Black magic notes of witches and sorcerers quarreling. Laura melix self-defense against black magic

Since ancient times, it was believed that witches are female individuals leading a solitary lifestyle. Basically, they settled in dense, impenetrable forests, where they could create their villainous machinations without attracting much attention. There they collected miraculous herbs and roots, outlandish plants and mushrooms for their black deeds.

Witches: who are they and do they have a place in a world where everything is so unsteady, incomprehensible and relative?

Witches, as a rule, become by nature. For example, if only women or only men are constantly born in the pedigree of three generations, these are potential witches and magicians. If such a representative is taught witchcraft, the person will feel great power. Such people often know that they are unusual, they, not understanding what they are doing, can harm others. It has happened more than once in life that a random word thrown in anger very soon comes true. It is the forces given by nature that find their application.

You can become a witch unwittingly. Many have heard that when dying, a witch must transfer her power. As a rule, she knows about her demise a couple of days in advance and can prepare. But in extreme cases, when it is impossible to do this, the witch realizes that the evil spirit will not let her go, but will begin to torment her with terrible torment. In a moment of agony, she is ready to throw off her power on anyone, it is enough for a witch to touch a person’s hand.

By transferring power without knowledge, the successor is doomed to torment. The transfer of knowledge by mutual agreement has several other forms. This phenomenon is called the confession of a witch. Depending on the physical condition, it can last more than one day. Starting her monologue after midnight, the witch speaks until the first cocks, and then falls silent to continue the next night.

The successor cannot write down, so she has to remember everything that is said. To simplify this, the elder witch denounced knowledge in a story, which is why they say “Confessions of a Witch”. An important nuance is the choice of a person to transfer knowledge. It was necessary to choose a worthy and stronger successor. Confession on her deathbed is not devoid of logic, because, having full knowledge, the newly minted witch could use them against the Teacher.

See also a documentary video about the book of witches:

But there are those who consciously train to become a witch.

The last kind of witches are conscientious disciples. These people, being aware, have chosen the path of witchcraft and divination. Experts assure that almost everyone can. If you decide to do black magic, you need to perform a ritual ceremony and read the wordsto become a witch. The initiation ritual itself requires not only cleanliness of the body, a strict fast for three days is required, but clean clothes must also be worn.

Your mind must be sober and not clouded by "for courage" alcohol or other intoxicants. Choose a room for reading the dedication, which really no one will enter and interfere. Before starting the ritual, light the lamp, and from that day let it burn for forty days.

Reading requires reverent awe, respect and faith in the importance of what is happening. You need to be aware that when you initiate, you take responsibility. All your words will have a different weight and power. It will not be possible to scatter threats to the right and left. After reading the text of the initiation, you will gain power over the spirits, they will obey all your orders. After all, every spell is an order from a witch to be performed. So, if you are ready and aware of your actions, then you should read the following words:

After the completion of the ritual, the person goes to sleep and should not communicate with anyone that day.

The concepts of "black magic" and "witch"

The concepts of "black magic" and "witch" in the minds of modern man have a pronounced negative connotation. But a witch is not someone who only does evil to people. The word "witch" comes, first of all, from the word "know", that is, to know.

Witches are different.

  1. There are witches who help people solve their problems, heal them and never do evil. White witches usually do not hide from people and are always ready to help. But blacks can not be seen right away.
  2. There are also witches who work only for their own benefit and do not refuse any, even the dirtiest work. These are black witches.

It must be understood that black magic is not a priori "evil", it has nothing to do with Satanism. Of course, you may have to call on the powers of demons and spirits, but definitely in the vast majority of rituals you will not need sacrifices, tormenting black cats and drinking blood. You yourself decided to learn the ancient spells of witches, which means you must be aware of the dangers of your choice.

Witchcraft should not be taken as something fabulous and fantastic, a la Harry Potter - this is a real teaching. According to the principle of influence, the directions of witchcraft can be divided into two types: active and passive.

  1. Calling demons and spirits, healing or damaging a person is the activity of active witches.
  2. Passive adherents of magic are limited to divination, predictions, reading amulets, creating amulets. Active witchcraft requires a large energy expenditure of the witch.

Real spells for beginner witches are not hard to find. Printing houses regularly release new books about magic, and there are many sites on the Internet with this theme. The question of the authenticity of such abundant information, everyone decides for himself.

Outside the 21st century. The age in which most of the supernatural phenomena were scientifically justified or disproved. However, the world is so diverse that it regularly supplies the human mind with new mysteries. In all ancient cultures and at all times, there have been women endowed with superhuman abilities. Their role in Everyday life was and remains such to know the answers to these riddles, to help people who do not know, to cope with difficulties.

Witchcraft and its various varieties have been known since time immemorial to the ancient Egyptians and the inhabitants of Mesopotamia, especially the Babylonians. Human interest in everything mysterious has always been. People were attracted by the unknown forces of a powerful nature.

Just imagine how much knowledge about the power of spirits has been accumulated over the years, centuries! It is difficult for a simple layman to call magic a science, but it is as old as the world, and this has long surpassed any of the sciences. Magic allows you to know, if not everything, then a lot. It's not even about book knowledge about damage, diseases, etc., magic reveals the secret of that side of life where mathematics, biology or physics could not look. It is pointless to deny the interaction of mind and soul, but it is very important to understand it.

In ancient times, it was easier to come to terms with magic, you could either know a lot or know nothing. The witch could be a priest, a healer, a healer, which means she had power over people. Then, with the development of culture, and therefore, with the appearance of grains of knowledge among ordinary people, it took a division into right and left, good and bad. So it was easier for a person to understand what was happening around, so he naively believed that he knew about good and evil.

In the course of development, the initial symbols and knowledge changed their meaning, a person replaced concepts in order to learn how to control the world. He continues to do so even today. For example, the ancient Chinese symbol Yin-Yang. Modern man asserts: the meaning of the sign is the opposite, feminine and masculine, good and evil.

But the ancient Chinese put a different meaning:

  • Yin - shady mountainside
  • Yang is sunny.

Where is good and where is bad? Mountain alone! Witches, perhaps, are those people who retain the original meaning of being and do not try to adapt or modernize it.

Now it is difficult to comprehend when and how the division of magic into white and black, and their servants into magicians and witches, began. Perhaps, with the advent of a single patriarchal religion, service to higher powers, God, and therefore the function of a priest, a bearer of goodness, began to be tied to the masculine principle (white magic), while anxiety about the material world (troubles about daily affairs) was associated with evil, the feminine principle. . And so it turns out that those who practice black magic, struggling with the hardships of life, are witches.

How to identify and recognize a real witch?

Continuing the topic of witches, I would like to pay attention to such an issue as recognizing a true witch. A very original way was found by Serbian researchers of the occult sciences. In one of the abandoned ancient monasteries, they found ancient scriptures with instructions for identifying witchcraft spells in the female population. Everything is simple and at the same time funny, but this method brings a good income in the Museum of Witchcraft.

So, the girl needs to weigh herself twice, the first time by the classical method, and the second time by riding a broom:

  1. If the weight was more when weighed again, this is quite normal and means that the girl is not a witch
  2. But if the weight remained unchanged, it direct evidence of the witch in front of you.

Witches often visit church, feeding on the energy of holiness, and also as part of rituals. As a rule, those who come to the temple of God with the intention of performing the rite are closed from the grace emanating from the icons.

How do they behave in the temple:

  1. They cross their arms, legs, or fingers.
  2. When praying, kneeling in front of the images, they can cross their legs from behind.
  3. It should also alert you if a parishioner is baptized with her left hand and in reverse order (stomach, left shoulder, right shoulder, forehead). This ritual is called a neighborhood. Witches can be baptized with their right hand, but then after they make a sharp movement with their hand, as if dropping the cross to the floor. The best solution is not to approach such people and not take anything from them.
  4. While in the church, the black witch tries not to turn her back to the altar and icons . This is explained by the fact that there are many nerve endings in the spine, and the grace that comes from the images burns the witch's back extremely strongly.. She, even leaving, will be baptized, backing away to the exit and not turning around.

Why do witches come to churches?

