Fitness programs for girls in the gym. A set of exercises for girls in the gym

Working on your body is harder than playing checkers. You can "get into the kings" here only through regular classes. Training three days a week in a month and a half will give a tangible result. It is important not to force events, but also not to slow down, increasing the load gradually. Training for beginners should involve all muscle groups, so the body will quickly get used to regular exercise.

General training rules

From the first lessons it is very important to learn how to perform the exercises technically correctly.

Replacement exercise

When the muscles are used to the load and you do not feel discomfort during the exercise, it becomes easy for you - it's time to replace it with another one, with the same muscle groups. So that the muscles continue to be effectively loaded.

This usually happens every 3-4 sessions (microcycle).

Any training program for girls it is worth changing at least once a month.

Projectile weight and magnification

The weight with which a person trains is called working weight. A beginner picks up a small weight for himself, with which he can perform the exercise with great effort 15 times, and the 16th time he cannot. Having made two approaches, in the next workout, you need to assess the condition of the muscles:

  • if they don’t hurt, we slightly increase the load;
  • if the muscles hurt, it makes sense to skip the exercise until the next workout so that the muscles have time to recover.

It is necessary to work with such a weight that it is difficult for the last repetitions, but the execution technique remains correct.

In this 6-week training cycle for girls, weights are deliberately not indicated:

  1. Initial training is different for everyone.
  2. Different muscle groups are not equally developed (someone may have a weak back but strong legs and vice versa).

Lesson duration

The training lasts 1 hour. A beginner manages to do 3-6 exercises during this time. Almost all of them are done in 3-4 sets of 8-12 times (3-4 * 8-12).

Between approaches - smaller and exercises - more, pauses for rest are obligatory, but not more than 7 minutes, so that the muscles do not have time to cool down.

When practicing 3 times a week, there should be one free day between them, which is necessary for muscle recovery. Each lesson should contain a complex for working out a rested muscle group, last no more than 1 hour, of which 10 minutes are allotted for warm-up, 45 for the strength part and 5 or more minutes for the final workout and stretching.

First of all, it is important:

  • master the correct technique for performing exercises;
  • accustom the body to regular physical activity (especially joints and ligaments to strength exercises);
  • increase muscle tone and strength;
  • prepare the basis for further increases in workloads.


A training diary, in which you can schematically record the exercises performed with the number of hikes, repetitions and weight, will allow you to track progress in loads.


For the most effective training, girls need to take into account the phases of their menstrual cycle, changing the load:

  • in the first week (menstrual) - stretching is best; need light exercises; reduce the load on the press and legs;
  • in the second (postmenstrual) - strength training with maximum load, training for speed and endurance;
  • in the next two weeks (ovulation and premenstrual phases) - fat burning and cardio workouts are most effective.

A set of exercises

This training program will be effective if the body is fully restored.

  • Complete sleep.
  • Balanced diet - for weight loss, enhanced in.
  • The use of sports supplements in an article about.

From the first to the third week

The first two weeks you should not increase the weights in the exercises, but on the third it is worth adding a little weight in the first three exercises of each workout.
Day 1 (legs, shoulders, abs)

Day 2 (back, chest, triceps, abs)

Day 3 (focus on cardio, back, legs, arms, abs)

Fourth to sixth

When replacing exercises with new ones, it is important not to increase the weight of the shells. The change in the direction of the load connects the stabilizing muscles that were not working before. Take the time to choose comfortable weights in each of the exercises, starting with the minimum.
1st day

  1. Platform leg press 3-4*8-12 all for replacement;
  2. Leg curl (on the biceps of the thigh) on the simulator 3-4 * 8-12;
  3. Lower leg in the simulator, sitting 3-4 * 8-12;
  4. Lifting up dumbbells (military bench press or Arnold bench press), sitting 3-4 * 8-12;
  5. Lifting dumbbells to the chin 3-4 * 8-12;
  6. To the previous one, add the bar for 3 minutes (you can do it with short breaks).

2nd day

3rd day

  1. Easy run 30 minutes;
  2. Deadlift 3-4*8-12;
  3. Leg extension on the simulator 3-4 * 8-12;
  4. Extensions with or without weight 3-4*8-12;
  5. Lifting dumbbells (for biceps) alternately, sitting 3-4 * 8-12;
  6. Super set: bending on the Roman bench 12 times + after each approach the plank 1 minute. 3 such approaches.

In subsequent training cycles

  • if it’s easy, increase the working weight in the approaches without compromising the execution technique;
  • if it is difficult (stagnation is felt) - replace the exercises with similar ones;
  • for lagging muscles, you can add 1 exercise in 1 of the days, but no more;
  • and always look for new exercises for the muscle group being worked on.

Choose the weight yourself, so that you feel muscle failure in the last approaches.

The cyclic training program for girls in the gym is primarily aimed at changing the direction of the load, and only then at increasing the weights in the exercises. This, without large dumbbells and barbells, ensures the effectiveness of the set of exercises. However, muscle pain is an integral part of the training and indicates the development of muscles.

Increase the load gradually, and enjoy training. Then, in a matter of months, you can become the owner of a strong and slender body with beautiful shapes.

We are waiting for your questions in the comments!

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All the beautiful half of humanity dreams of a beautiful figure. And one of the “tools” for correcting your forms is the gym. The main thing is to clearly understand which simulators to look at, which zones need correction, and what is included in the training program.

The best exercise equipment for women in the gym - which one to give preference to in training?

The main areas of the female body that need correction are ...

  • Hands (there should be no "kissel").
  • Belly (it should be flat and elastic).
  • Chest (beautiful, raised and elastic, and not flaccid and spreading over the stomach).
  • And of course,

It is on these areas that you should focus your attention in order to lose weight and achieve the desired result.

Choosing the Right Trainers!

  • Thrust. The main goal of working on this inventory is to work out the biceps. An ideal simulator for long and hard workouts - with a set of weights and additional equipment, with the ability to independently regulate the load. The simulator provides effective training for the hands - for both at once or for each in turn for an enhanced effect.
  • Top/bottom pull. This tool works for harmony, strengthening the muscles of the back and, accordingly, protecting the spine, strengthening the biceps, and reducing the risk of injury. The wider the grip, the more intense the training of the back muscles.
  • Horizontal leg press. Primary target: glutes and quads. The body on this equipment is fixed in a stable position, and the main load falls on the reed with buttocks. With an increase in load and bending of the legs, as for a “plié”, the inner thighs are trained.
  • Smith machine. Here we train triceps and pectoral muscles. A safe and effective simulator with the ability to independently regulate the intensity of the loads.
  • Shoulder press. The simulator for working with the middle and anterior deltoid muscles. In order to avoid harming your ligaments, it is important to correctly install the seat.
  • Press trainer. A flat stomach is an achievable dream. Such a power unit allows you to twist on the press (approx. - with weights). It is important to remember that weight training significantly increases muscle growth and expands the waist, so it is better for lovely ladies to do without weights.
  • Reverse glute lifts. The simulator is focused on working with the gluteal muscles and on the gradual compaction of the buttocks. Such a tool will not bring harm, and as for the result, it will not be fast (there are more effective simulators for such purposes).
  • Thrust of the top / block with a wide handle and behind the head. Good equipment for the development of back muscles. It is important to remember that if there are problems with the flexibility of the shoulder joints, it is better to replace this simulator with another one in order to avoid pinching in the shoulders / joint.
  • Cardio trainers. Of course, they are effective and useful. However, aerobic activity in women should be within reasonable limits. The intensity of these workouts is a maximum of 3 times a week and no more than 40 minutes.

Exercise machines that are not suitable for ladies

Unlike women who run to the gym for weight loss and harmony, men go to workouts for relief and muscle mass. Therefore, their training programs, of course, are different, and individual simulators, successfully used by men, can give the opposite result to a woman.

What inventory to avoid?

  • Shrugs with dumbbells. A very effective simulator for trapezius muscles, but for men. He will not add the beauty of forms to a woman.
  • Weighted slopes. It is believed that such training eliminates the "ears" on the reeds. In fact, they only contribute to the expansion of the waist. And for a side bar, a bicycle and the right diet are suitable.

A set of exercises on simulators in the gym for women - we draw up a training program

Women's queues for cardio machines are common. However, it must be remembered that the torture of these simulators is meaningless without strength exercises.

It is strength training that should be a priority, cardio training - to warm up the muscles or to consolidate the effect.

A set of exercises for the beauty of forms - what should it be?

  1. For the 1st day: on the back and arms.
  2. For the 2nd day: on the thighs and buttocks, on the calf muscles.
  3. For the 3rd day: on the press.

The beginning of a workout (always!) is a warm-up for 10-15 minutes from cardio exercises, or from key aerobic exercises.

Video: A set of exercises for girls in the gym

Video: Gym exercise program for girls

What exercises should be included in the program?

Exercises for the abs:

  • Tilts on a Roman chair. We put our hands on our chest “crosswise”, bend down to half and press our chin tightly to our chest.
  • Leg lifts. We lean on our elbows in a suspended state (approx. - on the crossbar). Legs slowly bend / unbend 20-25 times.

Exercises for the buttocks, thighs and calf muscles:

  • Hyperextension.
  • Abduction / connection simulator: back upright, spread and connect the hips, holding the position for 3 seconds when connecting.
  • Leg press. We use the training platform. Raise your legs from the center of the platform to the top edge. When lowering the load, we hold the lower back close to the bench. Scheme: 4 sets, 30 times).

Exercises for the muscles of the back:

  • Head pull. Scheme: 20 times.
  • Lower block pull. The back is straight, in a sitting position we bend our knees, pull the block to the lower abdomen, without swinging the torso. Scheme: 3 sets, 25 times.

The general training scheme should look like this:

  1. Warm-up - 10 minutes.
  2. Training of muscles of a certain group - 50 minutes.
  3. Cardio workout - 40 minutes (for example, an exercise bike, jump rope or treadmill, hula hoop).
  4. Stretching - 10 min.

Also in the set of exercises you can include:

  • Deadlift. Scheme: 1 time in 2 weeks.
  • Squats with a barbell on the shoulders (approx. - for leg muscles). Scheme: maximum twice a week.
  • Lunges with dumbbells (we pull the legs and round the buttocks). Scheme: 1 time per week.
  • Push-ups on the uneven bars (ideal for weak hands).
  • Bench press at different / angles. Suitable for strengthening the pectoral muscles. Scheme: 1 time per week.
  • Plank. This universal exercise affects almost all muscle groups. It is recommended to do it regularly.

