To which the feather of a bird falls. Catching a fallen feather is a good sign

The feather of a bird is of great importance in many cultures. This thing is used in rituals and ceremonies.

There are many signs according to which it is considered good luck to find a bird feather. This thing can also serve as a talisman. Amulet feather, what does it protect from?

What does it mean if you found a pen?

Even in ancient times, amulets and amulets were made, where bird feathers were present. The Indians loved to weave a feather into their hats. It was believed that the brighter the feathers in the headdress of an Indian and the larger their size, the more power he has. It was considered a special luck to find such a feather on the street quite by accident. It also mattered which bird's feather was found on the street.

If it was a dove's feather, then it was considered a sign of prosperity and a peaceful sky. After all, the dove is considered a symbol of peace. The dove feather has the energy of goodness, tranquility. It is useful to wear it as a talisman to keep peace in a family or country.

The feather of a raven, which is also found on the street, has the opposite meaning. This is considered a bad omen. Ancient people believed that this bird serves the dark forces. Accordingly, if you take her feather as a charm, then you seem to be worshiping dark forces. This option is only suitable if you use the feathers of this bird to cast spells on your enemies. For this, they were used by ancient peoples.

Whatever feather you find near the cemetery, you should not make a charm out of it. Such a thing definitely has a negative energy. It is also suitable only for dark spells.

If the pen flew through the window

The ancients believed that a feather just did not fly through the window. This was interpreted as a sign from above. It was believed that this is how guardian angels bring some kind of news. If this feather was of a light color, then it could be safely used as a talisman against all evil. If this happened in your house, then in no case do not rush to get rid of this feather. Consider it more carefully and think about what the higher powers want to tell you with such a message. Be especially attentive to such a sign if your family is going through difficult times now.

In fact, it is not so easy to find such a thing in the house. Such a light, weightless thing is difficult to find a hole where one could penetrate. Therefore, this sign is given such a magical meaning.

Feathers of rare birds

The rarer a bird is found in your area, the feather of which got into your house, the more value it carries. The feather of such a bird as a peacock is especially valued. The attitude to the plumage of this bird is ambiguous. Some believe that this thing brings wealth and prosperity to the house, so keeping it in the house is very useful. The teachings of Feng Shui express a completely opposite position. They see in this bright feather the eyes of the devil, who constantly monitors everything that happens in the house. According to Feng Shui, it is believed that such a thing can bring grief and trouble to the house. Therefore, if you are a fan of the teachings of Feng Shui, then it is better to bypass the peacock feather if you suddenly meet it on the street, and you should not specifically purchase it for your home.

If you do not believe in Feng Shui and you are visually and energetically attracted by the feather of this bird, then it can become for you a charm for good luck. If you came across this feather on the street and you want to take it home, then before you do this, say the following phrase to it:

“With you, I bring good luck and prosperity to my home, as it is said, so it is done.”

After that, with good thoughts, take a pen and carry it home.

What does pen color mean?

It also matters what color the pen is in front of you.

Signs give their interpretation depending on whether the plumage is light or dark in front of you:

  • If you have a light-colored plumage in front of you, and its shape is of a decent length, then this amulet will push you to commit some kind of bold act that will change your life for the better. If you didn’t just find such a thing, but it fell on you from above, then this means that such changes in your life will happen very soon.
  • You can guess that a black pen promises unpleasant events. This is how folk beliefs interpret this sign. It is frankly a bad omen if such a feather is nailed to your feet and even worse if it falls on your head. But do not fall into total pessimism if this did happen. Take this as a sign from above, which says that now you need to be on the alert in life, be more careful in all areas of your life.

"Production of talismans, amulets from bird feathers" - clairvoyant Fatima Khadueva for the MIR TV channel

How to make a willow amulet with your own hands - Everything will be kind - Issue 576 - 04/02/15

In England, it is believed that if a military man is actually very afraid to fight, but does not show it outwardly, then a black feather settles near him, which, by its appearance, betrays all the fears of this person.

