Modern socio-economic and political development of the Crimea. The place and role of the social complex in the Crimean economy and the life of the population

The Crimean peninsula was an integral part of the Russian Empire; it also occupied a significant place in the Soviet Union. It is famous for its resorts, wine and multinational population, as well as a rich history, without having studied which, it is hardly possible to fully understand what the Crimean economy is today.


In Crimea, there are different types of soils, including chernozems, which occupy more than 45% of the area of ​​the peninsula. They are successfully used for growing various crops. There are few rivers on the peninsula, to solve this problem, its inhabitants have long learned to use groundwater, as well as create artificial reservoirs, however, the life and economy of Crimea in our time largely depend on fresh water supplies from the mainland.

In the bowels of the peninsula there are also deposits of various natural resources, such as iron ore, salt, oil and gas, various building materials are mined here.

Of course, the main wealth of the Crimea is precisely the recreational resources that are widely used here for recreation, tourism, and treatment. These are healing mud, and specialized resorts, and simply beaches on the shores of the Black and Azov Seas, which are visited by millions of tourists every year.

Crimea in antiquity

It is quite obvious that people tend to populate the most profitable areas for living. Crimea is rich in fertile lands where you can engage in cattle breeding and agriculture. The economy of the peninsula has for many times been largely dependent on trade, because its geographical location just contributes to this.

It is believed that the first people in the Crimea appeared 250 thousand years ago, and written sources testify to the Cimmerians who inhabited the peninsula in the 15th-7th centuries. BC e. After them, all kinds of peoples lived here: Taurians, Sarmatians and Scythians, Romans and Greeks, Khazars, Polovtsy and Pechenegs, Byzantines, Turks and Tatars, Armenians and Slavs. All of them have left their mark on the culture of the peninsula.

Crimea as part of the Russian Empire

The peninsula, previously the Crimean Khanate, became part of Russia itself in 1783. In the same year, the naval port of Sevastopol was founded. And from that moment on, the Crimean economy received significant infusions of funds from the Russian treasury for its development.

New cities, settlements and estates were founded, and newly arrived industrialists built factories, plants and other enterprises. In those years, many migrants, free and serfs who came from Russia and other European countries, settled on the lands of the peninsula. There was work for everyone here - people were engaged in gardening, viticulture, beekeeping, produced grain and tobacco, and mined salt. The construction of military and merchant ships was also launched.

The progress of the economy of the peninsula was hampered by the revolution that began in 1853, and then the revolution of 1917, but in peacetime the government made every effort to ensure the development of Taurida.

Crimea within the USSR

The economy of the Crimea as part of the RSFSR, which since 1954 has been annexed to the Ukrainian SSR, has traditionally been focused on tourism, and the peninsula itself was designated as an all-Union health resort. However, this area is hardly the main one in the economy of the region. It should be noted that the social structure of the Soviet Union assumed that the state would pay most of the costs for recreation and health improvement of the population, so the contribution of the tourism industry to the economy of the region can be considered rather symbolic.

In addition to the usual use of recreational resources, along with agriculture, Crimea is becoming a major naval base that ensures the influence of the USSR in the Black Sea. Industrial production is developing quite successfully on the peninsula - first of all, this is military instrumentation and shipbuilding. In addition, there are enterprises engaged in the processing of fish, fruits, vegetables and grapes, whose products are also exported.

Economy of Crimea within Ukraine

This is a special page in the life of the peninsula. From the first years of perestroika and further after the collapse of the Republic of Crimea, it undergoes serious changes. And it's not so much that since then the peninsula has been left alone with independent Ukraine - it's all the fault of the free market that was being introduced in most of the post-Soviet space.

The result of the reforms was a significant decrease in production, a reduction in the area of ​​​​orchards and vineyards, and the military sector was practically abolished altogether. Various sectors of the economy lost state support, now everything was built on the basis of the principles of private property and personal gain. Most of the Soviet agricultural enterprises disappeared, and many sanatoriums and other health-improving complexes also closed or fell into disrepair.

The Autonomous Republic of Crimea ceased to be an all-Union health resort - tourists now preferred to go to Egypt or Turkey, and sometimes it was more profitable for them.

