Lemma on the limit point of a sequence. Limit points of the sequence number line Proof of the Weierstrass criterion and the Cauchy criterion

Definition in.7. A point x ∈ R on the real line is called a limit point of a sequence (xn) if, for any neighborhood U(x) and any natural number N, one can find an element xn belonging to this neighborhood with a number greater than λ, i.e., x 6 R - limit point, if. In other words, a point x will be a limit point for (xn) if elements of this sequence with arbitrarily large numbers fall into any of its neighborhoods, although, perhaps, not all elements with numbers n > N. Therefore, the following assertion is quite obvious. Statement b.b. If lim(xn) = 6 6 R, then b is the only limit point of the sequence (xn). Indeed, by virtue of Definition 6.3 of the limit of a sequence, all its elements starting from some number fall into any arbitrarily small neighborhood of the point 6, and therefore elements with arbitrarily large numbers cannot fall into the neighborhood of any other point. Consequently, the condition of Definition 6.7 is satisfied only for the unique point 6. However, not every limit point (sometimes called a fine condensed point) of a sequence is its limit. Thus, the sequence (b.b) has no limit (see example 6.5), but it has two limit points x = 1 and x = - 1. The sequence ((-1)n) has two infinite points + oo and - with an extended number line, the union of which is denoted by one symbol oo. That is why we can assume that the infinite limit points coincide, and the infinite point oo, according to (6.29), is the limit of this sequence. Limit points of the sequence number line Proof of the Weierstrass criterion and the Cauchy criterion. Let a sequence (sn) be given and let the numbers k form an increasing sequence of positive integers. Then the sequence (ynb where yn = xkn) is called a subsequence of the original sequence. Obviously, if (in) has the number 6 as its limit, then any of its subsequences has the same limit, since, starting from some number, all elements of both the original sequence and any of its subsequences fall into any chosen neighborhood of the point 6. At the same time, any limit point of the subsequence is also the limit point for the sequence. Let b be a limit point of the sequence (xn), then, according to Definition 6. 7 limit point, for each n there is an element belonging to the neighborhood U (6, 1/n) of the point b of radius 1/n. The subsequence composed of the points ijtj, ...1 ..., where zjfcn€U(6, 1/n) Vn 6 N, has the point 6 as its limit. Indeed, for arbitrary e > 0, one can choose N such that. Then all elements of the subsequence, beginning with the number km, fall into the ^-neighbourhood U(6, ε) of the point 6, which corresponds to the condition of Definition 6.3 of the limit of the sequence. The converse theorem is also true. Limit points of the sequence number line Proof of the Weierstrass criterion and the Cauchy criterion. Theorem 8.10. If some sequence has a subsequence with limit 6, then b is the limit point of this sequence. It follows from Definition 6.3 of the limit of a sequence that, starting from some number, all elements of the subsequence with limit b fall into a neighborhood U(b, ​​e) of arbitrary radius e. Since the elements of the subsequence are simultaneously elements of the sequence arbitrarily large numbers, and this, by virtue of Definition 6.7, means that b is a limit point of the sequence (n). Remark 0.2. Theorems 6.9 and 6.10 are also valid in the case when the limit point is infinite, if in proving the dead neighborhood U(6, 1 /n) we consider a neighborhood (or neighborhoods) The condition under which a convergent subsequence can be distinguished from a sequence is established by the following theorem. Theorem 6.11 (Bolzano - Weierstrass.) Every bounded sequence contains a subsequence converging to a finite limit. Let all elements of the sequence (an) be between the numbers a and 6, i.e. xn € [a, b] Vn € N. Divide the segment [a , b] in half. Then at least one of its halves will contain an infinite number of elements of the sequence, since otherwise the entire segment [a, b] would contain a finite number of them, which is impossible. Let ] be that of the halves of the segment [a , 6], which contains an infinite set of elements of the sequence (xp) (or if both halves are such, then any of them). the number of sequence elements, and so on. Continuing this process, we construct a system of nested segments where bn - an = (6 - a)/2n. According to the principle of nested segments, there exists a point x that belongs to all these segments. This point will be the limiting point for the sequence (xn). Indeed, for any e-neighborhood Wx, e) = (x x + e) ​​of the point x, there is a segment C U(x, e) (it is enough to choose n from the inequality (, containing an infinite number of elements of the sequence (sn). According to definition 6.7 x is the limit point of this sequence. Then, by virtue of Theorem 6.9, there exists a subsequence converging to the point x. The method of reasoning used in the proof of this theorem (sometimes called the Bolzano-Weierstrass lemma) and associated with the successive bisection of the segments under consideration is known as the Bolzano method. This theorem greatly simplifies the proof of many complex theorems. It allows us to prove a number of key theorems in a different (sometimes simpler) way. Appendix 6.2. Proof of the Weierstrass test and the Cauchy criterion First, we prove Statement 6.1 (the Weierstrass test for the convergence of a bounded monotone sequence). Let us assume that the sequence (n) is non-decreasing. Then the set of its values ​​is bounded from above and, by Theorem 2.1, has the greatest supremum, which we denote by sup(xn) be R. Due to the properties of the greatest supremum (see 2.7) According to Definition 6.1 for a non-decreasing sequence, we have or Then > Ny and, taking into account (6.34), we obtain 31im(sn) and lim(xn) = 66R. If the sequence (xn) is non-increasing, then the proof is similar. We now turn to the proof of the sufficiency of the Kochia criterion for the convergence of a sequence (see Assertion 6.3), since the necessity of the condition of the criterion follows from Theorem 6.7. Let the sequence (sn) be fundamental. According to Definition 6.4, given an arbitrary € > 0, one can find a number N(s) such that m^N and n^N follow. Then, assuming m - N, for Vn > N we obtain € £ Since the sequence under consideration has a finite number of elements with numbers not exceeding N, it follows from (6.35) that the fundamental sequence is bounded (for comparison, see the proof of Theorem 6.2 on the boundedness of the convergent sequence ). For a set of values ​​of a bounded sequence, there are infimum and supremum bounds (see Theorem 2.1). For the set of values ​​of elements for n > N, we denote these faces an = inf xn and bjy = sup xn, respectively. As N increases, the exact lower bound does not decrease, and the exact upper bound does not increase, i.e. . do i get the system eloasenna? segments According to the principle of nested segments, there is a common point that belongs to all segments. Let's denote it by b. Thus, when From comparison (6. 36) and (6.37) as a result we get that corresponds to definition 6.3 of the sequence limit, i.e. 31im(x„) and lim(sn) = 6 6 R. Bolzano began to study fundamental sequences. But he did not have a rigorous theory of real numbers, and therefore he failed to prove the convergence of the fundamental sequence. This was done by Cauchy, taking for granted the principle of nested segments, which Kantor later substantiated. The Cauchy name was given not only to the criterion for the convergence of a sequence, but also the fundamental sequence is often called the Cauchy sequence, and the Cantor name is the principle of nested segments. Questions and tasks 8.1. Prove that: 6.2. Give examples of nonconvergent sequences with elements belonging to the sets Q and R\Q. 0.3. Under what conditions do the terms of an arithmetic and geometric progression form a decreasing and increasing sequence? 6.4. Prove the relations that follow from Table. 6.1. 6.5. Construct examples of sequences tending to infinite points +oo, -oo, oo, and an example of a sequence converging to the point 6 ∈ R. c.e. Can an unbounded sequence not be a b.b.? If yes, then give an example. at 7. Construct an example of a divergent sequence consisting of positive elements that has neither a finite nor an infinite limit. 6.8. Prove the convergence of the sequence (n) given by the recursive formula sn+i = sin(xn/2) under the condition "1 = 1. 6.9. Prove that lim(xn)=09 if sn+i/xn-»g€ .

