Don't water the flowers. How often to water indoor plants? Watering indoor plants in winter

The frequency of watering is determined by the physiological state of the plant and external conditions: air temperature, soil and air humidity, light intensity, moisture capacity and friability of the substrate, pot sizes, etc. It is desirable that watering be uniform - without abrupt transitions from strong drying (lack of moisture) to waterlogging.

Also, the need of plants for water is determined by the specific features of species and families: the structure of above-ground organs, the power of the root system, etc. For example, plants with succulent, fleshy leaves (such as agave, aloe) need less water than plants with large leaves (hibiscus), which sometimes need to be watered more often (every day or twice a day in summer). For bulbous plants, excess moisture is harmful. It is best to water them, directing the stream of water not at the bulb, but closer to the walls of the pot, or water from the pan, so as to moisten the roots, but not wet the bulb itself.

Different literature provides different ways to determine the need of a plant for water. This is the tapping of the pot (a booming sound - dry), the difference in weight (wet earth is heavier), etc. But using such methods is easy to make a mistake. You can more accurately determine the state of the earth by plunging your finger into the ground. In general, over time, at fairly constant temperatures, watering is established in a certain mode, for example, every other day in spring, every day - every other day in summer, two to three days in autumn, once every two weeks in winter.

From watering cold water or watering at cool temperatures, irregularly shaped depressed spots appear on orchid leaves.

On the leaves of violets, when watered with cold water, as well as when spraying with cool water (or when spraying in cool weather), colorless irregular spots also appear.

There are plants that are very sensitive to lack of moisture, such as azaleas, maidenhair. When the earth dries out completely, azaleas die. There are also such plants (there are quite a lot of them among indoor flowers) that do not tolerate either overdrying or waterlogging. This is araucaria: when its branches begin to wilt from overdrying, then no soldering helps. But overflowing leads to inevitable death. The same goes for gardenia - a very favorite flower grower.

In winter, during the dormant period, plant growth slows down or stops, at this time the plants need less water, and they are watered much less often, sometimes up to 1-3 times a month. In spring and summer, when the plant has a period of growth and flowering, on the contrary, watering is needed more often, sometimes up to 2-4 times a week. Autumn, especially rainy and cloudy, is a transitional period for plants. Plant growth slows down, but does not stop, it is already cool in the apartment and on the balcony, the earth dries out much longer than on warm days in summer and the likelihood of overflow increases.

Factors affecting the abundance or frequency of watering

Which plants to water more Which plants should be watered less?
  • Plants in the growth stage
  • Plants with many leaves
  • Plants with large broad leaves that evaporate a lot of moisture
  • Flowering plants (except those that bloom during dormancy, such as orchids)
  • Mature plants with strong root system
  • If the pot has good drainage and large drainage holes
  • Plants in clay pots
  • In rooms with dry warm air in winter
  • If the summer is dry, hot weather
  • Plants in a dormant period
  • Plants with a small amount leaves
  • Plants with succulent fleshy leaves, stems, bulbs
  • Plants with a small root system, especially if the roots of the plant have suffered from pests, diseases or due to improper care
  • If there are no drainage holes in the pot
  • Plants in non-porous containers (plastic, metal, etc.)
  • Plants in a cool or damp environment
  • If it's rainy and overcast in summer

It cannot be said that the cases presented in the comparative table are an unconditional rule. In fact, there are a number of factors to consider when determining whether to water more or less. Violation of the irrigation regime, water quality, its temperature, will inevitably affect the plant. The more often this happens, the more severely the plant will suffer. For example, a particularly sensitive plant can die immediately from watering with cold water.

Irrigation Disturbances

Signs of lack of water Signs of excess water
  • The leaves are drooping, soft, the earth in the pot is dry as fluff
  • In plants with soft, tender leaves (balsam), they become lethargic and droop. In plants with hard leathery leaves (ficus, laurel, oleander, myrtle), they dry out and crumble (first of all, old leaves fall off)
  • Flowers and buds drop or fade quickly
  • The leaves are sluggish, there are soft areas with signs of rot, the earth in the pot is moist
  • Growth retardation
  • Curled, yellowed and withered leaves, the tips of the leaves are brown
  • Both old and young leaves fall
  • Mold on the surface of the soil, gray fluffy coating on stems and flowers

There is Golden Rule watering plants - it is better to water less, but more often than less often and in large quantities.

From a lack of moisture, plants often lower their leaves. But the leaves also wilt from waterlogging. The difference is that an overdried plant immediately after watering (immersing the cutting in water) restores the elasticity of the leaves.

