Fish according to Freud's dream book. Why dream of fish according to the dream book Seeing fish in a dream according to Freud

Fish in a dream is a harbinger of good luck, generous gifts of fate and accomplishments. To figure out what the fish are dreaming of, you should carefully recall all the details of the dream, put them together in one meaningful image and compare them with the circumstances that happened in real life, and then turn to the dream book for help.

According to Miller's dream book, fish in clear water portend good luck and generous gifts of fate. For young people, this image speaks of happiness and reciprocity in love. Unsuccessful fishing testifies to the vanity of a person, which prevents him from achieving what he wants.

According to Nostradamus, seeing fish in a dream is interpreted as a sign of inconstancy and duality. Unusual dreams in which a fish falls from the sky or has a human face is a bad sign that speaks of catastrophes and conflicts on a global scale.

Appearance of the fish

To find out why colored fish dream, you should remember the color of the dreaming fish. The yellow fish, according to the dream book, warns the dreamer about possible gossip and deceit of ill-wishers who can ruin the dreamer's relationship with close and dear people.

Red fish in a dream have a dual meaning. On the one hand, this image promises positive emotions and success in bed, on the other hand, sexual excesses and infidelity. The dreamer in real life needs to approach any issue wisely and not solve problems while “on edge”.

The opportunity in real life to fall into a trap or have minor health problems, that's what bright fish dream of. Such a dream warns the dreamer of a dangerous event that could threaten the health and well-being of the dreamer.

Why do men dream of multi-colored fish? Such a dream suggests that the young man “burns through” his life in vain, having fun and not making attempts to realize himself in the right direction. In order not to regret the years gone without a trace, a person should think about his plans for the future and seriously think about offspring.

If a girl dreamed of beautiful fish, then, according to the dream book, new adventures await the dreamer, which will be accompanied by a storm of positive and vivid emotions.

It is useful to know why small fish dream. Freud's dream book interprets this image as a symbol of the male seed. Catching fish in a dream indicates that in real life a person cannot relax in bed and because of this does not receive the desired pleasure. Dream Interpretation Hasse interprets such a picture as failure in business, illness or fear that the dreamer will have to overcome in order to fulfill his own ambitions.

Rotten dead fish in a dream are interpreted by the dream book as gossip about a sleeping person, which can affect friendship with a high-ranking person. Pulling rotten fish out of the water promises the wealth and prosperity of the dreamer.

Dead fish in a dream indicate a loss of vitality, which will lead to a deterioration in work. For men, such a vision speaks of a loss of sexual strength and problems with a sexual partner.

According to the Muslim dream book, one or two fish in a dream dream of a new wife. In other interpreters of dreams, such an image predicts changes in the relationship between lovers.

A young girl, to see the sea with fish, is interpreted by the dream book as a meeting with a young and talented person who can make the dreamer happy, reciprocity of feelings and sympathy.

A dreamed pond with fish, according to the dream book, means good luck in business and prosperity. If a businessman dreamed of a lot of fish, then a successful and profitable enterprise awaits a person. This vision warns a woman against excessive extravagance, which can affect the financial situation of the family and the relationship with her husband.

If you dreamed of fish in the water that swim calmly, then, according to Tsvetkov’s dream book, luck will smile on the dreamer in real life, and success will accompany everything. If the water was cloudy or dirty, you should beware of provocations and tricks from competitors.

If a girl dreamed of a fish in a jar, it means that the dreamer will be overcome by longing and heartache. For a man, this dream speaks of an internal struggle with himself.

The interaction of a sleeping person with a fish

For a woman who had to save a fish in a dream, the dream book portends a successful marriage. If the dreamer saved the golden fish, then a wealthy person will become the chosen one of the young lady. For a man, this picture stands for success in business and a profitable enterprise, as well as an opportunity to attract the attention of important people who will help expand the business.

A dream in which a person happened to feed the fish has a good meaning. This is a sign of reconciliation with enemies, the ability to neutralize the enemy with your charm and charisma.

