Why February 14 is Valentine's Day. st day

Valentine's Day - the holiday of lovers, has been celebrated on February 14 in Europe since the 13th century, in Yakutia - since the beginning of the 90s of the last century.

The holiday has a specific "culprit" - the Christian priest Valentine.

This story dates from around 269. At that time, Claudius II ruled the Roman Empire. The warring Roman army experienced an acute shortage of soldiers for campaigns, and the commander was convinced that marriage was the main enemy of his plans, because a married legionnaire thinks much less about the glory of the empire than about how to feed his family. And, in order to preserve the military spirit in his soldiers, the emperor issued a decree forbidding the legionnaires to marry.

But this did not make the soldiers fall in love any less.

And to their happiness, a man was found who, not fearing the imperial wrath, began to secretly marry legionnaires. It was a priest named Valentine from the Roman city of Terni (Valentine of Terni). Apparently, he was a real romantic, since his favorite pastimes were reconciling those who quarreled, helping to write love letters and giving flowers at the request of the legionnaires to the objects of their passion.

Upon learning of this, the emperor sentenced Valentine to death. The tragedy of the situation was also in the fact that Valentine himself was in love with the jailer's daughter.

The day before the execution, the priest wrote a farewell letter to the girl, where he spoke about his love, and signed it “Your Valentine”. It was read after he was executed. The date of execution coincided with the Roman celebration in honor of Juno, the goddess of love. Since then, every year on February 14, people remembered Valentine and arranged a holiday for all lovers.

Subsequently, as a Christian martyr who suffered for his faith, Valentine was canonized by the Catholic Church. And in 496, Pope Gelasius (Pope Gelasius I) declared February 14 Valentine's Day.

Since 1969, as a result of the reform of worship, Saint Valentine was removed from the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church (along with other Roman saints, information about whose life is contradictory and unreliable). However, even before 1969, the church did not approve and did not support the traditions of celebrating this day.

Whether it was so or otherwise, but, apparently, it was then that the tradition of writing love notes on Valentine's Day - “valentines” appeared. And on this holiday it is customary to arrange weddings and get married. It is believed that this will be the key to eternal love.

Ideas for celebrating Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is coming soon, which is celebrated by all lovers on February 14th. In Yakutia, many couples willingly adopted this wonderful tradition.

A winter romantic holiday is another opportunity for spouses to confess their love. The main thing is to make this day not only joyful, but also original. Some interesting ideas will help with this.

Outdoor activities

Valentine's Day falls in the winter month, so spouses can spend time enjoying winter sports. For example, a trip to nature or a sports base. Lovers will have a great opportunity to enjoy each other's company, and at the same time go skiing or take a walk in nature.

be alone

Husband and wife can diversify their sex life. New impressions will bring fresh emotions to the marital relationship.

Go to the cinema

Visit local attractions

Spouses should pay attention to those interesting places in the city where they have not been, or have been for a very long time. Many local architectural monuments and beautiful corners evoke pleasant romantic memories for spouses.

Expensive entertainment

If the financial situation allows, then on February 14 you can organize a trip for a few days to the romantic cities of Europe - Paris, Prague or Vienna.

The most romantic holiday of those that exist in our time - St. Valentine's Day (Valentine's Day), is usually celebrated on February 14th. Why on this particular day? Let's turn to the history of the holiday.

Article outline:

The history of the holiday

There are several legends about how Saint Valentine lived and who he was.

Why is February 14 celebrated?

In the Middle Ages, it was widely believed that the mating season for birds begins on February 14th. They believed that depending on what kind of bird an unmarried lady saw that day, her life would turn out that way: if a bullfinch, she would be the wife of a sailor, if a sparrow, she would be the happy wife of a not very lucky man; if goldfinch - will be the wife of a rich man.

The religious holiday - St. Valentine - according to some sources, began to be celebrated on February 14, 498, but it is impossible to confirm the accuracy of this information.

Only at the end of the 14th century, under the influence of the literary works of England and France, did the tradition of celebrating St. Valentine's Day as "the day of all lovers" appear.

In 1415, the first Valentine was created by the Duke of Orleans, who was in prison and wrote messages with words of love for his wife.

Nowadays, the traditions of celebrating Valentine's Day differ in different countries of the world.

How is Valentine's Day celebrated around the world?


In Australia, the celebration of Valentine's Day is quite a popular event and is declared a holiday for the inhabitants of the country.