The lack of air humidity cannot be compensated for by increasing watering. To increase the humidity, you need to put the plant in a pan with water, but isolate the pot and roots from contact with water.

There is such a thing as plant turgor. Turgor is the fullness of plant cells with water. If the plant does not have enough water, the leaves and branches droop, become lethargic, then they talk about the loss of turgor. If the plant was not dehydrated for a long time, then it is enough to thoroughly soak the soil with water so that the turgor is restored.

It should be noted that the wilting of the leaves is not always associated with a lack of water. This can happen under the influence of sunlight, on the first clear day after a long cloudy weather. Therefore, before sinning for improper watering, other errors should be excluded that give a similar plant reaction.

Abundant watering

Plants are watered immediately after the earthen clod dries out in the upper third of the pot (determined by touch, dipping a finger into the ground). Such watering is required by most tropical plants with thin delicate leaves (allocasia, begonia, fittonia, heliotrope), as well as some plants with leathery leaves (lemon, ficus, oleander, ivy), but only in the warm season, during the period of active growth.

moderate watering

Plants are not watered immediately after the earthen coma dries out, but after two or three days, as the earth dries out in the upper layer of the earth. This applies to plants with fleshy or strongly pubescent stems and leaves (peperomia, columna), with thick roots and rhizomes (palms, dracaena, aspidistra, aroid), as well as with water-bearing tubers on the roots (asparagus, chlorophytum, arrowroot) and bulbous. For some plants, light drying is a prerequisite during the dormant period, as it stimulates the laying and maturation of flower buds (zygocactus, clivia).

Rare watering

Plants are left dry for several days, weeks, months. This applies to cacti and succulents, as well as deciduous tuberous and bulbous plants that have a dormant period (krinum, gloxinia, hippeastrum, caladium). The earth in this case dries up in a pot completely. The water-storing organs of plants allow them to survive drought. Rare watering is carried out during the dormant period of plants, when all life processes are inhibited. For most plants, this period falls in the winter months and is accompanied by a decrease in temperature, sometimes very significant (up to +2-3 degrees, but on average up to +8-12 degrees). At low temperatures, plants are especially sensitive to excess moisture. But if for some reason the rest period did not take place, the temperature dropped slightly in winter, the plant cannot be transferred to rare watering. The frequency of watering will depend entirely on the temperature and the rate of drying of the earth.

There are no general strict rules for watering, each type of plant needs its own watering regime, read about this in the Encyclopedia section.

What water to water

It is best to water the plants with soft rainwater. Hard water (including well water) containing various salts should be avoided. Aroids, azaleas, orchids, ferns, and camellias are especially resistant to hard water. Those plants that grow on calcareous soils tolerate watering with hard water well. It is difficult to collect rainwater, it can be replaced with filtered or boiled water. Settled water is devoid of chlorine (it evaporates in a day or two), but not salts, so it can be used if it is soft enough.

How to soften water for watering flowers

To soften hard water, wood ash is added to it, at the rate of 3 g of ash per 1 liter of water.

You can also add fresh peat to the water, at the rate of 100 g per 10 liters of water.

If funds allow, it can be advised to filter water for irrigation through household filters.

You can use special chemicals to soften water, containing, for example, oxalic acid. However, for this you need to know exactly the degree of hardness of your water in order to accurately calculate the dose.

The water temperature should be at least at least room temperature. This rule is especially important when watering tropical plants. Cacti are recommended to be watered with warmer water. Watering plants with cold water can cause root rot, bud drop, and even plant death. On the contrary, watering plants with warm water in a cold room is also undesirable, because. this will cause the plant to grow prematurely. Watering with hot water, and this is also practiced, stimulates the growth of plants. By hot is meant a temperature not higher than 45-50 degrees (hand hot).

Sometimes the question arises whether it is possible to use hot water tap water by diluting it with cold water. In fact, the chemical composition of water from a hot and cold pipe is almost the same, so if the water is soft enough, then such water can be used.

If there is a lot of earth in the pot, or the leaves block access to the earth, it is very convenient to make a special device: drill a hole in the bottle cap for the tube from the ballpoint pen. It is especially convenient to water cacti and seedlings this way.

The nozzle on the bottle can be made from any improvised means (tip from an inhaler, a straw from juice). After abundant watering, it is advisable to loosen the soil in pots with a thin wooden stick.

Of course, the most common watering method is from a watering can, this is probably the easiest and most affordable way. Some plants that require very moist soil (like cyperus) can be watered by immersion: placed in a pan of water so that the water reaches ground level, for about 5-15 minutes. Then drain the water.

