We sculpt strawberries from polymer clay. E-book "Sprig of strawberries from polymer clay

Today we want to invite you to make plastic strawberries with your own hands. It can be used in products or for decoration.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • plastic of the desired shade of red (I mixed a few to get the color of a ripe berry), green (for leaves),
  • acrylic paint (I have white),
  • tassel,
  • toothpick.

We form a berry from red plastic:

With a toothpick we make notches (for future bones).

At the bottom, they should be more frequent.

We make leaves. We roll out the green plastic and cut out a circle from it:

Cut out the petals with a knife, something like this:

We put them on the finger and give liveliness:

We connect with a berry:

You can attach accessories.

Bake according to the instructions on the plastic packaging.

We get it. Cool down.
We paint with acrylic paint. The shade of paint can be any, the bones are usually yellowish, but I needed a white color. You can also make another one.

We try to get the paint deep into the holes. Completely paint over the berry from all sides.

We wait a bit, and erase the paint with a napkin.

For complete cleanliness, I also wipe with alcohol (in this case, a solution of alcohol boric acid).

Sand with fine sandpaper if needed.

Cover with varnish. Fixing the hardware. All!

And I made one berry with a bite.

Quote from EFACHKA Master Class on creating Strawberries from polymer clay

Good day to you, dear needlewomen, guests and regular readers of the efachka.ru blog! Today we will have a "delicious" master class.))) And it is dedicated to the creation of strawberries from polymer clay.

To create it, we need the following tools for polymer clay. They can be found in a specialized store or ordered through the online store:

Polymer Clay Peony Online;
- Cream for working with polymer clay;
- Plastic bag;
- Floral tape;
- paint green, red, yellow;
- Base for Roses, 16mm and 18mm;
- Wire 28, green;
- Gun for glue;
- Latex glue;
- Stack main L;
- Stack with L and XS balls;
- Strawberry leaf medium;
- Stamens;
- Strawberry L;
- brush
- Nail polish.

This is how it all looks:

So let's get started.

Let's start with a leaf.
Roll out green clay in a pasta machine. Everyone knows how to color clay. I used green paint.
Very beautiful natural. For cutting down, we need a strawberry leaf cutter from the "Strawberry L" set. One is slightly larger for the central leaf, the other is slightly smaller for the side leaves.

Cut out.
Remove excess polymer clay and put it in an airtight container.

Right on the rolling film, we pass each rounded protrusion of our blanks in the direction from the center to the edge, slightly stretching it. We perform the work with a stack of balls L.

Take a side leaf and cut off one clove. This side of the side sheet will be directed towards the center sheet when assembled. To avoid further confusion, you can skip this paragraph.

We cut each clove exactly in half and form the edge of the sheet with scissors, making two teeth from one protrusion.

Here's what should happen. We put the blanks in a film for rolling. Important! Do not forget to lubricate the film with cream. If the workpiece sticks, you have to start all over again.

Take a stack with XS balls.

We form directly on the rolling film, stretch each clove of the leaf.

Important! Do not press the stack too hard. The clay will become thin and the sheet will become almost transparent around the edge.

Carefully remove the finished sheet from the film and transfer it to the “Strawberry Leaf” mold to add texture and veins.

We press small grooves between the veins. We do everything easily, without effort.

We glue the sheet to the wire No. 28 and set it aside to dry.

The three leaf fragments are ready to be assembled.

We collect the leaf with the help of floral tape.

We roll the leg of the sheet with polymer clay and dry it.

Strawberry flower.

I cut the blanks of the petals with a cutter.

We draw along the edge of the petals with a fingertip, thinning the edge. Directly on film.

With a stack of balls, we give each petal a rounded shape.

We dry the whisk on a large bead.

While the petals are drying, prepare the middle of the strawberry flowers. Roll out the clay as thinly as possible in a pasta machine or with your hands. We cut strips 6-7 cm long, and a little less than 1 cm wide. After drying, the clay will shrink a little more. We make a fringe out of it, without cutting 1-2 mm to the edge.

We roll the resulting fringe, forming the middle. Use super glue to fix.


Glue 5-7 stamens to the middle with latex glue.

Let's take care of the sepals.

We cut off the excess.

We draw a stack with textured veins along each sepal.

Glue the sepal to the flower.


For berries, we need a base for flowers.

For a large berry - a drop of 2.5 cm. For a small one - a drop of 1.5 cm.

Let's start forming.

Just one, two, three...

Do it once.

Do two.

Do three.

This is just the beginning of the formation of the berry. If you are sure that you will succeed without one, two, three. You can immediately cover the base with clay and form a berry. If you are unsure, then it is better to increase it gradually.

A piece of clay rolled into a cake. The thickness of the cake is about 5 mm. We tighten the workpiece, forming a berry. We will work out the cavities and smooth out all unnecessary folds with water.

On a slightly dried berry (polymer clay should NOT stick to your fingers, but it should NOT be completely dry), we make dents with a stack of XS balls, conditionally, in a checkerboard pattern.

Which is very similar to the real one. Incredibly, quite realistic berries can be molded from polymer clay.

How? There are secrets that sculptors will generously share with you today. In our today's selection of master classes you will find all the instructions for molding strawberries from polymer clay.

