What does the formula of berkan ansuz yera teyvaz mean. Berkana rune - meaning in a direct and inverted position

The meaning of the Berkan rune lies in its statutory inscription, which is a stylized female breast. The eighteenth rune of the all-German Futhark symbolizes fertility and motherhood (in a universal context), it is an image of kindness and sincerity, the strength that life can give without demanding anything in return. Berkana is associated with birch and is called the Great Mother.

  • Rune semantics: mother, fertility, health, birth
  • Rune transliteration: B (C)
  • Norse rune name: Bjarkan
  • Old Norse name: Bjarkan
  • Icelandic variant of the name: Bjarkan
  • Celtic variant: Berrachd
  • Name known in Germany: Vercna, or Berkano
  • Gothic (Gothic) rune name: Bairkan, berkana
  • Anglo-Saxon: Veroc

The meaning of the Berkana rune is emphasized on the image of the mother, it is a female rune, and it is universal only in extremely specialized aspects. This is creativity, an impulse that pushes to the emergence of new thoughts, ideas. This is true love and natural beauty, while Berkana has a clear protective aspect. It can indicate well-being within the family hearth, the preservation of pregnancy, the provision of a harmonious state in some location or in relation to a particular person.

The meaning of the Berkan rune can be reduced to the withering away of the old, unnecessary, unproductive. The rune embodies natural changes in the surrounding world, where the death of one always entails the birth of another. In a certain sense, Berkana personifies rebirth, healing, regeneration, restoration. This is spiritual development and physical improvement, a meaningful movement from maturation to the emergence of a sprout and flourishing.

The meaning of the rune Berkan in the upright position

The value of the Berkan rune, which is in a direct position, is interpreted depending on the neighboring runes and the situation as a whole. This is the birth of a child, the strengthening of physical health (usually in the context of "women's" problems). The rune can talk about a wedding, indicate the need for patience or even silence (perhaps humility). But this is by no means stagnation, not a cessation of development, everything proceeds naturally and "as it should."

Berkana in a direct position speaks of beneficial changes, this is the beginning of a new stage. Most often, these changes are associated with the fact that you will meet true love, enter into a family union, or continue your family line with the appearance of a child. The rune indicates an ideal period for development, including personal development. This is a favorable moment for any undertakings, a good time to improve skills (the process of learning or advanced training). Berkana speaks of a favorable outcome, the moment of the highest concentration of creative energy.

But, despite the fact that you probably have the total patronage of "higher powers", you should not assume that everything will work out by itself. Achieving the desired is associated with thoughtfulness, measuredness and appropriate efforts.

The meaning of the Berkan rune is pretty clear: you are on the right track, everything is going well. The situation requires patience and understanding, be objective and do not expect old habits to dissolve in the blink of an eye. If you want to do something, do it confidently and purposefully, do your best, or don't do it at all. If you are not ready to reach the end, you should not even try to take the first step.

Start small and work your way up to what you want. Break your big goal down into smaller tasks and tackle them one at a time. Plan your actions in advance, do not be afraid to dream and realize your dreams. Do not give yourself the opportunity to relax, because everything is natural - great achievements require great effort. You can do everything, even if someone claims the opposite and the circumstances seem insurmountable.

The meaning of the rune Berkana in an inverted position

An inverted Berkana speaks of difficulty. Growth (both spiritual improvement and physical development) is impossible, you are not able to move forward (quite possibly this applies to personal relationships and joint desires). Alas, the inverted Berkana, depending on the situation, may indicate childlessness, the loss of a child, divorce, and serious family problems.

To understand the situation, you need to carefully analyze it. After all, despite the fact that the subtext of the inverted Berkana is clearly negative, it is in more a warning and probably an indication, not a dry statement of fact. The problem may be outside, you need to understand what causes you anxiety and upsets your inner balance. Perhaps the reason lies in your own character and your actions, so you need to look at what is happening critically.

