Technology of production, storage and processing of corn. New corn deep processing products Financing terms Feasibility and prospective

Deep industrial processing of corn grain (maize) ranks first in the world production of grain products with a share of 32%, which is approximately 2.2 billion tons.

Corn grain is one of those species that has a decisive share in world grain production. The use of modern growing technologies, the development of new varieties of corn and the use of fertilizers leads to higher yields, but also allows you to grow corn in regions that previously seemed unsuitable for corn.

For generations, corn has been used as pet food. Later, when corn became a staple food for many people, many different ways of processing and cooking it were found that were adapted for today's popular use. A few examples are tortillas in Mexico and Central America, Arepa in Colombia and Venezuela, polenta in Europe, or coarse grains in southern Africa.

Changes in human consumption habits and lifestyle have prompted research into the industrial production of these traditional staple foods in order to facilitate use and preparation in the processing industry as well as in the household. At the same time, these researches were expanded to create new products based on the deep processing of corn. Special attention has been paid to reducing the cooking time for corn dishes.

Several thousand varieties of corn are divided into groups based on characteristics such as seed structure and shape. Hardness and grain size, hard and finer grains are more common in a variety of siliceous cultivars, and in contrast, the endosperm of various dent corn cultivars (e.g. Yellow corn and White corn) tend to be soft and partially crumbly. Germ size is generally larger in dent maize. Glassy corn varieties generally produce higher grit yield and lower germ yield than softer, crumbly dent corn, so the choice of corn variety and type is pre-determined by the finished product.

The grain structure of corn is not very different from other grains.

The following illustration shows a cross section of a corn kernel and its main components:

Composition of corn grain:

% in whole grain

% Fat

% squirrel

% ash

whole grain

soft endosperm

hard endosperm




Pericarp and shell


The structure of the corn grain provides information regarding the criteria that must be observed during processing. The dominant position of the large embryo can be seen in the figure. The embryo is deeply embedded in the endosperm. In addition, the high-fat germ, as well as the pericarp, also partly high-fat, must be completely removed in processes in which the finished product must have a low fat content.

One of the factors affecting the production of lean finished products is the fat content in the grain endosperm. It depends on the variety of corn, on the country of origin, and also on the year.

1st example of fat content

2nd example of fat content

whole grain

4,1 – 4,5 %

5,4 – 5,8 %


0,3 – 0,6 %

0,8 – 1,06%

corn germ

28 – 30 %

31 – 32,5 %


2,8 – 3,0 %

3,8 – 4,8 %

In the flour milling industry, mainly flint corn and soft corn are processed.

In addition to grain characteristics, grain color can vary from one variety to another, ranging from white, yellow, red and purple to almost black.

Process, respectively. grinding systems, has a significant impact on the quality and yield of the finished product. As a result, when designing an industrial plant, the main product for processing corn must be the extraction of the germ (ie, degermination) and milling.

In addition, some of the processes depicted below, such as the production of Arepa and tortillas, have specific equipment requirements for a corn processing plant.

Mill processed corn products are mainly classified into 4 categories, namely hulled grits (coarse), beer grits (medium), snack grits (fine) and cornmeal.

Main products after degermination process and corn milling process

Processing systems

grain cleaning

The suction channel separator and destoner are the main machines in corn cleaning systems. With the installation of a corn combinator, instead of a destoner, most of the "cobs" and other light impurities will be further classified and separated. If there are special requirements for the final product, such as a minimum number of grain fragments, or if there is a problem regarding aflatoxins, then a cleaning machine with an attached suction channel can be installed.

If it is necessary to avoid grain moisture fluctuations, and accordingly to obtain a uniform moisture content of the final product, the AQUATRON automatic moisture control is the ideal solution.

Humidification takes place with the help of a special moisturizing screw.

Corn germ removal / Degermination

The latest corn germ removal technology with the new patented MHXM degerminator is recognized as the best technology in corn processing. The dual function of separating the germ and at the same time removing the pericarp allows achieving unique results in terms of low fat content and high purity of the finished product.

