How to learn to fool around with a girl. How to learn to joke well in any situation: how to be funny with a girl

A rare man does not experience excitement before meeting a girl, especially if he likes her. At such moments, more than a dozen strategies are spinning in his head to help win her heart. But all of them will be doomed to failure if his chosen one gets bored or her mood is too bad. That is why all men are so eager to learn how to make a girl laugh.

Many people believe that a sense of humor is an innate talent, but they are completely wrong. Every sane man can develop this skill, it just takes a little effort. And then the question of how to make a girl laugh will no longer bother him. So, men, here is a little guide that can help you communicate with women.

Humor is a delicate matter

Let's talk about humor. And do not lament that such questions divert from the main topic. No, just the same, the problem of many people lies precisely in the fact that they do not understand the elementary rules of humor. And this leads to the fact that their jokes become too flat or even offensive.

Three golden rules of humor:

  1. Jokes should be understood by everyone, and for this you should learn to listen to others. Pay close attention to the people around you, especially the things that make them smile.
  2. Humor should not offend others, at least this rule applies to strangers. Naturally, if people have been talking for a long time, their jokes can be more liberated, but at the same time they should not hurt the living.
  3. Don't repeat yourself. If an anecdote or joke turned out well, this does not mean that it should be repeated regularly. Otherwise, success may turn against you.

The ability to balance

Sometimes it happens that a man is so obsessed with how to make a girl laugh that he involuntarily turns into a jester. But women do not like people who belittle their dignity. And the saddest thing is that it will be almost impossible to change their mind after such embarrassment.

Therefore, you should carefully select the moments for jokes. The surest step is to alternate humor with serious conversation. After all, there are a huge number of free themes that can brighten up any conversation.

But it is worth noting that here one should not focus on something specific. So, one topic of conversation should flow smoothly into another. For example, you don't have to talk all evening about work or how much fun you had on your vacation. There must be harmony in everything, otherwise the girl will quickly get bored, and it is unlikely that she will be able to cheer her up.

How to choose jokes and jokes to make a girl laugh?

I have to disappoint you, but there is no universal advice here. The thing is that every woman is a person, therefore, she has her own tastes, preferences and outlook on life. Therefore, you will have to sweat a little in order to find out all her preferences.

So, in the event that a man is unfamiliar with her? In fact, everything is very simple, you just need to remember a few simple tips:

  • Watch her reaction. During the conversation, you can catch those moments that make her smile. These are the levers that should be pressed first.
  • Ask her to tell you some funny story or, say, an anecdote. Thanks to this, you can understand what topics you can joke about and how freely she can behave.
  • You can also learn a lot by asking trick questions. For example, you might ask, “What do you think is the wrong thing in this world to joke about?” Or, “Who is your favorite comedian?” Thus, you can easily learn about her tastes, but at the same time look quite natural.

What do pickup artists teach?

Now on the Web there are a huge number of courses dedicated to the skill of a pickup truck. Who does not know, pickup is the art of seducing women. All "gurus" as one claim that their technique is the best and gives 100% results.

But sometimes their advice can be harmful, especially for those who are poorly versed in the relationship between a guy and a girl. In particular, some pick-up artists claim that you can make a girl laugh by continuously teasing her. According to their theory, such a technique will not only amuse the chosen one, but also show her that the guy is not afraid to lose her.

The only trouble is that girls often respond to such courtship with the same coin. And judge for yourself: who will like that they are trying to put him below themselves? Therefore, one should not always blindly believe the advice of pick-up artists, especially when it comes to how to make a girl laugh.

Forbidden topics

Let's continue the conversation about what can harm communication with a woman. So, as mentioned earlier, there are no universal tips on how to make a girl laugh. But there are jokes that are strictly forbidden to be used, especially on first dates.

How not to get blacklisted to Eve's cute daughters?

  1. No jokes about the physique, clothes or character of the person you like. Even if a girl criticizes herself, she needs it in order to get support. And if you delve into this topic even more, then your chosen one will most likely be offended.
  2. At first, you should not joke about relatives. Who knows what kind of relationship she has with them and what dramas are hidden there.
  3. Do not use dirty jokes until you get to know each other better. Otherwise, the girl may think that her boyfriend is a bit of a pervert.
  4. Also stay away from the humor that affects the disabled and failed people. Such jokes position a man as a callous and cruel person.

