Daily diet for a bodybuilder. Bodybuilder's diet: a set of foods, nutritional features and recommendations

Nutrition in bodybuilding is one of the key topics of bodybuilding forums. We will not deny that the elements that our body receives from food are important for recruitment. muscle mass. But the role of nutrition is greatly overestimated. Today we will talk about what is many times more important than the correct diet, and also talk about the reasons for the myth about the importance of dieting for muscle growth.

Naturals vs chemists

Nutrition comes to the fore when it comes to chemist bodybuilders. Only with the use of analogs of male sex hormones can you digest the huge amount of food that that dude from the stage recommends to cram into yourself. Professionals know this, and are faced with a choice:

  • Agree to play by the rules. Use doping and eat around the clock, waking up at night to take protein;
  • Abandon a career as a professional bodybuilder.

There is no other bodybuilding now. The problem is not in broiler competitions, but in the fact that these people (not all) impose on amateurs what works only for them. A bodybuilder who uses Khimki on a regular basis is able to digest much more food than a straight man. An amateur athlete has bad days, hormonal disruptions, stress - everything that reduces testosterone levels. On such days, there is no particular appetite, but it is necessary to stuff food into yourself, according to the modern bodybuilding charter. Otherwise catabolism.

And such an amateur puts himself another portion of buckwheat or rice. He's so sick, he doesn't want to eat. And here you also need to shove it into yourself through “I don’t want to”. Even more cortisol is produced, and this meal is a huge minus. But for some reason no one talks about it.

The vast majority of professional jocks talk about how important it is to eat. They are hypocritical because they do not mention FOR WHOM it is important to eat an extra thousand calories, and who will die from it.

Proper nutrition is not gluttony

A set of muscle mass in a natural is a high level of testosterone. There is a high test - there are muscles. No anabolic hormones - muscles will not grow, even if you eat 10,000 calories each. All food will simply go to fat.

And there is an explanation for this:

Overeating lowers testosterone levels!

Catastrophically. In the natural, it drops up to 50%.

This is fundamentally at odds with the paradigm of modern bodybuilding "The more you ate - the more you squeezed."

Nutrition in bodybuilding is harmful if it is excessive.

Why do they say “It is better to undereat than not to sleep”? The reason is hormones. It is during the night's rest that the foundations of muscle growth are laid.

Everyone understands this. But they still overestimate the influence of nutrition on mass gain, and underestimate the hormones.

Yes, without a small calorie surplus, muscle mass can only be gained with very high testosterone levels. But this is not about gluttony, as popular bodybuilding publications are positioning. We are talking about a balanced diet, which is in addition to the correct functioning of the hormonal system.

Bodybuilder nutrition and gastrointestinal diseases

Overeating provokes the development various diseases GIT. At 90% we are talking about naturals, since our body is simply unable to digest the food received. We are facing the following issues:

  • Gastrointestinal problems develop at lightning speed. Gastritis, ulcers, reflux - all these are consequences of gluttony;
  • The food you eat is simply not digestible.. Problems with the stool begin, each portion is absorbed worse and worse. Power efficiency tends to zero;
  • An eating disorder appears. When most of a person's thoughts revolve around food and its excretion from the body;
  • The gastrointestinal tract wears out quickly, as we do not give it a rest.. This is why people benefit from fasting. The internal organs receive temporary rest, it becomes possible to relax, to carry out "repair work";
  • Nutrition in bodybuilding becomes an element of mental disorder. You always need to eat, do it on time, calculate calories and manage stress in case of deviation from the plan. All this leads to malfunctions in the digestive tract.

The meaninglessness of what is happening

Athletes who want to become professional bodybuilders, in one way or another, are forced to adapt to the existing system. Within the framework of this system, you are forced to pump up a huge, shapeless carcass. Become a broiler with a human farm, use the entire arsenal of doping and cram a huge amount of food into yourself.

The fan doesn't need it. It's pointless. Is it really the peak of our life - to have a huge, not very attractive body, and with it a bunch of problems? Bodybuilders are dropping like flies. And it's not about steroids, growth hormone, insulin or synthol. The problem is in the way of life, which instead of demonstrating the culture of the body creates an incomprehensible SOMETHING. This something has long become commonplace, has replaced the true values ​​​​of bodybuilding.