It is very convenient to water plants from plastic bottles. If you pour water into bottles and put them without caps, the chlorine will disappear in a day and the water will warm up to room temperature. Sometimes it is convenient to put bottles near the battery, then the water will be a little warmer.

It is convenient to water crops, only sprouted seedlings, small plants, transplanted children or plants that require drip irrigation through a sprayer, adjusting the pressure of dust-like spraying until a thin jet is formed.

If the soil in the pot is dry:

Watering overdried plants is best done by dipping to more evenly wet the soil. It is necessary to lower the pot completely for some time (5-10 minutes) in warm water (25-30 ° C), poured into a large container, such as a bowl.

If the plant is very dry, then keep the pot in water until air bubbles cease to stand out. Then take out the pot, let the water drain onto the tray and drain it.

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands do not know boredom!


Indoor plants are the same pets as cats or dogs. They also require care and attention. Their health and beautiful appearance largely depend on watering plants. Improperly selected moisture can harm the root system and destroy the flower. If there is a lot of moisture, the root may begin to rot, and if it is not enough, the plant will not be able to receive the necessary trace elements and will begin to dry.

What determines the plant's need for moisture

The role of water for a flower is very great. Plant photosynthesis, nutrition, reproduction depend on it. Proper watering of the plant will ensure good growth and lush regular flowering. Root hairs, which are found on young roots, allow moisture to come from the soil and penetrate into the plant for subsequent transpiration. As for the need for moisture, it all depends on many factors:

  • The condition of the origin of the plant. The amount of liquid consumed directly depends on the type of flower and natural growing conditions. For example, a cactus does not need frequent moisture, like cyperus.
  • The temperature of the room where the flower pot is located. The warmer the air, the faster all metabolic processes occur, which means that the need for watering will be higher.
  • Air humidity. The frequency of humidification directly depends on the humidity of the air. The drier the atmosphere, the faster the leaves draw moisture from the roots, which means that the flower needs to be irrigated more often.
  • Illumination. Light affects photosynthesis. The brighter the light, the faster this process proceeds. This means that more water is needed for active photosynthesis.
  • Soil, quality of the substrate. For example, dense soil can lead to stagnant water, which is undesirable for some plant species.
  • Season. Indoor plants, like outdoor plants, feel the seasons well. In spring and summer they bloom, in winter some flowers go dormant, such as violets. With active growth, watering should be maximum, during periods of calm - minimum.
  • Pot volume. The size of the pot should correspond to the dimensions of the root system. If there is not enough land, moisture quickly evaporates from it and the plant feels bad.

What water to water the flowers

When watering, one should take into account not only the above features, but also the quality of the water itself. Before you start adding liquid to the pot, make sure it meets the requirements:

  1. Temperature. It should be 22-24 degrees, in the summer, heating up to 30 degrees is permissible. If you water with cold water, the leaves may wilt and fall off. The same result will be if the room is cool, and the water for irrigation is warm. The ideal case is that the water temperature should be 2-3 degrees lower than the air temperature.
  2. Compound. The best option is soft or melted rain water with a minimum content of magnesium and potassium, but in industrial areas it is better not to use it because of the large amount of harmful impurities. Hard tap water is also used, but first it must be defended for a day so that harmful chlorine evaporates from it. To do this, collect the required amount of liquid in the container and put it in a cool place. Do not close the lid!
  3. Fertilizers. Feed the plant if necessary. To do this, use water with diluted fertilizer only according to the instructions, otherwise the flower may get sick, even if we are talking about natural top dressing or lime.

Rules for watering flowers

Before you bring a potted plant home, read following rules, which will be useful to those who want to know how to water flowers:

  • Better underfill than overfill. The lack of moisture is easy to supplement, but it is already impossible to remove the excess from the ground, it can lead to decay.
  • Air access. Please note that there are several holes in the bottom of the pot.
  • Read about the plant. Some species like frequent watering, others - rare.
  • Water as often as needed. Track the condition of the flower at least once every few days.
  • Consider the microclimate of the room where the flower is located.

top watering

Most flowers are watered from top to bottom, ie. rain is simulated. To do this, gardeners recommend stocking up on a watering can with a nozzle that will divide one stream into a dozen small streams. Otherwise, the soil will be washed out and the roots will be exposed. A watering can can be made independently from an ordinary plastic bottle, you just need to make a few holes in the lid. With top irrigation, water passes through the entire thickness of the soil, gradually descending to the lower root hairs. Try not to wet the leaves and trunk.