Video: Training program for beginner girls - the first steps on the simulators in the gym

Basic rules for training on simulators for women

Before heading to the gym should undergo a medical examination . It is important to exclude all diseases with which strength exercises are prohibited.

After the permission of the doctor is obtained, you should decide on training program. You won't be able to do it without the help of a professional trainer.

What should be remembered?

  • Training should be regular - 2-3 times a week.
  • Warming up before every workout is a must! Important: the warm-up at the beginning (for warming up / preparing the muscles) and stretching at the end of the workout (for muscle recovery) should concern exactly the muscle group that is being loaded during a particular workout.
  • You can increase the load only gradually, after a month of constant training.
  • The number of approaches and repetitions depends on the state of the body, on endurance and, directly, goals. Approximate number: 1-5 for strength development, 6-12 for muscle mass, more than 10-12 - for the development of endurance.
  • You should not immediately saddle all the simulators in turn - start gradually and with 2-3 simulators. Do not overload the body with maximum weight.
  • - this is normal. It should pass as soon as the body gets used to the new lifestyle and load. If the pain does not go away in 3-4 days, then you need to reduce the intensity of the load or consult a specialist.
  • Proper nutrition- 50% success. We eat fractionally - 5 times a day (before training we eat 2 hours before it, no later!), We drink 2 liters of water per day (moreover, 1 liter during training), we pay special attention to protein foods in the diet (not less than 60%).
  • If the number of workouts per week is reduced from 3 or 4 to 2, then the entire weekly load should be distributed over 2 of these workouts.
  • We do not change the instructor during the first 6 months of training. Different systems can have a lot of contradictions, so for the effectiveness of training it is better to listen to the 1st coach.
  • Unsystematic classes are unacceptable! Each workout should be subject to a specific set of classes, clearly designed for a particular woman, taking into account her needs, capabilities and characteristics of the body.
  • Close the carb window after every workout. Not ready-made protein shakes, but home-made drinks made from natural products.

And a few more important points:

  1. You can’t go to the gym “for the company”! Visit it in splendid isolation, only in this case your attention will be 100% focused on training.
  2. Training should become your good habit. Therefore, the mood is extremely important: choose a comfortable and beautiful form for training, the best gym, a good trainer. Classes should not be hard labor for you.
  3. The lack of results after 2-3 months of classes is not a reason to quit. Stock up on patience, forget about laziness and shyness, cultivate fighting qualities of character in yourself.
  4. Decide on a goal. Why do you need training: lose weight, build muscle, tighten the "contours" or something else. The intensity and type of training depends on the goal.

Video: Common mistakes in the gym

And a few mistakes to avoid:

  • Do not overload the press if your goal is waist correction. The greater the load, the larger the waist.
  • Do not abuse cardio workouts. The higher the load, the more active the production of the stress hormone, which, in turn, leads to the destruction of muscle tissue and exhaustion. Recommended maximum: 2-3 times a week for 40 minutes.
  • Don't rule out dumbbell loads . It is loads with weighting that contribute to the formation of a beautiful tummy and elastic priests.
  • It makes no sense to overload the muscles with intense daily workouts. . It is a mistake to think that in this way you will quickly acquire the cherished appetizing forms. Remember: muscles need time to recover! The optimal break is 2-3 days for each muscle group. For example, on Tuesday you load the biceps and chest muscles, on Wednesday - the load on the legs, on Friday - the triceps with shoulders, on Saturday - the back. The rest of the time is rest from work.
  • Before you start exercising, adjust the simulator "by yourself." The lesson should be comfortable, not provoking injury.
  • Choose a comprehensive program , which involves all muscle groups during the week. You can not concentrate only on problem areas - this will lead to an imbalance in proportions.

And don't overdo your workouts! If you have difficulty moving, your muscles ache, like after a week of repairs in the apartment and falling from a stepladder, and you can’t even squeeze your pillow with your hands, then it’s time to slow down the pace and reduce the intensity of your workouts.

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The gym is an ideal place for complex training of various muscle groups, which is suitable for training not only for men - heavyweights, but also for fragile ladies.

Women work out in the gym to lose weight or, on the contrary, gain muscle mass, improve their natural curves, or get those most magnificent forms through hard training. It is no secret that classes in the gym not only model the figure, but also heal the body as a whole, improve mood, promote the production of beneficial hormones, and also harden the body's endurance.

At first glance, it seems that it can be easier to train in the gym, where there is all the necessary base: simulators, instructors, qualified trainers. But everything is not so simple. The most important misconception of all women who first get into the gym: more exercises on various simulators - better results.

In fact, running from simulator to simulator, changing shells, alternating weight, you will not only not be able to achieve the desired results, but you can also harm your health with the wrong technique for performing this or that exercise, too much weight, extra loads.

Preparing for classes in the gym

Before buying a gym membership, do not be too lazy to undergo a medical examination in order to exclude serious illnesses, to choose the optimal load in accordance with your physical development.

The underestimation of any insignificant, in your opinion, disease can lead to serious consequences. For example, a therapist may not allow a woman to attend classes if the hemoglobin level is significantly below normal, which can cause fainting, loss of consciousness during serious physical exertion.

Even if you have any diseases, the doctor and trainer will be able to determine the optimal level of stress during training, as well as develop an individual exercise program that excludes stress on one or another part of the body.

The body is able to tell you if it needs physical activity, when it should stop through pain. As soon as a woman feels pain during a workout, she should immediately stop it and organize peace. It is also necessary to study the localization of pain, find out its root cause by passing the necessary tests and undergoing an examination in a medical institution.

Development of a training program

After the desire to purchase a subscription coincided with the capabilities of the female body, it is time to decide on a training program, that is, whether it will be self-selected exercises or whether the help of a personal trainer is needed. If a woman was in the gym for the first time, then, of course, one cannot do without the help of a coach. He will skillfully approach any problem, help to draw up a plan - a training program with an emphasis on the desired end result, put the right technique and track the progress of the woman's exercises.

The golden rule of starting training is to get acquainted with the safety precautions, study the simulators.

Of course, for a girl who was among the heavyweights for the first time and decided to draw up a lesson plan for herself, it will not be easy to figure out the purpose of this or that projectile and the technique of working with it. To do this, there should always be a trainer on duty or qualified fitness instructors in the gym who will help a novice woman deal with the mechanisms of shells, learn the technique of performing a particular exercise in order to get an effect from it and eliminate traumatic situations.

Lose weight;

gain muscle mass;

Maintain weight at a certain level;

Improve strength and endurance;

Improve body shape.

It is immediately necessary to dispel another myth about women's training. Often in the halls such a picture is visible - cardio - the zone is crowded with females, they pedal the bicycle for hours, torture treadmills and ellipsoids, expecting a quick effect. But without strength training, cardio exercises for those who want to lose weight will be ineffective. As a rule, cardio workouts allow you to develop endurance, are good for warming up or, conversely, after the main workout.

In order for the muscles not to lose their tone after losing weight, to form a beautiful relief of female forms, it is necessary to combine cardio exercises with a feasible power load of basic exercises.

A set of exercises for women

It is important to consider that no more than two muscle groups can be trained in one day.

You can alternate them at your discretion. Moreover, it is not necessary to train every day, you can break the whole set of exercises aimed at working out various muscle groups for three days:

1st day: arms / back;

2nd day: buttocks / thighs / calf muscles;

3rd day: press.

Day one: arm and back muscle training

Any workout begins with a 10-minute warm-up, which can consist of basic aerobic exercises or cardio exercises.

Exercise 1:depending on physical development, pick up dumbbells or a bar (empty or with weighting). Feet shoulder width apart, elbows pressed to the body. Press your hands to your chest so that their inner surface looks at you. It is necessary to do 3 sets of 10 - 12 repetitions.

Exercise 2:we slightly change the technique of exercise 1: the legs are also shoulder-width apart, the elbows are close to the body, only you need to press not with both hands at the same time, but alternate arm lifts. Do 3 sets of 10 reps for each arm.

Exercise 3:you will need a bench. Lie down on a bench with dumbbells in your hands. Raise your arms above you, without bringing them together, on the contrary, spread them shoulder-width apart, turn their inner surface towards your face. Press the dumbbells to your chest, slightly spreading your elbows. It is necessary to do 3 sets of 10 - 12 repetitions.

Exercise 4:lie down on a bench, raise your arms with dumbbells above you. Raise the dumbbells to the sides, you will immediately feel tension in the armpits, in the biceps and chest muscles. If there is no tension, change the weight of the dumbbells to a heavier one. Do 3 sets of 10-12 reps.

Exercise 5:This exercise engages and works the triceps well. Lie down on a bench, stretch your arms with dumbbells above you, connecting them. Lock the dumbbells at the same height, balance with your fingers. Then lower your hands behind your head down. Just do not tear your lower back off the bench, do not arch it. Do 3 sets of 10-12 reps.

Exercise 6:hyperextension. Adjust the height of the hyperextension machine so that your hips are locked and your lower back is flexible. Hands behind your head, watch your breath. Get down and slowly get up. Watch the amplitude of movements: do not rise too high so that the lower back does not arch, and do not go all the way down. Do 3 sets of 15 reps. For greater effect, you can pick up and press a metal "pancake" to your chest.

Exercise 7:training of arms and back on the lat - machine. Lat - the machine is a crossbar with a return mechanism, which can be weighted in accordance with the level physical training. Get into the lat - machine so that your knees are firmly fixed in the simulator. Having chosen the optimal weight for weighting, pull the crossbar to the bottom. And you can pull in two ways:

To the chest (this way you can work out the biceps);

Over the head to the shoulders (in more back muscles are worked out).

It is necessary to do 3 sets of 10 - 15 repetitions.

Day two: buttocks, thighs and calves workout

Women always give priority to training these zones. It is believed that the best exercises for working out these muscle groups are basic exercises: barbell squat, kettlebell squat, weighted lunges, leg swings.

Exercise 1:squat with bar. In the squat, the main thing is to set the execution technique. Adjust the weight of the bar, as well as its weight, in accordance with the recommendations of the trainer or your own individual characteristics. Place your feet wider than your shoulders, slightly turning your feet to the sides. Place the bar on your shoulders, be careful that it does not put pressure on the cervical vertebrae. Squat, slightly bending the body forward, so that the knees do not fall out, are at an angle of 90 degrees from the floor. Also make sure that the knees in the squat do not shrink, on the contrary, spread them apart. Do 3 sets of 15 reps.

Exercise 2:kettlebell squat. The most convenient way to do this exercise is to place your feet on step platforms. This will increase the depth of the squat and eliminate the possibility of contact between the kettlebell and the floor. The technique is the same as in exercise 1, just make sure that there is no additional load on the lower back, do not arch it. Repeat this exercise for 3 sets of 12-15 reps.