It's simple: performing rituals, they spend their life energy. It takes a long time to replenish it in a natural way, much faster to feed on an ignorant parishioner. This is done quite simply. The witch, without attracting attention, will go around you counterclockwise, then, as if by accident, pushes her hand, and that's all: she just has to stand behind her back and receive your energy.

If you feel and notice that someone is carrying out such manipulations, do not be shy and hit that person with your left hand, this will allow you to return the effect of damage back. There are a lot of people who experience all sorts of troubles from induced. Very often, people die quickly from induced damage, and from an incurable disease. And very many at the reception of the master exclaim, why do I need this, to whom I crossed the road.

But there are witches who spoil people not for something, but just like that, for fun. We know from history that witches and sorcerers are those who made a deal with the devil himself and sold their soul to them in exchange for knowledge. Perhaps vanity from the possession of sacred secrets pushes witches to create evil.

And yet, not all witches are evil. There are inquisitive researchers in this area, called witches. It is worth recalling: the word "witch" comes from the word "know". Magic is like a mirror, whoever turns to it in search of answers to questions, he reveals his true intentions.

This article contains numerous techniques of black magic, mainly related to Slavic culture. We provide information for informational purposes only and do not encourage anyone to use the described practices. Remember that for every negative magical effect sooner or later you have to pay.

Black magic - spell book

We present to the reader's attention black spells with which you can take away health, wealth or luck.

Magic paraphernalia

Nail from the cemetery

This method causes the victim of witchcraft to stop urinating. This is a very dangerous damage from which a person can die. To bring her, the sorcerer had to get a nail from the cemetery, speak it and drive it into the wall of his enemy’s house or into any wooden surface closest to his house.

The nail is spoken as follows:

“Restless spirits of the earth, help me so that (the name of the person who is being spoiled) does not have a day of life, or a night of sleep, or an hour of strength, or half an hour of patience.”

A novice magician needs to know that this ritual is supposed to be performed on the day of Saturn, i.e. on Saturday. Hammering a nail into a tree, it is supposed to wish evil to your offender.

Goga (spoil cattle)

Black magic can harm not only a person, but also his home, family, social status and even animals. For example, to spoil livestock, a warlock can do the so-called. "gogu". This is a paper cut image of an animal (sheep, goat, cow).

Goga is buried where the owners most often graze their livestock. At the same time, a special spell is pronounced:

“Do not grow, but die, do not grow fat, but dry! Unclean power, come, mutilate all the cattle of my enemy!

During the performance of the rite, no one should see the magician. Therefore, gogu is usually buried after sunset.

Damage to the root of the mandrake

Often used in black magic. With the help of this plant, you can bring misfortune and serious illness to a person. To do this, on the full moon, touch the mandrake root three times with a new knife, while pronouncing the name of your enemy.

Next, the magician cuts the root with the same knife if he wants to doom his enemy to a series of troubles (this is called cutting off luck). To take away health, you need to dig a hole, put a mandrake root in it, cover it with salt, and then with earth.

Punish the offender

A sorcerer can use this method to punish a person who has acted unjustly towards him. On Saturday, before the sun rises, you need to get a branch of a one-year-old hazel. The branch should be carefully cut with a knife. In this case, you will need to cast a special spell:

“I cut you off in the name (name of the offender) whom I want to punish.”

"In nomen Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sanctus, et in cute Droch, Mirroch, Esenaroth, Betu, Baroch, Maaroth."

Then the caster began to whip the hazel branch on the tablecloth. The offender received as many blows as they were inflicted.

Damage to the wind

This is a very simple way, a kind of black magic for beginners. In order to “plant” a disease to his enemy, the sorcerer had to gather a handful of dust from the cemetery in advance. Then it was necessary to wait for windy weather and approach the house of your enemy from the leeward side (i.e., in such a way that the wind blew from the magician towards the house of his enemy).

It was necessary to throw a handful of dust in the direction of the enemy's dwelling, and then cast a spell:

"Amakula Kulaba! Blind (offender's name) black, black, green, brown or blue eyes. Dry it so that it becomes thinner than cut grass, inflate its womb thicker than a coal pit!

Bust a business

In the old days, black magic was often used in the event that it was necessary to ruin the trading business of one's competitor or enemy. To do this, the warlock poured salt in the shape of a cross on the threshold of the store, while uttering the following spell:

“As soon as this salt melts, your business will fall apart. No way for you, no road!

black magic voodoo

Voodoo magic originated on the African continent, but over time it spread throughout the world and became incredibly in demand...

Voodoo Doll

The finished volt is called the name of their enemy, then you can perform various manipulations with the doll - beat it, prick it with needles, cut it with a knife, or even burn it.

Strong love spell

Black magic is not always used to the detriment. With the help of this conspiracy, a sorcerer or witch can awaken reciprocal love feelings in the object of his sympathy. To do this, write the name of a loved one on a piece of paper, then put a note on a saucer and pour honey on a plate.

A lit red candle is placed in the center of the saucer. While it burns, you should read in a singsong voice:

"Ammet kolt kolto, mett kolt, owenid

Rpete me rappet, poum m'daid,

swomi loy swami san omweni,

Hmean wen ape koul demma."

The candle must burn out completely. To complete the ritual, you need to appease. To do this, you will need to leave the house after sunset and go to the crossroads (the intersection of two paths). At the crossroads you need to leave a plate with cakes or sweets.

Spells for beginner witches and sorcerers are texts intended for those who want to unleash their magical abilities. If you are just starting your journey of learning magic, then try to avoid complex rituals that require deep knowledge and great energy potential for the time being.

Spells are an integral part of rites; magical phrases that accompany any ritual.

These are not just words, they activate various processes in our world, as a result, the magician achieves the desired result after the ceremony.

Auxiliary items are an integral part of any ritual with spells:

  • standard magical attributes (candles, salt, crystals, photographs);
  • rare artifacts;
  • amulets;
  • herbs.

For beginner witches, it is very important to use such things. At the initial level, the energy potential is not very large, and a novice witch needs help. Therefore, a beginner should use various additional items that will charge him with strength. This rule applies to both white and black magicians.

The use of actual witchcraft spells and rites should ideally be supervised by an experienced teacher. He will be able to show how to properly manage his own power. If there is no teacher, then you can reach the heights of witchcraft art on your own.

To do this, a beginner should stock up on perseverance, patience and be extremely careful. Try to gradually move from simple spells and rituals to more complex ones. You should not immediately take on difficult and dangerous rites.

White magic - spells for beginner sorcerers

Similar practices are used for creation, purification, removal of love spells, damage and evil eye. With the help of such rituals, you can heal a person, fill him with positive energy.

There are many secrets of white magic. Usually rituals use the texts of white magicians, healers, folk healers. This practice is less dangerous than black magic.

The white magician can use not only ready-made spells, but also his own. To write your own conspiracies, you need to have considerable experience, so it’s better for a beginner not to start writing magic texts yet, but to use ready-made ones.

One of the simplest examples of spells is to improve the health of the sick. In order to improve the physical state human, the magician will need dishes with clean water and salt. You can use both ordinary and charmed, left from a clean Thursday. The ritual begins with the fact that 3 pinches of salt are thrown into a bowl of water and the words are pronounced:

Mother, water is fast, wash off all the rubbish, all the scrap from the servant / servant of God (name). Take them to the depths of the sea, drag them into deep whirlpools, put stone clamps on them. So that they never surface, forget about the servant of God (name) forever.

The ceremony is performed 3 times. Within a few days, the person should feel much better. In order for the conspiracy to work, you must be clearly aware of what you are doing and believe in it. If you do not put meaning into your actions and do everything unconsciously, then there may not be a result.

Removing the evil eye with a conspiracy

Very often, white magic is used to remove negative energy and eliminate black witchcraft. If damage or the evil eye was imposed on a person, then you can remove them yourself. Even a beginner can handle a simple curse. To conduct the ceremony, you will need a bowl of clean water, salt and a match. You need to throw a little salt into a container of water, set fire to a match, cross yourself and say:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Then the sorcerer needs to break off the burnt end of the match and throw it into the bowl, saying:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Pure blood and heavenly! Save, save the servant of God (name) from every eye, from the bad hour, from the female, from the male, from the child, from the joyful, from the hated, from the slanderous, from the negotiation.