Communication on social networks and by phone

Given the trends that the 21st century presents us with, we cannot ignore the topic of electronic communication. After all, more and more people talk to each other through a computer or mobile phone. Therefore, it is quite appropriate to talk about how to make a girl laugh by correspondence.

What are the advantages of electronic communication? In fact, there are a lot of them, but among all others there is one most significant - time. Or rather, the period of time that a man has in order to prepare a decent answer. For example, you can find a good joke or just think a little about your words. The main thing is not to delay too much, otherwise she may think that the reason for such a long pause is the lack of interest in her.

It’s a good idea to regularly send the girl fresh public jokes, funny songs or intriguing articles. So you can show that she is not indifferent, and at the same time cheer her up.

How to make a girl laugh on a walk?

But it is much easier to make a woman laugh in live communication. Indeed, in this case, a man can use the entire arsenal of his skills, including body language.

So, how to make a girl laugh on the street? Examples:

  • Use the environment. Something is always happening on the street, you just need to be able to notice it. Also use the terrain for your own purposes, for example, climbing the curb, you can show the wonders of tightrope walking.
  • If there are no strangers around, be playful. Touch it with your head, purr like a cat, and smile mysteriously. This picture will make anyone smile.
  • Many girls are ticklish, so you can use this to your advantage. The main thing is not to overdo it.
  • On the street you can always meet small children, and this is the main weapon. When you pass by the next baby, make a funny face - this will cause a smile on the face of both the little one and the girl.

What is the basis of any communication?

And finally, I want to talk about what any relationship is built on, namely respect. When developing your next idea, remember that it should not degrade others. Otherwise, the girl will have a bad opinion of you.

The same rule works in reverse. You can’t humiliate yourself in your jokes and criticize your actions too much. There is one simple truth: a woman should laugh with a man, not at him. So be cheerful, but do not cross the line, and then her heart will lean in the right direction.

- one of the main advantages of a man in courting a young lady.

It is no secret that women are extremely emotional creatures, so it is almost impossible to predict when clouds will begin to gather over relationships. That is why many young people are constantly interested, in real life or on the Internet.

However, humor is different from humor, so guys should figure out what can and should be laughed at, and what topics are strictly taboo.

To make a person laugh, of course, is not so difficult, but before taking direct action, you need to find out whether the young lady wants to be amused.

The simplest and most obvious method is to speak frankly at a meeting or in VK. Such a simple way is not only able to cheer up, but also strengthen relationships in a couple.

If it turns out that the young lady just needs to be left alone, you should not insist on a conversation. Most likely, you are not the cause of it not itself. better mood, just a girl wants to be alone with her thoughts.

After a while, a perky smile will play on her face again.

In some cases, the cause of a bad emotional mood is some serious incident - family troubles, illness of a loved one, problems at work. If a girl is sad precisely because of this, you need to put aside the jokes and try to cheer up your beloved friend.

If you understand that a girl is sad because of an insignificant incident (from your point of view) or an awkward situation in which she got into, be sure to try to make her laugh by telling, for example, that similar stories have happened to you. Humor and jokes in such cases are the best remedy!

How to cheer up a girl if she is sad because of the hormonal characteristics of her body?

First of all, do not even hint at this possible cause. You can just gently pat her on the head, hug and coo a few.

You can cheer up a representative of the weaker sex in various ways, however, there are such comic tricks that should not be used when corresponding on the Internet and during dates.

Have you started chatting with a pretty interlocutor on Vkontakte and now you are increasingly thinking about how to cheer up a girl and transfer communication to a more informal level?

You can cheer up the representative of the weaker sex in VK using the following methods:

  1. Find special resources on the network that post funny photos, video files, the so-called demotivators. These sites contain the latest jokes, so you do not risk sending any "bayan".
  2. You can also cheer up a girl with the help of home videos, which are posted by users on various services. However, when sending a link to the video you like on Vkontakte, refuse ambiguous content, for example, “stupid blondes” or “naked and funny”. A win-win option is a video featuring pets captured in unexpected situations.
  3. You can send fresh jokes to a well-known interlocutor on VK, just let them be neutral. Vulgar and "bearded" stories are not the best option, unless the girl's sense of humor matches yours.
  4. To raise the girl's mood in contact, you can go to sites that have a special section "Questions". Choose a witty question that can make your interlocutor laugh. However, give up ambiguity and indecent hints, otherwise misunderstandings are likely to arise.
  5. If the interlocutor has a birthday or some wonderful holiday is on her nose, send her an original thematic picture or a postcard with a funny poem or a cool joke in contact. So you support a person, especially if you have to celebrate the holiday at the workplace.
  6. Another . Be sure to write witty and funny words to your beautiful companion, talking about how beautiful she is.

