Is it possible to pump up in bodybuilding without protein supplements. Is it possible to pump up without protein? Is it possible to pump up on protein without steroids

For many people, training in gym associated with the use of various kinds of sports supplements. One of the most popular supplements today is protein. Because of this perception, people often mistakenly believe that without such a supplement in their diet, it is almost impossible to build muscle mass.

This opinion is also formed by the majority due to the active PR of protein, protein-carbohydrate mixtures on various Internet resources, popular YouTube channels, and so on. In today's article, we will analyze this topic in detail and tell you how to build muscle mass without using it, as well as tell you whether it is necessary to add protein mixtures to your diet.

The fact is that due to the active PR campaign, sports supplements are too overrated among the people. In reality, such nutrition is only a regular addition to the main diet of an athlete and its use is completely optional.

A well-chosen training program is of great importance. Very often, athletes do not draw up their plan correctly, as a result of which they train for many months without tangible progress. In order to correctly compose the program, read. However, nutrition plays a key role in achieving this goal. If you want to build muscle, make up your daily diet competently enough and stick to the regimen.

In words, everything is quite simple, but in reality everything is much more complicated. As you know, in order to effectively start gaining weight, it is imperative to increase the calorie content of your diet by at least one and a half times. That is, if a normal, healthy man needs to consume about 2000 kcal per day, then for an athlete who leads an active lifestyle, pulls iron, tears his muscle fibers, you need to consume about 2700 kcal per day. The numbers, of course, are approximate, it all depends on many factors, for example, what type of physique you have and the like, but I think you understand the principle itself. By the way, in order to accurately calculate how many kcal you need to gain weight, I advise you to use here.

So that's what I'm talking about. In our everyday life, it is not so easy to get enough calories to support the recovery processes in our body. In the life of any person there are factors such as work, study, family, which often do not allow to comply with the regime. A person eats poorly, is exposed to various stressful situations that lead to catabolism, that is, the destruction of muscle tissue. We add all these factors together and, as a result, we get a regression of the set muscle mass. That is, simply a person will either stagnate, or even lose weight.

It is in such situations that such a sports supplement as protein will come in handy. In fact, in order to maintain the calorie content of your daily diet, you need to consume protein in addition to food, which is very convenient to use. It is enough to take protein powder and water with you (you can stir the protein with kefir, milk and). At any convenient time, get everything you need, pour in protein, mix with water and drink, here you have one serving of protein that will help in the fight against catabolism. Here, of course, food supplement very useful, as we have said before, due to many factors, a person does not always have the opportunity to fully eat and get enough proteins, carbohydrates and fats. All this is very good, but many people forget that this is just an addition to the main food. You can not drink only protein and other sports supplements around the clock and hope for a positive result. The protein does not contain those vitamins, macronutrients and other useful substances that we need not only to build muscle, but also for normal existence, normal digestion, ensuring the work of many, many processes in our body.


Quite a lot of athletes advertise supplements for sports, but in reality, many of them are limited to only advertising. In fact, professional bodybuilders practically do not use sports supplements in the off-season or in preparation for competitions. Here is what a well-known bodybuilder, owner of a sports supplement company says ( pay attention to this) Rich Piana:

It is possible to build muscle mass without problems without the use of proteins, even if you take into account various factors, such as: work, study, and so on. Now we will analyze this topic in more detail.


After the above, I think you understand that various nutritional supplements, like protein, do not play any role in achieving the result. To gain lean muscle mass, it is enough to adhere to a diet, exercise intensively and sleep a lot. Let's talk about this and many other things in more detail.

Let's start with the topic of nutrition. This is perhaps one of the most important factors in the off-season. More than one article has already been written on this topic, to familiarize yourself with them, I recommend going to the section.

First of all, you need to take care to correctly compose your daily diet in order to receive the right amount of nutrients for recovery and growth per day. In the off-season, special attention should be paid to proteins and carbohydrates. As for proteins, they should be consumed approximately 2-3 grams per 1 kilogram of your weight. Carbohydrates, on the other hand, need an order of magnitude more when gaining mass, about 6-7 grams per 1 kilogram of an athlete's weight. Here, count. Let's say a person who wants to build muscle weighs about 75 kilograms. Then he needs to consume approximately 75x2 = 150 grams of protein per day, and 75x7 = 525 grams of carbohydrates. Based on this calculation, we proceed to compiling your daily diet.

