Scenario of the event dedicated to the celebration of the world day of the sea. Scenario class hour "ocean with a simple name life Scenario world oceans day for 10 years

The presented material is intended to familiarize students of middle and senior school age with the environmental date of the International level "World Oceans Day". Purpose: selection of material according to the subject for use in the preparation and conduct of environmental events, classes in associations dedicated to the calendar of environmental dates. Tasks: - based on certain ecological and biological knowledge of students, bring them to an understanding of the role of the World Ocean as an integral part of the sustainable development process and an important object of scientific research; to study the state of the problem at the present stage, to get acquainted with the history of the World Oceans Day; educate understanding of the need to conserve the water resources of the oceans.

8 June World Oceans Day The idea of ​​holding a World Oceans Day was first proposed in 1992 at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. Since 1993, this day has been celebrated unofficially in many countries around the world. In 1998, the International Year of the Ocean, World Oceans Day was recognized by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO. On December 5, 2008, in a resolution of the UN General Assembly, June 8 was officially recognized as World Oceans Day. World Oceans Day is a day that gives reason to remember that the World Ocean is the cradle of life on our planet, 70% of which is covered with water, ocean resources are the key to the development and further existence of human civilization, its space is the arena of world trade. The role of the World Ocean in climate regulation is system-forming, its waters are one of the main absorbers of carbon dioxide.

The oceans are an integral part of the sustainable development process and an important subject of scientific research. Penetrating deeper into the secrets of the oceans, scientists continue to discover new forms of marine life. These studies are of great importance for improving human well-being.

Intensive study of the oceans began in the second half of the 20th century. The main method for studying the ocean depths was the echolocation method, with the help of which detailed maps of the ocean depths were compiled, and the main forms of the relief of the ocean floor were discovered. The deepest ocean trench is the Mariana Trench, which is located in the Pacific Ocean near the Northern Mariana Islands. Its depth is 10924 meters, that is, almost 11 kilometers! Together with river runoff and precipitation, approximately 0.5 million cubic kilometers of fresh water enters the ocean. This volume corresponds to a layer of water on the surface of the ocean with a thickness of about 1.25 meters.

Scientists divide the world's water basin into four large oceans: the Atlantic, Indian, Pacific and Arctic. Oceanology is the study of the oceans.

Arctic Ocean The smallest ocean on our planet and the most shallow. Its area is only 14.78 million km2. It is located in the center of the Arctic and is characterized by very harsh climatic conditions. On its territory is the North Pole of the planet. A significant part of the ocean area is made up of marginal seas: the Kara, Norwegian, Greenland, Barents and White, Chukchi, Laptev and East Siberian seas.

The ocean is of great importance, first of all, for Russia. Even in ancient times, hundreds of years ago, the inhabitants of the northern lands - Pomors mastered its waters, fished here, hunted sea animals, wintered on Svalbard and sailed to the mouth of the Ob. The study of the coasts of the ocean began in the 18th century with the organization of the Great Northern Expedition, which described the coasts of the ocean from the mouth of the Pechora to the Bering Strait. The circumpolar regions were described by Fridtjof Nansen and Georgy Yakovlevich Sedov. The possibility of passing through the entire ocean in one navigation was proved by Otto Yulievich Schmidt in 1932; this journey, in fact, marked the beginning of the Northern Sea Route. In 1937, the first polar station "North Pole - 1" was organized on a drifting ice floe. Under the leadership of Ivan Dmitrievich Papanin, a group of four polar explorers drifted on an ice floe from the North Pole to the coast of Greenland, exploring the features and routes of movement of Arctic floating ice.

Fauna Due to the low water temperature, the animals of the Arctic Ocean are less numerous than the fauna of other oceans. There are more than 150 species of fish here, among them a large number of commercial fish: herring, cod, salmon, navaga, halibut, flounder, scorpion fish. The largest mussels live here, the largest jellyfish cyanide (up to 2 m in diameter with a tentacle length of up to 20 m), the largest ophiura "Gorgon's head", a giant solitary coral, a sea spider reaching 30 cm in leg span. Another feature of the organisms of the Northern Arctic Ocean - their longevity: mussels live up to 25 years, cod live up to 20 years, halibut up to 30-40 years. This is due to the fact that in the cold Arctic waters the development of life processes is slow.

Mammals are represented by polar bear, walrus, seal, narwhal, whale and beluga whale

Seabirds in the Arctic lead a predominantly colonial lifestyle and live on the shores. About 30 species of birds (white gull, little auks, eiders, guillemots, guillemots, white geese, black geese, snow buntings) constantly live and breed here.

Flora The flora of the ocean is represented mainly by kelp, fucus, anfeltia, and in the White Sea - also by eelweed. Phytoplankton has only 200 species, of which 92 species are diatoms. Diatoms have adapted to the harsh environment of the ocean. Many of them settle on the lower surface of the ice. Diatom flora forms the bulk of phytoplankton - up to 79% in the Barents Sea and up to 98% in the Arctic basin.

The Pacific Ocean The Pacific Ocean can safely be called the most-most. First, it is the largest ocean on our planet. Its area is 179,679 thousand square kilometers. The Pacific Ocean is the deepest ocean. Its average depth is almost 4000 m, and the maximum is 11022 m (the Mariana Trench, which runs along the Philippine Sea). This is the deepest place on the planet. In the Pacific the most a large number of islands - about 10 thousand. The Pacific Ocean has the most difficult bottom topography. The Pacific Ocean and the warmest of all oceans. This statement is based on the fact that most of the area of ​​the Pacific Ocean is located in warm climatic zones, so the average temperature of the surface waters of the ocean is (+19, 37 degrees C).

The longest underwater ridge divides the Pacific Ocean into two asymmetrical parts - a vast western one, where warm currents predominate, and a small eastern one, where the cold Peruvian current dominates the coasts of Asia, Australia, and the Malay Archipelago. In the east of the ocean there are neither large islands nor gulfs protruding deep into the land - the coastline is smooth. The exception is the Gulf of California, a semi-enclosed sea of ​​the Pacific Ocean. Off the coast of Antarctica is the only southern marginal sea of ​​this ocean - the Ross Sea.

Flora of the Pacific Ocean Life in the ocean is abundant and diverse, especially in the tropical and subtropical zones where vast territories are occupied coral reefs and mangroves. The phytoplankton of the Pacific Ocean mainly consists of microscopic unicellular algae, numbering about 1300 species. The bottom vegetation of the Pacific Ocean includes about 4,000 species of algae and up to 29 species of flowering plants. In the temperate and cold regions of the Pacific Ocean, brown kelp algae are common, and giants up to 200 m long are found in the southern hemisphere. Fucus, large green and red algae are common in the tropics.