Catching fish in a dream warns the dreamer of the coming trials, which he will overcome with dignity. A dream book for a woman portends an early pregnancy. The successful completion of previously started cases, the conclusion of a profitable contract - this is what dreams of catching a fish.

Buying fish in a dream means that a person has enough strength and energy to achieve his plans and goals. This time in real life is optimal for various kinds of undertakings, which will surely bring prosperity and financial success. If a stale fish was sold to a sleeper in a dream, then one should expect small financial difficulties or a dirty trick (betrayal) from close and familiar people.

According to Freud, in a dream there is a fish for a man, it says that the dreamer in sexual relations attaches great importance to his own comfort and pleasure. If a girl eats fish, then in the near future the dreamer will become pregnant.

Many people believe that through dreams you can receive very important information that will help you achieve success, avoid trouble, and just make life easier. So let's take a closer look at what a fish may dream of.

What famous sources say

Miller's dream book

Miller argued that seeing a fish in a dream means that troubles and some losses are possible. Dead fish promises surprises and the emergence of strong feelings in someone towards you.

If you walk around the market and choose a fish, then this shows that profit and unexpected joy await you. If you are fishing, then count on the successful completion of some business, but not without effort.

If you see fishing hooks in your hands, then be sure that you are able to arrange your well-being on your own in real life. But if the fishing was unsuccessful or the fish fell off, then be sure to reconsider your priorities and do not take rash steps.

To see a person who is fishing means that you are in that stage of life that will help you achieve success at work and in business. Catching fish with a fishing net means a big purchase will soon be made in real life.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Specifically, Vanga did not interpret the appearance of fish in a dream. But she had very clear meanings for pike. Thus, if you see a pike in a dream, then this is a very good sign.

Your enemies and ill-wishers themselves will fall into the networks that are set up for you. Vanga also claimed that if you are fed in a dream with salted, fried, smoked or cooked pike in any other way, then this also means an active influence on your life by ill-wishers.

They will try to deceive you or set you up. Pike without scales - check your health: you may soon have to visit doctors. Always pay attention to the waterfowl in a dream.

This is a clear indicator that something very important will happen in your life. But to see a pike without a head is wrong to judge a person, have high expectations and lose your head.

Freud's dream book

Freud interpreted fish in dreams as a direct indicator of what is happening in your intimate life. In his opinion, a small fish symbolizes a male seed, and a medium and large one symbolizes a child.

Catching this waterfowl in a dream tells you that you need to abstract yourself from unnecessary thoughts during intercourse. Relax and have fun, otherwise neither you nor your partner will be satisfied with such a relationship.

Catching without a catch is a direct indicator that there is a fear of shame during sex. Let go of all bad experiences and past partners. Concentrate on the current relationship and then everything will be fine. If a man dreams that he is eating fish, then Freud recommends that he pay attention to the needs and desires of a woman.

Dream options and their interpretation

If a woman dreamed of a fish

Most dream books claim that for a woman to see a fish in a dream is an exceptionally favorable sign. You can find a lot of information that such dreams promise wonderful changes and new life stages. But do not forget that everything depends on the little things in the real life of the girl and the little things that were present in the dream.

If you look for the average meaning of such a dream, then it promises a woman good luck, happiness, passionate love relationships that can end in a wedding. If the lady is in position, then this is an indicator of easy and quick delivery, and the baby will be healthy. If a lady feeds a fish, this is a good sign that promises reconciliation with long-lost friends or relatives.

Catching fish in a dream for a woman means that she will soon become pregnant. It may also be a sign that her infertility diagnosis is false and she should try to get pregnant. Also for women with children, such a dream is an indicator of the good luck and health of her babies. The lady will be able to attract the attention of fortune and achieve what she wants.

If a man dreamed of a fish

When such a dream comes to a man, it means that he will be successful in financial matters. He will be able to achieve something new and come up with an innovative idea. It is also an indicator that there will be a chance to open your own business and make good money on it.

