Why dream of a dress in a dream: meaning and interpretation from the dream book. Dress with lace Seeing in a dream a dress made of fine lace

Briefly about the main

A yellow dress dreams of communicating with envious and dishonest people. Such a dream can also portend a serious conflict with a loved one due to suspicion of treason.

Interpretation of a dream about a yellow dress, depending on the details

Depending on which yellow dress you dreamed of:

  • ballroom - to attend an important event;
  • big - to self-doubt;
  • evening - to strong feelings;
  • wedding - for a strong marriage;
  • beautiful - for a fun holiday;
  • lace - to trouble due to irresponsibility;
  • new - to financial success;
  • magnificent - to promotion.

Depending on how long the yellow dress was in a dream:

  • on the floor - to suffering;
  • long - to deception by friends;
  • short - to a romantic adventure.

Depending on the pattern of the dress:

  • with black polka dots - to unusual events in life.

Depending on the actions in a dream:

  • to see a yellow dress on a hanger - to make an important decision;
  • choose in the store - to doubts about the fidelity of the partner;
  • to marry in a yellow dress - to disappointment in a loved one;
  • leaving the house in a yellow dress with peas - to intrigues against the dreamer;
  • buy a yellow dress - to a successful acquisition;
  • wear - to stability;
  • measure - to the appearance of an opponent / rival;
  • put on - to prosperity;
  • sew a bright yellow dress - to the joy of the results of your work;
  • dancing in a yellow dress - to well-being;
  • to see spots on a yellow dress - to a loss.

Depending on who you see the yellow dress on:

  • on a girl - to mutual love;
  • on his beloved wife - to harmony in the family;
  • on a friend - to a quarrel with her;
  • on the sister - to the good news from relatives;
  • unmarried on yourself - to a romantic acquaintance;
  • on a pregnant woman - to the birth of a child;
  • on a friend - to accusations from others;
  • on the bride - unfortunately.

Depending on what other color the dress dreamed of:

  • white - to new perspectives in life;
  • red - to a fateful meeting;
  • blue - for a long trip.

TOP 3 negative values

  1. Buy a yellow dress with polka dots dream of illness.
  2. To break it - to the betrayal of a partner and parting.
  3. W sew up the torn- to disagree with colleagues.

TOP 3 positive values

  1. To see a yellow dress in a shop window and admire it dream to fulfill a dream.
  2. Buying expensive - to great luck.
  3. Ironing - to the desire to change the way of life.

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Why dream of a yellow dress according to Miller's dream book?

According to Miller's dream book, the dream of a yellow dress promises a prosperous period in life.

Additional transcripts:

  • giving someone a yellow dress dreams of prosperity;
  • to buy - to communicate with hypocritical people;
  • to break - to the implementation of a long-planned business.

For men:

  • a yellow dress dreams of a successful investment.

For women:

  • if made of silk, then it's lucky.

Video with the interpretation of a dream about a dress

Posted on the channel "House of the Sun (SunHome. ru)"

What does it mean when you dream of a yellow dress, according to Freud's dream book?

According to Freud's dream book, a dream about a yellow dress symbolizes the infidelity of a partner.

For men:

  • a beautiful yellow dress with bows dreams of parting with a partner.

For women:

  • to see yourself in a dream dressed in a yellow dress is a deception.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

According to Vanga's dream book:

  • a shortened yellow dress dreams of a partner's suspicions of treason;
  • long - to the appearance of a dangerous enemy in the immediate environment;
  • ballroom - to a fateful meeting.

For women:

  • such a dream promises.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

According to Tsvetkov's dream book:

  • an expensive yellow dress dreams of numerous difficulties;
  • short - to positive changes in life;
  • tight - to the partner's insincerity.

For men:

  • a bright yellow dress dreams of a short romance.

For woman:

  • married - to distrust on the part of the spouse.

Loff's dream book

According to Loff's dream book:

  • a straight yellow dress dreams of problems due to negligence;
  • with frills - for a love adventure;
  • with a belt - to financial difficulties.

For women:

  • to put on a beautiful yellow dress with lace dreams of trouble;
  • accidentally tearing this outfit - to the loss of money or documents.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

According to Hasse's dream book:

  • dreaming of buying a very expensive yellow dress is a sign of difficulties soon;
  • old-fashioned - to the appearance of an opponent / rival;
  • torn - to deception by a friend.

For women:

  • dreaming of trying on someone else's yellow dress is a minor chore.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

According to the dream book of Nostradamus:

  • to dream of an old woman in a yellow dress - to bad changes in life.
  • a young girl - for a fun holiday in the company of friends;
  • girl - to replenish the family.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

According to Meneghetti's dream book:

  • washing an old yellow dress dreams of hard work;
  • ironing - to a change of residence;
  • throwing it away - to parting with a partner.

For women:

  • if you dreamed that you were presented with a yellow velvet dress, then this is the appearance of a wealthy fan.

Dream Interpretation Longo

According to Longo's dream book:

  • to unexpected problems;
  • wash dirty - to loneliness;
  • sew up torn - to tears.

For women:

  • wearing a soiled yellow dress dreams of betraying a close friend.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

According to Azar's dream book, a dream about a yellow dress promises quick financial success.

For women:

  • dreaming of taking off a yellow dress means parting with a partner.

Dream Interpretation Kananita

For women:

  • buying a yellow dress dreams of meeting a dishonest young man.

Dream Interpretation Veles

According to the dream book Veles:

  • a long yellow dress dreams of parting with a partner;
  • short - to joy;
  • polka dots - to interesting events in life.

For men:

  • if a young man saw in a dream how his wife is trying on a yellow dress, then this is a scandal with family members.

For women:

  • admiring yourself in a yellow dress in front of a mirror is a dream of a lack of attention from a partner.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

According to the Wanderer's dream book:

  • an old yellow dress dreams of communicating with an uninteresting person;
  • dirty - to the betrayal of a loved one;
  • wet - at the risk of getting into an awkward situation;
  • beautiful - to the fulfillment of desire.

