Forgotten sports. How did the sport develop? The oldest sport in the world

Ancient sports would never have taken root in the modern world. In this article, we will not talk about the football players of 1940, when they wore leather helmets. Everything will be even stranger and much more than you can imagine.

1. Mesoamerican ball game. America, a country that appeared due to the destruction of the local population and their replacement with criminals. Actually, Maya was preferred to any diet. The latter also stood out for their love of sports.

Long before Columbus discovered America by storm, the official sport of ancient Mexico was a strange game the Maya called Pitz. Since then, there is not a single word in English that can convey the cruelty of this game, so we will simply call it the Mesoamerican ball game.

Judging by the image, it was much more fun than Soviet electronic games. But what can I say - even the graphics of rock art of hell-knows-what-age among wild tribes was better!

The Mesoamerican ball game was almost like volleyball, except that the ball was rubber, weighed at least 4 kilograms, and if you failed, you were beheaded. Players had to keep the heavy ball in the air using only their butts and thighs, occasionally bats, rackets and stones were allowed. By the way, sometimes, injuries from the ball on the player's body were so terrible that they had to be torn open. Well, if the ball hit the athlete in the groin, then he was killed on the spot. Because, well, you know, mercy is what it is.

After the game, the winners will have fun with the ladies and draw scribbles all over their bodies, while the losing team will be stabbed to death and their captain decapitated.

2. Tug of war. Tug of war remains one of the most ancient sports still played today. You may have tug-of-war with your friends at school or summer camp more than once. Tell me, have you tried digging a fiery pit between teams?! And before that they thought of it, and, you see, it makes the fun even more interesting!

Instead of rope, the players used animal skins, and given the Vikings' unhealthy love of violence, murder, fire, and obsession with rape, it was only a matter of time before it all became a triathlon.

The tug-of-war took place over a fiery pit outside the city they had just captured, with the winners getting exclusive rights to rape all the local women. The winners got all the joys of robbery, and the losers were burned alive.

3. Pankration. While Greece is responsible for many of the inventions and terms of Western civilization and breathed life into many, ruthless olive eaters are also responsible for the invention of the brutal sport called pankration. Some semblance of a modern martial art, but this ancient sport was too gay to survive to this day.

The entertainment portal site sincerely hopes that
that not a single fighter just took offense at us.
Seriously, this is a story - nothing personal, faggot!

There were no rules, no rounds, no pauses in this blue-eyed fun. The idea was to defeat the opponent using only your body. Punching, kicking, heading, jumping damage, and so on. An ordinary fight without rules, but there was a referee, and he only made sure that the rivals did not kill or injure each other. Naturally, this did not always work out.

This ancient sport was not as cruel as the crowd wanted, and then, it was replaced by those known to this day. The latter were more popular, simply because they killed each other, maimed each other, could be poisoned by animals, and so on. etc.

4. Naumachia. Playing Battleship? The Romans also knew this game, they just used real ships. They filled the amphitheater with water, threw the boats into the water and enjoyed the deadly fight. Naumachia means "sea war" and the battles usually parodied scenes from the most famous battles in human history. There were several thousand participants, almost the exact number of real participants in a real battle.

Unlike real battles, nothing washed away the blood on the deck of the ship. Blood, body parts and internal organs simply piled up until they spilled overboard. Many men literally choked on their own blood in the process of this ancient sport. Most died, and, as a rule, they were slaves.

Naval warfare in ancient Rome included the presence of napalm-type flamethrowers and it was called Greek fire, which ignited at the moment of reaction with oxygen. So, in addition to tons of blood, bloated corpses and severed limbs, viewers could enjoy the slaves burned alive. By the way, appreciate the indifferent facial expressions of the participants in this ancient sport:

An ancient Mesoamerican sport called ulama, or pok-ta-pok, was a dangerous game that could cripple players, and often meant a death sentence for the losing team. The heart of this game, which was born three and a half thousand years ago, was a small rubber ball, the size of a volleyball. It was this ball that fascinated the whole of Europe and became the progenitor of all modern balls, from tennis to football.

A few years after the conquest of Mexico, in 1528, Hernán Cortes returned to the court of the Spanish King Carlos V with rich and exotic gifts. Among them was a wonderful drink made from cocoa beans, which later became hot chocolate. However, most of all, the courtiers were surprised by a simple object brought by the conquerors from the New World - a springy rubber ball.