Catching a waterfowl, as a result of which a man caught a lot of small fish, promises him in real life to experience many small obstacles that can briefly unsettle him. But keep in mind that these barriers will have to be broken on your own.

To hold a big fish in your hands is to achieve success in big things. This shows that such a man has already achieved a lot and has almost everything he aspired to. Therefore, dream books recommend rest for people who have such a dream.

If a man buys a big fish, then this is also an omen of imminent success, which he himself does not expect.

If you dreamed of fishing

When you see a dream in which there is some kind of catch after fishing, then in reality expect obstacles in your life path. And the number of fish in a dream will be directly proportional to the number of problems that you will have to face in real life.

If you catch fish using nonsense, in reality you are very energetic and resourceful, and this will soon begin to bring you good income.

It is also an indicator that you often think about everything at once. Thus, you cannot focus on the most important thing and enjoy life.

If you couldn’t catch anything while fishing, this is indicative of the fact that you are subconsciously afraid of failing in any business. Most often this applies to sexual relations.

If you dreamed of fried fish

First of all, after such a dream, you need to remember what emotions this dish evokes in you in real life, and what you felt when eating or looking at it in your dream.

When you dreamed of a well-fried fish and you eat it with great pleasure, this is a direct sign that you will receive unexpected profits. It is important to note that the more fish on your plate, the more income awaits you.

If you eat fish with bones, this is an indicator that there will be many obstacles along the way that will have to be broken in order to achieve what you want.

If the dish is terribly tasteless and looks unappetizing, this promises the dreamer grief and disappointment.

The rotten fish that you eat in a dream promises many problems in your personal life. Your subconscious hints that the person with whom you connect your fate is completely different from what you imagine him to be. But if you saw a dream in which you eat fish in bed, then you should consult a doctor and check your health, as this is an indicator of an imminent illness.

If you dreamed of a live fish

If you saw a live fish in a dream, it means that a pleasant surprise awaits you from life. Perhaps a cherished dream will come true, you will meet a very important person for you, go on a trip or win the lottery. All these events can happen if you dream of a living fish in a pond.

If you are in poor health at the time of sleep, then live fish indicates that you will soon recover. You will be full of strength and desire to live an active life
life and develop.

When you dreamed of a huge live fish, but you cannot touch it, it means that in real life you have a dream that is still unattainable. When a big fish eats a small one in a dream, you only think about yourself and your own benefit. Take a look at those around you and understand that the world does not revolve around you. Someday you may need help, and there will be no one to provide it, since you, like that big fish, have already “eaten” all the people around you.

To see in a dream a live fast fish swimming in an aquarium means that in real life you have a lot of strength and energy, but there is nowhere to put it, or you are not allowed to develop. Change jobs or find another outlet for your energy.

But if you see in a dream a living fish in a habitat where in reality it cannot be (how it flies through the sky or moves on land), then such a dream can promise quite terrible events in the future. For example, war, natural disaster or catastrophe.

If you dreamed of a dead fish

Any appearance of a dead fish in a dream does not carry the most pleasant meaning and is a reason to think.

If you saw a dead fish, but did not touch it, this is a harbinger of minor quarrels and frequent conflict situations in the near future. If you want to avoid this, then have less contact with people that are unpleasant for you.

Also pay special attention to the size of the fish. After all, the more waterfowl, the more serious problems and conflicts you can expect. If the fish is small, then this period of quarrels will pass quickly and with little or no consequences.

But if the dead fish had multi-colored, shiny scales, then be prepared for the fact that your enemies, competitors or ill-wishers will try to damage you. They can weave intrigues, spread gossip and slander you in front of other people. Be careful and do not say too much with unverified interlocutors.

If you dreamed of frozen fish

When you dream of a frozen fish, this is an indicator that it is time for you to pay attention to caring for your appearance and put yourself in order. After such a dream, it is recommended to visit cosmetic procedures and find time for at least a short rest from worries and problems.