An inverted Berkana is an indication that cannot be ignored. Now, in no case should you succumb to despondency, you need to pull yourself together and consider the situation (or a specific person) from all possible angles (under which ones - the rest of the runes of the layout will tell you). The inverted Berkana advises to keep your mouth shut, think what you are saying, weigh every word, remember: silence is gold. If you are slow and methodical, and most importantly, impartial, you will definitely be able to identify the cause of your problems. Soon everything will be back to normal.

Use of Berkana in rituals

The significance of the Berkan rune allows it to be used in various shamanic practices and trances aimed at enhancing fertility (not only in the context of childbearing, but also in order to increase the offspring of domestic animals or stimulate plant growth). Berkana helps with infertility, it can be used to resolve family difficulties, it bestows love, protection and peace.

Runa Berkana is able to facilitate childbirth, improve the health of the mother (more broadly - women), improve relations between generations (the notorious conflict of "fathers and children") and improve family affairs. Berkana gently encourages spiritual growth and development on the physical plane, it helps to understand what you really need at the present time. The rune can be used to develop creative motives, but it will not give you qualities that you do not have, but will only develop the ones you have.

Using the Berkan rune in runescripts

In runescripts, as well as in knitted runes, Berkana is used to enhance femininity, to solve "female" health problems. The rune helps to stabilize family relationships, stimulates mental performance and helps to realize creative ideas (in the context, this can mean both creativity and other aspects professional activity modern man). Below are the most popular examples of two-part combinations of Berkana with other runes:

The rune of Berkana has amazing power, but it is a soft power that should not be rushed and rushed. But it shouldn't be underestimated either. It moves slowly and naturally allows the new to replace the old.

Philosophy of the Berkan rune - esoteric interpretation

K. Meadows and some other researchers prefer to call the Berkan rune Bjarka, which probably corresponds to the Old Norse name (whereas the Berkan variant is of Gothic origin). Berkana embodies the energy that allows everything in this world to come into being (“manifest in the material layer of being”). This is the embodiment of the cyclic process of growth and destruction, creation and elemental entropy.

However, Bjarka's energy feeds all life even before it is born (like a mother who literally creates her child inside herself before releasing it into the world around her). As already noted, the statutory inscription of the Berkan rune (the pictures are presented above) resembles a stylized female breast. This is an “earthly mother”, which helps to gradually join the earthly experience, which is an important stage in personal development.

It is important to understand that the meaning of the Berkan rune is not just a mother as an archetype or some kind of abstract concept. We are talking about a figurative bond between mother and child, a bond that cannot be broken, because there is nothing stronger in the world than it. Therefore, Berkana is reciprocity, it is not only the embodiment of an idea, but also its accompaniment from the moment of birth to triumph. This is the protection and support that everyone needs, without which everyone is nothing.

The rune of Berkana allows not only to save, but also to transform energy. It helps to change life for the better, tune in to the best, see and feel the best. However, do not forget that this is a purely female rune (as opposed to it, Teyvaz is a specifically male sign). In addition, Bjarka has accentuated healing qualities.

  • Berkana Rune Potential: maternal energy, nourishing force, connection, protection and regeneration, renewal
  • Basic esoteric qualities: protection and mercy, compassion and care, sincerity and kindness, fertility and healing, the ability to form strong relationships
  • Practical aspect in esotericism: helps to understand oneself, stabilizes mood and relationships, helps with family problems, heals reproductive functions
  • Rune Summon: try to understand the natural course of things, because you are so far away from nature that you are used to calling it “wild”

Runa Berkana (Bjarka) helps to abandon what hinders development. It gives a creative impetus, strengthens health and will, gives strength in difficult times.

The woman sat in front of the fire, on which stood a cast-iron, bubbles burst on the surface of the soup. Children with dishes and dogs lined up and waited. She poured soup from the pot with a ladle for children and dogs, and Mosudi realized that she was pouring dreams.

Milorad Pavic

Growth, growth process, care, favorable conditions. Birch, Mother Goddess, White Goddess, Shakti, power of growth. There is a Goddess in every woman. In each person lives the great power of Love and the ability to take care not only about themselves, but also about other creatures in which there is life. Goddess of the Moon, who gives physical form to creative ideas and brings the growth of well-being and prosperity. The third rune of beer.

