Strange, but true, stories that happened to pregnant women. Incredible facts about pregnancy The most incredible cases with pregnant women

The rating of the most unusual childbirth included a Russian woman who gave birth to four children in four minutes, an African woman who gave birth to multi-colored children, an Egyptian woman who fenced herself with seven babies, a father with many children from Kuzbass, who became a grandfather 103 times. And many other interesting cases.

1. woman set a record: she gave birth to four children in four minutes

In the city of Baltiysk, Kaliningrad region, four children were born in the Grakhovsky family at once - two girls and two boys. This is the first case in the history of the region, and the second in the country in the last three years. A mother of many children set a record by giving birth to quadruplets in four minutes. Sergey and Yulia always believed that a family should have two children. When the eldest daughter Nadezhda was 8 years old, they decided to have a second child. In the third month of pregnancy, an ultrasound scan showed that four newborns are expected to be born at once. The couple did not use the IVF method of artificial insemination, as nature decided.

2. An African woman gave birth to multi-colored children

35-year-old African Florence gave birth to two multi-colored children from a white husband from Germany. Experts say that children with such different external data are born in one case in a million. A woman became a mother for the first time, having given birth to two sons. One boy is dark-skinned, dark-eyed and black-haired. They named him Leo. And his brother - light-skinned, blue-eyed and black-haired will be called Ryan. Boys differ not only in skin color, but also in character.

3. An Egyptian woman gave birth to septuplets

In Alexandria, a 27-year-old woman successfully gave birth to seven children. The births took place prematurely, and the babies - four boys and three girls - were placed in special incubators. During the delivery of the mother, a caesarean section was performed, a blood transfusion was performed. The birth of seven children at once from one mother is a rare event, although not unique. In 2007, an Algerian woman had such a birth, but one of the seven babies did not survive. In total, there have been three cases recorded in the world (not counting the above), when a mother gave a safe birth to seven babies, reports AP.

4. The British gave birth to six children at once

In the UK, the first case of the birth of six children at the same time in the last 25 years has been registered. The happy owner of such offspring was a 31-year-old resident of Oxfordshire, Leakey Lam. The woman gave birth to four girls and two boys at once. The smallest baby weighs only 480 grams, while the largest is about 600.

5. One hundred and third granddaughter was born to the Kuzbass grandfather-record holder

On the May holidays, the family of 73-year-old resident of Novokuznetsk Alexei Shapoval replenished with a newborn. The Kuzbass grandfather-record holder was born one hundred and third granddaughter. One hundred and third granddaughter became the 15th child in the family of the sixth son of Alexei Shapovalov. The grandfather-record holder has 117 descendants - 13 children, 103 grandchildren - 51 granddaughters and 52 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. According to Shchapoval, his family is a believer, sons and daughters have 10-15 children. He knows all the grandchildren by name, remembers who is from which son or daughter, but he does not always remember their birthdays and therefore checks them against a special notebook. Sometimes several birthdays fall on the same day.

Source 6Athlete from Chile gave birth without knowing she was pregnant.

Olympic heavyweight athlete Elisabeth Poblete of Chile gave birth to a baby during training. She didn't even know she was pregnant. A 22-year-old Chilean woman, now living in Brazil, said that she did feel unwell for some time, but did not know the reasons. The child was born prematurely three months prematurely, weighing 1.2 kg and 34 cm tall. Right from the gym, he and his new mother were taken to the hospital. Elisabeth Poblete took part in the Beijing Olympics and took 12th place.

7. A woman gave birth to two sets of twins in one year.

A rare case occurred with a resident of the UK. She gave birth to two pairs of twins less than 12 months apart. Five years ago, a few days before her wedding, Hazel Bowden realized she was pregnant. The doctors told her that she would have twins. The babies were born on September 22nd. Soon Hazel began to take hormonal contraceptives, but four months after the birth of the children she became pregnant again. And this time she had twins.

