Mushrooms collected in the forest. Dream Interpretation why dream of picking mushrooms

Mushrooms are often called a gift of nature, and rightly so. This meat replacement product has excellent taste properties. If he dreams, then only to material prosperity, well-being, all the best in life.

Dreamed of mushrooms in a dream what does it mean

It is believed that picking mushrooms indicates money and income. Collect them in the forest- increase your wealth.

According to Miller's dream book the passion for picking mushrooms means that there are bad or harmful habits in the life of a sleeping person, he can go to great lengths for the sake of excitement, and may even cross the law.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation portends a sleeping person good luck when collecting, but if there are toadstools in the basket, then this is due to the betrayal of a close friend.

Collect mushrooms in a dream

Many dream books give an interpretation that if you went to the forest collect mushrooms in a dream- this is to increase wealth.

Finding them and collecting them in a dream for a woman means:

  1. caring and attentive husband, obedient children;
  2. prosperity in the house;
  3. calmness and confidence in the future;
  4. well-being in the family;
  5. respect for colleagues at work;
  6. a little flirting or an office romance.

Find big in a dream porcini - to the groom, lover.

If a woman dreams of mushrooms

When a woman dreams of mushrooms in a dream- good sign. It means profit in material terms and "on the love front."

If a dream is dreaming pregnant woman, then the pregnancy will proceed without pathologies and abnormalities, and she will have a healthy baby.

For girls who are married is a sure sign of pregnancy.

When the girl dreamed of a lot of forest fungi, then the choice of suitors will be large. These "gifts of nature" in a dream can give a young woman in reality that the only man with which you can link your fate forever.

Why do white mushrooms dream

Collect white mushrooms for a woman- great luck. Such a dream leads to:

  1. career advancement;
  2. establishing family relationships;
  3. addition to the family;
  4. arrival of long-awaited guests.

A sleeping person to see white mushrooms- a pleasure, both in a dream and in reality. All doors open before him, he is accompanied by good health, a happy life.

When unmarried girl dreams that she found a white fungus - to be a wedding!

If you dream of picking mushrooms in the forest

AT most dream books collect mushrooms- to profit, a positive solution to long-planned plans.

When a woman dreams that she collects mushrooms or butter- she is waiting for a monetary reward in the form of a bonus or other incentives.

When she found a big white mushroom- a new admirer will appear.

Picking mushrooms in the forest according to the dream book for a woman means:

  • a pleasant meeting;
  • friendship, love, marriage;
  • receiving significant income;
  • positive decision of cases;
  • longevity;
  • career advancement.

But in some dreams there is a warning about possible betrayal, danger, deceit. In such dreams, the mushrooms turned out to be inedible, poisonous.

Why do mushrooms dream in a man's dream

The interpretation in the dream book for men and women is different. If a business man visions come about collecting fungi in the forest, this means:

  • getting a good profit from the project;
  • profitable deal;
  • embodiment of ideas;
  • the arrival of profitable investors.

For men, edible fungus and mean that he has many true friends.

A man with a pregnant wife, a dream with the collection of mushrooms promises the birth of a son.

Mushrooms again why dream

  • Honey mushrooms- are associated in a dream with cohesion, as they grow in clusters. They indicate a strong team, mutual understanding, good relations. Collecting them in a dream is a good sign.
  • Collect milk mushrooms- fulfillment of desires.
  • Collection of champignons promises an unexpected, chance meeting on the street.
  • If you had to walk in the woods and find chanterelles- to well-being, additional income.
  • woman you may dream of such gifts of nature for the birth of a daughter.
  • Not always pleasant events are accompanied by a dream with the collection of mushrooms. There is some trick, a secret, a deceit hidden here.

Gather edible mushrooms in the forest

Dreams where people gather in the forest edible forest gifts, in the dream book means:

  • long life and health;
  • good luck, well-being;
  • material income;
  • getting rid of failures;
  • happy marriage.

If a lot of mushrooms dream- to true friends, successful transactions, cash receipts.

When the gifts of nature in the forest are great and a lot, a pleasant event awaits you, which will make significant changes in your life.

For woman or girl picking mushrooms in a dream is a new man who can become loved.

Wormy mushrooms dream of what

See in dreams unfit for food mushrooms filled with worms, does not carry anything good.

Miller's dream book associates such a dream with fraud or with your disastrous mistake.