Fauna of the Pacific Ocean The fauna of the Pacific Ocean is 3-4 times richer in species composition than in other oceans, especially in tropical waters. More than 2 thousand species of fish are known in the Indonesian seas, about 300 in the northern seas. There are more than 6 thousand species of mollusks in the tropical zone of the ocean. A large number of ancient species of sea urchins, horseshoe crabs, some very ancient fish that have not been preserved in other oceans (for example, Jordan, Gilbertidia) live here; 95% of all salmon species live in the Pacific Ocean. Endemic species of mammals: dugong, fur seal, sea lion, sea otter. Gigantism is characteristic of many species of the fauna of the Pacific Ocean. Giant mussels and oysters are known in the northern part of the ocean, the largest bivalve mollusk tridacna lives in the equatorial zone, the mass of which reaches 300 kg, holothurians, leading a very sedentary lifestyle. The Pacific Ocean provides humanity with almost half of the world's seafood.

Fish - Hammer Animals of the Pacific Ocean Dolphins Grouper

Fauna of the Pacific Ocean Sharks living in the open waters of the Pacific Ocean: blue (blue), great white, zebra mako, some species of gray and hammerhead sharks, whale, fox shark.

Animal life of the Pacific Ocean Octopus Hermit crab Anemone Cuttlefish squid

Balloon Napoleon or wrasse Amazing fish Moon Stuck

Dugong Fur seal Sea lions Endemic species of mammals Sea otters

Atlantic Ocean The second largest ocean on Earth after the Pacific. The area is 91.6 million km². The volume of water is 329.7 million km³, which is equal to 25% of the volume of the World Ocean. The average depth is 3736 m, the greatest is 8742 m. The average annual salinity of the ocean waters is about 35%. The Atlantic Ocean has a strongly indented coastline with a pronounced division into regional water areas: seas and bays. The name comes from the name of the titan Atlatas in Greek mythology. The name of the ocean is first encountered in the 5th century BC. e. in the writings of the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, who wrote that "the sea with the pillars of Hercules is called Atlantis (- Atlantis)." The name comes from the ancient Greek myth of Atlanta, a titan holding the vault of heaven on his shoulders at the extreme western point of the Mediterranean Sea. At different times, separate parts of the ocean were called the Western Ocean, the North Sea, the Outer Sea. Since the middle of the 17th century, the Atlantic Ocean has become the only name referring to the entire water area [ .

The Atlantic Ocean provides 2/5 of the world catch and its share decreases over the years. In subantarctic and antarctic waters, notothenia, blue whiting are of commercial importance, in the tropical zone - mackerel, tuna, sardine, in areas of cold currents - anchovies, in temperate latitudes of the northern hemisphere - herring, cod, haddock, halibut, sea bass. In the 1970s, due to overfishing of some fish species, the volume of fishing fell sharply, but after the introduction of strict limits, fish stocks are gradually recovering. Several international fisheries conventions operate in the Atlantic Ocean basin, aiming at efficient and rational use biological resources, based on the application of scientifically based measures to regulate the fishery. Fishing and marine industries

Islands and seas of the Atlantic Ocean The island of Malta is an island state, as it is located on three islands of the archipelago, the capital of the state - Valletta, is a cultural and historical center. In the central part of the city is the Cathedral of St. John, the stronghold of the Knights of Malta. The Isle of Staffa is a small island off the west coast of Scotland known for its fantastic landscape and numerous natural caves. The main attraction of the island is Fingal's Cave.

Bermuda Triangle An area in the Atlantic Ocean. Known for stories of mysterious disappearances of ships and aircraft in the area between Bermuda, Florida and Puerto Rico.

Gulf Stream Current A major sea current in the Atlantic Ocean. Thanks to him warm waters European states located on the shores of the ocean have a milder climate than without it.

Jamaica is an island nation in the Caribbean, part of the group of islands known as the West Indies. Haiti is an island in the Caribbean, located between Cuba and Puerto Rica. There are 2 separate states on the island - the Dominican Republic and Haiti.

The Adriatic Sea is part of the Mediterranean Sea, which is part of the Atlantic Ocean. It separates the Italian "boot" from the Balkan Peninsula. It borders with Italy in the west and in the east with Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro. The Sargasso Sea is located in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean, this sea is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest stretch of calm water. About 6 million sq. km. The sea is covered with sargassum algae. Such a large cluster of plants can be seen even from space.

Atlantis is a legendary island (or even a mainland) that existed in ancient times on the territory of the Atlantic Ocean. As a result of a natural disaster, he went under water along with all the inhabitants. Officially, Atlantis is considered completely invented by Plato, as an image of the depravity of people.

The Puerto Rican Trench is a deep-water trench in the Atlantic Ocean with a maximum depth of 8,380 m from the surface. Saber Island is a crescent-shaped Canadian island in the North Atlantic Ocean. The maximum width is only 1.5 km. The total length of the island is 42 km.

Fauna of the Atlantic Giant isopods are large isopods. Northern catfish large marine fish Arrowfish (Common garfish) schooling marine fish

The sea wolf is a fish of the Moron family. European hake (European hake) is an endemic of the Atlantic Ocean Sea eel, which lives only in the coastal waters of the Atlantic Ocean and in the western Mediterranean Sea. He has the nickname "blackfin sorcerer".

Indian Ocean Located between four continents - Eurasia in the north, Antarctica in the south, Africa in the west and Australia in the east. Most of the Indian Ocean is located in the southern hemisphere. The area of ​​the Indian Ocean - 74917 thousand square kilometers - is the third largest ocean. The coastline of the ocean is slightly indented, so there are few marginal seas on its territory. In its composition, only such seas as the Red Sea, the Persian and Bengal Bays, the Arabian Sea, the Andaman Sea, the Timor and Arafura Seas can be distinguished. The Red Sea is the inland sea of ​​the basin, the rest are marginal. The temperature of the water in the ocean is determined by the currents of the climatic zones. The average water temperature is from +22 to 29 degrees C. The deepest point of the Indian Ocean - 7130 m - is located in the Sunda Trench. The average depth of the ocean is 3897 m.

In terms of the number of islands, the Indian Ocean is inferior to all other oceans. The largest islands: Madagascar, Ceylon, Mauritius, Socotra and Sri Lanka are fragments of ancient continents. In the central part of the ocean there are groups of small islands of volcanic origin, and in tropical latitudes - groups of coral islands. Most notable bands islands: Amirante, Seychelles, Comorno, Reunion, Maldives, Cocos. Indian Ocean islands

Flora and fauna of the Indian Ocean The flora and fauna of the Indian Ocean is rich and varied. Many tropical coasts are mangroves, where special communities of plants and animals have formed, adapted to regular flooding and drainage. Among these animals, one can note numerous crabs and an interesting fish - the mudskipper, which inhabits almost all the mangroves of the ocean.