The spell is repeated 9 times. Now a patient suffering from the evil eye can be washed with charmed water, constantly repeating:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

After completing the ritual, the patient must drink plenty of water for 3 days. Usually the conspiracy begins to act very soon, and the person is gradually on the mend.

Black magic for beginners - spells and rites

By performing rites related to black magic, the magician can achieve the desired results. Such spells and rituals are most often aimed at destroying, suppressing the human "I", bewitching a person, obtaining material benefits.

The black magician can cause damage, the evil eye, significantly ruin the life of the victim. With such spells, you must be extremely careful. For many rituals, the sorcerer needs the help of demons and spirits, and their behavior can be unpredictable. Especially when a newcomer comes into contact with them.

The development of witchcraft abilities and the use of black magic for personal purposes should be gradual, and the magician should be very careful. There are both complex rituals and quite simple ones that can be performed without special preparation.

An example of such a rite is a black post. It is necessary to start the ceremony on the new moon, and end on the full moon. For 14 days, the sorcerer will have to refuse food. You can afford only water and bread. Every time the magician eats, he utters a curse:

Damn you (person's name).

This spell is aimed at causing minor damage to the victim. You should not hope that a person’s health or material condition will deteriorate significantly, but the victim’s usual way of life will definitely be disturbed. New problems and worries will appear in his life, which will significantly exhaust a person and deprive him of strength.

Black magic and personal gain

Often sorcerers use black magic for personal gain. There are simple spells for beginner witches that can help increase wealth. The ceremony is performed on the new moon. The magician should take 7 coins in his right hand and stand facing the moon.

Stretch both hands forward. Only squeeze the right into a fist, and open the left. The palm should look up. Looking at the moon, you need to cast a spell 9 times:

“The money has arrived! Money came! They found the money in my pocket!
I always get my profit! The money in my piggy bank is coming!
I have more and more of them! Here, now, everywhere and always.
I am getting richer day by day!”

It is necessary to repeat the rite for 3 nights in a row. After that, you need to light a candle, lay out coins next to it and leave everything like that until the candle goes out completely. Once this happens, the spell must be cast 3 more times. You can expect results within a week.

Magic does not tolerate haste and superficiality. A novice witch or sorcerer must carefully practice each spell if they really want to succeed in this subtle art. Spells for beginners should start with simple rituals and rites that cannot cause significant damage to a witch or sorcerer. And only then, over time, you can take on more complex rituals. Only in this way can one become an experienced, powerful magician.

"Verse" from sorcerers

“I will get up in the morning, wash myself, wipe myself off, I, Lord, will pray to you. I will go with you from gate to gate. From under the footbridge to the footbridges The side lies a stone, On the stone is a cathedral, Behind the cathedral is Christ, Behind Christ is the Mother of God Swaddling her son Jesus Christ. Mother of God, I came to you Neither for gold nor for silver. I have come to pray to you, To ask for the mercy of the Lord, To remove from the slave Claudia all sorrow, all illness From fright and from the heart To sorcerers - a sorceress, To whisperers - a whisperer To a fair-haired girl, To a simple-haired woman, To a peasant - a fish. Seven hundred by seven hundred Seven hundred by seven hundred Seven hundred.

Save me, Lord, from all sorcerers. This is just a verse.

Recorded in s. Buravtsovka, Ertilsky district, Voronezh region, from L. M. Gosteva, born in 1913 Recorded by Terekhova S., Frolova E., Yakovenko M. 2005 AKTLF

Prayer-conspiracy from sorcerers

Archangel Igudieliy,

Archangel Uriel

Archangel Silafiel.

And my angel Savior:

All the host of heavenly forces;

Holy Mother of God Ever-Virgin Mary;

Four Evangelists:

Matthew, Mark, Luke, John,

Guard us on all four sides

And cover with incorruptible robes,

And seal everything with locks

From fear, fright over my head and my house,

From evil people, mad dogs,

Serpents, sorcerers, sorceresses,

Vertunov, spinners,

Who want to steal or spill

Our blood.

Their hearts were filthy* And let, Lord, fear and shame on them, So that they, evil people, evil judges, Sorcerers, sorceresses

Recorded in s. Chagari, Rossoshansky district, Voronezh region from Maklakova T.F. born 1951 Recorded by Egorova N. and Skomorokhova A., 2007 AKTLF

Conspiracy from sorcerers Kosiyanskaya mountain from the captain's land. * The Mother of God walked along it, Jesus Christ walked with her, Carried the keys in his left hand And shifted to his right, And he began to lock them Lock up his lips, teeth and mouth

Sorcerers, sorceresses and Orthodox girls. Lord, save and save the servant of God (name) With children and grandchildren From evil attacking people, From all diseases, sorrows. Glory to God on high and peace on earth. Amen. Amen. Amen.

From sorcerers

If you see a sorcerer, you must say:

"A pood of millet, a pood of poppy Christ has risen to the sorcerers in defiance."

Conspiracy from the sorcerer

Bless, Lord, to follow the servant of God. It’s not me who walks, it’s not me who heals, but Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, lead to the Siyan mountains, gather all heretics, sorcerers and sorceresses, lock their lips and teeth with a golden lock, throw the lock into the sea to the bottom, and the key into the sky. Whoever finds this key, then the servant of God will win.

Recorded in s. Titarevka, Kantemirovskiy district, Voronezh region from Rybalkina L.K., born in 1940 Recorded by Pylneva S., Romanova E., Kovaleva V., Avdeeva D. 1997. AKTLF

Conspiracy from the sorcerer

Mikhailo is an archangel, close the longing, lips and teeth to the evildoer, memory inside, put the key at the bottom of the sea, under the golden stone, when my evildoer sweeps the sand with his tongue, lifts the stone, takes out the key, drinks water, then he will defeat me, the servant of God.

Recorded in s. Titarevka, Kantemirovskiy district, Voronezh region from Rybalkina L.K., born in 1940 Recorded by Pylneva S., Romanova E., Kovaleva V., Avdeeva D. 1997. AKTLF

From enemies

Enemy, Satan, all evil spirits

Take from our house, threshold,

What dashing people brought to our house,

Demons of the night and noon.

Garbage, sand, water, all sorts of slander

Take the enemy, Satan, from our stitch paths.

(collect garbage from left to right and take it to the crossroads at 12 o'clock) Recorded in Voronezhot Shabalina L.P. Udodova T. 1999 AKTLF

From spoilage

Help me, Lord, my sorrow. If a person has done this sorrow to me, Then, Lord, return my sorrow to this man. Hear, Lord, my prayer and fulfill it. Amen.

(take a handful of salt and rub it on your elbow, then sprinkle it where your enemy walks)

Recorded in Voronezh from Shabalina L.P., born in 1936 Udodova T. 1999 AKTLF

From spoilage

The Mother of God was walking across the bridge, Nikolai Ugodnik, Ilya the Prophet, John Boguslov met her.

Where are you going, Mother of God?

I'm going to wash my nerves, Blow out my eyes and bitterness, Drive me out of the servant of God (name) From my head, from my hands,

From the legs, from the abdomen, From the heart, from the liver, From the greenery, from the spleen, From the uterus (if a woman), from the ovaries, From Bladder, from the neck, from the spine, from blue veins, Of red blood. The Savior with the cross, the Savior over evil spirits, the dinner. Go away Satan from the servant of God (name). Leave impure forces on all four sides. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Recorded in Voronezh from L. P. Shabalina, born in 1936. Udodova T. 1999 AKTLF

From spoilage

Brick water flowed

through the city of Jerusalem.

