Transsexual boris fomin: "my male period was unconditionally happy, which I can not say about my new female life." Transsexual boris fomin: "my male period was unconditionally happy, which I can not say about my new female life" Ol

Gender reassignment is no surprise these days, but gender reassignment always attracts a lot of attention. Especially if they are stars. We have collected for you full list stars who were dissatisfied with their gender from birth and radically changed their lives.

Transgender and model who stayed on America's Next Top Model for almost the entire 11th season.

The most active defender of the rights of gender reassignment, acting in films and singing on stage.

The daughter of the singer Cher in 2010 changed her gender, becoming Chaz. Due to hormones, he gained weight, but then lost a lot of weight.

The famous shemale from the Drag Race show with a gorgeous figure, constantly appearing on magazines.

Norwegian model. She starred in a film about gender disorders in children.

The first transgender model to work for Vogue since 1980.

A model from Canada who became famous for her trial with the organizers of Miss Universe Canada because of her transsexuality.

Even when she was a man, together with her brother Andrew Wachowski, they produced The Matrix. Now the Wachowskis are still successful producers, and Lana has clearly become happier. By the way, Andy recently became Lilly too.

Transgender and socialite, muse of famed photographer David LaChapelle.

The world's first transgender fashion model, whose name is now Andrey. Works with the biggest brands.

A transgender doctor who is now gender reassigning others.

Famous Israeli singer.

In love with Igor Bulychev, she changed sex and became a woman.

The world's first transgender politician, member of the New Zealand Parliament.

A participant in Dom-2, who since childhood dreamed of being a girl.

Model from France who changed sex at the age of fifteen.

A popular Argentinean model who changed her gender back in 1976.

Stepfather Kardashian, Olympic champion, father of six children, now gradually changing sex.

Star of the TV series "Orange is the New Black". From childhood, the boy felt like a girl, and even tried to commit suicide, but in the end he underwent a sex change operation. Now Laverna is an Emmy-nominated open transsexual.

A German athlete from the Olympic team who left the national team because she became a man.

The winner of the program "Top Model of Holland", who felt like a girl since childhood, although she was born in the body of a boy.

The famous Brazilian model, collaborating with the Givenchy brand and others.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of celebrities who have changed their sex, and many of them have really become happier and more beautiful.

Today, more and more often you can meet people who are not comfortable living in their body. Sometimes it's just talk, but not many people decide to have a sex change operation. This is a long and costly process. In our selection, Russian celebrities who took such a step.

Uliana Romanova

Before the sex change operation, Ulyana Romanova's name was Igor Bulgachev. He worked as a publicist. According to information from the network, he fell in love with a man, and therefore decided to take such a step, but the relationship with the young man did not work out.

Bulychev made seven operations to get closer to his goal. After that, he became Ulyana. As Romanova noted, from childhood she felt like a girl. Now the girl is a famous person and works as a model.

Erika Kisheneva

Erica Kisheneva became famous thanks to her participation in the reality show "Dom-2". She, too, was born in a male body, but from childhood she felt like a girl.

For a long time, Tahir (as Erica used to know) was depressed due to the fact that he lives in someone else's body. When the opportunity arose to truly become a woman, he decided not to let her go. It happened some time after moving to the capital.

Olga Fomina

The famous writer and photographer Olga Fomina was once Boris. At some point, the young man decided to become a woman. Then Boris was one of the famous photographers of Moscow.

Diana Dontsky

Once Diana Dontsky was called Anatoly Konstantinov. Like many, he felt that he did not live in his body.

According to the man for a long time tried to fight it. He was even married and had a daughter.

After some time, Anatoly decided to have a sex change operation. According to information, all relatives supported him, except for his daughter. After the laborious process of becoming a girl, he found his love.

How did you meet and why did you start working together?

Olga: Seven years ago we were introduced by stylist Aslan Akhmedov. Katya studied at MGIMO, and I had a studio nearby. Aslan said that he has one beautiful girl who really wants to study photography.

Katia:Well, not exactly studying, because at that time I already knew how to photograph.
I wanted to improve, but there was no good equipment and no studio. Therefore, I decided to try to work in tandem with some photographer who would have equipment, a studio, and experience.

