Why cats eat their kittens: the main causes of cannibalism. What not and what can cats eat Is it possible to eat a cat

Cats are exceptional predators. The structure of the jaws and teeth of these animals is adapted to making powerful cutting and tearing movements to tear raw meat. They lack chewing molars, unlike omnivores. Cats have a single chamber stomach. And they do not like cold food, which is natural for a carnivore that eats its prey immediately after prey. If you watch a cat eat, you can see that it is absolutely leisurely in the process of eating. Even with an almost homogeneous mass of food, it will discard relatively small particles that it does not like the taste and smell, because this is important to it. Cautious and sometimes selective behavior has given these animals a reputation as picky or picky eaters.

But if a cat refuses to eat even a favorite treat, then this is an alarming symptom of ill health and your cat needs emergency veterinary care.

Reasons why a cat won't eat?

  • The cat does not eat due to diseases of the oral cavity and teeth.
  • The cat does not eat when poisoned.
  • The cat does not eat because of urolithiasis.
  • The cat does not eat because of foreign bodies in the stomach and intestines.

Some physiological systems of the cat's body regulate tension, mainly HPN (hypothalamus - pituitary - adrenal glands) and sympathetic nervous system. Their interaction is designed to deal with the "normal" short-term stress associated with the body's natural lifestyle. These systems control the release of hormones, and the reaction that occurs in the body when faced with stress is called the immediate/acute stress response. However, these systems are less equipped to deal with chronic or long-term stress, which plays an important role in the development of behavioral problems and diseases in cats. Stress can be caused by severe chronic illness.

Be sure to examine the cat for dental diseases and internal organs.

The cat does not eat due to diseases of the oral cavity and teeth

The most common reasons why a cat refuses food are dental problems:

  • Oligodontia (congenital missing teeth) is inherited. Depending on how many teeth are missing, the cat experiences a certain degree of discomfort when eating food. This can cause indigestion and the occurrence of diseases of the digestive tract. For such cats, the type of feeding is selected individually, after consulting a doctor.
  • Tooth stone. If plaque is not removed in time, it hardens, forming calculus on the surface of the tooth - porous deposits in which bacteria teem. Tartar is clearly visible and looks like a brownish-yellow or brown hard build-up on the surface of the tooth. The stone appears at the base of the tooth, and then grows to the root, penetrating under the gum, and upwards, eventually covering the tooth completely. If it is not removed, the cat may lose one or more teeth and even become seriously ill due to chronic inflammation of the gums. Tartar is also the main cause of caries and inflammatory diseases of the gums: osteomyelitis, periodontitis and gingivitis.
  • Dental caries in cats. If caries is left unattended, rotting will capture neighboring teeth and spread to the entire oral cavity. Cats teeth hurt like humans, identifying the source of pain and stopping it is the only way to solve the problems described above.
  • The location of the teeth in the cat's mouth, anomalies in the development of teeth and bite. If the animal has any anomalies in the development of teeth or bite, then they can lead to the following problems:
  • Difficulty in eating and chewing food.
  • Mechanical damage to the mucous membrane of the lips, cheeks, gums, tongue.
  • Diseases of the digestive system.

Cats have a well-developed center of the brain responsible for the gag reflex, so cat owners experience vomiting in their pets more often than owners of other animals. Predators (to which cats belong) are characterized by regurgitating semi-digested food from their stomachs to their young during their transition from milk to meat. Therefore, in cats, this universal symptom can mean anything from a simple “no longer climbing” to a sign of a serious illness.

Salivation followed by vomiting (lethargy, weakness, muscle tremors) can mean poisoning with poor-quality products, household chemicals, insecticides (it is also possible to get poisoned by licking the paws after contact with chemicals), plants that are dangerous for a cat. But the most dangerous poisoning is rat poisoning. Poisons against rodents interfere with blood clotting and quickly lead to death!