And yet, more opportunities to cheer up the beloved are provided in real communication. How to cheer up the chosen one on a date? Use the entire arsenal of male tricks and the intimacy of the situation.

  1. Be sure to hug your beloved. A woman in a bad mood often needs the usual male support, a sense of security and warmth. To do this, just try to take her by the palm, hug her, press her to you or put her on your knees.
  2. Treat her to chocolate. This product is truly a cure for negative emotions. Scientists have long proven that sweet tiles produce hormones of happiness, so after a few slices your beloved will start smiling again.
  3. Give a compliment. If a girl is upset with her appearance It's important to remind her how good she is. Just be sincere, otherwise your awkward attempt will lead to tears and a further deterioration in mood.
  4. Be romantic. Arrange a romantic evening for your chosen one by inviting you to a quiet cozy cafe or inviting you to a movie theater for a new comedy film. Another option is breakfast in bed.
  5. Draw. If your lover has a good sense of humor, make her laugh with balloon which is filled with helium. The girl will surely laugh if you say a love confession in a thin voice.

An active friend can be offered to dispel the blues with the following actions:

  • invite her for a bike ride;
  • dress up the dog in a funny costume and go out into the park like that;
  • make soap bubbles and become children for a while;
  • arrange fun competition- for example, eating ice cream for speed (the winner makes a wish).

If your beloved is not only upset, but also angry, leave the jokes and funny stories alone, give her the opportunity to throw out negative emotions. For example, invite an angry darling to shoot at a shooting range, play paintball or bowling. By the way, when shooting at a shooting range, you can use a photo of the offender as a target.

Armed with the above recommendations, you will be able to confidently resist any changes in the girl's mood. Thus, you will strengthen relationships, show yourself as a true gentleman, or win love for the time being just a pen pal.

Hello, I'm Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully studied at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and advising parents on raising children. I apply the experience gained, among other things, in the creation of psychological articles. Of course, by no means do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

Great book that will help you find the mass beautiful girls online.

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Vyacheslav, Novosibirsk, 25 years old

Lessons - class!! I'm going through everything step by step, now at lesson 12. Each lesson is supported by practice. There are results! in two weeks I shot 6 numbers and twice the girls themselves left the number. I meet not only in VK, but also in the photo country and in the chat of the city (I asked, I saw I fell in love), there the girls are already "ready to sit" a couple of your cool openers and communication is established! - the first begin to classify you. At first I trained on nice girls, then I switched to pretty ones, now I choose 3-4 girls for the evening and process them (if I may say so).
Yesterday I went to a non-stop night at the cinema with my girlfriend. I'm not going to stop there :)
Thanks Egor Your lessons are super!
They help a lot - successful correspondence, a lot of cool, new " catchphrases"I learned that you can use in communication :))
Thank you!!

Artur, St. Petersburg, 20 years old

Hello dear Egor! I wanted to express my deep gratitude to you, your advice helped me a lot and now I'm going to meet the first girl from social network"Vkontakte" and I hope she seems like an unusual, interesting guy ... My life began to change, I made a lot of interesting acquaintances!

Alexey, Novocheboksarsk, 21 years old

Egor, thank you so much for your advice! Help for all 1000!

Victor, Kyiv, 19 years old

Thanks for all the info, four phone numbers in one day helps a lot!

Andrey, Nizhny Tagil, 22 years old

Egor thank you very much, it became easier for me to communicate with girls and they want to communicate with me even more thanks to you!!

Vlad, Yaroslavl, 20 years old

Hi Egor! Thanks for the book - it's wonderful. Your "favorite mistakes" from the mailing list provide subtle insight into the mistakes many people make. I am in my 50s, and my goal is not to get as many women into bed as possible, but I am sure that this will help to better understand them and build the right relationship with them.

With girls

Before you start joking, you need to study the character of the girl, find out what she loves and what she treats with negativity. Indeed, among women there are persons who like parodies of interesting manners of people, and someone considers this a bad attitude and disrespect for these people.