Watering in the pallet

There are houseplants that should be watered into the pan. This includes species with moisture-sensitive growth points. This does not mean that they cannot be watered from above. It is possible and necessary, but very rare. If the plants, for example, the same marsh cyperus, which need to keep the roots in the water. Adding liquid to the sump is often used when reaching an open area of ​​soil is difficult, such as with dwarf saintpaulias. Experienced flower growers who know how to properly water flowers correctly advise using special mats.

The volume of liquid during irrigation

If you look at the instructions, which indicate how to water home flowers, for a particular type of plant, you can see the following instructions: limited watering, moderate or plentiful. This means that each house plant needs a certain amount of liquid, which can vary depending on external conditions, the type and quality of the soil, the size of the pot and the season.


This type of irrigation is done when the soil dries up to two thirds. This is easy to check with an ordinary wooden stick that is stuck into the ground. If the soil is wet, you need to wait for it to dry. With limited moisture, make sure that water does not flow out of the pot into the pan. After the procedure, after half an hour, it is recommended to check the degree of humidity and, if necessary, supplement watering. A limited way of moistening is suitable for some drought-resistant bulbous species, cacti, succulents, dracaena.


This option of soil moistening is carried out when the top layer of the substrate dries out by 1.3-1.5 cm. The plant must be well filled with water so that the soil is completely moistened and the earth crust disappears. As soon as the liquid begins to flow through the holes into the pan, watering the home flowers stops, and the liquid drains after two minutes. The plant should not be allowed to "float" in the water. Suitable for fittonia, begonia, fleshy ivy, monstera, arrowroot, geranium, clivia, gloxinia, krinum (in winter).


Before such moistening, you need to make sure that the earth in the pot is dry. Watering indoor plants carried out until the water begins to fill the pan. After that, the flower is left for a while so that the excess liquid comes out through the holes. The water from the pallet should then be drained. Abundant watering is loved by plants that naturally live in swampy areas. Cacti should not be watered this way.

When to water the flowers

The frequency and regularity of watering depends on the type of plant. Drought is well tolerated by succulents, some representatives of the bulbous in the period of a passive state. Havortia can go without watering for a year or more. Such plants are suitable for people who are often away. Myrtle, azalea, anthurium, white perone, passionflower and tropical orchid need frequent irrigation.

Sometimes a seemingly insignificant problem may arise that can create certain difficulties and slightly spoil the mood before such a long-awaited and desired vacation. We are talking about watering flowers and other house plants during your absence. For people who are not interested in floristry, this circumstance seems not worthy of attention, however, for amateur flower growers who put their whole soul into plants, this can be a big problem - our article is for them.

Before leaving, you should carry out a number of procedures that will help to significantly reduce the need for watering plants during your absence:

  1. Flowers should not be fed later than two weeks before your departure. Flowers need water after feeding for better absorption of minerals.
  2. Just before leaving, cut off the flowers, buds and leaves (not all, but so that the green mass noticeably decreases, but without compromising the decorative look). A large amount of greenery contributes to the rapid evaporation of moisture.
  3. Review each plant for diseases and pests - if you find a problem, take action.
  4. Move flowers to a shaded part of the room, away from windows. Lower illumination and, accordingly, air temperature contribute to less evaporation.
  5. Gather all your plants into a compact group by sliding the pots. In this way, you will create a microclimate with high humidity.
  6. Just before leaving, water all the flowers with a little more water than you usually do (but do not fill it in), it is recommended to use the immersion method for individual plants.
  7. An excellent solution would be to overlay the pots with wet moss.

Important! Plants in ceramic pots require more frequent watering than those in plastic pots.

Watering while on vacation

There are enough ways to water plants in the absence of owners. There are a lot of different industrial production devices on the market. But, taking this or that method as a basis, you can independently make a completely effective device that will replace you during your vacation.

Wick method great for some plants (for example) as a permanent watering method. Its essence is this: before planting a plant, a wick is placed on the bottom of the pot, folding it in the form of a spiral. The end of it is brought out into the drainage hole, and from there into a container of water.

In our case, we can resort to a slightly modified method: we put several wick rings in a spiral on the surface of the soil around the flower, sprinkle with soil on top. We lower the free end into a container of water located above the level of the plant. Pay attention to the neck of the container: if you leave for a long time, and the neck is wide, the water may evaporate.

Watering from a funnel

There are ceramic cones (funnel) - such gadgets are sold both with and without a liquid reservoir. Water in this case comes from a separate container.

The tip of the funnel is made of a special material based on clay, which gives off water depending on the moisture content of the substrate where it is inserted.

Depending on the height of the position of the reservoir with liquid in relation to the pot with the plant, the rate of water supply changes.