A cat can be poisoned by rat poison in two ways:

  • By eating the poison itself (direct). Rodent baits have a pleasant taste, which makes them attractive not only to direct consumers, but also to dogs and cats.
  • Eating a poisoned rodent (indirect). A poisoned rat or mouse, weakening, becomes an easy prey for a cat. Modern means are very effective, so a portion of the poison that has entered the body of a rodent will be sufficient for a larger animal.

Symptoms in case of poisoning with rodenticides such as strychnine, bromethalin, zinc phosphide can appear almost immediately after poisoning, zoocoumarin within 4-7 days, diphenacin - 2-4 weeks:

  • Lethargy.
  • Refusal to eat.
  • Heat.
  • Internal and external bleeding: bloody vomiting, bloody diarrhea, hematomas.
  • Anemia of the mucous membranes.
  • Shortness of breath, tachycardia, neurological problems, convulsions.

The task of rescuing a pet will be greatly facilitated by knowing what kind of poison he was poisoned with. If the packaging is preserved, it should be shown to the doctor.

The prognosis of recovery depends on the type of poison and its amount, on the time of diagnosis and the start of proper treatment. Under favorable circumstances, it is about 80%.

Unfortunately, the late manifestation of symptoms and untimely visit to the clinic, the lack of antidote often lead to death.

After an incubation period of feline herpes virus and feline calcivirus, which is two to ten days and is manifested by a slight decrease in activity, clinical signs of illness appear and lack of appetite may be due to symptoms such as nasal discharge, mouth and tongue ulcers that make it difficult to smell and food intake.

Symptoms of a viral infection in cats:

  • Nose - sneezing and nasal discharge.
  • Eyes - discharge from the eyes (viral conjunctivitis), eyes become red and inflamed, thick sticky discharge, itching, impaired tear flow.
  • Lack of appetite as a result of loss of smell (with nasal congestion) which affects the feeling of hunger.
  • Dehydration is another problem with a sick cat. He feels too weak to drink and thus quickly becomes dehydrated.
  • Fever - the body reacts to a viral infection by raising the temperature. As a rule, cats react to this with lethargy, passivity, lack of appetite.
  • Ulcers in the mouth or nose. Painful changes in the form of ulcers are manifested in the behavior of refusing to eat.
  • Any combination of the above symptoms.

The prognosis for viral infections in unvaccinated cats is very cautious.

Although both herpesvirus and calcivirus infections are viral, the illnesses are usually accompanied by secondary bacterial infections that can lead to rhinitis (infections in the nose), conjunctivitis, and even lung infections. As a rule, the body of cats gradually copes with the flu, but in some cases, the flu can even be life-threatening.

The cat does not eat due to urolithiasis

Urolithiasis (urolithiasis) is a disease that is characterized by the formation of urinary stones or sand in the kidneys, bladder or their retention in the lumen of the ureters and urethra. Urolithiasis in cats manifests itself only with difficulty urinating: the animal often sits down on a potty or in the wrong place, strains, but urine is excreted weakly, drop by drop, often with an admixture of blood and fine sand. If the urethra is plugged, the bladder expands, causing a constant urge to urinate. At the same time, the condition of the animal deteriorates markedly: blood vessels Bladder burst, blood enters the urine, and vice versa, urine enters the bloodstream, poisoning the body. The cat refuses food and water, moves little, constantly tries to urinate. Over time, vomiting appears, convulsions as a sign of severe poisoning by the components.

The best approach to the problem of KSD is its prevention. The most important factor in this is proper nutrition.

According to statistics, cats are much more likely to suffer from kidney disease than other animals, for example, three times more often than dogs. Why? Most likely, again because of its historical origin.

The ability to manage with a small amount of water obtained from time to time, domestic cats owe their ancestors - African desert cats. Hence the violation of the water balance (especially with the use of dry food and insufficient drinking).