The boys weighing between 1.81 and 2.14 kg were named Logan, Eli and Colin. The chance of giving birth to identical triplets is one in 200 million. The couple have been trying to have children since getting married four years ago. The father of the triplets estimates that the children will need about 10,000 diapers a year. North Shore University has agreed to bear these costs for the first two years.

9. Briton gave birth on Twitter

A 34-year-old resident of the UK staged an online broadcast of her birth via Twitter. Hundreds of people followed the course of events for 13 hours. “I wanted to dispel myths about the process of having a baby. There is nothing terrible in this. I showed that in the process you can even leave messages on Twitter, - said 34-year-old Fiona Starstone, who decided that her baby must certainly be born at home, and not in the hospital. The boy, who was named Oscar, was born healthy and immediately became a celebrity.

10. German woman gave birth at 64

In Germany, a 64-year-old woman gave birth to a girl, thus becoming the oldest mother in the country. The child was born in a clinic in the south of Bavaria. A woman who became a mother at such a venerable age had repeatedly tried to become pregnant as a result of artificial insemination, but the procedure had never been successful.

Incredible Facts

Do you think that incredible birth stories can only be heard in movies? Is it possible to give birth on a plane, train, elevator or in the ring? It turns out that in real life there are many more miracles than you can imagine. Learn about the most incredible happy birthdays that actually took place.

Woman gives birth after marathon

Amber Miller was on the 39th week of pregnancy and was expecting her second child from day to day, but was not afraid to participate in Chicago Marathon. She continued to run or walk even when contractions began, and still made it to the finish line. After Miller crossed the finish line, she asked for something to eat and ... gave birth to a girl, who was named June.

Miller ran a marathon for 6 hours 25 minutes and 50 seconds. This is not her personal record, but she managed to show a better result than her husband.

A teenage girl gave birth in combat

17 year old Pamela Wats was hospitalized during a kickboxing match after giving birth to a healthy baby girl. The most curious thing is that Pamela in general unaware of her interesting position, so I calmly went to the ring. By the time she was born, she was already 7 months old. Pamela was hit in the stomach, after which she began to bleed, so the organizers of the match stopped the fight and urgently called an ambulance.

As Pamela's parents said, no one in the family knew about the pregnancy. Pamela did gain some weight, but everyone thought that it's because of the holidays, and her periods continued as usual.

Unusual birth ... after death

Brain dead woman gives birth to twins

This tragic story took place in Detroid, Michigan, USA. The pregnant woman who declared dead due to cerebral aneurysm, gave birth to twins one month after death. How is this possible, you ask? After brain death her body continued to live, therefore, before the birth, it was decided not to disconnect him from special equipment that supports life.

Christine Bolden fell while walking around the city with her boyfriend and 6-year-old son. After 5 days, the doctors reported that her brain was dead, however, since the rest of the body could be supported artificially, it was quite possible wait for the birth of children. The mother chose the names for the future twins while still conscious, they were named Nicholas and Alexander. After birth, artificial nutrition devices were immediately turned off.

Rapid delivery between floors

Women gave birth in an elevator

31 year old New Yorker gave birth to a girl in the elevator of her house immediately after returning from the hospital, where she was told that it was too early to give birth and that she should go home.

Ninfa Ramirez and the future father of the child Armando Ortiz, 34, was rushing to Jacoby Medical Center in the Bronx when Ninfa went into labor. The sisters said that it was too early for her to give birth, so she could go home.

What was the surprise of the parents when the child did not want to wait until they went up to the apartment, and was born ... right in the elevator. Fortunately, everything worked out: Both mother and child were doing well.

Ninfa Ramirez and newborn Montserrat Ortiz

A similar incident occurred in the suburbs of Manchester, UK. 26 year old Ashley Ward was already taken to the hospital and was about to give birth, however, on the way to the maternity ward, she, along with her sister and the watchman, got stuck in the elevator. Childbirth began suddenly, apparently, because of the strong excitement of the mother.

Sister Lauren had to help with the birth and received instructions from the nurses outside the elevator door. Soon the elevator still went, but everything was already behind.