The corn enters from the inlet screw into the processing area, which consists of a drum rotor and a specially structured screen sieve. A high degree of germ recovery and a high degree of peeling is achieved by intensive processing between the rotor drum and the screen sieve, as well as the appropriate adjustment of the delay device at the exit of the machine.

The new degerminator includes the following features:

High performance, easy operation

High yield of finished products with low fat content

Simplified process, low production costs

Quick and easy change of wear parts


Basic diagram for extraction of corn germ and further grinding of corn kernels

In recent years, Buhler has developed process-specific know-how and technology for the flour milling industry. It covers solutions for the entire range of products from degermination and hulling, beer grits and snack grits, cornmeal, as well as starch, ethanol and germ plants for the oil industry.

The new corn germ extraction technology with the MHXM degerminator makes it possible to simplify the crushing process, saving up to 50% of the equipment, which leads to low investment and operating costs.

After degermination, the endosperm is cleaned and calibrated to achieve the desired specifications in the finished product. This is done on NEWTRONIC roller mills and SIRIUS screeners. The goal in the production of cereals is the calibration of the endosperm precisely with least amount losses. This is achieved by the accuracy of the installation of the rollers and the adequate configuration of the roller corrugation (roller cutting).

Particular attention is paid to the screening process. Because cornmeal is sticky, effective sifting is of paramount importance. This can be ensured by the SIRIUS sifter, which is equipped with the new generation NOVA screens. The interaction of dynamic force and NOVA cleaner sieves assure better spillage with long sieve availability. In addition, all surfaces in contact with the product are made of stainless steel or a special synthetic material.

As mentioned earlier, the degermination process and grinding technology must be matched to the specific end product.

Brewing corn grits, snack grits and cornmeal can be produced in a dry degerminator and grinder to achieve a high recovery rate for products with a fat content of less than 1%

To maximize the yield of husked grits for flakers (corn chips), firm corn grits should be used. In the latest degerminator from Buhler, a special preparation is included, when screw cleaning the cereals, an extremely low fat and fiber content will be achieved.

If there is a specific request for germ removal, Bühler can extract 8 - 14% of germ with a fat content of more than 20% with the same basic machine - the degerminator.


Corn is a staple food for many people around the globe, and corn products are in increasing demand as fashionable and convenient for cooking.

The introduction of a new technology of dry degermination and peeling is a comprehensive step in improving the processing of corn. high output corn grits and low-fat, lowest-cost flours in corn processing have greatly improved the total cost of ownership for the milling industry.

Competent processing of corn allows you to get innovative products with low cost in mass production. New products of deep processing of corn include molasses, starch, polyols, dry animal feed, vegetable oil.

Stages of deep processing

Maize processing is the prerogative of enterprises with modern technologies, based on a highly automated complex, innovative developments. Stages of corn processing:

  1. Delivery of raw materials. Corn enters the enterprises for processing in the form of cobs or grains. Pest infestation is carefully controlled. Damaged cobs are disposed of. When large batches are received or if it is impossible to process wet grain, the raw material is dried and stored.
  2. Cleaning. On the territory of the processing plant, corn is stored in silos. For cleaning, it is transported to the wet grinding building. Straw, clay, stones and damaged grains are removed by screening, air classification.
  3. Grain soaking. Soaking allows separating water-soluble substances and softening the grains. The product becomes pliable for further mechanical separation. Cereals are aged in technological warm water, swell within 48 hours.
  4. Crushing and washing. The soaked corn is separated from the water that transports it, and is transferred by flow to the grate sieves. Further, the mass is drained into the tanks of a grinding gear mill with one disk, which finely crushes the grain, extracts the corn germs without damage. The suspension freed from it is directed to the extraction of starch.
  5. The refiner separates the starch from the gluten. The extract flows out of the evaporators and mixes with the dehydrated pulp, turning into livestock feed.

The leaders in the creation of new products for deep processing of corn in Russia are the Rostov Region and the Krasnodar Territory.