Person - birch, woman, mother, housewife, good witch.

Quality - care, growth, cultivation, well-being.

Place - greenhouse, forest, chest.

Family, property and personal life - the growth of well-being, well-being, caring for someone.

Goals and intentions are achievable and feasible.

Enemies - Enemies won't bother you. In a particular case, Berkana personifies a middle-aged woman, usually having children.

Health is growing pains. Sometimes it is an indicator of exclusively female diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases.

Loss - you will safely find what you have lost after a while.

Anxiety - Anxiety can be associated with a middle-aged woman.

Spiritual practice - there are no obstacles.

Business - increasing wealth and gaining friendship with a mature woman. The rune indicates the presence of great vitality of your enterprise, it has every chance to bring you prosperity and prosperity. Appearing in the forecast, Berkana notifies about the onset of the time of increasing material well-being and good luck, bringing joy not only to you. The success of your business largely depends on how the forces of growth and self-expression manifest themselves in it. Any plant already in its embryo knows what it will be, whether it is a rose or a fly agaric. Therefore, in order for your business to flourish, create favorable conditions for the growth of wealth, and not for poverty and devastation.

Virtue - care, cultivation. Love.

Vice - effeminacy, excessive femininity, self-pity.

Council - mother. Do everything in a timely manner, show care. Cultivate qualities that bring joy and prosperity.

Application - used to find peace and harmony, attract new life (pregnancy).

In first position- the rune indicates the process of growth and prosperity. Events that bring happiness and prosperity to the family. In the forecast, it symbolizes a woman with children, the keeper of the hearth. This is a time of success, and with care and awareness, tangible results can be achieved. The maturation and flourishing of something new, bringing joy and well-being into your life, is now very likely.

In second position- show care and tolerance. Start something new that brings joy not only to you. Let your life force express itself creatively. Sometimes he recommends seeking advice or help from a wise woman.

In third position- portends a favorable outcome in any matter. In matters of relationships, in combination with Jera, indicates pregnancy, the visit of a lady, perhaps the arrival of the mother with the child.

Reversed position

A woman in the first half of her life gives birth, and in the second she kills and buries herself or her loved ones. The only question is when this second half begins.

Milorad Pavic

Untimeliness. The third rune of beer. In the mirror position, it does not have a strong negative meaning, rather, it has a weak positive one. The manifestation can be seen by the feeling of unreasonable anxiety, the appearance of dissatisfaction with something. If your affairs have gone at random, but still continue to go - this is a mirror Berkana.

The person is a witch (neither good nor evil), talker, gossip, slob.

The quality is awry, funny, disturbing.

Place - winding paths, confusion.

Family, property and personal life - awry. This is a time of discontent without serious grounds. Apparently, these are the energetic conditions, and the best thing to do is to wisely wait a while.

Goals and intentions are likely to be postponed until better times.

Enemies are slanderers.

Health - the disease is caused by the frequent manifestation of discontent, neglect of one's own health. It is necessary to create a benevolent environment, a positive perception of the surrounding world. Healing conspiracies, infusions and decoctions of herbs will help in the cure.

Anxiety - You are worried about the unhealthy atmosphere around you.

Loss - there is, but not soon.

Spiritual practice - the obstacle lies in the bad conditions for this practice or you ignore some of the mandatory points of the practice itself.

Business - the rune indicates that now everything is not going quite the way it was originally intended. Your business has entered a period of delays, unrest, and stunted growth. Do not force events and cultivate negative qualities. At this time, they are like fast-growing weeds that can stifle a future good harvest. Get rid of impatience and discontent, and the growth of your well-being will resume at a more appropriate time.

Virtue - restraint, prudence.

Vice - talkativeness, carelessness, discontent, inability to complete what has been started.

Council - detour. Don't rush, choose carefully. Be prudent.

In first position- inhibition of growth. The rune indicates the possibility of family problems. Such character traits as carelessness, talkativeness, impatience impede prosperity and well-being, the growth of something new in your life. Sometimes indicates a manifestation of anxiety. Perhaps the events of your life now tend to entropy. Everything can go awry, which, in turn, can cause the growth of negative qualities. But, without being completely negative, Berkana hints that this situation can be corrected with the help of prudence and at a more appropriate time.