Happy mother Ashley Ward with baby Thomas and sister Lauren after what happened

Woman gives birth in cell after arrest

California police officers managed to save a newborn baby, who was born on the floor of a cell after his mother was arrested for disturbing the peace while drunk and on methamphetamine. A 29-year-old pregnant woman, whose name has not been released, was taken to the Santa Cruz County office.

The police decided not to file for the pregnant woman and wait until she sobered up before letting her leave. After a couple of hours in the cell, she suddenly fell down and began to give birth.

The premature girl was born without signs of life, but soon began to breathe. The mother and child were rushed to the hospital, where they received the necessary assistance, and the child survived.

Santa Cruz Police Department where the birth took place

Strange childbirth in the air

A woman gave birth on an airplane toilet

A pregnant woman, who is on board an aircraft flying from Dubai to Manila (Philippines) began preterm labor. The pilots were forced to make an emergency landing in Vietnam after the baby was born.

Fortunately, there were two Filipino nurses on the plane who delivered the baby. The child was wrapped in airborne blankets and held under lamps to keep him warm. Due to lack of oxygen, the child was in critical condition, but thanks to the oxygen masks on board, the problem was solved.

The baby was named Ikei after the airline code

An unexpected birth in Afghanistan

A member of the British Army, who was sent to Afghanistan, went to the doctors for help when she felt pain in her stomach. In a few hours she unexpectedly gave birth to a boy. According to the newly-made mother, she did not even suspect about her pregnancy until the last minutes, she felt all this time without any problems, and only shortly before the birth she felt pain.

A military woman was sent to Afghanistan for several months military base Camp Bastion. The British authorities, of course, would not send a woman to serve if she was pregnant. Apparently, the medical staff missed something, or not pregnant yet during the check.

About 500 female soldiers of the British army serve in Afghanistan

Childbirth with obesity

240-pound woman gave birth to a child

25-year-old Romanian citizen, whose weight was 240 kilograms, gave birth to her first child in a special hospital equipped for the treatment of obesity. Child's father, future husband Victoria Lakatus weighs only 70 kilograms.

A healthy girl was born by caesarean section and weighed at birth 2.9 kilograms. Lakatus was taken to a special hospital in Bucharest, as the local hospital in southern Romania did not have the beds to support her weight. It took the participation of three teams of ambulances and firefighters.

Obesity of a woman was associated with thyroid problems, so it was necessary to conduct a thorough examination before giving birth.

Dangerous childbirth on the road

A woman gave birth on a highway

The woman was forced to give birth on the roadside Eastern Highway in Australia, near the suburbs of Melbourne, because she did not have time to get to the hospital. Angela and her husband Shane were on their way to Royal Women's Hospital, but the child did not want to wait any longer and was born right on the road in the back seat of a car. Fortunately, help soon arrived, and the mother and child were taken to the hospital.

It was on this section of the road that baby Alexander was born.

Here is a picture of an unborn baby, his age is 21 weeks. His name is Samuel Alexander Armas and he is operated on by a surgeon named Joseph Bruner. The baby was diagnosed with spina bifida (a congenital incurable defect of the spine, in which a person is not able to stand up straight and walk normally). However, surgical intervention at the stage of spinal formation, when the baby is still in the womb, can completely eliminate this defect. When Dr. Bruner finished operating on little Samuel, the baby stuck out his tiny but fully developed hand through the incision and firmly grabbed the surgeon's finger ... Samuel was born completely healthy! .. But the boy would not have survived if he had been removed from the womb ..

A 32-year-old American woman gave birth to six children on her third attempt... To begin with, they will need at least 38 bottles of formula milk, 18 changes of underwear, mountains of clothes and even more diapers daily. And the prolific father of the family is just a sales manager. Now the kids - three wonderful girls Bailey, Molly and Savannah, and three beautiful boys Cole, Blake and Grant - are not in danger. But in such cases, the probability of survival of all babies is extremely small ...