The shallow tropical waters are home to coral polyps, including many reef-building corals, fish and invertebrates. In temperate latitudes, in shallow water, red and brown algae grow in abundance, among which the most numerous are kelp, fucus and giant macrocysts. Phytoplankton is represented by peridineans in tropical waters and diatoms in temperate latitudes, as well as blue-green algae, which form dense seasonal aggregations in some places. Among the animals living in the Indian Ocean, most of all are rhizopods, of which there are over 100 species. If we weigh all the rootpods in the waters of the ocean, then their total mass will exceed the mass of all its other inhabitants. Invertebrates are represented by various molluscs (pteropods, cephalopods, valvular, etc.). A lot of jellyfish and siphonophores. In the waters of the open ocean, flying fish, tuna, dolphins, sailfish and luminous anchovies are numerous. There are many sea snakes, including poisonous ones, even a combed crocodile is found, prone to attacking people. Mammals are represented by a large number and variety. There are whales here too. different types, and dolphins, and killer whales, and sperm whales. Many pinnipeds (fur seals, seals, dugongs). Cetaceans are especially abundant in the cold southern waters of the ocean where krill feeding grounds are found

Coral Reef Animals Brain Coral Clownfish Moorish Idol Antenna Lionfish

Poisonous animals Ballfish (puffer fish) Electric ray Moray eel Bicolor bonito

Despite the richness of the fauna of the Indian Ocean, fishing and fishing in this region are poorly developed. The total catch of fish and seafood in the Indian Ocean does not exceed 5% of the world catch. Fishing is represented only by tuna fishing in the central part of the ocean and by small fishing teams and individual fishermen of the coasts and island regions. In some places (off the coast of Australia, Sri Lanka, etc.) pearl mining is developed.

Quiz How many oceans are there? When did the oceans get their names? What is the largest and deepest ocean in the world? What is the name of the deepest ocean in the world? Name the method of studying the ocean depths. How much of the Earth's surface is covered by oceans? What is the smallest and shallowest ocean in the world? What is the difference between sea and ocean? What is the name of the science that studies the oceans? What is Atlantis? Where is the Sargasso Sea located and why is it famous? Name the seas of the Northern Ocean? Where is the Bermuda Triangle located? 14. Why is the Gulf Stream famous? 15. In what ocean does the largest bivalve mollusk live, what is its name? 16. In what year was June 8 officially recognized as World Oceans Day? 17. Distribute the largest oceans of the planet. 18. Explain what is the reason for the longevity of living organisms in the Northern Ocean? 19 . Which ocean is considered little studied?

Determine which animals are in front of you The material presented is intended to familiarize students of middle and senior school age with the environmental date of the International level "World Oceans Day".

Holiday "World Maritime Day" for children senior group DOW

Author : Salimova Evgenia Igorevna, educator MBDOU kindergarten No. 65 Oryol.
Description of work: I bring to your attention a summary of the lesson for the senior group of kindergarten. In this work, the guys get acquainted with the amazing holiday that is celebrated in our country in last week September, World Maritime Day. In the process of getting acquainted with the tasks of this holiday, we will get acquainted with marine life and flora seas.
Relevance of the topic : interest in marine life causes positive emotions in children. And if you add a festive mood to emotions, you get an amazing event that will remain in the memory of children. Thus, the child learns the material better.
Target: Acquaintance of children with the holiday<< Всемирный День Моря>>.
Educational: introduce children to the purpose of this holiday. To form an idea about the richness of the underwater world, about the benefits of the seas and oceans for humans, as well as about what every inhabitant of the planet Earth can do to preserve them.
educational: To expand the horizons of children about the flora and fauna of the seabed.
Educational: To cultivate a caring attitude and a desire to help in the conservation of the seas and their biological resources.
Preliminary work: Making various fish, corals, algae to simulate the seabed, conversations on marine topics, making masks on this topic, reading fiction, observation on the map and acquaintance with the various seas.
Material for work: ornamental fish, algae, corals, shells, carnival masks, soundtrack (you can choose any music), Crab toy.

Event progress :
Educator: Hello guys. Today I want to congratulate you on an amazing holiday - World Maritime Day. This holiday has been celebrated in our country since 1978. It is celebrated in the last week of September. What do you think the purpose of this holiday is?
Children's answers.
caregiver: The purpose of this holiday all over the world is to attract the attention of the public, public and private structures to the problem of preserving the seas and their biological resources. Traditionally, Day of the Sea is held in kindergartens, schools, libraries in the form of competitions, festivals that tell the younger generation about the richness of the underwater world, about the benefits of the seas and oceans for humans, and about what every inhabitant of the planet Earth can do to preserve them. Tell me, how do you think the seas and oceans are useful to us?
Children's answers.
In their waters, a person catches fish, which he then eats. Some algae, such as kelp (seaweed), are good for our body. It has a high content of vitamins and minerals. One of the oldest Japanese legends tells us about the wise ruler Shan Gin. On the verge of death from cruel conquerors, he called out to the gods. And the gods brought a wonderful drink that gives strength, stamina, fearlessness and longevity. To deliver the drink to all the islands of the state, the daughter of the ruler, the beautiful Yui, drank it and threw herself into the sea. The gods turned Yui into a kelp that absorbed all the power of the divine drink. Algae quickly spread around the islands. Having tried them, the exhausted inhabitants gained stamina and strength, and the enemy was defeated ...

During the story, an image of a kelp is shown.
caregiver: Quite often, public organizations celebrate this holiday by cleaning public beaches, as well as rallies and processions in defense of the seas. What can we do?
Children's answers.
I suggest you go to the seabed and see what kind of inhabitants live there.
Fizminutka "Sea"
The sea is very wide
(Children spread their arms wide to the side.)
The sea is very deep.
(They squat, touching the floor with their hands.)
Fish live there, friends,
(Perform the "Fish" movement.)
But you can't drink water.
(Spread your arms to the side, raising your shoulders.)
caregiver: Now we can dive to the bottom of the sea. Look around, what do you see?
Children's answers.
Let's get to know some of the inhabitants. Look, here is a crab hiding under a stone. Hello Grandpa Crab.
Children greet Crab.
Crab: Hello Hello! Who is it that came to visit us?
caregiver: The guys from the kindergarten came to visit you. They want to meet the inhabitants of the seabed.
Crab: This is good! I love riddles, listen to this:
A flock floats on the sea,
Makes a wonderful sound
Curious, playful,
With fins, but not fish!
Answer: Dolphins
Author: Leonov V.A.