In third position- is a sign of failure, failure. At best, it means a long wandering, a protracted and difficult path to the goal.

Be sure that everything will go smoothly in your life if the Berkana rune fell out in the layout, its meaning says that it symbolizes femininity, softness, moving forward, bearing some ideas or a child.

In the article:

The meaning of Berkan in runic magic

Berkana has other names - Berkan, Berkanan, Bjarka. This is rune 18. It symbolizes the element of the Earth, the color corresponds to it green, the plant is an ordinary cuff, the tree is a birch or poplar, the stone is chrysocolla.

It is believed that this is a sign of the goddess Freya herself, symbolizing motherhood, the help of an older woman. Practitioners are sure that this rune is a symbol of the birth of something.

If such a rune is present in the layout, you can be sure that you will be able to come up with some idea, a plan, besides this, it is possible to bear offspring. A person is definitely waiting for growth. Sometimes, the process may not be very noticeable, but it will take place and the changes will only be positive.

When to apply in magic? Berkana can be used for various purposes:

  • to receive assistance in bearing, raising a child;
  • for the treatment of female infertility;
  • for growth;
  • for the harmonious development of personality;
  • to rid the individual of negative programs;
  • to make contact with otherworldly forces.

If we talk about this attribute as a tool that allows you to get rid of diseases, then it is worth noting that it will be most effective for women. It is possible, using Berkana, to get rid of not only infertility, but also many other gynecological diseases, frigidity.

It allows you to increase sexuality, attractiveness, enhances the feminine, which in turn allows you to create harmonious family relationships.

If we talk about runescripts, then often this symbol is included in them if they want to achieve the growth of something. It can be both hair, nails, eyelashes, and well-being, plants (help to gardeners), and so on.

Berkana will help in all spheres of life. It can be used as a protective children's rune. It is applied three times on a silver jewelry that is worn on a girl. As long as the child wears the decoration on himself, he will remain invulnerable.

The meaning of the rune Berkan in the upright position

If Berkana fell out in a standard position, she can prophesy the successful completion of any projects, some positive events that will take place in the family, but at the same time - minor troubles. Despite the fact that in the main meaning the rune is positive, you should not lose vigilance and behave carelessly.

If you are guessing at a person, the rune often symbolizes grown woman often already having children. For young girls, the rune of Berkan, when divining for relationships, prophesies a speedy marriage. Also, the birth of children is not ruled out. If the questioner was a man, then she also warns of an early marriage.

If the question was what to do in order for the relationship to become stronger, the partners to understand each other better, then the answer will still be the same - you need to build your own nest, get married, have children. Runa Berkana in love and layouts for feelings speaks of a favorable development of the situation, a happy personal life.

If you take on something, then bring it to the end, do everything in the best way. If you are not ready to give everything to the fullest, then it is better not to even undertake this business. Be patient and persistent, then you will be able to achieve your goals.

Divide global dreams into small, but doable tasks. So it will be much easier to get closer to the cherished and desired. Do not allow yourself to completely relax and be sure that you will succeed.

Rune Berkana inverted - meaning

In the inverted position, Berkana has the exact opposite meaning:

  • trouble;
  • frequent strife in the family;
  • inability to finish something, to bring things to an end;
  • starting something new is useless, as it will still return with failure.

Appearing in the layout of a person, such an attribute symbolizes an adult woman, dissatisfied with her life, most likely a loser who is unable to establish contact with her mother or children. Often such a woman is divorced, not a very good housewife.

Appearing in the alignment of relationships or feelings, the rune may indicate the termination of the union, the breakdown of the wedding, the appearance of a mistress or lover, a disease associated with gynecology.

If fortune-telling is connected with money or business, the attribute warns of the absence of any news, there will be no movement or development.

Advice: Don't be discouraged, even if things are bad. Evaluate everything that happens with a fresh look and understand that the source of all troubles is within you. No need to change the world around, change yourself and your attitude to what is happening. Determine the essence of failures, evaluate the situation and yourself in it. Do not give up, but create a new plan of action.