For unknown reasons, three years ago, the couple had two miscarriages in a row, and they were completely desperate to have a child. Doctors suggested using a pregnancy-stimulating drug, after which an amazing conception occurred ... When Jenny and Brian found out that they were expecting not one, but as many as six children, their surprise and shock knew no bounds. Doctors advised to leave only three, but Jenny was categorically against it. The father called the newborns "long and skinny", which is not strange with an average weight of 1 kg and a length of 40 cm ...

A 20-year-old woman from Saudi Arabia was also somewhat shocked when she learned from doctors about her pregnancy. For many years, the young woman underwent hormone therapy. When she finally became pregnant, the doctors told her that if pregnancy will pass safely, the young mother will make her husband happy with 9 twins! The fetuses develop normally, unfortunately, none of the nine children survived in similar pregnancies before ... At best, only six babies survive ...

Six babies at once - three boys and three girls - were born to a resident of the US state of Alabama ... The smallest of the newborns weighed less than 500 grams, the largest - about 800. Childbirth was accompanied by a caesarean section, and each of the babies was born with an interval of three minutes. None of the gears had multiple complications ... Approximately 95 cases of the birth of gears are recorded in the world every year ...

Quintuples are born even more often - about 150 times a year ...

It is interesting that, as a rule, such a mother of many children gives birth to both boys and girls ... So the birth of these three little men in the city of Novosibirsk is considered a rarity ...

By the way, they learned to nurse such crumbs quite a long time ago - in front of you is a photograph of 1936 ...

With the advent of ultrasound, doctors have learned to "set" the number of children in the mother's womb at the most early dates. Before you - a classic twins ...

And this is a quad...

Today, the lives of twins begin to be “controlled” long before birth. And scientists came to an amazing conclusion - twins communicate with each other even in the womb! ..

This picture was even called "Kiss" ...

And this one is Dialogue...

But multiple mothers have had a hard time at all times, and nothing has changed in their “pregnant life” even today. The main problem for such mothers is very large tummies, and the risk of miscarriage is considered the most serious complication of pregnancy. Therefore, after the 20th week, a woman is recommended to stop active sports, work, sex life ...

In addition, such a mother has to observe strict bed rest (she must rest at least 8 hours during the day) and go to the clinic under the supervision of doctors four months before giving birth ...

But today, more than 90% of multiple pregnancies proceed with virtually no complications and are resolved happily. One of the reasons for this success is the possibility of early diagnosis. But in order to minimize the possibility of having children with low body weight, a woman should pay special attention to her diet. If during a singleton pregnancy the optimal weight gain is 12-13 kg, then for a multiple pregnancy, weight gain should be at least 18-20 kg ...

By the way, the Chinese woman Xiao Yubo became the record holder in the nomination “belly”. With a height of 167 cm, her waist at the fifth month of pregnancy was 175 cm!

Five twins were found in her stomach ... According to doctors, quintuplets appear quite rarely - once in three thousand pregnancies. But in order for the volume of the belly of a happy mother to be greater than her height - this practically does not happen. This size of the tummy suggests that the height and weight of future babies will be almost standard - about 3 kg, and not 1.5 - 2 kg, like ordinary twins ...

But what she was before pregnancy! ..

January 26, 2009 33-year-old Nadia Suliman gave birth to eight twins at once, and they are all healthy.

The mother of the newborn eight lives with her children and parents in the suburbs of Los Angeles in the small town of Whittier. The family is already growing six kids aged two to seven years, among whom there is a pair of twins.

The children's grandmother, Angela Suleman, left her job and devoted herself to her daughter's family. And grandfather, to help Nadia, went to Iraq to work under a contract.

Eight was conceived through in vitro fertilization (IVF).

The delivery by caesarean section was nine weeks ahead of schedule. A team of 46 doctors who took birth was expecting the birth of seven babies, which, although not often, does happen. However, there were eight newborns - six boys and two girls - and they are all quite healthy. The weight of babies is from 700 g to 1.9 kg. Seven of them immediately breathed on their own and were bottle fed. The whole family was discharged from the maternity hospital home in just a week.