Exercise 3:weighted lunges. Pick up dumbbells with your working weight. If the size of the training zone allows you, then it is better to do lunges, stepping forward. If there is not enough space, do lunges in place. Alternately throw your leg forward, squatting on your knee, just make sure that the knee does not fall out, while at the same time raising that arm from the dumbbell to your shoulder on which leg you are lunging. You, accordingly, create the effect of weighting. Do 3 sets of 10 lunges on each leg.

Exercise 2:lie down on the mat, firmly fix the shoulders and lower back if possible. Raise your legs off the floor and do scissors for 3 sets of 20-30 reps.

Exercise 3:on the bench for training the press. Lie on your back, hold on to the handrail with your hands, raise your legs to your chest, first together, then separately, imitating cycling.

Having studied the characteristics of her own body, drawing up a training program, distributing the load and setting the exercise technique, a woman working out in the gym will quickly achieve the desired results, her body will take on a healthy look, the forms will become more luxurious, which will not go unnoticed by people of the opposite sex.

To keep your hands thin and beautiful, you need to do special exercises. Get 4 effective workout programs and get your hands in perfect shape without leaving home!

Beautiful, embossed arms, impeccable chiseled shoulders, toned muscles are the dream of many women. However, when working on their figure, many girls do not pay due attention to their hands, fearing to “pump over” and look masculine. Fitness instructors assure that these fears are groundless due to differences in hormonal balance. The male hormone responsible for muscle growth is testosterone. In women, estrogen predominates, which means that even with strength exercises and working with large weights, the ability to build muscle mass will be limited and the girl will never come close to male proportions. Therefore, effective training for the muscles of the hands must be part of the program.

Arm Slimming Workouts

Due to the increased content of estrogen, women tend to be overweight. Therefore, training is necessary to maintain metabolism, muscle tone and create a proportional figure. Where to train? You decide. You can do simple exercises to keep your muscles in good shape at home. There are techniques that allow you to work with no weight or with little weight (water bottles, small dumbbells, books), but exercising in the gym, you can achieve amazing results in less time.

During arm training, the following muscle groups are worked out:

  • biceps (flexor);
  • triceps (extensor);
  • shoulder delta;
  • forearm.

When developing a program, you must follow simple rules

Warm up

Before any workout, you need to warm up the muscles to eliminate the possibility of injury. A couple of exercises will be enough.

There are two opinions about how much weight you need to work with. The first is a small weight and a large number of repetitions, the second is a large weight and several small supersets in a row. The first option is ideal for the home. Multiple repetitions make it possible to burn excess fat, so the weight should allow you to perform the exercise for the recommended number of times. It is recommended to increase the number of repetitions as soon as you realize that you can easily cope with the load. The second option (working with weights and shells) is possible only in fitness centers.

For training hands in the gym, it is recommended to choose large weights. This guarantees the best return. The result is manifested after the weight of the dumbbells reaches 7-8 kg. This does not mean that you immediately need to start with “explosive weight”, but it is also not recommended to “get into the taste” with dumbbells of 1-2 kg for a long time. According to instructors, the optimal weight for a beginner is 5 kg.

How to choose the right weight: start doing a set of exercises and if after the third set you feel tired, then this weight is right for you.


Schedule a set for the week. The number of sets and repetitions depends on how you feel. It is also necessary to make an adjustment for the days of the cycle. To drive away subcutaneous fat from the hands, 25-30 repetitions are enough.

The optimal duration of a workout is 45 minutes. It is advisable to monitor the pulse (the norm is 130 beats per minute). When exceeding the norm, it is better to stop exercising.

Proper Completion

You need to finish the workout with the so-called "hitch".

Do not train more than 3 times a week, otherwise it will be very difficult for the muscles to recover.

At home

1. Complex one

For him, you will need dumbbells or bottles of sand (water). Start with 12 repetitions and gradually increase their number.

Warm up

  • Raise your hands up one at a time (starting with the right). Then, lower down, bending them at the elbows, while the fingers are clenched into a fist. We repeat, only now the left one starts.
  • Stretch your arms out in front of you, interlock your fingers and stretch slightly. Feel the stretch in your back muscles.
  • Everyone knows the "mill". The back is straight, the buttocks and stomach are “tightened”, the legs are shoulder-width apart, the feet are parallel to each other. Take turns rotating your straight arms in a circle for 40 seconds.
  • Jumps and swings. Feet together, arms loose. Perform jumps (legs to the sides) and at the same time raise your arms up (they also spread apart). Jump at a fast pace for 40-45 seconds.

1.1 Exercise for the arms and shoulder muscles

Starting position (IP) for all exercises: feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, back straight, stomach pulled in.

Take dumbbells, bend your arms at the elbow joint so that a right angle is formed. In this position, spread them apart (while the elbows rise to shoulder level), count to two and then slowly lower, returning to the PI. This is a great exercise for giving ovens best form. Exhale as you lift the dumbbells.

1.2. Work with biceps

Turn your hands palms forward, bend them, press your elbows to your sides and raise the dumbbells. Squeeze your hands as you lift and tighten your biceps.

Bend your elbows as you raise the dumbbells in front of you. Raise dumbbells to shoulder level.

1.3. Work with triceps

PI for this exercise: Bend your knees slightly and tilt your head forward. Keep your back straight.

Standing in the IP, bend your arms and linger in this position. On the count of two, straighten them back and then bend them back. Don't forget to tighten your belly. Make sure that the neck is not tense.

After doing the exercise 12 times, straighten your arms and linger in this position for 8 counts.

1.4. Triceps relaxation

Performed without dumbbells. Bend your right arm at the elbow and bring it behind your head with your left. Hold for three seconds and then switch sides. Feel your triceps relax.

1.5. Push ups

Emphasis on the knees and palms, the stomach is tightened. Get down and up for a count of two. We do not strain the neck, the navel is pulled up. Push up from the floor 12 times. Keep your back straight, breathe evenly.

After completion, sit on your heels, palms remain on the floor, stretch your back, relax.

1.6. For upper back and shoulders

Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms bent at the elbows in front of you so that they form a right angle. Slowly lift up, just above shoulder level and slowly lower down. It's great for correcting posture.

1.7. "Hitch"

Each exercise must be repeated 10 times.

Hands on the belt. At the expense of "one" - turn to the right and spread the arms to the sides, at the expense of "two" - return to the IP. On the count of three, turn left.

Hands spread apart, make circular swings with both hands at the same time.

2. Complex second

2.1. Starting position (IP): feet shoulder-width apart, knees straight, back straight, stomach pulled in, arms down.

Spread your arms with dumbbells to the sides. Number of repetitions: 30.

2.2. IP: sitting on a chair, back straight, legs together.

Raise your arms with dumbbells up, gently bend your arm, winding the dumbbell behind your head, and then unbend it. Number of repetitions: 20.

2.3. IP: see exercise 2.1.

Spread your arms to the sides, lock in this position for two counts and lower. Number of repetitions: 30.

2.4. IP: see exercise 2.1.

Raise your hands in front of you, fix in this position for two counts, slowly lower. Number of repetitions: 30.

In the gym

Girls are recommended to start working in the gym with basic exercises for the hands. For beginners, this is the foundation of the basics. This is free weight (dumbbell or barbell) work that aims to build muscle mass and is a must for beginners and experienced bodybuilders alike.

1. Basic exercises (BU) for hands

1.1. Push-ups from the bars

One of the most complex, but effective BU. When it is performed, not only the triceps are involved, but also the pectoral muscles. Beginners are engaged with their own weight, "advanced" athletes can use weight belts. Not every girl can lift her weight, so if the bars do not give in to you, do not despair. Strengthen your arms with other available BUs, and return to the uneven bars after a couple of months of regular training.

What is important in the uneven bars: the right technique. If done incorrectly, there is a risk of injury. To prevent this from happening, do not start the exercise from the bottom point. For unheated muscles, this is fraught with ruptures and sprains. Lock on outstretched arms and slowly lower yourself down. Watch your elbows. Some should be laid back and as parallel as possible. So the extensor muscles are better worked out.

Little tricks: for maximum triceps work, do not lean too much and keep your shoulders parallel to the bars and your elbows back. To train the pectoral muscles, the elbows should look to the sides, and the body should only lean forward slightly.

Number of repetitions: the maximum possible for you. When the next full ascent is not possible, slowly descend to the bottom point and rise again to the highest possible height. Repeat two more times.

1.2. Pull-ups on the classic horizontal bar

Works both biceps and back. To use different muscle groups, you can change the grip ("from yourself" and "for yourself").

Number of repetitions: as many as you can do. And as usual, after reaching the “limit”, try to pull yourself up one more time or two.

Many modern gyms are equipped with a special simulator (gravitron) that makes it easier to perform push-ups and pull-ups. The load in the gravitron is reduced by a counterweight, which starts working when a person needs help. Thus, there will be no risk of breaking the lower back, the muscles gradually get used to the load and become stronger.

1.3. seated french press

With this technique, the triceps receive a noticeable load. It is important to do everything right and follow the neck. When working with large weights, it is better to ask the coach for insurance.

IP: The bench press is performed from a horizontal bench with a back. Grasp the dumbbell so that the disk is in the palm of your hand and your thumbs are on the handle. Raise it above your head with both hands. The forearm should be next to the head, perpendicular to the floor. Inhale and slowly lower the dumbbell behind your head in a semicircular path. As you exhale, fully extend your arm and return the dumbbell to its original position.

When performing a bench press, it is very important to monitor the condition of the shoulders and elbow joints. They should be motionless, and the amplitude of their movement should be maximum.

1.4. Lifting dumbbells for biceps while standing

IP: feet shoulder-width apart, knees straight, elbows pressed to the body, arms with dumbbells lowered down. The wrists need to be turned so that the palms “look” forward.

As you exhale, slowly bend your arm until the biceps is fully contracted. Dumbbells should be at shoulder level. Hold for a couple of seconds and as you exhale slowly return to the PI.

Alternatively, such an exercise can be performed while sitting or bending your arms alternately (this will make it possible to work with more weight).

1.5. Lifting the handle (for biceps)

It is performed on the lower block with a straight handle.

IP: feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, buttocks tense, stomach pulled in. The elbows are pressed to the body. On exhalation, we raise the handle to tension at the top point (the so-called "peak of the biceps") and slowly lower it down while inhaling. At the same time, we do not unbend our arms to the end in order to maintain static tension.