And part of that change was that nutrition in bodybuilding took off to an incredible level of importance.

The purpose of this article is to convey one simple idea:

To get an attractive, strong, healthy body, you do not need to turn into a broiler! It is enough to follow the basic rules of nutrition, improve the health of the body and exercise.

By the way, about how to increase testosterone in nature,.

Nutrition has a direct impact on the metabolism in the human body. Metabolism depends on how much food a person consumes and what kind of food. The general physical and psychological state of the person himself, the level of essential substances of the body, as well as the level of intelligence depend on this. No less important is the choice of nutrition in bodybuilding, since it is necessary to build muscle mass, and for this you need nutrients, and in sufficient quantities. Therefore, it is impossible to make a mistake in nutrition, otherwise the result of everyday training may not be seen.

Not the right approach to nutrition can negatively affect the results of training, or simply put, all the work will be in vain. This issue must be seriously addressed at the initial stage of bodybuilding. For this, detailed nutrition schemes have been developed that take into account the specifics of this sport: building muscle volumes. This proposed plan is devoid of the mistakes that are inherent in beginner athletes. At the same time, novice bodybuilders often ask questions that already have ready-made answers, since bodybuilding has been around for a long time, although it has its own specifics.

The usual diet that most people use, which is breakfast, lunch and dinner, is not suitable for bodybuilders. Since the breaks between meals are quite long, athletes have time to become very hungry during this time, since their metabolic processes go through much faster. The feeling of hunger causes the athlete's body to feed on energy reserves that are always in the athlete's body.

At these moments, the body begins to secrete the hormone cortisol, which begins to burn muscles, in the face of a declining energy potential of the body.

In addition, he begins to burn carbohydrates stored in the liver and muscles, and this cannot be allowed, as the muscle mass is lost, which the athlete is trying to build up in training. The level of glycogen also decreases, which is an indicator of readiness for the next workout. The higher the level of glycogen in the liver and muscles, the greater the endurance of the athlete and the greater his performance. In this case, the athlete needs to eat about 6 times a day, but in smaller portions. By reducing the time between meals, the athlete's body is constantly fed with glucose, which comes from the intestines. At the same time, the body does not touch the glucose reserves and does not produce cortisol. But this is just one plus from this approach to the nutrition of athletes.

Eating according to this scheme accelerates the metabolic process, which also leads to accelerated muscle growth. There is another, very important plus of frequent nutrition: amino acids constantly feed the muscles, ensuring their growth. The constant presence of amino acids in the blood makes the athlete's body more resistant to various negative external factors. Naturally, stable immunity contributes to more effective and high-quality training.

What is the right diet for gaining muscle mass?

The term “proper nutrition” for an athlete means eating only those foods that contribute to the growth of muscle tissue. But the rest of the products, from which there is little benefit, it is better to exclude from the diet. Such products include carbonated drinks, sweet foods, muffins, as well as harmful, fatty and fried foods. By proper nutrition, as a rule, they mean nutrition from natural ingredients. Bodybuilders mainly eat products from the markets, where they purchase fresh meat, fish, herbs, vegetables and fruits.

Food purchased in the markets is really healthy, because it has not been subjected to special treatments that deprive the food of vitamins and microelements. In addition, they do not fry food, but steam, grill, etc., without adding animal fats.

Of course, you can visit McDonald's, but it is not advisable to eat food cooked in it, especially if it is noted excess weight. For lean athletes, you can replace one meal at McDonald's out of six possible. If you eat a couple of hamburgers, you can replenish the body with 25 g of protein and 66 g of carbohydrates. The indicator is not bad, but from the use fried potatoes, cocktails, ice cream and pies, it is better to refuse, because apart from harm it will not bring anything good.

How much protein should be consumed per day?

Protein is the building block without which it is impossible to build muscle. Many people think that protein accelerates muscle growth. Hormones such as testosterone, growth hormone and insulin are responsible for building muscle mass. But this is provided that there is a sufficient amount of protein in the body. If the body feels its lack, then muscle building will stop. Protein is taken at 2 grams per kilogram of an athlete's weight. Gradually, the rate can be raised to 2.5 grams. With a weight of about 90 kg, you need to consume about 200 grams of protein per day, if not more. This amount is best distributed over 6 meals.

What is the best protein?