For men:

  • a yellow silk dress is a dream of serious competitors at work.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

According to the dream book of the healer Akulina:

  • a pale yellow dress dreams of health problems;
  • bright, embroidered with gold - to wealth;
  • with a long train - to help from a friend.

English dream book

According to the English dream book:

  • a yellow dress made of thin fabric dreams of an easy solution to problems;
  • from dense and heavy - to prosperity;
  • from wool - to harmony in relations with a partner / partner.

For women:

  • wearing a yellow dress on a child dreams of replenishing the family.

French dream book

According to the French interpreter, such a dream symbolizes the dreamer's distrust of the people around him.

Additional transcripts:

  • a dress made of yellow transparent fabric dreams of the appearance of ill-wishers;
  • with a lush hem - to conflicts in the family;
  • with frills - to intrigues against the dreamer;
  • polka dots - to victory over enemies.

For men:

  • a short yellow dress dreams of disagreements with a partner;
  • long - to emotional shock.

For women:

  • a bride trying on a yellow wedding dress dreams of the groom's infidelity.

Modern dream book

It's important to know

According to the Modern Dream Book, a yellow dress dreams of cardinal changes in life.

Additional transcripts:

  • a torn yellow dress dreams of exhausting work;
  • new - to an unsuccessful date;
  • in spots - to tears;
  • clean - to change the type of activity.

For women:

  • a yellow dress with sequins dreams of meeting an arrogant man.

Chinese dream book

According to the Chinese dream book:

  • a light yellow dress dreams of rest after hard work;
  • dirty and torn - to the sad news;
  • smart - to be late for an important event.

For men:

  • to see a yellow dress on your wife in a dream - to financial well-being.

Muslim dream book

It's important to know

According to the Muslim dream book, a yellow dress is a dream for fun.

Additional transcripts:

  • to see a lot of yellow dresses in the closet is a dream of great luck;
  • choose a dress in the store - to meet friends;
  • wash off dirt - to the betrayal of a person whom the dreamer trusted;
  • sewing up someone else's - to the need to take on the obligations of other people.

For women:

  • trying on a yellow dress dreams of empty hopes.

Islamic dream book

According to the Islamic dream book:

  • an old yellow dress dreams of a deception by a relative;
  • very beautiful - to the respect of others;
  • expensive - to meet an influential person.

For women:

  • wearing a luxurious yellow velvet dress is a dream for a fun holiday in the family circle;
  • from silk - at the risk of making a big mistake.

Russian dream book

According to the Russian dream book:

  • dreaming of tearing a yellow dress means making an important decision;
  • to get dirty - to doubts about the fidelity of a partner;
  • to see threads sticking out of it - to defeat in the competitive struggle.

For men:

  • such a dream portends a betrayal of a partner.

For women:

  • Trying on a yellow dress in a dream means getting a high position or additional income.

Slavic dream book

According to the Slavic dream book, a yellow dress is a dream of trouble in your personal life.

Additional transcripts:

  • to see a torn yellow dress on someone dreams of quarrels with loved ones;
  • too short - to failure in all areas of life;
  • long - to move.

For women:

  • dreaming of taking off a yellow dress to get rid of problems;
  • put it on a friend - good luck in business;
  • on a daughter - to pride in the success of children.

Ukrainian dream book

According to the Ukrainian dream book:

  • a wrinkled yellow dress dreams of communicating with an unpleasant person;
  • torn - to disagreements with colleagues;
  • with patches - to the loss of property.

For women:

  • trying on a yellow dress in a store - to financial difficulties.

Family dream book

According to the Family Dream Book, a yellow dress can dream of having fun with friends.

Additional transcripts:

  • a new yellow dress dreams of financial well-being;
  • dirty - to deception by people from the immediate environment;
  • torn - to a rash act.

For men:

  • a dream in which he saw a stranger in a short yellow dress promises a passionate romance.

For women:

  • wearing it for a wedding is a dream of distrust on the part of a loved one.

Esoteric dream book

According to the Esoteric dream book:

  • too open yellow dress dreams of trouble;
  • tight - to resentment against a loved one;
  • leaky - to bad luck;
  • with a broken lightning - to uncertainty in the future;
  • with a train - to tears;
  • with a pattern - to good mood;
  • with flowers - to a long separation from a partner.

For women:

  • dreaming of putting on your yellow dress is a minor chore;
  • someone else's - to the need to solve the problems of other people.

Love dream book

It's important to know

According to the Love Dream Book, a yellow dress dreams of a romantic acquaintance.

Additional transcripts:

  • dream of selling a yellow dress to intrigues from ill-wishers;
  • buying torn - to suffering because of unrequited love;
  • soiled with mud - to the appearance of envious people among people from the immediate environment.

For men:

  • a bright yellow dress dreams of a painful parting with a loved one.

For women:

  • wearing a yellow dress dreams of the appearance of a rival.

Dream interpretation by numbers: interpretation table

Number of the monthInterpretation
1 To a change of residence
2 For forced relocation
3 For a gift from friends
4 To a pleasant surprise
5 To revenge the dreamer
6 For unexpected expenses
7 To a promotion
8 Attention from the opposite sex
9 Separation from a loved one
10 Unfortunately
11 Regrets due to a bad deed
12 To a quarrel with neighbors
13 To condemnation from others
14 To participate in a profitable project
15 towards financial stability
16 To participate in a dangerous adventure
17 To the emergence of a new hobby
18 To a humiliating situation
19 To the malaise
20 The need to solve other people's problems
21 To the loss
22 To the betrayal of a relative
23 To mutual love
24 To deception from others
25 To the jealousy of a partner
26 To the fulfillment of desires
27 To joy
28 To fatigue from the routine
29 To big profit
30 To the loss of a friend
31 To intrigues against the dreamer

Dream interpretation for women

For women:

  • a virgin dreams of a yellow dress for the appearance of a true friend;
  • unmarried girl - to meet a worthy person;
  • married woman - to mutual understanding in relations with her husband.

