On which of the coats of arms is a camel depicted. Why is a camel painted on the coat of arms of Chelyabinsk? Description of the official symbol of Chelyabinsk

The coat of arms of the 1994 model did not suit the State Heraldry in many respects. In 2000, the composition of the coat of arms was changed by the author's group led by K.F. Mochenov (Union of Heraldists of Russia), and on September 12, 2000, the City Duma approved a new corrected version of the coat of arms and a new Regulation on the coat of arms by decision No. 59/3. The description and justification of the symbolism of the coat of arms is given in the Explanatory Note:

"Heraldic description of the coat of arms:
"In a silver field with a shadowy wall-toothed head, on the green earth, there is a loaded golden camel."
Symbolism of the coat of arms:
The coat of arms of the city is a stylized version of the historical coat of arms of Chelyabinsk, approved on June 8, 1782, the original description of which reads: “In the upper part of the shield is the coat of arms of Ufa. At the bottom is a loaded camel, as a sign that they are brought enough with goods to this city.
On the silver shield, a symbol of purity of thoughts, protection and prudence, are depicted: a part of the fortress wall in confirmation that the city of Chelyabinsk was founded as a Russian fortress on September 13 (2), 1736; near the fortress wall there is a loaded camel facing to the right as a sign that the city is rich in goods and its development depends on success in trade, this is also indicated by a green field, a symbol of hope and abundance.
Gold is a symbol of strength, greatness, wealth, intelligence, generosity.
The coat of arms of the city of Chelyabinsk was developed on the basis of the coat of arms approved by the decree of the head of the city administration dated September 13, 1994 No. 1005-P, taking into account the recommendations of the heraldic expertise in the State Heraldic Council under the President Russian Federation.
In the modern coat of arms of the city of Chelyabinsk ( municipality"City of Chelyabinsk"), the symbolism of the Ufa governorate was excluded, which does not correspond to the administrative and territorial status of the municipality "City of Chelyabinsk" and the modern requirements of the State Heraldic Council under the President of the Russian Federation.

The authors of the new version of the emblem: A.Startsev, V.Kryukov (Chelyabinsk), K.Mochenov (Khimki), R.Malanichev, S.Isaev (Moscow). This new coat of arms is included in the State Heraldic Register under No. 688 (information by D. Filippov)

Used information and drawing provided by D. Filippov (Chelyabinsk)

Coat of arms of the Kurchatovsky district of the city of Chelyabinsk
Heraldic description of the coat of arms:
Symbolic high-rise buildings are depicted on the heraldic shield, framed by ribbons with woven branches. It crowns the coat of arms and at the same time divides it into two parts with a key. On the ribbon located at the bottom of the shield, the name of the district is written, in the upper part - the name of the city of which it is a part.
Symbolism of the coat of arms:
The Kurchatov district of the city of Chelyabinsk appeared on August 15, 1985 as a new administrative entity. It was named in honor of a glorious countryman-scientist of world renown, organizer of the national nuclear power industry, three times Hero of Socialist Labor Igor Vasilyevich Kurchatov.
The creation of the youngest district of the city was due to the dynamic development of the northwestern construction site, the development of which began in the mid-70s and is actively continuing today. For the first time in the Kurchatov district, an integrated approach to urban planning was implemented. On a turn-key basis, houses and all the necessary cultural and community facilities were leased at the same time: schools, kindergartens, shops, clinics. This method of urban planning, widely used in the region, dating back to the modern period of the history of the region, is symbolized on the coat of arms by a key bordered by two stylized multi-storey buildings. The leaves of the trees spread out in the frame of the ribbon indicate that the Kurchatov district is one of the largest in area and rich in green spaces.
The main colors of the coat of arms correspond to the heraldic canons: gold symbolizes constancy, dignity, green color - a symbol of growth, hope, nature, red color represents labor, life-affirming strength, courage, beauty. In the upper part of the shield there is a stylized image of the sky, the blue color in heraldry is a symbol of honor, glory, devotion, truth, beauty, virtue and clear sky.

Information by B. Volfov. Drawing sent by V. Poposky.