In one rune divination

As you know, one-rune divination is quite common among practitioners. In this case, the value will depend on which area the question was asked.

Intuition this individual is not well developed. Unfortunately, a person very rarely turns to his sixth sense and still prefers to be guided by logic. Do not forget about your ability to feel and predict events, this can come in handy.

Emotions - higher powers insist that now you need to spend more time with your loved ones. Make time for your family, don't be afraid to show your true feelings. The individual is not distinguished by conflict and is capable of self-sacrifice.

Professional activity - a person will be able to realize himself if he chooses the profession of a doctor, designer, social worker, teacher.

Intelligence - the surrounding world drives a person crazy, because he is trying to get to the bottom of everything and achieve justice in everything. When solving important issues regarding work, try not to get hung up on trifles, as in this case you risk not noticing important perspectives.

Vigilance, gives protection and healing. Sometimes her appearance in the layout speaks of an increase in money or power. Rune Teyvaz in a health scenario, it speaks of a speedy recovery or physical activity, endurance, ideal shape. If the question ... helps to improve relations with the father, brings closer the meeting with a strong man, with a man - a patron. Rune Teyvaz used to achieve any goal, but only by the correct, legal means. Rune of Justice and Restoration...


Birth: child, ideas. Prosperity. A joyful event for the family. If during fortune-telling in a scenario you get a Rune Berkana, get ready for the best, but do not rely on fate. Maximum attention, caution in conclusions, ... foresight will be required. The work that you have begun to put into practice must be carried out with the utmost care. Berkana especially favorable for women. It has a rejuvenating effect, promotes hair growth, brings noticeable relief in disorders ...


Dagaz, Otila. Desire to win - Turizas, Soulou, Teyvaz. Protection, including from negativity - Turizas, Hagalaz, Algiz, Nautiz, Eyvaz, Isa, Berkana. Love - Gebo, Kano, Feu, Turizas, Vunyo, Nautiz, Inguz, Berkana, Teyvaz. New beginnings - Kano, Feu, Dagaz. Fertility - Hyera, Berkana, Inguz. Attracting good luck - Turizas, Hagalaz, Algiz. Better health...


You are bored. So, taking care of your own sexuality begins with friendship with these forces. Laguz is responsible for the edge of Freya, Berkana same - beyond Frigga. How to get to know them? Wearing runic pebbles with their images, and paying attention to these forces ... took place. And then it's time for new beginnings. It's time for harmonization. This is a formula that combines the Laguz runes, Berkana and Yer. Hyères is the connecting link between the two facets of the feminine character. This power helps make the transition from...


Otila - dagaz Formula for the implementation of new plans and projects. feu - kano - gebo - soulu The formula for victory over competitors. teyvaz- uruz - otila - soulu For profit and growth. jera - otila - berkana Protective formula for entrepreneurs. algiz - vunyo - Ο - evaz - algiz, where O is the bindruin of the name of the owner of the amulet. If business is down...


name. For good sex. turizas - uruz - O - mannaz - teyvaz, where o is the name bindrun. The formula for finding love. gebo - kano - soulu - vunyo - inguz or turizas - laguz - berkana- vunyo - feu To have a union for life. hagalaz - ... O - name bindruna. To win the heart of a loved one. teyvaz- hagalaz - eyvaz - feu Women's love amulet (attracting male attention, success in love, harmonization of relationships). laguz - gebo - berkana- soulu Amulet for an unrestrained night of love (put on...


innate qualities. Astrological correspondence - Taurus. So, the Astrological correspondence of the runes to the elements: Fire- Teyvaz, Urus, Soulu, Dagaz, Kano, Nautiz. Earth - Ingus, Evaz, Feu, Odal, Berkana, Jera. Air - Ansuz, Gebo, Raido, Eyvaz, Vunyo, Mannaz. Water - Turisaz ... Isa, Lagus, Algiz. Astrological correspondence of runes to signs of the zodiac. Aries- Teyvaz, Urus. Taurus - Feu, Odal. Gemini - Raido, Eyvaz. Cancer - Turisaz, Perth. Lev-Soulu, Dagaz. Virgo- Berkana, Jera. Libra - Ansuz, Gebo. Scorpio - Hagalas, Isa. ...