Dream interpretation for men

For men:

  • for a guy who is not married, a yellow dress dreams of a friend's deception;
  • married man - to a quarrel with a relative.

Lunar dream book

Interpretations according to the Lunar dream book:

  • on a full moon, a yellow dress dreams of a dream come true;
  • on the new moon - to vain hopes;
  • to the growing moon - to joy;
  • descending - to a pleasant gift.

Intimate dream book

According to the Intimate Dream Book:

  • evening yellow dress dreams of experiences;
  • business - to apathy;
  • old - to meet interesting people.

For women:

  • a golden dress dreams of suffering because of unhappy love;
  • with frills - for a romantic adventure.

Winter dream book

For women:

  • a yellow dress with lace dreams of trouble.

Summer dream book

According to the Summer Dream Book:

  • washing a yellow dress dreams of fulfilling a desire;
  • sew up - to unexpected profits and getting rid of debts;
  • stroking - to an invitation to a romantic date.

Autumn dream book

Interpretations according to the Autumn Dream Book depending on the time of day:

  • in the morning, a yellow dress dreams of recovery;
  • in the afternoon - fortunately in personal life;
  • in the evening - for a long journey;
  • at night - to an unfortunate mistake.

Home dream book

According to the Home Dream Book, a yellow dress dreams of the successful implementation of the plan.

For women:

  • dream of getting married in a yellow dress to disappointment in a loved one.

Creative dream book

It's important to know

According to the Creative Dream Book, such a dream predicts success in the professional field.

Additional transcripts:

  • an embroidered yellow dress dreams of joyful events;
  • with a deep neckline - to a deterioration in relations between partners;
  • narrow - to poverty.

For women:

  • dreaming of trying on a yellow dress means getting rid of a rival.

Dream interpretation of the subconscious

According to the dream book of the Subconscious:

  • throwing away a yellow dress is a dream of financial loss;
  • clean up in the closet - to the opportunity to resolve a long-standing conflict;
  • to wash the floor with them - to exhausting work.

For men:

  • dream of buying a yellow dress for your beloved to meet her after a long separation.

For women:

  • dreaming of tearing a new yellow dress is a sign of disagreement with a loved one.

Dream interpretation by day of the week

Interpretations depending on the day of the week:

  • on Monday, a yellow dress dreams of a quarrel with friends or a loved one;
  • Tuesday - to travel;
  • on Wednesday - to promotion;
  • on Thursday - to a romantic acquaintance;
  • on Friday - to difficulties;
  • on Saturday - to the fulfillment of desire;
  • on Sunday - to improve relations with family members.

Video about what the dress is dreaming of

Posted on the channel "HoroscopeVideo - Today's Horoscope"

Dreams about lace predict love affairs, romantic dates, affection. The more delicate the lace, the more tender and sincere your feelings. Black lace in a dream means that others will judge you. Wearing lace or putting it on in a dream is a sign of respect for others. Rough lace in a dream is a sign of a vicious connection. Especially if you see them from the wrong side of the clothes. Buying lace in a dream means that you will find a true close friend. Seeing your beloved in lace in a dream is a sign of tenderness and romance in your relationship. Decorating clothes with lace in a dream is a sign of good hope for the fulfillment of a wish. Decorating a wedding dress with lace is a bad dream for those who want to get married. Such a dream indicates that this is still far away. Hiding lace in a dream is an indication that you should hide your feelings, not give them free rein in order to avoid unpleasant publicity. Torn lace in a dream is a sign of a break in relations. Selling lace in a dream means that your hopes will not come true. Weaving lace in a dream is a harbinger of intrigue, where you will be drawn into because of your frivolous behavior.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Lace

If a young girl dreams that she is weaving lace, she will marry a pleasant, wealthy man. If in a dream she decorates her wedding dress with lace, she will be surrounded by fans, but she will not get married soon. For adult woman to see lace in a dream - to happiness and the fulfillment of her most ambitious desires.

Interpretation of dreams from

To dream of lace torn by newlyweds in the heat of a quarrel - to omissions and resentment in their lives. If a woman in a dream saw lace on her friend, then she would become her rival in matters of the heart. Perhaps she will try to take her husband (if the woman is married) or her lover (if she is still unmarried) out of the family.

However, to see torn lace on another woman - to your own success in your personal life or easy, laid-back flirting, which is not destined to develop into something more. Black lace symbolizes the condemnation of others, and their discontent will be justified. Wearing freshly woven lace in a dream is a sign of self-respect.

What if lace is dreaming?

Why dream of lace? Lace is a symbol of intrigue, the cause of which is affairs of the heart. Also, lace denotes romantic adventures, secret dates, new love. And the thinner the lace, the more tender the relationship of lovers will be. If a young man sees his beloved in a lace dress in a dream, then this is a sign that she is honest with him and sincerely loves him. The lady is already aged, but the unmarried woman who dreamed of lace will find her happiness, and even the most seemingly unrealizable dreams will come true. But why dream of lace that the sleeping person sells or buys? Buying lace in a dream promises quick career growth or a promising and well-paid job. But the sale of lace, on the contrary, suggests that this moment desires outstrip the possibilities for their implementation.

Thus, it is worth reviewing priorities and starting to implement your plans. If a young girl saw herself in a dream at a loom with half-woven lace, then she would certainly get married, although not soon. The groom will be rich, influential, and most importantly - sincerely loving.