For a young unmarried girl, such a dream means that she may soon become a member love triangle. This dream is especially good for a lady who strives for a passionate and emotional love relationship.

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Fish in a dream is considered an omen of success, expensive fateful gifts and surprises. In order to find out why the fish dream in the water, it is necessary to remember all the details of the vision, combine them into one semantic line, and compare them with the events observed in reality. Then you can look into the dream book and find the meaning of sleep.

According to Miller's dream book, fish in purified water promise success and big surprises that fate will bring. For guys, such a dream testifies to joy and reciprocity in a love relationship. Fishing, which did not bring results, speaks of the dreamer's excessive fuss, which greatly prevents him from achieving his goals.

According to Nostradamus, to consider fish in a dream is explained as a sign of originality and duplicity. Unusual sleepy dreams, in the plot of which the fish fall from heaven, or their faces coincide with universal human features, is considered an unfavorable symbol, portending accidents and quarrels of a big plan.

Appearance of the fish

In order to unravel what rainbow fish dream of, it is necessary to focus on the color of the dreaming fish. Its color is yellowish, according to the dream book, the dream informs the dreamer about the possible tricks and evil conversations of the enemies. After all, it is they who are able to harm his ties with personalities dear to him.

Reddish fish in a dream are interpreted in two ways. First of all, such a look predicts joyful sensations and success in an intimate way, in the second turn - excessive sex and lack of fidelity. A waking dreamer needs to deliberately resolve all sorts of issues, and not rashly.

A chance in reality to be at an impasse, or to earn minor ailments, which is what bright fish dream of. Such a vision warns a person about a dangerous business that can pose a threat to his health and general well-being.

Why do the representatives of the stronger sex dream of colorful fish? This dreamy vision indicates that a man lives his life senselessly, giving a large number of time for entertainment, not self-realization. In order not to regret the passing time, the dreamer should think about the future, including creating a family.

Information about what small fish in the water dream of is also useful. According to Freud's dream book, a similar content is explained as the symbolism of the male seed. Fishing in a dream indicates that in reality a man does not feel relaxation in intimacy, as a result of which he is not able to get the peak of pleasure. As Hasse's dream book says, such a picture indicates trouble in any undertakings, illnesses and worries, overcoming which is necessary to realize one's ambitions.

A dream with the presence of fish in it can be interpreted in different ways. What does he promise a woman, and what a man? What does the dream say in which you suddenly went fishing? Why is the fish dreaming?

Why fish dream, many people know, especially ladies. After all, it has long been customary that such a dream is a harbinger of pregnancy. However, the interpretation may be different, in order to correctly solve the dream, you need to take into account some features.

Miller's dream book: dreaming of fish

If you saw a fish in clear water, then fate is preparing a gift for you. When young people dream of a live fish, it means that happy love awaits them. But a dead vertebrate in a dream portends losses and sorrows. Did you dream that you caught a fish? There is no reason to rejoice - get ready for trials, they must be faced courageously. If you yourself do not catch fish in a dream, but only watch how others do it, then in reality you will skillfully take advantage of luck and feel a surge of strength. I dreamed of a fish market - to joy and financial well-being. To see a fishing net in a dream - to acquisitions, but if it is torn, grief and trouble can be expected. The dream in which you take fishing hooks in your hands suggests that now is the time to build your life with your own hands.

Why dream of fish according to Vanga

Eating fish in a dream is a warning of danger, you need to be on your guard, because for their own benefit, someone will try to mislead you. They fished and caught a healthy fish - your envious people want to set a trap for you, but they themselves will fall into it. Why dream of large fish and without scales? This means that there will be a difficult time, diseases may come.

Shooting fish according to Freud

Catching fish in a dream indicates that in reality you are completely mired in your problems and cannot relax even during love joys. For a while, forget about the troubles and completely surrender to romantic feelings, otherwise you will soon become a sexually flawed person. In addition, the inability to relax can adversely affect the state of the body. Freud also gives an answer to why men dream of fish. If a representative of the stronger sex ate fish in a dream, then in reality he satisfies only his needs and is guided only by his instincts, completely forgetting about his partner. When a man dreams of fishing, but fails to catch anything, this means that he is afraid of failing in lovemaking and disgrace himself. Perhaps this is a consequence of the fact that the first sexual experience was not very successful. Take it philosophically: what was, is gone.