Did you know? purifies the air in the room, harmonizes the general aura. However, this plant has a negative biofield - make sure that the flower is not near the bed. But he will feel great in the kitchen: chlorophytum is able to absorb up to 70% of carbon monoxide.

Watering through drainage holes

The method is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to water the plants well, and then put them in a wide container, for example, a basin.
  2. At the bottom of the container, you need to pour 2-3 cm of water and pour a layer of expanded clay (10-14 cm, water it well) around the flower pots.
  3. The containers should be without stands, therefore, in order to avoid freezing of the root system, make sure that the pots are on the expanded clay layer, without directly touching the water.

Keep in mind: there are certain risks in using this method - even if there are pests on one flower, they can infect other plants.

The method is especially good for flowers in clay pots and in ceramics. In order for it to show the greatest efficiency, the soil in flowers should be covered with a layer of moss. In this case, the plant can freely, without any shocks, transfer up to three weeks without owners. You can also supplement this method with drip or wick irrigation.

There is also a capillary mat for drip irrigation. This is a hygroscopic mat made of a special material, which is placed on a layer of garden film, its edge is lowered into a container of water, and pots with plants are placed on it, of course, without pallets.

Important! Do not purchase capillary geotextiles for home use: they are made from recycled waste and are intended for industrial use.

Drip irrigation

Exists a large number of varieties of this method, below we will talk about the simplest, but quite effective and popular:

  1. Make holes in the cork from a plastic bottle, fill the bottle with water and hang the cork down. It is necessary to calculate so that water drips from a height of 6-8 cm with a frequency of 1 drop in 20-30 seconds. This should be done in advance so that the system is ready and adjusted for your departure.
  2. You can stick a bottle with a cork with holes in the ground. This method requires careful adjustment. If you are going to resort to it, experiment in advance with the diameter of the hole and, accordingly, the speed of the water supply. Try to measure (by the amount of water that has left the bottle) how much moisture the plant received in 1, 2, 3 days, and whether the soil is sufficiently moistened.
  3. A more complex system can be made using droppers: one end of the dropper is lowered into a container located above the level of the plant, the other (needle) is near the plant. The advantage of this method is that you can regulate the supply of moisture.
  4. A method similar to the previous one, only natural threads or strips of fabric are used instead of droppers. In this case, it is not possible to regulate the supply of moisture, but it is believed that the plant itself takes the amount of water it needs.
Video: how to organize drip irrigation for indoor plants

A hydrogel is a polymeric substance that absorbs water in quantities many times its own weight. The data differ, but in various sources the proportion of the weight of the gel to the mass of absorbed moisture is from 1:100 to 1:250. This substance absorbs water, and then gradually frees itself from it, giving it to flowers.

The hydrogel is available in the form of granules. There are also products with fertilizers in the market. Their manufacturers claim that the effective service life of such pellets is 35–50 months.

Before you leave your plants unattended, soak the hydrogel in water for 8 hours. After that, put the swollen gel on the soil and cover with moss. In the event that the roots of the plant do not come to the surface, you can lift the top three-centimeter layer of soil and put the substance under it.

Did you know? Popularity is due to its pronounced antibacterial properties. Almost all anaerobic bacteria (streptococci, staphylococci) are afraid of this flower, just likemosquitoes and flies insummer time. It is widely used in medicine - not only folk, but also traditional.

Alternative Methods

Of course, do not forget about such options: take the flowers to friends during your absence or ask someone to come in for watering. Circumstances may arise here when the person to whom you entrusted the care of your flora wants to play it safe and flood the plants. Not everyone understands that sometimes excess moisture is worse than its lack. You should explain this in detail to a potential assistant, but do not overdo it so as not to scare the person with responsibility.

You can try to find a person who professionally takes care of flowers, for example, via the Internet: there are enough offers in this segment of the service sector. Or you can try to negotiate with someone you know not on a monetary basis, but in exchange for a return service - to look after the flowers during their vacation.

Video: watering flowers during the holidays We looked at the basic techniques and methods that allow you to water your flower garden during the holidays. If you decide to make the device yourself, we remind you once again that it is better to test and configure it in advance. If you want to invite a person from outside for a responsible procedure, you should once again consider the safety of this method.

For several years I have been using a primitive and effective method of "automatic watering". I put a stand next to the plant to the height of the pot, fill a container with water with a 3l jar, 5l canister, depending on the volume of the pot and the plant's need for watering. I cut a ribbon, approximately 1 cm wide, from pure wool fabric (cotton, bandage is possible) and 1 m long. The ribbon is well wetted (soaked) with water, lowered completely into the container and immediately pulled out to the desired length, placed around the stem ring. The irrigation system is ready. Do a test run before using it. By using different widths of fabric strips, you will achieve a certain amount of water supply. Make sure that the strip touches the bottom in the container.