Divide the segment [ a 0 ,b 0 ] in half into two equal segments. At least one of the resulting segments contains an infinite number of terms in the sequence. Let's denote it [ a 1 ,b 1 ] .

At the next step, we repeat the procedure with the segment [ a 1 ,b 1 ] : we divide it into two equal segments and choose from them the one that contains an infinite number of terms of the sequence. Let's denote it [ a 2 ,b 2 ] .

Continuing the process, we get a sequence of nested segments

in which each subsequent one is half of the previous one, and contains an infinite number of members of the sequence ( x k } .

The lengths of the segments tend to zero:

By virtue of the Cauchy-Cantor principle of nested segments, there is a single point ξ that belongs to all segments:

By construction on each segment [a m ,b m ] there is an infinite number of terms in the sequence. Let's choose sequentially

while observing the condition of increasing numbers:

Then the subsequence converges to the point ξ. This follows from the fact that the distance from to ξ does not exceed the length of the segment containing them [a m ,b m ] , where

Extension to the case of a space of arbitrary dimension

The Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem is easily generalized to the case of a space of arbitrary dimension.

Let a sequence of points in space be given:

(the lower index is the number of the sequence member, the upper one is the coordinate number). If the sequence of points in space is limited, then each of the numerical sequences of coordinates:

also limited ( - coordinate number).

Due to the one-dimensional version of the Bolzano-Weirstrass theorem from the sequence ( x k) we can select a subsequence of points whose first coordinates form a convergent sequence. From the resulting subsequence, we once again select a subsequence converging in the second coordinate. In this case, the convergence in the first coordinate is preserved due to the fact that any subsequence of a convergent sequence also converges. And so on.

