Insulation for pipes in the ground. Insulation for heating or water supply pipes - an overview of the best materials with characteristics and cost Thermal insulation for basalt wool pipes

The main purpose of the chimney is to provide heat to the home. But many owners do not realize that chimneys also need insulation, and this can be done independently by choosing one of the methods below.

The choice of method and non-combustible material for chimney insulation depends on factors such as the experience of the person who will deal with the sheathing, the type of heat insulator and the type of chimney.

Chimney insulation is necessary for the following reasons:

  • Fire prevention, because when the chimney passes through various types of coatings (walls, floors and ceilings), a fire can occur.
  • With sudden changes in temperature, the material from which the chimney is made can begin to break down. This can also happen as a result of the formation of various acids and alkalis in the combustion process. They can destroy not only the pipe itself (this factor applies mainly to metal products), but also everything that surrounds it: walls, floors, ceilings.
  • The rapid heating provided by the chimney, against the background of a rapid increase in the temperature in the room, negatively affects the things and interior items in the room, including the person, so thermal insulation will help prevent the adverse effect and ensure the normal regulation of heat transfer.
  • Reduce the formation of condensate, which appears due to temperature differences during the heating process. The released moisture forms harmful chemical compounds, reacting with many other substances contained inside the pipe.

Important! The main goal of providing high-quality thermal insulation of the pipe is to minimize the risks of harm to human health, things and directly to the structural materials of the room.

Chimney pipe insulation materials

It is desirable to lay down a project for insulating chimney pipes at the time of construction of a house or cottage, but thermal insulation work can be carried out at any stage, even if the dwelling has already been built. Next, the main methods, methods and materials that are suitable for the implementation of this procedure will be considered.

How to insulate a chimney

The integrity of the chimney is affected by two main factors that It is necessary to take into account in the process of carrying out work on insulation:

  • . This item concerns the release of condensate, the negative impact of which was discussed above. The fact is that in the absence of proper thermal insulation, the dew point shifts inside the pipe. That is, the warm air that rises during the heating of the room rises from the direct source of heating, reaches a certain point inside the chimney, and settles there in the form of condensate drops. This is especially dangerous for metal and brick products, since excess moisture is absorbed by the material and destroys it from the inside, freezing and turning into ice;
  • aggressive negative impact of released gases from combustion. During the heating process, harmful chemical compounds inevitably appear that destroy the entire home heating system. This applies in particular to weak acidic solutions of nitrogen or sulfur. With prolonged exposure, they can destroy the chimney of almost all materials.

To protect yourself from such harmful factors, you can choose one of the following heaters:

  • non-combustible chimney heaters made of slag wool;
  • glass wool;

Basalt wool heat insulators are the most popular and used.

Non-combustible thermal insulation materials made of slag wool

This variant of refractory insulation for chimney lining is available in two forms: in rolls and mats. It also differs in density and size, depending on the individual characteristics of the pipe, the purpose of the sheathing and other design factors that are taken into account separately in each case.

Their main feature: the preservation of the structure and properties even with strong heating up to +400 ° C. They are fire-resistant and non-combustible, so they reduce the risk of fire to a minimum.

Metallurgical slags are used as raw materials for manufacturing.

The disadvantages of this material include:

  • the presence of residual acidity;
  • the possibility of a hostile environment when moisture gets on the material.

Despite these negative points, this fire-resistant chimney insulation is widely used in repair and insulation work, as it maintains an ideal price-quality ratio.

Glass wool insulation materials

Glass wool is an insulating material having a fibrous structure. It is produced from broken glass or raw materials used during glass melting.

Depending on the method of manufacture, glass wool is divided into:

  • thin, which is obtained by spinning (drawing) from glass;
  • rough through blowing way.

Glass wool is sold in the form of rolls or plates.

Insulation for pipes made of basalt wool

Rocks from basalt are used as raw materials for the production of insulation.

  • The method of using inorganic elements provides full resistance to decay and fungi.
  • Basalt wool for the chimney has high strength and heat resistance, so it is preferred to be used as a non-combustible thermal insulation to prevent fire inside the chimney.
  • The insulator sits well and adapts to the surface of the insulation. Has a long service life. After installation, it serves without loss of its characteristics for 30-40 years.
  • By strength, basalt wool is divided into: soft, semi-rigid and hard.

Basalt wool has an additional useful property in the form of protection against moisture, therefore it is a more versatile method of thermal insulation in comparison with glass wool or slag fiber.

Varieties of heat insulators made of basalt wool

The choice of a type of heat insulator made of basalt wool depends mainly on the design of the chimney, design features, as well as the requests of the owners of the room regarding thermal characteristics.

It is produced for the chimney in the form of cylinders and shells, mats, rolls and cardboard. Also, basalt wool can be with or without an additional foil coating.

Basalt cylinders and shells

This form of release has found its application in systems for domestic and industrial space heating. Designed for discharge temperatures not exceeding 300 ° C.

It can be used in two ways: for external and internal thermal insulation.

Depending on the brand, it differs in thickness and length: it can be sold in a roll per meter or optionally by order.

Basalt wool mats and rolls

This option is suitable if the contact temperature with the material will fluctuate between 450-700 o.

Basalt fiber board

- the best option for warming brick chimneys. It is able to withstand ultra-high temperatures up to 900 ° C. One cardboard sheet can be 5-19 mm thick.

It is easy to install and also highly resistant to moisture and vibrations. After installation, its service life reaches 50 years.

A choice of material with or without a foil layer is allowed. Foil is necessary for external insulation and to achieve certain characteristics.

Chimney pipe insulation with basalt wool

The technology and mechanism for installing the casing is influenced by many factors, including the material from which the pipe is made, its diameter, and others.

Basic rules for high-quality thermal insulation

Compliance with the following standards is mandatory when lining the chimney with a heat insulator:

  • for wooden coating, the layer of wool must be at least 50mm and not more than 100mm;
  • in the passages through the tree, this layer should reach at least 5 cm;
  • if mats of material are stacked in several layers, then their joints must be covered with upper layers;
  • for heat insulators in a cylindrical form of release, when they are applied in several layers, each subsequent one must be laid with an offset of 180 °;
  • for boilers with liquid fuel or gas heating technology, it is advisable to use high-temperature cladding materials with a range of up to 300 °;
  • a protective screen is a mandatory measure of isolation if materials without a foil layer were used during the work.

Insulation of a ceramic or asbestos chimney

For asbestos chimneys, the outer cladding procedure is carried out, and the material layers are fixed with special brackets. To simplify and speed up the work, you can use basalt cylinders, the thickness of which should not exceed 5 cm.

Important! You will also need an additional installation of an external steel casing (the best option is stainless steel or galvanized materials), and insulate the upper end of the chimney with a cement mortar.

Ways to insulate a steel chimney

The mechanism of the procedure is almost completely similar to the method for a ceramic chimney, and is as follows:

  • 2 pipes of different diameters are used: a large one for the outer surface, and a smaller one for interior decoration.
  • One pipe is inserted into another.
  • The resulting gap between the products is filled with the selected non-combustible insulation for.
  • If the material has a foil layer, it is not necessary to install a protective cover.
  • The end structure must be additionally insulated.

The instruction itself is quite simple, but it can also be simplified using ready-made sandwich pipes, which replace the first 3 points of the manual. Such ready-made consumables for insulation have high heat resistance and help to achieve high insulating characteristics.

Brick pipe insulation technology

Warming a brick pipe is not an easy task.

To carry out the procedure, 2 methods are used:

  • plastering;
  • lining with mineral wool.

To plaster a pipe you need:

  • a special reinforced mesh is installed on its outer surface;
  • the first layer is applied directly to it in a small amount;
  • after drying, a thicker mixture is made and laid on the grid in several layers;
  • to achieve an aesthetic appearance after drying, the substance is overwritten, leveled, whitened or painted over with paint.

For the second method - sheathing - use basalt wool in rolls or mats:

  • the required amount of material is cut depending on the size of the surface to be insulated.
  • the resulting layers of material are attached to the chimney using thick adhesive tape.
  • a protective casing made of bricks or slabs (optional) is mounted on top of the wool.
  • to obtain the desired external characteristics, the surface can be plastered or painted.

Basalt wool is the best option for insulating chimneys. It can be used for any premises: residential and industrial. It also has the characteristics necessary for these purposes - it is refractory, has resistance to moisture and vibrations, easy tolerance of high and low temperatures.

The heat from the heating boiler reaches the radiators through pipes through the circulation of the coolant. If at the same time the thermal insulation of the heating pipes is not performed, then the loss of some part of the heat is inevitable, since the pipeline is in contact with the environment and gives off part of the thermal energy to it.

Factors causing heat loss

If the entire heating system is placed in one room, heat loss would be minimal - only through the contact of the unit and pipeline with the bases, the rest of the heat from all elements of the system would be transferred to the air environment of the housing. But in practice, there are always a number of factors that determine the loss of thermal energy:

  • the boiler and part of the pipeline are often located in rooms that do not need to be heated;
  • the boiler is installed in a separate building and connected to the heating system by an external pipeline;
  • the heating system of private housing consumes the coolant from the central line, located at some distance from the house.

To increase the efficiency of the heating boiler, reduce heat loss in all these cases, a heater is intended for heating pipes located outside the area in need of heating.

Not only heating pipelines are equipped with thermal insulation, for the following reasons, water supply and sewage pipes are also insulated:

  • the hot water supply system needs thermal insulation to maintain the temperature of the water as it moves from the heat exchanger to the water intake point;
  • ordinary water supply and sewerage in winter without thermal insulation equipment will freeze and fail.

In addition to reducing heat loss and preventing freezing of pipelines, thermal insulation for heating pipes performs another function - protection against burns in direct contact with the human body. To successfully fulfill their tasks, heat-insulating materials must have certain characteristics based on the requirements imposed on them.

Requirements for thermal insulation materials

An ideal heat-insulating layer should have a set of the following characteristics:

  • low coefficient of thermal conductivity - the main requirement based on the purpose of the material;
  • heat resistance - a sufficient degree of resistance to temperature effects while maintaining the main characteristics;
  • low flammability - the insulator should not support fire and, moreover, be a means of its spread in the event of a fire in the room;
  • dielectric properties - in the event of a failure of the grounding device of an electric heating boiler, the heat-insulating shell of the pipeline should not become a conductor of electric current;
  • acceptable specific gravity - the heat-insulating shell should not create significant additional loads on the pipeline supports;
  • lack of hygroscopicity - the material should not absorb and accumulate water from the environment;
  • water resistance - the insulating coating must protect the pipeline from corrosion;
  • vapor permeability - in case of abnormal wetting, the insulator should dry quickly and restore its thermal insulation properties.

In practice, the materials with which they arrange the insulation of heating pipes on the street and in the premises meet all these requirements to varying degrees, therefore they have both advantages and disadvantages.

Important! When choosing a heat insulator, it is necessary to take into account the conditions of its future operation in order to acquire a shell with the most demanded properties.