Other signs about feathers

Here are some other signs regarding feathers:

  • If there are chickens in the yard, and there is a chicken feather in the house, then it can be used from the evil eye and damage. Use it as an ingredient in a health and wealth spell. After that, hide it away from prying eyes.
  • It is popularly believed that such a find as a swan feather promises a love affair. And if this feather was discovered by an unmarried girl, then this means that she will soon meet her betrothed and get married.
  • If you find the plumage of a hawk, then this indicates that in the near future you will win the dispute. If you want it to be like this forever, then wear this feather as a talisman.

Pen conspiracy

If now you, the family as a whole, are going through difficult times, then ask a higher power for help. Do it sincerely, putting all your spiritual strength into it. And do not be surprised if you soon find a light-colored feather on a walk.

Be sure to take this pen home with you. When no one is at home, put a feather in your palm and whisper the following conspiracy to it:

“How can I leave the house, do not hide behind the gate from troubles and misfortunes. How can I go along the straight road, along the long road, which is illuminated by clear rays. And meet me on that road an unusual bird, sent to me by heaven itself. It is a clear firebird of happiness that the guardian angel sent it to me. He sent, I met, we found ourselves together. Yes, I ask that bird for happiness for myself and my family, and yes, that bird repents for all my earthly sins. Look at me with a heavenly look and all my sorrows and troubles will dissipate, good luck and health will come in their place. And as a keepsake for good luck, this bird left me a feather that I hold in my hands. I look at the pen, I remember the bird, happiness is added to my house. As it is said, it will be so, it cannot be otherwise.”

After that, put such a feather in a vase, put it in a beautiful box, show respect and care for it. This will be your family charm for good luck.

“Someone loses, and someone finds” - is sung in a famous song. It’s not just that people lose and it’s not just that they find something.

There are many signs about the finds. If some finds attract bad luck, then there are things whose discovery promises happiness and great luck.

What finds, according to folk signs, promise good luck?

Four-leaf clover

Finding a four-leaf clover is a great success. According to the sign, when you find it, you need to make a wish and eat it. In many countries, the four-leaf clover symbolizes not only luck, but also protection. So, if you wish, you can make a good amulet from this find.

stone with a hole

Stones with a hole in the middle are considered a very lucky find. Everyone knows the saying “water wears away a stone”. A stone with a hole or in other words the Chicken God - direct evidence this. For a long time millimeter drops of water punched a hole in the stone, endowing it with tremendous strength. What to do with such a find? You can make a wish and throw a stone into a pond. And you can carry it with you as a lucky talisman.


Finding a bird feather is a joyous event soon. What is important to pay attention to the color of the pen. If it is white, a happy event will happen in your personal life, if it is dark, then in money or work. Also, remember the tale of the Firebird and its magical feathers and you will understand for yourself what to do with this lucky find.


Finding an old rusty nail has always been considered a very good omen. If you find an old nail in the ground in your area, then bring it into the house - as most likely it has protective powers and can save your home from trouble and disaster.


There are many signs associated with finding money and wallets. There are versions that finding money is a bad omen, there are those who say the opposite. In any case, finding money, especially in a wallet, is a very good sign that promises very quick changes in life. Just think - how often do you, your acquaintances or friends find wallets and money on the street? Certainly not every day! And you had such a chance to find! But it’s not worth taking such a find for yourself - after all, the money is not yours, and, most likely, someone is looking for it now.

The best solution would be to either not pick up such a find at all, or take it to where the owner of the loss can be found faster. In this way, the Universe shows that something incredible, positive is beginning in your life, that miracles and the best outcomes of events are possible in your life, you just need to believe!

Read on our website about what items are strictly forbidden to lift from the ground! Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

09.06.2015 09:00

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Many peoples and their cultures attach special importance to the bird's feather. Rituals and rituals are associated with this subject. Omens and superstitions. The leaders of the Indian tribes made amulets with feathers and headdresses, which acted not only as a talisman, but also as a symbol of their power. They believed that finding a bird feather was good luck. She will help in everything. A lot of wisdom of different peoples is associated with bird feathers, they were created over many centuries.