As it turned out, six more children are waiting for a mother from California at home.

According to average estimates, to support all 14 children under 17, Nadia will need from 1.3 to 2.7 million dollars, not including medical insurance. Realizing this, Nadia put a lot of effort into warming up the interest of the public. As a result, her large family was presented with a huge house. Volunteers help clean it up.

As a result, Nadia achieved the main goal - they signed a contract with her, and now a large family is being filmed in a reality show. For a day of filming, each family member is paid $250.

Everyone knows that the most beautiful woman is a pregnant woman. After all, nothing can compare with carrying a child in her tummy for 9 months in a row. It's just a miracle that can happen several times in a lifetime.

There is a huge amount interesting facts about pregnancy, but the website site has selected 12 of the most interesting facts for you.

1. There was a unique case in the history of mankind when pregnancy lasted 375 days, which is more than a year, because we all know that there are 365 days in a year. Tellingly, the child was born absolutely healthy, and all the parameters were normal, as it should be for a newborn.

2. Nature also has its protective barriers for women during pregnancy to protect the fetus. So the liver and heart of a pregnant woman increase in size, and the sense of smell is aggravated 11 times.

3. During pregnancy, a woman is recommended to listen to music more often, because the baby inside hears everything, he can laugh, dance and cry.

4. The female uterus during pregnancy can increase hundreds of times. But after giving birth, after about 6-8 weeks, she takes her usual size.

5. The very first contraceptive was used in Egypt even before our era. Its composition was doubtful, as it contained crocodile excrement. About the effectiveness of this contraceptive we can only guess.

6. The amount of salt in amniotic fluid is as much as in ocean water.

7. Before the start of contractions, only 1 out of 9 women break water, and in the rest they leave before the attempts themselves.

8. Only a quarter of couples who want to get pregnant get results the first time. The other 75% manage to do this, either in a few months or much longer, up to several years. Therefore, you need to be patient if you want to have a baby.

9. During pregnancy, a woman needs to eat only 300 kcal per day more than usual. And the phrase is for two - this is the erroneous opinion of most women.

10. There are many more miscarriages than we think. It's just that most women don't even know they're pregnant before it happens.

11. For some expectant mothers, it comes as a surprise that her foot has grown. Yes, this is true, during pregnancy, she washes to lengthen somewhat, so the size of the legs may change.

12. Every 3 seconds, another small miracle is born on our Earth.

Pregnancy in a woman's life is a very special and rather short time, so we advise all women in an interesting position to capture these happy moments of life for family photo chronicle for a long memory.

For most women, pregnancy is an unforgettable state of waiting for a meeting with a newborn baby, when the heart is overflowing with love and tenderness for the baby. Today, there are many amazing pregnancy stories that amaze with their improbability and magic.

A resident of the United States, Christine Bolden, at the age of 26, was a happy mother of 3 children, however, another pregnancy was in jeopardy. While walking on the street with her husband and child, she had an attack of severe headache, after which the girl fell to the ground unconscious - there was a rupture of 2 aneurysms in the brain. Doctors later said that they had formed in Christine's head for a long time.

In the clinic, she was immediately connected to an artificial life support apparatus, various examinations were also carried out, during which it turned out that 2 twin boys were alive. The doctors, together with Christine's relatives, decided to support her on the apparatus. 42 days after the deterioration of the patient's condition, during the caesarean section at 25 weeks, the boys Nicholas and Alexander were born. The condition of the babies was regarded as stably serious, they were transferred to the intensive care unit. With the consent of the Bolden family, the girl was disconnected from the system.

Some American publications dubbed this amazing case of pregnancy a medical miracle, and newspaper headlines read: "Death brought two new lives" (Death brings new life).

In 2010, in Bucharest (Romania), Victoria Lakatus, weighing 240 kg, was operated on by the leading surgeons of the clinic for obese patients. Victoria became the mother of a girl, the weight of the newborn is 2,900 g. Despite the high health risks (thrombosis, possible bleeding), the woman decided to give birth, because she and her husband really wanted to become loving parents.