But if a lady dreams that she decorates her wedding dress with lace at night, then there will be many men in marriage nearby, but none of them will turn out to be her destiny. For a woman preparing for a second marriage, a dream in which the lace has turned yellow over time promises a difficult life with her chosen one. If a young man who has already chosen a life partner dreams of his chosen one dressed in coarsely woven lace, then this is a warning about the hypocrisy of the girl - that she is not capable of a feeling as tender as lace - love.

What portends?

The lace presented as a gift by a young girl to a young man is a secret declaration of love.

If a young man had such a dream, then in reality some girl has tender feelings for him, although she is too shy to say so openly.

However, if a young man turned out to be a donor of lace for a girl, then she should think about the seriousness of his intentions. Such a gift can signal windiness and frivolity, and if the girl herself is set on marriage, she should start looking for another groom - more reliable and ready to start a family.

Seeing or wearing a white dress in a dream portends heartfelt joy, an imminent marriage.

Green dress - to the fulfillment of hopes; blue or blue - you have to hit the road;

A yellow dress is a sign of lies, envy and gossip;

Red - for an important visit; gray - do a general cleaning or repair;

Golden - get help from sponsors; multi-colored and motley - to many entertainments;

Pale - rest your soul in peace and quiet; a black dress portends sad news that will lead you into a strong upset.

A dream in which a dress that is too short or tight, out of size appears, portends a deterioration in affairs in all areas. A long, toe-length dress means condemnation of others for an unseemly act.

Sewing a dress for yourself - your diligence will be noted on merit, and if it is sewn to you in an atelier, meetings await you that will not bring joy, and good luck that will turn into grief.

Buying a ready-made dress means reconciliation after a long quarrel.

If in a dream you try on a dress, this portends a profitable job or occupation that promises a side income that will surpass the main one.

A beautifully tailored dress means that in reality you will get bored with the lifestyle that you lead, and you will want to change.

A beautiful luxurious dress, and also very expensive, which you see on yourself in a dream - to joyful events in the family circle.

Seeing an ugly or shabby dress on someone predicts trouble threatening from a rival.

An untidy, wrinkled or dirty dress means that in real life you will meet a person for whom you have an irresistible dislike.

A torn dress - to squabbles and disagreements at work, patched - big troubles, difficulties and the possibility of losing property.

A dress with frills indicates that you will soon experience a completely extraordinary romantic adventure.

A dress with a belt - lose your freedom and material independence, with lace, ruffles and other pretentiousness - a sign that in reality you should be guided by more common sense than emotions and whims.

A velvet dress in a dream is a lot of fans in real life.

A sequined dress portends an acquaintance with a smug and arrogant contender for your hand, which, of course, will be immediately rejected.

Wash or iron the dress - for the upcoming date.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Why dream of Lace according to the "Book of Dreams" (dream book of Simon Kananit)

Lace - Love date - wear - get a public position - dress someone up - achieve power.

Why dream of Lace (Small Velesov dream book)

Lace - Love date.

Why dream of Lace in a dream (according to the dream book of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

Lace - Joy; weave - to marriage.

Why dream of Lace in a dream (interpretation of the medium Miss Hasse)

Lace - Wear - you will receive a public position; to dress someone up - to achieve power.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream of Lace

To see Lace in a dream - If a young girl dreams that she is weaving lace, she will marry a pleasant, wealthy man. If in a dream she decorates her wedding dress with lace, she will be surrounded by fans, but she will not get married soon. For an adult woman to see lace in a dream is to happiness and the fulfillment of her most ambitious desires. Buying lace in a dream is an appointment to a high leadership position. And yet the main value in life for you will remain your friends. Selling lace is wanting too much from life.

Miller's dream book

Why dream of Lace in a dream

To see lace in a dream - If in a dream your beloved wears lace, it predicts fidelity in love and an improvement in your position in society. If a woman sees lace in a dream, she will be happy: her most ambitious desires will come true and her fans will obey her will without a single objection. - if in a dream you dream that you are buying lace - you will lead a large enterprise, but your true friend will remain your main wealth. You are selling lace - your desires will overtake your capabilities. A young girl weaving lace in a dream will marry a handsome and wealthy man. If she dreams that she decorates her wedding dress with lace, she will be loved by fans touched by her charm, but marriage will have to wait.

Seeing Lace, how to unravel the symbolism of sleep (according to the Family Dream Book)

Openwork - Why dream that you are walking past a simple cast-iron fence and suddenly notice that it is openwork. This means that you will soon be under any pressure and you must make every effort to defend your point of view. If you yourself cut out an openwork pattern, then you are very tired. You work a lot and you have absolutely no time to relax. If you had a colored dream with an openwork pattern, then you will get sick.

Dream Dictionary / Stern Robinson and Tom Corbet (Russian translation)

Dream about Lace

A dream about lace portends love intrigues, romantic meetings, incredible tenderness and affection. And the more tenderly you see such an image in a dream, the more sincere the people around you have feelings and emotions for you. The color of lace is not very important in a dream. So, for example, white lace is a symbol of purity and sincerity of actions towards you. And Black lace in a dream means the fact that familiar people will judge your actions. Blue lace in a dream is a sign of immoral behavior. This will be especially clearly shown and felt if such lace is turned inside out on the wrong side of the garment. Red lace - passion in a relationship. To love lace and put it on yourself in a dream is a sign of respect from others. In a dream, buying lace for your money is a sign of reliable and strong friendship. If lace gives

Dream interpretation of Nancy Wagaiman (Russian translation)

How to understand the dream in which you saw Openwork

You are your loved one, then in reality he treats you with tenderness, awe and love. Decorating your clothes with beautiful lace in a dream is a symbol of spiritual hope for the realization of desire. Sewing such lace in a dream on a wedding dress is a bad dream, current or future marriages may have infidelity. Covering lace under clothes in a dream indicates that you should not show your feelings to others. You should not let your emotions come out. Selling lace in a dream is a failure to fulfill dreams and desires that your hopes will not come true in reality. Weaving lace yourself in a dream is a prediction of intrigues, where you can be drawn into because of your frivolous behavior. The girl dreamed of lace - happiness and love. Lots of fans. And when in a dream a woman sees torn lace - the collapse of hopes and goals.