Tourism as the basis of the Crimean economy

For 20 years, attempts to attract private investment in the autonomous republic have not met with much success, apart from a relatively small amount of funds from Ukrainian and Russian investors. Only in 2010, tourism was officially declared a priority, and the state began to finance the development of the economy in Crimea. Significant funds have been invested in its infrastructure.

Against the backdrop of a general decline, the tourism industry is becoming more and more significant, and together with it brings at least 25% of its income to the budget of the peninsula. At the beginning of 2014, serving visiting tourists to varying degrees becomes a source of income for 50% of Crimeans. More than 75% of all tourists are received by Yalta, Alushta and Evpatoria.

After joining Russia

After the annexation of Crimea, the Russian economy suffered no more than the economy of the peninsula itself. Although pensions and salaries in the public sector have been gradually increased by 50%, prices are also rising at about the same rate, since cheaper Ukrainian goods are no longer able to enter the Crimean market.

In addition, most of the tourists who came to rest on the peninsula were represented by residents of Ukraine. Now the Republic of Crimea and its population, due to the confrontation between Ukraine and Russia, has lost a significant part of their income.

In fact, there are many difficulties: this is the shortage of water and electricity on the Crimean peninsula, and the unstable banking system - problems, of course, can be solved, but everything takes time.

Future plans

Although Crimea is more important for Russia from a geopolitical point of view, the government plans to develop this region. During the year, the Ministry of Economy of Crimea changed its head twice - Svetlana Verba, who had worked in the department since 2011, was replaced in October 2014 by Nikolai Koryazhkin, who, in turn, was replaced in June 2015 by Valentin Demidov, who previously held the position of mayor of Armyansk .

The new Minister of Economy of Crimea plans to seriously improve and attract investors. According to him, first of all, we need to start fighting bureaucracy, as well as create an understandable and accessible system in which it will be convenient for investors to work so that they are not scared away by the prospect of getting stuck in the offices of various services and bodies when registering a business.

Especially for Crimea.Realities

No money. This phrase is in danger of turning from a network meme into an epitaph on the tombstone of the Russian Federation in general and Crimea in particular. As I wrote in April this article, the economy of the “sub-Russian” peninsula sank in all respects, so that life has risen in price by more than 25% per year. In May this article shows how subsidies from the federal budget are reduced and the Crimean budget is subject to sequestration. Now it's time to look beyond the peninsula and compare its economic performance with that of other regions of Ukraine and neighboring Russia. Trust me, you won't like what you see.

A moment of theory

An integral indicator of the development of an administrative unit is gross regional product (GRP) . It is calculated by adding up the value of all goods and services produced in a particular region, minus taxes that go to the central budget. The higher the GRP, the better the region lives, which is obvious. However, since administrative units can differ greatly in the number of inhabitants (namely, people create the surplus value of the regional product), the GRP per capita indicator is more adequate for calculations. According to him, we will compare the state of Crimea in 2013 and 2014. Since GRP statistics are on average one and a half years late, data for 2015 is not yet available to us, but they are unlikely to greatly affect the picture.

Gross regional product of Crimea in 2004–2014

The gross regional product of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol grew steadily from 2004 to 2008, having collapsed to approximately the level of 2006 with the onset of the global crisis, and by the last “pre-war” year, returning to lost positions.

Let's take a closer look at the year before and after the annexation. So, according to the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, in 2013 the per capita GRP of the ARC was 22.6 thousand hryvnias (or 2756 dollars at the then average rate), Sevastopol - 25.6 thousand hryvnias (3122 dollars).

The annexation of Crimea, contrary to the promises of the architects of the "Russian spring", led the region to economic collapse. In detail, we considered this issue before, now let's look at the whole picture as a whole.

According to Rosstat, the GRP of the "Republic of Crimea" in 2014 amounted to 73.2 thousand rubles, and Sevastopol - 45.8 thousand rubles. The first change is obvious - the "city of Russian glory", "having returned to its native harbor", surrendered its positions. It is not surprising - the sailors of the Black Sea Fleet no longer receive any additional payments for service in a foreign state, tourism and transport in the city are slowly dying.