1.6. Lowering the handle from the upper block (to the triceps)

Helps triceps muscles to gain shape, tone and become more prominent.

IP: feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, elbows pressed to the sides. Bend your lower back, grab the handle of the upper block. As you exhale, pull it down until you get maximum tension in the extensor muscle and press your elbows to the sides of the body. Then slightly tilt the body forward and fully straighten your arms due to the tension of the triceps. Hold for a moment and slowly return to the PI as you inhale.

Concentrate on the work of the muscles.

Alternatively, lowering from the upper block can also be done with a rope handle. In this case, lowering your hands, you should slightly spread them apart at the bottom point of the movement.

2. Additional exercises

2.1. Extension of the arm with the use of a rubber shock absorber (for triceps)

IP: sit down, straighten your back. Take the elastic so that one bent arm is behind the head, and the other is wound behind the back. The elbow should be as close to the head as possible.

As you inhale, straighten your arm, stretching the rubber shock absorber, and as you exhale, return to the PI. Perform 20-25 repetitions. When doing this exercise, try not to use momentum. Work with the expander is performed only with muscle effort. Watch your elbow and do not deviate it to the side. The shoulder must remain motionless.

2.2. Extension of arms with an expander behind the back, standing

This bench press exercise is performed while standing and perfectly stabilizes the muscles of the shoulder blades, shoulder, gluteal muscles.

IP: feet shoulder-width apart, slightly bent. Place the expander behind your back so that it is below your shoulder blades (approximately at chest level). Raise your arms to chest level, bend at the elbows, and keep your palms parallel to the floor. The brushes must be motionless.

From the PI as you exhale, slowly extend your arms in front of you, then return to the PI. The main thing is to control muscle work as much as possible. Do not make it easier for yourself by using the force of inertia, otherwise the efficiency of work will be reduced to zero.

2.3. Bent over arms

During work, the triceps are effectively pumped. It is performed with dumbbells of a weight that is comfortable for you or with an elastic band.

IP: feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, body tilted forward, eyes looking at the floor. The pelvis should be pulled back, slightly bending the lower back. The back should remain straight. Bend your elbows, lift them back and bring your shoulder blades together. Elbows should always remain parallel to each other.

Perform extensions in three sets of 30-35 times. At the end of each approach, it is necessary to fix the position for 25-30 seconds.

2.4. "Reverse" push-ups

An effective way to tone the triceps.

IP: sitting on the floor, knees bent. Take your hands away from the pelvis by 15-20 cm, rest your palms on the floor (position of the palms: fingers forward), tear your buttocks off the mat. With the effort of the muscles of the hands, push up from the floor, make sure that the elbows are parallel, do not spread them apart.

A small nuance: the position of the hips allows you to adjust the load. The closer to the legs, the easier it is to do push-ups and vice versa, the closer to the arms, the higher the load on the muscles.

Number of repetitions: for beginners, it is enough to complete one set of 20-25 times. For those who exercise regularly in the gym, it is recommended to perform two approaches. Between push-ups, lie down on the floor, stretch your whole body, tighten your muscles, pull in your stomach and stay in this position for 20-25 seconds.

2.5. "Reverse" push-ups from the bench

During execution, the entire triceps is completely worked out.

IP: arms shoulder-width apart, legs slightly bent, back straight.

Slowly lower yourself down while inhaling, bending your arms to right angle. As you exhale, push up from the bench and return to the starting position. When performing the exercise, do not spread your elbows to the sides. The body should move almost close to the bench.

2.6. Extension of the arm from the chest

Another effective triceps exercise. Performed alternately with each hand.

IP: lie on the floor, bend your knees, feet parallel to each other. Take a dumbbell in your right hand. The elbow should be turned outward. As you exhale, bend your arm at the elbow and bring the weighting agent to your left shoulder. As you exhale, straighten it.

Number of repetitions: 15-20 times.

Then, repeat the same with the left hand.

2.7. Concentrated Biceps Curl

This exercise can be performed in various modifications. One option is the seated IP, when the elbow rests on the knee or on the opposite hand. In another variation, it is performed with a barbell and both elbows rest on the knees. Its peculiarity lies in the extraordinary amplitude of movement during the rise of the projectile and a very powerful peak contraction at the top point. Those. when the projectile is lifted up, the load reaches its maximum, and is not removed. This means that when the projectile is delayed at the peak point, you work out the biceps as efficiently as possible. Such an exercise can be performed both with supination (rotational movement) and without it. When rotating the brush, the dumbbell should be closer to the thumb.

It is important that when working with a projectile, the shoulder is strictly perpendicular to the floor. On exhalation, the arm is bent and the weight is lifted; on inhalation, extension is performed.

Method "21"

Experienced bodybuilders note that isotonic programs become less effective over time. A “plateau” effect sets in, when the muscles get tired, get used to the load, the growth of muscle tissue slows down sharply and the effectiveness of training is reduced to zero. David Carfagno (founder of the Institute of Sports Medicine in Scottsdale, Arizona, USA) proposed an innovative technique that allows you to literally "shake" the muscles and start active processes in the body. The essence of the method lies in the fact that during the same exercise it is necessary to alternate three different amplitudes of motion (AP): lower, upper and full. For any BP, 7 repetitions are performed in each approach.

This program is a real test even for endurance bodybuilders, so trainers recommend working with less weight than usual.


  • Arm swing programs consist of three supersets and are performed at a fairly fast pace.
  • A minute break is required between sets.
  • The first workouts according to the "21" system should consist of one exercise and only one muscle. Gradually, you can diversify the sets and increase the load.
  • Any program can be adapted to the Carthagno system.

Scheme of training according to the system of David Carfagno.

1. French bench press

IP: lying on a bench, feet on the floor, parallel to each other, the stomach is pulled in. Hold the dumbbells with your palms facing each other (neutral grip). Straighten your arms and place the weights over your shoulders.

1.1. Lower amplitude: slowly lower the dumbbells to head level. Pause for two counts. Extend your elbows until you reach a 45 degree angle.

1.2. Upper range: Slowly lower the dumbbells until your arms form a 45-degree angle. Pause for two counts. Straighten them out.

1.3. Full range: Lower the dumbbells to head height and then fully extend your arms.

2. Lifting the biceps in the lower block while standing

Performed with a straight crossbar.

IP: feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, knees slightly bent, back straight. The crossbar is taken with a “bottom” grip.

2.1. Lower CR: Use your biceps to lift the bar up until your arms form a right angle. Pause for one or two counts, return the crossbar to the PI.

2.2. Upper AD: The bar is compressed to chest level and lowered to 90 degrees.

2.3. Full BP: connect the upper and lower BP.

3. Extension on the block while standing (for triceps)

IP: standing, knees slightly bent, torso slightly tilted forward with a deflection at the waist, elbows pressed to the sides. The bar is held with an overhand grip, the back is straight, the stomach is pulled in. The exercise is performed with the following amplitudes:

3.1. Lower: the crossbar is “squeezed” down by the force of the triceps until the arms are fully extended, then it rises to 90 degrees.

3.2. Upper: the crossbar is squeezed out to 90 degrees and returned to the IP.

3.3. Full: the bar is squeezed towards the floor and then the hands return to the PI.

4. Push-ups

IP: emphasis on socks. The body is straight (parallel to the floor), the stomach does not "sag". Hands shoulder-width apart, fingers pointing forward.

4.1. Lower BP: keeping the body in upright position, lower your chest to the floor and slowly return to the PI.

4.2. Upper BP: Get down to the floor to the middle of the amplitude.

4.3. Full BP: Fully bend and unbend your elbows, dropping to the floor and rising almost to the level of fully extended elbows.

5. Biceps Curl with Rope Handle

IP: legs together, knees slightly bent, shoulders relaxed, stomach pulled in, arms down.

5.1. Lower amplitude: hold the handle so that the wrists look at each other. Bend your elbows to a right angle and unbend to full extension.

5.2. Upper BP: Bend your arms to the highest point, lower to 90 degrees.

5.3. The projectile moves along the entire amplitude - from the bottom up and descends until the elbows are fully extended.

Drying hands

"Drying" means getting rid of subcutaneous fat and giving hands a beautiful relief. However, good muscle shape is achieved not only by proper nutrition, but also exercise. Drying is suitable only for those who have already built up good muscles. For beginners, this procedure is strictly contraindicated.

During drying, it is necessary to adhere to the correct proportions of nutrients in the diet. During this period, preference is given to protein foods, and carbohydrates are limited.

In order to dry your hands you need to know the basic rules

  1. The main emphasis is on short-term aerobic exercise (treadmill, etc.).
  2. The program should also include work with weight machines aimed at the target muscle group.
  3. Hand drying exercises are best done in the gym under the guidance of an instructor.
  4. In addition to dumbbells, during exercises with additional weight, you can use a block simulator, light “pancakes” or a barbell bar.


Despite the seeming harmlessness, hand exercises also have their contraindications. You should definitely consult a doctor if you have the following health problems:

  • unstable blood pressure;
  • problems with the spine;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • asthma and respiratory diseases;
  • obesity;
  • osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, etc.;
  • diseases of the endocrine system.

Nowadays, the saying “They meet by their clothes, but see them off by their minds” is more relevant than ever, because the first thing we do when meeting a new person is to form our opinion about him, based on appearance, and then we look at what he has inside. If you want to be successful, both on the personal front and at work, you need to constantly keep yourself in shape.

It is especially important for a woman to be attractive and pleasant. The main component of this image of the beautiful half of the population is Therefore, the topic of this article will be "The program for training in the gym for women."

Familiarization with all stages of weight loss

To begin with, let's discuss the fact that the program for training in the gym for women in order to lose weight and in order to pump and build certain muscle groups are fundamentally different.

If building and strengthening the muscle frame is important to you, then strength exercises are most effective. If your goal is to reset excess weight, then cardio loads are something that should be given special attention. However, for best results, pay attention to both types of exercises.

In this article, the main task that our gym training program for women will solve is to remove the stomach and sides, as well as tighten the lower body or reduce the volume of the legs.

In addition to the compiled, you will need to familiarize yourself with the basic principles of proper nutrition.

For simple muscle strengthening, muscle building and cutting diets will be significantly different. This point will also be considered in general detail by us.

It is important to understand that the program for training in the gym for women and for men is different due to the difference in body structure. It is worth considering the characteristics of the girl's body before and after the menstrual cycle.

To visit the gym with simulators, you need to wear specially adapted clothes for this and be sure to take the amount of water you need with you.