Health, recovery, healing. Invulnerability and advantage in competition. Strength and Energy. Pregnancy and infertility treatment. Sexuality and success with the opposite sex.
Tivaz-Gebo-Berkana - love formula. Extreme polarization: enhancement of masculine qualities in a man, feminine qualities in a woman.

Perth-Inguz-Berkana - tissue regeneration.

Dagaz-Berkana-Inguz - pregnancy

Berkana-Inguz - the so-called seal of Freya

Nautiz-Gebo-Nautiz , or Kano-Gebo-Nautiz - love spells

Tivaz-Uruz-Gebo - male love formula. Victory on the love front. You can add Dagaz

Berkano-Perth-Nauties - runes of female sexuality and the realization of this sexuality.

Berkano-Perth-Inguz - runes of conception. Conception, infertility treatment.

Algiz-Berkana-Vunyo - protection of feminine qualities. Successful life of a woman.

Algiz-Uruz-Algiz - Protection from physical damage

Algiz-Perth-Algiz - Protection of the fetus, protection of one's own life. Protection of the process of embodiment, both of the person and of the idea. Good to use in case of miscarriage.

Algiz-Inguz-Algiz - Amulet for health. And life.

Raido-Isa- Stop physical movement.

Evaz-Algiz-Loguz - overcoming the consequences of a magical attack.

Ansuz-Dagaz-Vunyo - Here we are talking about a breakthrough in the knowledge and awareness of man.

Ansuz-Dagaz-Manaz - this is a breakthrough in self-knowledge.

Sovul-Dagaz-Vunyo - a good way out of the situation.

Vunyo-Sovul-Yera - Joyful, successful, harmonious life.

Kano-Gebo-Loguz - a love amulet expressing the mystical connection between the male element of Fire and the female element of Water. There is a combination of a flaming man and an Amazon woman. Two energies are intertwined in one. Burning passion. Tango.

Kano-Perth-Inguz - Healing (Healing) Runes.

Kano-Uruz-Inguz - runes that give strength and energy.

Cano-Nautiz-Bercano - runes of flirting, platonic passion. It can be used when you do not want (or do not want yet) to bring the matter to closeness.

Cano-Perth-Nauties - runes of male sexuality and the realization of this sexuality.

Uruz-Nautiz-Berkano - Runes of Beer. This is the formation of the flow Cosmos - Earth, passing through a person. Finding a person in this stream makes him invulnerable and successful in any competition.

Uruz-Inguz-Berkano - runes of physical (physiological) love. Maintaining a good sexual shape, the ability to achieve reciprocity with the object of passion. Pressure and concreteness of actions in the sexual sphere.

Sovul-Uruz-Inguz However, you need to be careful - the formula can give an overflow of energy. Perhaps here we can talk about some kind of resuscitation.

Sovul-Dagaz-Vunyo - a good way out of the situation.

Isa-Perth-Inguz or Kano-Perth-Inguz - relieves severe dry cough.

Perth-Inguz-Kano. Establishing a diagnosis.

Dagaz-Fehu-Gebo-Hyera The end of an old, troubled love and the initiation and blossoming of a new feeling. With a possible pregnancy.

Eywaz-Perth- incarnation

Hyera-Eyvaz-Perth - reincarnation

Kano-Gebo-Loguz - Women's amulet. Or used as a charm.

Kano-Gebo-Inguz - male love amulet.

Perth-Inguz-Berkana - recovery after surgery.

Using one Perth all the same Kano-Perth-Inguz - you can remove scars and other skin damage,

one Perth, or Yero-Perth - You can use the rune to rejuvenate the skin / body,

Loguz-Perth-Berkana or Berkana-Perth-Inguz. - in case of problems related to conception.

Algiz-Loguz-Perth-Inguz - To restore energy and tissues, after severe conditions, for example, after surgery.

Algiz-Loguz-Berkana-Sovul Healing formula. Focuses on psychological issues.