Move on. The dollar exchange rate in Russia during 2014 fluctuated from 36.2 rubles in January to 67.8 rubles on the "day of panic" on December 18, but the Central Bank managed to end the year with an indicator of 56.2 rubles per 1 US dollar. My methodology may cause criticism from professionals, but where there are two economists, there are three opinions, so I will safely consider the average dollar exchange rate in 2014 at 44.5 rubles.

Thus, in 2014, the gross regional product of the “Republic of Crimea” amounted to $1,645, and that of Sevastopol was barely $1,030. 3 times - Sevastopol). The reasons, I think, are clear to everyone.

But that's not all.

From the middle peasants to the outsiders

Another aspect of the current situation of the peninsula is its place relative to other regions of Ukraine and Russia. During 2008-2013, Sevastopol and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea consistently ranked 10th and 15th respectively (out of 27) in the list of regions of Ukraine in terms of GRP per capita.

But for Russian ratings, Crimea and Sevastopol have turned from strong middle peasants into outright outsiders. Judge for yourself. GRP per capita of the poorest administrative unit of the Russian Federation - Chechnya - amounted to 2337 thousand dollars in 2014 (104 thousand rubles at an average exchange rate of 44.5 rubles for 1 dollar).

Against this background, the promises given to the Crimeans before the annexation look especially piquant – they say, you will become much richer, salaries will be like in Russia, the standard of living will rise. Well, if earlier Crimea was approximately on the same level with the Lviv region, and Sevastopol - with Odessa, now, according to Russian statistics, the indicators of Ingushetia and Chechnya are unattainable for the peninsula. This is a definite success.

And finally. Since the Crimean budget for 2/3 consists of central injections, and the Russian economy is steadily degrading, it is not necessary to wait for the heyday of the peninsula for objective reasons.

And while the stones from the sky, as a sin, are completely inedible.

Andrey Vvedensky, Crimean observer

The views expressed in the "Opinion" section convey the point of view of the authors themselves and do not always reflect the position of the editors



Federal State Autonomous Educational

institution of higher education



(FGAOU VO "KFU named after V.I. VERNADSKY")




Republican student scientific and practical conference,

dedicated to the 5th anniversary of the Tauride College

"Student scientific research in the modern realities of the Crimea"


Socio-economic development of the Republic of Crimea


student Yemtsova Elena,

Technical school of hydromelioration and mechanization

agriculture (branch) FGAOU VO

“KFU named after V.I. Vernadsky",

“Commerce (by industry), 2nd year


Bugaeva L.Yu., teacher

social and humanitarian disciplines

Simferopol, 2016


1.Introduction …………………………………………………………………………… page 3-6

2.Characteristics of the potential of the Republic of Crimea as an integral part

Russian Federation ……………………………………………… pp. 7-11

3. Social problems of Crimea and ways to overcome them……. page 12

4. Conclusion. Used Books. ………………………….. page 13

1. Introduction

1. The development of the Russian Federation as a single socio-economic system is determinedthe development of its constituent subsystems - subjects of the Russian Federation.

To date, issues related to the socio-economic

development of subjects of the Russian Federation, are extremely relevant.

This is due to the fact that the level of socio-economic development of the subjects affects the level and structure of the country's economy, its competitiveness, as well as the possibility of conducting an effective foreign policy.

Economic development is expanded reproduction and gradual qualitative and structural positive changes in the economy, productive forces, education, science, culture, the level and quality of life of the population, and human capital. Economic development includes the development of social relations, therefore it proceeds differently in specific historical conditions of the technological structures of the economy and the distribution of material wealth. . It is a process of improving the quality of all human lives and opportunities to improve living standards, self-respect and freedom. .

Social development is a process during which significant quantitative and qualitative changes occur in the social sphere of public life or in its individual components - social relations, communities, organizations, institutions .

Socio-economic development is the interaction of both social and economic development. At the same time, the main goals of this type of development are determined. These are: increasing incomes, improving education, nutrition and health, reducing poverty, improving the environment, equality of opportunity, expanding personal freedom, enriching cultural life.

The process of socio-economic development includes three major components:

    increasing incomes, improving the health of the population and raising the level of its education;

    creation of conditions conducive to the growth of self-esteem of people as a result of the formation of social, political, economic and institutional systems focused on respect for human dignity;

    increasing the degree of freedom of people, including their economic freedom.