It is very good when personal jokes are created between a guy, the meaning of which is clear only to them. Find any positive moment from your life together and come up with a joke that you can remember more than once.

You can also make fun of the positive qualities of your girlfriend and avoid making fun of her shortcomings, it’s better to just hint about them than to aggravate the situation with a joke. Most importantly, look into her eyes and smile, all this will show the friendly nature of your jokes.

The ability to pick up a joke is as great as the ability to pick up a compliment. After all, girls are interested in guys who can cheer. The main thing in this case is the ability to improvise. Prepared jokes are also welcome, but first test them on your friends so as not to fail in front of the lady.

How not to joke with girls

Everything here is not as simple as it seems. If some joke seems funny, it is not a fact that the girl will also laugh at her. It also depends on the perception of jokes by boys and girls, which is fundamentally different, and on the events during which the joke was said and on what exactly she made fun of.

Do not joke during sex and about sex. Guys who joke with a girl about sex, unless they're having it with her, are considered horny. Also, do not joke during sex, as the susceptibility of the weaker sex to humor at these moments changes.

If there are any sarcastic, mocking or malicious notes in your jokes, this will indicate your dissatisfaction with the girl or her company.

Don't make fun of a woman's appearance. Even if there is at least some flaw on her body, this should not be done. There is no need to joke about her cosmetics, because girls are trying to do everything to look even more attractive.

Don't joke about her ex

An effective courtship strategy that really works. If a girl finds you funny and fun, then she is much more likely to succumb to you!

Laughter! This is a courtship strategy that really works. If a girl finds you fun, then there's a better chance she won't resist your charms! In addition to smoothing out the differences between you, humor can help relieve tension on a first date, negate negative feelings about "I'm not good enough," and bring you closer. To make a girl laugh, try following these tips:

1. Grow

1.1 Think positively. A positive attitude is closely related to a sense of humor. Be happy and have a positive attitude towards everything around you, this will conquer her again and again. If you can, become a source of support when she has some problems, naturally she will reach out to you.

Try to find the positive in everyday situations. So, you will give the impression of a good, friendly person with an easy character, and girls like it.

Think of people who radiate vibes. If you still can't communicate easily with people, think about what you could use from what they do.

Joke. If you want to be funny, then joke, sometimes tease her, but always be polite. Serious things will have to wait.

If you are in a bad mood or upset about something, don't show it, go through it yourself. If she gets the impression that you are overwhelmed by something, this is not a good start to a relationship!

1.2 Learn to be funny. Do you have an innate sense of humor? Do you know how to make people laugh? If not, it's time to learn it. First you need to find out what can make you laugh. Think of everything that you think might be funny and try it for yourself.

Don't try to be funny. Instead, try to see the humor in different things and use it. When you do this, you really become cheerful and start laughing sincerely. She will feel your sincerity and ability to perceive the world as a place full of joy. It is important!

1.3 Be natural. Being funny is innate, provided you have confidence in your sense of humor. Here are some tips on how to improve this side:

Use body language to convey humor. Your facial expression, body position, movements, and tone of voice affect how funny you look. Feel free to show your abilities to express something, make faces. Think of actors like Jim Carrey or bands like Monty Python.

Practice being funny. Observe the world around you and constantly try to come up with a joke in your head for a particular situation. The more often you do this, the easier and more natural you will show humor in a stressful situation.

After all, humor is easier and works better than a bunch of other people's jokes.

Be prepared for defeat too. Even comedians have hard days. Be prepared for the fact that your jokes will sometimes only cause a grimace on her face. Joke it off, laugh at the fact that your joke delivery system is broken. Don't say, "I can't joke." Maybe so, but it's not funny. She will agree and think to herself, "I'm bored with him now."

1.4. Tell funny stories where the main character is you. When telling them, emphasize how your qualities helped you get out of difficult situations where others would simply pass.

Show yourself as the guy who sometimes misses, but picks up quickly and keeps trying until he reaches his goal. The ability to laugh at yourself and your shortcomings will show a girl that you are the kind of guy who can handle criticism and doesn't give up so quickly. In addition, if she understands that you are capable of making fun of yourself, it will be easier to make fun of her cute weaknesses when you find out about them, and she will not think that you are criticizing her.