The plant is installed in a basin on a stand 5-10 cm high, in which case excess water will drain to the bottom of the basin. Use the tape (wick) for no more than 3-4 weeks, salinization (contamination) of the pores (fibers) of the fabric occurs.

One of the most common mistakes houseplant lovers make is improper watering. It is for this reason that green pets often get sick and die. When purchasing them in the store, do not forget to check the conditions of detention. If you are often absent from home, work a lot or regularly go on business trips, and there is no one besides you to water the plants, it is better to opt for the most unpretentious specimens .

the site advises which plants are better to choose, how to water them correctly and what to do if they are left unattended for a long time.

Plant requirements for watering

Overwatering- at the same time, there should be a lot of moisture in the soil. Few plants need this much water. These include, for example, cyperus, calamus, azalea.

Abundant watering- you need to constantly keep the soil moist, but the water should not stagnate. Most ornamental plants belong to this group. Water the plants carefully, little by little, as the soil dries out. Such watering is needed: alocasia, begonia, heliotrope, calathea, lemon, oleander, ivy.

moderate watering- before the next watering, you need to let the soil in the pot dry out a couple of centimeters in the top layer. This group includes mainly ornamental plants.

It often means abundant watering from spring to autumn and moderate watering in winter. From late autumn to mid-spring, during the dormant period, it is important to let the soil dry out between waterings. All of the above applies to plants: aglaonema, aspidistra, dracaena, clivia, columna, monstera, palm trees, syngonium.

Rare watering- keep the plant fairly dry and water only during the growth period. Let the soil dry completely before watering again. Houseplants rare watering: hippeastrum, gloxinia, zygokatus, caladium, krinum, epiphyllum, philodendron. Do not forget that cacti almost do not need watering in winter.

Important watering rules

  • Any plant needs good drainage so that the roots are not constantly in the water.
  • In the warm season, water the plants in the evening, and in the cold - in the morning.
  • Do not use tap water, as lime in its composition can harm the plant. Well-settled and filtered water is better.
  • Before watering, check how dry the soil is to make sure the plant really needs water at the moment.
  • Plants whose leaves do not like water are best watered in a pan. For example, saintpaulia, gloxinia, cyclamen.
  • If the leaves, on the contrary, tolerate water well, do not forget to spray the plants. This keeps them clean and additionally moisturizes the air.
  • Do not spray plants if they are in direct sunlight. Green pets may experience burns - drops in this case focus the sun's rays like magnifying glasses.
  • If water immediately pours out of the pot during watering, almost not being absorbed into the soil, then the earth has dried up. You should submerge the potted plant in a container of water to the level of the soil.
  • Loosen the crust of the earth if water does not pass through the topsoil. Then immerse the pot in a container of water to the level of the soil.
  • Remember that the need for watering in a plant increases with increasing temperature and light intensity.
  • Plants in ceramic pots should be watered more frequently than those in plastic pots.

Watering errors

How to properly water indoor plants /

Lack and excess of water often affect appearance plants.

With a lack of water: the leaves are drooping and withered, grow poorly, the edges of the lower leaves are brown and dry, the flowers quickly wither and fall off.

With excess water: leaves with signs of rot, fall off, the lower leaves are yellowed with brown tips, mold is possible on the flowers, and the roots are sour.

Watering plants while you are away

You are leaving for a vacation and do not know how to provide indoor plants enough moisture while no one is home? There are several ways to solve this problem.

  • Dig a plastic bottle upside down a few centimeters into a pot with a plant, ensure its stability. First, on both sides of the bottle, in the cork and at the bottom, make small holes and fill it with water. Water will flow into the ground drop by drop.
  • Let your plants be healthy and beautiful!

    Oksana NISCHUK

    Regular hydration is one of the keys to successfully growing indoor plants. How to water indoor flowers correctly - the knowledge necessary for every greenery lover in the house. Indoor plants, like crops for open ground, need regular watering, and it should be special for each species.

    From this article you will learn how to water indoor flowers correctly and what features of crops should be taken into account. We will also give recommendations on arranging automatic watering and consider ways to water flowers with peroxide, potassium permanganate or tea.

    How to properly water indoor plants

    Improper watering is considered one of the most common mistakes made by indoor plant lovers. It is the violation of the irrigation schedule that causes disease and death of crops.

    If you lead a busy lifestyle and are often away from home, you may want to opt for hardy varieties that don't require regular watering, or install an automatic watering system when you're away.