Perhaps there is not a single person who would not love strawberries. But the strawberry season is very short. However, to make sure that the strawberry does not disappear all year round is within the power of every needlewoman. Knitting and embroidery, beading and applique, and many other techniques can be used to create a strawberry mood exactly when you want.

There are a lot of interesting directions where you can make fruits, berries and vegetables. But I especially want to highlight what the modeling masters call a culinary miniature. Almost like real berries, jam jars, dishes and slides with different fruits are not as difficult to make as it seems at first glance. Try to master a few secrets of polymer clay modeling and make sure it will be easy!

Also, the ability to sculpt food can greatly diversify your personal collection of jewelry and jewelry, or please fans of mini-toys. The fashion for such goodies is experiencing a new rise, but most importantly, there is a huge potential hidden in this for everyone who likes to work with their hands and make interesting things.

Today we invite you to learn how to make strawberries with your own hands from polymer clay. For doll food, jewelry making and more.

For work you will need: red and white polymer clay, a pasta machine, a rolling pin for rolling clay into layers, a work surface and a sharp blade.

Our selection of master classes will help you make your strawberry as realistic as possible.

How to make strawberries from polymer clay. Video master classes

Polymer clay strawberries:

How to make strawberries out of polymer clay:

Do-it-yourself polymer clay strawberries:

Master class on modeling strawberries:

Strawberry from polymer clay:

How to quickly and easily mold strawberries from polymer clay:

How to make strawberry sausage:

Strawberry caine made of polymer clay:

How to make strawberry kane:

Discussion of the article

Bright, juicy and almost natural strawberry berries and flowers, collected in a bracelet and a pair of earrings, will not leave anyone indifferent and will attract the eyes and make passers-by smile. Creating strawberries from polymer clay is very easy and simple, but at the same time interesting and unusual, because you yourself, with your own hands, create such beauty and make jewelry out of it. Strawberries, like other fruit beads, are very fond of children, so if you have free time, give it to your child and create amazing berries together, collect them into decorations and amaze everyone around!

Materials and tools needed when sculpting strawberries:

  • 1. Polymer clay of red, yellow, green, light green, white, black;
  • 2. Blade or clerical knife;
  • 3. Rolling pin or pasta machine;
  • 4. Cutter in the form of a five-leaf flower;
  • 5. Needle or toothpick;
  • 6. Stack with ball;
  • 7. Yellow acrylic paint;
  • 8. Connecting rings, two earwires, a chain, carnations with a ball, yellow beads, a carabiner lock, an extension cord;
  • 9. Varnish for polymer clay.

So, let's start sculpting:

1. Form a large droplet from red polymer clay, into which, from the side of its wide part, you need to press a toothpick inside the droplet. With a knitting needle or a blunt toothpick on the surface of the droplet, you need to randomly make indentations that will imitate seeds in a berry.

2. Make a lot of strawberries of different shapes and sizes so that the final product is voluminous and not empty.

3. Roll out a layer of lime-colored clay 2-2.5 mm thick and cut out as many figures as you created the day before with a small plastic cutter or a cutter in the shape of a five-leaf flower.

4. With the edge of a needle or toothpick, make longitudinal indentations along each petal.

5. With a metal carnation rod with a loop, pierce through the lettuce sepal exactly in the center.

6. Remove a toothpick from the berry and insert the carnations with a strung sepal into the recess with a loop inside.

7. Place the strawberry blanks in the oven for roasting. Observe the firing conditions according to the recommendations specified in the instructions.

8. Take green and yellow clay in equal proportions and lay the plastic diagonally into a rectangular common layer. Using a pasta machine, make a tape with a smooth transition of color.

9. The green-yellow ribbon must be rolled into a tube so that the yellow color is inside the cane.

10. Squeeze the cane and shape it into a barrel. Roll out on a pasta machine and prepare a layer of black clay 2 mm thick. Cut the yellow-green cane across into strips 3 mm thick and apply a thin layer of black clay to the cut.

11. Cut the striped cane diagonally and also cover the cut with a layer of black clay.

12. Turn the right half of the striped cane over so that its thin and narrow part is on top and reunite with the second half of the cane.

13. Squeeze the cane, roll and stretch to a diameter of 1.0-1.5 cm, pinch the top of the cane along its entire length with your fingers and cut into leaf-shaped slices.

14. Give each leaf a curved shape and be sure to make a through hole in the central wide part before firing.

15. Prepare a layer of white polymer clay 2-3 mm thick and cut out a lot of white flowers by cutting in the shape of a five-leaf flower or with a cutter.

16. Put the flower in the palm of your hand and roll each petal into a stack with a ball.

17. In the center of each white flower, make a thin through hole and place the flowers in the oven for firing.

18. After firing, you can slightly tint the recesses of the strawberries with yellow acrylic paint, or you can leave it unchanged. I advise you to cover all plastic products with water-based varnish.

19. It is necessary to collect and fasten the leaves into chain links on the connecting rings, the flowers are attached as follows: take a metal carnation with a ball and string a yellow bead on the pin shaft, and then insert the carnation into the central hole of the white flower. With round-nose pliers, make loops of carnation rods, both in berries and flowers, and fasten them in chain links, observing the sequence of all elements.

Such a bright set will not go unnoticed by children, because they are the biggest connoisseurs of such playful jewelry!
