Committee of 300 plans for China. "N-Novgorod: we hate all those who are not in the ass!"

According to Bhutto's affidavit, smuggled out of the country while he was in prison, Kissinger seriously threatened him: "I will teach you and everyone else a terrible lesson if you continue your policy of strengthening the country." Bhutto confronted Kissinger and the Club of Rome by calling for a nuclear power program to turn Pakistan into a modern industrial state, which in the eyes of the Committee of 300 was a direct defiance of his orders given by Kissinger to the Pakistani government. Kissinger's threats to Bhutto were not part of official US policy; this was the policy of the modern "Illuminati". It is necessary to clearly understand why nuclear power is so hated around the world and why the fictitious "environmental" movement created and funded by the "Club of Rome" is used for the war against nuclear power. With the help of nuclear power to generate huge amounts of cheap electricity, third world countries would gradually become independent of US financial assistance and begin to assert their sovereignty. Electricity generated by nuclear power plants is the key to lifting developing countries out of the backward state that the Committee of 300 has ordered to continue.
Less foreign aid would mean less IMF control over the natural resources of developing countries. It is the idea of ​​genuine self-determination for developing countries that has been anathematized by both the Club of Rome and the Committee of 300 that stands over it. We have seen how the anti-nuclear energy movement in the United States was successfully used to stall the industrial development of the country in accordance with the plans of the Club, which provide for “ zero post-industrial growth.”
Dependence on US financial aid effectively keeps foreign countries in thrall to the "Council on Foreign Relations." The people of the countries that receive such assistance get only a measly crumb, and the bulk ends up in the pockets of government leaders, who allow the IMF to predatory siphon natural resources from the country. Mugabe, the leader of Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia), is a prime example of foreign control of the country's raw materials, in this case high-quality chromium ore. Now all of Zimbabwe's commodity reserves are wholly controlled by Lonrho, a giant conglomerate run on behalf of his cousin Queen Elizabeth II by an important Committee of 300 member, Angus Ogilvie. At the same time, the country's population is sinking deeper into poverty and poverty, despite the allocated $300 million in aid from the United States.
Lonrho has a monopoly on Rhodesian (Zimbabwean) chrome and can charge whatever price it wants, but that was not allowed under the Smith regime. A reasonable price level was maintained for 20 years before Mugabe came to power. Although there were problems in the country during the 14-year rule of Ian Smith, but after his removal, unemployment quadrupled, and now Zimbabwe is in a state of chaos and virtual bankruptcy. Mugabe received enough foreign aid from the US (about $300 million a year) to enable him to build three hotels on the Côte d'Azur in France, at Cap Ferat and Monte Carlo, while his people suffered from disease, unemployment and malnutrition. not to mention a regime of brutal dictatorship that suppresses any protest. Compare this to the Smith regime, which never asked for or received a cent from the US. It is quite clear that foreign aid is a powerful means of controlling Zimbabwe and other African countries.
In addition, foreign aid keeps US citizens in a state of involuntary dependence, and therefore they are completely unable to create serious opposition to the government. David Rockefeller knew what he was doing when his Foreign Aid Bill became law in 1946. The bill has since become one of the most hated laws in the country, especially after the public exposure of government racketeering that we the common people have to pay for.
How do the conspirators manage to keep the whole world by the throat, and especially the United States and Great Britain? The question most often asked is: “How can one single organization know everything that is going on in the world at any given time, and how does it exercise control in general?” This book will try to answer this and other questions. The only way to really oppose the success of the conspirators is to openly name and develop a discussion about secret societies and organizations that serve as a front for these societies, government agencies, banks, insurance companies, multinational corporations, the oil industry, hundreds of thousands of other organizations and foundations hiding under different signs, but nevertheless subordinate to the Committee of 300 - the SUPREME controlling body that has been ruling the world for at least a hundred years.
Since dozens of books have already been written about the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission, let's go straight to the Club of Rome and the German Marshall Fund. Before I published information about these organizations in the United States, very few people had heard of them. My first work, The Club of Rome, published in 1983, attracted almost no attention. Many uninitiated people thought that the "Club of Rome" was something to do with catholic church, and the "German Marshall Fund" is associated with the "Marshall Plan".
That is why the Committee chooses such names in order to confuse the situation and divert attention from what is happening. The US government cannot be unaware of this, but since it is part of a conspiracy, it will do everything possible to promote cover-up in order to prevent the truth from coming to light. A few years after the publication of my work, there were writers who suddenly saw in it a rich source of fresh unique information and began to write and talk on this topic, as if they had already thoroughly understood it for a long time.
It was a revelation to them that the Club of Rome and its financiers called the German Marshall Fund were well-organized affiliates of the conspirators operating under the auspices of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and that most of the Club of Rome's functionaries came from NATO. All the main provisions of NATO policy were formulated by the Club of Rome, which, thanks to the activities of the Committee of 300 member Lord Carrington, was able to split NATO into two factions: the political power group (left) and the military structure itself.
The Club of Rome continues to be one of the main foreign policy divisions of the Committee of 300, another such division is the Bilderberg Club (Bilderbergers). It was created in 1968 after Aurelio Peccei personally contacted those who originally formed the backbone of the Morgenthau Group by telephone and called on them to reunite in order to give new impetus and accelerate the implementation of plans for the creation of the One World Government, which is now called New World Order, although I prefer the former name. It describes the essence of this phenomenon much better than the name “New World Order”, which only introduces confusion, since there have already been several “new world orders” in history, but there was no One World Government yet.
All the most odious "architects of the future" from the United States, France, Sweden, Great Britain, Switzerland and Japan responded to Peccei's call. During the period from 1968 to 1972, the Club of Rome turned into an organization that brought together scientists of the “new science”, globalists, futurists and internationalists of various stripes. As one of its members put it, “We have become like the multi-coloured garments of Joseph.” The doctrine adopted by the political wing of NATO was based on Peccei's book Human Qualities.
The following is an excerpt from this book by Peccei:
“For the first time since the Christian world approached the threshold of the first millennium, huge masses of people are in anxious expectation of the inevitable onset of something unknown that can completely change their common destiny ... A person does not know what it means to be real modern man… Man invented the tale of the Evil Devil, but if ever there was an evil devil, then THIS IS THE MAN HIMSELF… We have here the human paradox: man has become trapped by his exceptional abilities and achievements like quicksand - the more he uses his power , the more it is required. “We must tirelessly repeat that it is foolish to explain the current deeply pathological and painful state of mankind by some kind of cyclical crisis or a random combination of circumstances. Ever since humanity opened a Pandora's box of new technologies, it has been plagued by uncontrolled population growth, growth mania, energy crises, actual or potential resource shortages, pollution, nuclear madness, and a host of other similar disasters.
This completely coincides with the program of the "green" movement, which arose much later with the support of the same "Club of Rome" to slow down and reverse industrial development.
Broadly, the Club of Rome's proposed agenda includes the development and dissemination of "post-industrial" ideas in the United States, along with the promotion of countercultural movements and habits such as drugs, rock, sex, hedonism, Satanism, witchcraft, and the "green movement." . The Tavistock Institute, the Stanford Research Institute, the Institute for Social Relations, as well as the widest range of other research organizations in the field of applied social psychiatry, either had representatives in the Club of Rome or acted as its advisors and played a leading role in NATO's attempts to adopt the ideology of the "Conspiracy of the Age of Aquarius" as a guide.
The name "New World Order" is believed to have come into use after the 1991 Gulf War, while the One World Government has been in existence for hundreds of years. The New World Order is not new, it existed and developed in one form or another for a long time, but it is nevertheless perceived as a program of FUTURE DEVELOPMENT, which is not true; The New World Order is PAST AND PRESENT. That is why I wrote above that the name “One World Government” should be considered more correct. Aurelio Peccei once confessed to his close friend Alexander Haig that he feels like "Adam Weishaupt reincarnated." To a large extent, Peccei had Weishaupt's brilliant ability to organize and manage the modern Illuminati, and this was evident in the way Peccei managed NATO and formulated its policies on a global scale.