From the sorcerer, from the sorceress

From heretics, from heretics,

From childhood and infant

From typhus and fever

From empty childbirth, from bleeding,

From fear, damage,

From yearning longing, from prickly thorns

Acid, fresh, oncoming, transverse,

Wind, water, seeded, sent. (baptize water and speak)

In the city of Jerusalem, in front of the cross, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself and Elijah the prophet With his golden rod, Smite the demons with holy Fire-flame, holy water. I call you with a passionate fire, I expel Satan from the servant of God (name) From the mouth, from the hair, from the voice, from the violent head, From the white bone, from the red blood, From the neck, from the spine, from the heart, From the stomach, from the kidneys, from the liver, From the greenery, from the uterus (if a woman), From the ovaries, from the bladder, From the intestines, from the arms, from the legs, From the veins, from the fingers, from the joints. Here you will not be pure blood. Do not drink from the one born * by prayers, the Baptized servant of God (name). Till the end of time. Amen.

Recorded in Voronezh from L. P. Shabalina, born in 1936. Udodova T. 1999 AKTLF

From spoilage

I will bless the slave (name), I will go crossing myself, from the hut through the doors, From the gate through the gate, Into the open field, into the green oak forest. In a green oak forest stands a white birch In twelve roots.

As neither morning dew nor evening dew rests on me, So do not hold on to lessons or prizes, * Neither grief-illness, nor fears-alarms, nor oncoming fractures, From a birthmark *, From blonds, from blonds, from blacks black, * From two-toothed, from three-toothed, From bigamous, from tripartite. Be my words strong and light, Stronger and easier to glue sturgeon. Amen.

(drink a sip of water to the one from whom the damage is being removed, wet the forehead and hair 3 times, spraying on the chest and back. Be silent for a while until the water dries).

Recorded in Voronezh from Shabalina L.P., born in 1936 Udodova T. 1999 AKTLF

From spoilage

Get out the corruption from the slave (name) from the white body, from the yellow bones and hot blood. Damage to men, damage to women, damage to dogs, cats, frogs, you go to damage for steep mountains, for dark forests, for black seas, for swampy places. You should be there, there you will live forever, the servant of God (name) does not dry the white body, do not break the yellow bone, do not drink hot blood. The body, bones and blood are sacred, baptized, prayerful, smeared with murom*. Now and forever and ever. Amen.

From spoilage

Pebble, pebble, you were in the sea, drove the sea waves, dried the golden sands. Drive away from the servant of God Ivan all corruption, all dryness.

Recorded from Agripina Pavlovna Bykova, born in 1906. students: Abramov O., Kalashnikov A., Shtogrin B. in the village of Verkhniy Mamon in 1994.

Evil eye conspiracy

Get up at midnight, take a long, harsh thread, tie 40 knots on it, while reading the prayer "Our Father". Tie this thread on the belt of ugly * children and do not take it off, carry it constantly with you, then the evil eye will lose its strength.

Recorded from Alexandra Efimovna Likhacheva, born in 1903 Recorded by T.V. Manukovskaya 1982 AKTLF

Conspiracy from "with the eye"

Mother - water, Empress - water. How do you wash, rinse Steep coasts, yellow sands, So wash off, rinse From the servant of God / name / Lessons and prizes, Fears, commotion;

Pinch, lomotitsa, 12 relatives, 12 thin people, * Bone, interior, Sinewy and through passage, Seventy-seven veins, Seventy-seven joints. Bones - joints, Stanovye veins, Dummy bones. Mother - water, Empress - water, Burn out, clean your Baby from your slave / name /

Every disease inside and out.

Wash it off, splosh from black eyebrows,

Clear eyes, steep shoulders,

From a white body

With a zealous heart

With blush on cheeks

From every evil

A dashing person.

From the oncoming, transverse,

two-wire, three-wire,

From the empty-eyed, sharp-eyed,

From blue-eyed

From black haired

White-haired, red-haired,


From the two-toothed, from the three-toothed, About all kinds of hated people. Amen!

My prayers are non-contracts, Negotiations,

Castle in the sea, tongue in the mouth.

Conspiracy from the "evil eye"

Burn three matches. Throw the burnt heads into a glass of "holy water" and read the prayer "Our Father" over it three times. Having dipped three fingers in water, outline the shape of a cross to the child, anointing the forehead, feet and hands with a pinch. Spit three times over the left shoulder and say: From the evil eye, From the black disease Cleanse the baby Michael. I baptize with the saving cross, I close with the saving cross. Amen!

Recorded in the winter of 1982 from Pelageya Mikhailovna Berezkina, born in 1898. Recorded by T.V. Manukovskaya 1982 AKTLF

Prayer from the eye.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. "Our Father" read five times, bow three times.

Prayer from the eye of a slave (name).

The sun rises, and the Blessed Mother walks the earth on the Black Sea, there is a throne, the Savior sits behind the throne, with 5 wounds he calls Peter and Paul. Tell me, old and young, who knows this prayer, reads it three times a day from pain, illness, from any sorrow. Iberian Mother Goddess, Great Helper, mother of God, asking Jesus Christ to comfort our water and wind illnesses. Heal, Lord, the cry of the baby (name) of the eye, on the floor, wind, water. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Deliver, Lord, from the Eye, from black, from white, from blue, from yellow, gray, female, from male, from girlish, from childish, from loving, from daytime. From the noon, from the evening, Lord deliver the baby (name).

Recorded in s. Seventies Khokholsky district, Voronezh region from Grigorieva Maria Mitrofanovna, born in 1927 Recorded by Gracheva D., Malorodova R., 1999 AKTLF

Evil eye conspiracy

I don’t take it with my own hands, with the Lord God, with Jesus Christ, with all the saints, help, help, Ulyana grass, drive, drive, washing the clouds of the shore, wash the stone from hands, from legs, from shoulders, from men’s eyes. Here you do not have a servant of God to have a yellow bone, do not break; do not suck scarlet blood, go to the swamps, where people do not go, birds do not fly, roosters do not sing, you should be there, counting the loose sands.

Recorded in s. Titarevka, Kantemirovskiy district, Voronezh region from Rybalkina L.K., born in 1940 Recorded by Pylnevoy S., Romanova E., Kovaleva V., Avdeeva D. 1997. AKTLF

Evil eye conspiracy.

It is necessary to mix non-drinkable water and salt, then say three times “In the name of the father and son and the holy spirit.” After that, you need to be baptized and read nine pas prayer llvJv 5 “Our Father” on your knees.

After: light three matches and throw into the water. If the match sinks head down, then the person was really jinxed.

Then you should drink three sips of this water, take a knife, direct it to a sick person and blow on the knife with the same water, because a drop kills the evil eye.

After that, water should be poured under the door hinges and the door should be opened and closed three times.

Again repeat "In the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit."

Recorded in s. R. Khava Novousmanskogogor-naVoronezh region from Valentina Zakharovna Zaitseva, born in 1936 Recorded by E. Novovolokina, N. Popravko, N. Borovkova, 1997. AKTLF

Evil eye conspiracy

Pour clean water into a basin, lower the cross there, pour salt into the water, light three matches and extinguish in water. Take a small piece of bread and also throw it into the basin. If the bread sinks, then you have been jinxed. If not, then there is no evil eye.

Mother of God, Virgin, rejoice, the gracious Lord is with you forever, blessed is the fruit of your womb, blessed is your wife, our soul was born as your Savior.

Our Father, who art in heaven, may your kingdom come, may your will be done as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today. And leave our debts, as we leave our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, and deliver us from the evil one.

Evil eye conspiracy

Morning dawn,

red girl,

Helper of Christ

save, Lord, the servant of God (name)

from every eye

from white, from gray, from black, from yellow, from red,

from the envious, from the hateful, from the joyful, from the unexpected, from the daytime, from the afternoon, from the morning, from the evening, from the midnight. I don’t walk, I don’t fly, Mother Theotokos herself, Christ’s helper walks out of the servant of God (name), sorrow comes out.

Recorded in s. R. Khava, Novousmansky district, Voronezh region from Bykovskaya Natalya Vasilievna, born in 1918 Recorded by M. Stolpovskaya, I. Zhiteneva, 1993. AKTLF

Fill with fear

I will get up, I am a slave / name /,

I will go from door to door

Through the high thresholds

From gate to gate

In an open field

wide expanse,

I wash myself with the morning dew,

I will wipe myself with the throne veil.