Many athletes consume whey protein, as it is absorbed faster by the body. Whey protein also contains leucine, isoleucine and valine, which are considered the main components that provide the necessary growth of muscle tissue. Take this product half an hour before training, as well as after it.

What is the concept of "good" fats

Fats are considered the main source of replenishment of the human body with energy, so you should not be afraid of them. One gram of fat contains up to 9 calories, which is twice as much as carbohydrates. It is generally accepted, especially in recent times, that good fats are vegetable fats, and bad ones are animal fats. In fact, this is not the case, since a person also needs animal fats, since they serve as a source for the secretion of testosterone and other equally important hormones.

As a rule, vegetarians have low muscle tone and low sexual activity. This is due to the lack of testosterone in their body, associated with the exclusion of food of animal origin from the diet. Basically, fats do not harm the human body if a person consumes them in moderation. For the normal growth of the useful mass of a bodybuilder, he needs to consume food of both plant and animal origin. In addition, he needs to consume fish oil containing fatty acids of the Omega 3 family, but not more than 30% of the total daily diet.

What should you eat before a workout?

Bodybuilding classes require a mandatory meal before training. Somewhere 1.5-2 hours before it starts, you just need to eat. You can eat chicken, beef or fish with boiled potatoes, rice or oatmeal. Half an hour before training, a cocktail containing whey protein (20 g) and carbohydrates (40 g) is drunk. This approach to nutrition will allow you to more effectively train and increase muscle volume.

What should be consumed after a workout?

Equally important, after training, immediately drink a shake of 20-40 g of whey protein and 40-100 g of carbohydrates. Such a cocktail is called a gainer. Somewhere in half an hour, the body will need carbohydrates, which are absorbed quickly enough. It can be white bread or mashed potatoes. Moreover, you should not postpone the intake of proteins and carbohydrates, since their absence will provoke the secretion of cortisol, which is not at all desirable.

Should I drink water and how much?

Because the human body mainly consists of water, then without it no processes take place in the body, including muscle growth, since fluid is also needed to build them. Often, dehydration of the body is hidden. To find out, you need to drink 3 cups of water and monitor your condition. If everything is in order, then in half an hour you will have to go to the toilet. Otherwise, you should think about it, since the absence of the urge to go to the toilet indicates the presence of the disease. 3.5 liters of fluid per day for a bodybuilder is the norm.

As a rule, the liquid allows you to flush out toxins from the body in time, as well as nourish muscle tissue. When an athlete feels thirsty, it must be quenched in excess. If you drink 1 glass and the feeling of thirst disappears, then it is better to drink 2 glasses next time.

Is it possible to break a sports diet?

People who are on a diet always want to try something delicious, such as ice cream, pizza or sweet cake. There will be no problems if the athlete has a lean physique. For such athletes, once a week, it is permissible to violate the proper diet. If an athlete is already struggling with his excess weight every day, then it is permissible for him to violate the regimen only 1 time per day. In other words, out of 6 meals, one meal may be unhealthy, but the other 5 should consist entirely of healthy foods. At the same time, you need to try to eat less in order to invest in a daily calorie intake.

Post workout nutrition for mass gain

The three stages of the diet are defined by the stages of training, since the athlete needs to work out all the muscle qualities, as well as work on the level subcutaneous fat, since the aesthetic component depends not only on the size of the muscles, but also on how embossed the muscles are. Training stages should not be mixed, as a calorie surplus is needed to gain muscle mass and increase strength, and a caloric deficit is required to reduce body fat. The fact is that hypertrophy of muscle fibers is an anabolic process of synthesis of organic tissues, and a decrease in body fat is a catabolic process of destruction of organic tissues of the body.

Despite the fact that during the recruitment of muscle mass and the development of strength indicators, anabolism occurs, nevertheless, the bodybuilder's diet in these two stages is different. Differences are related to different goals training programs! If, during muscle mass gain, an athlete trains energy supply due to glycolysis, developing muscle volumes, then during the development of strength indicators, an athlete trains the body's ability to provide energy to muscles due to the breakdown of creatine phosphate. As a result, during mass gain, myofibrils are more damaged, and the synthesis of organic tissues is more intense, so the athlete needs more protein. During muscle strength training, there is a need for more energy, so carbohydrates are given priority in nutrition.