By the decision of the Council of Deputies of the Kurchatovsky District of April 20, 2015 No. 9/5, the decision of March 25, 2015 was amended: clause 2 was excluded, which referred to the inclusion of the coat of arms in the State Heraldic Register (district coats of arms are not entered in the State Register).

According to V. Markov

“How long have wolves preached the innocence of foxes?

How long have Russians been talking about honor? The Russians feel it.

If the Germans write it on their coats of arms, then we keep honor in our hearts.”

A. Bestuzhev.

Chelyabinsk people! Residents of a harsh Russian city! No one doubts that you protect and honor the memory of your ancestors. But why the coat of arms of Chelyabinsk camel? Where did the camel come from in the city with a cold climate, the steel capital of Russia? How did a heat-loving inhabitant of the sands get to a place located at the junction of the Urals and Siberia? Reveal the secret, harsh residents of Chelyabinsk!

Two projects of the coat of arms of the Iset province

The unfading interest in the heraldry of regions and cities, in its origin is quite understandable - after all, flags, coats of arms colorfully tell about the history of places, geographical nuances and the natural riches of their native land. Each emblem bears a reflection of the glorious past of the ancestors, their courage and self-sacrifice. The monogram of Chelyabinsk, which went down in history, is a vivid confirmation of this.

The origin of the city's coat of arms

Favorable and convenient for living, the Southern Urals has always attracted people - it is in these areas that archaeologists have discovered the largest settlements ancient man. The mysterious Arkaim, the oldest settlement of the proto-urban civilization, a contemporary of the legendary Egyptian pyramids, became a worldwide sensation. In the Middle Ages, the South Ural regions bordered on the Kazan Khanate and represented the most important economic interests of Russia.

The XVIII century marked the development and justification of the Chelyabinsk region. The plans corresponded to the laid down policy of Peter I, who dreamed of expanding Russian borders. At that time, the largest fortifications were laid, one of which was the Chelyabinsk fortress (Chelyab) - the most important defensive point of the state border.

A year later, the Iset province of the Siberian province was formed, and Chelyabinsk in 1743 became its center. In 1737, the statesman, explorer and traveler Vasily Tatishchev was presented to the court great empress Catherine, two heraldic developments of the Iset province.

Coat of arms descriptions

The first sketch was a silver wall erected on a black gloomy field with a shield depicted on it and tied yellow dog. The shield was proudly crowned with a camel muzzle and a Tatar crown. As planned by Tatishchev, the wall meant newly built ramparts, and the dog was a symbol of the conquest of the Bashkirs.

The second image was a black shield, which served as the main background, depicted on it a white front garden with a two-humped camel tied to it. The shield was crowned with a Tatar crown. This option symbolized Russia's trade with Asia. A little later, the emblem was finalized - the animal was loaded with bags of cargo, which symbolized the developed trade with the Asian region, when caravan routes went through the Chelyabinsk fortress.

But the empress rejected such developments in heraldry. In 1761, another design heraldic concept for the Iset periphery saw the light. The coat of arms proudly featured a laden "ship of the desert" against the backdrop of a shield hanging on the ramparts. Combat weapons were located on both sides, banners fluttered. The base was decorated with the state crown. The red color of the armorial field spoke of the power of fire, wonderful mercy and fearlessness.

The next coat of arms project arose in 1781 (at the time when Chelyabinsk turned into a district settlement of the Ufa viceroy). When creating fresh heraldry, the old emblem of Ufa (marten) was used. She was depicted in the left zone of the monogram, a loaded camel stood below. The proudly raised head of the animal meant successful trading.

In June 1782, this symbolism was solemnly and approved by the Highest for the county town of Chelyabinsk. Until now, this is the only coat of arms of the Chelyabinsk region of official significance.

In the winter of 1864, the heraldry was supplemented with a silver-plated crown on the tower (certificate of the central district for Chelyabinsk). Such a monogram existed in the settlement until the revolutionary upheaval of 1917.

