric comes from the word "stump". It is not surprising, because the main place for the growth of mushrooms are stumps and chocks. The only exception is meadow honey agaric that hides in the grass. Each type of mushroom has its own characteristics, respectively, and appearance they have different. Consider what the different types of fungus in the table can be.

The main types of mushrooms

What does a honey agaric look like? Appearance and characteristics of mushrooms are completely different in different types of it. Consider them on the example of a table

The name of the honey agaric

general description

Taste qualities

place of growth

Meadow (field mushrooms, nets)

Small hat - up to 7 cm, first bell-shaped, then flat, light brown, yellowish flesh

Excellent taste and aroma of almonds

Edges, meadows, fields, country roads


The hat is hemispherical, color from yellow to brown

It acquires a good taste only after digestion, has a pleasant smell, false spring mushrooms smell like sour cabbage

In coniferous forests

Hat up to 7 cm, convex, sticky after rain, yellowish in color, mushrooms of this species are similar to meadow

Delicious and fragrant

Meadows, fields, edges, near roads

Hat up to 15 cm, yellowish-brown, leg length up to 10 cm

Pleasant taste and aroma, great for soups

In gardens and forests, on stumps and windbreaks

Leg velvety, hat up to 6 cm

The taste is mild, the aroma is barely perceptible, perfect for stews

Found on willows and poplars

Powder with greenish, reddish or purple spores, dangerous mushrooms

Not used for food, poor taste

On stumps in the woods

What are honey mushrooms useful for

Honey mushrooms are used not only in cooking. They also have medicinal properties. Main beneficial features mushrooms are:

  • improve performance;
  • beneficial effect on metabolism;
  • improve the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • able to get rid of intestinal infections;
  • help people with diabetes feel better;
  • calm the nerves;
  • normalize blood circulation;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • remove cholesterol;
  • contribute to the resorption of blood clots;
  • have a general strengthening effect on the body;
  • increase immunity;
  • improve cardiac performance.

There are other useful qualities of the presented mushrooms, we have considered only the most important ones. I.e, honey agaric is not only very tasty, but also a healthy mushroom.

Where to collect mushrooms (video)

How to collect mushrooms correctly

Often edible and false mushrooms grow in the same place. Therefore, it is important to learn how to determine which mushrooms are real and which are poisonous. As a rule, false mushrooms are brighter because they are trying to attract the attention of a mushroom picker.

Let us consider in more detail the features of the collection of mushrooms. The cap size of this mushroom is on average up to 5 cm, but you may be lucky and you can find a true giant with a cap size up to 20 cm. The thickness of the stem can be up to 2 cm. The lower part of the mushroom cap has a lighter shade. The flesh of the real honey agaric is thin, and the smell is pleasant with fruity notes. Young mushrooms have a more convex cap than older ones, in which it is more even.

A dish of mushrooms can be quickly and easily satiated, as they are quite nutritious. Due to their small size, they fit compactly in a mushroom basket. Also real honey agaric grows very quickly: after a good rain in the forest, they can be found in greater numbers in the same place. But in order for mushrooms to grow in the same place every time, it is necessary to collect them correctly. To do this, it is advised to carefully cut the mushrooms.

Real mushroom pickers with experience advise you to collect all the mushrooms that you meet, and not stop only at the big ones. This advice is argued by the fact that a large mushroom, and, accordingly, an old one, has only a hat that is valuable in gastronomic terms. After all, over time, his leg becomes tougher and loses its taste value.
Eating mushrooms in food, you can enrich your body with a number of useful trace elements. This mushroom is prepared in different ways: salted, pickled, dried, fried, boiled. But be sure to boil it and drain the moisture before use.

How to grow mushrooms yourself

It is best to grow winter mushrooms on your own. You can breed the mushroom at home or in the country in a greenhouse. A glazed balcony is also suitable. When growing at home, mushrooms need additional lighting. The growing process itself takes place on special substrate blocks, consisting of:

  • 0.2 kg of dry sawdust;
  • 0.07 kg of oats;
  • a teaspoon of chalk.

