How to understand that a married man is in love, but hides his feelings. Cracking a married man: how to understand if he fell in love with you How to understand that a married man fell in love with you

Every member of the stronger sex is able to experience true love. Moreover, unlike women, who are often tormented by doubts, men, as a rule, know what they want from love and from relationships.

Unfortunately, women do not always understand what is male psychology in love, therefore, they begin to mistakenly believe that a man does not love, has started relationships on the side, wants to leave, etc. Talking with friends to sort out this issue is unlikely to help, and not every woman dares to ask the chosen one directly what the problem is, what he wants from the relationship and what upsets him.

men want love

The psychology of male love is mysterious and interesting. In this regard, men are fundamentally different from women, who are more emotional in nature and prone to a vivid manifestation of feelings. But at the same time, men want love as much as women do.

A man in love wants to see and feel his chosen one nearby. He is even ready for reckless acts, just to please his woman. But this is only one side of the coin.

On the other hand, the representatives of the stronger sex do not need constant romance, like women. When the candy-bouquet period comes to an end, most men calm down, believing that the woman has already been achieved and can now rest. Therefore, a certain cooling, which manifests itself in the absence of bright dates and interesting surprises, should not be regarded as a lack of love on the part of a man.

For women, love is inextricably linked with romance. Man wants love no less, but he does not need romance, especially at the end of the working day, when he comes home from work tired.

In no case should a woman be offended that her partner did not notice a new outfit or did not appreciate it. romantic dinner. The fact is that a tired man sees only directly prepared dishes and the woman herself, and all other details are inaccessible to him due to daily fatigue and workload.

If a partner has not noticed something, this does not mean that he no longer loves his chosen one. He wants love and relationships in the same way as before, just in a tired state, most men show one feature: they are only interested in food that satisfies hunger, and the woman herself, and there is no time left for all other minor trifles.

Behavior of a man in love

It is worth starting with the fact that the nature of a man's relationship with women depends on what kind of relationship he had with his mother. If the mother loved her son, treated him well, perceiving him as he is, then the man will respect women and his chosen one will be lucky. If a man has not had a relationship with his mother since childhood, then he will transfer all his unspoken grievances and claims to his life partner, who will have a hard time with him.

It is quite difficult to talk about love with men, so if the chosen one is not particularly talkative in terms of feelings, one should not think that he does not feel love. The fact is that men from childhood are brought up differently than girls, so they are not prone to a vivid manifestation of emotions, trying to keep everything under control.

How do men in love behave? Modern psychologists have identified several irrefutable evidence of male love:

  • A man in love will not intentionally offend a woman, do something out of spite.
  • The chosen one is looking for only good qualities in his partner and her relatives.
  • A man is ready to live together with a woman.
  • He uses every opportunity to contact his beloved. If you can’t see each other, the man will definitely call or write.
  • A man feels sexual desire for his woman, but not only because he is only interested in intimate relationships, but because he loves her and wants to be with her.
  • A man escorts his beloved woman home, meets her from work.
  • A man in love becomes selfish to some extent, demanding increased attention from a woman.

How should a woman show her love for a man?

To each a man needs love despite the fact that many mistakenly believe that men are only interested in sex. Of course, a man wants the chosen one to show her feelings for him. Each representative of the stronger sex, despite all his masculinity and courage, in his soul forever remains a small capricious child. Therefore, men especially appreciate those women who show maternal feelings for them, showing their care, affection and understanding.

How should a woman show her love for a man? In this case, everything depends on the upbringing, cultural and emotional perception of a man. Each person needs an individual approach, and a loving woman will definitely find him.

A woman can take care of a man, cook food, create comfort, caress, respect. If she is a poetess, then she can write poetry, and a wealthy chosen one will give expensive gifts. The main thing is that both partners should be satisfied with the manifestations of each other's love, not paying attention to the conventions accepted in society.

What is more important for a man: love or sex

If love is important for women in the first place, then intimate relationships are in the first place for men. This does not mean that a man does not want love and does not experience it. Just instincts often take over and nothing can be done about it.

Even the most intelligent and educated man who loves his woman, wants spontaneous sex, wants the woman to take the initiative.