2. Focus your attention on the girl

2.1 Respect her. By respecting the girl's personality and qualities, you begin to earn her trust. When there is trust, it is easier to communicate and easier to make her laugh. All girls are different and laugh at different things. What works with one is unlikely to work with another. Take the time to find out what works best for you.

If it turns out that nothing is funny for a girl, this is a signal that perhaps you are simply not suitable for each other. It could also mean that she is having a bad luck streak and nothing makes her happy. See how she reacts to the people around her. If he laughs at their jokes and doesn't think your jokes are funny, step aside.

2.2 Listen to her. To come up with something funny, you have to listen. Comedians watch everyone and everything around them to understand people. They record their observations, and then tell them to the public, expanding the side of life's trials.

If you listen carefully, you will know what she cares about, what she thinks, what she believes in. All these observations will help you understand what she is laughing at. By listening, you will collect material in order to come up with something funny, and you will always have something to talk about. Just make sure that what you learn about her and are going to use in jokes is not something "sacred" for her.

2.3 Laugh with her. Laughter is contagious, so it won't be hard to do. If you laugh with her, it will lift you up in her eyes. If you find her fun, and her jokes, happiness, and laughter are associated with you, it will show her that you are special and try to fit in with her rhythm and sense of humor. Just like you want her to appreciate your sense of humor, she instinctively likes what you find and her jokes are funny.

Imitate her style of humor. If it's risky, for example, then stick with your style. Do it as much as you can, and don't forget about naturalness. If your humor is inherently cheerful and kind, then using dark humor will seem superfluous.

Of course, follow her example only when you are absolutely sure of her style of humor.

Find out what comedians or movies she likes. Watch them together and laugh. You will be able to introduce her to your preferences when she is already quite sure that you are a cool guy.

Once you know her taste in comedy, try quoting lines from one of those shows. This will show her that you like her humor and it will add to your attraction!

3. Get Laughter

3.1 Memorize jokes. They will help the beginner find the right words at the right time. They will help to make you laugh, but do not confuse witticisms with hackneyed phrases and never abuse them. Many jokes can be found on the Internet, but here are some examples of how such jokes can be used:

Never frown, because someone might fall in love with your smile. If she's a little down, it will cheer her up and she'll know that you like it when she smiles.

When you reach the end of the rope, tie a knot and hang on. (Franklin D. Roosevelt) If something upsets her in life, with this phrase you will show that you care about her and make her laugh.

The knee is a device for finding furniture in your room. This will help make her laugh if she hits.

I used to be indecisive. Now I'm not sure. This can be used when one of you is having a hard time making a decision.

3.2 Fool around. There are a few things that can help you make her laugh. Of course, it all depends on how well you know this girl, and if she appreciates "tomfoolery"; and remember that the best joke is when you can laugh at yourself:

Touch her like a cat and meow. Ask to be stroked.

Make a face. Go to the photo booth together, make funny faces and take a picture. When you later look at the photo, you will surely laugh!

Answer her stupid questions without emotion. For example, if she asks, "Do you date often?" respond with something like this: "Not always, usually I spend all my time living my life imagining I have one" (chuckle). Remember to smile sincerely when you give such an answer, and be prepared that such answers may not have the desired effect if she thinks that you are laughing at her.

Pretend to be dumb. In response to a question, look at her as if you do not know the answer and are struggling to understand what she asked you. But keep playing this game as long as it's funny.

Parody some funny moments from comedians like John Cleese or Rowan Atkinson, if it's not dangerous. Mimic their voices, facial expressions, or movements.

Ask her to let you do something really stupid, then do it.

Flirt with her while fooling around.

3.3 Tickle her. If you know her well enough, try tickling her. Tickling will help break down the barriers of laughter. It's hard not to laugh when you're being tickled. The main thing is that she should not be ticklish. It is unlikely that you will receive a reward if she cannot stand being tickled and you do not stop. Try the following:

Ask her if she's ticklish on her feet.

Regardless of her answer, ask if you can check it out.

If she allows, take off her shoes and tickle her foot.

Rise higher. If she laughs and is happy, then everything is fine. Stop if you notice that she doesn't like being tickled and give her a chance to tickle you.

3.4. Do something funny together. Interesting activities with thrills will help generate laughter. It's up to you to decide what works best with your girlfriend, but there are options like going on a bike or scooter, a city tour, skiing, visiting the city park, catching waves on the beach, or even ziplining off a bridge together if you like risk. . If it's something new and exciting, it's sure to make her laugh.