February 14 for Australians is considered not only a holiday for couples in love, but also a day when you can express your love to all your loved ones - friends, parents, neighbors, colleagues and even pets.

Valentine's Day is celebrated by about 90% of the country's youth. In the big cities of Australia - Sydney, Adelaide, Perth - arrange a carnival of music and theater festivals, lasting a whole week.

The most common gifts on this day are valentine cards and flowers, which are given mostly by men to women, being more romantic.

It was noticed that on February 15, the day after the holiday, the number of people who want to use the sex services of escort organizations increases significantly.


Mexicans are considered hot and incendiary people. For a whole week, which falls on February 14, carnival days are held in this country. Traditionally, men and women on Valentine's Day dress up in bright and colorful ponchos and dance in the streets where the holiday is held, Latin American dances. The main dish on February 14 is cactus, and the drinks are mezcal and tequila.

In 2009, on February 14, the Mega Kiss contest was held in Mexico, where 39,897 people kissed at the same time, and this gave them the opportunity to break the world record for kissing.


Italians most often give such gifts on Valentine's Day: flowers, sweets, underwear, jewelry and electronic gadgets.

A significant part of the inhabitants of Italy, in addition to buying gifts, are organizing romantic evenings, visiting restaurants or traveling to the islands, to Rome or Venice. February 14 in Italy is a "sweet" day, which is celebrated exclusively by couples in love.

Great Britain

Valentine's Day in the UK is associated with the implementation of the rite of divination by girls to find out their fate. To do this, they wake up on the morning of February 14 and look out the window. The first man a girl sees will be her soulmate.

There is a belief that girls need to write different male names on pieces of paper, throw them into a river or lake. The first name that comes up will be their future husband.

In the county of central England - Derbesh - unmarried girls go to the church at midnight and go around it from three to twelve times, reading special verses. They believe that this will help to find true love.

On this day, gifts are also given to children who are looking forward to Jack Valentine bringing various goodies and sweets to their door.

In Wales, the most popular gift is wooden spoons with carved keys with locks surrounded by hearts.

Many people in the UK also give gifts to their pets.


The French are romantics, celebrating Valentine's Day mainly in cafes and restaurants. The main gifts on this day are valentines with quatrains, sweets (sweets and chocolate mousses), underwear, souvenirs with hearts, kissing birds, cupids with arrows, jewelry, winning lottery tickets, travel, artificial flowers "saying a declaration of love", sausage cutting in the form of hearts.


Residents of Germany are quite practical and do not perceive February 14 as Valentine's Day. They have Saint Valentine - the patron of the mad, so on this day they hang red ribbons on psychiatric hospitals. It is customary to hold services in chapels.


Men receive more gifts on Valentine's Day. Among them, a competition is held, who can make the loudest declaration of love into a microphone on the street. The winner receives a prize.

Chocolate is the most common gift for the Japanese on Valentine's Day.

A month after the holiday - March 14 - women receive gifts (chocolate), since this day is considered their revenge after February 14 and is called "White Day".

Scandinavian countries

AT Sweden Valentine's Day has a name - the day of all hearts.

The largest cities of the country are decorated in accordance with the purpose of the holiday.

The most common gifts on this day are: flowers and sweets in the form of hearts; a romantic lunch that turns into dinner in a restaurant or club.

Excursions around Stockholm, Mariefred, the islands of Gotland and Öland are very popular.

AT Denmark and Norway Valentine's Day is celebrated on more young people. The Danes have a tradition to give each other dry white flowers on February 14th. The celebration of Valentine's Day in these countries is just beginning to gain momentum. last years.

AT Finland Friend's Day is celebrated on February 14, when it is especially important to think about the value of human relationships.

On this day, everyone without exception can take part in the celebration: not only lovers, but also those who have friends. Finns value friendship, fidelity and constancy very much, they strive for gender equality.

In Finland, on Valentine's Day, they give each other valentines, toys, souvenirs and sweets.

AT Iceland there is a tradition on February 14 to kindle bonfires dedicated to the son of Odin - Vali (Vili). On this day, it is customary to put small pebbles on the neck of girls, and coals on the neck of guys to ignite the flame of passionate love.


For Americans, Valentine's Day is not only an occasion to remind your loved ones about your feelings, but also your family and friends. The most popular on this day is to give valentines, sweets, chocolate, flowers, poems, notes with love messages.