The Ural town had an official coat of arms, approved by her Highest command in 1782. The heraldry was not canceled, but they decided to restore and transform it by analogy with the realities of the Soviet era. But the city long time could not acquire his own monogram, although the heraldic genealogy of Chelyabinsk keeps numerous competitions in its history:

1966. By the significant date, in honor of half a century since the October Revolution, the city authorities announced a competition for the creation of a modern city coat of arms. According to the plan of the leadership, heraldry is obliged to carry the dignity of the labor merits of representatives of the working class. The emblem of Chelyabinsk depicts a camel, and next to it is a steel furnace.

1985. On the occasion of the city's birthday, its 250th anniversary, the city authorities announced another tender for the improvement of the city's heraldry. Books, a ladle and a sable were added to the coat of arms.

1994. The next page in the history of the Chelyabinsk heraldry. This time, the marten was removed from him and a fragment of the fortress with a gilded tower crown was added. A loaded camel settled on a light green background - a sign of the wealth and prosperity of the city. At the top of the shield was a five-pronged crown. And behind it appeared two hammers of a golden color, connected by an Alexander ribbon.

2000. The heraldic composition has changed in accordance with the current rules of the Russian Union of Heraldry. Chelyabinsk officially acquired a modern coat of arms. The city's monogram was registered on September 12, 2000.

Heraldic description of the modern coat of arms

« In the mural wall with a jagged head on a silvered edge and on the grassy life-giving earth stands a loaded golden camel”, - this is how the heraldry tells about the monogram of Chelyabinsk. On a silver-plated shield, symbolizing the holiness of intentions, sanity and power, it is depicted:

  • Part of the fortress wall. This is a historical evidence of the founding of the city (the prison was founded as a Russian fortress).
  • A golden camel is drawn. A symbol of the significance of the settlement in trade relations with the regions of Asia. The yellow color indicates that the development of Chelyabinsk directly depends on the success of trade relations.
  • Green field. Means the wealth of thoughts and tolerance of the intellectual component of the city.

The coat of arms of modern Chelyabinsk is an improved stylistic version of the oldest city monogram. Its true interpretation says: At the top of the shield is the coat of arms of Ufa, below there is a camel loaded with luggage. This is the voice of the fact that in the town of harsh animals they are brought with loads, but in large quantities».

It is interesting. The camel was not a curiosity for Russia. The inhabitants of Russia knew very well what the “ship of the desert” looked like. Evidence of this are many geographical names in the Urals:

  • Camel mountain. Located near the village of Vostochny (Orenburg region). mountain by appearance really resembles a lying camel with a raised muzzle.
  • camel rock. Located in the foothills of Kachkanar (Sverdlovsk region). Near the rock is the Kachkanarsky mining complex.

Camels could be found in the southern regions of the Orenburg region until the 50s of the last century. These areas are historically inhabited by Kazakhs, and a camel is an important household helper for “steppe children”. And the central figure of Chelyabinsk heraldry! Now we know which city's coat of arms depicts a camel, and where it came from!

The coat of arms of the city is included in the State Heraldic Register of the Russian Federation under the number 688.

The coat of arms of Chelyabinsk was designed by a team that included: Valery Kryukov, Konstantin Mochenov, Andrey Startsev, Robert Malanichev, Sergey Isaev.

Description and symbolism

"In a silver field with a shady, jagged head, on green ground, a laden golden camel...

... The coat of arms of the city is a stylized version of the historical coat of arms of Chelyabinsk, approved on June 8, 1782, the original description of which reads: "In the upper part of the shield is the coat of arms of Ufa. In the lower part is a loaded camel, as a sign that they are brought to this city with enough goods" .

On the silver shield, a symbol of purity of thoughts, protection and prudence, are depicted: a part of the fortress wall in confirmation that the city of Chelyabinsk was founded as a Russian fortress on September 13 (2), 1736; near the fortress wall there is a loaded camel facing to the right as a sign that the city is rich in goods and its development depends on success in trade, this is also indicated by a green field, a symbol of hope and abundance.

Gold is a symbol of strength, greatness, wealth, intelligence, generosity.

The coat of arms of the city of Chelyabinsk was developed on the basis of the coat of arms approved by the decree of the head of the city administration dated September 13, 1994 No. 1005-P, taking into account the recommendations of the heraldic expertise in the State Heraldic Council under the President of the Russian Federation.