Seeing a fish in a dream according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The great astrologer had his own vision of what the fish dreams of. He interpreted this as a harbinger of difficulties and inconstancy. Fish falling from the sky portends environmental disasters. If in a dream a person is engaged fishing, then in life he is looking for a way out of a difficult situation. Whole schools of fish seen in a dream say that fate is giving you a chance, and you are sitting with your hands folded. Many people ask about what fish dream of in the amount of three pieces. Nostradamus considered this a lucky sign.

Loff's dream book: dreamed of a fish

If in general we talk about what fish dream about, then such dreams reflect the results of our desires to find something that will allow us to provide our own vital needs. A fish in a dream can personify the ability or inability to earn money for one's needs. In addition, such a dream may portend an imminent journey or trip.

Why dream of fish according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

When a living vertebrate dreamed in the water, expect success in your endeavors and new hopes. Seeing a rotten fish in a dream - to increase income or wealth, and if you still touch it - get ready for some trouble. If a woman caught a live fish in a dream, then she will find a wealthy husband, but if someone else caught her for her - to pregnancy.

Being a symbol of duality, deceit and inconstancy, fish in a dream are interpreted in different ways, and depending on the most diverse aspects of sleep. For example, they may dream as a harbinger of inclement weather. For a woman to see a fish in a dream - to pregnancy. If there are a lot of them in your dream, the dream promises profit. A fish swimming in clear water portends success and good luck. The best dream that promises great luck is the one in which you see goldfish. But dead fish promise the collapse of your business plans.

If a girl had a dream in which fish appear, he promises a wonderful relationship with her loved one. Funny and interesting events await those who saw talking fish in a dream. A person who saw in a dream that he started decorative fish needs warmth and friendly relations in reality. If you eat aquarium fish in a dream, in reality you will be upset. If the fish are aggressive in your dream, beware of unsuccessful deals and ill-wishers.

It has long been considered that for girls, fish is the only symbol - an imminent pregnancy. In fact, the meaning of the dream under discussion may be different. Tips from experienced interpreters will help to figure out why a woman dreams of a fish.

Almost every dream book has a section devoted to dreams in which fish appear. For example, Miller's interpretation depends on water. The clear liquid in which a brilliant fish swims portends generous gifts of fate in real life. The main thing is not to try to catch her, otherwise serious difficulties will appear on the path to success. It is enough just to admire the beauty.

The female dream book suggests: if a fish was seen in a dream, then you need to do household chores and try not to make any serious decisions on your own in the near future. It is better to entrust them to the second half.

Vanga notes that the interpretation depends on the type of underwater inhabitants. So, a pike floating away from a sleeping pike is a harbinger of financial troubles at work. For example, wages may be drastically reduced or a large fine for an error may be imposed.

According to the Muslim dream book, fish is a symbol of minor troubles. They will be associated with fees for a long journey.

A woman dreamed of a living, dead fish - meaning

The plot of a dream with a living swimming fish is especially important for the fair sex, who have recently seen their life exclusively in dark colors. He suggests that an unpleasant state will soon leave the sleeping woman. She will be able to rejoice and feel the taste of life again.

If a dead fish appears in the net in night dreams, then the girl will face serious life tests. But do not be afraid of the problems that appear along the way. It is necessary to successfully overcome them, and then a huge number of new opportunities will open up before the dreamer, which she could not even dream of.

A dreaming of a dead fish is a very bad sign for a pregnant woman. It may be a harbinger of a miscarriage, so after such a dream you need to visit a doctor as soon as possible.