Double conception a week apart

In 2010 in Utah, 34-year-old Angie Cromar was shocked by the news that she was pregnant twice. As it turned out, she has an anomaly of the reproductive organs, namely the "doubled uterus" (Uterus didelphys). Conception occurred 2 times with a break of about 4 days. When Angie first came for an ultrasound, the doctor told her that the first term was 6 weeks and 1 day, the second - 5 weeks and 4 days. Despite the high risks (premature birth, possible underweight of the fetus, pathology of internal organs), in November 2010, 2 wonderful babies were born - a boy, Zack, and a girl, Paige. The couple already had 3 children, now this happy family is happy to share their photos on social networks.

About 5 million women on our planet have a similar anomaly, before Cromar, almost 100 such cases were known.

This title rightfully belongs to Stacy Herald, whose height is only 71 cm. By the way, the girl’s husband is 175 cm tall. This couple from Kentucky has 3 children, each of which is long-awaited and desired in this family. Stacy's disease is called osteogenesis imperfecta or "crystal man" disease - this is a genetic pathology that slows down human growth, reduces collagen production, bones become extremely brittle and fragile, and the lungs develop incompletely.

According to experts, having children in such a state of the mother is quite risky - an embryo growing in the womb can simply crush internal organs women, especially her heart and lungs suffer. Due to the fragility of the bones, newborns can be born with already broken limbs.

Stacey moves in a wheelchair, and her beloved husband, who works as a vicar, helps her with household chores. Their house is equipped with special mechanisms and devices to make it convenient for a woman to move around and take care of all family members.

Herald's second daughter, Makaya, is a completely healthy and developed girl, but the eldest Kateri and son Malakai inherited this terrible disease from their mother. Despite all the difficulties, Stacy and Will live happily, the appearance of each baby makes them stronger and closer to each other.

Indian woman Omkari Panwar and her husband already had 2 adult daughters and 5 grandchildren when, in 2008, the woman gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl. The conception occurred through IVF, the children were born after a caesarean section.

In India, having an heir son is considered a very important moment in the life of every family. After all, this is not only a support in the future, but also the heirs of the family name. The son brings his daughter-in-law to the house with a mandatory dowry, even the funeral ceremony of the parents cannot be held without him. There is much more trouble with daughters (the need to collect a dowry, find a couple from a good family, marry), so the birth of a boy is a cherished dream of many here.

That is why Omkari and her husband Charan-Sing, after the birth of their daughters, began to save money for the in vitro procedure, but due to the low standard of living in the country and the low income of citizens, the cherished date for fertilization came only when the spouses reached a respectable age (70 and 77 years respectively).

The pregnancy was very difficult for the woman, she was taken to the clinic almost in critical condition a month before the planned date. Given the state of Panwar's health, the doctors decided to have an immediate surgical intervention. The couple was incredibly happy with the birth of children and promised to take care of them until they had enough strength and health.

male childbirth

Tracey Lagondino, who was born and raised in Hawaii, grew up feeling more like a man than a girl. Later she was treated with hormones, and in 2002 she decided to undergo a sex change operation while preserving the internal reproductive organs. The man officially changed his name, becoming Thomas Beaty, settled all legal issues, and later, in 2003, married Nancy Gillespie.

The infertility of his wife was the main reason why Thomas decided to get pregnant. Using artificial insemination, the man has already given birth three times - in 2007, 2009 and 2010. This is the only man in the world (transsexual) who decided on such an ambiguous act.

Grandmothers and grandchildren

Mothers are always ready to help, even in a situation where surrogacy is necessary for the birth of their own grandchildren. Medicine knows dozens of cases when a grandmother bore children for her children. For example, Linda Sirua (49 years old) and Christine Casey (61 years old) from the USA gave birth to sons for their daughters. Sherry Dixon (51 years old) and Jasy Dahlenberg (56 years old) gave daughters to their daughters: the first - 1 baby, the second - 3 at once. Incredible cases of this type of surrogacy are also known in the UK, Japan, Russia and Ukraine.