New family dream book of Nadezhda Soboleva

How to understand what Lace dreamed of in a dream?

Dreaming of Lace - intimacy; gossip.

Why dream of Lace in a dream (according to the dream book of the healer Akulina)

What does Lace mean in a dream - Fulfillment of ambitious desires. Imagine that all your clothes are richly trimmed with luxurious white lace.

Why do Lace dream in a dream (interpretation of psychologist A. Mindell)

Dreaming of Lace - A young woman dreams of lace - a dream promises happiness to this woman; she will be prima in her circle; her smallest wish will come true. A young woman dreams that she adorns herself with lace - this woman is successful with men and will use it, but she will not marry soon. It’s as if you are weaving lace - the situation will require you to mobilize all your forces; you will be faced with the need to make important decisions; your financial situation will be at stake. You buy lace - with competent and timely actions, you will correct and even improve your financial situation. You sell lace - in general, well-being awaits you; however, there may be unpleasant surprises.

The meaning of the dream about Frill (Star dream book)

Lace - love joys. Venus in Libra.

Modern dream book for 365 days

Why dream about Lace in a dream by day of the week

Dreaming of Lace - Torn lace warns that you are about to commit a rash act that has bad consequences. Lace on the table speaks of intrigue and gossip.

Dream Interpretation of Calvin Hall

If you see Lace, what is it for?

Lace is a romantic date. To buy lace is to live luxuriously. Selling - opportunities will not coincide with desires. For girls - to weave or sew lace herself - to attract a good groom.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does a dream with Lace mean, taking into account the date of birth

In the spring, why dream of weaving lace - To intrigue - this is the meaning of what this dream is about.

If in the summer you dreamed about how one of your friends weaves very beautiful lace, it means that intrigues are being weaved against you.

In the fall, why dream of seeing beautiful lace underwear in a dream - for the wedding.

In winter, why dream of being in the finest lace - a sign of the flowering of your body and the infallibility of the soul, the best time in your life.

Dreams about lace predict love affairs, romantic dates, affection. The more delicate the lace, the more tender and sincere your feelings. Black lace in a dream means that others will judge you. Wearing lace or putting it on in a dream is a sign of respect for others. Rough lace in a dream is a sign of a vicious connection. Especially if you see them from the wrong side of the clothes. Buying lace in a dream means that you will find a true close friend. Seeing your beloved in lace in a dream is a sign of tenderness and romance in your relationship. Decorating clothes with lace in a dream is a sign of good hope for the fulfillment of a wish. Decorating a wedding dress with lace is a bad dream for those who want to get married. Such a dream indicates that this is still far away. Hiding lace in a dream is an indication that you should hide your feelings, not give them free rein in order to avoid unpleasant publicity. Torn lace in a dream is a sign of a break in relations. Selling lace in a dream means that your hopes will not come true. Weaving lace in a dream is a harbinger of intrigue, where you will be drawn into because of your frivolous behavior.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Lace

If a young girl dreams that she is weaving lace, she will marry a pleasant, wealthy man. If in a dream she decorates her wedding dress with lace, she will be surrounded by fans, but she will not get married soon. For an adult woman to see lace in a dream is to happiness and the fulfillment of her most ambitious desires.

Interpretation of dreams from

She sees lace in a dream - she will be happy: her most ambitious desires will come true and her fans will obey her will without a single objection.

If you dream that you are buying lace- you will lead a large enterprise, but your true friend will remain the main wealth for you.

If in a dream you are selling lace

She will be loved by fans who are touched by her charm, but marriage will have to wait.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

If a young man dreams that his beloved wears lace- this portends fidelity in love.

Woman dreaming of lace fabric- such a dream promises happiness and loyal fans.

The girl who dreams that she weaves lace in her sleep- in reality she will marry a rich and handsome man.

A dream about how she decorates her wedding dress with lace- promises her loving admirers, but does not portend an imminent marriage.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Lace seen in a dream- symbolize female dexterity and cunning.

Light, beautiful lace- a sign that you have every chance to arrange your affairs well if you show your flair and intuition.

black lace- a sign of secret intrigue.

Torn lace- warn that your plans may be thwarted.

Women's dream book

If you dreamed of lace- be sure - all your most cherished desires will certainly come true. You are also threatened by an invasion of fans.

If you buy lace in a dream- you are provided with a comfortable existence.

A dream in which you sell lace means that you should live within your means.

If you lace- you will be lucky with a husband who will be able to fully provide for you.

A dream in which you decorate your wedding dress with lace- promises you a large crowd of fans. However, none of the applicants for your hand will be honored with the title of your husband.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Selling lace Your desires will overtake your possibilities.

Young girl weaving lace in her sleep- will marry a handsome and wealthy man.

If she dreams that she decorates her wedding dress with lace- she will have many admirers, but marriage will have to wait.

Modern combined dream book

If a lover has a dream in which his beloved adorns herself with lace- this predicts fidelity in love and successful career advancement.

If a woman dreams of lace- she will be lucky, as her most ambitious desires will be fulfilled, and fans will blindly fulfill her whims, without demanding anything in return.

Buying lace- a sign that you will not experience financial difficulties, although you will live in a big way.

Sell ​​lace in a dream- a warning that you are living beyond your means.

If you dreamed that you wove lace- soon you will start a new romance.

In a dream, you watched someone weave lace- one of your loved ones will have a new friend (girlfriend).

Buying lace- to a pleasant acquaintance.

If you dreamed that you were selling lace- you have to part with your beloved (beloved).

English dream book

If a young man sees in a dream his beloved in a lace ornament- this is a warning that she is too extravagant and extravagant - she is not fit to run a household. In general, a real doll that will never learn to be a wife and support to her husband.