After n steps we get some sequence

which is a subsequence of , and converges in each of the coordinates. It follows that this subsequence converges.


Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem (for the case n= 1 ) was first proved by the Czech mathematician Bolzano in 1817. In Bolzano's work, it appeared as a lemma in the proof of the theorem on intermediate values ​​of a continuous function, now known as the Bolzano-Cauchy theorem. However, these and other results, proven by Bolzano long before Cauchy and Weierstrass, went unnoticed.

Only half a century later, Weierstrass, independently of Bolzano, rediscovered and proved this theorem. Originally called the Weierstrass theorem, before the work of Bolzano became known and received recognition.

Today this theorem bears the names of Bolzano and Weierstrass. This theorem is often called Bolzano-Weierstrass lemma, and sometimes limit point lemma.

The Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem and the notion of compactness

The Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem establishes the following interesting property of a bounded set: any sequence of points M contains a convergent subsequence.

When proving various propositions in analysis, the following trick is often resorted to: a sequence of points is determined that has some desired property, and then a subsequence is selected from it, also possessing it, but already converging. For example, this is how the Weierstrass theorem is proved that a function continuous on an interval is bounded and takes its largest and smallest values.

The effectiveness of such a technique in general, as well as the desire to extend the Weierstrass theorem to arbitrary metric spaces, prompted in 1906 the French mathematician Maurice Fréchet to introduce the concept compactness. The property of bounded sets in , established by the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem, is, figuratively speaking, that the points of the set are located quite “closely”, or “compactly”: after taking an infinite number of steps along this set, we will certainly approach as close as we like to which - a point in space.

Fréchet introduces the following definition: a set M called compact, or compact, if any sequence of its points contains a subsequence converging to some point of this set. It is assumed that on the set M metric is defined, that is, it is

Definition 1. A point x of an infinite line is called a limit point of a sequence (x n ) if there are infinitely many elements of the sequence (x n ) in any e - neighborhood of this point.

Lemma 1. If x is the limit point of the sequence (x k ), then from this sequence it is possible to select a subsequence (x n k ) converging to the number x.

Comment. The converse is also true. If it is possible to select a subsequence from the sequence (x k ) converging to the number x, then the number x is the limit point of the sequence (x k ). Indeed, in any e - neighborhood of the point x there are infinitely many elements of the subsequence, and therefore the sequence itself (x k ).

It follows from Lemma 1 that another definition of the limit point of a sequence can be given, which is equivalent to Definition 1.

Definition 2. A point x of an infinite line is called a limit point of a sequence (x k ) if it is possible to select a subsequence from this sequence converging to x.

Lemma 2. Each convergent sequence has only one limit point, which coincides with the limit of this sequence.

Comment. If a sequence converges, then by virtue of Lemma 2 it has only one limit point. However, if (x n ) is not convergent, then it can have several limit points (and, in general, infinitely many limit points). Let us show, for example, that (1+(-1) n ) has two limit points.

Indeed, (1+(-1) n )=0,2,0,2,0,2,... has two limit points 0 and 2, because the subsequences (0)=0,0,0,... and (2)=2,2,2,... of this sequence have the numbers 0 and 2 respectively as limits. This sequence has no other limit points. Indeed, let x be any point on the real axis other than points 0 and 2. Take e > 0 so

small so that e - neighborhoods of points 0, x and 2 do not intersect. The e- neighborhoods of the points 0 and 2 contain all the elements of the sequence and therefore the e-neighborhood of the point x cannot contain infinitely many elements (1+(-1) n ) and therefore is not the limit point of this sequence.

Theorem. Every bounded sequence has at least one limit point.

Comment. No number x exceeding is a limit point of the sequence (x n ), i.e. - the largest limit point of the sequence (x n ).

Let x be any number greater than . We choose e>0 so small that

and x 1 О(x), to the right of x 1 lies a finite number of elements of the sequence (x n ) or none at all, i.e. x is not a limit point of the sequence (x n ).

Definition. The largest limit point of the sequence (x n ) is called the upper limit of the sequence and is denoted by the symbol . It follows from the remark that every bounded sequence has an upper limit.

The concept of a lower limit (as the smallest limit point of the sequence (x n )) is introduced similarly.

So, we have proved the following assertion. Every bounded sequence has an upper and lower limit.

Let us formulate the following theorem without proof.

Theorem. For a sequence (x n ) to converge, it is necessary and sufficient that it be bounded and that its upper and lower limits coincide.

The results of this subsection lead to the following main Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem.

Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem. From any bounded sequence, a convergent subsequence can be distinguished.

Proof. Since the sequence (x n ) is bounded, it has at least one limit point x. Then from this sequence one can single out a subsequence converging to the point x (follows from Definition 2 of the limit point).

Comment. From any bounded sequence, one can single out a monotone convergent sequence.