Renal failure is a syndrome of violation of all kidney functions, leading to a disorder of water, electrolyte, nitrogen and other types of body metabolism. Since harmful substances are protein breakdown products (creatinine, urea), nitrogenous metabolic products, which are poison for the body, are not excreted by diseased kidneys as they should, but accumulate in the body, then poisoning occurs. As a result - loss of appetite, weight loss, vomiting, nitrogenous smell from the mouth.

Since the level of urea in the blood rises with kidney disease, it also increases in saliva and decomposes to ammonia under the action of microorganisms, causing damage to the oral mucosa. As a result - ulcers, gingivitis and stomatitis, damage to tooth enamel.

Symptoms of kidney disease are also characteristic of other diseases, which makes it difficult to diagnose.


  • Increased thirst.
  • Profuse urination.
  • Dehydration.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Vomit.
  • Lethargy.
  • Weight loss.
  • Anemia (pale mucous membranes).
  • Dental problems (ulcers on the gums and tongue, tartar, dental diseases).
  • Salivation.
  • Smell from the mouth (sometimes ammonia).
  • Wool deterioration.
  • Detachment of the retina.
  • High blood pressure.
  • With nephritis, there may be fever and soreness when palpated.

All animals older than 7 years are at risk. They should have annual veterinary examinations, blood tests, urine tests, ultrasounds, and blood pressure measurements.

Prognosis: All kidney diseases with untimely treatment and relapses eventually turn into chronic renal failure. Chronic renal failure (CRF) is already a death sentence for an animal, but proper maintenance therapy significantly slows down the progression of the disease, ensures a good quality and longevity of the animal.

Overweight cats that lose their appetite for an unknown reason should be considered candidates for developing hepatic lipidosis. Feline hepatic lipidosis, also known as fatty liver disease, is a condition in cats in which the liver accumulates a large number of fat, and at the same time cannot function normally.

Most cats suffering from chronic diseases liver problems are older and overweight cats that have already gone through stress that has caused a decrease or loss of appetite. And that's why.

Normally, when the body is undernourished or starved, the body automatically moves fat from its reserves to the liver to be converted into lipoproteins for energy. Cats' bodies are not designed to convert large stores of fat, so when a cat is in starvation mode, the fat that is released into the liver is not processed efficiently, resulting in a fatty liver and low liver function.

Cats are strictly meat eaters and have high nutritional requirements for animal proteins, so a lack of protein, or an inability to process it in the liver, causes them to become hungry. Most cats with hepatic lipidosis become depressed and the loss of appetite lasts for days to weeks.

When an obstruction occurs, the juices continue to be secreted, but now they, unable to move and be absorbed, accumulate in the stomach and small intestine, causing vomiting. With vomiting, a large amount of fluid and nutrients (especially potassium) is lost, rapid dehydration and weakening of the body occur.


  • Increasing vomiting.
  • Decreased appetite to complete refusal of food.
  • Complete absence of stool or slight stool.
  • Deterioration of the general condition.
  • Painful enlarged abdomen.

What to do? At the slightest suspicion of obstruction (especially if you know that the pet had the opportunity to eat something “wrong”):

  • Do not try to feed or water the cat - this will only provoke vomiting.
  • Watch her behavior. On different days, cats eat different amounts of food (this is due to sexual instinct, for example). If your pet has access to the street, then it is possible that neighbors feed him or he gets food in an ancient way (to hunt small rodents).
  • Contact your veterinarian immediately for laboratory research and diagnostics of internal organs. Early diagnosis of diseases and timely treatment is the care for a healthy and comfortable life of the pet.
  • Do not self-medicate. A good owner does not treat his animal over the phone or over the Internet.

For some reason, some owners think that the treatment of cats is extremely simple - just call a clinic or go to a veterinary forum, report the symptoms and get a ready-made prescription. And if, in response, they hear on the phone that they need to go to the doctor and take tests, then they frankly consider it unnecessary: ​​“No, you just tell me what you can give him (her)!” And then follows the classic: “Well, it’s clear, you just have to tear off the money!”