In the modern coat of arms of the city of Chelyabinsk (municipal formation "City of Chelyabinsk"), the symbols of the Ufa governorship are excluded, which does not correspond to the administrative and territorial status of the municipality "City of Chelyabinsk" and the modern requirements of the State Heraldic Council under the President of the Russian Federation".

Historical coats of arms

Description: " In the upper part there is the coat of arms of Ufa, in the lower part there is a loaded camel - as a sign that these animals are brought to the city with goods a lot.".

Description: " In the upper part of the shield is the coat of arms of the Orenubrsk province. In the lower silver part is a loaded camel of natural color".

The design of the coat of arms was prepared as part of the heraldic reform of B. Köhne.

Description: " In the silver field are 3 scarlet ones with black eyes and tongues of a camel. In the free part, the coat of arms of the Ufa province (or rather, then Orenburg). The shield is crowned with a silver walled crown and surrounded by golden ears of corn connected by the Alexander ribbon.".

The coat of arms was approved on September 13, 1994.

Description and symbolism of the coat of arms: " The coat of arms of the city is a stylized version of the historical coat of arms of Chelyabinsk, approved on June 6, 1782.

On a silver shield, a symbol of purity of thoughts, protection and prudence, are depicted:

  • part of the fortress wall in confirmation that the city of Chelyabinsk was founded as a Russian fortress on September 13 (2), 1736;
  • near the fortress wall there is a loaded camel turned to the right as a sign that the city is rich in goods and its development depends on success in trade, this is indicated by a green field, a symbol of hope and abundance.

The shield of the coat of arms is a rectangle, the base of which is 8/9 of the height, has rounded lower corners with a pointed end in the center. The shield is crowned with a gold tower city crown with five teeth, which confirms the status of the city as the administrative center of the region.

Behind the shield are two heraldic gold hammers laid crosswise, symbols of a highly developed industry, connected by an order of Alexander's ribbon".


  • "Coats of arms of cities, provinces, regions and towns Russian Empire from 1649 to 1917" A.V. Kudin, A.L. Tsekhanovich. 2000
  • Decision of the Chelyabinsk City Duma dated April 26, 2011 No. 24/26.
  • Decree No. 1005-p "On the restoration of the historical coat of arms of the city of Chelyabinsk."

The coat of arms of Chelyabinsk is a shield of the classical form. The background of the image is divided into two parts: grass (located on the lower half of the coat of arms) and a brick wall (located on the upper half of the coat of arms).

The most striking element depicted on the coat of arms is a golden camel. It is not known how many humps this camel has, but it carries a load on its back. The camel stands and looks to the left.
As for the color scheme, three main shades are used. So, the background is divided into bright green and muted gray, and the depicted animal is a golden bright accent in the middle of the coat of arms. All details are drawn with black thin lines.

Symbolism and its interpretation

In order to correctly interpret the meaning of the emblem from the point of view of heraldry, it is necessary to analyze the meaning of both the colors used and the image itself.

  • The golden color of the camel means wealth and success. This is due to the fact that Chelyabinsk takes a great part in trade. However, it is also a symbol of the fullness of the fields, abundance. Symbolizes hope, greatness, stability, strength. Also, the color is a reference to the intellectual wealth of the city's inhabitants;
  • The wall also has its own heraldic and historical significance. Its silver color is the personification of rationality, nobility, purity of thoughts. Naturally, direct meaning– high degree of protection. As for the historical background, it refers us to 1736, when the Chelyaba fortress was founded (part of it is depicted on the shield);

Fortress Chelyaba

  • The green color of the grass on the coat of arms is bright, not muted - it immediately catches the eye. The green color contrasts against the background of the gray wall and therefore immediately takes attention. Green is a symbol of fertility, soil wealth and monetary wealth. Green also speaks of youth, confidence.

Why camel?

This animal played a big role in the history of the city and the region as a whole. However, it played a role geographical position city ​​- it was built on the site where the line of the "Great Silk Road" was.