Release of by-products

New products of deep processing of corn form a cycle close to waste-free production. They are widely used in animal husbandry, food industry, pharmaceuticals.


Molasses is a colorless or yellowish syrupy viscous liquid. The content of dry matter in maltose and caramel syrup does not exceed 80%. The goods are stored and transported in special railway treacle tanks, flasks, barrels.

GFS (glucose and fructose syrup) is a type of molasses. It is recognized as a complete sugar substitute. Starch syrup is well absorbed human body, allows you to significantly reduce the calorie content of dishes. GFS improves the consumer qualities of food: enhances the taste, aroma, prolongs the shelf life. Used in confectionery, beverages. Depending on the method of production, HPS may have a different carbohydrate composition.

Corn oil

Oil tops corn by-products. It is often used in medicine as an anti-sclerotic agent.

Fatty vegetable matter is used in cooking, is part of baking, sauces. A large supply of amino acids makes the product an indispensable component of baby food. You can fry it on it, add it to salads.

Dry food

The residual mass of starch milk and processed corn cake forms a dried concentrated biomass - a nutritional supplement for poultry and livestock feed. Contains a rich vitamin complex, protein. The total cost of feed products depends on the amount of pure protein in the composition. The higher the percentage, the higher the price of the product.


More than 60% protein in the product plant origin. Corn protein contains many essential amino acids, beta-carotene, methionine, calcium. The product is rich in water- and fat-soluble B vitamins (6,4,1,2). The xanthophyll in its composition gives a rich color to the chicken yolk.

Due to its easy digestibility and high nutritional value, gluten is used in the production of combined pet food.

Transported in bulk or in bags. The product is obtained by a wet method of processing grain at the stage of separation of fiber, fat, protein.


White powder from corn is used in the production of paper, packaging materials, food and textile industries, and pharmaceuticals. It is an excellent thickener and stabilizer.

The use of starchy substances requires products that have undergone prolonged freezing. Starch is indispensable in the production of economy-class sausages. It binds free moisture released after heating the raw material.


Corn germs are dried sprouts, cleaned of impurities and husks. Contains 50% vegetable fat. Products are transported in bulk, packed in big bags or bags. Embryos are used in the production of animal feed.

Crystal glucose

Further processing of the syrup obtained from corn leads to the formation of a dry product - glucose. During production, starch is carefully separated from soluble and insoluble proteins using vacuum filters.

Glucose from processed corn is used in the confectionery and food industries.


Polyols are registered as nutritional supplements. Maltitol, xylitol, sorbitol are produced in dry and liquid form. Technically complex production ensures the mass production of innovative food products. Approved for use in the food industry in the following areas:

  • release of non-cariogenic products to protect dental health;
  • food for diabetics with a reduced glycemic index;
  • reducing the calorie content of dishes for those who want to lose weight;
  • healthy food products.

Maize processing reduces the level of dependence of the Russian Federation on imports, stimulates the emergence of new industries where complex starch products are used as ingredients, creates a powerful base for the development of animal husbandry, providing Agriculture quality food for animals and birds.

Preparation of corn for processing consists in separating impurities and carrying out hydrothermal treatment (Fig. 1). Grain is cleaned from impurities by double separation in air-sieve separators, as well as in the presence of mineral impurities in stone-separating machines. In air-sieve separators, large and light impurities are separated, the passage through the under-sowing force is controlled in cereal sorting machines, where waste of I, II and III categories is obtained.

Rice. 1. Scheme of preparing corn for processing:
1 - automatic scales; 2 - scalper; 3 - air-sieve separator; 4 - grain sorting machine; 5 - burat; 6 - humidifying machine; 7 - bunker for tempering; 8 - degerminator; 9 - crusher; 10 - dryer for grain; 11 - sieving A1-BRU; 12 - aspirator; 13 - pneumatic sorting table; 14 - cereal dryer