For the first time such a case was reported in 1987 in South Africa. Pat Anthony became a surrogate mother for her daughter's children, then three babies were born.

Childbirth in unusual conditions

The birth of a child due to various circumstances can occur in the most inappropriate conditions for this, sometimes even becoming a surprise for the mother herself. Therefore, some amazing stories about pregnancy and childbirth are sometimes simply amazing in their incredibleness.

On railroad tracks

Bhuri Kalbi, in her eighth month, was on a train in India. In the toilet, she had a rapid birth, the baby just fell onto the rails through the toilet hole, after which Bhuri lost consciousness. Waking up and realizing what had happened, she began to scream for help. The train was urgently stopped, employees of the nearest railway station found a newborn, who, along with her mother, was taken to the hospital. After examination, the doctors reported that the girl did not receive significant injuries that would threaten her life and health.

In a sinking car

Kanyette Biggs (USA), at the age of 21, kept silent about her situation, so she decided to go to the clinic to give birth by car herself. On the way, she went into labor, causing her to lose control and the car to fall into the lake. It was at this moment that the baby was born. Bigs and her daughter were very lucky - the incident was seen by Stephen Maxwell, who was patrolling the area, and saved them. The girl did not receive any injuries, while Kanyette herself broke her leg.

On the tree

The flood of 2000 in Mozambique was marked by incredible trials for Sofia Pedro. The girl had a chance to run away from the rising water in a matter of minutes. Climbing a tall tree, she stayed on it for 3 days without food and water, managed to give birth to a daughter, after which she saw a rescue helicopter. In this story, a miracle happened from the very beginning, because there are a lot of questions: how could a pregnant woman climb a tree in the last month, not fall from it, give birth there on her own and not drop a child during what is happening in a seething stream? At the hospital, the doctors said that everything was fine with the newborn and her mother.

On the ship

Cindy Precel, a seagoing cook, went into labor 30 miles from shore. Captain Edward Kissel took matters into his own hands: after quickly perusing the section on childbirth in the Medical Care Manual, he proceeded to receive the newborn. Unfortunately, the baby walked forward with its legs, so Edward had to make a lot of effort. After it was found that the baby was not breathing, but the captain was not at a loss and began to resuscitate him. Later, when Cindy and her newborn son were safe, she named the boy Edward as a thank you to the captain.

In the ring

17-year-old Pamela Watts was a professional kickboxer when, in one of the fights in the ring, she was hit in the stomach, which provoked profuse bleeding. The judges were forced to finish the competition and send the athlete to the clinic, where she safely gave birth to a girl. Pamela herself did not know about her condition, since she regularly had critical days, and she attributed the gained weight to high-calorie holiday treats.

At the marathon

Participation in the Chicago Marathon for Amber Miller ended with the birth of her daughter. At 39 weeks, the girl, along with her husband, ran half the distance, and walked the second part. After crossing the finish line, Amber had a baby girl, June.

In the elevator

Ninfa Ramirez gave birth in the elevator of the house in New York, where she lives with her husband. Feeling the first harbingers, Ninfa and her husband arrived at the hospital, but the doctors sent them back home due to the fact that it was not yet time to give birth. Everything went without complications, the happy spouses rejoiced at the appearance of the girl Montserrat.

In a prison cell

In California, police detained a pregnant woman for inappropriate behavior, who was in a state of alcohol and drug intoxication. Law enforcement officers left the offender in the cell, giving her the opportunity to sober up and recover, but a little later she went into labor. The mother and her baby girl were sent to the hospital, where they received professional medical care. The police department has not released the woman's name.

In a tornado

In Kentucky in 2008, Samantha Oakley had to give birth during a devastating hurricane. Dr. Richard Goode, who specializes in helping women in extreme conditions, performed a cesarean section in the light of a flashlight due to lack of electricity. Later it became known that Samantha also gave birth to her first two children during the 2005 and 2006 tornadoes.