caregiver: What do you know about dolphins?
Children's answers.
Dolphins are very intelligent and amazingly advanced mammals. The inexplicable love for people, the amazing process of sleep - these and many other mysteries about dolphins are constantly being studied and confirmed by new facts. It seems that the dolphin looks like a shark, but this is not at all the case. Although they have a fin and impressive teeth, they are not predators at all and, strictly speaking, they are not even fish. You talked about how dolphins love children. Some children are specially brought to the dolphins, they are allowed to swim in the pool together. The child comes out of the water a completely new person. This is explained by the fact that the dolphin seems to see through a person and if something hurts us, he feels it and can help. Being next to them, we calm down and tune in to an optimistic mood, we get new strength, lightness and joy. Let's not forget that dolphins always treat us with disinterested love and tenderness, any person should learn such an attitude.
Across the sea-ocean
A giant swims.

caregiver: Whales are the largest animals on Earth. These are wonderful creatures, and not at all evil inhabitants of the oceans. The whales got their name from the old Greek word ketos (sea monster). They look a little scary, but they are not at all dangerous to people, because whales are not predators. And even though outwardly they are huge fish, inside they are not at all like the rest of the inhabitants of the oceans. Keith can't chew anything and has to swallow his lunch whole. Scientists often talk about the extraordinary ability of whales to communicate with each other. They signal on their own frequency and may tell their brethren of anxiety or fear, even complain of pain. The whale is a family animal that prefers to stay in large companies. Whales are on the verge of extinction, and we must take care of them and show respect for these huge creatures of nature.
Crab: what other inhabitants of the seas and oceans do you know?
Children's answers.
What good fellows you are! Look, do you see?
Islands in the ocean
from living matter.
And the polyps are hard
Very very proud
Without stones and without earth
Reefs were able to build. (Corals, coral polyps, coral reefs)
caregiver: Fish live on reefs, let's see what they are.
Children and the teacher are examining the reef, near which many different fish have gathered.
Educator: Let's play a little.
mobile game<<Море волнуется>>.
Head and many legs
And the character is very strict:
If a guest is not invited to me,
I'm acting nice
I release into the ocean
Black ink.(Octopus)

caregiver: There are 200 species of octopus in the world. If you look closely, you can see a hole or a short tube under the eyes - this is a siphon. The siphon leads to the mantle cavity, into which the octopus draws water. By contracting the muscles of the mantle, he forcefully squeezes water out of the mantle cavity, thereby creating a jet stream that pushes his body forward. It just turns out that the octopus swims backwards. These animals have three hearts. Octopuses have blue blood! Octopuses have a special ink sac that accumulates a dye for protection. Octopuses are often colored brown, red, yellowish, but they can change color no worse than chameleons. Octopuses live alone and are very attached to their site. These animals are active in the dark, they sleep with their eyes open (they only narrow the pupils), in a dream the octopuses turn yellow.
Crab: I see you guys are very inquisitive! Did you know that today we have a carnival on the reefs, in honor of the Day of the Sea! I would like to invite you.
caregiver: Thank you, Grandpa Crab. The guys and I just brought masks for the carnival with us.
The teacher takes out the masks. Children dress up. The sounds of the ocean + melodious music are included. Children have fun and fish swim next to them (fish can be hung on a fishing line, thus creating the effect that they are on the seabed).


extracurricular activities,

dedicated to the celebration

World Maritime Day

Prepared by: Efremova V.A.

Teacher: Today, on a beautiful autumn day, I would like to talk about something that reminds us of summer.

"Morning. The sun had not yet risen, only an orange halo appeared from behind the mountains. The water "steams" with a light iodine mist. The sea is as calm as ever. Smooth, like a greenish glass surface. It seems that right from the pebbles you can step on this surface, and it will hold. But no, I feel water on my body higher and higher.
And now I’m swimming, slightly pushing the water apart with my hands, inhaling the fertile fumes. The water is clear, silvery, you can see the stones covered with algae. I sail away and turn around to look at the mountains in all their glory. It seems that they are advancing on the sea. And it backs away, taking me with it. I am lying on my back… To call it bliss is to say nothing. And then, finally, the sleepy sun slowly creeps out, spills smiling, filling the whole space with itself. Blind…”

Grace Spring

As you already understood, today's event is dedicated to the celebration of World Maritime Day. It is celebrated in the last full week of September. This holiday was established1978 by the 10th session of the Assembly of the Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization. The Day of the Sea is intended to remind of the danger that threatens the internal and external seas, emanating mainly from people.

Presenter 1: We congratulate the whole world now,After all, today is World Day of the Sea.Let calm prevail on the sea.Happiness to all, love, kindness, health!

Host 2: Sea! You beckon with your beauty.Foamy waves your rustle is endless.You are the meaning of life for a sailor.Who is in love with you is your slave forever!

Presenter 3: There are many different faces by the sea:Storms and calms in the neighborhood ...It knows no boundariesHe is no stranger to hypocrisy.Under the thickness of heavy watersThere are many mysteries hidden...Happy sea day to all who live in it!To whom did it become the universe!

Teacher: The planet on which we live can more rightly be called "planet-ocean" than "planet-earth". After all, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe World Ocean is more than 2 times the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe entire land. If all the continents were covered with water from the World Ocean, then a layer 9km! There are 1370 million tons of water in the 3 water!

The term "World Ocean" was introduced by the prominent Soviet geographer and oceanographer Yu. M. Shokalsky. By this name, he meant "the totality of that water shell of the globe, the main feature of which is salinity."

Sea- Part , isolated or the heights of the underwater . It also differs from the World Ocean in its hydrological, meteorological and climatic regime, which is associated with their marginal position relative to the oceans and the slowdown in water exchange due to the limited connection with the open part.

At present, it is customary to divide the World Ocean into 4 separate oceans and 75 seas, including large bays and straits.

What do you think is the importance of the seas in nature and human life?

(student answers)

Presenter 1: The seas play a decisive role in the conservation of the environment, influence the climate of the globe and ensure the balance of the world's hydrological system;

Presenter 2: The seas are the main supplier of oxygen produced by phytoplankton;

Presenter 3: If the seas did not have the ability to retain heat, most of the Earth would be uninhabited;

Presenter 1:The sea is the arena of labor activity for millions of people. In order to equip one sailor or fisherman to sail, 20 people work on land and in ports: at shipyards, net knitting and rope factories and other enterprises. More than 100 million people, residents of the coasts, are somehow connected with the sea.

Presenter 2: Since ancient times, oceans and seas have been a road connecting different countries. And today, maritime transport plays a huge role in the economic and cultural life of peoples. More than 65% of the world's transport cargo turnover is accounted for by the marine fleet.

Presenter 3: Sea water is an inexhaustible repository of a variety of chemical mineral raw materials. All the chemical elements of the periodic system of Mendeleev are dissolved in it, even gold and radioactive elements. Water is an excellent solvent. On average, 35 kg of various salts are dissolved in 1 ton of sea water, but so far there are relatively few of them. This is the business of the future.