In America, there is a tradition to give hearts made by schoolchildren with their own hands to lonely and sick people.


In Canada, on Valentine's Day, gifts are given not only to close people, but also to pets, as well as those that live in zoos. If a child under the age of 12 has a valentine card that he made himself, then he can visit some zoos for free and give a card to the animal he likes.

Mass parties and balls are organized all over the country, where you can not only express your feelings, but also have a good time.

In Canadian kindergartens, traditional piñatas are held. Their essence is that a heart-shaped figurine is hung with ropes at a certain height, it is necessary to hit the heart with a wooden stick so that it opens, and various sweets fall out from there.

Canadian women are allowed to propose marriage to any unemployed man they like. In case of refusal, the man must pay a fine or go to jail for a while.


Poles on St. Valentine's Day make a pilgrimage to the Poznan metropolis, because they believe that the relics of St. Valentine are located there. Having overcome this path, you will definitely have success and luck in love.


The Scots celebrate Valentine's Day in large and noisy companies, where unmarried representatives of the weaker and stronger sex come.

In countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia and Malaysia, the celebration of Valentine's Day is prohibited at the state level.

The religion of the majority of the population of these countries is Islam.

Muslims believe that the basis of the celebration of Valentine's Day lay down the beliefs of the pagans and legends that came to us from the ancient Romans. And this is not comparable not only with their religion, but also with common sense.

Despite all this, many residents (especially young people) celebrate Valentine's Day, and they continue to sell holiday paraphernalia in shops and markets.


In Taiwan, it is customary to give roses to women: one rose is a symbol of love, many (about a hundred) roses are a marriage proposal. In February 2012, scented postage stamps were issued in Taiwan specially for Valentine's Day.


The patron saint of all lovers in Armenia is Saint Sarkis. The celebration of the day of St. Sarkis takes place in late January - early February.

This holiday is national.

There are local customs of celebration. In the evening before Valentine's Day, you need to eat a salty pancake, after which you go to bed and your betrothed (your betrothed) will definitely appear in a dream.

On this day, Armenians give each other sweets, cards and flowers.

Also in Armenia there is another holiday with elements of St. Valentine's Day, the main characters of which are young spouses and couples in love. This holiday is called Terendez and is celebrated on February 13th.

The main attribute of Terendez is a fire over which young couples jump, as well as other participants in the celebration. If a couple can jump over the fire without unhooking their hands, then their love will be eternal.

To date, only a few repeat this tradition, and everyone else walks the streets with burning candles in cups.

South Africa (South African Republic)

Conservationists in South Africa offer to make an original gift for Valentine's Day - buy a penguin via the Internet. In fact, the penguin will stay in the rehabilitation center, and you will receive a photo of the animal and words of gratitude by mail.

The most frequent gifts in South Africa are flowers, sweets, valentines.


In India, celebrating Valentine's Day has become a habit recently. On this day, all shops that sell gifts and bookstores are decorated with ribbons, flowers, hearts and angels.

February 14 is celebrated mainly by young people who give each other all sorts of sweets, flowers and, of course, valentines.

On February 14, in many countries of the world, and more recently in Russia, they celebrate Valentine's Day, or Valentine's Day. On this holiday, lovers congratulate each other, and those who have not yet found their soul mate make wishes. Where did this holiday come from and what are its traditions, read in our section "Question-Answer".

What holiday is it?

Valentine's Day is an international holiday of love, which has been celebrated in Europe since the 13th century, and in the USA since 1777. In Russia and the CIS countries, February 14 began to be celebrated from the beginning of the 1990s.

On this day, it is customary to give souvenirs and gifts to your soul mates. It can be cute trinkets, sweets, toys, flowers. Handmade crafts are also welcome. For example, heart-shaped cards, which are also called valentines.

How did Valentine's Day come about?

There are two legends about the origin of this holiday. The first story says that Valentine was a prisoner who went to jail for healing the sick with the help of an unknown force. People did not forget their savior and carried notes to him. Once one of these notes fell into the hands of a prison guard. The warder believed that the young man really had the talent of a healer, and asked him to heal his blind daughter. The doctor cured the girl. When the girl saw her savior, she fell in love with him. This feeling turned out to be mutual.

However, the happy ending did not work out. On February 14, the young man in love was executed. Before his death, he wrote confessions to his beloved and all close people. It is believed that this is how the tradition of giving each other valentines was born.