Olga:To which I told her, while still being a "powerful man," that if she came to the studio as a job, then I would pay her a salary. Katya agreed, and for some time we existed like that.
Now it’s funny for me to remember how I forced her to come at ten o’clock in the morning.

Katia:And two weeks after the start of work, I was already chasing him all over Moscow for films ...

Olga:Come on. Even two months later, you were still asking if you could make a phone call.

Katia:So, that's how we started working together. Both me and Olya have a very difficult character, but somehow we still worked together and became a harmonious duet.

What attracted you to each other?

Katia:I immediately realized that Olya is a talented photographer and an extraordinary person, and in absolutely everything: she thought, looked, and behaved unusually.

Olga:And first of all, I was attracted by the fact that Katya has wide hips.

Katia:What are you saying? We're doing interviews...

Perhaps you should say that Katya also seemed talented to you?

Olga:She showed herself, and besides, she had wide hips.

Katia:Well, that's why we argue so often. How can you not argue with her?

When quarrels happen between you, are they only on personal grounds or because of creative differences too?

Olga:The second happens extremely rarely and only because we have different temperaments. Work and creativity have to be separated. Work has a very strong motivation - getting money. AT this moment you may not want to work, but if you need money, then you go and work. Creativity has a different motivation: you do it primarily for yourself. To do this, you need to have a temperament, which I have, but Katya does not have.

Katia:I think what is needed is not temperament (don't listen to Olya, I have it), but inspiration and desire.
They have really diminished. To be honest, now I'm only interested in commercial projects.
Previously, we often shot for ourselves, but a different period has come. In addition to our main work, I am engaged in business, and not one. Therefore, I have neither time nor desire for creativity.

As far as I know, according to the documents, you now have the main Katya. How did it happen that she took control into her own hands?

Katia:Firstly, I am a commander by nature, secondly, Olga was not against it at all, and thirdly, the circumstances contributed. A few years ago, the room that we rented as a studio burned down, and I offered to take part of my father's huge workshop - he was a very famous sculptor in Soviet times.
And even before the move, we signed an agreement under which we switched roles: now, according to the documents, I am hiring Olya. It's really stupid to say that I'm the boss. We still do the work together and divide the money in half. It's just that in the last two years it has somehow become distributed by itself that Olya shoots more, and I do everything else. But on the set, we are always together.

When Olga changed sex, did it somehow affect your work?

Olga:Gender change is, first of all, the adoption of a final DECISION, all this is connected with great doubts: whether it will be possible to continue to realize oneself in work, in love, in sex, in everything else.
When I made this DECISION, the work worried me in the first place.
It was completely unclear how customers would react to this.

Katia:This happened not so long ago - six months ago. Of course, I was even more worried than Olya.
But - pah, pah, so as not to jinx it - we have not lost a single client because of this.

Don't you think that it went relatively easily also because society has changed a little over the past two or three years: now they perceive "special" people more calmly, and not without the help of funds mass media, and if Olya had changed sex just three years ago, would it have been much more difficult to adapt?

Olga:If this happened three years ago, I would have already married and lived somewhere in the Bahamas ... But seriously, in the minds of people, little has changed at all. Each specific case must be considered separately. As you put yourself, so be it. Clients, like others around you, if they treat you with respect, can forgive and understand a lot. Only starting this year, Igor Krutoy, Valery Meladze, Vladimir Markin, Natalya Shturm, Boris Moiseev, Diana Gurtskaya, Marina Khlebnikova, the Tea Together group came to our studio to shoot ... I shot them all as Olga Fomina, but I think they were more concerned about the success of the photo shoot. I'm not talking about shooting commercials, I don't even remember what we shot during this period.

Katia:Clients tend to judge by work. If you suit them as a photographer, they don’t care at all whether you are a man or a woman, they need a specific result in a specific timeframe.

How is communication with new clients going?

Olga:I do not hide the fact that I changed sex, it's stupid. Many invent some kind of history for themselves, the past ...
Of course, it’s unpleasant for me when some old customers call who don’t know anything and address me as Boris. Although there is no particular paranoia about this either. I calmly explain that I have changed sex and that my name is now Olga.

What is the first reaction to this statement of yours?

Olga:From the calmest to the most enthusiastic. One client, when she saw me in this form for the first time, rushed to hug me! What a fine fellow you are, he says, he decided on this, I have not dared to leave my husband for many years now.