The royal court watched in fascination as the gravity-defying ball ricocheted from one Aztec player to another. The captive Indians demonstrated to the courtiers their native sport - ulama. Without using their arms and legs, the Indians threw the ball to each other with the help of their hips and knees. The elastic ball, rushing at great speed between the players, was so unlike those lifeless leather bags filled with wool, down or even air, which the developed Europeans used to play early versions of tennis and football.

The Royal Historian of the time was just as much struck by the rubber ball that Christopher Columbus brought back from his second voyage to the New World. The historian even wrote that he could not figure out how, when hitting the ground, the ball gains enough strength to fly high into the air.

The oldest sport in the world

Looking at the springy ball and how skillfully the players controlled it, the Spaniards did not even suspect that they were watching a demonstration of the most ancient sport on earth. The game of ulama appeared three thousand years before the landing of the conquistadors in Mexico. Its creators were the ancient Olmecs, the natives who inhabited the territory of Mexico in the II-I millennium BC. e. From the Aztec language, the name of this tribe is translated as "rubber people".

In several places in Central America, archaeologists have found evidence confirming the antiquity of this sport: rubber balls made in the 17th century BC. e., terracotta figurines of players dating back to the 13th century BC. e., the ancient fields for playing pok-ta-pok, which were used first by the Olmecs, and then by their heirs, the Mayan and Aztec Indians.

Rules of the game

The playing fields were like long alleys, enclosed on both sides by a steep stone wall. From both "entrances" to the alley were located wider marginal zones. According to historians, the rules of the game depended on the historical period and on the region, but there were common features. For example, each team consisted of seven players, and points were earned if the opponent failed to recover the thrown ball, as in tennis, or if the ball was thrown into the opposition's end zone, as in American football. In some fields, basketball rings were attached to the walls at a height of three meters. Extra points were earned by players who managed to get the ball into the basket.

The players wore leather gloves to protect them from the rough stones that lined the walls and floor. The sports uniform also included leather clothing that protected the genital area, since the ball could weigh from one to four kilograms. The impact of such a rubber sphere, thrown with sufficient force, could easily cripple and even kill the player.

Familiar features?

The elements of this ancient game are familiar to many fans of modern sports. The cultural environment in which the games were practiced was also similar. Most of the matches were played during religious festivities. Spectators watching the game from the stands above the walls often feasted on festive snacks and a local alcoholic drink based on fermented corn - almost the equivalent of modern hot dogs with beer. Wealthy representatives of society took distinguished players under their wing, provided them with housing, food and created their own teams, inviting opponents to fight them.

More life

The ulama could not do without bets and a kind of bookmakers. According to historians, ulama was such a popular game that the Aztecs bet all their wealth, including houses, crops, children, and even their own freedom, on the victory of their favorite teams.

In some regions, the stakes were really too high and had nothing to do with gambling spectators. Playing fields were often dedicated to the gods, and it was customary on holidays to sacrifice the players of the losing team by beheading them on ritual stones.

The Spaniards, who found the sport too barbaric, banned it at the end of the 16th century. Today, ulama is practiced in a few outlying communities in Mexico, such as the province of Sinaloa, but the legacy of the game is all around us.

Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages. Abylai Khan

On the topic: "Sport. The history of the origin of sports. Ancient Sports»


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Marieta Xenia



physical education

Kalen Farida

Almaty, 2013

Sport (English sport, abbreviation from the original old French. de sport- "game", "entertainment") - organized according to certain rules, the activity of people, consisting in comparing their physical or intellectual abilities, as well as preparation for this activity and interpersonal relationships that arise in her process.

Sport is a specific kind of physical and intellectual activity performed for the purpose of competition, as well as targeted preparation for them through warm-up, training. In combination with rest, the desire to gradually improve physical health, increase the level of intelligence, obtain moral satisfaction, strive for excellence, improve personal, group and absolute records, fame, improve one's own physical capabilities and skills, sports are designed to improve the physical and mental characteristics of a person.

Sport is an integral part of physical culture. This is actually competitive activity and preparation for it. It clearly manifests the desire for victory, the achievement of high results, the mobilization of the physical, mental and moral qualities of a person. Sport is necessary to influence society.

Mass sports enable millions of people to improve their physical qualities and motor abilities, improve their health and prolong their creative longevity.