To dream of frozen, smoked, fried fish

If the underwater inhabitant in night dreams was inanimate, you must definitely remember what state she was in:

  • Frozen fish in a woman's dream is a clear sign that it's time for a girl to take care of her appearance. If an adult lady saw him, then it's time to think about anti-aging procedures so as not to miss an important moment. Any such activities will not only improve appearance women, but also cheer her up.
  • Smoked fish is a bad harbinger. If you had to eat it in a dream, this means that someone is trying to limit the freedom of the sleeping woman. It can be a domineering spouse, despotic parents or ill-wishers. But cooking smoked fish warns a woman about the possibility of making a serious painful mistake. To prevent this from happening, in the near future it is worth abandoning any important decisions.
  • Tsvetkov's dream book will help you figure out what fried fish is dreaming of. If a woman just looks at her, there are probably enemies in the sleeping life. But they will soon disappear by themselves. Frying fish in a dream - to achieve the goal through risk. You have to be brave enough to take it on. Risky projects will be the most profitable.

Dreamed of cleaning fish? Most likely, the girl will face numerous domestic problems. But they will have to be solved exclusively on their own - without the help of a spouse.

Catch fish with a rod

It is catching fish with a fishing rod in a dream that is a harbinger of an imminent pregnancy. A woman will be able to see two stripes on the test, even if earlier, for some reason, motherhood seemed completely impossible for her.

If the girl does not have a partner or has already managed to become a mother the desired number of times, then fishing with a fishing rod in a dream for her is a symbol of good luck in various areas of life. She will catch fortune by the tail and will be able to achieve everything that she dreamed of.

Big or small fish

Often the correct interpretation of a dream even depends on the size of its main guest. So, buying a huge fish in the market or in the store portends the girl a successful completion of any undertakings. If she has been planning to change jobs or start her own business for a long time, now is the perfect time for such a change.

But a very large, but dead underwater inhabitant in a dream symbolizes vain hopes. The best solution is to forget about previous plans and focus on new goals.

Tiny fish from a dream can be harbingers of a variety of events. For example, to warn the sleeping woman that she will soon have to communicate with unpleasant people. If there were a lot of small fish in the vision, it should be considered an omen of serious changes in life. A significant event is approaching that will turn everything upside down.

Dreams in which the fish performs actions

Important are not only the actions of the dreamer herself in relation to the guest of her dream, but also the behavior of the fish. If the underwater inhabitant turned out to be aggressive and bit the girl, in reality you can expect minor dirty tricks from ill-wishers.

A fish that splashes water on a woman suggests that it is time for her to become more independent - to learn how to earn money and solve problems without turning to her family for help.

The guest of sleep, which swims very quickly around the girl's body, is a harbinger of problems in family life. To prevent or solve them, you need to give more warmth and affection to your soul mate, and also start talking openly about problems, and not hush them up.

A woman in a dream eats fish - meaning

It often happens that in the plot of night dreams, the sleeping woman eats fish. If at first the woman managed to catch and then eat the underwater inhabitant, such a vision promises her an early pregnancy. Interestingly, even the sex of the unborn baby can be determined by the type of fish. So, trout, pike, salmon and other feminine variants promise a girl. Perch, catfish, bream - son.

If the fish that I had to try was fried and very tasty, then the fair sex will be able to easily overcome all the problems that arise on their own.

Eating a very salty fish dish symbolizes the lack of positive bright emotions in a girl's life. The dream suggests that the time has come to change something and stop denying yourself pleasure.

Washing, cooking fish

Did you have to wash a large fish in a dream? This means that others are unhappy with the behavior of the sleeping person. Probably, the girl began to behave too selfishly or even aggressively. To avoid serious conflicts with relatives and strangers, you need to learn to listen to other people and compromise.

Cooking in a dream most often has a positive interpretation. If a woman cooks fish, this symbolizes an excess of unspent love and tenderness in her soul. Most likely, the girl dreams of a relationship and a wedding.

Bake a fish for a married woman - to a sudden replenishment of the family budget. There will be an opportunity to get rich very quickly.