For three decades, Peccei chaired the Atlantic Institute's Economic Council while serving as chief executive of Giovanni Agnelli's Fiat Motor Company. Agnelli, a member of an ancient Italian family from the "Black Nobility", is one of the most important members of the Committee of 300. He played a leading role in the development of projects in the Soviet Union.
The "Club of Rome" is the official front for a conspiratorial organization that is an alliance of Anglo-American financiers and the old families of the "Black Nobility" of Europe, especially the so-called "aristocracy" of London, Venice and Genoa. The secret of their successful control of the world is that they are able to create controlled economic downturns and depressions. The Committee of 300 sees global social upheavals and economic depressions as a preparatory tool for more serious events to come and the main method of creating whole masses of people around the world who will become obedient recipients of its "unemployment benefits" in the future.
Apparently, many of the Committee's important decisions regarding humanity are worked out on the basis of the philosophy of the Polish aristocrat Felix Dzerzhinsky, who believed that people were slightly superior in development to cattle. Being a close friend of the British intelligence officer Sydney Reilly (in fact, Reilly controlled the actions of Dzerzhinsky during the development of the Bolshevik revolution), he often frankly with him during drinking bouts. Dzerzhinsky is the same monster who headed the red terror apparatus. Once during another drinking session, he said to Reilly the following: “A person does not matter. See what happens when you starve him. It begins to eat its dead counterparts in order to survive. Man is only interested in his own survival. Only this is real. The entire Spinoza philosophy is a heap of rubbish.”
The Club of Rome has its own private intelligence agencies and, in addition, "borrows" information from INTERPOL, controlled by David Rockefeller. All US intelligence services, as well as the KGB and Mossad, work very closely with him. The only intelligence service that did not fall under his influence was the intelligence of the GDR "Stasi" (STASSY). The Club of Rome also has its own well-organized political and economic agencies. They were the ones who ordered President Reagan to keep Paul Volcker, another important member of the Committee of 300, in office. Volcker remained chairman of the US Federal Reserve, despite candidate Reagan's assurances that he would remove him as soon as he, Reagan, was elected president. .
Having played a key role in the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Club of Rome attempted to impose its "crisis management" program (the forerunner of FEMA, the "Federal Emergency Management Agency") on President Kennedy. Several Tavistock scientists visited the President to explain the program to him, but the President rejected all their advice. The same year that Kennedy was assassinated, Tavistock representatives again began negotiations with NASA in Washington. This time the negotiations were successful. NASA awarded Tavistock a contract to assess the impact of its future space program on American public opinion.
The execution of the contract was entrusted to the Stanford Research Institute and the Rand Corporation. Much of the material from this project, prepared by Tavistock, the Stanford Institute, and Rand, never saw the light of day and remains closed to this day. Several Senate review committees and subcommittees I contacted for information told me that they had "never heard of it" and had no idea where I could find what I was looking for. Such is the power and prestige of the Committee of 300.
In 1966, my intelligence colleagues advised me to contact Dr. Anatol Rappaport, who wrote a paper that the administration was said to be interested in. The purpose of this document was to end NASA's space program, which Rappoport argued had long since lost its usefulness. Rappaport was happy to provide me with a copy of his paper, the essence of which, without going into details, was that the entire NASA space program should be thrown into a landfill. There were too many scientists at NASA who were a bad influence on America, because they were always happy to lecture at schools and universities about how rockets work, from the principle of their movement to the details of design. Rappoport argued that this would lead to the emergence in the future of a whole generation of adults who decided to become specialists in space exploration, who at one fine moment would turn out to be “superfluous”, since by the year 2000 their knowledge would be useless.
As soon as the Club of Rome submitted this brief Rappoport report on NASA to NATO, the Committee of 300 demanded action. Among the NATO functionaries - members of the "Club of Rome" who were tasked with campaigning against NASA were: Harland Cleveland, Joseph Slater, Claiborne C. Pell, Walter J. Levy, George McGee, William Watts, Robert Strauss-Houpe (U.S. Ambassador in NATO) and Donald Lesh. In May 1967, a meeting called the "Conference on Transatlantic Imbalance and Cooperation" was organized by the "Scientific and Technical Committee of the North Atlantic Assembly" and the "Foreign Policy Research Institute" at the palace belonging to Queen Elizabeth in Deville, France.