The substrate is thoroughly mixed, and then soaked for 5 minutes. Then it is boiled for 45 minutes. After the excess water is drained, and the substrate is dried. Then it is laid out in jars and cooled. The containers in which the mycelium was sown are kept at a temperature of about 20 degrees. The first bumps will appear after a month.

In the country, mushrooms can be bred in ordinary stumps. To do this, mycelium is poured into them, into pre-drilled holes. Mushrooms in this case can be obtained within 3-6 years.

How to save mushrooms for the winter (video)

How mushrooms are pickled

Royal, autumn and other types of honey mushrooms have useful composition. Eating them is absolutely safe, and with proper pickling, you can safely serve the dish even on the festive table. All guests will be delighted.

Necessary components for marinating:

  • 1.5 kg of mushrooms;
  • salt in the amount of 1.5 tablespoons;
  • sugar in the amount of 2 tablespoons;
  • 2-3 bay leaves;
  • 2-3 cloves;
  • 1 whole cinnamon stick;
  • 10 peas of black pepper;
  • 3 peas of allspice;
  • citric acid in an amount of 0.3 g or 3 tablespoons of lemon juice;
  • vinegar essence (if desired, you can replace it with vodka) is taken from the calculation: 1 dessert spoon per volume of a liter jar.

Direct preparation:

  1. Select only whole and undamaged mushrooms, clean them and wash thoroughly.
  2. After the preparation is over, pour boiling water into the mushrooms and bring to a boil on the stove. Continue boiling for several minutes and then drain in a colander. Wash under the tap with cold water.
  3. Pour boiling water over the mushrooms again, add all the prepared amount of spices, citric acid, and boil on the stove. Boil for 10 minutes.
  4. Add sugar and salt. And again cook at a low temperature for half an hour. If foam appears, be sure to remove it.
  5. The readiness of mushrooms is manifested in their lowering to the bottom. And the marinade itself becomes much lighter.
  6. Pre-sterilize the jars, and then spread the mushrooms in them. Vinegar essence is added to each of the jars.
  7. Pour the prepared marinade over the mushrooms and seal using a seaming machine. Lids must be sterilized.
  8. Turn the jars upside down and do not touch until they are completely cool. Store in a cool and dark place.

How to pickle mushrooms (video)

Kira Stoletova

Meadow mushroom grows in open areas, in grass: in glades, lawns, pastures, roadsides, in gardens. This habitat somehow does not fit with the name "honey mushroom". You can meet him from late spring to mid-autumn. Its other names are meadow marasmius, meadow rot, clove mushroom, meadow grass. It tolerates drought well, bears fruit abundantly. It grows in rows or arcs, forming "witch circles".

Description of the appearance of the mushroom

The hat is yellow-brown or reddish-red, in dry weather - light cream, 2-5 cm (rarely - 8 cm) in diameter. The surface is smooth. In young mushrooms, it has the shape of a hemisphere, convex. Over time, it becomes flat, prostrate. There is a tubercle in the center. The edges are semi-translucent, often uneven, ribbed. The center of the cap is dark. In wet weather, the cap is sticky. It is characterized by the phenomenon of hygrophobia.

Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

Hygrofanity - the ability of the pulp of the caps of some types of mushrooms to swell under the action of moisture falling on its surface. The false tissue (trama) forming the pulp is represented by a loose, rather than a dense interweaving of hyphae, as a result of which spaces appear between them in which water is retained. Therefore, depending on weather conditions hygrophan caps are able to change their color, and when dried, concentric zones appear, which begin to spread either from the center to the edge of the cap or vice versa.

The pulp is thin, white or light yellow in color with a slightly sweetish taste (due to the content of trehalose) and a specific smell reminiscent of the smell of cloves, hence the name "cloves" or bitter almonds.

The plates in young honey mushrooms are grown, in mature ones they are free. Their width is 3-6 mm. The location is rare. Spores ovoid or elliptical, smooth.