Features of female physiology

Due to the amount of hormones such as testosterone and norepinephrine in the female body (they are much less in a woman than in men), the body is prone to accumulating body fat. Also, these hormones are responsible for aggressiveness and the ability to consciously repeat certain exercises for wear and tear (in this regard, ladies are less hardy).

Despite the rate of accumulation of adipose tissue in the body, girls have the ability to say goodbye to extra pounds much faster than guys.

Women have very well developed lower body muscles, which makes them very amenable to training. Things are worse with the upper body. It is quite difficult to pump the muscles of the press, chest, arms and shoulders, but in combination with proper nutrition - it is quite possible.

By the way, due to the smaller number of nerve endings in the lower abdomen, women have a less developed neuromuscular connection than men. On the one hand, this is good, because in this part of the body, ladies are more tolerant of pain (in particular, pain during menstruation), but because of this, the lower press is the most problematic part for most of them.

For women, it is very important to choose a training schedule according to the menstrual cycle.

In the first half of the time after menstruation, the body is more resilient and strong, and also less prone to deposition of "reserve" carbohydrates, so training at this time is most productive.

Ovulation usually occurs two weeks after your period. These days the body is the weakest, it is engaged in the accumulation and conservation of energy, so you can be sure that every piece of cake you eat at this time will undoubtedly lead to rounding of your forms. Training during this period is the least effective, experts even recommend reducing the load.

Let's summarize what a woman should know when choosing exercises for herself.

The weight loss training program for women is very different from the workouts for men due to the difference in muscle structure.

The number of calories that a man should consume per day is many times higher than the norm, which is shown to girls.

The program for training in the gym for women should be built according to her menstrual cycle: the heaviest loads in the first two weeks, then the intensity of training should decline.

In women's training, there should be many approaches and repetitions, between which there is a minimum of rest. A gym workout program for women 3 times a week is the best option.

Let's talk about nutrition

In order for the efforts made in the gym not to be in vain, you just need to control your diet, because no matter how hard you work out in training, with excess consumption of fats and carbohydrates, your muscles will simply grow under a layer of fat.

So, the basic rules of proper nutrition:

  • You need to eat several times a day (5-7) in small portions.
  • Be sure to consume at least two liters of clean water (tea, coffee, juices, etc. have nothing to do with clean water).
  • Minimize the consumption of so-called junk products (these are products that do not benefit the body). These include: sugar, mayonnaise, ketchup (and other store-bought non-natural sauces), sweet soda, etc.
  • Try to avoid eating too fatty meat and give preference to boiled, stewed, baked and steamed foods rather than fried in oil.

  • Do not eat 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  • Reception of the main amount of carbohydrates should be in the first half of the day.

As you can see, the rules are simple and clear to everyone. We do not advise you to completely exclude sweet, starchy and fried foods from your diet. You just need to try to eat not very healthy foods as little as possible. Make, for example, once a week a day when you can eat something tasty. But most importantly, don't overeat.

An approximate meal schedule looks like this: breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner. As a snack, fruits are best.

The main thing - remember that no program for training in the gym for women (beginners in particular) will not help you if you do not eat right.

What is the difference between a circuit training program and a split program

So, we talked about the basic principles of women's training, understood why the training program for men is not suitable for women, and learned about the basic principles of proper nutrition. Now let's talk about the workouts themselves.

The training program in the gym for weight loss for women for two days (and preferably three) is divided into two types:

A circuit program is a workout that involves each session in the gym as a study of all muscle groups at once. This type of training is considered by many to be the most preferred for women. It is, without a doubt, ideal for those whose goal is to lose weight and slightly strengthen the muscular frame.

Split training is based on the fact that the person working on it works out a certain group (or several groups) of muscles every day. For example, day 1 - back, arms, day 2 - legs, buttocks and day 3 - chest and abs.

Such training is usually chosen by men. However, for girls who want to build muscle mass in any area or pay special attention to the most problematic part of the body, such a program is also the best fit.

Below is a training program in the gym for women (initial) of the circular type.

Circuit training

It is important to remember that no matter what training program in the weight loss gym for women (and drying is also required in conjunction with weight loss workouts) you have, you need to spend 20 minutes at the beginning of the warm-up and cardio exercises and 20 minutes at the end - stretching the muscles and cardio. . We will discuss this point in more detail later.

So, you've warmed up. Now let's see what a women's (initial) gym circuit training program for a week should look like.

The first day

Press. The first exercise you will do will be twisting the body on the bench. Complete 4 sets of the maximum number of repetitions (professional trainers advise doing as many as you think you can, plus 5 more times. These 5 repetitions will be most effective).

Gluteal muscles. Lunges forward on both legs 15 times, while holding dumbbells with a minimum weight of 3 kg in your hands. 3 approaches.

Back. Vertical block pull. This exercise should be done 4 sets of 8-15 repetitions, concentrating on the muscles of the back.

Dumbbell bench press lying on a bench. This exercise tightens the chest and forms its beautiful shape, which, you see, is important for a woman (it is especially important that the training program in the gym for women over 45 includes chest exercises). Run 15 times in 2 sets.

The layout of the hands with dumbbells lying on the bench. This exercise will enlarge and strengthen your chest. Run 15 times 2 sets.

to the sides. Do 25 swings with each leg for 2 sets.

Do 2-4 rounds of this program. Remember that in between sets and exercises you can’t sit and it’s undesirable to stand in one place, it’s better to go drink some water or knead and stretch your muscles.

Day two - rest.

Day three

Squats with a barbell on your shoulders, perfectly pump your buttocks and legs. The weight of the bar should be such that you can squat with it at least 15 times without hurting yourself (we recommend starting with 8-10 kilograms). The first time you need to be insured. Do 2 sets of 15 reps.

Press from the floor. Do 2 sets of 10-15 reps. This exercise is good for the chest muscles.

Twisting with a fitball. The meaning of the exercise is that you need to raise your body and legs at the same time, while holding the fitball in outstretched arms, pass the ball from hand to foot and lower yourself, squeezing it with your feet. This compound exercise engages the muscles of the upper and lower abs, as well as the muscles of the arms and legs. The minimum number of repetitions is 10 times, 2 sets.

Leg press on the simulator. This exercise is responsible for the thigh muscles. Do it 15 times, 2 sets.

Bending the arm with a dumbbell. Do 2 sets of 15 reps for each arm. With this item, you can pump up the biceps, which will save you from problem areas in your arms.

Stand in the bar 1-1.5 minutes. The plank tightens the muscles of the whole body.
Do 2-4 rounds of this program.

Day four - rest.

Day five

Hyperextension. This exercise trains the gluteal muscle and the extensor muscles of the back. Perform 15-20 times for 0.5 kg. 2 approaches.

Raising the legs on the horizontal bar (in the hang). So you will perfectly pump the muscles of the lower and upper press, the oblique muscles of the abdomen and arms. If you are a beginner, then pull up your legs bent at the knees. If the level of training allows you, then raise straight legs to parallel with the floor. Such twisting must be done in the following order: forward, left, right. Do 10-20 reps for 2 sets.

Raising the arms in an incline with dumbbells alternately. Perform 15-25 reps for each arm, 2 sets. This exercise will strengthen your shoulders.

Calf raise with dumbbells will work the calf muscles. Do 3 sets of 40 reps.

Deadlift is the best suited for working out the back, buttocks, thighs and forearms. This pull should be done with dumbbells or a barbell. 15-20 times for 2 sets.

Mahi dumbbells to the sides pump up the middle delta of the hand. 2 sets of 10-15 reps.

Warm-up, stretching and cardio

Before exercising, be sure to spend 10 minutes warming up and 10 minutes exercising on a treadmill or on an exercise bike.

You ask: "Why do you need a warm-up if it does not build muscle mass and does not contribute to weight loss?". The answer is simple: just by warming up beforehand, you will prepare your body for hard exercises, which will significantly increase the quality and safety of the subsequent workout.

So, what is the warm-up for?

  • Warms up and tones all the muscles of the body.
  • Accelerates the heartbeat up to 100 bpm.
  • Increases the activity of the cardiovascular system, due to which blood rushes to the muscles faster.
  • Reduces the risk of tearing or pulling muscles during strength training.
  • Accelerates metabolism.
  • Helps to prepare for the workout.

Now you know how important the warm-up is. It may include: jumping rope, rotational exercises to warm up the joints, tilts and turns of the body, abduction and stretching of the arms in different directions.

After you've finished warming up, run for 10 minutes on the treadmill.

After completing the main training program, spend 10 minutes stretching. It will make your muscles look leaner and more feminine, as well as reduce pain the day after your workout. And, of course, a plastic body will never hurt a girl.

Women over 40

Many people think that the training program in the gym for a woman 40 years old and older is very different from the training for the younger generation or is not available at all. This is an erroneous opinion. Sports are shown at any age, but in this case, several rules must be observed:

  1. Before you start going to the gym, you should consult with your doctor.
  2. Rest between exercises and approaches should be longer - 1-1.5 minutes.
  3. Perform all exercises carefully and not at a very fast pace.
  4. Spend more time stretching and warming up.

By following all the rules described in this article, you will achieve incredible results at any age.

A set of exercises in the gym for girls who have just started exercising should include training all the muscles of the body. Many girls believe that strength training will have a bad effect on changes in their physique, and make their bodies masculine. But this is only if the girl began to professionally engage in bodybuilding and take anabolic steroids. So it’s worth radically revising your training program and devoting more time to working with free weights.

Weight loss program in the gym for girls

· Food

To ensure that your efforts in the gym are not in vain, you should also carefully consider your diet, as well as the choice of training program. For girls, the number of calories they consume is significantly lower than for men, which means that during visits to the gym, it is imperative to adhere to the following rules diets:

  1. Correctly calculate the daily calorie intake.
  2. Control the amount of fluid taken.
  3. Increase your daily protein intake.
  4. Add essential fatty acids (Omega-3, 6) to your diet.
  5. Control the level of sugar in the body.

The basics of training

You may want to build your gym workout program based on pumping 1-2 muscle groups in each workout. This is a very popular program, but it should only be introduced after a few months of basic full body exercises. So remember, if you are a beginner, you should first work out all muscle groups in each workout (basic exercises are suitable for this).

The psychological component

Do not immediately switch to the strictest diet, radically changing your diet. Change everything gradually, but every day. With constant training, your appetite will undoubtedly increase. You need to mentally set yourself up to achieve a result, and then everything will work out.

Basic exercises in the gym for girls

Our workout for women in the gym will consist of three days of training per week. Your muscles need to rest and recover, so remember to sleep 7-8 hours.