But do not think that love and sex for men mean the same thing. The latter is only the usual satisfaction of physical needs, while love for a man is an inseparable combination of sexual and spiritual attraction.

What does a man need in love

The difference in the views of women and men leads to the fact that partners often do not understand each other. Many people try to give their soulmate what they themselves need, without thinking about the fact that each person is individual and may not want the same thing.

What do men need in love? In general, we can say that any man needs care from a woman, devotion, affection and intimacy. Otherwise, people who love each other will definitely understand each other and will be able to give exactly the manifestation of love and affection that the other needs.

Love for a married woman

What to do in order to detect signs of hidden love and gently bring the chosen one to clean water.

Love transforms a person beyond recognition. Soft and indecisive fight for the object of their passion. Decisive warriors blush from the mere presence of the lady of the heart. The beauty, who became the impetus for such a transformation, will notice signs of spiritual movements. In any case, do not pull the carrot by the tops, leave your loved one for a while, let him sort out himself first before he begins to open his heart.

Behavior of a man in love with a married woman

Love for a married woman

This feeling comes suddenly and not always many are ready to accept the fact that the woman they love belongs to someone else, and legally. After all, a man is, first of all, an owner and it is hard for him to come to terms with rivalry in which he cannot really resist. After all, the final decision is up to a woman who is bound by obligations to many people and, above all, to children, and you will not fight with the children of your beloved woman, this is not an obstacle that can be pushed aside. Yes, love for a married woman is not simple, but how much sweetness and passion a man receives from a forbidden fruit, only he himself can tell.

Many men tend to want other women, they are polygamous in nature, but they do not fall in love with many, especially married women. And yet love chooses neither good times and circumstances nor free partners. And if love is unrequited, then there are only two options: either open up and possibly receive at least part of her love; or silently suffer and wait for her to understand everything herself. There is a third option, when it is known that there is nothing to hope for. How to get rid of unrequited love, which becomes a burden for both, many do not know. Any pain is cured by distance and time, as well as a change of scenery and a passion for other concerns. In addition, unrequited love is always platonic and sublime, and not all women will then be able to compete with the prevailing stereotype, and mutual love is lively, passionate, real, and not fabulous and one-sided.

And yet, if you fell in love, and she is married, do not despair. How to please a woman and make a good impression, it's simple. Be polite and prudent, communicate more often and try to please her with something, become irreplaceable for her, win her trust. All women have a developed intuition that will tell them that you are in love. And your patience and care will awaken in her first gratitude and tenderness, and then reciprocal love. Yes, she will still be a strange woman, but she will give you her heart, which is worth all the treasures of the world.

Love for a married woman
This feeling comes suddenly and not always many are ready to accept the fact that the woman they love belongs to someone else, and legally. After all, a man, first of all, the owner and

Behavior of a man in love with a married woman

What do married women need from a man?

And now, after the divorce, touch your head. You have more horns than hair!

After an honest husband, the wife herself becomes honest.

Married women are like roses... Even after pricking, we continue to love them...

Golden Rule marriage life - patience and indulgence.

Look closely at the gestures and movements of the man. Psychologists identify three main signs that a man is interested in a woman:

  1. Open hands. If a man does not keep his hands in his pockets, does not cross them, then this means that he is relaxed. He is comfortable and open to communication with this woman.
  2. Copying the pose of a girl. If the representative of the stronger sex folds his legs or arms in the same way as his chosen one, then this indicates a clear sympathy. Thus, he unconsciously shows that he likes the girl and is impressed by what she does.
  3. Scrolling a wedding ring. This applies specifically to married men. Psychologists explain such a gesture as a subconscious attempt to get rid of those “handcuffs” that do not allow him to fully trust and open up to a woman.

Be sure to pay attention to the eyes of a young man. During sexual arousal or erotic fantasies, his pupils will dilate a little.

Gestures and other signs

The most important sign is that if a man carefully looks into the eyes of his chosen one for a long time, then this indicates his obvious interest. At this moment, he does not want to take his eyes off in order to enjoy her appearance, conversations, movements as much as possible.

You can conduct a small test that will help determine whether a married man likes you or not. To do this, tell a man the most stupid and unfunny joke that there is. If he starts laughing, it means that he has feelings and positive emotions for you. Thus, he shows that he is ready and wants to laugh at any nonsense said through the lips of his chosen one.