Dream Interpretation Veles

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Lace- love date.
When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone a bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Dress in night visions, according to most popular dream interpreters, symbolizes sexuality, femininity, attractiveness. The outfit gives these qualities to the one who appears in it in a dream.

Women's clothing prophesies events that should happen to the sleeping person in the near future. It is enough to familiarize yourself with the interpretation that the dream book gives to the image of the “dress” in order to find out what the dream prophesies about him.

Many dream books classify dreams in which a dress appears as favorable, especially if it was clean, new, beautiful. However, a night dream about a woman's outfit can also have a negative interpretation for the sleeping person.

21st century

A good dress dreams of honors, an expensive one - to the envious glances of others, decorated with embroidery - to joyful events. Green clothes promise happiness, mutual love, and the imminent creation of a family.

The plot is negatively deciphered if the item of the ladies' wardrobe was dirty, worn out to holes. Sleep threatens shame, trouble.

To see a dress made of burlap - to chagrin, paper - to receive money, wedding - to success in your endeavors. Funeral attire promises the acquisition of a new friend.

Purchase - to problems, a position dependent on someone.


A night dress or shirt dreams of health problems, financial failures.

For a man, a dream about his beloved, dressed in a dress, threatens with treason.


Trying on a dress - to the appearance of a rival who is able to take away her beloved man. If it is a luxurious dress that fits in size, the other woman will not be able to destroy the dreamer's love union.

From A to Z

  1. Trying on a dress is a plot foreshadowing a job change or moving to a new place. If the outfit does not fit, the dream threatens to quarrel with your lover.
  2. Seeing a friend trying on new clothes is a conflict with her.
  3. Buying an outfit promises ladies a love affair, vivid emotions. However, the romance did not last long. Buying an outfit without trying it on is a sign of a strong love union.
  4. An expensive and beautiful outfit dreams of a good position in society, the admiration of others.

Old French

A dress in a night dream promises a journey. Taking it off is a health problem.


The new outfit promises new life, interesting acquaintance, joyful events.


  1. An expensive dress is a sign of honor for a wealthy person, misfortune for a poor person, death for someone who is sick.
  2. A dirty hem in holes promises trouble, need. A new thing in a dream - to profit.
  3. Burning dresses dream of receiving insults, deceit, quarrels with loved ones.
  4. A man to be dressed in a woman's outfit in a dream is a temptation.


Dressing up in a dress - to success in business, acquiring it - to the envy of others.

Small Velesov

Women's outfit, decorated with embroidery, promises joyful events. Wedding clothes dream of illness.


The dress symbolizes femininity, attractiveness. A wedding dress dreams of disappointment or a marriage bond.


Luxurious women's clothing dreams of enrichment. The interpretation of the plot depends on the color of the dress in the dream:

  • black - to receive sad news;
  • blue or green - to fulfill a dream;
  • yellow - become a victim of deception;
  • snow-white - to create a family;
  • aloe - to honors;
  • gray - you have to work hard;
  • gold - to happy events;
  • multicolor - to travel.

Sewing a dress is dreaming at night to receive a reward for work.

A night mirage about a dirty, torn dress is interpreted negatively. He promises the sleeper quarrels, humiliation.


The new thing is dreaming of receiving money. If the dress is wrinkled and torn - not good. A dream is fraught with trouble, financial problems.

An outfit sewn in the old fashion promises a visit to social events (presentations, receptions).

Simone Kananita

Luxurious women's clothing - to wealth. To acquire an outfit is to reconcile with a friend.

A dress decorated with gold embroidery promises happy events, patronage of an influential person. A short outfit promises trouble, worsening financial situation.


  1. The dress symbolizes a lack of self-confidence, fears that the sleeper hides from others.
  2. Heavy outfit - to conflict, the need to defend.
  3. Choosing a dress is an interesting acquaintance, a stormy short romance.
  4. To receive it as a gift - to complete understanding with your loved one.


The dress promises life changes, including those relating to the love sphere.

Going to buy an outfit in a store - to the unrest because of a lover. If there are defects on it, there is a risk of a rival appearing. An unsuitable dress that has been adjusted to fit promises victory in the battle for love.


According to Freud, this image reveals the nature of a person.


The clairvoyant interpreted the night dream about the dress, depending on who was wearing it in a dream:

  • a girl in a wedding dress - to troubles, making a difficult decision;
  • a dreamer in a fashionable outfit - to the approval of others, praise in her address.

Interpretation is influenced by appearance clothes:

  • solemn with rich decor - a sign of dissatisfaction with oneself;
  • decorated with beads and stones - to financial problems;
  • snow-white - fortunately in love;
  • mourning - to illness, separation from the second half;
  • scarlet - promises longevity;
  • new - to life changes.


A night mirage about a dress is interpreted taking into account its characteristics:

  • wedding - to the smile of Fortune;
  • from paper - to financial well-being;
  • luxurious from expensive fabric - to the envious glances of others;
  • full of holes - to the loss of a loved one;
  • in dirty spots - there is a risk of disgrace.


  1. Being dressed in a wedding dress is a deception.
  2. Buying a dress is a success in business.
  3. Trying on a new thing dreams of interesting acquaintances.
  4. A dress with a flaw promises quarrels.

Gadalkin House

Sundress in flowers - a sign of infantilism, frivolity. A lush ball gown promises a fun pastime. To be dressed in an evening dress - to flirt, compliments.


A beautiful dress promises honors, torn and soiled dreams in the night to difficulties and problems.


A beautiful dress - to compliments and admiration, a holey one - to condemnation for being frivolous.


Buying a dress is a dream for a fun pastime. A festive outfit promises the dreamer the admiring and envious glances of friends and acquaintances.


Gold-embroidered women's clothing promises admiring glances. A poor dress made of matting is a dream to annoyance. If there are holes and dirty spots on the outfit - be in trouble.