Day 1

No. p / p Execution technique
№1 Squats with a barbell - 15 times
№2 Lunges with dumbbells in hands - 10 times on each leg
№3 Dumbbell pull to the belt with one hand - 10 times for each hand
№4 Pull-ups from the crossbar - the maximum number of times
№5 Dumbbell bench press incline bench- 12 times

Day 2

No. p / p Execution technique
№1 Rod pull to the belt - 15 times
№2 Block pull to the chest with a narrow grip - 12 times
№3 Squats with dumbbells "Plie" - 15 times
№4 Squats on one leg (in "scissors") with dumbbells - 10 times for each leg
№5 Exercise "Book" on the press - 20 times

Day 3

No. p / p Execution technique Name of the exercise / number of repetitions
№1 Deadlift - 15 times
№2 Squats with one leg on the bench - 10 times for each leg
№3 The pull of the lower block to the belt with a narrow grip - 12 times
№4 Dumbbell bench press - 12 times
№5 Divorce dumbbells on the bench - 12 times

Each exercise in the list is performed 3 sets (3 times).

The gym is a hub of motivated women and girls with three very different goals: to lose weight, gain weight, or keep fit. Whatever the goal of the girl, the most reliable way to achieve it without harm to health is regular classes in special programs in the gym several times a week. Inexperienced girls, at least for the first time, should train under the supervision of a trainer.

To maximize the benefits of classes, girls need train according to a special exercise program.

Training programs in the gym are compiled depending on the task:

  • for beginners;
  • for experienced athletes;
  • for a set of muscle mass;
  • for burning fat;
  • for all muscle groups;
  • for a specific area
  • on relief;
  • cardio training.

Choosing the right workout plan in the gym is necessary depending on what the woman or girl wants to achieve. It is recommended to draw up a program taking into account many parameters: initial physical fitness, age, weight, the presence of diseases, and so on.

Girls should start training in the gym by performing the simplest exercises, gradually adding more complex ones to the program. Effective fat burning will provide a specially selected diet. If there is no opportunity to exercise regularly in the gym, you can do the exercises at home.

Gym workout program for girls 3 times a week


  • Workouts for gaining muscle mass in the gym and at home
  • Gym weight loss training program for men
  • men's home workout program
  • Back exercises in the gym and at home
  • Circuit training for women and men at home
  • Triceps workout for home and gym

To get started, you need to create training program for girls in the gym for 3 days- this will help to assess your own strengths and capabilities, so that later you can work out in the gym with maximum impact. The program can be divided with an emphasis on the study of different parts of the body, or build workouts based on the same exercises.

A typical basic workout targeting all muscle groups and designed to work out in the gym three times a week (example program):


  • warm-up on a treadmill 10 minutes;
  • 15 squats with a barbell without pancakes;
  • 10 lunges on each leg with dumbbells in hands;
  • 10 times - dumbbell pull to the belt alternately with each hand;
  • pull-ups on the horizontal bar (as many times as possible) or replace with the pull of the upper block behind the head 15 times;
  • the last exercise - bench press on the bench - 15 times.


  • warm-up on a treadmill;
  • 15 times - rod pull to the belt;
  • thrust with a narrow grip of the block to the chest 15 times;
  • squats with a dumbbell "plie" - 15 times;
  • squats with a barbell, alternately on each leg - 12 times;
  • exercise for the press "book" - 25 times.
  • cool down - 15 minutes on cardio machines.


  • warm-up on a treadmill;
  • 15 times - deadlift;
  • squats 10 times with each leg on the bench (alternately);
  • pull with a narrow grip to the belt of the lower block - 15 times;
  • 15 times dumbbell bench press;
  • 14 times to perform wiring with dumbbells.
  • a hitch after strength training - 15 minutes on cardio equipment.

Each exercise of the training program should be done in 2 sets.

Beginner Workout

Beginners need a special training program for beginners for girls in the gym. You need to train 3-4 times a week, when choosing exercises, you should take into account what exactly the efforts will be made for - for drying or for gaining muscle mass.

Exercises for girls in the gym, aimed at drying and muscle relief, should be accompanied by a special protein diet. If a weight loss program is being drawn up, then cardio training must be included in it.

Rules for effective training in the gym for beginners for all muscle groups:

  • During classes in the gym, girls should include exercises in the program that involve the maximum number of muscles in the work. At the same time, it should choose the right weight, in accordance with personal parameters and training;
  • If we are talking about a program for losing weight, and not for gaining muscle mass, a girl should definitely perform standard exercises in the gym: barbell press, push-ups, squats with a barbell and dumbbells, all types of crunches for the press. You need to exercise without overtraining, with the optimal number of repetitions - 10-15 times;
  • It is necessary to ensure that the muscles and joints are not overloaded, you also need to properly build breathing, relaxing on the inhale and making an effort on the exhale- the quality of classes both in the gym and at home depends on it;
  • During training, you must drink water, in order to promptly replenish the inevitable loss of body fluid, which is bad for the muscles;
  • Girls should not forget to include in the program of classes in the gym cardio exercises that provide the maximum effect for weight loss is running on a treadmill (15 minutes before and after a workout), classes on an orbi track or a bicycle;
  • Exercises should be done in two sets with a break of 60 seconds.

What exercises to include in the program for beginner girls in the gym:

  • Warm-up - 15 minutes;
  • Twisting "hyperextension" - 12 times;
  • Squats with a neck - 15 times;
  • Twisting on an inclined bench - 12 times;
  • Push-ups on the knees - 10 times;
  • Dumbbell bench press with a supporting knee on a bench - 12 times for each arm;
  • Breeding dumbbells over the chest in the prone position - 10 times;
  • Bending the legs in the simulator - 15 times;
  • Swing your legs back in the simulator - 15 times;
  • Cardio - 10 minutes.

Program for gaining muscle mass

In a special way, a training program for girls should be developed to gain muscle mass in the gym. It should include the study of all muscle groups.

The training program for gaining muscle mass for girls should be designed in such a way that the days in the gym alternate - that is, on one day you should “swing” the upper body, and on the other - the lower one.

The program for gaining muscle mass in the gym is based on the principle:

  • Monday - upper body muscle mass training;
  • Tuesday is a day of rest;
  • Wednesday - training of the muscle mass of the lower part;
  • Thursday is a day of rest;
  • Friday - training of the muscle mass of the middle part;
  • Saturday and Sunday are rest days.

Rules for training in the gym for gaining muscle mass for girls:

  • Necessarily include basic exercises in the program in the gym- bench press, barbell squat, deadlift, crunches;
  • In order for muscles to grow, girls need to constantly provide progression, that is, complicate the workout and increase the weight on the bar;
  • Number of repetitions exercises in programs for gaining muscle mass in the gym for girls should be at least 12-15 times for 2-3 sets;
  • Between sets, the girl needs to rest for about 60 seconds;
  • The workout itself in the gym should not last longer than 60 minutes.

The program for gaining muscle mass in the gym for girls:

Monday - arms, shoulders, chest

  • Hyperextension exercise;
  • French press forhead;
  • Alternately pulling the dumbbell to the shoulder;
  • Breeding dumbbells lying down;
  • Breeding dumbbells sitting;
  • Wide grip chest pull.

Wednesday - legs, buttocks

  • Leg abduction in crossover;
  • Leg press on the simulator;
  • Squats with a bar behind your back;
  • Pulling up the legs in the hang with an emphasis on the elbows;
  • Lunges in the Smith machine;
  • Smith machine squats.

Friday - back, press

  • Twisting on an inclined bench;
  • Reverse tilt hyperextension;
  • Thrust of the upper block to the belt;
  • Leg raises on the bench;
  • Deadlift with dumbbells;
  • Twisting "Prayer".

Fat Burning Workout

The training program for girls for burning fat in the gym consists of a complex for the load of the heart muscle and strength exercises. Cardio training is an integral part of exercising in the gym during weight loss.

A competent training program for girls in the gym for weight loss should be developed as follows:

  • You need to start training with warm-ups and cardio exercises on a treadmill;
  • The best exercise for burning weight in the gym, as well as slimming the buttocks and thighs, is the barbell squat.Squats with weights, you need to do it carefully and according to the rules, because this exercise, if performed incorrectly, can be dangerous for the back and joints: the legs should be placed wider than the shoulders, the barbell should be placed on the shoulders, grabbing it with your hands, you should squat slowly, lowering the buttocks as low as possible. At the same time, do not arch your back and keep it straight, your head looks straight;
  • Girls should do exercises at least 12 times 3-4 sets;
  • Don't be afraid big weights when going to the gym, from them the process of weight loss will go even faster. It is important not to overdo it, and choose sports equipment according to your strength;
  • Visually reduce the waist girls will be helped by the inclusion in the training program of exercises for the development of spinal muscles - pull-ups on the horizontal bar;
  • Weight loss will provide crossfit– fast performance of strength and cardio exercises, with minimal intervals between them.

Workout for girls to burn fat in the gym:


  • Jumping rope - 3 minutes;
  • Running at an average pace - 7 minutes;
  • Exercise bike - 5 minutes;


  • Squats with lowering the dumbbell between the legs;
  • Swing your legs in a crossover;
  • Forward lunges with dumbbells in front of you;
  • Squats with lifting dumbbells up;
  • Breeding legs in the simulator;
  • Dumbbell bench press with a supporting knee on a bench;
  • Leg abduction in the Smith simulator;
  • Lunges back with a neck behind the back;
  • Oblique twists on the floor;
  • Plank on straight arms with legs abducted to the side.


  • Walking on a treadmill - 7 minutes;
  • Exercise bike - 3 minutes;
  • Walking on the orbit track at an average pace - 7 minutes.

The program for training in the gym can be divided into days with an emphasis on individual muscle groups, then you will need to increase the number of repetitions and approaches. Or girls can perform a full complex in every workout.

The most effective fat burning occurs in girls during training for all muscle groups, but you need to choose the way to work on the program in the gym, taking into account the level of training.

Simple fitness program

The fitness training program for girls in the gym is a set of measures to change your lifestyle. The fitness training program for relief for girls should combine classes in the gym with a proper diet. Minimize carbohydrate intake and increase protein intake.

Girls need to start eating fractionally and in small portions, drink plenty of water, and also perform the following exercises:

  • Push-ups from the floor - 12 times in 2 sets (it is allowed to include push-ups from the knees in the program);
  • Twisting on an inclined bench 12 repetitions 2 times (sitting on a bench, put your hands behind your head and raise your upper body);
  • For biceps, perform dumbbell rows - 15 times in 2 sets (dumbbells in the hands in front of you, elbows pressed to the body, lower and raise the dumbbells to the shoulders);
  • Bending the arms - 12 repetitions of 2 sets (take one dumbbell with both hands, lift, take it down behind the head, bending the arms at the elbows);
  • Lowering the legs - 15 lifts in 2 sets (lying on the floor, put your hands along the body, slowly raise and lower your legs).