The sport of the highest achievements is the only model of activity in which the functioning of almost all body systems in outstanding champions can manifest itself in the zone of absolute physical and practical limits of a healthy person. The goal of elite sport is to achieve the highest possible sports results or victories in major sports competitions.

The history of the origin of sports

In the earliest stages of human development, the struggle for existence dictated its own laws. Physical strength and dexterity in hunting, war and in the distribution of prey played a very important role. Aborigines in Australia to this day have retained as a hunting method the pursuit of an antelope or a kangaroo by running - until the animal gets tired.
Physical form was maintained, in addition, and training. Australian aborigines constantly practiced archery and boomerang throwing, competed in running and jumping, and played some kind of ball. Among the Indian tribes of America, throwing a ball at a target, running long distances, lifting weights - stones of various weights - were popular. Among the Aztecs, Mayans, Incas, a group game with a rubber ball became widespread, in which each team sought to throw the ball into a ring attached to a pole or wall. Why not the progenitor of modern basketball! The primitive tribes of Africa in the physical education of children used fencing with sticks, wrestling, running with a load, swinging on lianas. The tribes of the Bushmen were distinguished by exceptional endurance. Their competitions in running on hilly terrain sometimes lasted all day. Thanks to this training, hunters were able to pursue prey for many hours, and then deliver a heavy load home.

The history of sports in the states of the ancient world

The history of the development of sports has unusually long roots. Traces of physical culture and sports were found in the early states (IV-III millennium BC). Ritual competitions in honor of the god Marduk, the patron saint of Babylon, preceded the ancient Greek Olympics by more than a thousand years. These competitions included archery, belt wrestling, fencing with swords, fisticuffs, horseback riding, chariot racing, javelin throwing, and hunting.
In India and Persia in ancient times, hunting, horseback riding, fencing with swords, chariot racing, archery, ball and stick games were widespread. Horse polo, chess, field hockey and other games originated in India. Schools appeared in Persia, where children were taught horseback riding, throwing darts, and archery.
On cuneiform tablets, on the walls of the ancient Egyptian pyramids, scientists have found images of more than 400 types of physical exercises and games. Among them are wrestling, archery competitions, swimming, rowing, chariot racing, etc. In ancient Egypt, competitions in running, jumping and throwing, weight lifting, wrestling and fisticuffs, fencing, as well as various sports games were held in special rooms. Physical culture and sports reached their peak in ancient Greece, where the first Olympic Games were held.

The history of sports is very rich in interesting and beautiful events. People have competed in various competitions since ancient times. Sport has always been a good alternative for mankind, contributing to a peaceful, healthy life.

ancient sports

Today there are a large number of completely crazy sports, but in the old days there was something to brag about too. Or something to be afraid of. Some games have sunk into oblivion - and they have long been forgotten. So this top is just a history lesson.

Lapta - Russian folk team game with a ball and a bat. Mentions of bast shoes are found in the monuments of ancient Russian writing. Balls and bats were found in layers of the 14th century during excavations in Novgorod. The game is played on a natural site. The goal of the game is to send the ball tossed by a player of the opposing team as far as possible with a bat and run alternately to the opposite side and back, not allowing the opponent to "bump" himself with the caught ball. For successful runs, the team is awarded points. The team with the most points in the set time wins. Related sports include baseball, cricket, pesapolo in Finland, oyna in Romania, and others.

Even before the advent of football, the official game of ancient Mexico was a strange game that the Mayans called pitz. In some versions, it is called the Mesoamerican ball game. They played almost like volleyball (although the rules, by and large, remained unknown), and a weighty ball (about 4 kg) rolled from natural rubber played the role of the ball. Points were counted for attacking the opponent's wall, and were deducted if the ball touched the ground more than two times. Any team could earn the respect of the public and even win at the end. To do this, it was necessary to throw the ball over a vertically located rim, which was at an incredible height.

The winners went to celebrate the victory, and the losers ... Opinions differ here. Historians suggest that sometimes the game took on a ritual character: it was part of a sacrifice ceremony to the ancient gods... Although it is difficult to say who exactly was chosen as a victim: winners or losers. Now the game has acquired more civilized and peaceful features. It is called "ulama".


Tug of war is one of the ancient games that is still played today. The rope can be pulled through various obstacles: a swamp, a pond. But no one would have thought to pull him through a pit of fire. And the Vikings figured it out. Animal skins were used instead of rope. Again, the fate of the losers is vague: according to some versions, they could well become victims of the militancy of the Vikings.