Trying on new clothes - to parting with the second half. Seeing in a night dream how a man acquires a dress is not good. The wedding will be upset.

Old clothes promise a lot of hard work.


Putting on a new thing - to receive money, an inheritance, a smile of Fortune. Buying a dress is a plot that promises the joys of life.

dream interpreter

A crimson outfit dreams of tears and grief.


Being dressed in a good dress is a success. Acquiring it promises the envy of others.

A rich outfit dreams of a conflict, sewn from velvet - to danger, decorated with embroidery - to joyful events.


The dream is deciphered taking into account the color of the clothes:

  • yellow - to be deceived;
  • azure or emerald - to the fulfillment of desire;
  • black - to the sad news.

For lovers

To be dressed up in a magnificent dress is a sign of attention from gentlemen. Torn clothes dream of quarrels with a lover. A wedding dress promises the appearance of a promising admirer.

Dream interpretation horoscope

A beautiful dress - to the envious glances of girlfriends. A wedding dress is dreaming of a marriage bond.

For the bitch

Buying a dress promises the appearance of a rival who is not allowed to take her beloved away. To be in an exquisite outfit is to spend time among the cream of society.

To tear new women's clothes - to give in to the rival of the beloved.

Funeral attire - to sorrows, health problems.

Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Elegant ladies' attire promises a fun pastime. If it has a nondescript appearance, the dreamer should fight the shyness that interferes with her happiness.

A man to be dressed up in women's clothes is a plot that threatens shame.

Martyna Zadeki

A new thing is dreaming of enrichment, honors. An old dress promises need, deprivation.


Expensive women's clothing - to prosperity. Wash it or iron it - to a happy event. Oil stains on the hem are a sign of honors, the favor of an influential person.

modern woman

An elegant dress dreams to the admiration of others.


  1. A rich dress is dreaming of an increase in income.
  2. New thing - to a promotion, a new job.
  3. Dirty clothes promise money.
  4. Leaky threatens trouble.
  5. Mourning dreams of financial losses.
  6. Wedding - to death or serious illness.
  7. Buying a dress is a serious mistake.
  8. Selling is a hassle.
  9. Measure - to quarrels with loved ones.


A dress made of black fabric dreams of receiving sad news.


A scarlet dress promises the dreamer problems in terms of health.


To be dressed in black is to have a stupid spouse. The lighter and cleaner the clothes in night vision, the more pious the dreamer's husband.

A flying outfit dreams of being slandered.

The meaning of sleep depending on the details

The smallest details of the plot influence the interpretation of a dream.


In order to correctly decipher the dream, it is necessary to recall the color of the outfit, the fabric from which it is sewn, and its condition.


To see a snow-white dress in a night mirage is a joy.


An outfit made of yellow fabric promises a pleasant meeting or may be a warning of deceit.


Scarlet women's clothing warns of conflicts, intrigues of ill-wishers, troubles. The image also reminds of the need to behave more modestly, not to ask.


A black dress in night vision threatens the dreamer with troubles, health problems, disappointments, conflicts in the family, problems at work.


  1. Blue ladies' attire promises joyful events, fulfillment of desires, success in undertakings.
  2. A blue dress promises complete understanding with relatives, friends, work colleagues.
  3. Filthy blue color- a sign of trouble.


A pink dress indicates that frivolity and infantilism prevent the dreamer from gaining the respect of work colleagues. It is required to behave more restrainedly, attentively.

For young girls, the image promises happy love.


A female silk outfit dreams of a good mood that will not leave the dreamer over the next 7-8 days.


A woolen dress is a sign of receiving help, including material, from an influential person.


The decoration of a light translucent fabric in a night dream promises a sleeping flirt, a romantic relationship.

Corrugated fabric

The corrugated hem of the dress speaks of the need to relax, recuperate. The sleeping woman is tired, needs peace and quiet.


Knitted women's clothing is a sign of a worsening financial situation.


A long dress appears in a dream as a harbinger of interesting events, love and profit. In some interpreters of dreams, the symbol means future quarrels.

Beautiful white lace

A white outfit in lace is interpreted as an auspicious sign. Joyful events, solemn events should be expected. To see a bride in a night dream in a wedding dress and with a bouquet - to vain expectations and pipe dreams.


Green color symbolizes hope. What is expected will come true sooner or later.


An outfit of a blue hue is a harbinger of imminent love and love experiences.

Where did the dreamer dress up

Each dream is interpreted differently. To get the correct interpretation, you need to remember where the dreamer dressed up.


To see an elegant dress in which you have to go on a date means that it's time to put things in order in your personal life. Maybe you should break up with your current partner.


The solemn attire in which the dreamer came to work is considered a bad sign, there is a risk of being in an absurd situation.

To the park

The plot of a walk in the park in a light dress - to small worries and joy.

Alien wedding

Dressing up for someone else's wedding is a warning. The dream predicts the appearance of a strong enemy.


To appear at a corporate party in a new dress is a harbinger of unfortunate misunderstandings in the workplace.

Who dreamed

For men and women, dreams about dresses have a different interpretation.


For unmarried girls, a dream about a dress promises success in all areas of life. Especially if the outfit is fashionable and beautiful. Dirty or torn clothes for ladies of all ages portend gossip and gossip in reality.


For a married lady to see herself in a dream in a chic beautiful dress means that in reality one should expect success and fulfillment of dreams.


The representative of the stronger sex dreams of seeing himself in a night mirage in a dress to shame. To lift a life partner in a beautiful outfit - to peace in the family and mutual understanding. If in a vision the spouse is dressed in ugly clothes, then the dreamer in reality will be disappointed in the relationship.


Accessories seen in a dream that complement the dress should be interpreted separately.


Beautiful and solid shoes dream of stability in business. Big shoes - the sleeper is trying to take on a job that he can't handle. Small size shoes means that the dreamer underestimates his abilities. A torn pair is a symbol of gossip.