There are many signs associated with bird feathers.

What matters is the breed of the bird. A large number of positive associations and will accept with dove feathers. This bird is a sign of peace and prosperity.

Finding and its explanation

Such a find as a feather will bring you good luck. Its basis will depend on you, since what matters is what color the pen is. In ordinary life, the black feather belongs to the raven. Finding such an item is not good. What matters is what decision you make. Such a thing belongs to the black forces. In ancient times, the leaders and magicians of unclean deeds always had ravens, their feathers were used for rituals and spells.

Find a thing and use it for its intended purpose - the decision is yours. You can use the dark forces to help. If found not far from the cemetery, it is better to bypass such a find. A pigeon feather has positive energy. These majestic birds are associated with peace, goodness, comfort, tranquility. The black feather has less energy. If you find light, then you can use it as a talisman, an amulet. Carry in your pocket or bag.

News at the window

Believers treat such a find with special care and respect. In ancient times, people believed that such an example makes itself felt not in vain and that in this way the guardian angels send an additional amulet, protection to a person. If a feather flew into your window, do not immediately get rid of this thing. Theoretically, feathers fly vertically, rarely changing their course of direction.

A simple thing in the form of a feather is sent to a person in difficult moments of life

It is difficult to hit the exact hole. Even from this point of view, it is worth understanding that such a sign appeared in your house for a reason. A simple thing in the form of a feather is sent to a person in difficult moments of life. This is how signs are interpreted. The manifestation makes itself felt when a conspiracy ceremony was performed on your house, rituals associated with black magic are performed. For this reason, it is worth knowing why you need to take such signs seriously.

Unusual meaning

There are those birds whose feathers are especially valued. This is a peacock. The teachings of Feng Shui and the traditions of a number of countries forbid keeping signs of this bird at home. This is due to the fact that the feather reflects the eye of the devil in itself and is able to bring misfortune, grief, tears, death into the house. Finding a peacock feather is a positive sign. You can attract good luck and prosperity if you don’t do it on purpose. It is necessary to interpret the omen correctly if you find a feather on the street.

The situation may be such that you will not be able to pick up the item. Thanks for the find. You need to say these words:

“The bird is a feather, and to me (your full name) good luck in all matters. May it be so".

color value

Feathered color matters. Signs explain what to find a light and dark pen. They are associated with black and white magic:

  • Bright side. The long shape and white color will make you make a rash decision, a choice. Such decisions may be related to family, career growth. If a feather fell on you, it means that you are promised changes for the better, good news.
  • Black side. Why the sign in the form of a black part of a feathered one was known, folk signs. Finding such a thing is not good. If it flies through the window, know that you and your family are in danger. There are those people who want misfortune and for this they contacted evil spirits.

Seeing a black feather in an open area is good

In the UK, there is a sign that interprets that if a soldier is afraid, shows his cowardice and does not want to show it, then a feather will become a sign. Seeing a black feather in an open area is good. It can be used to attract wealth.

Versatile explanations

In private sectors, people raise a household in the form of chickens. A feather that has flown into the window can be used against the evil eye. Find a swan for love affairs. For unmarried girls, it is a sign of a meeting with a soul mate, especially if it flies out the window. Why the discovery of the furry part of the hawk is known to older generations. This is to defeat opponents during a dispute. People know what the legend of sorcerers and birds led to. An evil spirit could take on any form, any bird or animal, except for a dove.

How nice it is to wake up early in the morning to the chirping of birds! They delight us with their singing and appearance not only in the expanses of forests and glades, but even in a stuffy and dusty city, these interesting creatures live very close to us. Someone does not notice the little neighbors, someone feeds them, and it is bird singing that prevents someone from sleeping until dinner. With such a long and close coexistence, the abundance of signs associated with birds is not surprising at all.

Existing signs

There are signs about the meaning of singing birds, signs associated with the return and departure of birds to the south, signs by which one can determine life expectancy - people around the world have associated events in their lives with the behavior of birds. One of the most ominous omens was considered a bird flying through the window.