Presenter 4:The ocean contains huge stocks of fish, edible shellfish, crustaceans and algae. The total world catch is 45 million tons per year (according to UN data). Of these, only 10% is mined in fresh waters, the rest - in the seas and oceans. First place in the fishery is occupied by fish - 85%, then whales - 6%, mollusks and crustaceans - 8% and algae - 1%.

Presenter 5: The seas are fraught with huge reserves of energy. As you know, under the influence of the forces of attraction coming from the Sun and the Moon, sea tides arise on Earth. Water comes to the shore twice or once a day, often flooding vast areas. The water level in some places rises by several meters. Such a regular movement of water is fraught with huge reserves of energy. Now this energy of the ocean is gradually beginning to be used.

Presenter 6:Every year 448 thousand tons of water evaporate from the surface of the 3 water. Of these, 107 thousandkm 3 falls over dry land. So the ocean moistens the lands far from its shores. Watered with it, the earth turns green, bread ripens in the fields, vegetables in vegetable gardens, fruits in gardens. And no matter how far from the seashore the place where we live is, everywhere we receive the gifts of the ocean. They lie on the shelves of stores in the form of packages of salt, barrels of fish, neat cans of canned food and many other products. You walk down the street and admire the cladding of houses: white limestone slabs. The "homeland" of limestone is the deep sea. An airplane is flying high in the sky. The metal alloy from which it is built includes magnesium extracted from sea water. Everywhere there are particles of the great oceans.

Presenter 7:Man already uses many of its riches, but they do not make up even a thousandth of what can be extracted from its depths. The time will come when man, armed with perfect technology, will master all the riches of the underwater world.

Teacher: You listened to the messages of your senior comrades about the significance of the seas in nature. And now we want to test your knowledge. I suggest you take part in a quiz and solve riddles:

For her, the wave is a swing,

And she swims aimlessly

Nowhere to nowhere

Everything is transparent like water. (Jellyfish)

Deep at the bottom she

As if visible in the sky.

But it does not shine and does not warm,

Because he can't. (Starfish)

What an amazing horse.

Very strange habits

The horse does not sow and does not plow

Dancing with fish underwater.

Call him friend

Fish friend ... (Seahorse)

Like a huge ship

He swims in the ocean

No pipe and no screw,

On his back is a fountain. (Whale)

The blue sea is beautiful.

Only swimming in it is dangerous!

No matter how you are "grabbed"

Bloodthirsty ... (Shark)

I'm not a centipede at all!

Where can I get so many boots for the legs?

Eight is enough for me! So a little...

Answer who am I? ... (Octopus)

Fleeing the strong from enemies,

Head back,

I disguise myself in ink

A tattered robe. (Cuttlefish)

This beast is fanged

Instead of legs - flippers,

Tail dragging on ice

The beast is not afraid of frost. (Walrus)

He was friendly with the sailors,

What is still famous.

From sea animals to the same. (Dolphin)

What kind of animals are they anyway?

Among dolphins and whales

Really similar-resembling

On bushes of dense flowers. (Anemones)

Far to the south

Where only ice, frost and blizzards,

Without taking off the black tailcoat,

A fisherman jumps into the sea. (Penguin)

I am famous in the Black Sea

The fact that I walk near the bottom

And poisonous with you

I carry a bone dagger. (Scat)

Near the rocks under the wet wind,

Who, tell me, from the animals

On their sandy beaches

Sunbathing by the seas? (Seal)

Lives in the depths of the sea

Swims quickly underwater.

She has a lot of needles

Like hedgehogs and Christmas trees. (Fish Hedgehog)

We have one employee -

A master carpenter of all trades.

Though he drank it in the water -

Never rust! (Sawfish)

He wears stripes on his back.

Is it a zebra? - someone will ask.

No, she swims in the water

She carries fins. (Striped fish, Clown fish)

A spider crawls into the sea -

Eight legs, a pair of arms.

In the hands of claws

In the eyes - fear. (Crab)

She is well known to everyone.

She is always and everywhere at home.

There is no home for her relatives -

The house is always with her.

With such protection, there is no fear.

Who is this fortress? (Turtle)

Sitting on the rocks, moving his mustache,

And walk will go backwards. (Cancer)

Lived in rivers and seas,

He is long, but not a snake. (Acne)

It will be scary if hunger

Will overcome the fish - ... (Hammerfish)

Kingdom of fish, whales, squids,

Sea stars, jellyfish, corals. (Sea)

In calm weather
We are nowhere
How the wind blows
We run on water. (Waves)

Storm on the sea or mist
But where is the edge of the earth
Every captain knows.
What burns for them in the distance? (Lighthouse)

I'm sailing on a ship
Sometimes I lie at the bottom
I keep the ship on a chain,
I watch the ship at sea,
To keep the wind from blowing
I just rode on the waves. (Anchor)

On the sea goes, goes
And it will reach the shore, and then it will disappear. (Wave on the sea)

Water to the right, water to the left
Vessels are sailing here and there and here
But if you want to get drunk, my friend,
Every sip will be salty. (Sea)

Breaking thick ice
He goes forward alone
And after him only then
The ships are moving in single file. (Icebreaker)

Bela cotton wool is floating somewhere. (Foam on the sea)

He is the king of the expanses of the sea,
the sovereign of the oceans,
Treasures he is at the bottom of the keeper
And the master of mermaids. (Neptune)

Who puts on a spacesuit
And diving deep?
Who in shoes with lead
Walks there on the bottom on foot? (Diver)

I need a thread for fishing.
I wanted to ask the seller
Like, is it for sale here,
Yes, I forgot what the thread is called.
My nose sweated to a shine.
I remembered! This is ... (Fishing line)

Neptune, obviously, with someone in a quarrel,
If the sea is raging like that!
Waves of all shapes...
What about the sea? At sea… (Storm)

We are timid sometimes
We can be brave too.
Water surrounds us
In it we breathe with gills.
With scales and fins
Swimming here and there
And we walk in shoals
We are on rivers and seas. (Fish)

A wave is rising
And close the shore soon.
This is our moon satellite
This is how the sea attracts. (tide)

You are so good. Let's give a round of applause to everyone who took part in the quiz. Your reward is a sweet treat that you can exchange for tokens with our hosts at the end of the event.

Presenter 1. Our country - Russia - is a maritime state. Its shores are washed by the waters of three oceans and 12 seas.

Speaker 2: The total length of the coastline of the seas is 60,985 km;

Presenter 3: The total area of ​​the water area under the jurisdiction of Russia is 8.6 million square kilometers;

Presenter 4: The seas that make up the Atlantic Ocean - the Baltic, Black, Azov, Caspian;

Presenter 5: The seas that make up the Arctic Ocean - the Barents, White, Kara, Laptev Sea, East Siberian, Chukchi;

Presenter 6: The seas that make up the Pacific Ocean - the Bering Sea, the Sea of ​​​​Okhotsk, the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bJapan.