Eleferria or "corrida" with elephants

This game was played in 54 AD. e. in Rome. In the so-called "venation", the players had to face a monster called "The Animal of Carthage". Actually, they were elephants.

In addition to having to fight the elephants, each slave (and it was the captive slaves who played) understood that the probability of survival did not exceed two percent. Well, we may have gone too far with percentages: how could the slaves know about percentages ... Anyway, it was a deadly gladiatorial game. The Romans played this game so often that North African elephants were threatened with extinction...


The ancient Greeks are known not only for the creation of Western civilization, but also for the invention of the hard game of pankration, which, at the same time, can be considered an advance in the terrifying list of ancient “games”. This one was very similar to the modern martial arts mix, except that there were no rules, no rounds, no breaks. It was necessary to get close enough to the enemy to gain control over him. At this stage, it was necessary to use blows, grabs, wrappings and other tricks that would force the opponent to surrender.

This sport was even included in the program of the Olympic Games of the ancient world, and athletes developed many techniques and techniques.

The game consisted in the fact that 8 guys jumped into a fishing boat and sailed along the Nile. Then they started to fight: right in the middle of the river. The battle was very fierce: there were no wounds, as well as without falling overboard. It’s hard to believe, but many fishermen of that time, not like ordinary people, couldn’t swim... So many simply drowned... And we shouldn’t forget about crocodiles and hippos, which immediately appeared when on boats screams began, and at least a little blood appeared in the water. As you understand, animals also contributed to this game, in which it is very difficult to discern at least a fraction of common sense...


This game is a sea battle, only with real ships.
Everything is pretty simple. The Romans made a kind of amphitheater with water and real ships that were supposed to fight like in a real battle. The Romans called the game naumachia, which means "military operations using naval forces." The number of participants reached several thousand, and everything happened almost the same as in a real battle.

It was not easy to find several thousand men ready to fight on these ships, so many of them were probably slaves, as in the case of gladiator fights ... And, in general, it is completely incomprehensible why such spectacles were established, given number of ancient wars. It was quite possible to sell tickets for those battles. But, apparently, the audience demanded something else ...

List of used sites

  1. Sports
  3. http://dinamo-sovershenstvo. en/

Sports have been around for about as long as humanity. It is a great way not only to train the body and spirit. Sports originated as a way to train warriors and hunters, as well as a way to resolve conflicts, a more peaceful and safe analogue of military operations. But if now humanity is looking for an adrenaline rush in sports that will help make up for the lack of thrills and emotions in a peaceful ordinary life, then once ...
In ancient times, sport was as close as possible to real situations, it was tough and cruel. Let's see some interesting facts about ancient sports.

1. Pankration
Pankration was one of the Olympic sports in Ancient Greece. It was one of the varieties of martial arts held between a pair of fighters on a sandy platform. At the same time, there were practically no rules - the only thing was that it was forbidden to strike in the eyes, scratch and bite.
There were also no protective equipment and weapons, no time limit or weight class. But on the other hand, the wrestlers had complete freedom of action, it was possible to apply any tricks from any position.
The condition for the end of the duel was the inability to fight one of them, or a given sign of surrender. In total, for almost a thousand years of history, there have been 9 Olympic winners. And in Sparta, competitions were also held between women.

2. Elephant fights
Popular gladiatorial battles have diversified with various tricks. Fights with wild animals, in particular, with elephants, were popular among the spectators. It was an expensive and large-scale pleasure, usually criminals or prisoners sentenced to death were put up against elephants, since they had practically no chance of surviving.

3. tug of war
Pulling a certain object has been a popular sport at all times. Usually it differed in that it was dragged and over what it was pulled. The divider of rivals was also pits and a swamp or other body of water. But the Vikings usually pulled the skin over the fire pit. Considering that this process was of a mystical nature, such competitions could well become one of the elements of sacrifices.

4. Mesoamerican ball game
A thousand years before our era, a ball game appeared on the territory of modern Mexico. Later, it spread to the territory from Nicaragua to Arizona. Long development and a vast distribution area led to the emergence of many forms and variations, some still exist.
It is on them that researchers are guided when studying the Mesoamerican ball game. The main feature was the use of a rubber ball with a diameter of about 20 cm and a weight of about 4 kg. By analogy with modern variants, scientists suggest that the game was similar to racquetball or volleyball.