Regular workouts for girls according to the program with the right set exercises will help not only drive fat from problem areas - they will build a beautiful and toned body with excellent muscle relief. The main thing is to work out in the gym according to the plan, and not give up halfway.

Almost any woman who decides to work out in the gym is faced with the question of choosing a training program. To compile an effective set of exercises, it is necessary to take into account the purpose of future training, the state of health, and whether there is experience in training on simulators and with weights.

Programs for weight loss and weight gain differ in the selection of exercises, intensity and volume of aerobic exercise.

The hormonal background of a woman affects the result of exercising in the gym. The female body has a low level of testosterone, so the set of muscle mass is slow.

During menopause, women are forbidden to carry out strict diets that disrupt the production of testosterone.

Excess estrogen disrupts fat metabolism in the direction of weight gain and reduces the effectiveness of weight loss programs. Active cardio training, leading to a significant loss of body fat, can disrupt the flow of menstruation. If they are accompanied by pain, classes in the gym should be temporarily stopped.

Warm up

Any workout begins with a set of exercises to warm up the muscles and prepare the body for physical activity. The warm-up includes light aerobic exercise on a treadmill or exercise bike.

To increase the mobility of the joints and spine, tilts are performed and torso twists, swings or circular motions of the arms and legs. An effective warm-up complex increases body temperature and pulse rate. The last stage of the warm-up is stretching the muscles and ligaments.

Stretching exercises

To warm up the pectoral muscles, clasped behind the back, the arms are extended and raised to the ceiling. In order for the back muscles to stretch, you need to grab the support with your hand, bend over, and take the pelvis back, straightening your legs.

If you raise your arm up, then bend and pull the elbow to the opposite shoulder, the triceps will get a good stretch. Tilts to touch the floor with brushes stretch the hamstrings, lower back and buttocks. To warm up the thigh muscles, you need to bend the leg at the knee so that the heel looks up, and then pull it up and towards you with your free hand.

Features of training for beginners

For women who are going to the gym for the first time, exercise on simulators should be included in the training program. The main goal of the first lessons is to develop the correct technique for the safe exercise.

The muscles of beginners do not know how to contract effectively, therefore, exercises with an exhausting load and the use of significant weights are not allowed. To perform basic exercises with a barbell and dumbbells, a woman should learn to consciously keep her pelvic floor muscles in tension, especially when loading the body in an upright position.

Features of training for women after 40 years

The training program in the gym for women should take into account the physiological changes that occur in the body after 40 years. To maintain muscle mass, two sessions a week are enough, in each you need to perform from 4 to 8 exercises, trying to involve all muscle groups.

The intensity of training should be limited due to poor elasticity of the ligaments and tendons.

Age-related changes affect the accuracy of performing movements, therefore block simulators, dumbbells and fitness equipment are used in the classroom. It is advisable to update the training program monthly so that the body does not get used to monotonous movements and loads.

Do women need barbell and dumbbell exercises

It must be remembered that well-developed muscles are responsible for correct posture, elegant gait and for appearance generally. Only by working with a barbell and dumbbells of moderate weights, a woman will build up and achieve muscle elasticity, for example, the buttocks.

Properly selected load when exercising with free weights has a positive effect on the work of the heart muscle and blood vessels, as well as on the relief of the body. Multi-joint exercises with a barbell and dumbbells allow you to maintain muscle tone while exercising at home.

Do not be afraid of a significant increase in body weight when working with large weights, low testosterone in the female body protects against this problem.

First workouts for women: weight loss

Based on the principle of "do no harm", the weight loss training program should be adapted to the physical and age characteristics of the body. For this, in the first lessons they give a test load.

If the implementation of the planned number of repetitions is difficult, you need to reduce one approach in the entire complex or in those exercises that are especially difficult to handle.

In the first month of training, aerobic exercise should be given after doing exercises on simulators.

At the same time, it is necessary to control that the pulse does not leave the fat-burning zone. To calculate the lower and upper boundaries of the zone, you need to subtract age from 220, and then calculate 60 and 70%.

First workouts for women: gaining muscle mass

The main task of the first workouts when gaining weight is to master the correct technique for performing exercises, and to involve the complex of small stabilizer muscles in the work. Therefore, you can not immediately lift heavy barbells and dumbbells, the working weight of the shells must be increased in subsequent workouts.

In the initial classes, it is enough to perform exercises on simulators with a moderate load, 2-3 sets of each. In the warm-up set, more repetitions are performed with less weight, the load increases with each subsequent approach. The duration of the lesson varies from 30 to 50 minutes, depending on the physical capabilities of the woman.

The best exercises in the gym

Training programs for men and women are significantly different. In the gym, ladies, as a rule, strengthen their muscles, giving them a beautiful appearance, so basic and isolated exercises should be included in the training complex.

On the back

Lever thrust in the simulator significantly loads not only the latissimus dorsi, but also the trapezius muscles of the back. This simulator will successfully replace the barbell or dumbbell row to the stomach.

The upper back area is effectively worked out by pull-ups and vertical traction to the chest on a block simulator. To work out the lower back, it is customary to perform a deadlift with a barbell, an alternative to which is hyperextension, especially for problems with the spine.

On your feet

The classic barbell squat is one of the most effective exercises. to work out the entire complex of leg muscles. Women with weak backs or spinal problems should squat in a hack machine and also do leg presses in a machine.

To increase the tone and increase the volume of the gluteal muscles, you need to regularly do lunges with dumbbells, as well as leg extensions in the simulator. Women should not forget to load the calf muscles by performing standing calf raises.

On hand

Dumbbell overhead extensions and push-ups are popular shoulder extensor exercises. If the triceps are a problem area, then they are additionally worked out by extending the arms on a block simulator and doing bench presses with a narrow grip.

beautiful shape and the volume of the biceps will provide bending of the arms with a barbell while standing. Dumbbells make it possible to load the biceps of the shoulder muscle in a tilted position, and bending on the biceps machine increases the intensity of training for the hands.

On the press

A woman should initially perform regular and reverse crunches while lying on a bench to prepare the abdominal muscles for more difficult work. The intensity of the training is increased by working on a press machine and twisting on a block simulator.

For women who are going to the gym for the first time, exercise on simulators should be included in the training program.

The fat layer in the lower abdomen is reduced by lifting bent legs in a simulator that has stops for the elbows. The muscles of the press, which are responsible for the slimness of the waist, work well on the torso machine and turns of the torso with a body bar.

Workout table in the gym for women

Gym workout program

No. pp

Name of the exercise



Workout 1 (for muscle tone)

5 minutes
1 Lever pull in the simulator 3 10-12
2 Vertical traction on a block simulator 3 15
3 Press on the chest in the simulator 3 10-12
4 Breeding hands with dumbbells lying on a bench 3 15
5 Leg press in the simulator 3 10-12
6 Information legs on the simulator 3 15
7 Leg curls in the lying machine 3 15
8 3 12-15
9 Regular twists 3 20
10 3 50
11 Walking uphill on a treadmill 30 minutes

Workout 2 (Circuit)

Warm-up: orbitrek 5 minutes
1 Horizontal traction on a block simulator 3 15
2 Dumbbell press lying on a bench 3 15
3 Standing dumbbell curls 3 15
4 Extension of arms on a block simulator 3 15
5 Leg extension on the simulator 3 15
6 Information legs on the simulator 3 15
7 Lifting bent legs on the simulator 3 15
8 Orbitrek 30 minutes

Day of rest

Workout 3 (strength)

Warm up: exercise bike 5 minutes
1 Bench Press 4 10
2 Squats 4 12
3 Rod pull to the belt, standing in an inclination 4 10
4 Standing barbell curls 4 10
5 Extension of the arm with a dumbbell up 4 10
6 Deadlift with barbell 4 12
7 Reverse crunches 3 15

Day of rest

Workout 4 (working out problem areas)

Warm-up: orbitrek 5 minutes
1 Lunges with dumbbells 3 15
2 "Buttock Bridge" 3 20
3 Breeding legs on the simulator 3 20
4 Bench push-ups 3 15
5 Bent Over Dumbbell Extensions 3 15
6 Extension of arms on a block simulator with a rope handle 3 15
7 Oblique twists lying on the floor 3 20
8 Torso twists with bodybar 3 50
9 Lateral torso 3 20
10 exercise bike 20 minutes

Cardio workout (60 minutes)

1 Warm up: walking on a treadmill 5 minutes
2 Orbitrek 15 minutes
3 Interval walking on a treadmill 35 min
4 exercise bike 10 min
5 Cooldown: Walking on a treadmill 5 minutes

Day of rest

Circuit training

The circuit training program in the gym is used by women to reduce weight without losing muscle mass. Circuit training consists of 6-10 exercises covering the entire muscles of the body, sometimes the muscles are worked out locally on different days.

In each approach, the exercises are performed alternately for 10-15 repetitions, at a fast pace and without a break. To get a tangible result, you can not practice to failure, and you should also follow the technique and have experience in training.

cardio training

Cardio training involves any aerobic exercise that increases the heart rate and is aimed at burning subcutaneous fat.

The well-equipped fitness club offers a wide range of aerobic equipment:

  • Treadmills,
  • exercise bikes,
  • orbitreks
  • rowing simulators.

Cardio training is long in time, you should start with walking, which gradually increases the load on the heart. For classes, one or more simulators are used, with different working hours on them.

Split workout

The essence of the method is the separate training of muscle groups during the week. So on Monday they load the biceps and back muscles, on Wednesday - the quadriceps, calves and shoulders, and on Friday they leave the pectoral muscles and triceps. The session consists of several exercises for each muscle group, the number of sets and repetitions determines the ultimate goal of the training program.

Split training is effective for gaining mass or body shaping, and with weight loss - for targeted study of problem areas. The system of separate training is not suitable for those who have just started exercising or often skip classes.

Power training

For women, the strength training program in the gym is made up of basic exercises, taking into account the physique and age characteristics. The main part of the workout includes 5-6 exercises performed in three sets.

Working out the muscles for 8-10 repetitions, with breaks of no more than 90 seconds, increases the level of testosterone in the blood, which stimulates the subsequent increase in body weight. The weight of the weights should allow you to perform the planned number of repetitions without violating the correct technique. If the next day you feel stiffness of the muscles, at the next workout you need to slightly reduce the working weights.