The main goal of the Deville conference was to put an end to technological and industrial progress in the United States. The materials of the conference formed the basis of two books, one of which, Brzezinski's Technotronic Era, has already been mentioned by us. Another was written by the chairman of the conference, Aurelio Peccei, and is called "In front of the abyss" ("The Chasm Ahhead"). Peccei basically agrees with Brzezinski, but added that in the future the world will be thrown into chaos IF IT IS NOT GOVERNED BY A ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. In this regard, Peccei insisted that Soviet Union“convergence with NATO” should be proposed, and this convergence will culminate in equal partnership with the US in the New World Order. Both nations will have to be in charge of the future "crisis management and global planning". The Club of Rome awarded the first "global planning contract" to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), one of the major research institutes Committee of 300. Jay Forrestor and Denise Meadows were put in charge of the project.
What was the point of their report? In essence, it did not differ from the sermons of Malthus and Von Hayek (Frederich Von Hayek), that is, the old question was raised again that natural resources would not be enough for everyone. The Forrestor-Meadows report was an outright hoax. It deliberately kept silent about the fact that the creative genius of man, having proven its strength, will in any case find a solution to the problem of lack of resources. Cold fusion energy, the Committee of 300's mortal enemy, can be used to CREATE natural resources. For example, with the help of cold fusion energy, it is possible to produce so much aluminum from one square kilometer of waste rock that it will be enough to satisfy our needs for 4 years.
Peccei never stopped preaching against nation-states. He constantly asserted that they were a brake on the progress of mankind and called for "collective responsibility". Nationalism as a cancerous tumor on a person is the theme of several important speeches delivered by Peccei. His close friend Erwin Laszlo wrote a report in a similar vein in 1977 called "The Goals of Humanity." This work was an important milestone in the studies of the Club of Rome. The entire report, which is essentially a policy document, consists of caustic attacks against industrial growth and urbanization. During all these years, Kissinger, as an authorized representative of the "Royal Institute of International Affairs", maintained a close relationship with Moscow. Kissinger's friends in the Kremlin received regular reports on the "global simulation".
Regarding Third World countries, Club of Rome member Harland Cleveland prepared a report that was the height of cynicism. At the time, Cleveland was the United States Ambassador to NATO. In essence, the report said that the countries of the third world should decide among themselves how much of their population should be destroyed. Peccei later wrote (on the basis of the Cleveland report): “Disturbed by the policy of confrontation between the three largest countries and blocs around the world, the existing international economic order is coming apart at the seams before our eyes ... The need to resort to the selection of those who must be saved is a very gloomy prospect . But if, unfortunately, events develop in this direction, the right to make such decisions should not belong to only a few countries, since this will give them a sinister power over the lives of the hungry all over the world.
This is the origin of the Committee's policy of targeted starvation of African nations, as seen in the countries south of the Sahara Desert. It was just disgusting cynicism, since the Committee of 300 had already arrogated to itself the sole control of life and death, and Peccei knew this. He had previously pointed this out in his book The Limits to Growth. Peccei completely denied industrial and agricultural progress and instead demanded that the whole world submit to one coordinating council, meaning, of course, the Club of Rome and the NATO institutions that make up the One World Government.
Natural resources must be allocated as part of global planning. Nation-states must either accept the leadership of the "Club of Rome" or live by the law of the jungle and fight for their survival. In the first “trial case,” Meadows and Forrestor planned for the 1973 Arab-Israeli war to make it clear to the world that natural resources such as oil should in the future come under the control of global planners, meaning, of course, the Committee of 300.
The Tavistock Institute called for consultations with Peccei, which also included McGeorge Bundy, Homer Perlmutter and Dr. Alexander King (Dr. Alexander King). From London, Peccei traveled to the White House, where he met with the president and his cabinet. This was followed by a visit to the US State Department, where he conferred with the Secretary of State, the heads of the State Department's intelligence service and the State Policy Planning Council. Thus, the United States government was fully aware of the plans of the Committee of 300 for this country from the very beginning. Here is the answer to the frequently asked question: "Why does our government allow the Club of Rome to subvert the United States?"
Volker's economic and monetary policy was a reflection of Sir Geoffrey Howe, British Chancellor of the Exchequer, a member of the Committee of 300. This exemplifies how Britain has ruled the United States since the War of 1812 and continues to exercise control over the country through the policies of the Committee of 300.
What are the goals of this secret elite group, the heirs of the Illuminati ("Conquering wind of Moria" - Moriah Conquering Wind), the cult of Dionysus, the cult of Isis, the Cathars, the Bogomils? The members of this elite group, who also call themselves "OLYMPIANS" (they truly believe that they are equal in position and power to the legendary gods of Olympus, who placed themselves, like their god Lucifer, above our true God) firmly believe that they are called by divine right to do the following:

(1) Establish the rule of One World Government - New World Order with a united church and monetary system under their control. Few people know that the One World Government began to establish its "church" in the 1920s and 30s, for it recognizes the need to provide an outlet for mankind's natural need for religious faith, and so it established a "church" organization to channel that faith into what is desirable for yourself the course.
(2) Complete destruction of national identity and national dignity.
(3) The destruction of religions, and in particular Christianity, with the sole exception of its created religion, mentioned above.
(4) Controlling every human being without exception through the use of mind control tools, as well as through what Brzezinski called "technotronics", which will create humanoid robots and a system of terror that will make Felix Dzerzhinsky's red terror look like child's play.
(5) The complete cessation of all industrial development and the production of electricity at nuclear stations in the so-called "post-industrial society with zero growth." The exception will be the computer industry and the service industry. The surviving industry of the United States will be transferred to countries such as Mexico, where slave labor is plentiful. The unemployed that emerge from the destruction of industry will either become heroin or cocaine addicts or become figures in the destruction process known today as Global 2000.
(6) Legalization of drugs and pornography.
(7) Reducing the population of large cities according to the scenario worked out by the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia. It is interesting to note that the genocidal plans for Pol Pot were developed here in the United States by one of the research centers of the Club of Rome. It is also interesting that the Committee is now striving to bring the Pol Pot assassins back to power in Cambodia.
(8) Cessation of all research activities except those deemed useful by the Committee. The main efforts should be directed against the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Of particular hatred are experiments on cold thermonuclear fusion, which are currently discredited and ridiculed in every possible way by the Committee and the press subordinate to it. The creation of reactors based on cold thermonuclear fusion would not leave a stone unturned from the Committee's concept of "limited natural resources." With the help of such power plants, with their proper use, it is possible to create any substances and materials from the most common rocks. The possibilities of using cold fusion reactors are truly endless, and they can bring such benefits to mankind that people do not yet have even a remote idea of.
(9) Through limited wars in the developed countries, and in the Third World through famine and disease, to exterminate 3 billion people by the year 2000 - what they call "useless eaters". On this issue, the Committee of 300 commissioned Cyrus Vance to write a paper on how best to carry out this genocide. This work was published under the title "Report Global 2000» (Global 2000 Report) and was approved and accepted as a guide to action by the US government in the person of President Carter, as well as the US State Department in the person of the then Secretary of State Edwin Muskie. According to the provisions of Global 2000, the population of the United States by 2050 should be reduced to 100 million people.
(10) Weaken the morale of the nation and demoralize the working class by creating mass unemployment. As jobs are cut by the Club of Rome's zero industrial growth policy, demoralized and frustrated workers will become addicted to alcohol and drugs. The youth of the country, through rock music and drugs, will be encouraged to revolt against the existing order, as a result of which the foundations of the family will be undermined and eventually destroyed. The Committee of 300 commissioned the Tavistock Institute to prepare a draft plan to achieve these goals. Tavistock, in turn, entrusted this work to Stanford University, where, under the guidance of Professor Willis Harmon, this plan was drawn up, which then became known as the "Conspiracy of the Age of Aquarius."
(11) Do not allow peoples to decide their own destiny by artificially creating various crisis situations for this purpose with the subsequent "management" of these crises. This will weaken and demoralize the population to such an extent that, given too much choice, the masses of people will simply fall into apathy. The United States has already created a special crisis management agency. It's called the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and I first publicly announced it in 1980. More information about FEMA will be presented later in the book.
(12) Creation of new cults and continued support of existing ones, which include such gangsters from rock music as the filthy degenerate Mick Jagger's band the Rolling Stones (a group that enjoys special reverence among the European "Black aristocracy"), as well as all rock - groups created by Tavistock, starting with the Beatles. The continuation of the cult of Christian fundamentalism founded by Darby, an acolyte of the British East India Company. In reality, this cult will be aimed at strengthening the Zionist state of Israel by identifying the cultists with the Jews through the myth of "God's chosen people", and by making significant financial contributions to what the cultists mistakenly consider to be a good religious cause aimed at strengthening Christianity.
(14) Facilitating the spread of religious cults such as the Muslim Brotherhood, Muslim fundamentalists of various stripes, Sikhism, and experimenting with murder along the lines of Jim Jones' Sons of Sam. It should be noted that the late Ayatollah Khomeini was a creature of the sixth branch of the military intelligence of the British Intelligence Service, known as MI-6 (MI-6), which I wrote about in 1985 in the work "What really happened in Iran."
(15) Spreading the ideas of "religious liberation" throughout the world in order to undermine existing religions and especially Christianity. It started with the "Jesuit theology of liberation", which led to the fall of the Somoza regime in Nicaragua, and today is the destruction of El Salvador, which has been in a state of " civil war”, Costa Rica and Honduras. One of the most active organizations promoting so-called liberation theology is the pro-communist Mary Knoll Mission. This explains the close attention mass media to the murder in El Salvador a few years ago of four so-called Maria Knoll nuns.
These four nuns were subversive agents of the communists, and their activities were detailed in the documents of the government of El Salvador. American news agencies and the press categorically refused to publish or comment on the numerous documents that the El Salvadorian government had, which contained evidence of what the nuns of the Maria Knoll Mission were actually doing in the country. Maria Knoll is active in many countries, she played a leading role in the spread of communism in Rhodesia, Mozambique, Angola and South Africa.
(16) Creation of a general crisis in the world economy and the generation of general political chaos.

Illuminati, Freemasons, World Government, Bilderberg Club, Committee of 300, Conspiracy of the Rich, Rothschild, Queen of England, Rockefeller, Morgan, private club Bohemian Grove.

Plans of the Committee of 300 or Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
The protocols were partly published in Russia.

Bush Father.

Bush Son.

Titanic: Report from the other world, part 2

There is a WORLD FINANCIAL POWER in the world
controlling the world economy.
Bilderberg Club- the most respected political club in the world.
Committee of 300 (three hundred) secretly rules the world through a network of subsidiaries that are formally unrelated to each other.
Committee of Three Hundred, also known as the Order of the New World Order - World Government (first meeting in 1897).

Who is on the Committee of 300:
- Chairman David Rockefeller (97, son of John Rockefeller).
John Rockefeller is the richest man on Earth, the first dollar billionaire on Earth.
In 1987, he owned 95% of America's oil production.
His personal fortune at the time of his death was estimated at $1.5 billion ($192 billion in modern money).
- Executive Director Sbigniew Brzezinski (author of the plan for the dismemberment of Russia);
- 10th President of the World Bank, Paul Wolfowitz;
- Condoleezza Rice;
- US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld;
- Hillary Clinton;
- Former Head of the IMF Dominique Strauskan;
- The Queen of England (finances the secret services);
+ 120 richest people in the world.

The committee holds annual meetings. In 2011, the meeting was held in Switzerland.
At these meetings:
- prices for oil and gold are set;
- decide the fate of countries;
- decisions on military actions are made;
- Presidents are appointed.

Purpose of the Committee of 300:
1. World domination.
2. Single currency.
3. United army.

Freemasons are the successors of the Order of the Illuminati, which was founded on May 1, 1776 with money from the Rothschild family by Adam Weishaupt, a German professor of philosophy and alchemist.
2 months after the creation of the Order, a new state of the USA appeared on the world map.
The symbol of the Freemasons on the one dollar bill is an all-seeing eye with the inscription: New World Order.

In the autumn of 1875, an Illuminati courier was killed by lightning in Paris. In his bag, they found a document with the title "Satan's New Testament". Thus the world became aware of the Conspiracy.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the document was called the Protocol of the Elders of Zion.
The document is currently called Committee of 300 Plans.

John Coleman - British intelligence officer, published Secrets of the World Government in 1995:
1. Control over every person without exception through the use of mind control tools.
2. Complete cessation of all industrial development and production.
3. Legalization of drugs and pornography.
4. Reducing the population of large cities according to the scenario worked out by Pol Pot in Cambodia.
5. Termination of all research work.
In December 2012, the appointment of a single political leader with superhuman abilities is expected.
From the prophecies:
“People themselves will appoint the end of the world. They will destroy my body and leave my soul restless. In 100 years, the circumstances of my death will be repeated, and then exactly 100 days will remain before the apocalypse!
John Rockefeller took an active part in the creation of the Committee of 300, financed and supported the Zionist congress in Switzerland (meeting in Basel in 1897).
Abstracts of the Committee of 300:
End quote...
Tolstoy Alexey. Hyperboloid engineer Garin
I seize all the fullness of power on earth. Not a single chimney will smoke without my command, not a single ship will leave the harbor, not a single hammer will strike. Everything is subordinated - up to the right to breathe - to the center. In the center is me. Everything belongs to me.
Then I beat off the "first thousand" - let's say it will be something like two or three million pairs. These are patricians. They indulge in higher pleasures and creativity. For them, we will establish, following the example of ancient Sparta, a special regime so that they do not degenerate into alcoholics and impotents. Then we will establish how many hands are needed to fully maintain the culture. Here we will also make a selection. For politeness, we will call these Trudoviks ...
They will not rebel, no, dear comrade. The possibility of a revolution will be nipped in the bud. After classification and before issuing a work book, each worker will undergo a small operation. Quite imperceptibly, under an accidental anesthesia ... A small puncture through cranial bone. Well, I just felt dizzy - I woke up, and he was already a slave. And finally, we will isolate a separate group somewhere on a beautiful island exclusively for breeding. Everything else will have to be removed as unnecessary. Here is the structure of the future of mankind according to Pyotr Garin. These Trudoviks work and serve meekly for food, like horses. They are no longer human, they have no other anxiety than hunger. They will be happy digesting food. And the elected patricians are already demigods.
I will bring people to the very edge of a terrible abyss when they hold in their hands a kilogram of gold worth five cents.
The first threat to the world will be when I break the golden parity. I can mine gold in any quantity. Then I'll go on the offensive. There will be a war - worse than the fourteenth year. My victory is assured. Then - the selection of the population remaining after the war and my victory, the destruction of unsuitable elements, and the race I have chosen begins to live like gods, and the Trudoviks begin to work not out of fear, but for conscience, satisfied, like the first people in paradise. Deftly? BUT? I do not like?