3.5 Find something to make her laugh when you're not with her. Send her cute yet witty emails. The tips below will help to make her laugh, and will also serve as topics for conversation when you meet again:

Find a site that has a lot funny pictures with cute, fluffy animals, such as kittens sitting in a shoe, pigs in boots, pandas, cat and dog friendship, etc. Send her some of these pictures to cheer her up.
Send her jokes about things you know will make her laugh. Look for such jokes on the Internet!
Send her your photos.
Share with her links to sites you like.

4. Keep balance

4.1 Laughter should not hang in the air. The moment of transition from laughter to conversation is very important. You just told a joke, she laughed heartily ... and then silence. Silence will negate all the good that humor has brought to the conversation. You should always have something in reserve.

For example, if you just cracked a joke and she laughed, at least be prepared to say something like, "So what do you like about your job?" Keep in mind that you don't have to joke all the time. If you overdo it with jokes, it will be boring and not fun at all. If you are not careful, then she will consider you not a fun guy, but just some kind of fool.

4.2 Avoid bitter sarcasm that will lower you in her eyes. Do not use jokes that border on insulting, they can be offensive or even rude. Avoid telling ethnic jokes or those that discriminate based on gender. These topics are quite difficult and at the best of times, and even more so, you should not touch on them until you know your girlfriend well enough!

Don't make fun of women, her friends, or her family. And of course no jokes about weight or appearance.

Don't joke about her. No matter how funny and harmless you think such jokes are. In addition, do not laugh at her under any circumstances, unless you want to see her again.

Avoid speaking badly about people, even in the form of jokes. Not only because it's not funny to humiliate people, but also because she might think that someday you will switch to her too.

If you don't know her well, avoid sarcasm and dark humor. When you get to know her better, you will already know how she reacts to such humor. Whenever you want to say something like that, don't forget the saying of Agnes Replier that "humor brings insight and tolerance, irony brings deep and less friendly understanding." If there is any doubt, it is better to be friendly than overly smart.

4.3 Relax. Laughter appears spontaneously from funny situations and tries to show the best. And at the same time, there are times when it's not funny at all. Trust your instincts, they will tell you when not to try to make her laugh, for example, when something serious or sad happens.

In the intention to “make a girl laugh”, the main thing is desire. You can't force someone to do something if they don't want to, unless you force them, of course. But you are unlikely to do this if you want to get laughter as a result! If she thinks you're funny, that's great, if not, then you probably just need to rethink your tactics and introduce restrictions.

Try not to fool around too much.

Trying to be funny when you're not having fun at all can just tire you out and discourage you from spending time with this girl. Don't try too hard!

Laughter will come by itself if both of you are relaxed and enjoy each other's company.


Even if you are not going to date this or that girl, many of these tips can still come in handy when communicating with sisters, colleagues, girlfriends, etc. However, you have to remove the flirting!

Have a few signature phrases in stock that she can easily remember and repeat.

Sometimes be bold in your humor. This might surprise her.

Wait a second and come up with something funny. Or consider whether your joke would actually be funny!

Making a good impression is a difficult and risky business. The only way to impress her is with your humor. But don't let her know what you're trying to do.

Be careful when choosing funny phrases. Many of them have already been beaten and every Internet user knows them. If you're going to use a funny phrase, make sure it's new and appropriate for the situation.

Use news and current events for inspiration.

Watch a few stand-up shows to learn how to manage time. Record all the funny things that you can then use in communicating with her.

If the joke doesn't go well and she looks at you like you're an idiot, the key is to stay calm, smile, try to move the conversation around, or crack another joke! She will forgive. Say something like, "You didn't like that joke? Listen to this!"

Don't listen to too heavy or sad music. Listen to relaxing music instead. The more exciting and inspiring it is, the better. Music affects mood, behavior and thoughts.


Don't say anything funny about her!

Don't say anything offensive! While this may be funny to some, it is not to most.

If you've been dating a girl for a while, don't joke about getting married. She may think that you are serious.

If you constantly joke around with her, she may not take you seriously. Show her a serious side at times too.

Never laugh at your joke first.

Before you laugh at any hobby, find out what her favorite pastime is. Otherwise, you can just laugh at the occupation of her whole life.

Don't show her that you're trying your best. Otherwise, she may think that you lack self-confidence.

If you're just starting out with a girl, don't joke about sex.