For a better separation of the fruit shells and the germ, the corn grain is subjected to hydrothermal treatment, which is carried out by moistening the grain with water at a temperature of 40 ° C to a moisture content of 15 ... 16 or 20 ... 22%. After moistening, the grain is tempered for 2–3 hours. Moisturizing the grain can be replaced by processing in continuous steamers at a steam pressure of up to 0.07 MPa for 3–5 minutes.
A higher final moisture content of the grain (19...22%) is necessary in the production of cereals for flakes and sticks. At high humidity, the germ is separated in the form of larger particles, the shells are easily removed during crushing, and the endosperm is divided into large parts, which are necessary for the production of flakes. In the production of polished corn grits, the grain is moistened up to 15,..16%, since during crushing the endosperm can be crushed into more, which is associated with a smaller grain size.
Regardless of the range of products produced, the technological process of grain processing begins with the separation of the germ. The separation of the germ has two goals: firstly, the particles of the germ remaining in the croup contribute to its rapid deterioration due to the deterioration of the fat) located in the germ; secondly, the embryo itself is a valuable raw material for the production of oil, and the quality of the embryo is the higher, the less endosperm it contains.
The separation of the germ begins with grain crushing in degerminators or other crushers. Crushing of corn can also be carried out in roller machines that have rollers with mutually perpendicular cutting, which provide coarse grain grinding. If the moisture content of the grain after moistening or steaming is more than 15...16%, then the crushing products must be dried to a moisture content of not more than 15%.
Particles of the embryo and fruit membranes are isolated from the crushing products. Some germ particles differ significantly from endosperm particles in density (specific gravity), while others differ little. For complete isolation of the embryo, the crushing products are divided into fractions in sifters to equalize the particle sizes of the endosperm, embryo, and fruit membranes. As a result of this division, the particles in each fraction differ in density and aerodynamic properties. Each fraction is separated sequentially in air separators and pneumosorting tables. In air separators (duoaspirators or suction columns), the fruit shells and the remaining meal are separated.
In pneumatic sorting tables, products can be divided into several fractions according to density and aerodynamic properties. The heaviest endosperm particles are sent to the production of cereals, the light particles of the germ are sent to the control pneumatic sorting table, and the medium density fractions, depending on their composition, are used for the production of cereals or are re-controlled on the pneumatic table if there are many germ particles in these products.
After control sorting, the isolated germ is dried to 10%. Drying not only reduces the moisture content of the embryo, but also, as a result of heating, inactivates the enzymes that cause fat spoilage. The basic principles of germ separation are the same in production different types cereals, although technological schemes may have some features.

Corn is one of the most popular crops. It is boiled, canned, frozen, dried.

In Russia, corn is grown not so long ago, but even now the country can boast of the name of one of the largest exporters and importers of such grain. That's just the quality of raw materials sometimes lame. Indeed, not every landowner has primary equipment for processing raw materials, which allows further processing enterprises to lose almost a third of the volume of purchased corn.

The own organization of the business for processing and growing crops will allow minimizing the risks. Thus, although the business will entail large investments, it will allow minimizing risks and creating a successful business.

Lease of land for growing corn.

It is most favorable to grow a solar crop in the Krasnodar Territory, the Rostov Region, the Stavropol Territory, the Belgorod and Voronezh Regions. After all, the plant is not only thermophilic, but also requires a twelve-hour sunny day. Chernozem is suitable for cultivation.

The best lands for rent are the predecessors of legumes, pumpkin, nightshade. The cost of renting land in different regions can vary significantly and depend on the soil, roads, availability of irrigation, proximity to settlements. So, rent can cost from $25 to $250 per hectare. Plus, it will be necessary to pay for plowing the field separately. This is another $30-50 for each hectare. In total, the rental cost of the season of 5-7 hectares of the field will be estimated at $350 to $4.35 thousand.

Item for grain processing.

The best option for organizing a point is an elevator. Almost every city has one, and the cost of renting it is very low. Such a room most often requires repair and in most cases it must be capital. But, corn processing belongs to the food industry and it is important to create sanitary conditions, fire safety, cleanliness and order.