I will go to the arctic ocean - the sea,

At this icy ocean by the sea

There is a cathedral apostolic church.

In that cathedral apostolic church

There is a golden throne.

Behind that golden throne

Mother is sitting,

Holy Mother of God

With your own with the true Jesus Christ.

pure mother,

Holy Mother of God,

The Virgin Mary,

I'll come closer to you

I bow down.

I bow and pray

I ask you earnestly.

Wash it off, lay it off the servant of God,

Baby /name/,

From hands, from feet, from a violent head,

With a zealous heart

From rosy cheeks

All sorts of tricks and tributaries, *

From bones, joints

From the backbones

Lessons* and sanctuaries*

Chips and flakes,

12 relatives, 12 Khudobins. Rinse, rinse

From black eyebrows, from clear eyes, From steep shoulders, From a white body, from rosy cheeks, From all diseases, Inside and out, And from the head from all kinds of Evil hated people, So that the servant of God / name / And not be afraid of horses, No cows, no sheep, etc. Holy Mother of God, Virgin Mary!

I ask you, cleanse the Infant / name / from illnesses, From now on and forever, Amen! For a conspiracy you need:

3. Melt the wax, pour it into the water, saying:

"Get the disease out of your head into the water."

Recorded in the summer of 1982 from Alexandra Efimovna Likhacheva, born in 1903 Recorded by T.V. Manukovskaya 1982 AKTLF

Conspiracy from fear

Dawn - lightning, red maiden, Dawn Anna, Dawn Daria, Dawn Mary,

I will remove the screamer from the baby (name). Day - noon, Night - midnight, Hour - half an hour, Minute - half a minute. From an eye, from an eye, From a loving eye, From a hating eye From a bad hour, from a bad eye.

(blow on the child 3 times and spit over the left shoulder).

Recorded with. Seventies Khokholsky district, Voronezh region from Konoplina G.E., born in 1938 Recorded by Piseukova Yu., Linichenko V., 1999 AKTLF

A conspiracy from fright Dawn, lightning, Dawn - the red maiden, Dawn - Daria, Dawn - Marya, Dawn - Akulina, Dawn - Ahrestina,

Take a baby, a boy, a young man, a slave (name) Cry, pain, illness, aches. Bring over the dark forests, Over the coniferous waters, Over the seething sands, Unnecessary for a century there. Amen.

(Repeat all 3 times).

Recorded in the village of Solontsy, Vorobyevsky district, Voronezh region. from Ponomareva Praskovya Ivanovana, born in 1924 Record Gashnikova A., Chalykh L. 2001. AKTLF

From fright

Holy Mother, Mother of God! Save, save and have mercy on all babies and adults Servant of God (name), servant of God (name). Mother, help pour out the fear. She blows, blows and the evil eye and fright washes, And sour washes and destroys. Close and save the children, the servant of God (name) And the adult servant of God (name) From a fierce eye, from a mocker And a mocker, from a bad person Save and have mercy, Lord. Amen. Amen. Amen. Pour: 3-6-12 times in the morning and evening after sunset.

The patient is planted:

1 dawn - feet to the exit;

2 dawn - on the threshold, kicking into the apartment;

3 dawn - on the threshold, feet to the exit.

From fright

With a thread, measure from the top of the head from the top of the head to the toes, cut off, tie in a knot. Measure around the abdomen, head. Tie all the threads into a knot. Roll up a ball of thread, bread and hair. Put the resulting ball into a sprig of aspen and score with a blade. They put it on the gate or bring it into the house. They are also used as a talisman.

Recorded in s. Alexandrovka, Rossoshanskogogor-na, Voronezh region from Zayarkova E.G., born in 1919 Recorded by Egorova N., Skomorokhova A.. 2007. AKTLF

Conspiracy from fear

Before pronouncing the conspiracy itself, you should read the prayer “Our Father” three times and cross the person you are speaking. The text of the conspiracy is as follows: Saint Nicholas, Savior, Mother of God, Saint Panteleimon, Heal.

Fear, get out of the body, out of the veins, Out of the joints, out of the bones, out of the head.

Then you need to pour the melted wax into a vessel with water. Hold water over the head of the frightened. The figure that comes out of the wax will look like what the child was afraid of. During this procedure, you need to read the prayer "Our Father".

This disease is treated with the help of a conspiracy at the end of the month. Treatment should continue for nine days. It should be repeated three times a day.

Recorded in s. R. Khava, Novousmansky district, Voronezh region from Valentina Zakharovna Zaitseva, born in 1936 Recorded by E. Novovolokina, N. Popravko, N. Borovkova, 1997. AKTLF

From "crixa*"

The children were attacked by the “crixa” disease: at night they cried and cried, cried and cried, and they treated like this:

Zarnitsa-zarnitsa, red maiden Take your kriks-kvoks From the baby (...),

Here you kriks-kvoksy, do not stand, Do not break the red bone. From ten nine, from nine eight, from eight seven,

Six from seven, Five from six, Three from four, Two from three, One from two, None from one. And so it is necessary three times. Anytime, but usually at night. It helped.

Recorded in s. Soldatsky, Ostrogozhsky district, Voronezh region from Erofeeva Antonina Grigorievna, born in 1939 Recorded by N. Shipilova, Golubeva M. 1997. AKTLF

Crix Conspiracy*

Spotted hens, white hens, black hens, with different feathers, you scream, you scream, take the creaks from the baby, take the creeks where the sun does not blow, over the mounds, over the mountains, over the spins, there you are everyday life, counting the loose sands.

Recorded in s. Titarevka, Kantemirovskiy district, Voronezh region from Rybalkina L.K., born in 1940 Recorded by Pylnevoy S., Romanova E., Kovaleva V., Avdeeva D. 1997. AKTLF

Conspiracy from crying, from insomnia

Zarya - zarnichka,

red girl,

You come to us

Bring the bear to sleep.

And the eye is blaz

Cry day, night,

noon, midnight,

Take everything with you.

And from the black eye and from the white,

From gray, from blue

From the one who loves and from the one who hates

And from a simple-haired woman.

Recorded in the village of Pershino, Nizhnedevitsky District, from Berezkina Pelageya Mikhailovna, born in 1898. Recorded by T.V. Manukovskaya 1982 AKTLF

A conspiracy for children (from everything) The Lord came from the East, carried a life-giving cross, ordered to dress with a white dawn, to gird himself with red. Get rid of a belligerent*, get away from a rattler* from an empty eye, from a dashing person, from a hated, perky person, from an evildoer, from a snitch. Go, his pains, his sorrows, where the sun does not shine, the wind does not blow, the baby of God cannot be, not be near the body, but be near a rotten tree, do not hurt the bones, do not break the joints.

Recorded in s. Titarevka, Kantemirovskiy district, Voronezh region from Rybalkina L.K., born in 1940 Recorded by Pylnevoy S., Romanova E., Kovaleva V., Avdeeva D. 1997. AKTLF

Conspiracy for water

When you go to draw water, you need to say: “Hello, Tatiana water, Uliana land and Ivan the key! Give me water for every trouble."

Recorded in Voronezh from Shabalina L. P. born in 1936 Recorded by Udodova T. 1999

Herbal conspiracy

This conspiracy is pronounced before the collection medicinal herbs to keep their healing power:

I will rise, the servant of God (name), pray (Our Father, Mother of God), blessed, I will go to the open field, under the red sun, under the bright moon, under frequent stars, under flying clouds. I, the servant of God (name), will stand in an open field on a level place, whether on that throne, on the Lord. I will clothe myself with clouds, I will cover with skies, I will put a crown on my head - the red sun, I will gird myself with bright dawns that are sharp arrows. You are the sky, you are the sky, you see the sky, you hear the sky, the righteous sun. Bless the roots of digging, picking flowers, picking herbs, and for what I collect, it would be suitable for that.

Recorded in s. R. Khava, Novousmansky district, Voronezh region, from Natalya Vasilievna Bykovskaya, born in 1918 Recorded by M. Stolpovskaya, I. Zhiteneva, 1993. AKTLF

Conspiracy from barley.