According to the description, the leg is high (up to 10 cm) and thin (2-5 mm). Slightly thickened at the base, sometimes curved. Dense, hard in older specimens. It has the same color as the hat.

The mushroom is edible, it belongs to category 4.

twin mushrooms

Meadow mushrooms have mushrooms similar in appearance and taste. Not all of them are edible, so you need to be able to distinguish different types. Twins include:

  • Collibia woody (spring honey agaric, forest meadow agaric): grows in mixed forests on trees, stumps or under leaves. The leg is not long - up to 6 cm, tubular, hollow. The cap is often whitish. The plates are more frequent, white or ocher-cream. The mushroom has an unpleasant, pungent odor. It is classified as conditionally edible.
  • Whitish talker: the hat is curved, always white. The tubercle in the center is absent. Leg height - up to 4 cm. Attention! Representatives of this species grow in the same places as the non-blight. Forms "witch circles". This mushroom is poisonous.
  • Honey mushrooms autumn, winter and summer: grow on stumps, rotting wood. Outwardly similar to marasmius. Among these species, there are also poisonous ones, for example, false honey agaric.

Useful properties and contraindications

The composition of the product determines its benefits for human body. Meadow mushrooms contain the following substances:

  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates;
  • antibiotics;
  • polysaccharides;
  • trace elements: copper, zinc, etc.

Their regular use produces the following effect:

  • improves immunity;
  • improves performance;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • removes cholesterol;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • beneficial effect on blood circulation.

Mushrooms have a laxative effect. They won't do much harm if you don't abuse them. Children under 7 years old are not recommended to give mushrooms at all because of the physiological immaturity of the body (specific enzymes are not yet produced). Contraindications are serious diseases of the intestines and stomach.


After the mushrooms are harvested, they begin to darken quickly, so you should immediately clean them. To do this, marasmius are first sorted out, removing low-quality ones (with rot and mold). Then they wash thoroughly.

In cooking

For food, hats are most often used. The legs, especially in older specimens, are hard - they are removed, but they are quite suitable for cooking. mushroom caviar or powder. They are being prepared different ways: fried, boiled, marinated and salted.

Marasmius broth is superior in taste to broths made even from porcini mushrooms. Soups, sauces, main dishes are prepared from them, they are added to pates, casseroles. If field mushrooms will dry, then you should not wash them. They are carefully cleaned with a knife from debris, bugs. These mushrooms are also suitable for freezing.

In medicine

Negniyuchnik contains marasmic acid and scorodonin. These substances have a strong action against pathogenic bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus, which causes various diseases. Resist viruses.

The polysaccharides secreted by the mycelium put the thyroid gland in order. The lecithin contained in mushrooms is used for kidney diseases, since it is able to destroy thrombofibrins and platelets, which are associated with kidney microangiopathy. Phytohemagglutinins are used to determine the blood group. This is the best option, because. usually for such purposes take human blood serum. Marasmius also has the property of suppressing the development of cancer cells.

Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

One of the properties of non-rotten is its ability to suppress the phenomenon of apoptosis. Apoptosis is a specific, regulated process, the process of cell death programmed in DNA, in which its contents - the protoplast - breaks up into separate particles - apoptotic bodies limited by the plasma membrane. In about 90 minutes, all of them are absorbed by macrophages in the process of phagocytosis or by neighboring cells, and the development of the inflammatory process does not occur. It is believed that apoptosis is designed to destroy defective cells.

In China, meadow mushrooms are used in traditional medicine. They act as an anticonvulsant. With the help of non-rotten people, they get rid of pain in the legs, treat tendons and veins, and relax muscles.

Growing methods

It is better to grow meadow honey agaric in shaded parts of the site: under trees, bushes, in beds. The earth is loosened, weeds are not removed. Sow mycelium. This is done during the period of fruiting marasmius. More suitable terms for the manipulation are as follows:

  • September-beginning of December;
  • end of February-May.