When did you realize that you feel like a woman?

Olga:Probably since birth. That is, like everyone else, from the age of four or five, when the conscious period in which I remember myself began. It didn't happen "suddenly", it didn't become a discovery for me now.

What do you think it was connected with?

Olga:Such questions are always asked by a sex therapist: he begins to find out about mom, dad, childhood, and so on.
Personally, I do not see any reason "acquired" in the process of life, but only that I was like that from the beginning, even before birth.

How did you live with it?

Olga:In general, calmly. I perfectly understood that mom, dad - everyone expects me to play a different role, and therefore I was a normal boy. Although, of course, all sorts of funny situations happened in life.
Once I starred in women's clothes - and my parents saw it. Or, for example, when I served in the army, I managed to buy stockings, while excellently commanding a platoon of soldiers (I was a castle platoon).
From my first woman, I also hid everything. But she did not hide anything from subsequent partners.
And everyone was fine with it.

Did Katya know?

Katia:From the very beginning.

Katya, did it scare you or intrigue you?

Katia:Neither one nor the other. I just took everything - very easily, as a matter of course.
To scare away or intrigue, for example, some kind of character trait.
And it doesn’t matter what Olya’s guise is, with what name, male or female, this character trait has remained as it was.

I remember that Olga had a wife and a daughter, but two years ago there was a divorce ...

Olga:Yes, we lived for quite a long time, more than ten years, it was a happy marriage for me. Naturally, my wife knew everything about me, and we divorced not at all because I was a transsexual. Why - I can not say, I still do not have an answer. We lived well and happily, and suddenly, starting at some point, began to live poorly. Over the past year or two of marriage, relations have deteriorated so much that there was nothing left but to get a divorce.
But I repeat: it has nothing to do with my gender. Probably, this can happen to any family. It is not clear where the love that seemed "for life" goes.

Katya, can you comment on the situation from the outside?

Katia:I wouldn't want to, because it's still Olgino's private matter.

You work in pairs, you know a lot about each other, you have been around for so many years.
Has your relationship ever gone beyond friendship?

Katia:I'll be honest. Yes, they went out and went very far. We dated for a while, but that never stopped us from just being friends and working together.

Most transsexuals decide to make a final change in order to have normal relationships with the opposite sex, in your case, with men.
Why are we only talking about women?

Katia:Olga has a very difficult case. She loves women, men basically leave her indifferent.

Olga:The main problem in relationships with men is that most of them seem to me weak, insecure and completely worthless. And women seem to me smart, beautiful, able to love, disposed to stormy and deep relationships ...

Does this mean that if you were born a woman, then it is quite possible that you would be a lesbian ...

Olga:I do not know, maybe. Most likely.

Wow, how confusing.

Olga:You need to urgently come up with some kind of distracting question-maneuver to get away from this topic, otherwise we will come to the point that I am a masochist.

Not! I already have a question. There is an opinion that talents are much more common among people of non-traditional sexual orientation. You are for"?

Katia:We are against. It's just that creative people are always in sight, and we know a lot about them.
Meanwhile, we do not even guess, for example, about the existence of gay doctors and engineers.
It is much more difficult for them to show this to others, and some are forced to live their whole lives hiding their essence.

Olga:I think yes. If I had worked somewhere else, it would have been much more difficult for me.

When you had the operation, did Katya help you like a human being?

Olga:Yes, no matter what happens, Katya is just the person I can always count on.
She, in general, too, but more often it happens that she helps me, and not vice versa.
And besides, when I changed sex, even more duties and worries fell on Katya's fragile shoulders.
I realize that she cares about me much more than I care about her.

Katia:It so happened that Olga became a very close and dear person for me.
And no matter how we fight during the day, I always know that if I have problems, I can call her in the middle of the night, and she will definitely come and help. It's valuable.


Olya, why did you change gender only now?

Olga: Oddly enough, because for the first time in my life I was left alone. My mother died (and I was always afraid to hurt my parents with such a decision), my wife and I divorced, my girlfriend left me ...
In general, in the "past life" nothing kept me.

What about your seven year old daughter? How did you explain to her that now her dad was a woman?