Considering possible reasons This topical symptom in cats and cats, characteristic of many diseases of all animals - refusal to eat, it must be remembered that these gentle and quiet pets are the masters of disguise when it comes to vulnerability and pain. And it's not just that. Cats are carnivores, albeit small ones. And they know for sure that only a vulnerable representative of the animal world can become an easy prey for a predator. Unlike dogs and other representatives, which in case of danger can provide a united front to confront the emerging threat, she is not a pack animal that can rely on the support of relatives, she is on her own. Therefore, she must rely only on her own strength when it comes to escaping danger. Therefore, she carefully hides her vulnerability and weakness so as not to attract the attention of predators of a stronger class, although she has long been domesticated and loved by people.

How to feed a cat / cat with what they do not want to eat, but need

Cats are curious creatures. Like little children, they do not always distinguish between what can and cannot be eaten, so they can eat not only sausage, but also cellophane that smells like it. What to do if the cat ate the package? Is such a situation dangerous for his life or health or not, and is it worth contacting a veterinarian? Here is what modern experts write about it.

Is it worth worrying

From time to time, cats can eat sausage skins, Christmas decorations or bags containing meat or fish products. If a piece of polyethylene is small, then there is nothing wrong with that. It leaves the body for 3-4 days along with feces, without causing significant harm to the animal. Under natural conditions, cats can eat non-food fibers with which they cleanse their stomach, so it is not surprising that they gnaw on rags, bags and inedible things. Veterinarians advise that if cats start eating bags, bring them untreated grass, soft chicken bones, or special solid pet food, which are best selected with a veterinarian.

Even if a cat, like a dog, eats a large inedible object, it will vomit it. It will not penetrate into the intestines, it will help the animal to clear the stomach. It is worth observing the behavior of the animal for 3-4 days. If it hasn't changed, there's nothing to worry about. But if after using the package you find the following symptoms, you should immediately contact the clinic, even if the cat ate a small piece of cellophane:

  • restless meowing, excitement. The cat begins to fuss and disturb the owners, which was not observed before;
  • constipation, the cat cannot go to the toilet;
  • the stomach is enlarged, but the cat does not allow to touch it. In some cases, the animal begins to constantly lick the stomach or roll on the floor;
  • persistent vomiting and lack of appetite;
  • persistent diarrhea;
  • lethargy, apathy and refusal to eat.

Even if the cat ate a small piece, the above symptoms may indicate intestinal obstruction or a foreign object in the body that requires urgent specialist intervention. If no action is taken, the animal may die. Therefore, at home, it is dangerous to give a cat a laxative or try to induce vomiting. The cat can eat the plastic bag along with its contents. In this situation, the likelihood of intestinal obstruction is reduced, but the rough parts of the food bag can injure the intestines and cause alarming symptoms.

Even an ordinary Christmas tree ribbon can be deadly for a cat that decides to play with it. The material from which it is made can be more dangerous than polyethylene and cause severe intestinal obstruction, but the most dangerous are Christmas tree rain, ribbons for Christmas decorations, foil or rough paper. Therefore, for safety reasons, do not leave your cat unattended where there is a Christmas tree or food bags or food leftovers. If the cat has eaten the cellophane, do not try to remove it completely, as this may damage the esophagus or a piece of cellophane will get stuck in the throat and may cause suffocation. You should not give a laxative, as it will aggravate the effect, contact your veterinarian.

After examining the cat, he will prescribe an ultrasound and x-ray. These studies will help determine the localization of polyethylene and the general condition of the cat's body. In some cases, a study with a contrast agent is required. If the animal has a severe case and necrosis of intestinal tissues has begun, surgical intervention will be required. In the presence of comorbidities or if the cat is over 7 years old, this can be very risky, so it is worth preparing for any outcome. If the x-ray does not confirm intestinal obstruction, and the foreign body does not injure internal organs the doctor will likely prescribe a diet. The cellophane will come out with the feces.