Other dream books interpret this as:

  • expect meanness from an old enemy;
  • you are provided with malaise, poor health;
  • be careful, you may encounter lies, misfortune, bad intentions, failures.

Picking mushrooms in the forest is a common thing for avid lovers of "silent hunting", but during night dreams this activity is quite unusual, especially if you are not a mushroom picker. Although in Everyday life there is nothing terrible in such a task, a dream about it can bring a series of disappointments. To find out why you dream of picking mushrooms in the forest, you need to remember all the details of the dream and turn to dream books.

Dream Interpretation

Miller believed that mushroom picking could be interpreted as a symbol of vicious or unhealthy desire. His dream book says that such a dream indicates the presence in a person's life of many bad habits, addictions to adventures and lies, or even a desire to break the law.

Other dream books offer the following interpretations:

If you are interested in what mushrooms are dreaming of and picking them in the forest according to the Ukrainian dream book, then it says that such a dream promises profit and a good development of events. Also it may be a symbol of longevity and family happiness.

Types and condition of mushrooms

One of the best signs for a dreamer is the collection of porcini mushrooms (boletus mushrooms). These forest gifts symbolize financial well-being and can promise profit for businessmen, salary increases and unexpected material bonuses. If you happened to see how the whole family collected mushrooms, this means that relatives and friends will not need anything.

A dream in which you were picking porcini mushrooms in a forest by the road indicates the need to be careful, because in the pursuit of money you may find yourself in poverty.

Those who collected mushrooms in night dreams should become calmer, because these mushrooms symbolize useless fuss. This means that your actions will not lead to any result, so you should spend your energy rationally.

Honey mushrooms are in a dream those who will soon be lucky enough to reap the fruits of their own efforts, therefore they are considered an excellent sign. If someone cut them off before you, then you need to be decisive in your work in order not to give competitors a chance to intercept a profitable project.

The appearance of toadstools and fly agarics in a dream is a favorable sign. He prophesies a happy event that will soon change your life for the better. Also, these mushrooms in night dreams can bring a pleasant surprise in reality.

Collecting boletus symbolizes that you own a major personal secret. If in a dream you collect and lose such mushrooms, someone may find out about this secret, which will lead to negative consequences.

If in a dream you collected a basket of chanterelles mixed with fly agarics or grebes, this means an upcoming risky offer. You can agree to it if there were significantly more chanterelles, since such a sign indicates a successful outcome of the event.

Fresh or wormy gifts of the forest

Equally important is the condition of the mushrooms that you collected during night dreams. The following options are possible:

Those dreamers who had to cut a lot of mushrooms, which later turned out to be inedible, should reconsider their own skills and knowledge, since such a sign indicates incompetence.

Other sleep details

When interpreting a dream, its general atmosphere is also of great importance, which in this case depends on which forest you have dreamed of. The following options may come up:

  • deciduous - to the emergence of solid capital or making big profits;
  • coniferous dreams of excellent health and quick relief from diseases;
  • mixed speaks of the need to reconsider your relationship with loved ones, since you can hurt them with rash words or actions;
  • picking mushrooms in a forest with dead trees is considered a bad sign, indicating that new beginnings will turn out to be a failure;
  • the magical forest symbolizes financial well-being, so such a dream will lead to an unexpected bonus or profit.

Other details of the dream can also change its meaning. Those who have visited the mushroom meadow should become less gullible, since such a symbol indicates the presence in your life of hypocrites and traitors pretending to be friends. A mushroom meadow with toadstools or fly agarics speaks of empty hopes for some business that you will not be able to bring to life. If you have planned a new business, do not waste your energy on it.

If in a dream you watched a mushroom picker collecting forest gifts, get ready for new troubles. Such a sign can prophesy both failure in work and illness.

Dreamers who picked mushrooms with their loved one should not worry. Such a vision portends a strong and happy marriage. It is especially good if you collected not only mushrooms, but also berries. This means that passion, mutual trust and well-being will be present in your family life.

If you dreamed that you collected a full basket of mushrooms, but then someone stole it, then soon expect deception from a loved one. Also, such a dream can mean future disappointment in one of your close friends.

In a dream, picking mushrooms in the forest can be both a good and a bad sign. If the interpretation of your dream turned out to be not the most pleasant, you should not be upset, because night visions do not always come true and can only be warnings.

Attention, only TODAY!

Dreamed of mushrooms? This can be both auspicious and a warning sign for you.