This foreshadowed suffering and illness to the people living in the house, and if suddenly there was a sick person among them, the bird predicted a quick death for him. Now a bird that has flown through the window will cause surprise and joyful animation in the city dweller rather than fear and horror. Yes, and medicine has stepped far ahead compared to past centuries, so there are much fewer incurable diseases. It’s clear with birds, but what does it mean if only a feather flew into the window?

What does a feather in a window mean?

Birds have long been used to transmit news, so you can consider such an unexpected find as a message. From whom? This is where opinions are divided. There are people who are of the opinion that the pen is a letter from our deceased relatives in which they want to warn about something, or simply convey that they care about us.

Thus, having received a pen, try to focus on the events taking place in your life, and make decisions with great responsibility, considering each action. Especially if there is an important transaction or any other event in both business and personal life.

They also believe that in this way we are sent signs by higher powers who want to either help or harm even more. In this case, caution and prudence also do not interfere, because no one wants to be a toy in the hands of unknown rulers!

Try to firmly grasp the feather with two fingers and blow hard on it several times, while trying to hold it as tightly as possible. If cunning imps are involved here, then they will not resist the temptation to snatch a feather from your hands - therefore, if you failed to blow it off, then you should think about what and who could warn you about.

Feather - like good news

Also, a feather can be interpreted as a good sign, portending good luck - especially if it is a light or white feather. Try to determine which bird this feather belonged to - if it is a pigeon, then you should be lucky in the very near future. In order not to scare off the impending good luck, the pen should be saved and not thrown away.

If you like to create with your own hands and believe in the power of amulets, try making an amulet for your home out of a feather. To do this, you will need young twigs, fragrant herbs and flowers, and, of course, the feather itself. Weave a ring from branches like a wreath, decorate with grass and flowers (you can also use dry plants - leaves from a herbarium, mint and other herbs).

You should get something like a nest, in which you need to place a feather. Such a talisman will become the guardian of your home comfort and safety, protecting you and your family members from adversity that awaits outside the house.

But even if the pen turned out to be not light, but black, do not rush to get upset. Remember who comes to mind when you imagine a black bird? First of all - of course the raven! And the raven was revered (and in some places it is still revered) by many peoples as a wise, courageous bird, a companion of gods and leaders.

Crows have a long lifespan, so such a gift can promise a long and healthy life. Such a pen is worth saving, and it would be best to give it a place at the desktop, close to business papers and documents. The wisdom and foresight of this bird will help you in business and financial matters.

Pen size

The size of the pen can also tell a lot: is it large or small? Small feathers portend a small event, such as receiving a letter or a phone call. For young girls, a small feather portends a gift from a secret admirer or a bouquet of flowers - in this case, you should pay attention to the color of the feather: in most cases, it will match the hair color of a young man.

If a child picked up the pen, this is for the arrival or arrival of guests - start preparing! In any case, these will be pleasant, albeit uninvited guests. If the pen is large, then soon a new thing will appear in the house - a serious purchase from household appliances or furniture. In case you are in this moment you are doing repairs, a large pen promises an argumentative and good job.

Keep or throw away?

By the way, it is not at all necessary to leave a pen with you: if you are confident in your home well-being, you can give it to a not so lucky friend or acquaintance who currently lacks it. Such a gift will also carry a piece of your good intentions and will definitely serve as a good amulet for the person who received it.

You will be warmed by the thought that you have done a good deed completely free of charge. And, believe me, everything in the world returns to us like a boomerang: somewhere you help, somewhere they help you, and sending positive energy into the world is the right thing to do.

Feather - as part of a conspiracy

However, it may be that the pen turned out to be not accidental. Feathers are used in many rituals and conspiracies, including for damage and the evil eye. Carefully examine the pen: are there any notches, threads, or other suspicious things on it? If the pen is sharpened, or something confuses you, it will not be superfluous to conduct a cleansing and protective rite.