A lady's small handbag dreams of flirting and fleeting hobbies. A large bag is a symbol of a new relationship. Heavy - a call to throw back the burden of the past and focus on the future.


The neckerchief symbolizes the restraint and secrecy of the sleeper. Beautiful - you should not talk about the secret to strangers. An accessory draped over the shoulders is a hint that pent-up emotions can break free. If the color scheme of the scarf is combined with the outfit, then there is harmony in the soul of the sleeping person.


With a dress in a night dream, you can carry out various actions: try on, put on, choose, sew, wash, buy, and much more. Depending on the dream manipulations, the dream is interpreted.

try on

Try on a dress - to a large number small but joyful chores.

put on

Putting on a uniform dress is a harbinger of climbing the career ladder. The torn form has the opposite interpretation. An outfit from someone else's shoulder is dreamed of by those who are trying to take on other people's problems.


Sewing a dress for yourself in a night dream - the efforts were not in vain, you should expect a reward for your work.

To choose

Choosing an outfit is a sign of the upcoming choice in reality.


Buying a dress in a night dream is a financial expense that will bring pleasure.


Wash a dress - to quarrels and conflicts in the workplace.

Many dream interpreters interpret the image of the dress they saw in a dream as good sign for women and bad for men. You should remember all the details of sleep in order to understand what the outfit you see promises.

White symbolizes innocence, righteousness, maternal care, goodness. The girl in white personifies femininity, inaccessibility. What is the dream of a woman in white? There is no definite answer in the dream book.

One of the most common interpretations is an increase in moral character, dignity, respect for people. All this is achieved gradually. You need to work hard, work on yourself.

If in a dream you are trying on a white dress, it means that you are dreaming of marriage, you are afraid to be left without a loved one. Remember who was next to you at that moment. These will be the people who don't want you to be happy.

Trying on someone else's dress in a dream, you take all the problems of its owner to yourself. It can be troubles of an intimate nature, lack of romantic relationships.

A girl in a white dress in a dream symbolizes determination, pride, arrogance, but only for women who see her. If a man has such a dream, expect deception not only from others, but, possibly, from relatives.

The bride in a dream symbolizes kindness, innocence, lofty feelings. On the other hand, all this may turn out to be a lie, a mask under which an evil and selfish person is hiding.

A dream in which a young man sees a woman in white symbolizes his sincerity, sincerity, sincere intentions. Perhaps soon he will meet his love, start a new relationship.

The lace on the dress indicates that in the very near future you will have a holiday, a long-awaited meeting will take place, a date with your loved one or with someone you have not seen for a long time, but really want to meet. Short white dress - rumors, gossip.

If a stranger in white clothes gives the dreamer something in his hands, and he takes it, you will have a profit. Paper, money - financial well-being, jewelry - love, peace in the family. If it is a vessel with water, be more careful about your expenses, you can become bankrupt.

A crying woman in white is a warning of impending failures that will begin in the near future. A pregnant woman in a white dress - a gift awaits you, you can buy something very important and necessary.

Mom, daughter, girlfriend in a white dress

  1. You dream of a mother in a white dress - danger. This dream is a warning: in reality, your mother may have serious health problems.
  2. Beautiful, clean clothes in a dream - joy. If the fabric is dirty, then stains will appear on your reputation.
  3. A friend in white is her emergency illness.
  4. A little girl tries on a dress - you will get sick.
  5. If you win a young man, sleeping in a white outfit for you is a harbinger of pleasant changes. You will succeed.
  6. You are a mother and you see your daughter in white - you can rejoice. Your daughter's life will turn out well. She will be successful, in demand at work, meet a wonderful man.
  7. If you saw a white dress on yourself and got it dirty - a break in relations, separation.

Miller's dream book

According to Miller's dream book, if you dreamed of a white dress, you will soon be able to successfully complete things that have not gone before. Get an award from your boss for successful work, earn the respect of employees. Honor and glory await you.

A white dress in a dream is a pleasant notice, receiving important news. People around you will take an example from you, praise you. You will get what you have long dreamed of.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Vanga's dream book interprets a white dress as a meeting with friends, loved ones, relatives, an invitation to a romantic dinner. If you are trying on an outfit, you have a rival that a friend or friend will help expose.

Modern dream book

Seeing a white dress in a dream is fame, success, public speaking. If you dreamed that you were trying on a white dress, it means that you want to be independent, strive to win in your personal life. Good luck awaits you in your plans, a wedding.

For a man, a dream about a girl in white does not bode well. He is expected to be betrayed, betrayed by a person whom he previously trusted.

If in a dream you sew a dress for yourself, expect a promotion at work, an improvement in your financial condition.

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

According to Freud's theory of subconscious desires of a sexual nature, a white dress in a dream is a symbol of a female naked body. If a woman sees herself in white, in reality she is proud of her figure, she tries to show it to everyone.

Neatly folded dress or hanging in the closet - you are not satisfied, you do not have sexual relations, you want to meet a partner. If in a dream you see a white dress hanging in a store, consider its details - you have secret fantasies, a tendency to self-satisfaction.

Family dream book

If a man dreams of a white dress, he lacks attention, celebrity, recognition. He strives for fame, trying to achieve it in not always honest ways.

When a middle-aged woman buys a white dress in a dream, it means that in reality she envies the relationships of others, their youth. She will try to harm, upset other people's relationships.

If you are given a white dress, wait for an offer. Soon you will be the bride at the wedding.

Women's dream book

A white dress is interpreted by a female dream book as:

  • early marriage;
  • cheating if you are a young girl;
  • hypocrisy - one person from your environment will be two-faced;
  • jealousy, envy of girlfriends, passion for a married man if you try on a white outfit.

Muslim dream book

According to the Muslim dream book, if a woman sees herself in white, her husband honors her. He is pious, righteous, religious.