Olga: This is the most difficult question, and no matter how I answer, it is unlikely that anyone will approve or support me in this. Any normal person would judge me because children are children. But, on the other hand, the child will not be happier because his dad will be very ill. In relation to my daughter, I fulfill all the duties, I provide for her, I communicate with her, I love her. We didn’t have a specific conversation on the topic of gender reassignment; in front of her, I tried to change smoothly and gradually. Thank God that I have a girl, it would probably be harder with a boy.

You perceive your situation so adequately, and you treat it not without humor and certainly without unnecessary "clips". Do you think about it or does it all happen completely spontaneously?

Olga: It's not that hard to behave like this. But for the most part, I have no other choice. It is better to treat yourself with irony than to allow others to do it. And I can’t do anything with myself - after all, I’m comfortable only in the role of a woman. But I understand that miracles do not happen. And if, for example, you met me when I was still a man, then it is unlikely that you will ever see me as a 100% woman. So are all old friends. But familiar new ones appear, they perceive me differently, I get a lot of joy from relationships with many of them.

Joy or happiness?

Olga: We are happy when we love and are loved.
I experienced love and felt happy, even as a man. Now I'm in my body, but alone.

Simply put, the floor is not the ceiling yet?

Olga: Yes Yes. Sex change in itself does not bring happiness. But to entail misfortune - can.
You risk losing everything you had and gaining nothing in return. My happiness I will have to seek now anew.

An all-or-nothing situation?

Olga: Exactly.

And why did you have to take such risks, because, as it turns out, you never hid your essence from your partners?

Olga: Well, after all, from some point I lost everything that I had, I said that I was left alone. I was looking for comfort. male body and social roles imposed by them became more and more unbearable for me. I began to feel such loneliness more and more often, I physically began to feel how I was filled with pain, in the evenings tears ...

Now I got so many new sensations! It's like I'm living a second life. But my thoughts have not changed. What I thought and dreamed about ten years ago, I think and dream about the same now. The form changes, but the essence remains. No matter what happens - let them cut off your arm, leg, second, you will not stop being yourself. Until your head is cut off.
Oksana Serbinova "The floor is not the ceiling"
Pleasure Menu #4, 2002

It happens when a person is not born in his body, and few decide to change sex and undergo plastic surgery. Now we will talk about those who nevertheless decided on such actions by changing their gender.

Uliana Romanova

Many consider Ulyana a spectacular woman, but in the past, Ulyana was a popular PR manager Igor Bulgachev. While still at school and still a boy, Ulyana (Igor) felt out of her body. And when he started working as a PR man in show business, he decided to have a sex change operation. Having done 7 plastic surgery, Igor became Ulyana and now he feels at ease, happily living his life.

Erika Kisheva

Erica is the only transgender former participant in the entire history of the Dom-2 project. Previously, Erica was called Takhir Khasanbievich. Tahir felt like a girl from early childhood, and thanks to his friend Azorina (also a transgender), he changed his gender.

Olga Fomina

Surely you often see beautiful billboards and photographs that are hung all over Moscow. Many of them are the work of photographer Olga Fomina, in the former her name was Boris Fomin. Olga is a very famous photographer in Moscow, her work is really impressive. The star photographer is not a public person and does not like noisy parties. And she doesn't consider her reincarnation as something special, like other transgender people who are proud of their risk.

For whom photography is a passion and a means of self-expression!

Hello Olga!

Good afternoon.

Thank you for agreeing to be interviewed for our site. Please answer a few questions. Tell us a little about yourself. Do you have an art education?

In addition to the basic education (Industrial and civil construction. Engineer), four years of study were completed at the Pedagogical College at the art and graphic department, together with three-year design courses. It is difficult to judge which of the above was more useful on the path of art. Probably all at once.

How did you get started with Photoshop? Why, out of the entire spectrum of digital art, did you prefer photo art? What influenced?

I got acquainted with the program at the design course. Yes, I was impressed, because before that I was working exclusively with living materials. As a result, digital art has become no less significant for me. And it was rightly noted in the question, I gave more preference to photo art. After all, it combines my two passions - photography and drawing.

Is this a hobby, a job, a favorite job for you?))

I will put it another way, my main work has never been related to photo art.

What stories/images do you like to create? What do you draw inspiration from? Are there artists who inspire you?