If the bag is stuck in the intestines, a plentiful and dense diet is required. In no case should you try to interfere with this process on your own, especially if the cat ate a large piece of a plastic bag. In this situation, it is better to consult a veterinarian. Even if the thread is stuck in the cat's intestines, do not remove it, as it can damage the intestines. She can leave the cat's body with feces on her own, or this will require the intervention of a specialist.

Preventive measures

If a kitten or a cat appeared in your house, then you need to know what to do so that she does not eat fish along with cellophane.

  • Do not throw away the peel from sausages, sausages, bags in which fish or meat was stored in places accessible to the cat. Keep garbage bags out of the cat's reach. So that the cat does not eat the peel from the sausage or sausage, throw it into a special bag, which will be stored in an inaccessible place. Store used cat food bags in the same place;
  • If there is a tree in the room, keep an eye on your pet. So that the kitten does not eat rain and tinsel, hang it high from the floor, do not let him play with it;
  • Remove ribbons, threads, especially knitting ones, so that the cat does not eat them, especially if the day before you noticed that he ate a rag or paper;
  • Do not allow the cat to eat a bag that smells like valerian, blisters from sedatives, which include this herb. Cats often lick things that have been touched by valerian and may swallow them.

Remember that your pet's health is in your hands. And his well-being, and in some cases life, will depend on your vigilance and attentiveness.


Cats are considered the best mothers. Purrs often accept other people's children and not just kittens. Experienced breeders know that the miracle of birth can be overshadowed by the not entirely clear behavior of a young mother. Some cats eat their kittens and there is no fully adequate explanation for this phenomenon yet.

Is your cat of breeding value and has a pedigree? Are you planning to breed a particular breed? If the answers are yes, the first thing you need to do is to study all the possible nuances of the behavior of tetrapods. The fact is that absolutely everything, even the most cruel and illogical (from your point of view) actions can be justified. Naturally, you will not be able to predict all the problems and nuances, but everyone will be able not to make blunders.

Veterinarians and felinologists explain the fact of eating kittens by a cat mother in different ways. All theories agree on one thing: it's either cannibalism or randomness. Even experienced breeders can run into this problem when it comes to first birth cats.

Note! Cannibalism is a phenomenon that is an act of eating an animal of its relative (of the same species and genus). This phenomenon is not (!) a rarity; it occurs in more than 1000 species of animals and in humans.

Cannibalism, as a mass trend, always provoked by nature. That is, in order to push a cat to eat a cat, something extraordinary must happen in the outside world.

IN wild nature, hunger, stress, a threat to one's own life, a flock or offspring can push animals to cannibalism. The act of eating one's own kind is inherent in:

  • Fish - adults eat eggs and fry.
  • Insects - adults eat young and weak adult insects.

Note! In the world of insects, females are more often "fun" with cannibalism. But among the fish there are more male cannibals.

In the cat world, both the female and the male can pose a threat to newborns and grown-up babies. However, males are guided solely by instincts, and the behavior of cats can be interpreted in different ways. By the way, it is the versatility of motivation in the behavior of mother cats that has led to such a stormy interest in this issue. It is known that cannibalism in females always manifests itself against the background of a combination of several factors.

Among wild and domestic animals, pigs are leaders in the field of cannibalism.

Yes, few people know, but pigs are omnivores and are not averse to profiting from flesh. There are cases when pigs (including domestic ones) not only killed, but also ate people. In defense of cats, we note that when a male and a female live in the same house, fathers rarely kill kittens.

  • The cat must have a nest that is inaccessible to other pets for the entire feeding period.
  • The cat should not be allowed near the cat and offspring until the young mother comes to her senses after giving birth.

Note! Statistically, 10-12% of primordial cats are prone to cannibalism.