Types of heat-insulating materials and their application

Thermal insulation materials made of mineral wool

Mineral wool materials for pipeline insulation have been used for a long time, their properties are well known, and installation is not technically complicated.

According to the type of execution, mineral wool materials are divided into rolled (lamellar), sheet (in the form of mats and molded (finished shells of fixed geometry for pipes and their connecting elements - tees, bends, etc.).

Modern varieties of mineral wool insulation are produced in the form of an insulator layer foiled on one side, stitched over the entire area or reinforced with a fiberglass mesh (as an option, made of thin steel wire).

Varieties are made from the following materials:

  • fiberglass;
  • slag based.

Glass wool insulation

The most long-known material, widely used both in industry and in everyday life, the raw material for the manufacture of which is a mixture of quartz sand, broken glass, soda, dolomite.

Advantages of glass wool:

  • incombustibility - due to the main raw material of manufacture (quartz sand), the maximum allowable heating temperature is 450 degrees, after which destruction begins;
  • low specific gravity - does not create significant additional loads on the supports and spans of the pipeline;
  • low thermal conductivity - well reduces heat loss and protects against burns in direct contact;
  • vapor permeability - in case of emergency getting wet, it dries quickly;
  • durability - does not decompose under the influence of external factors;
  • neutrality in relation to the contacted materials - does not react with pipes and protective shells, is not a catalyst in other processes;
  • availability of the entire cost range.


  • water permeability - necessitates the installation of protective covers made of galvanized roofing iron or plastic over the insulation;
  • hygroscopicity - absorbs and accumulates moisture from the environment;
  • significant shrinkage - accompanied by a deterioration in thermal insulation properties;
  • the need to use personal protective equipment during installation - it releases the smallest glass dust into the air, which is dangerous to humans when inhaled.

The scope is the outer sections of pipelines of heating and water supply systems, especially in industry, where the areas of insulated surfaces are large. The service life declared by manufacturers is from 30 to 50 years, but there is no practical evidence for this.

Basalt wool insulation

This material is made from natural stone (usually basalt) with a small amount of limestone, which increases its plasticity and stackability.

Release form - rolls, sheets, mats.

Stone wool differs in the length of the fibers, which determines its vibration resistance - the shorter the fibers, the lower the stability.

Due to its composition and special structure, it has advantages over glass wool insulation:

  • safety during installation - no harmful flying dust;
  • absolute incombustibility - application temperature up to +600 degrees;
  • hydrophobicity - the absence of hygroscopicity and the presence of water-repellent properties;
  • higher thermal insulation properties (thermal conductivity 0.0077-0.012) - due to the chaotic arrangement of fibers in the insulation.

To the listed advantages of stone wool, you can add other advantages that glass wool insulation has.

Of the shortcomings, only the bulkiness of the shell can be noted, which is an undesirable factor when installing thermal insulation indoors - the aesthetics of such a solution to the issue is low.

When installing thermal insulation for heating and water supply systems, the mounted layer of basalt wool also needs a protective sheath made of galvanized iron or plastic, which will protect the material from mechanical damage and dust, which increases thermal conductivity by filling voids.

The scope of application is the insulation of pipelines and valves in the outdoor areas of industrial and domestic heating, water supply and sewerage systems, as well as the performance of thermal insulation of building structures and chimneys.

slag wool

The material for the production of slag wool is waste - slag, which, by adding binders, is processed into an insulating material of a fibrous structure, the limiting temperature of which is 250 degrees.

This material of the three varieties of mineral wool is the least preferable for use as a heat insulator due to the high degree of hygroscopicity, which forces the shell to be hermetically protected from contact with the environment.

In addition, the residual acidity present in the slag wool, when moisture enters the shell, causes the formation of an acid that destroys the steel. Therefore, the use of slag wool on steel pipelines is limited due to the additional costs associated with neutralizing these factors.

The composition of slag wool in small concentrations includes phenol-formaldehyde resins, which also complicate the process of working with this material by the need to take protective measures.

Evaluate more clearly specifications thermal insulation from mineral wool will allow the reduction of the main parameters of its three varieties in the table:

Insulation made of polyurethane foam (PPU)

Polyurethane foam is a gas-filled plastic, a type of polyurethane, up to 90% of the volume of which is hollow cells with gas (air). The initial raw material - polyurethane can also be different types, causing the texture of polyurethane foam: solid or elastic (foam rubber). Elastic types of polyurethane foam are not used for thermal insulation, while solid ones are widely used for both heating and hot water systems, and sewerage.

For use as a heat-insulating material for pipes, polyurethane foam is available in two forms:

  • hard shells, "shell" (solid or combined);
  • liquid composition sprayed on the pipeline and valves.

Rigid form of polyurethane foam insulation

PPU-shells, usually foiled on the outside, are produced by pouring into molds designed for pipes, bends and tees of a certain diameter. The thickness of the shell is also different and depends on the operating conditions of the pipeline. Shells in the form of one-piece couplings are put on the pipe before its installation in place, prefabricated elements are mounted on an already stretched pipeline using a locking profile of the cut edges or a self-adhesive inner surface. Both methods of thermal insulation are economical, since they do not require a lot of time and high transport costs.

Solid polyurethane foam shells have an aesthetic appearance and are used both in industrial conditions and in everyday life, however, in order to protect against vandalism, they need additional installation of galvanized iron casings.

Liquid spray foam compositions

The polyurethane foam solution is applied to the pipes and connecting elements planned for thermal insulation with a special sprayer, which is part of the equipment set. As the shell hardens, the next layer is applied and so on until the design thickness of the heat-insulating shell is reached. The method is very convenient in that the insulation penetrates into hard-to-reach cavities and eliminates the laborious work of fitting solid elements in areas of a complex profile.

The insulating coating is applied in special clothing using personal protective equipment. The efficiency of such thermal insulation is very high, but domestic heating pipes are not insulated by this method, since it is designed for large volumes of work and, moreover, is accompanied by pollution of nearby areas.

Of the positive characteristics of polyurethane foam, a high degree of thermal insulation stands out, almost zero shrinkage during operation, good adhesion and waterproofing properties. But with these advantages, polyurethane foam also has serious disadvantages:

  • according to GOST 30244 - is a highly combustible material (G4 group);
  • according to GOST 30402 - refers to flammable substances (group B3);
  • GOST 12.1.044 refers PPU to materials with a high degree of smoke formation (D3) and toxicity (T4) during combustion.

There is another way to use polyurethane foam for insulating heating and water supply systems - in the production of so-called pre-insulated pipes. Pre-insulated pipes are pipe material, factory-encased in a shell of polyurethane foam or other insulation, covered, in turn, with a solid protective layer of polymer or steel. Only the end sections of the pipe with a length of 15-25 cm remain open - for connection with subsequent thermal insulation, only the junction.

The use of this type of pipe material eliminates the need to perform thermal insulation of heating pipes on the street as a separate type of work and provides the heating system with maximum efficiency, but the price of a pre-insulated line will be significantly higher than the total cost of the pipeline and insulation purchased separately.

Foamed polyethylene (polyethylene foam, PPE)

This heat-insulating material is a porous insulation produced on the basis of polyethylene. Release form - rolls and sheets (including foil), tubular casings - sleeves.

It is widely used in the insulation of pipes for heating and water supply, the tubular form of the material is especially convenient for use - sleeves produced with a length of 2 m and a wall thickness of 60, 90, 130 and 200 mm.

PPE insulation has high technical characteristics achieved by combining the advantages of polyethylene - elastic, but low-melting materials, with the properties of substances after foaming to acquire low thermal conductivity and specific gravity.

The production technology consists in the extrusion of polyethylene - the raw material is melted in a special bunker in contact with the catalyst, after which the pressure in the tank is increased, the material swells and in this phase it is passed through an extruder to give products from it the necessary geometry.

The structure of polyethylene foam is small closed cell bubbles separated by polyethylene partitions and causing high technical characteristics of PPE materials.

PPU-thermal insulation is also used in the production of pre-insulated pipes, which reduce the time of work. PPU-shell on them is made of a two-layer variable profile - to fix the insulation on the base.


  • high frost resistance - the ability to maintain elasticity and thermal insulation properties at temperatures up to -60 degrees,
  • density - 30-32 kg / m3;
  • low thermal conductivity - coefficient 0.038;
  • high soundproofing properties - water circulation in pipelines is absolutely silent;
  • low water absorption - up to 2% of its weight per month, even in direct contact with water;
  • high resistance to oils and petroleum products;
  • resistance to biologically active media - fungus, mold, decomposition;
  • sufficient heat resistance - operating temperature of operation from -50 to +90 degrees, above 102 degrees. - is deformed;
  • moderate flammability - ignition temperature 300 degrees;
  • safety - no harmful emissions even during combustion (decomposes into water and carbon dioxide);
  • durability - the service life without loss of characteristics is more than 60 years.

Foam rubber pipe insulation

This thermal insulation material also has a closed cell structure and belongs to the group of foam elastomers. The composition of the substance is safe for the body, and the material has high technical characteristics

The traditional form of release for thermal insulation devices is rolls, sheets and hollow tubes with a certain wall thickness, designed for pipe sizes.

Foamed rubber has the whole list of positive characteristics of PPE insulation, differing only in numerical values, so its use is also widespread both in production and in everyday life.

Important! In addition to heat-insulating properties, foamed rubber also has anti-corrosion properties - a self-adhesive inner layer prevents direct contact of moisture with the pipeline and the formation of condensate.


Each of the listed thermal insulation materials has varieties that allow you to choose the insulation material that best meets the requirements of specific operating conditions. In addition, there are other materials used as pipeline insulation, both traditional and modern high-tech, used in industries with increased requirements for the temperature regime of the coolant.

The market for insulation materials is wide enough to analyze the specific conditions and make the best choice of thermal insulation.

Thermal insulation of heating pipes performs a number of functions. It reduces heat loss along the path of the coolant and increases the efficiency of the heating system. Insulation protects metal structures from condensation and slows down the corrosion process. In case of fluid stagnation in the pipes, it does not freeze and does not damage the collectors. What materials are used for thermal protection and how they are mounted, this article will tell.

Materials for thermal insulation of heating pipes

The choice of insulation is a task in which the following factors are taken into account:

  • maximum coolant temperature;
  • conditions for servicing the heating system;
  • pipe diameter.

Depending on the capacity of the pipeline, the following types of thermal insulation are used:

  • finished cylinders;
  • semi-cylinders, when the cylinder is made up of two halves;
  • roll materials, which can be given the desired shape.

For pipelines of small diameter, rigid elements in the form of cylinders and half-cylinders are suitable. They are equipped with grooves and holes, the presence of which simplifies and speeds up the process of mounting the containment. Such thermal insulation for heating pipes protects the collectors from mechanical damage, helps to endure high temperatures and absorbs moisture minimally.