I have no particular preferences in the character of the characters, often their emergence occurs spontaneously. And they are all completely different, as are the plots that these characters are surrounded by.

About inspiration. I don’t have to look for it, on the contrary, a lot of unrealized ideas have already been accumulated, so here it’s more likely that additional time torn from the daily schedule is needed to realize at least a small part of it.

I have favorite artists, but today I admire their works at arm's length. Our universes are too different. It's better not to touch them.

I am aware that you watched the competition, even prepared the work, but, unfortunately, did not have time to submit an application.

Please tell us how your work was created (with screenshots). Share your experience with the users of our site.

This work has an ambiguous history of creation. For several years I was looking for the image of one heroine. A lot of faces were revised, as many characters were “probed”, but everything turned out to be wrong. And then, quite by accident, I came across an ad for a competition. It was enough just to look at the photo with the model offered as a source to understand - this is She! Finally.

Olga Alberti is an amazing model with incredible charisma. Many thanks to Evgeny Kartashov for his assistance and the opportunity to replenish the portfolio. The work was started.

The plot was decided long before the development of events. Once I expressed it in a cursory sketch, which never became a finished drawing. Something went wrong then, the connecting thread with the vision of the character was lost.

I will tell you about the process of creating a photo art based on the saved stages.

I always start any work with a rough sketch. On the basis of the planned future action, hands for the character were selected with the help of manipulations.

After that, I made an artistic processing of the model's face and those parts of the arms, chest and neck that will remain the most visible in the end. Decided in advance on the shade of hair.

The next step was to assemble the dress and jewelry. A very capacious process. The outfit was restored literally bit by bit. As an example, I could stubbornly and for a long time search for a suitable pleat for a sleeve or select a texture for a fabric from a snapshot of a piece of curtains. The golden embroidery was painted with a hard brush and finished with an overlay texture.

Jewelry was made from improvised conceivable and unimaginable materials, the list of which even included a silver-plated teaspoon. In particular, it served as the basis for the ring.

In between, I sometimes play around with the light and shadow scheme that I supposedly want to see in the final. This makes it easier for me to visualize the end result.

As a back wall, I used a photo of a curb with masonry. The armchair, similar to the dress, was made in pieces. Perhaps the most difficult moment in its assembly was the process of making a headboard, which in places had to be literally painted over a picture with a plastic blank. The dagger and candles, for lack of source material, were also drawn.

During the assembly of the cape, I planned to complement its black matter with a light gold texture, but this step was canceled. The number of elements already turned out to be quite sufficient. At this point, my hair remained intact. Often I leave the study of hair for dessert. Here, too, they were almost the last to be made, along with the candlestick and headdress.

As a final touch, lighting effects were introduced. Getting involved in the play of light and shadow in my works, each time I turn to different techniques that are completely different from each other. In this case, I used the help of adjustment layers on top of the finished image, which reduced the time spent on the final color and light correction to a minimum.

What competition entries did you like? Perhaps there are works in which you noticed compositional, light-shadow (possibly anatomical) errors, by working on which the authors of the works could improve their skills.

Almost all liked works entered the top five.

About criticism. I am not very willing to distribute it, except in exceptional cases of individual requests. Otherwise, the perception of the work is shifted towards the search for flaws, this deprives the aesthetic buzz from viewing.

What advice would you give to our users who are just starting out in the digital art world? How, based on your own experience, you can improve your skills (participation in competitions, master classes, taking courses, studying literature / information, etc.)

Looking for what purpose this art is comprehended. In commercial matters, I pass. For those for whom art is a means of self-expression, I can wish one thing - to find and set foot on your own path and do exactly what you like yourself, regardless of the prevailing clichés. After all, we touch art primarily for our own pleasure.

To improve skills, a persistent study of the basics of the fine arts, the very base responsible for the literacy of performance, will be required. By the way, this will take forever to learn. But there is another important component - a reasonable degree of dissatisfaction with oneself, with one's results, which encourages the desire to cover more than there is. The irrepressible euphoria from one's art often dooms one to walking in a vicious circle, there is a risk of resting one's forehead against the ceiling of one's own abilities and stopping at a dead point.

“Don't be afraid of perfection. You cannot reach it. Moreover, there is nothing good in perfection. Salvador Dali.

Interview prepared by:Evgenia Goncharova.