Now let's look at the causes of cannibalism. The topic is not for the faint of heart, so emotional readers are better off skipping this part. So, a pregnant cat is an incubator for 3-8 kittens. Babies are constantly pulling nutrients from their mother, including protein (protein). Newborn kittens and their afterbirths are a rich source of protein, amino acids and vitamins.

If the cat did not receive proper care during childbirth, the newly born cub is perceived by her as food. Here it is important to understand that the consciousness of the animal is clouded, since a huge number of hormones and adrenaline are thrown into the blood of the woman in labor. We can say that the cat acts on the machine and does not know what it is doing. Moreover, the pet can come to its senses after an act of cannibalism and heart-rendingly look for its cubs, not remembering that it ate them.

Newborn kittens can be regarded by a cat as a source of trace elements and here we are not talking about cannibalism. postpartum eclampsia - a condition that occurs against the background of a critically low level of calcium in the blood. It must be understood that calcium should not be considered as an independent element, since it is absorbed in combination with phosphorus and magnesium. A lack of calcium and magnesium can lead to clouding of the mind in the literal sense of the word, that is, a cat goes crazy and destroys kittens, and then often dies itself.

Note! In eclampsia, the cat kills the kittens, but the act of eating is extremely rare.

Cats of noble origin were known as the glory of caring mothers, but pedigreed mothers have problems much more often. There is such a thing as the absence or weakening of the maternal instinct. Mistakenly, the lack of instinct for caring for offspring is confused with postpartum depression. Here we are not talking about a panic state and rolling into a "funnel", but about the absence of any tender feelings for the cubs.

In the absence of maternal instinct, the following scenarios are observed:

  • A cat eats kittens - rarely and only if the pet has a sharply expressed hunting instinct.
  • The cat refuses kittens - immediately after giving birth, the pet leaves the nest, ignores the squeak of the cubs, hisses at them, refuses to feed.
  • The cat crushes the kittens - that is, the pet either strangles the babies, or sits / lays down on them. This behavior is inherent in jealous and dominant cats.

The absence of maternal instinct is more often observed during the first birth of a cat - this argument is not accurate, since not every breeder decides to knit a would-be mother a second time. Even caring mothers-cats can refuse kittens after caesarean section. When faced with a situation like this, don't panic. In almost half of the cases, a cat adopts offspring when recovering a little from the stress and pain of childbirth. Feed the babies with a milk replacer, observe the behavior of the pet, affectionately invite her to the kids. At the same time, be careful and watch the mother's body language, as her behavior will be controlled by hormones for several days after birth.

The next common cause that provokes cannibalism in cats is mental disorder against the backdrop of stress. It must be understood that psychosomatics is not fully understood. It is undeniable that childbirth is associated with severe pain and stress. In the human world, a large number of women in labor fall into postpartum depression as a result of the "miracle of birth" experienced. Given that even 20 years ago, doctors brushed aside the diagnosis of "postpartum depression", it is too early to talk about a detailed study of this disorder. I am glad that medicine at least recognized the existence of such a condition and the need for its treatment.

Cats are also known to be prone to postpartum depression. Judging by the stories of young mothers, they had an overwhelming feeling to kill the child. Yes, to kill. What was stopping? Many did nothing, and those that managed to control themselves were guided by some form of mercy towards themselves or the child. When studying this issue, many postpartum depression survivors admitted that they did not kill their child (infant) because of:

  • Possible criminal liability.
  • A little tangible realization that after the deed it will be hard to live.
  • Lack of determination (or confidence in it) to commit suicide after killing a child.

Is it scary to read something like this? But this is true and people told it, but who knows what the cat feels and thinks about? Based on the statistics, experts found that acute development of postpartum depression in cats can provoke:

  • Anxiety during childbirth - strangers, other animals, panicky behavior of the owner, loud noises.
  • The absence of a nest, the need to give birth on the street or in another unprotected place.
  • The presence of the male (father) during childbirth.
  • Weaning kittens immediately after birth, including caesarean section.
  • Constant invasion of the nest area after birth or while nursing.