Mineral wool

Mineral wool has not lost popularity for decades. The reason lies in the proven result of their application and affordable cost. The materials are used for insulation of heating systems of industrial and civil structures. Traditionally, it is used where structures are constantly exposed to temperature changes, for example, to insulate furnace chimneys.

In construction, insulation is valued for the following properties:

  • resistance to acids, alkalis and solutions;
  • weak water absorption (depends on the processing of the material with special compounds);
  • the material perceives up to 600 ° C, without losing mechanical and thermal insulation qualities;
  • safety for the environment.

Of all mineral heaters, the following stand out:

  • basalt wool (made from basalt rocks);
  • glass wool (made from broken glass or staple fiber, a derivative of quartz sand).

The temperature resistance threshold of basalt wool is higher. Therefore, its scope is wider than that of fiberglass, which is used in the construction of residential buildings. Fiberglass enters the distribution network in rolls with a web thickness of 15-20 cm. The material consists of fibers 3-4 microns thick. Insulation is used to insulate structures whose temperature does not exceed 1800 ° C. It is not destroyed by vibration, is resistant to chemical processes and has a long service life. Such material protects heating mains located on the surface of the earth.

Note! Fiberglass is a hazard to those who work with it, as the dust irritates the mucous membranes of the eyes and skin. Therefore, when installing such thermal insulation for heating pipes, be sure to use special protective equipment.

polyurethane foam

This heat insulator is superior to heaters made from mineral wool. It has a dense, rigid shape, which is why it was called the "shell". It is produced by the “pipe in pipe” method, when the space located between two cylinders is filled with a prepolymer substance. It forms a protective "shell".

Polyurethane foam, familiar to many as polyurethane foam (used to blow out cracks in window frames), has the following advantages:

  • does not emit toxic substances and does not smell;
  • does not disintegrate and does not rot under the influence of external factors;
  • does not pose a risk to human health;
  • does not decompose in an alkaline and acid environment;
  • does not respond to changes in humidity and temperature jumps;
  • does not collapse under the action of sunlight, since the material is covered with a protective paint during installation.

The only drawback of the polymer is the cost.

Foamed polyethylene

Another synthetic material is polyethylene foam. It also does not pose a danger to the human body and the environment, without loss endures sharp fluctuations in external temperature and air humidity.

For ease of installation, the insulation is made in the form of tubes with a notch. Cold and hot pipelines are insulated with polyethylene. Since such thermal protection does not tolerate high temperatures, it cannot be used to insulate heating pipes on the street. The use of such an insulating material is limited to residential buildings only.

This material needs no introduction. It has long been used for various purposes and is characterized by low thermal conductivity and water-repellent properties. The reasonable price of the heater explains its popularity. They are insulated with metal and plastic structures and used as sound insulation.

The liquid type of penoizol foam is used for thermal insulation of heating mains. When applying the material to the pipes, voids and gaps do not appear, and after drying, a solid crust is formed.

Foam glass

Insulation refers to the latest innovations in building materials. Cellular glass reliably protects pipes and other structures. The material has the following advantages:

  • environmentally friendly;
  • resistant to acids and alkalis;
  • not combustible;
  • does not shrink;
  • not of interest to rodents;
  • not difficult to install;
  • has a long service life.

Such characteristics did not go unnoticed by experienced builders and novice installers. Therefore, they turn to him more and more often.

Do-it-yourself pipe insulation

Thermal insulation for outdoor heating pipes is carried out along the entire length of the heating main. For this, ready-made protective elements with layers of waterproofing and insulation are used. Their considerable cost pays off by significant time savings during the installation of insulation. This is especially noticeable when work is carried out on long highways. In this case, it is enough to make reliable insulation of the joints.

If you use other materials and do the work yourself, you will need:

  • foil tape;
  • selected insulation;
  • adhesive tape to isolate the junctions of elements.

Having prepared everything you need, get to work.

  1. Stick the foil tape on the pipes, moving forward in a spiral.
  2. Fasten or install insulating material. Make sure that the connecting seams are tightly adjacent to each other.
  3. To prevent groundwater from penetrating into the seams, secure the joints with a special plumbing tape.

Note! Where seasonal temperatures are very low, it is advisable to use the insulation method using a special cable for heating pipes.

What materials are used to insulate heating pipes, Portal about pipes

Thermal insulation of heating pipes performs a number of functions. It reduces heat loss along the path of the coolant and increases the efficiency of the heating system. Warming

What thermal insulation for heating pipes is most effective

The basis of any heating system is heating pipes. In order to prevent pipes from freezing during the autumn-spring period of the year, condensation or corrosion does not appear on them, and when the system is idle, the transferred water does not turn into ice, thermal insulation is used for heating pipes. This article will talk about the varieties of insulating materials and how to use them.

Material selection

In areas with a predominantly cold climate, thermal insulation for pipes is a necessary condition for the functioning of any type of heating system - central or domestic.

When choosing a material for insulating heating pipes, the following initial data should be taken into account:

  • pipe section;
  • the conditions under which the heating system operates;
  • temperature of the transported coolant.

It depends on the section of the pipe what form the heat-insulating material should be purchased - in a roll or in the form of half-cylinders, cylinders of available sizes.

For example, if it is required to insulate pipes of small diameter, it is better to use heat-insulating materials for heating pipelines of a cylindrical or semi-cylindrical shape. Such products, in addition, due to their rigidity and elasticity, serve to protect the system from mechanical damage, and also have water-repellent properties. In the case of large diameters, you will have to use roll insulation.

For the correct choice of thermal insulation, it is necessary to consider the main types of products used.

Types of thermal insulation for pipes

Mineral wool

Mineral wool for pipelines is one of the most popular insulating materials. This insulation is recommended to be used for insulation of central heating and hot water supply systems laid in residential buildings or industrial buildings. Another way to use the material is to protect pipes with constant heating, for example, stove chimneys.

There are two types of mineral wool:

  1. Stone wool - made from basalt rocks.
  2. Glass wool (fiberglass) - produced from broken glass or staple fiber, the basis of which is quartz sand.

The main advantages of stone wool:

  • heat resistance (up to 650°C) while maintaining mechanical properties;
  • resistance to solvents (alkalis, acids, oil solutions, etc.);
  • with special impregnation, moisture resistance can be given to cotton wool;
  • environmentally friendly, non-toxic material.

Glass wool is less heat-resistant, respectively, the scope of its application is narrower. It is produced in rolls 1.55-2 m long.

  • operating temperature of protected pipes - up to 180°С;
  • vibration resistance;
  • chemically neutral, does not interact with chemical and biological substances;
  • with proper installation and observance of operating conditions, it retains its properties for a long time.

polyurethane foam

This thermal insulator has a rigid shape, providing edges and walls. Finished products are obtained by casting "pipe in pipe". Due to the above properties, the material is often called a shell.

Polyurethane foam has maximum strength and effectively reduces heat transfer.

Technological characteristics of polyurethane foam:

  • non-toxic, no smell;
  • resistance to oxidation (does not rot);
  • unsurpassed strength - serves not only as a thermal insulating element, but also as a mechanical protection for pipes;
  • does not conduct electricity;
  • chemically resistant - does not interact with acids, alkalis, etc.;
  • suitable for any climate and all weather conditions.

The main drawback of the product is the high price: polyurethane foam insulation is more expensive than the rest.

Polyethylene foam

This type of thermal insulation is produced in the form of hollow cylinders for different outer diameters of pipes. The usual length of the cylinder is 2 m, variations are possible.

Foamed polyethylene can be used to insulate heating pipes, hot and cold water pipes.

Advantages of polyethylene foam:

  • environmentally friendly material, safe for humans;
  • moisture resistance;
  • good thermal insulation, resistance to temperature changes;
  • elasticity combined with flexibility allows the material to be used both as insulation and mechanical protection of the pipeline;
  • ease of use - can be put on the pipe as a whole or by cutting the cylinder;
  • retains properties in the vicinity of lime, concrete and other materials.

Other foam insulation

In addition to foamed polyethylene, for the purpose of thermal insulation, they use:

  • expanded polystyrene - supplied in the form of halves connected by a ledge into a groove;
  • polystyrene foam - has good hydro, thermal and sound insulation, is resistant to ignition, with proper operation, the service life exceeds 50 years; besides, cheap;
  • penoizol - sold in the form of a liquid, when applied to the surface it foams without leaving gaps;
  • foam glass - glass of a cellular structure, safe, does not shrink, non-combustible, durable, chemically neutral, resistant to rodents.

Heat insulating paint

Heat-insulating paint for heating pipes is a new material developed in Russia.

The composition of the paint includes:

  • foam glass;
  • ceramic microspheres;
  • perlite;
  • other heat-insulating substances.

Applying a layer of paint 2 mm thick is equivalent to wrapping the pipe with several layers of mineral wool or expanded polystyrene.

  • non-toxic, safe for health;
  • has no smell;
  • protects pipes from corrosion;
  • withstands heating to high temperatures;
  • can be used in both domestic and industrial heating systems.

Such paint is produced in the form of an aerosol, which allows you to apply the material to hard-to-reach sections of the pipeline.

Installation of thermal insulation on the pipeline

Before you begin directly work on the installation of insulation, you must go through several preparatory stages.

First, the insulation material must be selected. You can be guided in this paragraph by the expected operating conditions (operating temperature, the possibility of mechanical deformation, the presence of rodents), and the diameter of the pipes (it is obvious that hollow cylinders, for example, made of polyethylene foam, are ideal for a small diameter, and large diameter pipes are easier to wrap with glass wool ).

Another important factor is the price of the product. Of course, if the cost of carrying out the work is not limited, you can choose a modern material with higher characteristics; however, traditional types of thermal insulation have not lost their relevance.

In addition, if the work will be carried out in hard-to-reach places, it is more logical to use easily applied materials - thermal insulation paint or penoizol.

Secondly, it is necessary to free access to the insulated pipes as much as possible in advance, trying to remove all obstacles. As a result, this will significantly speed up the work and prevent possible injuries or damage to consumables, which means unnecessary expenses.

After the preparatory steps, the material is actually fixed on the pipe.

The order of work is as follows:

  1. Before applying the insulation, the pipes are covered in a spiral with tape-foil.
  2. The insulation is wrapped around the pipe or otherwise applied or fixed to the surface. Regardless of the method of application, work should be done in good faith, avoiding leaving open areas that will later become “cold bridges”.
  3. After fixing the insulating material on the surface of the pipe, it is additionally fixed with adhesive tape (for example, plumbing), wrapping it in several layers. Winding should also be done as carefully as possible and with a certain effort.

If the work is done carefully and no gross errors were made, the thermal insulation, regardless of the material chosen, will serve for a long time and properly.