You need to eat about 6-7 times a day. From these numbers, we calculate how much protein and carbohydrates should be in one meal. What it looks like: 150/6=25 grams of protein per serving should be your body; 525/6=87.5 grams of carbs per serving. These are approximate figures and I am pointing them so that you yourself can later, according to a ready-made example, correctly calculate your daily diet.

Now the task is to correctly compose each meal. It should be complete, regardless of whether it is breakfast or dinner. In order to correctly calculate everything, I recommend that you use. There you can choose a menu, calculate the calorie content of your diet and, according to the scheme provided above, calculate the correct amount of proteins and carbohydrates.

In addition to the nutrients that were listed above, you must not forget about fats, which are also necessary when gaining mass. Their concentration in the daily diet should not exceed a percentage of 10-20%. Do not limit yourself too much in the consumption of this natural organic compound. Eat more oily fish as it contains a large number of useful omega-3 acid, which is very important for muscle growth, the athlete and the maintenance of other vital processes in the body.

Remember, the whole point of mass-gaining is that you start to grow only when more nutrients enter the body, more calories than you expend in a day.

We have reviewed the standard rules that absolutely any person who wants to build muscle must adhere to. Now, as for proteins. Without the use of sports supplements, you can also grow without problems. You just need to correctly organize your daily routine and prepare everything you need. We recommend purchasing special food containers where you can put everything necessary products to eat and replenish nutrient stores.


Plan out your day. Even if you don't have time, you work. Each enterprise or company has a specially allotted time for employees when they can have a meal in peace. Use it. I am generally silent about educational institutions, since there is a break every hour and a half, you can safely go out and eat.

In this article, I will tell you whether it is possible to pump up without proper nutrition.

My answer is no, building muscle without proper nutrition is impossible.

If you just train correctly (as it should, for muscle growth), but at the same time you don’t eat right = muscle growth will not occur, because in training = we destroy muscles (and not grow), but build muscles as a result = correct food (building materials).

Well, as you already know, having destroyed muscles in training = and not healed later (by nutrition) = how will muscle growth occur? It's obvious that it doesn't. Therefore my answer is no.

Proper nutrition = is the building blocks for muscle growth.

A house cannot be built without building materials. It's the same with muscles. Understand?

The body needs building materials, that is, the right amount of food nutrients (proteins + fats + carbohydrates) to heal the muscle tissues (muscles) damaged by the very training and their subsequent growth. Each of the food components perform their role:

  • MATERIAL for muscle building (protein, proteins)
  • ENERGY for work and construction (carbohydrates)
  • MATERIAL for building hormones (fats)
  • WATER (life without water is impossible, just like muscle growth).

Each of these components is essential for muscle growth. With a deficit (lack) of at least something = you can forget about muscle growth. So draw your own conclusions. I'm just telling it like it is.

The most that neither is most people \u003d put their hopes on training.

But! The vast majority of people do not understand that training in itself = meaningless.

Training = triggers muscle growth, however, the very realization of muscle growth, first of all, depends on building materials (nutrition). No building materials = training will be up to the ass.

That's why nutrition is 60% of success in muscle growth. Yes, yes, you heard right, 60% success rate.

By the way, without going into details, training is only 30% of the success of muscle growth. So that you can clearly see the difference. In what ratio, these components, and how important is proper nutrition ....

By the way. To further complete your picture of what is happening, without proper nutrition and recovery, training itself is = 0% success. The same goes for nutrition, in itself, without proper training and recovery, this is also 0% success in muscle growth ....

What I mean is that in order to achieve success in building muscle = it is important to adhere to all three components (together), that is, training, and nutrition, and recovery.

Only relationship: training + nutrition + recovery.

All 3 components must work together. By themselves = they will not give anything. All. Dot.

Detailed from A to Z on how to build muscle exactly natural (without steroids) in my training course (which is completely updated and created based on the latest scientific data from 2017-2018):

for men

for girls

Regards, administrator.

Sports nutrition has become an integral part of the lives of many athletes who want to gain weight. Find out if it is possible to pump up without taking sports supplements.