    If you have a scheduled departure, the automatic watering system will provide enough moisture for your pets during your absence. Any grower knows that abundant watering will provide the flower with enough moisture for two weeks.

    How to properly water indoor plants will tell you these expert tips(picture 1):

    • You can use woolen thread or braid: it will play the role of wicks through which water will flow into the pot. One end of the thread is stuck into the pot, and the other end is lowered into a vessel with water, standing above the level of the pot.
    • Mini greenhouse-cap made of transparent film over a pot. Stones are poured into a large transparent bag and a container with a flower is placed on them. The soil is watered abundantly and the film is tied on top.
    • Using a plastic container, on the bottom of which wet wipes or newspapers are previously placed. Pots are placed on top. Wet wipes are also placed between the pots. Instead of napkins, you can simply pour water, but this method is not suitable for all types.
    • You can use a plastic bottle in which holes are pre-drilled in the bottom and cork. The bottle is filled with water and dropped a few centimeters upside down. The optimal hole diameter is determined experimentally. The size of the bottle depends on the clod of earth in the pot.

    Such methods will help to provide crops with water for several weeks. However, it should be borne in mind that periodically the flowers still need to be watered in the traditional way.

    The video shows how you can equip automatic watering plants at home.


    For automatic watering to be successful, you need to take into account some of its features. Firstly, in the warm season it is better to water the flowers in the evening, and in the winter - in the morning. Secondly, drainage must be made from stones, broken bricks or expanded clay in a pot so that moisture does not linger at the roots. In addition, rainwater or settled water should be used for irrigation, as tap water contains a lot of lime.

    Other features of watering indoor plants are:

    • Watering is required only when the soil has dried out well, so you need to constantly check the condition of the soil before adding moisture.
    • Varieties such as gloxinia, cyclamen, saintpaulia do not like water, so they are watered in a pan.
    • If the flowers tolerate water well, then do not forget to spray them. This action will additionally humidify the air and help keep them clean.
    • In order to prevent burns on the leaves, it is not recommended to spray it if it is in direct sunlight, as the drops serve as a kind of magnifying glass.
    • If, during watering, water is not absorbed into the soil, but pours out of the pot, this indicates that the earth has dried up. In such cases, it is recommended to immerse the pot to the level of the soil in a container of water.
    • Increasing temperature and light intensity increase the crop's need for watering.

    Figure 1. Methods for automatic watering of indoor flowers

    In addition, it should be borne in mind that plants in ceramic pots are watered more often than flowers grown in plastic containers.


    The appearance of the plant reflects the lack or excess of water when watering. By carefully examining the flower, you can determine whether it has enough moisture.

    For example, with a lack of water, the edges of the lower leaves become brown, dry or drooping, and the flowers quickly wither and crumble. With an excess of moisture, the lower leaves turn yellow, they show signs of rot, and not the flowers - mold, and the roots become limp.


    There are several types of irrigation, each of which is suitable for certain type cultures.

    For each type of irrigation there are certain characteristics(picture 2):

    • Overwatering: The soil contains a lot of moisture. Such watering is suitable for calamus, azalea and cyperus.
    • Abundant watering: the soil is kept constantly moist but so that the water does not stagnate in it. The flower is watered carefully, as the soil dries out. Such watering is loved by: begonia, alocasia, calathea, lemon, ivy and oleander.
    • Moderate watering: soil in a pot before watering is allowed to dry a couple of centimeters in the topsoil. Such watering is preferable for representatives of the decorative group.

    Figure 2. The main ways to water flowers in the house

    Rare watering belongs to a separate species. In this case, the culture is kept in dry soil or watered only during active growth. The soil is allowed to dry completely before the next watering. They love such watering: gloxinia, caladium, krinum, philodendron, epiphyllum.

    Automatic watering system for indoor plants

    It is not difficult to make an automatic watering system for indoor plants at home (Figure 3). To do this, it is enough to take a large piece of dense natural fabric, moisten it with plenty of water and put flower pots on top (without pallets).

    The second part of the fabric is lowered into a basin or other container of water. This way the fabric will stay constantly moist and the crops will get the moisture they need through the drainage holes in the pots. However, this method should only be used if you will be away for no more than two weeks.

    How to water indoor flowers so that they bloom

    The grower's reward is the lush flowering of his plant. For this, time and energy are spent, a number of rules of care and maintenance are observed, conditions are created.

    Note: There are some species that rarely bloom. They throw out buds only in adulthood. These species include cactus and bamboo. Some cacti give flowers at 10-15 years of age, bamboo once in 80 or 100 years.