Immediately after birth, a tragic fate can befall one or more kittens. The rest of the offspring will be accepted with all maternal tenderness. In this case, the likely cause is developmental defects in children. Congenital pathologies are not always visible to the owner, but the cat “smells” them. The mother understands that the kitten will not survive and destroys it so that healthy babies get more milk and attention. This is natural selection and the most adequate reason for a cat to kill its own cub.

The destruction of one or more healthy babies is also explained by instinct and natural selection, but the root cause is a lack of milk. Childbirth takes place in such a way that the strongest babies appear first, and the weak ones last. Exactly the weakened part of the offspring is destroyed if strong babies are threatened with starvation. It should be understood that we are talking not only about poor feeding of the cat, but also about insufficient saturation of milk.

The last reason that can be considered incredible and ridiculous is the accidental eating / killing of a kitten. Immediately after birth, the cat independently gnaws the umbilical cord and eats the placenta. With multiple pregnancies, this process is controlled by the owners, since eating all the placenta can lead to diarrhea. Some sources give examples when a cat accidentally killed a kitten while eating the placenta.

Cases from life - who killed the kittens?

The web is full of horrific stories about how cats killed their kittens and ate them. However, from all these stories breathes the ignorance of the owners. Most often, speech stories contain one or more "pitfalls". Below are real life examples with explanations.

Circumstances: a village cat, gives birth every year where it is necessary, no one watches over childbirth, a cat and kittens.
Situation: immediately after birth, the cat eats newborn kittens. The owners do not know the details.
Cause: most likely, the cat gave birth to already dead kittens or was so weakened that she was unable to feed offspring. In this case, we are not talking about cannibalism in its purest form, it is rather natural selection (the cat is trying to survive). In addition, regular offspring weaken the body so much that a cat mother can die in childbirth or never bear another offspring.

Circumstances: the cat lives in a village or a private house, childbirth takes place on the street without the knowledge of the owners.
Situation: after a few days, the owners find the remains of kittens (paws, tails, heads). Cause: most likely, the kittens fell prey to a rat or other predator, and the mother was so weak that she could not protect her offspring.

Circumstances: owners of an unsterilized cat do not know the gestational age.
Situation: a cat eats her kittens at birth, the process is very fast.
Cause: most likely, the offspring were premature or non-viable due to pathologies. This situation can occur if the care of a pregnant cat is not given enough attention or if the mother cat gives birth after each estrus.

Circumstances: the cat and the cat live together, regularly bringing offspring. Owners do not bother to control the course of pregnancy and childbirth.
Situation: the owners found dead kittens newborn or a little grown up.
Cause: most likely, the cause of death was the sexual instinct of the cat, which destroys the offspring so that the female comes into heat faster.

The frivolity and irresponsibility of the owners is amazing, but these are far from all the stories that can be listed. Regrettably, the vast majority of owners "get rid" of a cannibal cat immediately after the incident ... but the reason is not in the cat. Be reasonable! Do not torture your pet with unnecessary pain and stress if you are not going to seriously engage in breeding activities! Neuter a cat if you are not ready to take care of a pet, properly feed it during pregnancy, stay up at night and babysit kittens.

In the article I will consider the situation when the cat constantly asks for food. I will name the reasons when the feeling of hunger is justified and, perhaps, objectively, and I will also describe the reasons when increased appetite is a pathology. I will give examples of diseases that require a specialized diet.

Reasons why a cat constantly asks for food

The nutrition of the animal should be balanced and of high quality, just like the nutrition of children by age. When a cat appears in the house, the owners are concerned about feeding it: food or natural food, the opportunity to treat something from the master's table.

You often hear that Murka or Barsik: “loves only chicken”, “eats only Whiskas” and so on. From which we can conclude that cats have food addictions, but it happens that cat whims turn into a mania for constantly searching and eating food.

Often the causes of increased appetite may be physiological in nature and not be associated with diseases.