The second legend tells that Valentine was a Roman priest. He served in the third century AD. Then there was a ban on the marriage of soldiers. Julius Claudius II believed that wives prevent men from fighting and defending their homeland.

The priest Valentine, contrary to the ban, married soldiers in love. For this he was sentenced to death. In prison, Valentine fell in love with the warden's daughter, the girl also fell in love with the young man. But she learned about the feelings of the priest only after the execution. On the night of February 14, the lover wrote a letter to the girl, where he confessed his feelings. In the morning he was executed.

How is Valentine's Day celebrated in Russia and around the world?

In America, it was customary to give marzipans on this day, which are quite expensive. In Japan, there is a tradition of giving sweets on this day. Preferably chocolate. In the Land of the Rising Sun, February 14 is a holiday for men. The strong half receives more gifts than women.

It is customary for the French to give jewelry on Valentine's Day. In Denmark, people send dried white flowers to each other. In Britain, unmarried girls on February 14 get up before sunrise. Young ladies look out the window at passers-by. They believe that the first man they see is the betrothed.

In Russia, on this day it is customary to give gifts in the form of hearts and valentines. However, no one forbids presenting expensive gifts.

But in Saudi Arabia, this holiday is officially banned. Anyone who breaks the law, and, say, gives a Valentine, faces a huge fine.

Does Russia have its own Valentine's Day?

Russia has long had its own Valentine's Day. However, the holiday has gained wide popularity only in recent years. Since July 8, 2008, the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity has been celebrated in all cities of Russia. It is also called the Day of Peter and Fevronia. Peter and Fevronia left earthly life on the same day, having accepted monasticism in old age, and after 300 years they were canonized as saints. The symbol of the holiday is chamomile - a flower that is especially popular with all lovers.

Valentine's Day, Valentine's Day, February 14 - History, traditions and legends.

An interesting story about the holiday of Valentine's Day for children and adults.

February 14th is Valentine's Day, the patron saint of all lovers. This is the most romantic holiday in the world, when everyone confesses their love to each other, give touching gifts and valentines to their loved ones. For more than eighteen centuries, there has been a tradition to celebrate this holiday. Despite the fact that the word “saint” is present in the name of the holiday, it has nothing to do with religion, since it is a secular holiday. Nevertheless, February 14th we associate with St. Valentine.

History of Valentine's Day. History of Valentine's Day. Who is Valentine?

There are a lot of legends and rumors about Valentine's Day. So who is Saint Valentine, who presented this holiday as a gift to the whole world?

There is an opinion that in fact there were two Saint Valentines, who were venerated on the same day and died in Ancient Rome in 269 (270?) years. But now no one remembers for certain which of them the holiday was dedicated to. It is only known that one of the saints, younger, served as a preacher in Rome and worked as a doctor. During the persecution of Christians by Emperor Claudius, he was executed. Another Valentine, Bishop of Terni, lived near Rome and died a martyr's death at the hands of pagans in the same year 269 (270?).

Much in the legends of St. Valentine converges and intertwines, but each of them has some kind of peculiarity that makes it different from the others.

Most versions converge on the first Valentine, who was a preacher and physician and lived in the 3rd century Roman Empire during the reign of Emperor Claudius. A hard and cruel fate fell on him. The fact is that the warrior emperor issued a decree according to which his soldiers could not marry in order to family life did not distract them from the service. Valentine, on the other hand, disregarded Claudius's prohibition and married the lovers in secret. For these unlawful acts, he was seized and imprisoned.

The priest's jailer, having learned that the prisoner, among other things, had the gift of healing, brought his blind daughter to him. Valentine healed the girl, the young people fell in love, but their happiness was not destined to work out - Valentine was executed.

However, the day of his death - February 14 - forever remained in the memory of people as a symbol of the all-conquering power of love. It is also symbolic that the date of Saint Valentine's execution coincided with the Roman festivities in honor of Juno, the goddess of love. Subsequently, Valentine was buried in Rome (according to other sources, part of his relics is in his homeland in the city of Terni, and part in the church of St. Anthony in Madrid). It is not surprising that Valentine was not forgotten and was chosen as the patron saint of all people in love. As a Christian martyr who suffered for his faith, he was canonized by the Catholic Church. In 496, Pope Gelasius proclaimed February 14 as Saint Valentine's Day.

Since then, every year on February 14, people remembered Valentine and arranged a holiday for all lovers. On this day, girls and boys gathered together, wrote names on pieces of paper and threw these leaves into a jug, then each pulling out one piece of paper and recognized the name of their lover.