Teacher: The Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov is the shallowest in the world, its depth does not exceed 13.5 m

A feature of the Baltic Sea is the abundance of fresh water. The Barents Sea is of great importance for transport and fishing. The White Sea is one of the smallest among the seas of Russia. The Bering Sea is named after the explorer Vitus Bering, under whose leadership it was explored in 1725-1743. The East Siberian Sea is covered with ice for almost the entire year. One of the coldest seas. The temperature even in summer rarely rises above 0 degrees. The largest drainless lake on Earth, called the sea due to the fact that its bed is composed of oceanic-type earth's crust. The Laptev Sea is named after the polar explorers cousins ​​Dmitry and Khariton Laptev. The Black Sea is one of the largest resorts in Eurasia. The International Date Line passes through the waters of the Chukchi Sea. The Sea of ​​Okhotsk is a source of very valuable resources. And not only fish. Quite large deposits of oil and gas have already been explored on its shelf. The Sea of ​​Japan is in first place in the Russian Federation in terms of a variety of fish and a variety of species.

The biological diversity of the seas surrounding Russia is maximum in the south of the Pacific basin and gradually decreases to the north. The Black Sea with its deep hydrogen sulfide horizon is characterized by minimal biological diversity.

The inhabitants of the sea - several hundred varieties of animals, plants and unicellular organisms, whose existence is inextricably linked with the sea element. The open sea is a place where dolphins frolic and sea turtles find their way without a compass. Going down under the water, you can find microscopically small unicellular algae, clouds of tiny crustaceans, schools of fish and squid, as well as a whole complex of sea inhabitants living in the surface layers of water.

Now we will present to your attention the ten most unusual inhabitants of the seas.

Narrator 7: Dumbo Octopus - This animal got its name from the ear-like formations protruding from the top of its head, which resemble the ears of the Disney elephant Dumbo. These cute creatures live at depths of 3,000 to 4,000 meters and are among the rarest octopuses. The largest individuals of this genus were 1.8 meters long and weighed about 6 kg. Most of the time, these octopuses swim above the seabed in search of food - polychaete worms and various crustaceans. By the way, unlike other octopuses, these swallow their prey whole.

Presenter 1: Short-nosed bat - this fish attracts attention, first of all, with its unusual appearance, namely the bright red lips on the front of the body. As previously thought, they are necessary to attract marine life, which feeds on the bat. However, it was soon found out that this function is performed by a small formation on the head of the fish, called an eska. It emits a specific smell that attracts worms, crustaceans and small fish. The unusual "image" of the bat complements the no less amazing way of its movement in the water. Being a poor swimmer, he walks along the bottom on his pectoral fins. The short-nosed bat is a deep-sea fish, and lives in waters near.

Presenter 2: Branchy brittle stars -These deep sea animals have many branched rays. Moreover, each of the rays can be 4-5 times larger than the body of these brittle stars. With the help of them, the animal catches zooplankton and other food. Like other echinoderms, branched brittle stars have no blood, and gas exchange is carried out using a special water-vascular system. Usually branched brittle stars weigh about 5 kg, their rays can reach 70 cm in length.

Presenter 3: Harlequin Pipefish - This is one of the most poorly studied species that can, if necessary, merge with the bottom or imitate a twig of algae. It is near the thickets of the underwater forest at a depth of 2 to 12 meters that these creatures try to stay so that in a dangerous situation they can acquire the color of the ground or the nearest plant. In the “calm” time for harlequins, they slowly swim upside down in search of food. Looking at a photo of the harlequin pipe-nosed, it is easy to guess that they are related to seahorses and needles. However, they differ markedly in appearance: for example, the harlequin has longer fins. By the way, this form of fins helps the ghost fish to bear offspring. With the help of elongated pelvic fins, covered on the inside with filamentous outgrowths, the female harlequin forms a special bag in which she bears eggs.

Narrator 4: Yeti Crab - In 2005, an expedition exploring the Pacific Ocean discovered extremely unusual crabs that were covered in "fur" at a depth of 2,400 meters. Because of this feature (as well as coloration), they were called "yeti crabs". However, it was not fur in the truest sense of the word, but long feathery bristles covering the chest and limbs of crustaceans. According to scientists, many filamentous bacteria live in the bristles. These bacteria purify water from toxic substances emitted by hydrothermal springs, next to which "yeti crabs" live. And there is also an assumption that these same bacteria serve as food for crabs.

Narrator 5: Lyra Sponge - It is a species of carnivorous deep-sea sponge, and was first discovered off the California coast at a depth of 3300-3500 meters in 2012. The sponge lyre gets its name from its harp or lyre-like appearance. So, this animal is kept on the seabed with the help of rhizoids, root-like formations. From their upper part stretches from 1 to 6 horizontal stolons, and on them vertical "branches" with spatulate structures at the end are located at an equal distance from each other.

Presenter 6: Clownfish - Found in almost all tropical and subtropical seas and oceans, clownfish are one of the fastest predators on the planet. After all, they are able to catch prey in less than a second! So, having seen a potential victim, the "clown" will track it down, remaining motionless. Of course, the prey will not notice it, because the fish of this family usually resemble a plant or a harmless animal with their appearance. In some cases, when the prey comes closer, the predator will begin to move the esca, an outgrowth of the anterior dorsal fin that resembles a "fishing rod", which makes the prey even closer. And once a fish or other marine animal gets close enough to the clown, it will suddenly open its mouth and swallow the prey in just 6 milliseconds! Such an attack is so lightning fast that it cannot be seen without slow motion. By the way, the volume of the oral cavity of the fish while catching the victim often increases 12 times.

Narrator 7: Mantis shrimp - Living at shallow depths in tropical and subtropical seas, mantis shrimp have the most complex eyes in the world. If a person can distinguish 3 primary colors, then the mantis shrimp - 12. Also, these animals perceive ultraviolet and infrared light. Such eyes enable mantis shrimp to recognize different types of corals, their prey and predators. In addition, during the hunt, it is important for cancer to deliver accurate blows with its pointed grasping legs, which is also helped by its eyes. By the way, sharp, serrated segments on grasping legs also help mantis shrimp to cope with a prey or predator, which can be much larger in size. So, during the attack, the mantis shrimp makes several quick kicks with its legs, which causes serious damage to the victim or kills her.