The main management document for the development of the Republic of Kazakhstan isfederal target program: "Socio-economic development of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol until 2020".

The strategic goal of this program is to achieve sustainable growth in the level and quality of life of the population on the basis of a balanced socio-economic system of an innovative type.It is proposed to implement the Program in two stages:

- first stage (2015 - 2017) - stabilization of the situation - aimed at reversing the negative trends that have developed due to the foreign policy situation and the deterioration of infrastructure in the territory of the Crimean Federal District;

- second phase (2018 - 2020) - a stage of sustainable socio-economic growth.

Scientists show great interest in the problems of socio-economic development of the Republic of Crimea as a subject of the Russian Federation.

The works of economists raise questions that relate to the problems of socio-economic development of the RepublicCrimea, ways to overcome them.

In particular, this concerns the environmental problem, the spread of HIV / AIDS and tuberculosis, consumer inflation in Crimea, and many others.

The main purpose of the report is to identify the main socio-economic problems of the Republic of Crimea.

Socio-economic development is a complex system of targeted measures for the socio-economic development of the territory, planned by the state and municipalities, a system of effective ways and means to achieve such basic aspects as:

    increasing incomes, improving education, nutrition and health care;

    poverty reduction;

    improvement of the environment;

    enrichment of cultural life;

    changes in the social and administrative structures of society, etc.

2. Characteristics of the potential of the Republic of Crimea as an integral part

Russian Federation.

2. The Republic of Crimea occupies the territory of the Crimean peninsula, located in the south of Eastern Europe. Territory - 26.1 thousand sq. km.

It borders on the regions of Ukraine: Kherson and Zaporozhye, Krasnodar Territory (RF). The climate of Crimea is characterized by its location between the temperate and subtropical geographical zones, contributing to the mild climate of the peninsula and a large number of hours of sunshine (2180-2470 hours per year).

The relief of the Crimean peninsula consists of three unequal parts: the flat Crimea, the Kerch Peninsula and the mountainous Crimea. The Crimean peninsula is washed by the Black and Azov seas.

The number of districts is 14: Bakhchisarai, Belogorsk, Dzhankoy, Kirov, Krasnogvardeisky, Krasnoperekopsky, Leninsky, Nizhnegorsky, Pervomaisky, Rozdolnensky, Saksky, Simferopolsky, Sovetsky, Chernomorsky.

Cities of republican subordination - 11: Alushta - 53.0 thousand people, Armyansk - 25.9 thousand people, Dzhankoy - 42.4 thousand people, Evpatoria - 120.7 thousand people, Kerch - 155, 3 thousand people, Krasnoperekopsk - 31.0 thousand people, Saki - 28.5 thousand people, Simferopol - 364.0 thousand people, Sudak - 28.3 thousand people, Feodosia - 107, 6 thousand people, Yalta - 143.6 thousand people.

Population: total - 2018.4 including: urban - 1265.9 rural - 752.5

Employment of the population - 458.6 thousand people worked in the economy of the republic.

of which: in industry - 17.2% in agriculture - 17.3%

Population density - 81.2 people. per km 2

The most important seaports are Evpatoria, Yalta, Feodosiya, Kerch and the federal city of Sevastopol. Our Republic of Crimea has many features associated with its geographical position, natural resource and environmental potential, complex history, ethno-cultural features.

The choice of development requires taking into account all these features.

Attention is offeredsome problems natural resource and ecological potential.

    The environmental management system is far from perfect.

Imperfect use of the territory, high energy and water intensity,

low level of service (with high cost of services), widespread use of pesticides in agriculture, outdated industrial technologies, have led to the deterioration of the ecological state of some components of nature, which reduces the attractiveness of the subject for migrants, worsens the quality of products.

    One of the problems that have environmental, natural and resource aspects over the twenty-year period of Crimea's existence as part of Ukraine is the loss of Crimea in regional uniqueness (in resource, landscape, historical and cultural relations), which constitute the greatest wealth of Crimea.

The Republic of Crimea has enormous opportunities to create a system of economic and environmental clusters.