How it all happened in reality, we do not know and will never know, but one thing is clear - St. Valentine died in the name of love.

There is another version of the origin of the holiday. According to her, Valentine's Day originated from the Roman holiday Lupercalia, celebrated in honor of the god Faun (Luperka) - the patron saint of flocks. The celebration took place annually on February 15th. In ancient times, on this day, all the Romans quit their business and began to have fun. Over time, the holiday changed, new ceremonies appeared.

The main task that everyone had to carry out on this day was to find their soul mate. So after the end of the holiday it was created a large number of new families.

Traditions of celebrating Valentine's Day in different countries

Over time, Valentine's Day acquired its own rituals, some of which have survived to this day. In each country, the traditions differed, although the one and the same for all peoples and times was that on this day it is very popular to arrange weddings and get married.

Some beliefs also say that on this holiday a woman can approach her dear man and politely ask him to marry her. If a young man is not yet ready to take such a decisive step, then he should politely thank for the honor and give the woman a silk dress, and buy himself a silk cord with a heart strung on it.

In other countries, the tradition of donating clothes is somewhat modified. So, for unmarried women, lovers give clothes as a gift. If a girl accepts and leaves a gift, then she agrees to marry this man.

At different times in different countries there were different beliefs. For example, the first man a girl meets that day should be her Valentine, regardless of his desire.

Some people believed that if a girl saw a robin on Valentine's Day, then her husband would be a sailor, if a sparrow, she would marry a poor man, but would be happy with him, and if she was a goldfinch, she would become the wife of a millionaire.

Valentine's Day in England

In medieval England, this custom was popular: several guys got together, wrote the names of the girls on pieces of paper, put them in a hat and drew lots. That girl, whose name fell out to a young man, became his “Valentina” for a year, and he became her “Valentina”.

"Valentin" had to treat his "Valentina" in a special way: compose sonnets in her honor, play the lute, and was also obliged to accompany the girl everywhere; in a word, behave like a real knight.

There was a tradition of dressing up children as adults. Reincarnated in this way, the children went from house to house and sang songs about St. Valentine.

Nowadays, the British understand love in a slightly different way, this concept has expanded, since not only people, but also beloved animals, such as horses or dogs, are congratulated on Valentine's Day.

In Wales, on February 14, in the olden days, wooden "spoons of love" were carved, which were then given to Their loved ones. Spoons were decorated with a variety of hearts, keys and keyholes, which said: "you found the way to my heart."

Valentine's Day in America

The Americans also had their own traditions. At the beginning of the 19th century, on Valentine's Day, they sent marzipan products to their brides. However, the composition of the treat included sugar, which in those days was very expensive. This custom gained a truly wide scope after the processing of sugar beets began in 1800. The Americans urgently set up the production of caramel on the continent and began to scratch words corresponding to the holiday on sweets. Caramels were made in red and white, as red symbolized passion, and white symbolized the purity of love. In the 50s of the 19th century, sweets began to be packed in cardboard boxes that had the shape of a heart.

Valentine's Day in Japan

In Japan, Valentine's Day began to be celebrated in the 1930s. This tradition did not go by itself, but at the suggestion of one large company engaged in the production of chocolate. Chocolate, by the way, is still the most common gift on this day.

In our time, the Japanese have turned this holiday into "March 8 for men." On this day, gifts in Japan are accepted mainly by representatives of the stronger sex. And, accordingly, it is customary to give various men's accessories; razors, lotions, brushes, etc.

And on this day, the people of Japan hold an event called “The Loudest Love Confession” - boys and girls climb onto the platform and take turns screaming love confessions with all their might.

How Valentine's Day is celebrated in other countries

It is customary for the French to give jewelry on Valentine's Day. And the romantic French were the first to introduce "valentines" as love messages-quatrains.

Balanced and calm Poles prefer to visit this day

Poznan metropolis, where, according to legend, the relics of St. Valentine rest, and above the main altar is his miraculous icon. The Poles believe that if you pray to the image, it will definitely help in love affairs.

In Italy, Valentine's Day is celebrated in a very different way. The men of this country consider it their duty to present gifts to their beloved on this holiday, mostly sweets. This is probably why in Italy this day is called “sweet”.

Conservative Germans adhere to the point of view that Valentine is the patron saint of the mentally ill, so on this day they decorate psychiatric hospitals with scarlet ribbons, and special services are held in chapels.