First of all, wash your hands thoroughly. Then take the pen with a handkerchief - the less contact you have with it, the better - and wrap it carefully. Tie it with a red thread, take it out the door and say: “An evil man harbored a grudge, he decided to kill me and kill me; I do not wish evil to anyone, I only cleanse myself of blackness.

As it came to me, so it passed by, go away, dashing trouble, do not offend anyone! After that, burn the bundle, and scatter the ashes in the wind, trying to make it take it as far as possible from your home. At the same time, you should not mentally wish for evil and revenge: negative thoughts attract negative events, and you need to achieve exactly the opposite result.

After the ceremony, wash your hands again and, without wiping with a towel, go out the door again and shake off the water: this will fix the cleansing effect. If you are a baptized person, do not forget to pray afterwards.

In the event that there is no certainty in the negative meaning of the message, but still somehow anxious in the soul, you just need to throw out the disturbing message. Wisdom accumulates over the years; everyone knows this, and for this reason we pay attention to signs and listen to the words of our ancestors.

It is unlikely that over the centuries people could be wrong, but you should not take signs completely seriously either. Especially to the bad ones: unnecessary worries and stress about this can lead to the diseases promised by the omen. So if you're worried about a stray feather, remember that sometimes a feather is just a feather accidentally dropped by a frightened bird and dropped on your windowsill, that's all.

Each of us at least once in our lives happened to stumble on a bird feather on the street. Someone picked it up and carried it with them, someone just passed by. But our ancestors believed that nothing in this world happens just like that. That is why today we will talk with you about what the sign “to find a bird’s feather on the street” means, fortunately, or vice versa, to trouble. It turns out that a lot depends on the type of pen, its color and the place of discovery.

Place of discovery

First, let's talk about what this might mean. folk omen depending on the location of the discovery, because often the feathers not only lie on the ground, but also fall with the wind into open windows.

On the street

The sign “find a bird feather on the road” is considered the best. If you were walking and suddenly noticed a feather lying on the ground, this is a sign that a happy event will happen very soon, related to what you have been thinking about most recently. So, for example, for a young man or girl whose thoughts are occupied by a loved one, such a find may mean an early meeting with an object of sympathy, the beginning of an affair, or receiving a gift from a partner.

For those people who are busy solving problems at work, the "news from the bird" predicts success in professional activity: an early receipt of a bonus or salary, the success of an important project, or simply resolving a difficult situation for the better. If you are unemployed, and at the moment this is your main problem - do not be discouraged, bird feather suggests that very soon you will find an occupation that will bring you money and help you get settled in life.

If you are worried that you have not seen one of your relatives or friends for a long time, the find promises a quick meeting with this person, and if your child picked up the pen, get ready for the arrival of people dear to you.

If you find such a “happy” feather on the street, be sure to take it with you, and if for some reason this does not work out, just pick it up and then say the magic phrase: “The bird is a feather, I (your name) - good luck in business! May it be so!". After that, be sure to feed any birds on the street with bread crumbs. But this must be done on the same day that the find was discovered.


Very often, feathers fly onto the balcony, through the window or door of the apartment. The sign “to find a bird feather on a balcony, window sill or inside a dwelling” is also considered good. They say that feathers that got into a person’s house are “news” from relatives and friends who have already left this world, therefore, having discovered such a find, you should think about the dead people you love or even go to church and light candles for the repose of their souls. It is believed that this is even something more than just a “hello” from relatives. Dead loved ones often become our guardian angels, so in difficult times for us, they send us various signs as support. Such a find symbolizes that the end of the black streak in life is just around the corner.

However, sometimes the sign “to find a bird feather on a windowsill or in an apartment” may indicate that someone is intentionally harming you using methods black magic. Take a feather in your hands, look at it, try to feel what your intuition will tell you. If the find does not cause any unpleasant sensations, then the omen remains good, and if it is unpleasant for you to hold the pen in your hands, it seems to cause some kind of internal rejection - someone is really trying to harm you, so you should be more careful. In this case, it is recommended to do it in order to determine what kind of person your ill-wisher is and what kind of harm he is trying to cause.