The program: "Socio-economic development of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol until 2020" sets the task ofto develop intensive, environmentally friendly agricultural production, with the priority development of high-tech environmentally non-aggressive industries.

With building a modern maritime complex focused on the use of natural resources of the Black and Azov Seas.

Analysis of potential economic and environmental clusters in the Republic of Crimea.






Cluster type


tourist - nature user




Availability of natural resource potential, natural reserve fund,

high innovation.

natural reserve fund,

diversified industrial centers.

Availability of natural resource potential, natural reserve fund, diversified industrial centers,

project management, investment

plans and projects.

Availability of natural resource potential,

availability of infrastructure.

Weak sides

Lack of international support, lack of experience in creating marine clusters

Presence of dangerous enterprises





Offshore gas production (Golitsyn gas hydrate field),

development of underwater tourism,


Development of the Sivash


sea ​​hunting and fishing,

development of the tourist complex.

Creation of a large-scale complex

Development of fish processing enterprises,

development of medical marine chemistry

Construction of the Kerch bridge

With the commissioning of the bridge across the Kerch Strait by 2018:

    will be effectively used in (intercontinental), regional (interstate) and domestic (regional) scaleshigh capacity of railway networks, a system of transport corridors, a bridge across the Kerch Strait will meet the transport and operational characteristics of roads of modern requirements.

    the strategic advantage of Crimea as one of the transit and transport centers of the Black Sea region will eliminate the transport and communication isolation of certain territories of the peninsula, facilitate the formation of an integrated internal market of the Republic of Crimea, and connect the peninsula with the mainland of our country.

The entry of Crimea into the Russian Federation made it possible for sustainable environmentally acceptable socio-economic development,

turns Crimea into a highly developed resort and recreational and commercial and financial center of international importance, provides modern infrastructure,

will allow to carry out transport and communication functions in the system of inter-district division of labor.

The Crimean Federal District represents a rich cultural and economic development, defining the region as the most attractive resort area, a place of rest and travel for many tourists.

Crimea is one of eight European regions recognized by the IUCN as world centers of plant diversity. The modern flora of the peninsula includes 2,775 species of plants, many of which are unique and protected by law.

It is impossible not to mention the fertile soils - chernozems, they provide a variety of bakery products on the shelves of the peninsula store.

Soldatova S.O. Priorities for the formation of a comprehensive policy of economic and environmental clustering of the Republic of Crimea // Bulletin of the Adyghe State University. Series 5: Economics. 2015. No. 4 (111).

3. Social problems of the Crimea and ways to overcome them.

Let's consider the main problems of social orientation in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In the Republic of Crimea, there is a demographic decline due to high rates of mortality and morbidity of the population, low birth rates. The main reasons for the demographic decline in Crimea are:

economic, ecological, social, psychological, cultural problems.

The ecological state of the natural environment of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 20 years of being part of Ukraine tended to deteriorate due to the intensive use of resources and the development of industrial production, which had a decisive influence on the decrease in the number and deterioration in the health of the Crimean population.

One of the most acute problems of morbidity among the population of the autonomy is the spread of HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis.

The situation on the labor market was characterized by an increase in the level of registered unemployment, which amounted to 1.7% of the working-age population and amounted to 6 people per place.

The problem of diversifying investment investments by foreign investors associated with unjustified sanctions against the Russian Federation remains relevant.

In the federal target program for social development, the main tasks are:

    improving the health of the population by improving the professional training of medical workers;

    creation of conditions for development of protection of motherhood and childhood;

    improvement of material-technical and medical-diagnostic bases of treatment-and-prophylactic establishments.

The program of social protection and employment of the population of the Republic of Crimea, the main objectives of which are to improve the quality of public services in social protection institutions, expand the system of targeted support for socially vulnerable segments of the population, increase economic activity and employment of the population.

4. conclusion

The socio-economic development of the peninsula is aimed at:

    elimination of disproportions in regional development

    bringing the standard of living of the population and the development of the economy of the Crimean Federal District to the average Russian level

    formation of conditions for ensuring sustainable economic growth of the Crimea,

    harmonization of interethnic relations and elimination of interethnic conflicts

    formation of a network of roads, ports

    ensuring transport links with the mainland of the Russian Federation

    effective use of tourist and recreational potential.