Thermal insulation for heating pipes: insulation and thermal insulation, thermal insulation materials for pipelines, paint, mineral wool

Thermal insulation for heating pipes: insulation and thermal insulation, thermal insulation materials for pipelines, paint, mineral wool

How to insulate heating pipes with your own hands - the choice and installation of pipe insulation

Heat loss in the pipeline is the main problem of both autonomous and central pipelines of the heating system. And if the reduction of heat loss within the region is entrusted to utilities, then the owner of a private house needs to take care of the insulation of the heating pipes on his own, and due to the insignificant amount of work, do it yourself.

Is it necessary to insulate heating pipes and what does it give?

Thermal insulation for heating pipes allows you to:

  • reduce heat loss in places where pipes run along the ground, are installed by air (ground) or located in an unheated room;
  • prevent freezing of the liquid, which is the coolant (freezing is fraught with a pipe break);
  • reducing the likelihood of corrosion on the surface of the pipe (for metal pipelines);
  • saving money on home heating.

Thus, the more reliably the heating system is insulated, the more heat the user will get (the higher the efficiency), and the less he will have to pay for gas for heating (or for electricity, if an electric boiler).

Due to the fact that a coolant is moving through the heating system, the task of pipe insulation is reduced to minimizing heat loss and preventing system rupture due to freezing.

A popular solution in this case is the use of thermal insulation materials. This is the most budgetary and simple way of warming from the point of view of self-implementation.

Thermal insulation for outdoor heating pipes

A variety of heaters provides an opportunity to choose the one that is best suited for a specific application (outdoors, in the ground, in the basement, in the attic) and budget.

The selection of a heat insulator is carried out taking into account the following factors:

  • diameter of the pipe of the heating system;
  • operating conditions (location of the heating system);
  • average heating temperature of the coolant;
  • the thermal conductivity of the insulation (the lower the better);
  • water absorption index. Shows the ability of the insulating material to perform its functions in a humid environment;
  • resistance to combustion, biological and chemical activity, exposure to ultraviolet radiation and other environmental factors;
  • life time;
  • ease of installation (with the condition of ensuring sufficient tightness);
  • price.

How to insulate heating pipes on the street with your own hands

To choose the right pipe insulation, you need to know what types of thermal insulation for heating pipes exist, and what are the features of each of them.

Classification of heat-insulating materials for heating pipes

1. According to the installation method:

  • rigid sheet insulation. These include: polystyrene foam and polystyrene foam. Despite the high thermal insulation properties, the installation of such heaters is quite complicated in terms of ensuring the tightness of the insulation;
  • roll insulation. Among them: polyethylene (used as an additional component of insulation), foil penofol, cotton wool (mineral and glass wool). The use of rolled materials requires the arrangement of their reliable fastening to the pipe;
  • segment (casing) heaters. There are two types of such heaters: rigid - shells made of expanded polystyrene, polyurethane foam (PPU) or polystyrene, and soft - polymer pipes. The advantage of segmental materials is that they keep their shape perfectly, are easy to install and provide the required level of tightness of the fit of the heat-insulating material to the heating pipe;
  • sprayed heaters, incl. thermal paint. Penoizol has proven itself as a spray gun, because it allows you to isolate even small gaps. Thermal paint has the same property. The only disadvantage of these materials is that they are quite expensive and their self-application is problematic.

Thermal insulation of heating pipes with hard, soft and sprayed heaters

2. By type of insulation:

  • polystyrene and expanded polystyrene. They have the best characteristics in terms of maintaining the initial temperature of the coolant. Their use in the form of a shell simplifies installation and provides reliable protection of the system;

Thermal insulation for heating pipes - foam shell Thermal insulation material for heating pipes - polystyrene foam and polystyrene foam

  • wool (mineral, glass wool). It can be used as a roll and as a sectional material. Regardless of the type and configuration, cotton wool insulation for heating pipes has a significant drawback, which is that cotton wool is hygroscopic. Those. it needs additional protection from moisture. When wet, cotton wool loses its properties. Therefore, sections often have additional protection in the form of a foil layer. But cotton wool is great for thermal insulation of pipes in the basement or in the attic.

Thermal insulation for heating pipes - mineral wool casing Thermal insulation for heating pipes - a shell of foil-clad basalt wool

  • foam foil. Due to its small thickness, it is mainly used for insulating pipes indoors.

Thermal insulation for heating pipes - foil foam Insulation of heating pipes with penofol

  • polyethylene foam– (EPE, PPE) polyethylene foam for pipes.

Thermal insulation for heating pipes - polyethylene foam (PPE) Insulation for heating pipes - polyethylene foam pipe

Heating pipe insulation technology

The choice of pipe insulation and the method of its installation is influenced by the location of the pipeline.

Insulation of heating pipes on the street

External thermal insulation of pipes is the most difficult method of insulation, since not only pipes, but also the insulation itself need protection in the open air. For outdoor installation, non-hygroscopic materials are used, or others, but reliably protected from moisture by a film, casing.

In addition, it is advisable to use the densest and thickest insulation on the street. Another requirement is the use of material that is resistant to ultraviolet radiation, bad weather and mechanical damage.

Insulation of heating pipes in an unheated room

Basement, cold attic, boiler room - a feature of such premises is the absence of heating radiators. But since the pipes are filled with a heat carrier and located in an environment with minimal humidity, there are no special requirements for either the heat-insulating material or its thickness.

Thermal insulation of heating pipes in an unheated (cold) room

Insulation of heating pipes underground

The specifics of installing heating pipes underground is that they must be laid below the freezing level of the soil, and this is a depth of one and a half to two meters. If this requirement is not adhered to, the coolant will be strongly cooled until it passes through the heating main located in the ground. In order to reduce heat loss, you need to take care of high-quality insulation of the underground pipeline.

The masters say that the best solution in this case would be to use a cable heating system for pipes. But due to the high cost, users prefer reinforced thermal insulation of heating pipes.

Good insulation of heating pipes underground implies the fulfillment of the requirements:

  • isolation of the insulation from the moisture that is in the soil;
  • exclusion of the possibility of deformation of the insulation, tk. in this case, its properties are reduced. This is especially true for soft thermal insulation materials;

According to reviews, the best solution is the thermal insulation of heating pipes using PPU shells.

Note. Users recommend for pipes that are laid above the level of soil freezing to use a combined insulation system, namely: a combination of wool and rigid PPU shell with a protective fiberglass coating. Ideally, even at the laying stage, use factory-made multilayer pipes in PPU insulation.

How to insulate heating pipes with your own hands

The sequence of actions in the form of step-by-step instructions:

  • calculation and purchase of thermal insulation material;
  • wrapping the pipe with foil tape or foil. The foil acts as a heat reflector;
  • installation of insulation around the pipe. Sectional hard (casing) or soft insulation is simply “put on” on the pipe. As for soft materials, they must be cut into blanks equal in width to the diameter of the pipe. Then wrap it around the pipe and fix it with tape, wire or plastic clamps. Hard insulation is the hardest part. From it you need to create a box around the pipe (or use pipe shells of the appropriate diameter);
  • inspect the insulated pipe for the presence of "cold bridges" and eliminate them;
  • fix the heat-insulating material on the pipe using plumbing or metallized tape;
  • if necessary, cover the heat-insulating material with a protective material (film) and seal the joints with adhesive tape.

The cost of insulating heating pipes, despite their initial value, quickly pays off by saving on bills for heating the house.

Insulation of heating pipes - thermal insulation for heating pipes

Thermal insulation for heating pipes in the open air - insulation of the pipeline of the heating system of the house on the street, in the ground, in the basement, in the attic. Types of heat-insulating material, installation methods

Thermal insulation for water supply and heating pipes

Thermal insulation for pipes is used primarily to reduce heat loss in heating systems, inevitable after the onset of cold weather. Tellingly, such thermal insulation is necessary not only in order to maintain the required temperature indicator in the heating main, but also in order to prevent the accumulation of condensate on the pipe walls and the insulating material itself, freezing of the working fluid during stagnation, and also to slow down the rusting process of iron elements. Due to all this, the operational life of the system itself is increased.

How to choose insulation material for pipes

Due to the peculiarities of the domestic climate, high-quality thermal insulation is necessary not only for centralized heating mains, but also for individual networks. There are a number of factors that determine the choice of one or another insulating material, here they are:

  • operating conditions of the system;
  • the diameter of the pipeline itself;
  • heating temperature of the working fluid.

The key factor in this case can be considered precisely the diameter, since the type of insulation used largely depends on this. So, modern manufacturers offer semi-cylindrical, cylindrical and rolled heat insulators.

Thermal insulation for pipes

Note! As for rigid cylinders and semi-cylinders, they are used in lines of small diameter. This kind of material is equipped with grooves that simplify the installation procedure.

In addition, segments made of plastic or mineral wool are used for insulation. In general, hard insulation is good because it is not only resistant to elevated temperatures or low moisture absorption, but also because it has a permanent, clearly geometric shape, which provides high-quality protection against mechanical damage.

In order to find out which of the heaters to purchase, you should familiarize yourself with the key materials and their areas of use.

Prices for thermal insulation for heating pipes

Mineral wool

Materials made from mineral wool are very popular because of their effectiveness. As for the advantages of insulation, they are as follows:

  • non-toxicity (this is one of the safest building materials);
  • sufficiently high heat resistance (the material can withstand up to 650 degrees); which is typical, when heated, it retains its original thermal insulation and mechanical parameters;
  • low degree of moisture absorption (during the manufacturing process, mineral wool is treated with special impregnations);
  • chemical resistance to acid, solvent liquids, oily solutions and alkalis.

This material is ideal for insulating hot water and heating lines (not only in residential, but also in industrial facilities). Often, mineral wool is used for thermal insulation of pipes that are subject to regular heating (this can be, for example, a stove chimney).

We also note that mineral wool is produced in several varieties at once, let's get acquainted with them.

  1. Stone wool - it is made from rocks, which is why it is also called basalt.
  2. Glass wool is made from cullet or staple fiber made from quartz sand. Such a heater differs from that described in that it is not so heat-resistant, and therefore the scope of its use is not so wide.

The approximate cost (with dimensions of 30-18 mm) is about 46 rubles per linear meter.

glass wool

Fiberglass heat insulator is produced in rolls 155-200 centimeters long (the thickness can vary from 3 to 4 microns). It is characteristic that the material has a low density, which means that it cannot be used for highways that heat up over 180 degrees.

This thermal insulation for pipes is suitable for ground-type communications. Among its advantages it is worth highlighting:

  • long service life;
  • vibration resistance;
  • chemical resistance. and biol. substances.

The average market cost is about 700-800 rubles per pack(500x122x10).

Polyurethane foam insulation

Polyurethane foam insulation is a construction with a fairly rigid shape; in fact, it consists of walls and ribs. Let us devote a few words to the production of this material: in its manufacture (if we are talking about industrial scale) uses the so-called "pipe-in-pipe" technology. This insulation is also called a thermal insulating shell. It is not only durable, but also reliably retains thermal energy inside the line.