The sign "to find a bird's feather in the garden" can be equated with a find inside the house, if the site is yours, and does not belong to neighbors or friends, and you are just relaxing there. The same can be said if the feather mysteriously appeared in the garage.

Catch a feather in flight

If you caught a flying feather or it landed on your head or shoulder, this is a great sign: luck will be on your side, and also expect unexpected but joyful news, events, meetings.

Pay attention to the color

The prediction can be clarified if you pay attention to the color of the find.

light feathers

A sign about a white feather and other light shades says that the Universe sends you an exceptionally good sign. Such a feather should definitely be preserved - then it will become the keeper of home comfort and your protector from all sorts of failures and intrigues of ill-wishers. And even better - to make an amulet of good luck out of such a find: you can weave it into a wreath of flowers, leaves and herbs, make a dream catcher with a feather found with your own hands, or attach it to a necklace, earrings or other jewelry.

dark feathers

Black feathers most often symbolize wisdom, making the right decisions. It is best to keep such a find at your workplace. Truth, black feather it may well turn out to be a tool of a witch or a sorcerer who wants to damage you, but this is only if you found such a find on the threshold of your home, near the gate in your summer cottage, or simply found it not far from the cemetery. The sign “to find a dark feather” says: in this case it is impossible to carry the find home, and if you still took a dark feather in your hands, wrap it with a clean handkerchief, tie it with a red thread, take it out into the street, and then say a magical conspiracy:

“An evil man harbored a grudge, he decided to kill me, he decided to destroy me, but I don’t wish evil on anyone, I just cleanse myself of blackness. As it came to me, so it passed by!.

After reading the plot, the bundle must be burned, and the ashes scattered in the wind. Returning home after the ritual, be sure to wash your hands, but do not wipe them with a towel, but shake off the drops beyond the threshold of your apartment.

Spotted, spotted feathers

Variegated or multi-colored feathers are considered neutral - they can carry both good and bad news, but more often they still turn out to be harbingers of joyful events. To create a magical amulet from such a feather, you can perform the following ceremony.

After sunset, spread a new handkerchief on the table, put your find on it, and light two wax candles next to it. Sit in silence for a while, then take two candles in your right hand so that they form a “double fire”, in your left - the found feather and go around the whole apartment clockwise, returning to the same place. After that, tie the feather into a scarf, tying its opposite ends, and keep it away from prying eyes - such an amulet will protect your home from misfortune. You can also carry this handkerchief with you.

The sign “to find a pockmarked feather on the street” can be wrapped up for your benefit in another way: paint the find with gold paint and keep it at home - such a talisman will attract wealth into your life.

What do the feathers of different birds mean?

Of great importance is the appearance of a bird that has lost a feather.

  • The stork brings prosperity and peace to family life. Two found feathers of this bird in one year unmarried girls are promised a wedding, married - the birth of a child.
  • Crows are magical birds. Their feathers are best not kept at home.
  • A chicken or rooster feather will be an excellent amulet against damage, the evil eye, and curses.
  • The feather of a dove, according to signs, carries only good news, so a protective talisman can be made from it.
  • The woodpecker will help attract good luck in matters related to a career.
  • A “gift” from a swan is a talisman for attracting and preserving love.
  • Geese protect from unkind people, deceit, hypocrisy.
  • Feather of a kite - protection of the house from thieves. The same can be said about magpie feathers, but for protection, you need to symbolically “sweep” the floors in the house with them.
  • The eagle will give the owner of the find a large supply of vital energy, help to gain self-confidence.
  • A vulture feather placed above the front door will protect the house from any dangers.
  • The owl is a symbol of wisdom, knowledge, its “robe” contributes to the opening of the “third eye”.
  • The ostrich brings material wealth.
  • But it is not recommended to store peacock feathers at home, as this is considered a bad sign because of the specific pattern, which is called the "eye of the devil." However, finding a feather of this bird is a good omen, you just don’t need to take it with you.

Have you come across such a find? What events followed this? Share your story by leaving a comment!