This meant that it was on this site that trade was often carried out, the exchange of good goods.
Due to the fact that trade was in full swing in this geographical point, the Turks, who took an active part in world trade, often stopped in Chelyabinsk. They came on camels, because these animals have incredible endurance. They are able to carry a huge load, to be on the road a large number of time. Due to the fat reserves in their humps, camels can go many days without water.

It was for these qualities that camels were valued by the Turks. Residents of Chelyabinsk, who often saw these animals, adopted a love for them. They began to exploit them and quickly realized that they are really effective in their work, and therefore they are able to bring a large amount of profit, make a person rich.

For this reason, not just a camel is placed on the coat of arms, but a golden-colored camel, which has always symbolized wealth and wealth. The gold in the coat of arms also sets you on a positive wave, symbolizes brightness.

History of the coat of arms of Chelyabinsk

The coat of arms of Chelyabinsk has changed many times. The current emblem of Chelyabinsk is not historical, but is its stylized version.

The very first coat of arms of Chelyabinsk appeared in 1782, 46 years after the founding of the city. However, initially it was only a fortress, founded with the consent of the owner. The construction of the fortress freed the Bashkirs from the tax. However, this territory became the city of Chelyabinsk only after the fortress itself was renamed in 1787.

The modern coat of arms differs from the first. On the first, in addition to a camel, a fox was depicted in the upper part. Both animals are brown.

The coat of arms also changed in 1864. At the top was the coat of arms, the symbol of the Orenburg province. Below are three camels instead of one. There was a crown on top of the shield, and ears of corn on the side.

Coat of arms of the Soviet period

During the Soviet period, the coat of arms was also changed - it was divided vertically into two parts - red and of blue color. An open book, a ladle and a gear were depicted on it. However, in 1994 the coat of arms was changed to a historical one, and in May 2002 a stylized version of the coat of arms was approved.

Country Russia

Total area: 530 km²

Date of formation: 1736

Population: 1,202,371

Currency: Russian ruble (RUB)

Telephone code: +7 351

Colors: green, gray, yellow

Figures: shield, camel, grass, wall

Continent: ,

Coat of arms of the city of Chelyabinsk

The history of the development of the coat of arms

The modern coat of arms of Chelyabinsk has deep historical roots. The image on the coat of arms of a camel dates back to the period of foundation of our city. In 1737, the outstanding statesman and historian V.N. Tatishchev submitted to the Senate two projects of the emblem of the Iset province he created on the territory of our region. The projects differed in that one of them depicted a dog chained to the wall of the fortress, and the other depicted a camel tied to a joke. In the upper part of the Tatishchev emblems-projects, the Tatar crown was placed, and above it the neck and head, again, of a camel triumphantly towered. Along with the military elements of the coat of arms, this animal, no doubt, symbolized the main goals of building new fortresses in the southeast - ensuring reliable protection of Russia's economic interests in the Asian region, developing trade and economic development of new territories.

However, the first (historical) coat of arms of Chelyabinsk was approved only on June 8, 1782 and compiled by the actual state councilor A.O. Volkov. At that time, Chelyabinsk belonged to the Ufa vicegerency, which is why the image of a running marten, the main element of the Ufa coat of arms, was placed in the upper part of the coat of arms, and the image of a loaded camel was placed in the lower part. It symbolized the commercial importance of the city.

In Soviet times, the historical coat of arms was abolished. The Soviet design of the coat of arms of Chelyabinsk is known: on a red shield there is a steel ladle, an open book, a gear, a camel, a sable. There was another project where a caterpillar tractor was depicted on the shield.

The next version of the emblem of Chelyabinsk, approved by the city authorities on September 13, 1994, became a stylized version of the historical emblem. On a silver shield, a symbol of purity of thoughts, protection and prudence, a part of the fortress wall was depicted, confirming that Chelyabinsk was founded as a Russian fortress. At the fortress wall there was a loaded camel turned to the right as a sign that the city is rich in goods and its development depends on success in trade. This, in turn, was indicated by a green field - a symbol of hope and abundance. The shield of the coat of arms is a rectangle that had rounded lower corners with a pointed end in the center. The shield was crowned with a five-pronged gold tower city crown, confirming the status of the city as the administrative center of the region. Behind the shield were two crossed heraldic gold hammers - symbols of a highly developed industry, connected by an order of Alexander's ribbon.