You need to show the cookie to the barley and say: "The barley grew, the mowing approached. They mowed the barley, the sorcerer * begged. Grandfather is a sorcerer, speak the barley. Go to the forest, to the grass, to the cold water with the slave (name). Amen. "

Recorded in s. Seventies Khokholsky district, Voronezh region from Zherebyaeva S.P., born in 1927, m.s. Kochetovka, Recorded by Fedchenko K., Seliverstova A., Ponomareva Yu., 1999 AKTLF

Prayer from Siberia.

I will enter the field, there is a brave oak. On this oak forest is a white birch. On this birch there are silk rods, paper leaves. I look at the sunrise, there is a girl standing there. What to give her, what to give her? Give her a sharp saber, clean and smooth the ulcer from the servant of God (name), from the head, from the eye, from the heart, from the stomach, from the bones, from the white calf, from the blood, from the blue veins, from the yellow moslov, I’m not flying, I don’t invent, Blessed Mother Theotokos with my own hand of my captive. Anofim, the Holy saint of God, our quick helper, takes a hammer, beats 77 demons and, servant of God, drive out an ulcer from red blood, from blue veins, from yellow moslov, eye, wind, water and natural. Amen.

Recorded in s. Seventies Khokholsky district, Voronezh region from Grigorieva Maria Mitrofanovna, born in 1927. Recorded by D. Gracheva in 1999. AKTLF

A conspiracy from the kila They “planted” in the kila *:

“Kila, kilitsa, red maiden I didn’t put you here, grief rolled up for you Roll away grief from you, From the slave (name)” (9 times)

But first, three times it was necessary to read "Our Father".

This (“Kila, kilitsa ...”) is a conspiracy from sorcerers, from witchcraft, magic.

The entry was made in Buravtsovka, Ertilsky district, Voronezh region from L. M. Gosteva, born in 1913 Recorded by Terekhova S., Frolova E., Yakovenko M., 2005 AKTLF

Young month was not in the next world,

The young month did not see the dead body,

And I was in that world

And I saw a dead body.

Dead teeth don't hurt, don't itch,

They don’t whine, they don’t prick, they don’t shoot,

So that the servant of God (name)

The teeth did not hurt, did not itch, did not prick, But they were numb and petrified.

Get out the toothache from the servant of God (name) For fast waters, for silk grasses, For rotten wells, for green forests, For loose sands, for high mountains. Go away toothache, you don't belong here. Lord, save the servant of God (name). Amen.

Recorded in Voronezh from Shabalina L. P. born in 1936 Udodova T. 1999 AKTLF

From all sorts of troubles, misfortunes, fires in the forest and apartments

The Lord walked on damp earth, The Lord carried a protected cross, He protected and closed in the field and at home From fire-fire, from water-flood, From a dashing person, from a beast, from a snake, From all sorrows, from sorcerers and sorceresses, From simple-haired girls. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Recorded in Voronezh from Shabalina L. P. born in 1936 Udodova T. 1999 AKTLF

Good luck on the road

The Lord went beyond distant heavens, The Lord who created the cross carried, Blessed them on all four sides. There is a high mountain, there is a fence around that mountain, And in that fence Nikita, Mark, Ivan Boguslov, They pray to God for us, they ask Christ for souls, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord bless and save the servant of God (name) From evil attacking people , From all kinds of illnesses and sorrows, From sorcerers, from courts, From imprisonment, From bad thoughts. Amen. Amen. Amen. (and step your right foot over the threshold when you leave the house)

Recorded in Voronezh from Shabalina L. P. born in 1936 Udodova T. 1999 AKTLF

A conspiracy from pestilence, from the loss of livestock

Get out, get out From the basement, from the village! We go, we go Nine girls, Three widows,

With incense, with candles, With the Mother of God!

Recorded in s. V. Mamon, Voronezh region from Lesnikova Praskovia Ivanovna, born in 1910 Recorded by Lunina O., Harina L. 1994. AKTLF

Conspiracy from the evil eye of cows.

Saint Basil, pray to the Lord God for a horned cow. Do not let, Lord, a dashing man, good from a black eye, from a cariv, from a blue, from a man, from a woman, from a child, from a girl, from day, from noon, from night, from midnight, from a bad hour, save from a bad minute, Lord, and have mercy.

Recorded in s. Monastery of the Bogucharsky district of the Voronezh region. from Veremeeva Serafima Ivanovna, born in 1929, m.b. Gribanovsky district Recorded by Evko E., 1998 AKTLF

Conspiracy from the fear of a cow.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Passion, horror, come out of the head of the servant of God's cow (name): from the legs, from the tummy, from clear eyes. What you are afraid of, so pour out. I do not heal, I do not help, Jesus Christ himself helps with the Mother of God. Amen.

Recorded Sun. 1 Yemancha, Khokholsky district, Voronezh region, from Asunina M.T., born in 1935, Bakulina A.V. 2000 AKTLF

No matter how hard the temptation is, no matter how hard the struggle with sin is, do not forget that you are not alone: ​​the Lord is with you. And with the Lord God, with His help, what can not be done? You are weak, it is true; but He is strong, and His strength is made perfect in weakness. In every temptation, lift up your eyes to Christ and pray fervently: Jesus, sweetest one, have mercy on me! And believe: He, the Merciful, will save you from trouble and temptation.

Resist all vices! If you want to lie in bed - on the contrary, urgently get up and find a job for yourself. If you want to answer a rude word with rudeness, restrain yourself, and how rudely you wanted to answer, just as calmly give an answer, etc. Do not succumb to the temptation of the devil! Don't forget: the seven devil princes are constantly haunting us in the form of the 7 deadly sins. The choice is always ours, whether we accept the devil or stand in temptation, but only we will hold the answer before God.

Pride- how often we fall for the tricks of this devil. Lucifer, he is right there, finds a lot of arguments, inciting pride to incredible proportions. And now you no longer know your worth, so you are smart, beautiful, irresistible and unique.

depravity- here the devil finds so many excuses, but should we be surprised at the sophistication of the devil? Asmodeus, the strongest of the devils, ingenious, now it has become easier for him to take possession of the souls of people. Millions are mired in debauchery, new sexual currents, the sanctity of marriage on the side: “I will still find an excuse for my betrayal, my wife looked the wrong way, said something wrong, she kicked me out, her friend seduced me, and I, poor thing, could not resist - she, vile guilty." Depravity of thoughts in books, magazines, on movie screens - it is everywhere ... The power of Asmodeus is great. Resist, do not give in, listen to your conscience, keep your hearts pure.

Anger- the most flaming devil, he can so inflame your hearts that the poison of anger will entail more and more sins, and there will be no salvation. Satan... He is the one who stirs up anger and gives birth to anger. He is invoked in their ruthless desires during black magic rituals by black sorcerers and witches. The power of anger is great, and anger is blind. Very often, when a fit of anger passes, a person cannot understand how such an unimportant event aroused a desire, perhaps even to kill or maim a person, curse him or put him in an unpleasant situation. Stop in time, resist, do not look for flaws in everything, try to see the good, kind, beautiful.

Gluttony- how difficult it is to resist the temptations of good and tasty food! It is much more pleasant to engage in gluttony than to withstand fasting, even if it is one-day. Beelzebub, he can often be found at feasts, he especially loves to incite feasts and gluttony during fasting. What tricks he does not go to, what hallucinations he does not send, and now strong and steadfast in his intentions begins to hesitate and find reasons to break the fast, and having broken it, justifies himself in this! And the devil is near, he rejoices and rejoices. He won! Do not let Beelzebub rejoice, resist, fight gluttony, endure the test of fasting, this is our victory over Beelzebub! Only by eradicating vice can we destroy this devil.

Envy- how difficult it is to fight it, and how easily it takes possession of a person with weak faith and little love for people! Leviathan is huge and vile! He constantly from day to day feeds on envy born in the hearts of people, very skillfully and insidiously tempts each of us, and how great is his joy when he has won a victory. His power is enormous and growing every day. Only each of us can stop it, our resistance to envy, the birth of generosity and gratitude, love for our neighbor - that's what should be next to us! Drive envy! Destroy the Leviathan in you!