Consumption: 1 pack (100-150 g) per 2.5-3 m 2 . Humus or compost is laid on the bed with a layer of 5-10 cm. The first crop is harvested after 2-2.5 months.

By the way. From 1 m 2 get up to 6 kg of meadows per month.

Planting does not require warming for the cold season, because the mycelium tolerates low temperatures well. At the end of autumn, when fruiting stops, the mycelium is fertilized. Humus (humus) or dried plant residues are poured on top. Feeding agents are also combined. Landing in one place will exist for 4-6 years.

They collect non-mushrooms in different countries of Eurasia, in Iceland, Japan, Africa, and America. They are tasty and healthy. Our ancestors believed that if girls wash themselves with morning dew from marasmius, then the skin acquires a healthy, well-groomed appearance.

Honey agaric meadow (lat. marasmius oreades) is an edible agaric mushroom. It occurs in meadows, mainly in open grassy spaces. Grows on soil from late May to late October.

Other names: Meadow rot, Marasmius meadow, Lugovik, Clove mushroom

Mushroom characteristics


The diameter of the cap of Oppenka meadow is from 2 to 5 cm. At a young age, hemispherical, with the age of the fungus it opens, acquires a flat-spread shape, with a blunt tubercle in the center. Old dried mushrooms can take on a cupped shape. The surface of the hat is smooth, sticky in wet weather. The edges of the cap are translucent, slightly ribbed, often uneven. The color of the cap is yellowish-brown, sometimes with slightly noticeable zoning; when dried, the hat often acquires a lighter, off-white color. The center of the cap is always darker than its edges.


The plates of Meadow honey agaric are rare, adherent in young mushrooms. With age, the fungi become free, with clearly visible intermediate plates. The width of the plates is 3 - 6 mm. The color is ocher or creamy-whitish.


The flesh of the meadow honey agaric is thin, whitish or pale yellow. When damaged, the fungus does not change color. It has a light sweet aftertaste and a strong peculiar smell, reminiscent of the smell of cloves or bitter almonds.

spore powder

Spores ovoid or ellipsoid, smooth, colorless. Spore size 7 - 8.5 x 4 - 5.5 µm. Spore powder is white or cream.


The leg of the Meadow honey agaric is long and thin. The height of the stem is from 3 to 6 cm, the thickness is 0.2 - 0.5 cm. The stem is cylindrical, slightly thickened at the base, solid, dense, fibrous. Sometimes it is tortuous. Pale ocher color or the color of the hat.

When and where does it grow

Honey agaric Meadow grows on the soil from the end of May to the end of October. It prefers to grow in open grassy spaces - in meadows, pastures, pastures, in vegetable gardens, orchards, along the edges of fields, on roadsides, on edges or forest glades, in ravines and ditches. Fruits abundantly, often forming rows, arcs and "witch circles". It tolerates dry periods well. A shrunken and shriveled mushroom takes its usual form after the rain.


Attention! Poison Doppelgangers

Honey agaric Meadow can be confused with the deadly poisonous Whitish Talker (bleached, or discolored) ( lat. Clitocybe dealbata). The talker grows in approximately the same conditions, forming “witch circles”, but differs in a whitish hat without a central tubercle, frequent descending plates and a floury smell of pulp.

Similar species:

Honey agaric Meadow is often confused with the conditionally edible forest-loving Collibia ( lat. Gymnopus dryophilus), although they are not very similar. Collibia grows exclusively in deciduous and coniferous forests. It is distinguished by more frequent whitish or ocher-cream plates, a tubular-hollow leg and an unpleasant odor.

Meadow mushrooms are beautiful, healthy and tasty mushrooms. You can find them in open areas: fields, meadows, forest edges.

You can collect them right from spring to autumn (if the climate is warm).

They are easy to find by the way they grow in circles, that is, they grow in the form of an arc in a clearing.

Mushrooms have several names: meadow mushrooms, meadow, non-rotten, marasmius, clove.