Imagine a POWERFUL GROUP (that recognizes no national borders), including banking, insurance, coal mining, drug sales, the oil industry, whose members are solely responsible to the members of this group.

This is the Committee of 300.

The Committee of 300 is a completely secret society made up of members of an inviolable ruling class, which includes the Queen of England, the Queen of the Netherlands, the Queen of Denmark and the royal families of Europe. After the death of Queen Victoria, matriarch of the Venetian Black Guelphs, these aristocrats decided that in order to gain power over the whole world, representatives of the aristocracy needed to "participate" on a worldwide scale with non-aristocratic but extremely powerful corporate business leaders, and therefore the doors of absolute power were opened to those whom the Queen of England prefers to call "commoners".

The Committee is the ONLY organized power hierarchy in the world, superior to all governments and individuals, no matter how strong and protected they may feel. It covers finance, defense, and political parties of all colors and types. There is no organization over which the Committee could not establish control, and this also applies to organized world religions. Hence, this is the all-powerful GROUP OF OLYMPIANS, whose center of power is based in London and in the financial centers of the City of London. They own all minerals, metals and precious stones, cocaine, opium and pharmaceutical drugs, banks, they control all kinds of cults and rock music. The British Crown is the center of control from which everything emanates. As the proverb goes: “They have a finger in every pie.” There is no doubt that the communications and telecommunications industry is tightly controlled.

The Committee of 300 has at its disposal a huge bureaucracy, including hundreds of think tanks and official institutions, which manage the widest range of individuals and organizations from private businesses to government leaders. I will mention just a few of them, starting with the German Marshall Fund. Its members (they are also members of NATO and the Club of Rome) include the likes of David Rockefeller of Chase Manhattan Bank, Gabriel Hague of the prestigious Hanover Trust and Finance Corporation, Milton Katz ) of the Ford Foundation, Willy Brandt, leader of the Socialist International, KGB agent and member of the Committee of 300, Irving Bluestone, chairman of the executive board of the United Auto Workers, Russell Train (Russel Train), President of the American Chapter of the World Wildlife Fund (World Wildlife Fund), acting under the patronage of Prince Philip and the Club of Rome, Elizabeth Midgely (Elizabeth Midgely), producer of CBS programs, B. R. Gifford (B. R. Gifford ), director of the Russel Sage Foundation, Guido Goldman of the Aspen Institute, the late Averill Harriman, Committee of 300 Extraordinary, Thomas L. Hughes L. Hughes of the Carnegie Endowment, Dennis Meadows and Jay Forrestor of MIT's World Dynamics.

Although the Committee of 300 has been in existence for over 150 years, it took its current form around 1897. He always gave orders through other front organizations such as the Royal Institute of International Affairs. When it was decided that a super-organization should run European affairs, KIMD founded the Tavistock Institute, which in turn created NATO. For five years, NATO was funded by the German Marshall Fund. Perhaps the most important member of the Bilderberg Club, the Committee of 300's foreign policy body, was Joseph Rettinger, who is said to have been its founder and organizer. The annual meetings of the Bilderberg Club have been the subject of conspiracy hunters' fascination for several decades.

Rettinger was a highly trained Jesuit priest and a 33rd degree Freemason. Mrs. Katherine Meyer Graham, who was suspected of killing her husband to gain control of the Washington Post, was also an important member of the Club of Rome, as was Paul G. Hoffman of New York. Life Insurance Company (“New York Life Insurance Company”), one of the largest insurance companies in the United States, a leading company that is part of the Rank Corporation, which is directly related to the family of Queen Elizabeth of England.

In addition, the founding members of Bilderberg and the Club of Rome were John J. McCloy, a man who attempted to erase political map post-war Germany and, last but not least, James A. Perkins of the Carnegie Corporation.

The power these VIPs and corporations, the television stations, the newspapers, the insurance companies, the banks they represent, wield corresponds to the power and prestige of at least two European countries, and yet it is only a small part of the Committee of 300's immense pervasive and all-encompassing interests. .

The above list did not mention Richard Gardner, who, although he became a very early member of the Committee of 300, was sent to Rome on a special mission. Gardner married a representative of one of the oldest families of the Venetian "Black Nobility", thus providing the aristocracy of Venice with direct access to the White House.

The late Averell Harriman was also the Committee's direct intermediary between the Kremlin and the White House; this function passed to Kissinger after Harriman's death.

The Club of Rome is a truly sinister and powerful body of The Committee of 300. While the United States appears to be its main target, this group's activities overlap with other Committee of 300 bodies, and its American members often work on "problems" in Japan and Germany.

Committee of 300 in the USA:

The Committee of 300 has planted its agents in the heart of the United States - in the government, in Congress, as presidential advisers, as ambassadors and secretaries of state. From time to time the "Club of Rome" holds meetings and conferences, which, despite the innocuous names, actually turn into working commissions, each of which is entrusted with a special task and a deadline is set for its completion. In the absence of extraordinary circumstances, the Committee of 300 works on a very precise schedule.

The first conference of the Club of Rome in the United States was convened by the Committee of 300 in 1969 under the name "Association of the Club of Rome". The next meeting took place in 1970 under the name "Riverdale Center for Religious Studies"; It was led by Thomas Burney. This was followed by the 1971 Woodland Conference in Houston, Texas. Since then regular conferences have been held in Woodland annually.