1 . Bagrov N.V. Crimea is a model region of sustainable noospheric development//Geopolitics and ecogeodynamics of regions.2010.Issue 1.C.5-12.

2 .Karpenko S.A. Geographic support of regional development programs//Scientific notes of the Tauride National University named after V.I. Vernadsky series Geography.2004.V.17(56), No.4.С 207-218

3 . Economic Dictionary

4 .Todaro M.P. Economic development. - M.:: Unity, 1997. - 667 p. - ISBN 5-85173-063-3.

5 .Social State. Brief dictionary-reference book, Moscow, 2002

6. Soldatova S.O. Priorities for the formation of a comprehensive policy of economic and environmental clustering of the Republic of Crimea // Bulletin of the Adyghe State University. Series 5: Economics. 2015. No. 4 (111).

The Crimean economy was formed on the basis of the natural and climatic features of the peninsula.

Traditionally, the role of Crimea in the territorial division of labor was determined by mechanical engineering, the food industry, the building materials industry, the production of grain, sunflower, grapes, vegetables, fruits, as well as resort and port facilities. This specialization has developed due to the coastal position of the region, fertile soils and warm climate, as well as recreational resources.

The structure of the economy of the Republic of Crimea is dominated by the service sector, which accounts for more than 60% of the gross regional product: trade - 13%, transport and communications - 10%, real estate transactions - 10%, social sector - 10%, public administration - 8%.

Among the branches of material production, industry occupies a leading position (16%), agriculture also holds a significant role in the economy - 10%.

The largest part of the sold products falls on the enterprises of the processing industry - 50.8%, the production and distribution of electricity, water and gas occupies 41.3%, the mining industry - 7.9%.

Tourism and winemaking also make a significant contribution to the economy. Since ancient times, the Republic of Crimea has been especially proud of local health resorts that provide sanatorium treatment, medical rehabilitation and disease prevention services. There are more than 780 accommodation facilities in 13 resort regions of Crimea, including 558 sanatoriums and 222 hotels. Every fourth institution of the sanatorium and resort complex belongs to health resorts, of which more than two thirds are sanatoriums of various specializations. According to official statistics, the region ranks 2nd in Russia in terms of the number of accommodation places and 5th in terms of the number of tourists accommodated.

The favorable geographical position of the peninsula predetermined its special significance as a major transport and transit hub in the Black Sea region. And today, the transport and road complex of the Republic of Crimea is a developed communications system, which includes 6266.8 km of public roads, 4 commercial sea ports (Kerch, Feodosia, Yalta, Evpatoria), 2 ferry crossings, 3 airports, railway, the operational length of which is about 650 km, road transport enterprises.

At the same time, the Crimean infrastructure, which was practically not updated by the Ukrainian authorities, is badly worn out and needs serious investments.

In the light of the recent political events of 2014, as a result of which the Republic of Crimea became part of Russia, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted a number of important regulatory documents aimed at synchronizing the life of the region with Russia

In accordance with Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of March 21, 2014 No. 168 "On the formation of the Crimean Federal District", Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 11, 2014 No. 790 approved the Federal Target Program "Socio-economic development of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol until 2020".

The program is aimed at integrating the economy of the Crimean Federal District into the economic space of Russia, ensuring transport accessibility, as well as removing infrastructure restrictions that hinder the sustainable socio-economic development of the region.

The main objectives of the program for the period 2015 - 2020 are: the elimination of transport infrastructure restrictions, the creation of a system of sustainable water supply and energy supply of the territories, the accelerated development of industry, healthcare, the social sphere and education, etc.

Financing of the Federal Target Program will amount to 700 billion rubles, of which about 660 billion will come from the federal budget.

The federal target program funds are mainly focused on the construction of a crossing through the Kerch Strait, the reconstruction of air and sea ports, and highways. In the energy sector, the program provides for measures to develop a grid complex, create own generation for a reliable energy supply to the peninsula, ensure an uninterrupted supply of Crimea with water, strengthen the coastline, set up a system of treatment facilities and dispose of solid household waste. In the social sphere, the program provides for the construction and serious reconstruction of healthcare and education facilities. It is also planned to create industrial parks and technology parks in the field of high technologies.