In addition, polyurethane foam has the following advantages:

  • non-toxicity;
  • ability to withstand various weather(therefore, the material is suitable for outdoor use);
  • lack of smell;
  • resistance to various kinds of chemicals;
  • absolute safety for health;
  • excellent dielectric properties;
  • high strength (the pipeline will be protected from breakage caused by external mechanical loads).

As for the disadvantages, there is only one in the polyurethane foam heat insulator - this is a high price ( approximately 345 rubles per meter).

Foamed polyethylene

Let's make a reservation right away what exactly this heat insulator occupies in last years leading positions in the market, today it is used almost everywhere, not only in heating systems. In fact, this is a ready-made shell, made in the form of a pipe, as much as possible "enveloping" the highway and protecting it from various kinds of external influences. Anyone can handle the installation of polyethylene foam - this does not require any specific skills and knowledge. First, the polyethylene sheath is cut along the existing seam (after installation, this seam should be glued back).

Excellent thermal insulation characteristics are provided by the foam structure of the material. This polyethylene is, in fact, a thermos, because it (the material) can also be used in freezing equipment.

Average market price - from 105 rubles per linear meter.

Other insulation materials

In addition to the heaters described above, other thermal insulation for pipes is also sold on the market. Let's get acquainted with the main varieties.

PPU shell for pipes

Earlier we talked about the technical characteristics and features of the PPU shell for pipes, in addition to this article, we advise you to read this information, read about it here

Option one. Styrofoam

This heat insulator is made in the form of two halves, which are interconnected during installation. To do this, the "thorn-groove" technology is used, which eliminates the possibility of the appearance of cold bridges in the material.

Option two. Foam glass

Completely safe material, which consists of glass with a cellular structure. This is a non-shrink version of the insulation, characterized by durability and strength. It does not burn, easily withstands various chemical influences, and is resistant to the invasion of rodents.

Note! Even a beginner can cope with the insulation of the pipeline with foam glass, and there is still a guarantee of a long service life.

Option three. Penoizol

According to its technical characteristics, it remotely resembles polystyrene, but it is only sold in liquid form. During the processing of highways, no “gaps” remain, and the entire system will be quite tight after drying.

Option four. Styrofoam

Among the distinguishing features of this material are low thermal conductivity, fire resistance, slight moisture absorption, heat resistance, long service life (about fifty years) and excellent sound insulation qualities. In view of all this, polystyrene is an indispensable heat insulator that can be used on an industrial scale.

Thermal insulating paint

By the way, this is a new innovative development, which Russian scientists have created to everyone's pride. This paint contains:

  • foam glass;
  • perlite;
  • ceramic microspheres;
  • a number of other thermal insulation components.

If you cover the pipeline with such paint with a layer of at least 2 millimeters, then the results will be the same as with insulation with several layers of foam or mineral wool. This paint is harmless to the body and nature as a whole, it has practically no smell, therefore, there is no need for ventilation. With the help of a heater, reliable protection of pipes against rust is created, the material itself does not warm up under the action of high temperatures. In addition to domestic use, paint can also be used in industrial and production environments.

Note! The heat insulator is produced in the form of an aerosol, due to which the installation procedure is noticeably simplified. In this case, the most inaccessible of places are subject to painting.

All the heaters listed above have a different structure and different parameters, but the function is the same - the protection of domestic and industrial pipelines. After installing the heat insulator, heat losses during the circulation of the working fluid are significantly reduced. All this allows you to reduce heating costs, which means that there is also an economic component.

How is the installation of a heat insulator on pipes

The specific insulation procedure depends on which of the materials was chosen. Although in general terms, the algorithm of actions is the same and consists of three main stages.

Stage one. So, the thermal insulation for the pipes is purchased, you can get to work. At first, before the installation begins, the pipes are pasted over with foil tape, and it is extremely important that this be done in a spiral.

Stage two. Insulating material is installed on the pipes. After that, with the help of special adhesive tape (although in this case it is quite possible to use plumbing), the material is attached to the pipeline and wrapped as tightly as possible.

Note! Winding the insulation with adhesive tape is mandatory, otherwise groundwater will penetrate into the gaps formed, which will negatively affect the functionality of the entire highway.

Stage three. Upon completion of installation work, an inspection is mandatory. Everything, it remains only to check the quality of the insulation layer in action!

The pipeline is frozen - how to warm it up?

As we noted above, the modern range of insulating materials is huge, so you need to try your best so that in the future you do not encounter the problem of pipeline freezing.

Note! Thanks to a well-equipped heat-insulating layer, frost will never be able to get to the working fluid moving through the pipeline.

But it happens that for some reason you did not take care of good insulation. What to do in this case? In any technical handbook you can find information that pipelines must be laid - a must! - taking into account the level of soil freezing. This means that if you did not have the opportunity to lay the main line below this "waterline", then it (the main line) had to be insulated.

And if all these requirements are not met, then a situation may arise when, due to a sudden frost, the water in the pipeline completely freezes. Speaking specifically about metal pipes, they often burst in such cases; plastic products do better, but the working fluid will still not pass through them.

Now we will consider what measures should be taken in order to get rid of the ice. If metal-plastic heating pipes are frozen, then there is one effective solution to the problem: a smaller pipe must be inserted into the frozen pipe (although a rigid hose may also work) and hot water can be supplied through it until the ice is completely melted. But all this is preceded by the search for a frozen section of the highway. This can be done as follows: gradually bend the plastic pipe until a characteristic "ice" crackle sounds. It is in that section of the network where you heard the crackling that you need to heat up.

There is an alternative solution to the problem - with the help of an ordinary household hair dryer (if it is not possible to use a building one).

If the line is frozen for a long time and there is no way to warm it up, you can temporarily stretch out new heating pipes insulated with polyethylene foam and use them until the ice melts on its own.

Insulation for heating or water supply pipes - an overview of the best materials with characteristics and cost

Pipes located in unheated rooms need protection against freezing. Whatever material they are made of, their thermal conductivity is high, so freezing occurs quickly. To avoid unnecessary problems, use pipe insulation, which will create reliable insulation for the pipeline from frost and even noise insulation due to its noise-absorbing qualities.

Thermal insulation for pipes

On the Russian market there are many companies producing structural elements to reduce heat transfer. You can choose products made from different materials, choose the right size and characteristics suitable for your communications. Thermal insulation of pipes can be carried out from several types of protection, such as polyethylene or foam.

Foamed polyethylene pipe insulation

One of the best price-quality ratios is characterized by polyethylene pipe insulation. It is a material consisting of the smallest cells that waterproof the system well. This protects against metal corrosion. The material itself practically does not absorb water and withstands temperatures from -60 to +90 degrees. The cover is easy to install.

In heating systems, the following material reduces heat loss by up to 80%. It is produced in sleeves of 2 meters of different thicknesses:

  • model name: Porilex NPE T 60x9x1000 mm;
  • price: 45 r;
  • specifications: gray color, gross weight 0.06 kg;
  • pluses: flexible material, moisture resistant, has low thermal conductivity;
  • cons: not found.

The following product copes well with the insulation of cold and hot communications. Due to the color separation, it allows you to distinguish between pipes with hot and cold water:

  • model name: Thermal insulation super protect 28;
  • price: 21 rubles;
  • characteristics: supplied in coils, color red, length 10 meters;
  • pluses: the outside is covered with a polymer film, which increases the strength of communications and their service life by 50%;
  • cons: not found.

Another versatile material that can be used to protect heating systems, sewerage, etc. It is resistant to materials such as concrete, gypsum, lime:

  • model name: Energoflex Super 2 m;
  • price: 69 rubles / linear meter;
  • characteristics: hollow, low thermal conductivity, gray color;
  • pluses: low combustible;
  • cons: high cost.

Foil insulation for pipes

Foil is a heat insulator that is often used in construction. Its functions are in many ways superior to other types of materials such as foam or mineral wool. When there is a need for a material capable of reflecting heat waves, foil pipe insulation is used. It is a basic thermal insulation material covered with foil.

Thermal insulation for pipes of this type is used in various construction industries. It is suitable for pipes of any size due to the fact that you yourself cut the necessary pieces of material:

  • model name: Penofol - 2000 A;
  • price: 65.00 rubles / m2;
  • features: polyethylene foam, aluminum foil on one side;
  • pluses: universal material;

If you are looking for an excellent insulator that will provide double the heat protection effect, choose the following product. With it, heat loss will be minimized:

  • model name: Mosfol;
  • price: 900 rubles/roll;
  • characteristics: base - foamed polyethylene, foil located on both sides;
  • pluses: high reflective effect - 97%;
  • cons: only available in rolls.

This insulator is suitable for steam protection, heat output, noise reduction. It reflects about 55% of the energy and tolerates a humid environment very well:

  • model name: Penoflex L (Lavsan)
  • price: 799 rubles/roll;
  • characteristics: polyethylene with one-sided lamination, elastic, flexible;
  • pluses: speed of installation in any place;
  • cons: only available in rolls.

Expanded polystyrene pipe insulation

Polyfoam is one of the most common materials. Its second name is expanded polystyrene. It combines advantageous characteristics: cheap and easy to use. Expanded polystyrene for pipes received a second name - "shell for pipes" due to the corresponding appearance. It can have 1 or 2 slits with grooves at the joints that hold the edges together securely.

The company "Polymerizolyatsiya" produces products such as foam insulation for heating pipes. They are durable, lightweight and safe:

  • model name: PPU shell 720/50;
  • price: 1,750 rubles/linear meter;
  • characteristics: material polyurethane foam (a kind of foam), consists of 2 cylinders;
  • pluses: high heat saving;
  • cons: fragility, flammability.

Another type of foam product for quick and easy installation, which will effectively protect any outdoor heat pipe:

  • model name: Insulation shell 325/50;
  • price: 916 rubles / linear meter;
  • characteristics: hollow tube made of polyurethane foam;
  • pluses: ease of installation;
  • cons: fragility, flammability.

In the case when it is required to insulate plastic communications in the sewer or pipeline, these products can be used. It is reusable and will give you quick access to problem areas if the need arises:

  • model name: PU foam shell for insulation 89/40;
  • price: 306 rubles / linear meter;
  • characteristics: length 1 m, coolant parameters up to +150°С;
  • pluses: ease of installation;
  • cons: fragility, flammability.

Basalt insulation for pipes

Cylinders made from basalt fiber are available in any diameter and size. They have the highest temperature resistance (from -200 to +300°C), withstand temperatures above 1000 degrees without melting, and are great for reducing heating costs. Heat loss level where used basalt insulation, is equal to 8%, which leads to savings of up to 20% of funds.

Excellent thermal and sound insulation can be achieved using these products. Manufacturers produce it to order according to the individual requirements of buyers:

  • model name: Izolin RW;
  • price: from 75 rubles / linear meter;
  • characteristics: mineral wool cylinder;
  • pluses: a special lock that reduces heat loss;
  • cons: not found.

There is another variety of the same material, which has enhanced thermal insulation properties. This product is available with different coatings:

  • model name: Izolin RW ALU;
  • price: from 95 rubles / running meter;
  • Features: aluminum foil coating;
  • pluses: a longitudinal strip with a self-adhesive layer;
  • cons: not found.