Proper nutrition during active training

The calorie content and composition of the daily diet should be consistent with the goals of training in the gym. When training for weight loss, a strong reduction in caloric intake should not be allowed so as not to disrupt the metabolism in the body.

When gaining weight, protein is consumed at the rate of 2.5 grams per kilogram of "net" body weight, that is, without taking into account the weight of fat. Most of the daily protein should be eaten after training and in the evening.

Carbohydrates are a source of energy, as well as an important component of muscle growth, so they account for up to 50% daily calories nutrition. The diet includes slowly digestible carbohydrates and fruits, which are eaten before lunch and an hour before class.

Fats should not be excluded from the diet, but they should not be abused, so as not to increase the amount of subcutaneous fat. All the main components of nutrition are divided into three main meals and two low-calorie snacks.

Do women need proteins and gainers

A woman who wants to gain weight or lose weight aesthetically should supplement her diet with sports supplements. Nutrient mixtures consisting of 50% or more protein, called proteins, are added during training for muscle growth and during strict diets.

Protein shakes are easy to digest, help fight hunger, and provide the body with essential amino acids to grow and maintain muscle fibers.

Gainer is a carbohydrate-protein mixture that fully restores after physical activity, but not desirable for problems with rapid weight gain. Women with a lean physique, or who are not able to eat regularly, the daily diet must be balanced with a gainer.

Important: protein is unhealthy when consumed improperly, so when choosing a sports supplement, you should consult a professional instructor or doctor.

Sample menu for 3 days for women

On the day of strength training, nutrition takes into account the body's need for protein and carbohydrates to work with increased intensity. An important meal is a snack 30-60 minutes before training.

It is desirable to divide the morning snack into two meals, and dinner includes slow carbohydrates to restore muscle glycogen:

  • Breakfast - an omelet from a couple of eggs and oatmeal in milk.
  • Snack - a glass of fruit juice.
  • Snack - a small apple or tangerine.
  • Lunch - a portion of boiled fish with rice and vegetables.
  • Snack - cottage cheese or drinking yogurt.
  • Before training - a small banana.
  • After class - a gainer or protein shake, depending on the time of training.
  • Dinner - poultry, vegetable salad with broccoli, a piece of bread with cereals.

On the day of rest, the diet should provide full recovery and growth of muscle mass:

  • Breakfast - bake pasta in microwave oven with cheese and eggs.
  • Snack is a juicy fruit.
  • Snack - green tea with dried apricots or dates.
  • Lunch - beef chop, buckwheat porridge, fresh tomatoes and cucumbers.
  • Snack - 30 g of muesli with yogurt.
  • Dinner - lean meat, vegetable stew.
  • Before going to bed - low-fat kefir and 1/2 teaspoon of bran.

Nutrition on the day of cardio training creates the conditions for achieving maximum fat burning. Do not eat any food before and for an hour after class.

The menu should include only slowly digestible carbohydrates, and for dinner - protein products:

  • Breakfast - rice with vegetable salad.
  • Snack - vegetable salad.
  • Lunch - lean meat, some buckwheat porridge and fresh vegetables.
  • Snack - unsweetened yogurt with 1/2 tea bran.
  • Dinner - cottage cheese casserole and unsweetened yogurt, as an option - a protein shake.

When to expect the first results

An excellent result of a month of hard strength training is about 400 g of new muscle mass. By building no more than 100 g of muscle per week, women should not expect an immediate visual effect when gaining mass.

The effect of daily exercises on increasing tone becomes noticeable after two weeks.

Muscles maintained in constant tension look voluminous and more prominent.

The first results in the gym are most quickly achieved by women who want to lose weight. This requires a training program that combines strength and aerobic exercise, and adherence to a proper diet.

Visible results appear after just a few regular sessions.. Reducing your daily calorie intake and high intensity training allows you to lose up to 1 kg of excess weight per week.

The training program in the gym should be consistent with the goal that a woman sets for herself. The intensity of classes is selected taking into account the age-related characteristics of the physiology and physical capabilities of the woman.

So that the first results of training are not long in coming, it is necessary to carefully compose and strictly observe the diet. The advice of experts will help you avoid mistakes in nutrition and choose the right sports supplements.

Gym training program for women: video

Training program for beginners, see the video clip:

3-day split program, see the video:

The right training program for girls can transform the female body beyond recognition, at the same time, improper training in the gym can lead to injuries, overtraining, loss of motivation, zero result.

The bulk of the girls set themselves the goal of losing weight in the gym, however, after working out for a sufficiently long time, they don’t get the result, the extra pounds, as they were in place, remained. This, in turn, imposes certain difficulties in understanding the basics correct workouts. Therefore, before moving on to practical exercises in the gym, let's take a closer look at the features of women's training.

Training for girls differs from men's training programs, due to the peculiarities of the female body. This is primarily related to reduced level testosterone and menses.

Decreased testosterone levels

Low level testosterone in the female body, it does not allow girls to perform approaches as intensely and “hard” as men, which means that muscle failure in the approach during the exercise will come much earlier, therefore, the work in the gym will not be done as effectively, and of course, all this will be reflected in muscle growth in a negative direction. However, a significant accumulation of muscles in the thighs and buttocks, gives the girls, with the right training, to pump up elastic and beautiful buttocks.

Features of women's training

Due to the fact that nature is more profitable, it is much more to give the girl muscles in the lower part (hips and buttocks) than in the upper part (chest, neck, back, arms, shoulders), for the normal bearing of a child. Such a distribution by nature is effective for bearing a fetus, because the muscles themselves are very energy-consuming, that is, many kcal are required to maintain them, which is why the female body has much less muscles than the male body.


During menstruation, the load on the legs and abs decreases, or completely stops (according to well-being). In the first two weeks, after menstruation, the girl feels a surge of strength, during this period, load the buttocks with various exercises on the legs in the gym strongly, work at 100%, after 2 weeks, during ovulation, reduce the intensity of training, reduce the approaches in exercises and working weights, and then, the cycle repeats again.

Thus, with such training microcycles, you "catch up with two birds with one stone" - take care of your health and do not let yourself fall into overtraining from constant hard training.

And finally, the third important factor that a girl should pay attention to is a healthy and nutritious diet.

Menstruation while exercising

Balanced diet

For 3-4 weeks after menstruation, the female body will try especially hard to accumulate nutrients, store fat in reserve, so that the baby is born healthy. Therefore, during this period reduce your calorie intake Limit yourself in carbohydrates and fats.

Carbohydrates, in the form of glycogen, are stored in the muscles much faster in girls than in men. Therefore, excess carbohydrates will turn into fat faster in the female body. However, the rate of conversion of fat into energy will be faster than in men. Hence the conclusion, the more muscles, the more "fuel tanks" for carbohydrates will be in the body, which means that the likelihood of excess weight gain will be much less.

Reusable, fractional nutrition, balanced in its composition (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals), is the key to good health, and of course obtaining the desired result during training in the gym. At the beginning of the day, you mainly consume carbohydrates (complex), at the end of the day, proteins, the ratio is approximately the same (50-60% carbohydrates, 30-40% squirrels, 10-20% fats). Exclude, from your diet, fried, salted, fatty, as well as foods with preservatives and fast foods. For more information about the diet, read the corresponding section on nutrition.

healthy, balanced diet, this is not, which is only temporarily present on your menu, this is a diet that should be with you throughout the sports and healthy lifestyle life.

Remember that only in the complex, healthy eating, full recovery, and competent training will lead you to success in the gym.

Proper nutrition while exercising in the gym

Well, now that you have familiarized yourself with the theoretical foundations female training, let's go directly to the training itself.

Training program for girls

There are only two main approaches to training in the gym. Some girls gain mass (weight), not particularly paying attention to the relief and dryness of the muscles, in which case they have one goal - to gain muscle mass as much as possible, so that later it can be “cut off”, dried, as a rule, this is achieved with the help of high-calorie nutrition, while other girls are simultaneously losing weight and gaining lean muscle mass. Your task at this stage is to determine what type you are relative to, but as practice shows, the first case when a girl gains weight is among professional athletes who perform on the bikini fitness or female bodybuilding stages.

If you possess big enough excess fat mass, then you, at the initial stage, should not work with simulators and barbells at all, because the gym grows muscles, and does not burn fat.

That is, first you need to adjust your diet until you lose enough excess fat mass (how to lose weight correctly, with the help of nutrition, read this), you can also connect, for more effective weight loss, various aerobic exercise(jump rope, running, jumping, treadmill, exercise bike and so on)

Scary, big and inflated girls in magazines can beat off a trip to the gym for many. Therefore, all women, remember that you will not be able to pump up big muscles without the use of hormonal drugs, at most, you can tone your muscles, give them a slight shape and relief.

We present you a training plan (training program) for girls in the gym, which involves the alternation of hard and easy weeks of training.


Option number 1

Workout 1

  • Bicycle (exercise bike) - 5-10 minutes
  • - 2x max
  • (wide setting of the legs) - 4x8
  • – 4x10
  • , sitting - 4x15
  • - 4x12
  • - 4x12
  • – 4 x max
  • Muscle stretch

Workout 2

  • Orbirek (elliptical trainer) - 5-10 minutes
  • General warm-up
  • Push-ups from the floor with a wide grip - 2 x max
  • medium grip 3x8-10
  • on a horizontal bench - 4x12
  • Push-ups on the uneven bars in the gravitron - 3x12
  • - 3x12
  • for the press with a pancake from the bar - 3 x max
  • Muscle stretch

Workout 3

  • Bicycle - 5-10 minutes
  • General warm-up and warm-up knee joints: 5-10 minutes
  • – 2 x max
  • (deadlift on straight legs) - 4x10
  • Reverse lunges in the Smith machine - 4x10
  • - 4x12
  • – 4x10
  • (exercise of your choice) - 4x15
  • – 3 x max
  • Muscle stretch

Option number 2

Monday - legs

  • – 5 sets of 15-20 reps
  • – 4 sets of 20-25 reps
  • – 3 sets of 15 reps
  • (deadlift on straight legs)

Wednesday - back, shoulders and triceps

  • – 5 sets of 15 reps
  • – 5 sets of 15 reps
  • – 3 sets of 20 reps
  • – 5 sets of 20 reps
  • lying down - 5 sets of 15 reps
  • – 5 sets of max reps
  • Treadmill or bike - 20-30 minutes

Friday - legs and chest

  • - 5 sets of 15-20 reps
  • – 5 sets of 15 reps
  • – 5 sets of 15 reps
  • – 5 sets of max reps
  • Treadmill or bike - 20-30 minutes

Easy and hard training week for girls