Narrator 1: Anglerfish, Monkfish, Anglerfish - This deep-sea monster can easily become any diver's nightmare and is rightfully considered the ugliest fish on planet Earth. As if ashamed of their ugliness, anglers live in the depths of the sea, where the sun's rays do not penetrate. The depths at which these creatures live are truly amazing: in 2006, a female monkfish was discovered in the Mediterranean Ocean at a depth of 1.86 km. Fishing fish spend most of their lives at the very bottom, where they burrow into silt or sand. Due to their deep-sea habitation, the skin of these fish has a dark gray or dark brown color, which would make them inconspicuous if it were not for a huge flat head dotted with spikes and a giant mouth opening. The palate and jaws have several rows of razor-sharp, inward-curving teeth. Some anglerfish can reach 2 meters in length and weigh up to 28 kilograms.

Presenter 2: Drop fish - This fish is somewhat reminiscent of a person with an unhappy expression on his face, upset by his ugliness. It lives mainly off the coast of Tasmania at a depth of 800 meters and feeds on mollusks and sea ​​urchins. The fish-drop does not have an air bubble, and the body consists of a jelly-like substance, slightly denser than water, which allows it to easily move along the seabed.

Teacher: Despite the fact that water occupies 70% of the surface of our planet, the seas and oceans remain a mystery to humans. No more than 5% of the world's oceans have been explored, the rest of it is beyond the knowledge of people. But everyone knows how rash human activity and his mistakes affect the sea and its inhabitants. And sometimes, these mistakes are costly.
The seas and oceans, their numerous inhabitants are in danger due to the fault of man, who pollutes the waters with toxic substances, plastic waste, oil products. In addition, the problem of poaching and uncontrolled fishing is very acute. Many species of marine animals have already disappeared due to the fault of man, and even more are under the threat of extinction. According to the UN, over the past 100 years, fish species such as tuna, cod, marlin have been caught by 90%. About 21 million barrels of oil are poured into the seas and oceans every year. Synthetic waste dumped into large bodies of water kills one million seabirds and 100,000 marine mammals a year.

We must remember that man is only a part of nature. Destroying the environment on which we depend, we lead ourselves to death.

Let's save our planet!

Galina Severina
Abstract of the lesson on the topic; Children's World Oceans Day preparatory group

Target: Acquaintance children happy holiday« World Oceans Day» .


Educational: introduce children for the purpose of this holiday. To form an idea of ​​the richness of the underwater world, the benefits of the seas and oceans for man, as well as what every inhabitant of the planet Earth can do to save them.

educational: Broaden your horizons children about the flora and fauna of the seabed.

Educational: To cultivate a caring attitude and a desire to help in the conservation of the seas and their biological resources.

Material:globe, pictures oceans and their inhabitants, landscape sheets, colored pencils.

Lesson progress

caregiver: Guys, guess riddles

Here - where we do not throw our eyes -

Water blue expanse.

In it, the wave rises as a wall,

White crest above the wave.

And sometimes it's quiet here.

Did everyone recognize him? (Ocean)

It is made up of seas.

Come on, answer quickly.

This is not a glass of water

Ah, huge... ocean.

caregiver: today guys awesome holiday -"world oceans day". It is celebrated annually, on June 8.

« world oceans day» widely observed everyone who has anything to do with the World ocean. Environmental scientists, ichthyologists, staff of many aquariums, zoos, dolphinariums.

caregiver: Guys, what do you think the goals of this holiday? (answers)

caregiver: The purpose of this holiday in everything world is to draw attention to the problem of preserving the seas and their biological resources. Water on Earth is a necessary condition for the life of all organisms, including humans.

Scientists believe that life originated in salt water oceans, and only later living organisms came to land. But it turned out that oceans on which life depends, man knows worst.

Now studying oceanic depths has become one of the most important tasks. For this, special devices: bathyspheres, bathyscaphes, specially equipped ships and submarines.

caregiver: Guys, let's look at the globe, what is more on the earth surfaces: water or land? (water)

(More than 2/3 of the Earth's surface is covered with a water shell - World ocean. Blue color is much more on the globe than green, yellow, brown. World ocean--continuous water surface of the Earth (dictionary)

caregiver: On the globe 4 ocean.

Quiet ocean - the largest ocean on earth.

Atlantic ocean- Second by size ocean after the pacific

Indian Ocean - Earth's third largest ocean

Arctic ocean. - The smallest in area Earth's ocean,

caregiver: Living world oceans very diverse At present in the seas and oceans more than 20 thousand species of fish and many other marine animals: from mammals - whales and dolphins, as well as small crustaceans, mollusks from small snails to giant squids and octopuses. Known deep-sea squid, which reach with their tentacles 14 meters in length. Predatory fish - white sharks, nicknamed "sea robbers", terrify all aquatic inhabitants.

caregiver: I suggest you go to the bottom ocean and see what inhabitants live there.

Fizkultminutka. "IN ocean» .

It was in March, we sailed on a ship,

IN the ocean floated, many new things have been discovered,

IN ocean - wind, were not afraid, held on to the little fingers!

IN ocean - waves, were not afraid, we held on to the shoulders!

IN ocean - storm, were not afraid, we all held on to the backs!

IN ocean - storm, were not afraid, they held on to their knees!

IN ocean - friendship, were not afraid, we all held hands, never parted!

caregiver: Now we can sink to the bottom ocean. Look around, what do you see?

Answers children.

caregiver: Let's get to know some of the inhabitants.

He is like a house, huge,

But calm and humble.

Eats in the sea and sleeps in the sea -

This is how he lives in the world. (whale)

This fish is an evil predator,

Everyone will be swallowed up.

Showing her teeth, she yawned

And went to the bottom. (shark)

A transparent umbrella floats.

"I'll burn it! - threatens. - Do not touch!

She has paws and a belly.

What is her name? (Jellyfish)

He pinches painfully

And screams: "Enough for me!

I'm tired. I am not your slave."

Scared the neighbors. (crab)

Looks so much like a horse

And he lives in the sea too.

That's the fish! Skok yes skok -

Jumping sea. (skate)

Both on land and in water -

Carries the house with him everywhere.

Traveling without fear

In this house. (turtle)

What kind of cloak tailed, dark

Breaks the waves in the sea?

Carefully! It has a rank.

He is electric. (slope)

What kind of ball floats with spikes,

Quietly flapping its fins?

Just don't take it in your hands.

This ball is. (hedgehog fish)

He is a real circus performer -

Kicks the ball with his nose.

They know both the French and the Finn:

Likes to play. (dolphin)

caregiver: Well done guys, you guessed all the inhabitants.

caregiver: Let's draw the inhabitants oceans.

Finger gymnastics "Dolphins"

Dolphins somersault

And ride the waves.

On the back

On the tummy

They float like steamboats.

Fold the palm of each hand in the form of an inverted handful. Perform undulating movements (dolphins swim).

Turn your palms up, perform wave-like movements with them (dolphins swim).

Turn your palms down, perform wave-like movements with them (dolphins swim).

caregiver: Guys, what holiday you learned today? (Answers children)

caregiver: Let's play a little.

mobile game "Ocean is shaking"

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"Journey with Captain Vrungel across the oceans!"