The following protective equipment is available with various coatings. It performs not only a protective, but also a decorative function in those places where pipes are located in the room:

  • model name: XotPipe;
  • price: 277 rubles/r.m;
  • characteristics: mineral wool based on basalt rock, length 1 m;
  • pluses: the highest temperature of the application;
  • cons: high cost.

Liquid insulation for pipes

Thermal insulation of pipelines can be carried out using a special paint that creates an energy-saving barrier 1 mm thick. Application method: brush, roller or sprayer. After drying, Liquid Pipe Insulation forms a matte surface that acts as a thermal mirror, keeping cold in and heat out.

Noteworthy is the thermal insulation for water supply pipes from Korund. It protects well from freezing and prevents the formation of moisture on the surface:

  • model name: Korund Classic;
  • price: 330 rubles / l .;
  • characteristics: 1 mm of material = 5-7 layers of cotton wool;
  • pluses: super thin;
  • cons: high cost.

Another type of liquid insulation that can withstand temperatures from -60 to +600 degrees is Teplomett products. The paint will serve you for about 30 years and will help you save a lot on heating:

  • model name: Teplomett Standard;
  • price: 310 rubles/l;
  • characteristics: consists of vacuum microspheres, 1mm layer replaces 50mm mineral wool;
  • pluses: applied to the surface of any shape;
  • cons: high cost.

Basic formulation suitable for a wide range of applications. After application, it tightly and reliably envelops the surface:

  • model name: Astratek;
  • price: 410 rubles/l;
  • characteristics: resistance to high temperatures;
  • pluses: a seamless surface that retains heat;
  • cons: high cost.

How to choose pipe insulation

To choose the right insulation for water pipes and protect yourself from problems, you need to pay attention to three main factors: location (apartment, attic, in the ground, in the sewer, outdoors), ease of installation, price. All types of products are easily installed independently, but universal in all characteristics - polyethylene.

When it is important to reduce heat absorption, choose foil insulation for pipes. Expanded polystyrene is fragile, but suitable for work anywhere. Basalt material is easy to install, has good characteristics, but is expensive. If you want to quickly insulate the system, but other methods are not suitable, choose a thermal paint that is easy to apply, looks beautiful and protects well.

Insulation for pipes - a description of thermal insulation materials for heating, plumbing and sewerage

Reliable insulation for pipes - the best protection against temperature extremes for water and sewer communications. By installing it today, you will protect yourself from problems in the future.

In the process of building your own house, you often have to face the need to lay underground utilities. This applies to water supply, household or storm sewers, sometimes it is necessary to lay a heating main between two buildings. But it is not enough to correctly lay the pipes themselves, observing, if necessary, their required slope - it is very important to protect them from the effects of low temperatures, eliminating the possibility of freezing in the cold season.

Insulation for pipes in the ground is especially important in regions with severe winters, where the soil freezes to a considerable depth.

Surely, objections may be heard - why, they say, insulate sewer drains, which are obviously given an appropriate slope, and stagnant water cannot be here by definition? And, meanwhile, the thermal insulation of the sewer is a very responsible matter. There are at least two reasons that can cause water to accumulate in them - this is not a septic tank pumped out on time or a clogged pipe. In both cases, in an uninsulated pipe, freezing of the liquid will lead to the formation of an ice plug and, in the future, to rupture of the walls. But to carry out a quick repair or replacement of a damaged area in frozen ground conditions is an extremely complex and large-scale problem.

There are a lot of heat-insulating materials intended for warming underground sections of pipes. They differ in the material of manufacture, in terms of service life, in thickness, quality and, of course, in cost.

Criteria for choosing insulation for pipes

Heat insulators for pipes passing at a certain depth into the ground must meet certain requirements, which include:

  • The hydrophobicity of the insulation, that is, its resistance to moisture. The material, in addition to thermal insulation, should protect the pipe from soil moisture, without letting it through, and at the same time without collapsing and without losing its thermal insulation qualities.
  • Low thermal conductivity for high-quality preservation of natural heat inside the pipes.

In fact, thermal insulation under the conditions under consideration can perform two main tasks:

- If the pipe is pumping coolant (heating system) or hot water (DHW system), then minimizing heat loss comes to the fore.

- For pipes of cold water supply or sewerage, the main purpose of insulation is to be protected from exposure to negative temperatures, that is, from freezing.

The table shows the heat loss of pipes of different diameters, depending on the thickness of the heat-insulating layer (with an average thermal conductivity of 0.04 W/m×° With) and the difference between the temperatures of the pumped liquid and the environment (Δt°):

Thermal insulation thickness, mmΔt,оСPipe diameter in mm
15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 100 150
Estimated heat losses per 1 linear pipeline, W.
10 20 7.2 8.4 10 12 13.4 16.2 19 23 29 41
30 10.7 12.6 15 18 20.2 24.4 29 34 43 61
40 14.3 16.8 20 24 26.8 32.5 38 45 57 81
60 21.5 25.2 30 36 40.2 48.7 58 68 86 122
20 20 4.6 5.3 6.1 7.2 7.9 9.4 11 13 16 22
30 6.8 7.9 9.1 10.8 11.9 14.2 16 19 24 33
40 9.1 10.6 12.2 14.4 15.8 18.8 22 25 32 44
60 13.6 15.7 18.2 21.6 23.9 28.2 33 38 48 67
30 20 3.6 4.1 4.7 5.5 6 7 8 9 11 16
30 5.4 6.1 7.1 8.2 9 10.6 12 14 17 24
40 7.3 8.3 9.5 10.9 12 14 16 19 23 31
60 10.9 12.4 14.2 16.4 18 21 24 28 34 47
40 20 3.1 3.5 4 4.6 4.9 5.8 7 8 9 12
30 4.7 5.3 6 6.8 7.4 8.6 10 11 14 19
40 6.2 7.1 7.9 9.1 10 11.5 13 15 18 25
60 9.4 10.6 12 13.7 14.9 17.3 20 22 27 37

Obviously, with an increase in the thickness of the insulation, the level of heat loss decreases, but even with a thickness of 40 mm it is impossible to achieve complete insulation. In the case of cold water supply or sewerage, sometimes it is necessary to resort to additional measures - the installation of electric heating.

The required thickness of insulation for various types of pipelines will be discussed below.

  • Resistance to external chemical influences - the soil is a very aggressive environment in this regard.
  • The insulation must have high mechanical strength, be resistant to external mechanical and atmospheric influences, withstand loads and soil pressure. Durability can also be attributed here - since it will be quite difficult to replace thermal insulation in underground areas.
  • Resistance to high and low temperatures of the environment and the liquid transported through the insulated pipeline.
  • The material should be easily mounted on the pipe in any position.
  • An important factor is the compatibility of the materials of the insulation and the pipe, since the occurrence of a reaction between them is unacceptable - it can lead to mutual damage.

Fulfillment of all requirements for the insulation material will allow you to avoid significant heat losses, make it possible not to worry about the integrity of the pipes and the likelihood of ice plugs forming in them.

Materials used for insulation of underground pipelines

On the modern building materials market, a fairly wide range of pipe insulation is presented. Most common materials for their manufacture - foamed polyethylene, polyurethane foam, expanded polystyrene, some types of mineral wool.

For pipe insulation, material is used in the form of tapes, rolls, mats, or made with a special shape - cylinders, half-cylinders, segments, etc. Of course, profile heaters are the most convenient in installation, since they can be put on a pipe installed in any position.

Polyethylene foam insulation

Foamed polyethylene has very high technical characteristics for pipe insulation. And this at a very affordable price.

  • The thermal conductivity of the material is minimal, and is 0.035 W / m × ° C.
  • This material has a structure consisting of the smallest closed cells, which contribute to the creation of effective waterproofing, which is especially important for metal pipes. This provides additional protection against corrosion, extends the life of the pipeline.
  • Foamed polyethylene can have a density of 25 ÷ 40 kg/m. As a rule, the most popular are products with this indicator of 30 ÷ 35 kg / m³.
  • In addition, the material has excellent elasticity, which does not change even at critical negative temperatures (up to -55 °). This quality makes the installation of the insulation a very simple matter - the sleeve is easy to cut and put on a pipe located under any bend.
  • The rupture load that polyethylene foam can withstand is 0.3 MPa, and its dynamic elasticity is 0.76 MPa.
  • The compression ratio at a load of 4500 N/m² is 0.2.
  • Vapor permeability - 0.001 mg / m × h × Pa, that is, polyethylene foam refers to materials that support natural vapor exchange.
  • The hydrophobicity of this insulation was tested by immersing it in water for 24 hours, as a result of which the material absorbed moisture by only 1.3% of its volume. And, it should be noted that in the following hours, the absorption of moisture completely stops.
  • The operating temperatures of polyethylene foam vary in the range from - 55 to + 85 degrees. Higher temperatures lead to its spatial deformation, and at negative values ​​below the specified threshold, the insulation loses its elasticity and becomes brittle.
  • Fire resistance in this case is not important, since the insulated pipes will be in the ground. But this material is also used for external thermal insulation, therefore it has the appropriate classification, and according to this parameter it is designated G2, that is, moderately combustible material. Polyethylene ignites at a temperature of 300 degrees and only with direct exposure to a flame. When burning, polyethylene decomposes into water and carbon dioxide, which is not toxic, and in small concentrations is not dangerous to human health.

The insulation from this foamed polyethylene is produced in different thicknesses, in the form of cylinders (sleeves) 2000 mm long. It is easy to cut and adheres well to the surface of pipes made of different materials.

Prices for polyethylene foam insulation

polyethylene foam insulation

Comparing the characteristics of their material with the requirements for insulation, we can conclude that this foamed polyethylene is the best suited for thermal insulation of pipelines.

You may be interested in information about what degree of insulation provides for

Another material that is actively used for pipe insulation is Penofol. This is the same foamed polyethylene, but having a foil coating, which has a reflective property and enhances the thermal insulation qualities of polyethylene.

Penofol for pipeline insulation is also produced in sleeves, but some craftsmen prefer to use material made in rolls. The first option is put on the pipe and secured with special tape. The second is cut into tapes and overlapped on the mounted pipes.

Pipe insulated with "penofol" tapes

Prices for penofol

The convenience of tape insulation lies in the fact that it is possible thermally insulate a pipeline having many bends or turns. Due to the elasticity of the material, it will take the desired shape and provide sufficient tightness for thermal insulation.

If cylinders (sleeves) are used when insulating an already installed pipeline, then a cut is made on them along the entire length, through which they are put on the pipes. This incision is then sealed with waterproof adhesive tape. Very often, such a cut is already provided by the manufacturer.

Video: comparison of some types of pipe insulation

Expanded polystyrene pipe insulation

Pipe insulation made of expanded polystyrene is also called "shell" because it really resembles an eggshell. Such a material has its advantages and disadvantages, and it is worth considering its characteristics in more detail before choosing it.