Also in 1971, the Mitchell Energy and Development Corporation hosted an energy strategy meeting for the Club of Rome that was dominated by the theme: LIMIT US GROWTH. All this activity culminated in the "First Global Conference on the Future" held in July 1980, which was attended by 4,000 social workers and think tanks, all of whom were either members of organizations working under the auspices of the Club of Rome or closely collaborated with them.

The "First Global Conference on the Future" received the blessing of the White House, which, based on its transcripts, held its own conference, which was called the "White House Commission on the 1980s". She OFFICIALLY recommended the "Club of Rome" policy "as the direction of future US policy" and even went so far as to label the United States economy as emerging from an industrial phase. This echoes the theme of Sir Peter Vickers-Hall and Zbigniew Brzezinski and proves once again that the internal and foreign policy The United States is under the control of the Committee of 300.

As I said in 1981, politically, socially and economically, we are caught in the pincers of the plans of the Club of Rome.

The Committee of 300 has been able to install its agents in every key government position after every election since Calvin Coolridge ran for the White House, so it didn't matter who took the presidency. For example, all presidential candidates since the days of Franklin D. Roosevelt have been carefully selected by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), acting on the instructions of the CFR.

In the 1980 elections, virtually all candidates for the highest public office in the United States were selected by the CFR. Therefore, it did not matter to the conspirators who won the presidential race. Thanks to such "Trojan horses" as "" and SMO, all key political posts in new administration were occupied by the nominees of the "Council on Foreign Relations". Until then, since the 1960s, many of these posts have also been held by NATO and Club of Rome supporters, with the result that all key political decisions bear the indelible stamp of the Club of Rome and CFR, acting as the executive bodies of the Committee of 300.

The 1984 and 1988 elections followed the same predetermined pattern. Secretary of State George Shultz fully met the requirements of the Committee of 300 for a candidate for this position. Schultz has always been a creature of Henry Kissinger, the leading head of the CFR. Moreover, his position at Bechtel, one of the Committee of 300's key multinational companies, gave him access to countries that might otherwise suspect him of links to Kissinger. The Carter administration accelerated the process of nominating agents of the conspiracy to key positions. Before Carter's election, his chief campaign strategist, Hamilton Jordan, said that if Cyrus Vance or Brzezinski were given positions in Carter's cabinet, he, Jordan, would resign. They were appointed, but Jordan did not resign. The choice of Paul Volcker by Carter (in fact, David Rockefeller ordered him to appoint Volcker) was the beginning of the collapse of the US economy according to the Club of Rome plan. We are faced with powerful forces pursuing the goals of the One World Government. For the past 45 years, a devastating and exhausting war has been waged against us, only we do not perceive it as such. We are methodically and systematically brainwashed without even knowing it. The Tavistock Institute created a whole system for this, and then put it into action.

The proof of the existence of The Committee of 300 is contained in the vast number of powerful institutions that are owned and operated by it. Some of the most important ones are listed here; above them all stands the MOTHER OF ALL THINK AND RESEARCH INSTITUTIONS, the TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE OF HUMAN RELATIONS, with its extensive network of hundreds of "branches".

The hand of the Committee of 300 is visible everywhere since 1776, when Jeremy Bentham and William Petty, Earl of Shelburne, inflamed by the triumph of the French Revolution which they planned and carried out, were called upon by the British Crown to use their combined experience against the American colonists, it was visible in 1812 the year the British sacked and burned Washington, destroying secret documents that would have exposed their treacherous subversive activities against the young United States, right down to the Watergate sabotage against President Nixon and the assassination of President Kennedy.

Committee of 300

World government -

  • one of the main terms of the conspiracy theory, denoting a narrow group of individuals, owners of the largest international corporations, allegedly determining the emergence and controlling the development of major events taking place in the world, on the way to the New World Order.
  • a political concept of a supra-governmental structure like the European Union for solving global problems, which can be formed at a certain moment in the development of world history.

Secret world government

Masonic roots are attributed by various authors to the secret world government. According to Alexander Zinoviev, stated in an interview with the Russian Federation Today magazine, N 18, 2000:

“... There is not a world government, like the governments of individual countries, but a world super-society. It already includes from 50 to 80 million people, tens of thousands of world economic empires, non-profit enterprises, media, etc. It has its own structure, its own pyramid, its own hierarchy. This is what rules the planet. The United States is the metropolis of this super-society. It has representatives all over the world. Many thousands of experts deal with Russia alone. At the very top there is, of course, a small circle of people who know each other personally, who determine the overall strategy. This does not mean that they are constantly sitting somewhere and thinking. They may not sit and think at all. Their means of control is a thoroughly developed and tested system of manipulating the masses, peoples, governments…”

“The world government”, among others, is devoted to the book by N.E. Markov's "Wars of the Dark Forces" and John Coleman's book "Committee of 300". The first outlines the supposed history of world government until the early 20th century. The second book contains a conspiracy theory about the structure of the "world government" in the 20th century.

Sometimes the secret world government is presented as fused with the world's financial institutions.

Films related to this topic

  • Endgame: Global Enslavement Project
  • Endgame 2


see also


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

  • December 30 Committee
  • 2008: Free Choice Committee

See what the "Committee of 300" is in other dictionaries:

    Committee of 300- ... Wikipedia

    Committee of Three Hundred

    UN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMITTEE Legal Encyclopedia

    300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty- Family coat of arms of the Romanovs ... Wikipedia

    Committee of Public Safety (France)- This term has other meanings, see Committee of Public Safety. Committee of Public Safety (French: Le Comité de sûreté générale, also translated as Committee of General Security), one of the committees of the National ... ... Wikipedia

    HUMAN RIGHTS COMMITTEE- a treaty body formed in accordance with part IV of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of 1966 to monitor the implementation of the provisions of the Covenant by the states parties. It was created at a meeting of States Parties ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary economics and law

    Committee for the Arrangement and Education of Troops- COMMITTEE ON THE DEVICE AND FORMATION OF THE TROOPS. Soon after the campaign of 1831, at the behest of the Emperor. Nicholas I, under the general chairmanship of Ch. head of the guard. and sample. troops of V.K. Mikhail Pavlovich, b. 2 parallel nyh K. were established to draw up a warrior. ... ... Military Encyclopedia

    K-300- The world government is one of the main terms of the conspiracy theory, denoting a narrow group of persons, owners of the largest international corporations, allegedly determining the emergence and monitoring the development of major events, ... ... Wikipedia

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    Alexander Committee on the Wounded- Russian charitable institution Russian Empire to assist disabled servicemen, as well as the families of those who died or died from wounds, which existed from 1814 to 1918 and was located in St. Petersburg. Contents 1 History ... ... Wikipedia

6 006

The world conspiracy theory, the world government, secret and occult societies, the world behind the scenes ... Someone laughs and considers all this a joke or just a well-publicized duck, someone shrugs, saying, I'm not interested, and someone is ready for hours to prove the theory about aliens who have seized power over the world and enslaved our civilization. It's funny, but it all looks like very strong smoke with no apparent fire. I remember the words from the book of Ecclesiastes:

There is much sorrow in much wisdom; and whoever increases knowledge, increases sorrow.