Idleness- what a devil is growing, for so many people liked the idle way of life! Belphegor is the name of this devil. He has a princely title, his strength and power are growing every minute.

Even if we are given help, and we do not make an effort, we will not save ourselves, and no one will save us. And if we respond to help from outside with our efforts, even with the last of our strength, we will save ourselves. Remember a drowning person, if he lowers his hands, he will drown, and if a helping hand is extended to him, and he does not make attempts to grab this hand, he will also drown. “The salvation of a drowning man is the work of the drowning man himself,” goes the old saying.

From the first day of the birth of mankind, there has been a constant struggle of man with the vices that overcome him. You can learn a lot of useful things for yourself from the works of the saints who successfully completed this struggle and offer a helping hand to us, but more on that a little later, in a specially dedicated chapter.

How to protect yourself from a witch

"Hello Larisa! More recently, my daughter was barely saved from damage, now she has become a completely different person - both cheerful and energetic. We are all so happy. But please write how to recognize a witch. Maybe she is somewhere nearby, and we welcome her ... "

S. D., 60 years old, Shakhty.

“... Teach me, for Christ's sake, how to protect myself from a witch. There is no strength, then water is under the threshold, then some excrement, then a hill of earth, then sticks and ropes. After all, there are simply no forces. I’m already afraid to open the door in the morning - all the “gifts” are there ...

I. D., 41 years old, Voronezh.

As you may have realized by now, these are excerpts from the vast amount of mail that I receive. What kind of letters do not come, what only grief is not in them! Oh, and the burden of life is heavy for many who have written to me. Indeed, how to recognize a witch and what to do if in the morning you find unusual traces or things at your doorstep?

The main condition is that you must be calm, not angry and open to the information that you receive from me. The most important thing is that your hearts do not harden, do not wish harm to anyone. Each of you is a storehouse of life force - energy. Only if you have bad thoughts, this well does not replenish, but dries up. And if you are kind to people, to nature, to life, it is constantly replenished.

Quite often you can hear how they curse you in the back just because you accidentally hit someone on the bus, wish you death and take all sorts of black magic actions on this occasion. Just because your husband is nice to them, they are trying to slander your hair and be glad that you are going bald, just because nature has not endowed them with the same good hair. Evil pursues us everywhere, we do not want to fulfill the commandments of God. Sex, debauchery, murders, violence have become the everyday life of our lives. Despair captures more and more sections of the population. The intensity of passions reaches the limit.

There is an unknown world around us, the world of energies and the world of other beings. This world can both help and punish; and reward and strike; give strength or give sickness. There is also a world of evil people and their evil energies around us, those to whom your happiness, health and prosperity are like a bone across the throat. Yes, they just forget, or maybe they don’t want to know, they don’t believe that whoever goes to an evil deed will turn evil against him. Such is the Law of the Cosmos.

In our time of trampling on good and growing evil, more and more people are turning to black art. And it is very difficult to identify among ordinary people those who practice witchcraft. They are very carefully conspiratorial and try outwardly never by the slightest word and action to make it clear about their true essence and desires.

In our life, many of us have encountered this or that manifestation of evil that you felt on the physical plane, many have encountered brownies, and some have seen the devil. But most often we meet with witches. It can be very difficult for an ordinary person to recognize and identify a witch, because in life they try, on the contrary, to seem very compassionate and very carefully hide and hide their true intentions. They generally try to instill in those around them their disbelief in the existence of any otherworldly creatures and phenomena, but in life everything turns out to be completely different.

Witches now are not vile hunchbacked old women with a stick, but quite beautiful, young girls, respectable ladies. Sometimes on their necks you can see all kinds of witchcraft amulets, rings and bracelets containing magical symbols on their hands. Witches try not to attend church, holy places. Naturally, they do not keep incense at home, since for them it is poison, icons and other holy objects. More often, witches try to get a cross with the image of Our Savior Jesus Christ, and they need this not in order to honor the Holy image of the Savior, but in order to turn the cross upside down during the days of their witchcraft and strike with a sharp object at the image of the Savior. If, while visiting, you find a damaged cross with the image of Jesus Christ at your friend, be very careful and careful in communicating with this person. Witches cannot live a day without doing a dirty trick and hurting someone. If she failed to harm someone, curse, wish for something that brings destruction, then the devils will torment her all night. Such a witch will spend the whole night in torment, they will burn her, she will experience blows, and, waking up in the morning, she will find obvious signs of burns and marks from blows, as if whips, on her body.

The witch is always very insidious and cunning in her actions and thoughts. She has to constantly go to new and new tricks, since no one should guess about her real essence.

There is no forgiveness for the witch

Everything that sorceresses and witches do is contrary to Divine laws, and they will inevitably answer for their black deeds. And let them not hope that the Devil will take them under his guardianship. His age is already measured, and he himself will not win. His age is ending.

No matter how long the witch tries to live at the expense of the strength and energy of others, she still cannot escape death. And here comes the hour of reckoning. For all her deeds, she will have to answer to God. How agonizing are the dying visions of witches!

It can be terrible torments, visions before the death of hell, and in the last minutes of their lives they are shown that Heaven refuses them. But this is only the beginning of retribution, ahead is eternal torment, and there will be no forgiveness or redemption for them. The illusion of bliss and power that sorcerers and witches experienced when they saw the torment of people corrupted by them, when they saw the fruits of their deeds, watching the funeral processions, when they saw the tears of people, unfortunate children, unbearable pains, diseases caused by them, bald beauties and much more - all this will forever stand before their eyes and it will no longer be possible to atone for it.

Wizards and witches take a very long time to die.

And no matter how the witch clings to life in the last minutes, death will overtake her. In a matter of seconds, hordes of demons will attack her sinful soul and drag her straight to hell!

It has long been known that the name of a witch in the house where she "inherited" cannot be pronounced. If her name is spoken in this house, it will serve as an invitation to her into the house. As a result, you will witness the sound effects, light and sound.

If suddenly shuffling steps are heard in the house or some kind of image periodically appears before your eyes, beware: an astral witch has entered the house. By the way, food is the first to react to such visits. It spoils and decomposes very quickly. In order to get rid of such visits, you need to take a number of measures:

1. Clean up the house.

2. Sanctify it.

3. Draw protective crosses on windows and doors.

4. Order a health service for all family members.

6. Take confession and communion.


A person is constantly exposed to external influences, and it happens that this influence can turn out to be black magic.

The devil does not sleep, and in our time the scope of his influence is greater than ever. He is at the height of the celebration. Never had he had so many black servants as now.

But now we are not talking about the power of the devil, but about the damage that the servants of the devil do day and night.

Corruption is a disease caused by witchcraft.

The concept of "corruption" comes from the verb "spoil", that is, to harm, to make bad out of good. This type of influence of one person on another is quite common and is the most common magical type of defeat. Corruption is harm caused with the help of magic, with the help of directed energy, which is controlled by the evil will of the ill-wisher. Witches are directly related to this “type of activity”.

Damage can be conscious (free) or unconscious (involuntary). Consciously damage is caused by people who own black art.

Unconsciously, damage can be done by an envious person. This person does not possess knowledge, but inner malice, hatred, envy, his angry words harm business and health.

However, in any case, you will have to answer for the induced damage. Sooner or later, the damage will be removed, and, like a boomerang, it will return to the womb that gave birth to it.

Think again, repent and correct your mistakes before it's too late. There is still time, but there is very little of it left.

Never wish for anyone what you don't wish for yourself.

Witchcraft techniques are unlimited, and their fantasy goes so far that a normal person simply cannot fit all this into his head.

When a person obsessed with evil causes damage, he, with the help of special techniques and spells, calls to action the spirits of evil, lower astral entities, generates energy by an effort of evil will, which, having reached the victim, strikes it. A person affected by corruption suffers, gets sick ...

A person driven by evil can allocate astral energy, create an entity into which the program is embedded, and direct it to a person. If a person is able to reflect the essence, then it returns to the owner, and if he is not sufficiently savvy in this matter or does not believe in the existence of such energies at all, the essence will amaze him.

The negative impact of one person on another can be very different.