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day, or Valentine's Day- a holiday celebrated on February 14 by many people around the world. Named after two of the many early Christian martyrs named Valentine. In some dioceses of the Catholic Church, the memory of Saint Valentine is celebrated on this day. In Russia, the holiday is secular in nature, the attitude of the Catholic and Orthodox Churches to this holiday is ambiguous. The attitude of Islam towards this holiday is negative.

Those who celebrate this holiday give flowers, sweets, toys, balloons and special cards (often in the shape of a heart), with poems, love confessions or wishes of love - valentines to loved and dear people.

According to the United States Greeting Card Association, Valentines are the most popular holiday cards after Christmas.

Sending Valentines was fashionable in 19th-century Britain. In 1847, Esther Howland started a successful business of hand-crafting British-style valentines from her home in Worcester, Massachusetts. Since the 19th century, homemade valentines have almost completely given way to mass-produced greeting cards. The popularity of such cards in 19th century America was a precursor to the subsequent commercialization of holidays in the United States.


Lupercalia of ancient Rome

The history of the holiday of St. Valentine's Day originates from the Lupercalia of ancient Rome. Lupercalia - a festival of eroticism in honor of the goddess of "feverish" love Juno Februata and the god Faun (Luperk is one of his nicknames), the patron saint of flocks, which was celebrated annually on February 14th.

In ancient times, infant mortality was very high, In 276 BC. e. Rome almost died out as a result of an "epidemic" of stillbirths and miscarriages. The oracle informed that in order to increase the birth rate, a rite of corporal punishment (flogging) of women with the help of sacrificial skin is necessary. People who, for whatever reason, had few or no children were regarded as cursed and resorted to mystical rites to gain the ability to bear children.

The place where the she-wolf, according to legend, fed Romulus and Remus (the founders of Rome), was considered holy by the Romans. Every year, on February 15, a holiday was held here, called "Lupercalia" (lat. lupo- "she-wolf"), during which animals were sacrificed. Whips were made from their skins. After the feast, the young people took these whips and went out into the city to flog the women.

According to The Illustrated History of the Family, written by William M. Cooper, the main part of the Lupercalia festival was naked men carrying goatskin thongs who ran past women and beat them; women willingly set themselves up, believing that these blows would give them fertility and easy childbirth. This became a very common ritual in Rome, in which even members of noble families participated. Records say that even Mark Antony fled as Luperzi.

At the end of the celebrations, women also stripped naked. These festivals became so popular that even when many other pagan holidays were abolished with the advent of Christianity, this one still for a long time existed.

Saint Valentine

In Russia

Valentine's Day, celebrated on February 14, has become a full-fledged holiday for almost half of Russians. This is evidenced by the data of polls of the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM) and the Analytical Center of Yuri Levada. According to VTsIOM, this holiday is most popular among young people. More than 81% of boys and girls aged 18 to 24 celebrate this holiday. In the course of a study conducted by the Levada Center, it turned out that in this moment 53% of Russians consider themselves in love. Meanwhile, there are those who are ready to fight the "alien" tradition of celebrating this day. In principle, there is nothing wrong with the very presence of a holiday dedicated to the most sublime feeling. Moreover, modern society is experiencing an acute lack of love and elementary human warmth. chronic stress and the fatigue of the modern layman, psychologists associate precisely with the lack of sincere feelings. However, in Russia, as well as throughout the world, the holiday of “pure and bright love” has acquired a commercial connotation. Retailers expect growth in sales of holiday paraphernalia: souvenir hearts, postcards, etc. The bulk of buyers, according to statistics, are young people. Meanwhile, a significant part of the religious community has a negative attitude towards this "holiday". They believe that the tradition of celebrating Valentine's Day is based on the Roman pagan holiday "lupercalia", during which promiscuity and sexual promiscuity were encouraged. The Russian Orthodox Church also has a negative attitude towards the holiday. Valentine's Day refuse to celebrate not only the Orthodox, but also the Catholics. Catholic Church He does not officially hold any special festive services on St. Valentine's Day, considering his celebration to be a folk, and not a church tradition. In the church, however, the "memory", and not the "feast" of the saint is celebrated. .

A sharply negative attitude towards the feast of St. Valentine is demonstrated by representatives of some youth associations who consider this holiday alien to Russian culture and see it as a negative influence of the West.



see also

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