    In order for the plant to bloom, you need to awaken the “survival instinct” in it. For this, uncomfortable conditions are created for them, since under the vigilant attention of the grower they are often in comfortable conditions and do not want to breed.

    For the formation of buds, a difference is artificially arranged between day and night temperatures. In normal times, a temperature of 18-20 degrees is considered comfortable, but in such conditions the plant will only throw out the leaves. To increase the chance of a bud appearing, the night temperature is reduced by 15 degrees.

    Many varieties require vegetative dormancy. During this period, their watering is much less frequent and much less. The ambient temperature is less than 10 degrees. Such conditions are created only in a cold greenhouse or on a veranda, this provokes the flowering of some species.

    Figure 3. Methods for making a do-it-yourself automatic irrigation system

    A direct dependence of flowering exists with lighting. The formation of buds depends on the amount of light and its intensity. The length of daylight depends on the period in which the plant blooms in its natural habitat. One may need a short daylight hours, while another may need a long one. For example, chrysanthemums, nerins, kalanchoes, cyclamens, poinsettias require a short daylight hours, and pelargoniums, senopolias and glokisinia need a long daylight hours for flowering.

    Is it possible to water indoor flowers with hydrogen peroxide

    In practice Agriculture soaking the seeds in a hydrochloric acid solution is used, as it is known that the seeds contain inhibitors that prevent germination. In the natural environment, inhibitors are destroyed due to natural oxidation.

    Note: Hydrogen peroxide is used to destroy inhibitors. Sowing seeds are sprayed, moistening with a 1% peroxide solution from a spray bottle. But even a slight excess of the concentration of the solution will not do harm. This method is suitable for sowing seeds in jars.

    You can also simply water the plants every 3-4 days with water with a 3% peroxide solution (Figure 4). With such irrigation, the sowing area is disinfected, since the concentration of the solution is chosen just for the purpose of disinfection.

    Is it possible to water indoor flowers with potassium permanganate

    The main useful elements of potassium permanganate are potassium and manganese. Under the action of manganese, microorganisms living in the soil increase their activity. However, watering should be moderate, since an overabundance of this element can be harmful, as well as its overabundance.

    Figure 4. Watering houseplants with hydrogen peroxide

    Potassium permanganate acidifies the soil, so watering with this solution is most suitable for species that prefer acidic soils. Cultures that prefer acidic soil came to us from the tropics: begonia, hydrangea, ferns, tradescantia, cyperus, etc. But watering with potassium permanganate will also have a beneficial effect on violets and primroses familiar to many flower growers.

    Is it possible to water indoor flowers with tea

    Often this question is asked by beginner flower growers. It is important to know what kind of watering tea should be, and whether it should contain sugar (Figure 5).

    This irrigation option is well suited for organic supporters, since tea can be considered a good natural fertilizer. Any tea can be used for watering, as long as it does not contain flavors and additives of synthetic origin.

    In order for tea watering to be successful, you need to make sure that acidic soil is suitable for your flowers. Flowers are watered with tea several times a month.

    Note: Do not use tea with sugar, moldy or sour for watering. Use a fresh, not strong and not sweet tea solution, it should be at room temperature.

    In addition to watering with tea itself, tea leaves are also used as top dressing. Its dosage is strictly controlled, and when applied, it must be mixed with the topsoil. This top dressing will help retain moisture in the soil and reduce the amount of watering.

    Is it possible to water indoor flowers with yeast

    Indoor flowers need more intensive fertilizer than outdoor plants. Yeast is especially useful for such crops, as indoor flowers grow in pots with limited nutrients.

    Yeast has a good effect on the growth and development of the plant. They become more resistant to pests and diseases, as well as more viable with insufficient moisture and insufficient sanctification. Them root system develops better, and the cuttings take root faster. The previously sluggish stem after such top dressing becomes more massive, the leaves are filled with juice faster, and the buds develop faster and bloom longer.

    Figure 5. Using tea to water plants

    The secret of fertilizing with yeast is that they contain a special fungus that changes the composition of the soil. The microorganisms contained in the soil begin to actively produce the body, while releasing a lot of potassium and nitrogen, which are necessary for flowers. In addition, this is a simple and affordable remedy, since both dry and raw yeast diluted with water (at a concentration of 10 grams of yeast per 10 liters of water) are suitable for top dressing.

    Note: To enhance the effect of the fertilizer, vegetable additives are added to its composition: hops or potato tops.

    If there is no yeast at hand, it is allowed to use food waste: bread, crackers and other products containing the necessary substances.

    The author of the video will tell you which fertilizers are best used for indoor flowers.