Gaining weight can make a difference in achieving one goal or another. Situations are different: the desire to increase strength, the advice of doctors, recovery after a long illness, etc.

There is a huge variety of species sports nutrition, promising an increase in muscle mass in the shortest possible time. But no nutritional supplement can match the effectiveness and useful properties complete and healthy food.

The weight gain process

You can only gain weight if you consume more calories than you burn.

Add 250-500 calories to your diet, the excess of which will provide an increase in body weight.

Consult a dietitian and find out your daily calorie intake. Or use the online calorie calculator, which is not difficult to find on the Internet.

Add those 250-500 calories to your total and split between multiple meals.

Weight gain also depends on your physique and body predispositions. People are different and there is no single miraculous formula that would suit everyone without exception. When compiling a diet, any feature of your body or lifestyle matters. It is worth paying attention to body type, metabolic rate, gender, age, activity level, etc.

Useful article:

It is necessary to be able to correctly compose an individual diet and meal plan so as not to encounter such a common problem as a set excess weight. Hanging sides and folds on the stomach are not popular now, and it is unlikely that they will ever be in trend. In addition, excess fat in the body is harmful to health. Therefore, carefully monitor your menu.

Building a complete diet

Protein is the basis of muscle growth. Proteins, in turn, break down into amino acids, which are the building blocks for muscles.

Therefore, make sure that your menu contains foods high in protein.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy. They help you lead a normal life and cope with a variety of problems. physical activity. So, give preference to complex carbohydrates, as they are digested for a long time and provide a lot of energy.

Do not neglect fats, which also play an important role in the life of the body.

Break your daily diet into 6-7 meals. Eat in a balanced and strictly according to plan.

The body needs amino acids to recover at night. Manufacturers of sports nutrition recommend drinking concentrated casein before bed. Although instead of it, ordinary cottage cheese is quite suitable.

Add Calories

Buying sports nutrition, you do not have to change the usual portion size to increase the daily number of calories. But this effect can be achieved without sports nutrition.

Add calories to your diet through natural, high-calorie foods.

Eat nuts, raisins, avocados, bananas, blueberries, peanut butter - both separately and adding them to different meals.

Strength training for muscle growth

One meal is not enough. It is important to build a competent training plan and conscientiously work it out in the gym.

Give preference to basic exercises, because they involve several muscle groups at once.

Multi-joint exercises guarantee an increase in testosterone levels in the body, which will positively affect muscle building.

Include in your training program barbell squats, deadlifts, bench press, leg press, lunges, pull-ups, etc.

Exercise 2-3 times a week.

Do not forget about. Despite the fact that your goal is to gain weight, you should not completely cancel the cardio load. By doing cardio, you benefit your heart and increase your endurance.


It is important to remember that sports nutrition is just an addition to a perfectly balanced diet. Sports nutrition can only enhance the effect of eating healthy food, but not replace it completely. Therefore, it is worth focusing on natural food, increasing its calorie content.

Gaining weight in a couple of days is unrealistic, as well as pumping up the press in 10 minutes. Each step requires a competent approach and precise fulfillment of the tasks. If you stick to the plan, then within a few months - and it may very well be that even weeks! - you will certainly be able to put on weight.

I have a guy who trains with me at the club who never drinks protein after a workout. I decided to ask him why he does not take sports nutrition like everyone else.

It turned out that everything is simple - he is absolutely sure that sports nutrition is not only addictive, but can also lead to disastrous consequences. I failed to convince him of the absurdity of his thinking.

I sat on various forums, trying to find out if bodybuilding without protein can exist and if it is realistic to achieve results. More on this later…

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Is it possible to build muscle without protein

Civilization has spoiled the modern sportsman so much that he cannot imagine his life without sports nutrition. But some nutritionists believe that this component is completely optional, it only makes life easier, and even a properly composed balanced diet can bring the result.

A worthy replacement for protein is considered by many to be products containing protein, such as meat, eggs, fish and dairy products (cheese, milk, cottage cheese, and others).

But is the replacement the same? In the event that a bodybuilder wants to achieve results on a regular diet without protein, you should first find out how much protein the body will absorb.