On the one hand, it is understandable why most people avoid a serious study of this issue and hide their heads in the sand, and on the other hand, not knowing the state of affairs in the world around us does not bode well for the whole society as a whole, and for each individual person. Therefore, let's roll up our sleeves and try to lift the veil of secrecy over the topic "Who really rules our world." Let's consider the general structure of today's pyramid of Archons and try to collect the available information about such an organization as the "Committee of 300".

First, let's turn to the book "Sensei. Primordial Shambhala IV” (it just so happens that this book is the most cited in our research materials).

... - Quite right. What do people know about the same Ahriman? By and large, thanks to the efforts of the Archons, they are given information on this subject at the level of development of a six-year-old child, something like “Satan is a bad, scary bogeyman, with horns and hooves, who will drag you into his kingdom of darkness and will cook in a cauldron of resin if you do not obey us and do what we say. By the way, not only in religion, but also in politics, the Archons use the same technique of presenting information to most people, and all over the world. And this happens because people in their mass do not perceive serious information, especially of political significance. It turns out a paradox: it seems that every individual considers himself smart, intelligent, and the majority perceives serious information in no other way than in a primitive explanation at the level of a young child. And it was both in antiquity and now. Therefore, the Archons used it and still use it, promoting their people as interpreters.

For example, one of the first influential circles of the Archons has been known since ancient times under the name “Freemasons”. Many branches grow from this trunk. There are also the so-called "Brotherhood of the Serpent", "Brotherhood of the Dragon", "Illuminati", "Masons" and other secret societies. Historians are still trying to figure out which one came from which. But they just get more confused. Why? Because the goal of the Archons is to shuffle and confuse everything so that few people guess and get to the bottom of the true essence of all these secret societies. And the essence is simple. The vast majority of secret societies are pawns in the hands of the Archons for Ahriman's manipulations.

Ahriman only plays on the weaknesses of the people. And one of these weaknesses is the subconscious attraction of people to secrets. And here, not only the spiritual impulse of a person, his desire to break out of the chain of reincarnations with the help of secret knowledge, is affected, but most often these are banal selfish ambitions to possess this knowledge for the sake of power over their own kind. That is why the vast majority of secret societies flourish under the Archons. And taking into account the fact that people do not just want to acquire secret knowledge, but also create their own "empire" around themselves, we have the fact that today almost the entire world is controlled by a secret world government - the Archons.

This is just a small episode in the global game of the Archons, - Sensei said after listening to the guys' remarks and continued his story about the creation of the USA. - So, about the USA... When the Archons completed their plan to expand the state borders, they started using the same barbaric methods to artificially raise the US economy to the level of a world leader and establish this state as a world power. In order to significantly weaken their strong European competitors, including Russia, which was gaining high rates of economic growth (by the way, whose army was the largest in the world at that time), Germany, which became stronger even than England both industrially and militarily , The Archons provoked the First World War. That is, when the situation in Europe, while they were engaged in the creation of the United States, actually began to get out of their control, they staged a “redistribution of the world”, with a redistribution of spheres of influence, colonies, capital investment, sources of raw materials and markets. Everything was thought out in advance and carefully planned to the smallest detail. The preparations for the First World War were carried out by the so-called "Committee of 300".

Oh, what is that horse in the coat? Zhenya asked sarcastically.

This is one of the organizations that is included in the current pyramid of the Archon hierarchy. Perhaps, in order for you to better understand what's what, I will tell you in more detail about the structure of today's pyramid of the Archons. So, under the control of Ahriman (who in very narrow circles is referred to only as the "All-Seeing Eye", and in wide circles he is perceived more abstractly as the "guiding spirit", "eye of Lucifer") there are twelve Archons. This closed "priestly circle" together forms the "Council of 13", six members of which are also endowed with the position of priestly "Judges" under the leadership of Ahriman. This, in fact, is the main Archon's shelter. Further, under the control of the Archons is the "Council of 33", in which the highest ranking "Freemasons" are represented, having extensive spheres of influence in world politics, the economy and the church. These "Freemasons", in turn, constitute the elite of the "Committee of 300".

I note that at first this committee, founded in 1729 by an organization called the British East India Trading Company, was created for various commercial enterprises in order to support the opium trade, to conduct transactions with international banks. It was governed by the British Crown. But when the Freemasons crushed him, the situation changed significantly. To date, the "Committee of 300" includes more than three hundred members, including the most influential representatives of Western states. It includes the main part of the banking system of the world.

Then there are many other secret organizations that fit into each other like the feathers of an onion. In fact, these "feathers" depart from a certain group of people who create several different branches at once, where they themselves enter. This is convenient for the Archons because one and the same influential person, in addition to owning some large international companies or corporations or holding an influential world-class position, is a member of several secret societies at once, where he exercises tacit control over its members and at the same time is a link with the rest of the branches of this unified system.

For example, one of the “Round Table” organizations controlled by representatives of the Archons created a subsidiary semi-secret organization “Council on International Relations” (CFR), which is now one of the most influential in the United States. Almost all American presidents were members of the CFR even before they were elected to this post. Incidentally, the leadership of the World Bank is under the CFR. The inner circle of the CFR is the Order of the Skull and Bones, which, in turn, includes the inner circle of the Jason Society, which is a branch of the Order of the Search. By the way, it is from these people that the executive members of the "Council of Foreign Relations", as well as the "Trilateral Commission" are recruited. Members of these Orders take a certain oath, releasing them from any obligations in relation to anyone or anything, meaning the people, the government, the legal laws of a particular country, and so on. They believe that this oath of theirs will neutralize any other oath that a member of the Order may take in the course of their activities. That is, loyalty and devotion is carried out only in relation to one's Order.

I am already silent about such an American-European organization as the Bilderbergers (created by a former SS man who served on I. G. Farben, a member of the Committee of 300, now known in history as Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands), whose members are the most influential financiers, industrialists, government leaders and scientists. The Bilderberg Committees, headquartered in Switzerland, consist of members of various secret societies of the Freemasons, for example, the Freemasons, the Vatican, the Black Nobility. Well, in general, and so on and so forth.