It is important that the room is subjected to sufficient lighting, ventilation, all communications are present. Renting such an elevator can cost as little as $100, depending on its condition and the further investment required. Additionally, do not forget about monthly utilities. A room of 300-400 square meters will cost the entrepreneur in the amount of $ 800-1 thousand. Moreover, the lion's share of monthly investments will be drawn by utilities.


For growing corn, they buy the following equipment:

1. Corn seeder - from $10,000 to $30,000;
2. Multi-cultivator - about $ 1 thousand;
3. Furrow device - about $1.5 thousand;
4. Spraying machine - $800.

To process corn, you need to buy a batch of the following equipment:

1. Stationary sectional dryer (with a capacity of at least 40 tons of culture per day of work) - from $ 20 thousand;
2. Machine for preliminary cleaning of grain (40-50 tons per hour) - from $10 thousand;
3. Secondary grain cleaning machine (16-20 tons per hour) - from $20,000;
4. Pneumatic separator for cleaning seeds of major crops from hard-to-separate impurities (3-10 tons per hour) - $5-15 thousand;
5. Grain conditioner (3-7 tons per hour) - $5-7 thousand;
6. A device with a fan and a dust removal system - $ 4 thousand.

Equipment for growing corn can also be rented for the season or you can invite personnel with equipment to work in order to save on initial investment. So, the purchase of a full cycle of equipment for creating a business for processing and growing corn will cost $ 97-120 thousand.

Raw material.

To create a silo conveyor system, early-ripening and mid-ripening hybrids are grown, which are sown in two or three terms, according to the principle of 40 to 60, in order to achieve a continuous harvest throughout the season. About 52 thousand plants can grow on one hectare of land. This is 4 grains per linear meter.

In general, 20 kg of seeds are bought for sowing one hectare, the total cost is about $1,000. It is necessary to fertilize the land for planting corn in the fall; for this, superphosphate compost and manure are bought. Potash and nitrogen fertilizers are suitable for spring fertilizer. It is possible to increase corn resistance to drought by using raw materials based on zinc and molybdenum as a microfertilizer. In case of a high probability of weed contamination, the following herbicides are used: Frontier Optima (0.8-1.2 l/ha), Merlin (0.1-0.16 kg/ha), Stomp (3-6 l/ha). In total, at least $10,000 is being prepared for the purchase of all fertilizers and corn seeds themselves.


Separately, you will have to recruit staff for the corn growing season. This is a group of 15-20 people, part of the cob pickers and 2-3 drivers for agricultural machinery. One worker can pick about 2.5 thousand cobs per day. Separately, a staff will be created for the corn processing zone. In addition to operators, loaders, handymen, drivers, a quality technologist, an accountant, and an administrator are also needed. In total, about $8,000 will need to be invested to pay workers.


A special business requires publicity in a narrow circle. And it is better to start with the Internet and specialized literature. This is how a website is created in the network and a number of offers are formed on other available resources. An agricultural company may give the right to place an advertisement about its enterprise. Also, meetings and personal agreements will not be superfluous. You can hire sales managers. You can create word of mouth about your company by participating in agricultural exhibitions, seminars, and gatherings.

List of costs.

The main costs of the corn growing and processing business will include:

1. Land rent - $350-4.35 thousand;
2. Rent of premises - 800-1 thousand $;
3. Equipment - 97-120 thousand $;
4. Raw materials - 10 thousand $;
5. Staff - about $8 thousand;
6. Marketing - $400.

In total, to start a business, you need an amount from $120,000 to $130,000.

Profit and payback.

The business of growing and processing corn gives a profitability of 800%. So, when sowing 50 thousand seeds per hectare of the field, about 56 centners of corn and more than 200 centners of green mass are obtained. Accordingly, the income per hectare will be from $20,000. If corn is sown in stages, different types of varieties, then 1 hectare can be obtained three times more. At the end of the season, you can get your hands on about $420,000. Payback will come in the first season.

Consumers and development.

The next stage in the route of processed corn will be the food industry, wholesale depots, livestock and poultry farms. And it is they who need to offer raw materials. An option for development may be the opening of our own complex for the further processing of corn.

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