And when using only ordinary products, it is quite difficult, because in addition to protein, they also contain fats and carbohydrates. Therefore, along with a large amount of protein, unwanted components can enter the body.

Using sports nutrition, it is much easier to calculate how much and what nutrients will enter your body. But if you are determined to give up sports nutrition, you should be prepared for a long wait for the result and a slow increase in muscle mass.

Another negative point of ordinary (but high-quality) food is its high cost, because truly healthy and complete food is expensive.

What and how to eat an athlete when refusing sports nutrition

To begin with, you should be patient, because by giving up protein, you complicate and lengthen your path to a sports result. To achieve the goal, strict discipline and self-confidence are needed.

So, here are some tips to help you reach your peak in sports.

  • First you need to determine what calorie intake should be for gaining muscle mass. To do this, multiply your body weight by 40 and get the answer you need. If your weight is 70 kg, but the required number of calories will be 2800 kilocalories per day.
  • The next step is the calculation of the daily diet of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for your body. To achieve the goal - a set of muscle mass, proteins, carbohydrates and fats should be distributed as follows, 30%: 50%: 20%. Thus, the share of protein in the daily diet falls 840 kcal, carbohydrates - 1400 kcal and fat - 560 kcal.
  • Now we need to calculate the required amount of nutrients. We know that 1 gram of protein and carbohydrates contains 4 kilocalories, and 1 gram of fat contains 9. Therefore, to achieve the desired body weight, you need 210 grams of protein, 350 grams of carbohydrates, and 62 grams of fat.
  • The next step is to select the desired products according to the resulting calculations. To do this, we need literature describing the calorie content and nutritional value of each product and a kitchen scale. For accounting, you should stock up on a notebook or notepad, where you should record everything eaten during the day.

By the way, you should not drastically abandon the usual diet. The transition to a new diet must be carried out gradually so that the body does not have a state of stress. The period of adaptation to a new diet takes about 2 weeks.

When you're sticking to a new diet to build muscle, you should pay attention to your carb intake, which can be "slow" or "fast".

After training, “fast” carbohydrates should not be consumed; it is better to give preference to quickly digestible protein foods (boiled fish, eggs and milk). Long digestible proteins and "slow" carbohydrates are best eaten for breakfast.

And you also need to remember to consume the right amount of liquid, which should be whiter than 2 liters in the daily diet. Preference should be given to water and green tea.

As you can see, a pain-builder can get the desired result even without sports nutrition, if he has patience and puts in more effort. Don't forget to share it on your social media. And visit my blog more often.

In the gym, I had to see many novice athletes who, on principle, did not take sports nutrition, and in particular, protein, preferring to exercise, in their opinion, “purely” and without the use of any sports supplements. For experienced athletes and people who understand the issues of muscle growth, training and nutrition, this approach seems obviously wrong and based only on the lack of knowledge and experience of those who practice it. Meanwhile, today we will analyze the question of whether it is possible to build muscle without using sports nutrition based on?

Why does an athlete need an additional intake of protein (protein)?

Our body is designed in such a way that only heavy intensive training has a stimulating effect on muscle growth. It is they that force the body to turn on adaptive reactions, one of which is an increase in muscle mass. After all, the larger the size of the muscles, the more adapted the body to a regular power load.

Meanwhile, the process of muscle tissue growth requires an increased consumption of resources, the main of which are amino acids, which act as the main building material for muscles. Amino acids, on the other hand, are split proteins (proteins) that enter the bloodstream and ensure the correct implementation of the body's adaptive reactions - in our case, this is muscle growth.

What happens if there is not enough amino acid to meet the current needs of the body and the growth of new muscle tissue? In this case, protein synthesis in the body (muscle growth) slows down to a minimum or stops altogether, and the body's internal reserves begin to go into consumption - amino acids obtained during the breakdown of its own muscle tissue. Thus, the lack of protein (protein) in the body, with regular power loads, at least does not lead to muscle growth. The greater the protein deficiency, the more pre-existing muscle tissue will be broken down by the body to meet current amino acid requirements.

So is it possible to build muscle without taking sports protein?

Thus, you can pump up without the use of sports protein if you consume a sufficient amount of protein during the day and after training, which is based on high-quality protein with the fastest absorption rate.