We can use the mushroom almost everywhere: it has many nutrients, it is used in cooking, cosmetology and medicinal purposes.

Some even call them "witch circles". A very wide selection of what can be prepared from non-rotten. The most favorite dish is meadow mushroom soup, and they are also fried, stewed and marinated for the winter.


Row family. Mushrooms are lamellar saprophytic.

Unusual distinctive feature - glows in the dark. They have some kind of magic.

It is believed that since ancient times, people wandering through the night forests got lost and found their way thanks to the light of mushrooms. But seeing them, magic came to life and put people to sleep. It is not known whether this is true or not, but the ability to glow is still there.

White talker (poisonous mushroom)

It poses a great threat to health. The main distinguishing feature of the difference is that the talker can only be white. The leg is very short. Similarity - grows in the same place as marasmius, in open spaces, meadows, fields.

Summer, winter honey agarics

Similarity is appearance. The difference is the place of growth. Unlike the space-loving honey agaric, summer and winter mushrooms grow on stumps. Such species can grow edible, or they can be false.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW: This should be observed correctly when using any mushroom. Poison can be not only poisonous, but also edible. They are constantly in contact when fruiting nearby. Before eating the mushroom, wash it thoroughly with running water, you can even use a special solution for washing vegetables on mushrooms.

Cooking with mushrooms

When cooking, they mainly use hats and the pulp of meadow mushrooms, as they are soft. While their legs are very tough and the dish will not be so tasty with them.

The most amazing fragrant broths and soups are obtained from this mushroom, even tastier than from the porcini mushroom.

You can use dried meadow mushroom hats as a fragrant addition to the main dish.

Primary preparation of mushrooms

The first step after harvesting is to sort out and throw out all the bad mushrooms, otherwise it will spread to all mushrooms.

Plus the mushrooms darken too quickly. So, the most important thing is to thoroughly rinse the mushrooms in order to get rid of toxins on the surface in contact with other mushrooms, from all sorts of bugs, various insects, bacteria, etc.

If you are going to dry the mushrooms, then you need to clean everything with a knife and remove the rotten places will be enough.

If you are going to pickle mushrooms, then before cleaning you need to soak them in warm water for half an hour. Remove the film without damaging the parts of the fungus. Under running water, you can remove the film under the cap.

Cooking process for different preparations of dishes:

Honey agaric recipes

Mushroom frying

Cut into pieces or not - the choice is yours. If you like it bigger, you can leave it like this. To begin with, rinse, clean, boil everything, as described earlier.

Roast on vegetable oil with vegetables or meat, according to your taste. Experienced chefs like to add sour cream to mushrooms.

You can even fry mushrooms for the winter. How? Just after frying, pack them in a bag and put them in the freezer.

Soup from non-rotters

Most tasty dish from mushrooms was and will be - soup.

To begin with, cleaning, washing, cooking as it should be, as it was written earlier.

Then, sliced ​​potatoes are added to already boiled mushrooms, fried carrots with onions are added there. Of course, bay leaves will add aroma and taste to any soup. After preparing the soup, let it stand and your dish is ready!

INTERESTING: From ancient times, girls got out during the full moon and applied meadow mushrooms to their faces to heal their skin and get rid of freckles.

How to marinate

Preparation for pickling is simple. We also clean, wash, cook as described above.

Advice: It is better to use capron caps than metal caps.

Calculation - 1 liter jar \u003d 1k mushrooms.

Here is a recipe for pickling mushrooms for the winter:

  • Water;
  • Meadow mushrooms;
  • Pea pepper;
  • Garlic;
  • Lavrushka;
  • Salt;
  • Vinegar.

After boiling for an hour, when the mushrooms are boiled, sugar and salt are added immediately. After 10 minutes of cooking add vinegar. Then we put the mushrooms in a jar and marinade on top. Roll up the lids. We store in a cool place.


In China, mushrooms are a muscle relaxant and also an anticonvulsant.