If any thing came into contact with you, in witchcraft it can be used against you, since connections are preserved between a person and his vibrations, sweat, secretions, blood, etc., which remained on the subject. Everything that has come into contact with a person is used here (clothes, paper, money ...), and blood, urine, feces, hair, teeth, nails, particles of dry skin are especially popular ... The damage done to human blood is especially strong. Given this connection, in order to harm a person, his things were stolen from him, which were then burned, pricked, cut, held over fire, buried ...

It happens that when you are somewhere on vacation or visiting, you accidentally cut your finger, hand, you have a nosebleed, etc. In no case do not leave blood-stained objects with people, try to immediately wash off the drops of blood or at least crush. If a drop is rubbed, it is very difficult to make a magic spell on it.

I want to give the same warning to women: never throw open hygiene items that have left drops of blood.

Especially dangerous are things that have absorbed a large number of blood. On such objects, very terrible damage is done. Blood is the link with your entire race, blood carries the genetic information of your race, and you can imagine what a terrible fate can overtake you all.

A young woman came to me for help a few years ago. She gave birth to two children and both children were deformed. Genetic analysis showed no changes in the genes. After some time, her brother's wife gave birth - again ugliness. Some time passed, and my patient began to develop spots all over her body, the diagnosis was psoriasis. Three or four months passed, and her brother had the same picture. Six months later, the nails on the hands and feet began to rot, they went to the surgeon, the nails were torn off, but those nails that grew again were no different from the previous ones. After two or three months - the same picture with his brother. This made the woman think and think about damage. Previously, she would never have believed that corruption existed, but now all this needed some explanation.

They began to remove the damage with prayers, go around with a candle, poured out the wax and found the lesion through an object thrown into the trash and bearing an inextricable connection with the patient (an inextricable connection can only be through a part of her body, hair, nail, blood). And then the woman told me that she constantly threw the hygiene items, on which there were traces of blood, into garbage cans, and she never even wrapped them in paper, that is, she did not even try to cover it all up. In addition to disrespect for others, she also allowed the grossest violations of the Laws of Existence. And here is the result. Checked the subsequent pouring - exactly, it is. We had to fight this corruption for a long time, but still we defeated it. Both her and her brother's spots disappeared, their health improved, and for several years now there have been no symptoms. But the children - you can no longer help them. A very bitter lesson in the rules of hygiene and decency. Very bitter! Now she not only does not throw away such objects, but burns them every month, taught by hard experience.

Be careful, now she has become a victim, but anyone can become such a victim.

In the same dirty business, sorcerers also use church rituals: funerals, weddings, communion. What tricks do the priestesses and priests of evil go to! To perform his dirty deeds, the sorcerer could watch for his victim and follow her steps: if he was able to determine a clear footprint, he could make damage “on the trail”. If the victim, for example, was sitting on a soft object and, having risen, did not smooth it out, then there will be a sorcerer here who will immediately put a spell on your imprint.

This is the so-called contact magic, since you need to come into contact with the subject of witchcraft.

Initial, or beginning, magic. It is also quite common. Here witchcraft is directed at the object of influence itself ...

Spring, summer, a large crowd of people. If in winter more people warm up at home, then with the onset of warm days, our streets are filled with passers-by, running children, young people rushing to work, and leisurely trudging old people. Everyone has their own problems, their own character and temperament. Someone told you something wrong, someone answered wrong, someone accidentally pushed, all this sometimes has the most inadequate reaction. How many nasty things and curses can be heard for the fact that you accidentally pushed someone! You probably also faced a similar problem.

With one young woman who turned to me for help to remove damage, such an incident happened. When she was 20 years old, she studied in Rostov-on-Don, and, like every student during the session, there was not enough time for anything. She ran into the Three Little Pigs to buy groceries, she quickly rushed out, and at the very exit she ran into an old woman. The kind, of course, immediately in cry. Without apologizing and without answering anything, the unlucky student ran on, but, already turning the corner, she noticed that the old woman was following her and threw such words at her that made her stop: “Damn you,” she shouted, “may your eyes climbed out so that you would die under the fence. Wait, I'll do it for you, I remember you, I'll do it for you. Still not understanding the meaning of the words “I’ll do it to you,” the girl turned around and answered: “What are you going to do to me, you won’t do anything to me!”

Then the old woman, without hesitation, picked up a small pebble from the ground and began to whisper something at him. The girl no longer looked at her, turned her back and went on and suddenly ... something hit her in the back and laughter: “That's it, you will never have children! I got it, ”and again this triumphant laughter.

She felt a very unpleasant sensation immediately, her mood immediately disappeared. The blow was completely painless, but the place of the blow was somehow unpleasantly felt. After that, the girl saw this old woman on Gorky Street, not far from the building of the State University, and more than once: she lived there. Gradually, this story was smoothed out and almost forgotten.

But 16 years have passed, and there is still no pregnancy, her husband left her and the young woman feels lonely and tired. Work is home, home is work. There are no girlfriends as such, everyone has families, and you yourself understand that many married women do not want to invite single women to the house. The feeling that no one needs you places a heavy burden on your shoulders, and your heart aches and cries from longing and loneliness. One day, a middle-aged woman approached her near the store and asked: “Are you feeling well? You are so pale!” “No, everything is fine,” my patient answered her. - “You have a very bad look, maybe you will go to one woman, I will give you the address, and she will look at you. If you have nothing to worry about, she will tell you, and if there is, maybe she will help, ”and gave me my address. She did not come to me right away, she did not dare for a long time, and she put a piece of paper with the address somewhere.

But nothing happens by chance in life. Various programs about the types of damage began to be broadcast on radio and television, they started talking about the fact that damage is real, and this long-standing event surfaced in her memory. It popped up like it was yesterday. Some time passed and, sorting through old things, in the pocket of one of the skirts I found that piece of paper on which was my address. The next day she came to me. A stone immediately surfaced on the poured wax, then she told me her story ... The damage was filmed for a long time. I don’t know how her fate has developed now, but I would very much like everything to fall into place, so that she would have a family and a charming baby would decorate her life.

There is also partial magic, when the action of witchcraft power is directed at part of the object of attack. It can be hair, nails, food debris, footprints, saliva ...

And another type of magic is widespread, the so-called sympathetic, based on the belief that like causes like. This is the manufacture of wax figures, dolls ...

Wanting to take revenge, a person driven by anger can commit damage in the wind. To do this, he takes dust from the road and, having read a spell or slander, throws it in the direction of the victim when the wind blows in that direction.

In a person who has received such damage, his appetite worsens, lethargy appears, he “melts” before our eyes. It is almost impossible to remove such damage yourself. Need help knowing person. Don't forget about church, confession and, most importantly, communion.

Aggressive magic is very common these days. Absolutely any object can be a carrier of aggressive witchcraft power. But some objects and things are especially loved by sorcerers. In order to convey black witchcraft power, it is necessary that its source come into contact with the object to which witchcraft is directed. Absolutely any object can be the carrier and source of such power, for example, a pen, pencil, handkerchief, bread, money, an apple, or the sorcerer himself. The methods of contact can be different, the victim can wear a thing with a button sewn on by the sorcerer, sewn on with a harsh thread, rubbish in his pocket, etc. The power can also be transmitted by touching the sorceress's hand when talking, she will try to take your left hand, stroke your left hand and etc.

Damage is inflicted on any object, but the most beneficial for the sorcerer and witch is the damage they inflict on food. They immediately fall into a person, and the effect is instantaneous. It happens that you were treated or sold meat or bacon, and it is, as it were, slightly crushed with wood ash, or there may be a extinguished match in it. A match can also be stuck into the meat. Also in the bag where the item you brought lies, you can find pieces of earth.

It also happens like this: they brought chicken eggs to you, and one of them is empty, and the one who brought it makes excuses: they say, while they were carrying it, they crushed it, and it leaked out. Only now, for some reason, she did not throw away this shell, but left it to you, and it is very important for her that you take it with your hand.

They can also give you a knitted thing, into which the charmed wool from the wolf is woven, but for wine, vodka and other liquids that quickly penetrate the blood, witches especially like to recite spoilage.