Before figuring out what mushrooms are dreaming of, it would be useful to take into account some important details.

For example:

  • You dreamed that you saw a clearing dotted with mushrooms.
  • You are cooking mushrooms.
  • Mushrooms may be different types: large or small, edible and poisonous.
  • You were picking mushrooms in the forest in your dream.
  • You happened to eat mushrooms in a dream.

There are not so many situations, but each such dream carries its own, unique and important meaning. Remember well everything you can from this dream: what were the mushrooms, what did you do with them, or just looked at them? And then you can look for the meaning of sleep.

On the edge of the forest

If in a dream you happened to see mushrooms with your own eyes, but you didn’t touch them, didn’t eat, didn’t smell, and so on - these dreams can have the most various meanings, both favorable and not particularly rosy.

We will find out what mushrooms are dreaming of, which you did not touch, but only contemplated.

1. Frequent sleep - a mushroom meadow, mushrooms on which can be any: champignons, mushrooms, milk mushrooms, porcini ... Such a dream is a warning of danger. As the dream book says, this is a symbol of the fact that there are imaginary friends in your environment.

2. But to see in a dream poisonous mushrooms- toadstools, fly agarics, and so on - oddly enough, this dream, on the contrary, has a very favorable meaning.

It promises a happy event, which will certainly and very soon happen in your life and change it for the better. It will be a pleasant, joyful surprise from a completely unexpected side!

3. Seeing wormy mushrooms in a dream is a warning sign. According to Miller's dream book, wormy mushrooms warn you that you are at risk of getting sick, falling into a blues or depression in the near future. Take a closer look at your condition and take the necessary measures at the first sign of malaise.

4. Sometimes in a dream you have to see absolutely incredible things - for example, huge, simply gigantic mushrooms, the size of a whole house. The meaning of such a fabulous dream is wonderful!

Your efforts will be justified, your merit will be appreciated, and you will receive a generous reward. If not in the form of crisp large bills in in large numbers, then certainly in the form of recognition, respect and excellent reputation.

What did you do with them?

Such dreams are very frequent, in which you have to not only see mushrooms, but also do something with them. Search, collect, cook or eat - and sometimes even raw! Let's see what mushrooms dream of, with which various actions are associated.

1. The most common question: why dream of picking mushrooms - in the forest, in the clearing, anywhere? This is a wonderful dream, which is a harbinger of great happiness, good luck and joyful events.

  • For businessmen, entrepreneurs, this dream means profit, prosperity and success in business.
  • And for unmarried women - a happy marriage!

In any case, if you happened to pick mushrooms in the forest in a dream, this is a sign of good luck and happiness in the near future.

2. What does it mean if you are looking for mushrooms in the forest, but you see that someone has already collected them before you, and you are left with only legs?

This means that soon a situation may arise on your way in which you will show excessive and groundless suspicion. Moreover, Miller's dream book indicates that because of this very suspicion, you will miss the chance and lose something.

3. Dreams are also associated with mistrust, in which I happened to eat mushrooms in any form: salted, fried, in ...

You suspect someone from your family or people close to you. This suspicion is most likely unfounded, but it can lead to conflict or even a break in a good relationship through your fault. Do not rush to make decisions and blame someone for no good reason.

4. Another thing is to eat mushrooms in sour cream in a dream, especially white ones. Seeing such a dish in front of you and feasting on it is a symbol of the fact that temptations and pleasures await you. But be careful: this can lead to the loss of your reputation, so it's best not to go to extremes.

5. A dream in which you had to eat for some reason raw mushrooms, even poisonous, promises you longevity and good health. Be sure that you will definitely live up to deep noble gray hair.

6. And if you are preparing some kind of mushroom dish in a dream, it means that you will soon need to make some important decision. In this case, all responsibility will fall on you. Take courage and don't seek advice. Make the right decision yourself, trusting your intuition and listening to your heart. Author: Vasilina Serova

The meaning of dreams about mushrooms in many dream books often depends on who exactly saw this dream: a man or a woman.

Why dream that you are picking mushrooms in the forest

Women's dream book

Seeing mushrooms in a dream and collecting them is not a good sign. Most often, this is a dream if a person seeks to increase his fortune in any way in a hurry. These cases often end up in lawsuits. If in a dream a young woman saw that she was eating mushrooms collected in the forest, it means that very disorderly pleasures await her in the near future.