Foam insulation for pipes consists of two half-cylinders (sometimes three segments for pipes of large diameter), interconnected by side groove-thorn locks, which allow you to completely isolate the pipeline from the influence of the environment while maintaining a positive temperature inside the "shell". Due to the form of manufacture of insulation made of expanded polystyrene, it is easy to mount it on already installed highways.

Such insulation is produced in the form of detachable pipes one or two meters long. Wall thickness and diameters, external and internal, may be different.

For the manufacture of pipe heaters of the "shell" type, PSB-S÷15, PSB-S÷25 and PSB-S÷35 foam is used. The main characteristics are given in table:

Name of parametersPSB-S-15UPSB-S-15PSB-S-25PSB-S-35PSB-S-50
Density kg/m³to 10up to 1515.1÷2525.1÷3535.1÷50
Compressive strength at 10% linear deformation MPa, not less than0.05 0.06 0.08 0.16 0.2
0.08 0.12 0.17 0.36 0.35
Dry thermal conductivity at 25°C, W /(m×°K)0.043 0.042 0.039 0.037 0.036
Water absorption in 24 hours, % by volume, no more.3 2 2 2 2
Humidity, % no more2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4
Bending strength, not less thanto 10up to 1515.1÷2525.1÷3535.1÷50
  • Styrofoam or expanded polystyrene is a chemically inert, lightweight material that has a structure of closed cells that are not interconnected.
  • The insulation has a low coefficient of thermal conductivity, which is 0.037 ÷ 0.042 W / m².
  • moisture absorption foam per day, as tests have shown, is up to 2% of the total volume of the material, so it can be called moisture resistant.
  • The operating temperature range of expanded polystyrene is from - 50 to +75 ° С. In this limit, it does not deform and does not lose its basic qualities.
  • This material is resistant to the formation of foci of mold or fungus, does not rot, withstands exposure to alkali, cement and gypsum mortars, salts and other inorganic substances.

The positive qualities of polystyrene foam insulation for pipes include the following qualities:

  • Low thermal conductivity.
  • High moisture resistance, which allows you to maintain the thermal insulation qualities of the material for many years.
  • Ease of installation.
  • Resistance to environmental influences.
  • It is compatible with any material from which pipes are made, as it does not react with metal and plastic.
  • The heater has a very affordable price.

The disadvantages of such a heater include:

  • Combustibility of the material - it is classified as G4. For underground areas, this criterion is not critical.
  • Expanded polystyrene is not elastic, and it will not be possible to bend it, so only even highways can be insulated with it. And for turns, you will have to select special corner parts.
  • When using this insulation for pipes laid in the ground, it is recommended to additionally create protection for it by wrapping it with dense polyethylene.

By following all the installation recommendations, carefully putting the insulating shell on the pipes and protecting it from above with a layer of waterproofing, you can create a hermetic insulation that will save the pipeline not only from freezing, but also from soil moisture.

Trubny insulation - polyurethane foam

Currently, ready-made versions of sewer and water pipes are already enclosed in a layer of thermal insulation made of polyurethane foam, which is protected from above by a metal or plastic sheath. For example, for highways passing above the ground, pipes in a galvanized metal sheath are used, and for pipelines laid underground, a polyethylene-coated option is excellent, since this material has a high degree of moisture resistance.

Such ready-made insulated pipes are rapidly replacing the previously widely used mineral wool thermal insulation. For comparison, please refer to the table below.

polyurethane foam insulation prices

polyurethane insulation

Comparative characteristics of polyurethane foam and mineral wool used for pipe insulation:

Material parametersunit of measurementPPUmineral wool
Coefficient of thermal conductivityW/m×°C0.033 0.049
Compressive strengthMPa0.3 Not standardized, minimum load resistance
Water absorption, no more% 10 Not standardized, moisture resistance is minimal, constant humidity included in the calculation is 4%
Effective service life, no moreyears40 10
Operating costs (specific damage)damage per year per 100 km of pipeline3÷430÷40

Similar pipes insulated with polyurethane foam with an outer polyethylene sheath in accordance with GOST 30732÷200 are produced with a diameter of 57 mm and more. The following forms of release are provided:

Outer diameter of steel pipes, d, mm Type 1 Type 2
PPU layer thickness, mm Outer diameter of polyethylene sheath, D, mm PPU layer thickness, mm
nominal limit deviation (+) nominal limit deviation (+)
57 125 3.7 31.5 140 4.1 38.5
76 140 4.1 29 160 4.7 39
89 160 4.7 32.5 180 5.4 42.5
108 180 5.4 33 200 5.9 43
133 225 6.6 42.5 250 7.4 54.5
159 250 7.4 41.5 280 8.3 55.5
219 315 9.8 42 355 10.4 62
273 400 11.7 57 450 13.2 81.5
325 450 13.2 55.5 500 14.6 79.5
426 560 16.3 58.2 630 16.3 92.5
530 710 20.4 78.9 - - -
630 800 23.4 72.5 - - -
720 900 26.3 76 - - -
820 1000 29.2 72.4 1100 32.1 122.5
920 1100 32.1 74.4 1200 35.1 120.5
1020 1200 35.1 70.4 - - -

Pipe types 1 and 2 include products with conventional or reinforced insulation. The advantage of pipes immediately equipped with a heater and a protective sheath over any other options is that the heat insulator completely seals the pipe body. At the ends of the pipes, non-insulated sections are left for their connection into a solid line using welded joints with deep penetration of the seam.

The appearance and quality of the protective polyethylene sheath also have their own regulation according to the same GOST:

Surface qualityJacket pipes must have a smooth outer surface. Insignificant longitudinal stripes and waviness are allowed, which do not lead the pipe wall thickness beyond the limits of permissible deviations. The inner surface of the pipes must be rough. Bubbles, cracks, shells, foreign inclusions are not allowed on the outer, inner and end surfaces of the pipes. The color of the pipes is black.
Elongation at break, %, not less than350
Change in the length of the shell pipes after heating at 110 °C, %, no more3
Resistance at a temperature of 80 °C and constant internal pressure, hours, not less1000 (at an initial stress in the pipe wall of 3.2 MPa)

Installation of such pipes, as mentioned above, is carried out using welding. The seam must be checked according to a special technique. Then sections of the pipeline, without insulation at the points of their connection, after installation, the lines are closed with a heat-shrink sleeve, which is filled with mounting foam. This ensures complete tightness of the insulation material and the outer shell.

The advantages of using polyurethane foam as a heater include its following qualities:

  • Low thermal conductivity.
  • High moisture resistance.
  • Light weight - density is only 45–60 kg/m³.
  • With proper installation - the complete absence of cold bridges.
  • The ability to give metal pipes additional anti-corrosion protection.
  • The duration of the operational period, since the material is not subject to rotting and decomposition, as well as resistant to atmospheric and aggressive influences and temperature extremes.

However, it should be noted that ready-made heat-insulated pipes have a rather high price, therefore, insulation is often used instead of them by spraying polyurethane foam on the installed pipeline. But in this case, the heat insulator will be deprived of external protection in the form of an outer shell.

Mineral wool

Mineral wool remains the most affordable thermal insulation material, which is divided into three types depending on the material of manufacture - these are glass wool, basalt and slag wool.

For the insulation of pipes passing in the ground, due to their characteristics, only two options are suitable - glass wool and basalt. Slag wool absorbs moisture abundantly, which means it quickly loses its thermal insulation properties. In addition, it has a high residual acidity, which contributes to the activation of corrosive processes, and for the insulation of metal structures. absolutely unsuitable. Therefore, this option should be immediately rejected and the technical characteristics of the other two materials should be considered, especially since they have long been successfully used for insulating heating mains.

Glass and basalt wool have a number of identical positive qualities that meet almost all requirements for insulation for pipelines. This includes the following options:

  • Low thermal conductivity.
  • High resistance to alkaline and acid substances, as well as to other chemical compounds.
  • Sufficient elasticity, which allows you to easily install not only on straight sections of the highway, but also on bends and turns.

The negative quality of mineral wool can be called its hygroscopicity - it absorbs moisture quite well (basalt wool is less susceptible to this deficiency). Therefore, if the material is used for thermal insulation of a pipeline running in the ground, it is necessary to provide reliable waterproofing for it. It can consist of roofing felt, aluminum foil or dense polyethylene, which is wound on the insulation with an overlap of 400 ÷ 500 mm and is intercepted from above by stainless steel wire or tape.

Insulation of pipes with mineral wool - mandatory external waterproofing is required

Despite the affordable price of the insulation itself, the need for additional use of waterproofing material complicates installation and increases the total cost of work.

By the way, mineral wool for pipe insulation is available only in mats, sheets or slabs. On sale you can also find collapsible mineral wool cylinders, which are perfect for straight sections of the pipeline.

You might be interested in information on how to choose

What should be the thickness of the insulation layer of the underground section of the pipe?

So, the main insulation materials that are used for thermal insulation of pipelines were considered. To facilitate the perception of information and comparison when choosing, the main characteristics of heaters are summarized in a single table:

material, product Average density in the structure, kg/m3 Thermal conductivity of thermal insulation material (W/(m×°C)) for surfaces with temperature (°C) Operating temperature range, °C Flammability group
20 and up 19 and below
Mineral wool pierced plates 120 0.045 0,044-0,035 From - 180 to + 450 for mats, on fabric, mesh, fiberglass canvas; up to + 700 - on a metal gridnon-combustible
150 0.049 0,048-0,037
Heat-insulating slabs of mineral wool on a synthetic binder 65 0.04 0,039-0,03 From - 60 to + 400non-combustible
95 0.043 0,042-0,031
120 0.044 0,043-0,032 From minus - 180 to + 400
180 0,052 0,051-0,038
Thermal insulation products made of foamed ethylene-polypropylene rubber Aeroflex 60 0,034 0.033 From - 57 to + 125Slightly combustible
Semi-cylinders and mineral wool cylinders 50 0,04 0,039-0,029 From - 180 to + 400non-combustible
80 0,044 0,043-0,032
100 0,049 0,048-0,036
150 0,05 0,049-0,035
200 0,053 0,052-0,038
Thermal insulation cord made of mineral wool 200 0,056 0,055-0,04 From - 180 to + 600 depending on the material of the mesh tubeIn mesh tubes made of metal wire and glass thread - non-combustible, the rest are slightly combustible
Glass staple fiber mats with synthetic binder 50 0,04 0,039-0,029 From - 60 to + 180non-combustible
70 0,042 0,041-0,03
Mats and wool made of superfine glass fiber without binder 70 0,033 0,032-0,024 From - 180 to + 400non-combustible
Mats and wool made of super-thin basalt fiber without a binder 80 0,032 0,031-0,24 From - 180 to + 600Non-combustible
Perlite sand, expanded, fine 110 0,052 0,051-0,038 From - 180 to + 875non-combustible
150 0,055 0,054-0,04
225 0,058 0,057-0,042
Thermal insulation products made of expanded polystyrene 30 0,033 0,032-0,024 From - 180 to + 70combustible
50 0,036 0,035-0,026
100 0,041 0,04-0,03
Thermal insulation products made of polyurethane foam 40 0,030 0,029-0,024 From - 180 to + 130combustible
50 0,032 0,031-0,025
70 0,037 0,036-0,027
Thermal insulation products made of polyethylene foam 50 0,035 0.033 From - 70 to + 70combustible

The article still does not answer the key question - what thickness should the insulation be used for? It is impossible to answer unambiguously, since this parameter depends on a large number of initial data. There are heat engineering calculation formulas established by SNiP, but they are quite cumbersome, and only specialists can understand them.