That is, it was necessary to pass the ball to the opponent, not allowing him to fall. They usually hit the ball with their hips, sometimes they used other parts of the body or rackets, bats. Somewhat later, an additional element appeared in the form of rings highly fixed on the stone walls of the stadiums. Hitting the ring resulted in an instant win.
Also, judging by the material and literary evidence, during the classical period of Maya culture, the ball game was associated with human sacrifice. By the way, not only men played the ball, both children and women were fond of it.

5. Egyptian Fisherman's Tournament
A boat with eight men was descending on the Nile. After the boat left the middle of the river, a fight began on its board. Often the guys fell overboard, which led to sad consequences. In most cases, the fishermen did not know how to swim, in addition, the Nile is densely populated by crocodiles and hippos. And these animals react very nervously to loud screams, splashing of a large body in the water, blood ...

Another luxurious show from Ancient Rome. It was a gladiatorial naval battle. It was first held in 46 BC. by order of Julius Caesar. Then 2000 gladiators and 16 galleys participated in the battle. In the largest battle, organized by the emperor Claudius, there were 50 ships and 20,000 gladiators and criminals. After the battle, by the way, all the survivors were released. The exception was a few ships that showed cowardice.
In later times, such entertainments were arranged by Henry II in 1550 and Napoleon in 1807.
By the way, you can read about the very unusual games of the first after the revival of the Olympics.

Such hunting for red forest dwellers was popular in America in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. This barbaric occupation was invented in Kentucky, but a hunter, a certain Daniel Boone, famous for the accuracy of his shooting, helped to expand its range. The task of the hunters in this kind of "sport" was to shoot, but not to hit the squirrel, but into the bark of the tree right under it. From such a blow, a stunned squirrel fell from a tree, often dead. Her skin remained intact, and this was an additional "bonus" for the "athletes". Whoever knocks down more squirrels wins.

Horse long jump

But this sport, by the way, was demonstrated even at the 1900 Summer Olympics. It is a combination of two others: the usual long jump and, in fact, horse racing.

The best result was from the Belgian jockey, who made his mare jump 6.1 m. This, however, did not make any impression on the audience, and the sport was forgotten. The modern long jump record (among people) belongs to the American athlete Mike Powell, who in 1991 managed to jump a distance of 8.95 m.

Turtle racing

This sport exists today, but in a completely different form. The turtles are allowed into the center of the circle, where they walk around aimlessly until one of them completes a full circle. This is the winner. Today, this comic sport can be called entertainment. At one time, only giant sea turtles participated in it, which moved in a straight line, moreover, in the water and with riders sitting on top.


These competitions have been known since the Middle Ages. Knightly tournaments in front of kings and their beautiful daughters are known to everyone, but not everyone knows that training in front of them was called a quinten. The latter also turned into a kind of competition. The valiant knight accelerated his horse and tried on the move to hit a small target with a spear, which was suspended on a pole.

Acne tugging

Just imagine that instead of a rope, children at the school camp would pull on both ends of a live eel. It would probably be fun if it weren't for conservationists. But in the 19th century, there were no defenders yet, so this sport was more than popular in the Netherlands. The funny thing is that the already slippery fish was soaped before the competition to make it even more difficult to hold onto it. Another version of this fun - the eel was hung over the canal, and the participants sailing on boats had to jump up and pluck the fish from the rope.

Hit the rooster

Another bloody sport. It was popular in England until the 18th century. A live rooster was tied to a pole, and all participants in turn had to throw a special stick called cokstele at it. Bets were placed before the start of the competition. Whoever hits a rooster and does not kill the unfortunate bird takes it home as a prize.


Some researchers consider this game to be the progenitor of baseball and cricket. However, if you're lucky, the chairball itself can sometimes still be found in separate villages in the south-east of England. For the first time this sport appeared in the XIV century in Sussex. Alas, nothing is known about how the ancient version of the game looked like. Today the contest is to hit the ball between the legs of a chair with a bat.



This ball game was known as early as 2000 BC and was played by the ancient Greeks. It was intended not for "professional" athletes, but only for amateurs. Epipikros is very similar to modern rugby, which is all the more surprising, because it was popular not only among men, but also among the elderly, women and children. This game was especially respected in Sparta, where literally everyone played it.