As can be seen from the above material, the "Committee of 300" is a serious and well-organized secret organization that plays an important role in the power structure of the Archons. It includes the most influential representatives of Western states and the main part of the banking system of the world. This organization has a fairly long history and during this time with its participation has already been implemented a large number of projects directed against humanity. And here is the interesting data collected by the man who devoted his life to exposing the activities of the Committee of 300, John Coleman, who published his revealing data in the book "COMMITTEE of 300. SECRETS OF THE WORLD GOVERNMENT."

The book has not lost its relevance for more than 20 years. It is the basis for many modern researchers, as it was written by a person who was directly involved in the work to strengthen the influence of the Committee of Three Hundred.

You can easily download the book on the Internet, it is available.

“Imagine a POWERFUL GROUP (that recognizes no national boundaries), including banking, insurance, coal mining, drug sales, the oil industry, whose members are solely responsible to members of this group. This is the Committee of 300."

“During my career as a career intelligence officer, I repeatedly had access to highly classified documents, but during my service as a political science officer in Angola, I had the opportunity to study a number of top secret documents, the contents of which were unusually explicit. What I saw filled me with anger and outrage, and I embarked on a path from which I no longer swerved - my goal was to show everyone what kind of power controls and controls the governments of Great Britain and the United States.

“The open conspiracy against God and man, which includes the enslavement of most of the people left on this earth after wars, disasters and massacres, operates very openly. Scouts have a rule: The best way hide something - put it in a conspicuous place. For example, when in 1938 Germany wanted to hide information about its new Messerschmidt super fighter, the plane was shown at the Paris Aviation Exhibition. While secret agents and spies collected and passed information through caches in hollow trees and masonry, the information they were hunting for lay right under their noses.

The top level parallel secret government does not operate from dark basements and secret dungeons. It is located in full view of the White House, the Congress, 10 Downing Street and the British Parliament. It's akin to those creepy and intentionally chilling "monster" movies where a monster with distorted features, long hair and even longer teeth appears, snarling and spitting in all directions. These movies are just a distraction, REAL MONSTERS wear business suits and drive to work on Capitol Hill in limousines.

These people are IN SIGHT. These people are the servants of the World Government and the New World Order. Like the rapist who stops the car and offers the victim a ride, he DOES NOT look like the monster he really is. If it looked like this, its intended victim would run away screaming in terror. The same is true for government at all levels. President Bush did NOT LOOK like a zealous servant of a top level parallel government; but make no mistake about him - he's just as MONSTER as the monsters in horror movies."

The unique prophetic cartoon "I, Pet Goat II" ("I am a pet goat 2") perfectly shows the state of affairs in the world:

“President Jefferson once said that he felt sorry for those who think they know everything about current events by reading the papers. British Prime Minister Disraeli said much the same. Indeed, for centuries rulers have enjoyed ruling from behind the scenes. Man has always felt the desire to dominate, and nowhere and never has this desire been so overwhelming as in our time.

If this were not the case, why would secret societies be needed? If we were ruled by an open system run by democratically elected officials, what would be the need for secret Masonic lodges in every village, town, and city in the United States? How can Freemasonry act so openly and at the same time hide its secrets so well? We cannot ask this question to the Nine Unknowns of the Nine Sisters Lodge in Paris, nor to their nine colleagues in the Quatuar Coronati Lodge in London. Nevertheless, these 18 people form part of an even more secret government - the "Royal Institute of International Affairs", and further - the Committee of 300.

How could it be that Scottish Rite Freemasonry could indoctrinate John Hinckley to shoot President Reagan? Why do we need such secret orders as the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, the Round Table, the Milner Group, and other such secret societies? They form part of a worldwide chain of command and control, exercised through the Club of Rome, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, and finally directly by the Hierarchy of Conspirators itself, the Committee of 300. These secret societies are needed because their deeds are criminal and must be hidden. Evil cannot stand the light of truth."

“The Watergate persecution of Nixon at that time was the largest coup carried out by the Round Table, which is an agency and instrument of KIDI. All the intricate threads of this case led to the "Round Table", and from it to the KIMD and directly to the Queen of England. Nixon's humiliation was an object lesson and a warning to future presidents of the United States not to imagine that they could go against the Committee of 300 and win. Kennedy was mercilessly assassinated in front of the entire American people for the same reason; the figure of Nixon was not considered significant enough to honor him with the fate of John F. Kennedy.

But whatever method is chosen, the Committee of 300 makes sure that the warning "there is not a single person beyond our reach" reaches the consciousness of every applicant for a seat in the White House. That this warning is still valid, as it was at the time of the Kennedy assassination and Nixon's ouster, is evidenced by the behavior of President George W. Bush, whose diligence to please his masters should be of great concern to those who are concerned about the future of the United States.

If someone still believes that the Archons do not exist, and President Kennedy is no different from a humorist who invents various unrealistic stories, then you can continue to hide your head in the sand, because the concept of a free person is inaccessible to you, you have already been turned into slave. You can go on quoting John Coleman's book "The Committee of 300" for a long time, which contains a huge amount of facts, comparisons and analytics, but it is better for a person who seeks the truth to familiarize himself with this information. I would recommend doing this after reading A. Novykh's books. John Coleman, to the best of his ability, described the activities of only a part of the structure of the world power of the Archons, and in the books of A. Novykh, knowledge is given about our world as a whole, including the place of the Archons in the general system of the world order.

I understand that the article brought a feeling of despondency and hopelessness, but, as they say, “you can’t throw words out of a song.” I don’t want to end this work on a decadent note, and therefore I propose to look at the situation from a different POINT OF VIEW:

To which Sensei replied:

What kind of Archons are enemies? These are unfortunate people who mistakenly chose the empty and temporary instead of the eternal. Their choice was made in the direction of matter, or rather Ahriman. A person constantly invents some kind of enemies for himself, because, by and large, he cannot resolve his internal conflict between his Animal and Spiritual. The relationship between groups of people and states is just an enlarged, inflated copy of this conflict. But in reality, the worst enemy for a person is himself, or rather his Animal nature. You can't fight with it in the usual ways, because the greater the confrontation, the stronger the aggression on the part of the Animal will be, since you put your attention into this conflict. It can be defeated only by your unwillingness to succumb to the provocations and temptations of the Animal nature, as well as by focusing on the spiritual, useful for the soul. And then, when you take such an inner position and sincerely follow it, then you will have no enemies in the outside world, and life will turn into an exciting game. In the end, we live here temporarily, consider staying on a visit. (A. Novykh "Sensei. Primordial Shambhala IV").