But you can also use the calculated tabular indicators. Similar tables are placed in the "Code of rules for the design and construction of thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines", approved by the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation. Finding them is easy - any Internet search engine on request "SP 41 - 103-2000" will lead to this document.

It is simply impossible to place these tables within the framework of this publication, since there are a lot of them - they are compiled for various types of insulation, for pipelines for various purposes, type of gasket, temperatures of the pumped liquid, etc. But in this variety, there will certainly be an answer for a specific pipe laid in the ground.

It would seem that everything, however, there is one more important point. It concerns heaters, which shrink over time, become denser, which is accompanied by a decrease in the effectiveness of thermal insulation. We are talking about mineral wool.

That tabular value, which is determined by SP 41 - 103-2000, may eventually not enough- the material will be compacted and the quality of thermal insulation will significantly decrease. By the way, this is very common a mistake that can lead to serious consequences. This means that it is necessary to provide a reserve for the thickness of the insulation, which compensates for its shrinkage.

To determine this parameter, use the following formula:

H =h× Kc× ((D+ h) / (D + 2 h) )

H- the required thickness of the insulation, taking into account future shrinkage (seal);

h- tabular value of the required thickness of the insulation;

D- outer diameter of the insulated pipe;

Ks- coefficient of compaction of thermal insulation material. This is a constant calculated for each type of insulation, which can be taken from the proposed table:

Thermal insulation materials and productsCompaction factor Kc.
Mineral wool mats 1.2
Heat-insulating mats "TEHMAT" 1,35-1,2
Mats and canvases made of super-thin basalt fiber when laying on pipelines and equipment with nominal diameter, mm:
- Doo3
- DN ≥ 800 at an average density of 23 kg/m³2
- the same, with an average density of 50-60 kg / m³1,5
Mats made of glass staple fiber on a synthetic binder brand:
- M-45, 35, 251.6
- M-152.6
Mats made of glass spatula fiber "URSA" brand:
- M-11:
a) for pipes with DN up to 40 mm4,0
b) for pipes with DN from 50 mm and above3,6
- M-15, M-172.6
- M-25:
a) for pipes with DN up to 100 mm1,8
b) for pipes with DN from 100 to 250 mm1,6
c) for pipes with DN over 250 mm1,5
Mineral wool boards on a synthetic binder brand:
- 35, 50 1.5
- 75 1.2
- 100 1.1
- 125 1.05
Glass staple fiber board grades:
- P-301.1
- P-15, P-17 and P-201.2
Expanded perlite sand fine grades 75, 100, 150 1.5

In order not to force the reader to carry out independent calculations, we suggest using the capabilities of the built-in calculator.

Evgeny Sedov

When hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)


Pipes located in unheated rooms need protection against freezing. Whatever material they are made of, their thermal conductivity is high, so freezing occurs quickly. To avoid unnecessary problems, use pipe insulation, which will create reliable insulation for the pipeline from frost and even noise insulation due to its noise-absorbing qualities.

There are many companies on the Russian market that produce structural elements to reduce heat transfer. You can choose products made from different materials, choose the right size and characteristics suitable for your communications. Thermal insulation of pipes can be carried out from several types of protection, such as polyethylene or foam.

Foamed polyethylene pipe insulation

One of the best price-quality ratios is characterized by polyethylene pipe insulation. It is a material consisting of the smallest cells that waterproof the system well. This protects against metal corrosion. The material itself practically does not absorb water and withstands temperatures from -60 to +90 degrees. The cover is easy to install.

In heating systems, the following material reduces heat loss by up to 80%. It is produced in sleeves of 2 meters of different thicknesses:

  • model name: Porilex NPE T 60x9x1000 mm;
  • price: 45 r;
  • specifications: gray color, gross weight 0.06 kg;
  • pluses: flexible material, moisture resistant, has low thermal conductivity;
  • cons: not found.

The following product copes well with the insulation of cold and hot communications. Due to the color separation, it allows you to distinguish between pipes with hot and cold water:

  • model name: Thermal insulation super protect 28;
  • price: 21 rubles;
  • characteristics: supplied in coils, color red, length 10 meters;
  • pluses: the outside is covered with a polymer film, which increases the strength of communications and their service life by 50%;
  • cons: not found.

Another versatile material that can be used to protect heating systems, sewerage, etc. It is resistant to materials such as concrete, gypsum, lime:

  • model name: Energoflex Super 2 m;
  • price: 69 rubles / linear meter;
  • characteristics: hollow, low thermal conductivity, gray color;
  • pluses: low combustible;
  • cons: high cost.

Foil insulation for pipes

Foil is a heat insulator that is often used in construction. Its functions are in many ways superior to other types of materials such as foam or mineral wool. When there is a need for a material capable of reflecting heat waves, foil pipe insulation is used. It is a basic thermal insulation material covered with foil.

Thermal insulation for pipes of this type is used in various construction industries. It is suitable for pipes of any size due to the fact that you yourself cut the necessary pieces of material:

  • model name: Penofol - 2000 A;
  • price: 65.00 rubles / m2;
  • features: polyethylene foam, aluminum foil on one side;
  • pluses: universal material;

If you are looking for an excellent insulator that will provide double the heat protection effect, choose the following product. With it, heat loss will be minimized:

  • model name: Mosfol;
  • price: 900 rubles/roll;
  • characteristics: base - foamed polyethylene, foil located on both sides;
  • pluses: high reflective effect - 97%;
  • cons: only available in rolls.

This insulator is suitable for steam protection, heat output, noise reduction. It reflects about 55% of the energy and tolerates a humid environment very well:

  • model name: Penoflex L (Lavsan)
  • price: 799 rubles/roll;
  • characteristics: polyethylene with one-sided lamination, elastic, flexible;
  • pluses: speed of installation in any place;
  • cons: only available in rolls.

Expanded polystyrene pipe insulation

Polyfoam is one of the most common materials. Its second name is expanded polystyrene. It combines advantageous characteristics: cheap and easy to use. Expanded polystyrene for pipes received a second name - "shell for pipes" due to the corresponding appearance. It can have 1 or 2 slits with grooves at the joints that hold the edges together securely.

The company "Polymerizolyatsiya" produces products such as foam insulation for heating pipes. They are durable, lightweight and safe:

  • model name: PPU shell 720/50;
  • price: 1,750 rubles/linear meter;
  • characteristics: material polyurethane foam (a kind of foam), consists of 2 cylinders;
  • pluses: high heat saving;
  • cons: fragility, flammability.

Another type of foam product for quick and easy installation, which will effectively protect any outdoor heat pipe:

  • model name: Insulation shell 325/50;
  • price: 916 rubles / linear meter;
  • characteristics: hollow tube made of polyurethane foam;
  • pluses: ease of installation;
  • cons: fragility, flammability.

In the case when it is required to insulate plastic communications in the sewer or pipeline, these products can be used. It is reusable and will give you quick access to problem areas if the need arises:

  • model name: PU foam shell for insulation 89/40;
  • price: 306 rubles / linear meter;
  • characteristics: length 1 m, coolant parameters up to +150°С;
  • pluses: ease of installation;
  • cons: fragility, flammability.

Basalt insulation for pipes

Cylinders made from basalt fiber are available in any diameter and size. They have the highest temperature resistance (from -200 to +300°C), withstand temperatures above 1000 degrees without melting, and are great for reducing heating costs. The level of heat loss, where basalt insulation is used, is 8%, which leads to savings of up to 20% of funds.

Excellent thermal and sound insulation can be achieved using these products. Manufacturers produce it to order according to the individual requirements of buyers:

  • model name: Izolin RW;
  • price: from 75 rubles / linear meter;
  • characteristics: mineral wool cylinder;
  • pluses: a special lock that reduces heat loss;
  • cons: not found.

There is another variety of the same material, which has enhanced thermal insulation properties. This product is available with different coatings:

  • model name: Izolin RW ALU;
  • price: from 95 rubles / running meter;
  • Features: aluminum foil coating;
  • pluses: a longitudinal strip with a self-adhesive layer;
  • cons: not found.

The following protective equipment is available with various coatings. It performs not only a protective, but also a decorative function in those places where pipes are located in the room:

  • model name: XotPipe;
  • price: 277 rubles/r.m;
  • characteristics: mineral wool based on basalt rock, length 1 m;
  • pluses: the highest temperature of the application;
  • cons: high cost.

Liquid insulation for pipes

Thermal insulation of pipelines can be carried out using a special paint that creates an energy-saving barrier 1 mm thick. Application method: brush, roller or sprayer. After drying, Liquid Pipe Insulation forms a matte surface that acts as a thermal mirror, keeping cold in and heat out.

Noteworthy is the thermal insulation for water supply pipes from Korund. It protects well from freezing and prevents the formation of moisture on the surface:

  • model name: Korund Classic;
  • price: 330 rubles / l .;
  • characteristics: 1 mm of material = 5-7 layers of cotton wool;
  • pluses: super thin;
  • cons: high cost.

Another type of liquid insulation that can withstand temperatures from -60 to +600 degrees is Teplomett products. The paint will serve you for about 30 years and will help you save a lot on heating:

  • model name: Teplomett Standard;
  • price: 310 rubles/l;
  • characteristics: consists of vacuum microspheres, 1mm layer replaces 50mm mineral wool;
  • pluses: applied to the surface of any shape;
  • cons: high cost.

Basic formulation suitable for a wide range of applications. After application, it tightly and reliably envelops the surface:

  • model name: Astratek;
  • price: 410 rubles/l;
  • characteristics: resistance to high temperatures;
  • pluses: a seamless surface that retains heat;
  • cons: high cost.

How to choose pipe insulation

To choose the right insulation for water pipes and protect yourself from problems, you need to pay attention to three main factors: location (apartment, attic, in the ground, in the sewer, outdoors), ease of installation, price. All types of products are easily installed independently, but universal in all characteristics - polyethylene.

When it is important to reduce heat absorption, choose foil insulation for pipes. Expanded polystyrene is fragile, but suitable for work anywhere. Basalt material is easy to install, has good characteristics, but is expensive. If you want to quickly insulate the system, but other methods are not suitable, choose a thermal paint that is easy to apply, looks beautiful and protects well.