Psychologists say that this is a clear intimate gesture by which men communicate their desire to take possession of this woman in bed. By the way, this is also a way to avoid getting into a very unpleasant situation. Thus, he subconsciously tries to hide an erection. And an erection can only arise from the appearance of a pretty girl for a man.

How to understand the intentions of a married man?

There are several ways to help you understand whether a woman will always be in the role of a mistress or whether a more desirable course of events awaits her.

Psychologists distinguish such behaviors and recommendations:

  1. Relationships are best started with a simple friendship. During the conversation, you should find out how the man met his wife. If he enthusiastically begins to tell the story of their love, paying special attention to how his wife cooks deliciously and so on, then it is unlikely that things will go beyond bed.
  2. If, after the beginning of a relationship with his mistress, the man did not tell her about his marital status, then this is a clear disrespect. Nothing serious comes out of such a relationship.
  3. If a man promises to divorce all the time, but along with his promises, new photos with his family constantly appear on social networks, then it is better not to continue this kind of relationship. A man simply leads his mistress by the nose.

In the case of falling in love with a married man, it is important to soberly assess the situation. Representatives of the stronger sex do not have the same mindset as women, and they will be able to leave their family only in the event of really very strong emotions and feelings for their mistress. Which happens very rarely.

How to understand that a husband has a mistress?

Psychologists have identified several signs that will help women recognize that their husband has fallen in love with another woman:

  • a sharp disappearance of intimacy with a spouse or a significant decrease in it;
  • a man tries to look good and constantly preens;
  • frequent delays at work, business trips, reasons to jump out of the house somewhere;
  • lack of gifts, a man forgets about family holidays and does not show any attention to family dates.

A man in love can refuse joint breakfasts, dinners, and his wife's hugs will only annoy him.

If the wife tries to seduce and captivate him by wearing erotic lingerie, preparing a romantic dinner or a bath, then the man will refuse it with all his might, explaining his behavior by fatigue, workload or a headache.

Male love is a flash. It can fade away as quickly as it started. Therefore, sometimes a woman should wait a bit and be patient.

To crack a married man: how to understand if he fell in love with you

It's no secret that some members of the stronger sex, being in family relationships, allow themselves liberties in the form of flirting and betrayal. Moreover, the manifestation of signs of attraction of a married man to a woman is not always explained by the fact that he fell in love. He can do this in order to dilute the monotonous family everyday life or raise self-esteem. If a man experiences a real strong feeling, then it is unlikely that he will be able to hide it: not only the tactics of behavior or manner of speaking will change, but also the character. In this article, we will look at the answer to the question: how to find out if he loves you married man?

His behavior

Hand on heart, it should be said that in such a situation, hardly anyone can envy the "alpha male". It's one thing, short-term adventures on the side, and quite another - real feelings. Even if not everything was in order in the family, he would not dare to instantly change the established way of life, and therefore he would be forced to maintain secrecy, torn between the desire to be closer to the object of his sighing and the need to keep a distance. At first, he will look like a confused schoolboy experiencing first sympathy. Embarrassment, words spoken out of place can betray even an experienced brutal.

How to understand that a married man is in love? His behavioral reactions will help you determine this.

One of the signs of falling in love is an unexpected change in temperament. A cheerful man becomes withdrawn and taciturn, and a shy man becomes decisive and active. This is because he is unable to understand himself and his feelings.

His "teenage" behavior may manifest itself in avoiding contact with his beloved, or, on the contrary, in unplanned communication. For example, he can suddenly organize a party for all his acquaintances, the true purpose of which will be a meeting with the chosen one, even if not alone. His endless questions about her, addressed to colleagues, friends - about life events, taste preferences, interests are necessary to draw up a complete portrait.

He cannot resist signs of attention, behaves gallantly: opens the door, helps to remove outer clothing, skips ahead. Trying to evoke positive emotions in the girl: joy, admiration, surprise, interest, he hides his shortcomings and tries to be who he is not in reality. A man in love comes up with affectionate names, uses diminutive forms. In addition, he is nervous in her company, because he does not know how to behave, and feels a desire to support his beloved in various areas: household, business, financial.