Cats often start to eat a lot when stressed, for example, when a new family member or pet enters the house.


The pathological feeling of hunger is caused not only by bad character or gluttony. Sometimes animals from 5 to 18 months lead a very active lifestyle, their growing body needs to constantly replenish energy reserves. The same can be said about aging active cats that eat a lot.

cold season

Change of weather affects appetite. in winter and cold autumn they need more energy to keep warm.

Nutritional malabsorption

Situations when, along with constant hunger, painful thinness develops, character deteriorates, and it is clearly seen that appearance the pet becomes worse, they are already pathological. In such a case, feeding more is no longer an option and specialized assistance is required.

Your veterinarian may order the following tests:

  • general blood test and glucose;
  • barium x-ray.

The need for this examination is to exclude mechanical damage to the gastrointestinal tract, if, for example, the pet has eaten a foreign object, it complicates the work of the intestines. Also, the doctor needs to see the clinical picture: whether there is anemia and whether the level of glucose in the blood is elevated.

Hormonal disorders also affect the process of assimilation of nutrients from food.

Sometimes such diseases respond well to therapy and simply require a balanced diet on special feeds. But it also happens that during the examination, a cat is found to have oncological diseases, which affect the increased appetite and thinness of the animal.

In case of violation of the absorbability of the cat's nutrients, you need to see a veterinarian

Reaction to drugs

Of course, one of the common causes of hunger is the period of recovery after serious illnesses with diverse "aggressive" treatments. If your pet has been sick for a long time viral infections, accompanied by nasal congestion, then after cleansing the sinuses, the scent returns to it, which increases appetite.

The reaction to drugs, which include Valium, insulin and enzymes for digestion, is also a constant feeling of hunger.


Unfortunately, cats get sick too. Warning signs to suspect diabetes are:

  1. The amount of urine excreted sharply increases.
  2. It seems that the cat is constantly thirsty and drinks a lot.
  3. From constant overeating, obesity develops, and then the weight drops sharply to a state of complete exhaustion.
  4. The skin is noticeably thinner.
  5. Appears bad smell from the mouth, acetone is felt in it.
  6. Physical activity decreases, gait changes.

After a biochemical blood test and a urine test, it becomes clear what type of diabetes a cat develops.

Based on this, the doctor prescribes drugs and adjusts the diet.

Sick diabetes cats also start eating more

Many cat food companies have long developed food for diabetics and it is not difficult to feed a sick purr usefully and correctly in this case.


Pregnancy cat provides a rich and balanced diet.

Therefore, if during pregnancy there is an increased appetite in a pet, then this is a signal to diversify the menu and introduce more high-calorie foods. But it’s not worth it, and overfeeding a pregnant cat. Pregnancy puts a lot of stress on the body excess weight is fraught with complicated childbirth.


It is diagnosed in pets with increased appetite very often. But it is worth noting that there are accompanying symptoms: vomiting, constipation or diarrhea.

The most severe conditions of the animal are associated with the presence of live worms in the feces or vomit.

At the same time, the animal not only eats a lot, but also has food addictions that were not there before: they can chew paper, for example.

Worms - one of the causes of increased appetite

What to do if the cat began to eat a lot

And now we will analyze what to do with excessive hunger in an animal.

If the pet began to ask to eat more often, and the norms eaten became larger, then first of all you should pay attention to the balance of the feed. Perhaps it's time to change the food to a more nutritious one. But do not get carried away and give the cat food in excess of the norm.

It is also necessary to exclude all possible pathologies described above, to carry out treatment from fleas and worms.

Young and growing animals can be fed more than usual

Sometimes overeating is associated with the breed and character traits of the pet. In this case, an extra portion will not hurt him, especially when it comes to a young cat: active and energetic.

Since cats love to eat tasty food, it is important for the owner to feed the pet in such a way that his body replenishes energy on time and with high quality. Then it will be easier to understand when the cat gets sick and his eating behavior changes.