This option was actively used during the celebration of the 260th anniversary of Chelyabinsk in 1996, but its registration in the State Heraldry under the President of the Russian Federation in 1997-98. did not pass due to "many significant heraldic and heraldic-legal shortcomings."

Modern coat of arms of the city of Chelyabinsk

Author group:
The author of the coat of arms: Valery Kryukov (Chelyabinsk).
Artist: Andrey Startsev (Chelyabinsk).
Heraldic treatment: Konstantin Mochenov (Khimki).
Artist: Robert Malanichev (Moscow).
Design: Sergey Isaev (Moscow).

In 2000, the composition and elements of the coat of arms of the city of Chelyabinsk, developed in 1994, were changed by the group of authors led by K.F. Mochenov (Union of Heraldists of Russia). The modern coat of arms of the city of Chelyabinsk was approved by the decision of the Chelyabinsk City Duma No. 59/3 of September 12, 2000.

The heraldic description of the coat of arms of the city of Chelyabinsk reads: “In a silver field with a shadowy wall-toothed dome on the green earth, a loaded golden camel.” On a silver shield, a symbol of purity of thoughts, protection and prudence, are depicted:

Part of the fortress wall in confirmation that the city of Chelyabinsk was founded as a Russian fortress on September 13 (2), 1736;

Near the fortress wall there is a yellow (golden) loaded camel as a sign that the city is rich in goods and its development depends on success in trade. This is also indicated by the green field, a symbol of hope and abundance. Gold is a symbol of strength, greatness, wealth, intelligence, generosity.

In accordance with the decision of the Heraldic Council under the President of the Russian Federation of July 2, 2001, the coat of arms of the city of Chelyabinsk was included in the State Heraldic Register of the Russian Federation under No. 688.

Flag idea: Vladimir Bozh (Chelyabinsk), Alexandrov Ivanov (Chelyabinsk), Konstantin Mochenov (Khimki).
Justification of the symbolism: Galina Tunik (Moscow).
Artist: Robert Malanichev (Moscow)

The flag of the city of Chelyabinsk is based on the coat of arms of the city of Chelyabinsk, reflects historical, cultural, socio-economic, national and other local traditions. In May 2002, the Chelyabinsk City Duma approved the official flag of Chelyabinsk. The flag-raising ceremony took place in September of the same year, on the day of the city.

The flag of the city, along with the coat of arms of the city, is the official symbol of Chelyabinsk and is included in the State Heraldic Register of the Russian Federation.

The flag of the city of Chelyabinsk is a rectangular panel consisting of three unequal horizontal stripes:

Upper - yellow in 1/4 the size of the flag,

Medium - silvery murovanny in 1/2 the size of the flag,

The bottom one is green, ¼ the size of the flag.

In the center of the flag is a yellow loaded camel, exactly the same as on the coat of arms of the city of Chelyabinsk. He is also the main heraldic figure of the flag. A loaded yellow (golden) camel is depicted as a sign that important trade routes passed through the territory of modern Chelyabinsk. Yellow (gold) is a symbol of strength, greatness, wealth, intelligence, generosity. The silver part of the cloth allegorically indicates that Chelyabinsk, founded in 1736 on the Miass River as a guard Cossack fortress, has always been an important trade, economic, defense center of Russia, and today it is the center of one of the largest subjects of the Russian Federation - the Chelyabinsk region. The silver color in heraldry symbolizes faith, purity, sincerity, frankness, nobility, frankness and innocence. The green part of the cloth complements the symbolism of the flag and symbolically reflects the rich picturesque nature surrounding the city of Chelyabinsk. Green is a symbol of spring, joy, hope, nature.

Emblems of districts of the city of Chelyabinsk

In 2002, the Chelyabinsk City Duma approved the "Regulations on City Symbols". The Regulation stipulates the possibility of the existence of symbols of the administrative districts of the city of Chelyabinsk - emblems.