Wife's perspective

No matter how hard a man tries to hide his love, the wife is sensitive to cooling towards her person and the appearance of a rival. How does a married man in love behave?

  1. He becomes attentive to his appearance: body hygiene, perfume, wardrobe items. If a husband, who previously did not have a love for sports, suddenly begins to visit regularly gym, this may well be a wake-up call. He monitors the calorie content of his food and changed his worn T-shirts for stylish things? Got a new haircut? Something is clearly wrong here.
  2. He often stays late at work, works overtime on complex projects, and began to travel on business trips. If this zeal for work does not affect your family budget in any way, then he either saves money for a pleasant surprise, or you have a new expense item.
  3. He forgets important family dates, avoids festive feasts, joint weekends, breakfasts, dinners, and also avoids emotional conversations.
  4. He suddenly became generous with gifts, helping around the house and performing those duties that he usually refused. Perhaps he is tormented by a sense of guilt for betrayal.
  5. Your bed of love has become a place to sleep. He is tired, dissatisfied, annoyed, wants peace, anything but sex.

“Love will suddenly come when you don’t expect it at all” - lines from the famous song, confirming that feelings cannot be predicted. They just happen: they do not choose the gender, appearance of a person, his social, marital status and other parameters. A man in love may well be not free, and then what should he do in this case? How do you know that a married man likes you, because not everyone decides to talk about it or act directly? We'll talk about this in this article.

The main signs of a man in love

How to recognize that a married man has fallen in love? Signs of this are unlikely to be obvious and understandable to the object of his feelings, since the ring on the finger stubbornly inhibits his impulses and desires. The main markers will be:

  • restraint and deliberately indifferent attitude towards the object of their feelings. Free guys show all their emotions to the lady they like, while a married man, on the contrary, hides them as far as possible. After all, he is married, his lack of freedom dictates to him to take precautions, to avoid the person who worries him, so as not to be caught and exposed, therefore the ringed man most often simply looks at the person who attracts him, but is afraid to approach and speak;
  • indirect participation in the life of the sweetheart: if the lady of the heart needs help, he will definitely provide it to her, but, most likely, not with his own hands, remaining on the sidelines. This is done again for the sake of saving face: he is afraid that his feelings will be discovered by his wife or someone else;
  • a married guy cannot directly invite a girl on a date, so he will organize supposedly random meetings, possibly among colleagues or friends, so as not to arouse any suspicion among his surroundings. Such behavior may be unconscious, since secret passions can be suppressed in the psyche due to guilt towards the spouse and children.

All of the above applies to a man whose sympathy is real, spontaneous, and he takes it seriously. If he, being ringed, behaves directly, boldly and impudently, we can safely conclude that such behavior is habitual in his life, and the girl he likes is not the first, and not the last in his long list of victories. Therefore, if she does not need empty, temporary entertainment, then you should not respond to such courtship. Very soon this "Don Juan" will find a new goal.

Additional hints

There are additional, but no less important beacons that will help to accurately clarify the current state of affairs in a situation with a married man: whether he likes you or not. All of them can be divided into two groups:

Verbal signs are the most visible and simple:

  • The first of these will be humor. No not like this. A lot of humor in the presence of a pretty lady. A man, consciously or not, wants to please her, so he will joke, tell jokes to evoke positive emotions in her;
  • he can touch as if by chance: give a hand or hold it behind his back. When one maestro was asked what it means to love, he thought for a long time, and then answered: “To want to touch.” If we like something, whether it is a person or an object, we will strive to make bodily contact with it. If you are attracted to any item in the store, you will definitely want to pick it up. It is the same in dealing with people;
  • and the simplest are pleasant words, but they will look quite veiled, so they can be confused with ordinary friendliness. In this case, you need to pay attention to how a man behaves with other women. If an adult man pays attention, compliments all the ladies, but at the same time he is deeply married, then most likely this is just a manifestation of gentlemanship.