The interpretation of the dream in which the person walked and picked mushrooms is good. This means that the purchase you plan to make will undoubtedly be successful and bring you joy.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Why dream of picking mushrooms in the forest - to a long, monotonous, petty work. If the mushrooms dreamed by themselves - a warning about dubious pleasures and unrealizable plans.


If a person saw that he was picking mushrooms in the forest, let him rejoice. This means a quick reward.

Dream Interpretation of Felomen

If you walk through the forest in a dream and look for mushrooms, get ready for a salary increase or a transition to a highly paid job. Your material well-being will improve significantly. Picking mushrooms is a good sign. Every effort you put in will bear fruit. But if you went to the forest to pick mushrooms in the cold season, be prepared that unpleasant events await you on the path of life.

XXI century

Dream collect edible mushrooms in the forest means that pleasant chores or work with good pay await a person. The type of mushroom is also important. If these are fly agarics, think what you did wrong. This is a warning that you are on the wrong path. If champignons, then you have a tendency to imitate the tastes of the people who surround you. Perhaps you need to be more firm and stand up for your opinions and views?

Dream interpretation from A to Z

If a person sees in a dream that he is picking mushrooms in the forest, then his work will be noticed by others and rewarded.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Picking mushrooms and wandering through the forest is a good sign. You will receive a long-awaited big gift.

Aesop's dream book

If you dreamed that you were walking through the forest picking mushrooms, but someone had already gone before you and picked all the mushrooms, leaving only the mushroom legs, be careful. Your excessive suspicion and incredulity can play a bad joke on you. They can close your eyes so much that you simply miss your chance.

Picking mushrooms in the forest is not only an interesting and exciting activity, not without romance, but also good for health, giving you the opportunity to breathe fresh air to get close to nature. And if you had to pick mushrooms in the forest, but not in reality, but in a dream? What is it for?

So, such a dream is not without reason, and the interpretation of various dream books of this vision varies greatly.

Miller's famous dream book believes to collect good, edible mushrooms for quick financial profit. After all, here, as in life, every work must be paid, and picking mushrooms is painstaking, laborious work.

  • If young people preparing to marry gather beautiful, edible mushrooms in their sleep, there is no doubt that they family life it will turn out perfectly, they will live in love and harmony.
  • But to collect poisonous mushrooms in a dream: toadstools, fly agaric, etc. a bad signal for everyone who had such a dream. This is a big scandal, health problems, and for people leading an immoral lifestyle, a warning of terrible, irreversible consequences.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Vanga, whose dream book is distinguished by detailed detailed interpretations of dreams, believes that it is important to remember which particular mushroom the sleeping person collected in a dream.
  • If he found a clearing with porcini mushrooms, a big financial profit is expected soon, as well as other gifts of fate in a good way.
  • If the collected mushrooms are wormy and inedible, the best friend will soon turn out to be a traitor.
  • In a dream, huge mushrooms the size of a multi-storey building grow out of the ground, this is a prophetic dream that predicts a nuclear catastrophe.

Freud's dream book

For the philosopher Freud, everything is not so scary, and a dream with picking mushrooms comes down to a promiscuous sexual life that the dreamer leads. How worm mushrooms, the more children are expected as a result of such sexual relations.

  • But if you clean mushrooms in a dream, then you can fix your messy sexual life, finding a permanent partner, and maybe the only loved one.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Nostradamus, whose authority no one doubts, considers seeing mushrooms in a dream a call for caution, a warning of an impending serious illness. The exception is porcini mushrooms, "boletus mushrooms", which promise good luck in all matters.

Interpretation in a modern dream book

The modern dream book approaches the solution of such a dream more widely. Here the name and even the color of the collected mushrooms is important.

  • So it is believed that waves always dream of monetary profit or a large harvest.
  • Also, honey mushrooms dream of money.
  • Seeing champignons in a dream is also good: big deeds will bring big results.
  • White mushrooms, out of competition. This is financial well-being, and success in all matters.
  • Collecting chanterelles will not bring anything good in the near future, except for fuss and worries. Family troubles await the pickers of mushrooms, but the worst thing is to tear the toadstools: an unjustified risk in all matters, unnecessary connections and acquaintances.
Thus, basically mushrooms in a dream are a symbol of caution and prudence. But maybe it's not bad to be warned in advance so as not to make mistakes and exercise caution in various life situations.