Target: consolidate children's knowledge of the ocean ecosystem. Develop Creative skills children, ingenuity, ingenuity, erudition. To educate in children love and respect for the natural environment.

Characters: Captain Vrungel, boatswain Scrap

The action of the holiday takes place in a hall decorated like a ship. On the central wall there is a screen for viewing slides. The screen is designed as a large porthole.

Holiday progress:

Educator: Guys, today in kindergarten, the postman brought an audio letter. Want to know what it says and who sent it? Then let's listen carefully. (Includes a cassette with a letter).

Voice: Hello dear children of Kindergarten No.… I am the Water Fairy! I heard that you love nature very much and take care of it. Today, all the inhabitants of the water kingdom of the Earth celebrate World Oceans Day. And I invite you to take part in it, and go on a journey across the oceans on the ship of Captain Vrungel and his assistant Lom. Happy travels!

Educator: Well, guys, let's go on a trip to the oceans? (Suddenly a whistle sounds and Captain Vrungel enters the group)

Captain Vrungel: All hands on deck! Hello brave guys! I heard that you are going to travel the oceans with me today! Ready? Then it's time for us to go to my ship, but first, my assistant Lom will help all the boys turn into real sailors! To do this, all the boys will wear a sailor uniform. (Boys wear sailor collars and peakless caps). And the girls will be the most honored guests of my ship. It's time for the ship!

(Children, along with captain Vrungel and boatswain Lom, go to the music room)

Captain Vrungel: (Blows the whistle) All hands on deck! Take your seats and it's time for us to set sail. (Children sit on chairs).

Educator: Captain Vrungel, where will we sail first?

Captain Vrungel: Well, the ocean, of course!

Educator: And which one first?

Captain Vrungel: Isn't there only one ocean? Do we have many of them on Earth?

Educator: Certainly! And our guys even know what they are called. Guys, let's help Captain Vrungel - let's name the oceans and show on the globe where they are.

(Children take turns calling all five oceans, and find them on the globe).

Captain Vrungel: Well done boys!

Scrap: Of course, well done, but it’s not so difficult to remember the five names of the oceans, and it’s not difficult to find them on the globe at all, the names are written there, I read it myself! But try to guess my riddles, then we will see how smart you are!

It is made up of seas.

Come on, answer quickly.

This is not a glass of water

Ah, huge ... (ocean)

The giant city walks

To work in the ocean. (Ship)

These super reservoirs

We will find everything on the globe,

They are easy to guess

There are only five of them! (Oceans: Pacific, Atlantic, Indian,

Arctic and South Arctic)

Scrap: Well done! All riddles solved! Captain, with such smart guys you can go on any voyage.

Captain Vrungel: Well, then let's start our journey across the oceans. And to make it fun, come on, sailors, let's dance a sailor's dance!

Dance of the boys "Sailor dance"

Educator: Guys, what can you tell about the ocean? (Guys talk about the ocean)

Scrap: I wonder who lives in the depths of the ocean?

Captain Vrungel: But let's look through our porthole and find out.

(View slideshow "Inhabitants of the ocean")

Educator: Captain Vrungel, Lom, have you noticed what beautiful fish live in the depths of the ocean? What kind of multi-colored tails do they have that develop like ribbons?!

Our girls can also turn into colorful fish!

Dance of girls with ribbons to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers"

Captain Vrungel: Yes, guys, you know a lot, you dance beautifully! And now we will check how attentive you are!

Game "Confusion" Children are offered cut pictures depicting the inhabitants of the oceans (dolphin, whale, starfish, jellyfish, stingray fish, etc.). Parts of the pictures are mixed up, you need to correctly fold the image of the animal.

Educator: Our guys not only know a lot about the life of the oceans, but also about how the ocean helps people.

Captain Vrungel: Now we will check it! Look through our porthole and tell me what kind of ocean help do you see?

(View slideshow "Human interaction with the ocean")

Educator: Guys, does a person always take care of the ocean?

What harm can humans do to the ocean?

How can the ocean be protected?

The ocean is a home for many living beings, it is water, without which there can be no life on Earth, and therefore the Ocean must be protected and protected.

(Suddenly a loud cry of Loma is heard)

Scrap: Captain, trouble! On the right side of the board I see a spot of spilled oil on the water!

Educator: Guys, how dangerous is oil on the surface of the ocean? How can we help the inhabitants of the ocean? (Clean the surface of the water from the oil oil stain)

Captain Vrungel: Volunteers are required to participate in the operation to clean up the ocean from oil! To select the most dexterous, we will conduct a test.

Relay game: "Who will fill the basin with water faster."

Children are divided into two teams. You need to run to a bucket of water, fill a glass with water with a spoon. Run with a glass of water to the basin and pour the water from the glass into the basin. Pass the glass to the next player.

The team that spills the least water and fills the basin with water the fastest wins.

Captain Vrungel: we have chosen the most dexterous, now we need to swim up to the oil slick and collect it from the surface of the water.

Experimental game: "Collect an oil stain from the surface of the water."

Children are invited, using the proposed materials (spoon, strainer, small pieces of blotting paper, sawdust, cocktail tube) to collect an oil stain from the surface of the water.

The correct action is to sprinkle the oil stain with sawdust or pieces of blotting paper, allow the oil to soak in, and then collect everything from the surface with a strainer.

Captain Vrungel: Well done boys! You coped with the disaster and saved the lives of many inhabitants of the ocean!

Educator: The journey was very interesting, but it's time for us to return to kindergarten.

Captain Vrungel: Well, then, in parting, I want to please you with the sounds of the ocean. Close your eyes and listen.

(Sounds of the ocean are heard: the sound of waves, the cry of seagulls, etc.) At the end of the sounds, the children open their eyes. An image of a kindergarten appears on the screen.

Captain Vrungel: Look, guys, your kindergarten has appeared on the horizon. The journey has come to an end! Did you enjoy traveling on the ocean? You were brave, brave on our journey, and Lom and I want to give you small souvenirs - shells - as a keepsake of our oceanic journey!

Educator: And our children will read poems that will help people remember that it is necessary to protect all living things that surround us.

Child 1: On our earthly ball,

Where we were born and live

Where is the summer dew in the grass

And blue skies!

Where is the sea, mountains, steppes, forest -

Full of mysterious wonders.

Child 2: A gray wolf roams the forest

And a thin lily of the valley blooms,

In the steppe, feather grass, like delicate silk,

The wind blows.

A waterfall thunders on the rocks,

And rainbow splashes fly.

And in the blue sea a fat whale -

Big as a house, sleeping on the waves.

Educator: Don't destroy this world

Girls and boys

Otherwise these miracles

Remain only in the book!