Non-verbal expressions of sympathy are bodily signals that cannot be hidden, since they are controlled by the unconscious zone of the personality, which is not controlled by it. Among them are the following:

  • when meeting a man, he turns to a significant object with his whole body, his postures and palms are open;
  • a man who is married is unlikely to look at you openly. Rather, he will hide his eyes, thus trying to hide his true desires;
    unconsciously he will seek to shorten the distance;
  • at the sight of a girl, a smile will appear on his face;
  • when talking, the lover will smooth his hair, fiddle with his tie or watch strap, play with a wedding ring;
  • will also give it away with his head autonomic system: he can blush, then turn pale, sweat, tremble, often swallow.

How to deal with a married suitor

If it so happened that a married man shows sympathy for a girl, then there is nothing special to rejoice at. Life experience and statistics say that such guys rarely leave the family. Having satisfied their sexual needs, thus diversifying their everyday life, they come back. Where it is stable and warm.

But it may happen otherwise. It happens that a family man has not kept anything in marriage for a long time, and he really goes to a new lover along with all his belongings.

If a married guy promises to break off relations with his wife for a long time, but does not do this, leave. This will continue for a long time, and still he will not leave. In the classics of the genre, married men explain this situation to their mistresses by saying that “the wife is sick, she needs help, she has to wait until the children grow up” and other tales of this kind.

Most often, husbands leave the family after 40 years, experiencing a psychological crisis. The fortieth birthday is the milestone when a person sums up the half-lived life. And if the conclusions do not suit them, then they begin to change everything around: work, appearance, friends and family, including. This behavior signals that the person is trying to start new life like taking a second chance. No wonder there is a saying: "gray hair in a beard, demon in a rib."

In fact, if a man is determined about a new passion, he will immediately break up with his wife. The strong half of humanity are great owners. They will in every possible way demonstrate their attitude towards their beloved, signaling to other males - “she is mine”, but in no case should they hide it.

How to understand whether the intentions of a married man are serious, or is it just flirting to dilute your gray everyday life? If he loves, he will demonstrate his feelings in every possible way. If not, then:

  • the lover will avoid talking about plans for a joint future;
  • forbids you to tell anyone about your relationship;
  • a married man gives a lot of gifts, but rarely spends time with you and pays little attention;
  • you do not have common dates and holidays that you celebrate together.

Love affair at work

Falling in love at work is easy because that's where colleagues spend time together. a large number of time. It is not difficult to guess how a man who is not free, but showing interest, behaves. Random touches, signs of attention in the form of a cup of coffee, offers to bring home. So what? You are colleagues. Everything looks more than decent. The wife will definitely not find out anything, since the husband does not go anywhere except for work.

Office intrigues have many bonuses:

  • the desire to please a colleague keeps the lover in good shape and encourages him to always look good;
  • if this is an affair with a boss, then there is an opportunity for career growth;
  • the opportunity to spend a lot of time with the object of desire and be aware of all his affairs;
  • secret kisses and hugs for a long time support the intensity of passions;
  • one thing brings people together.

But where there are pros, there will always be cons. The biggest of which is if the romance doesn’t work out or the love passes, how to continue to maintain a working relationship? Therefore, if at work you constantly catch the eye of a married man, then you should understand what can happen in the future if you reciprocate.

Unfree man and woman

It happens that a married man falls in love with a married woman. It is rather difficult to unravel the signs of such a situation, since both partners are limited in their freedom. If you yourself are married, then you are unlikely to dare to ask a married man about his feelings for you. In principle, you can understand that you like you using the same signals as described above, but in your case there will be twice as much caution and tension.

Most of this novel will be correspondence on the Internet. A minimum of meetings and gifts for security purposes. After all, lovers know that this is temporary. The chances that one of them will let anyone know about their relationship are practically zero, since the fate of everyone is at stake.

Why do some men prefer married women? They are different from unmarried psychological characteristics, which are virtues for a non-free person:

  • a married woman knows what she wants. Most likely, this relationship is for her as a way to escape from everyday life and diversify a boring sex life;
  • she does not need gifts and courtship;
  • she will not throw a scandal out of the blue;
  • she will calmly accept if a man is suddenly late or does not come to a meeting at all, since the same thing can happen to her.

Why do men go to the side

What makes an unfree man fall in love and act like a boy? Why at one fine moment a person stops noticing a partner and looks for entertainment on the side? Male infidelity has exact reasons, the main ones are:

  • banal lack of sex in the family;
  • the desire to get fresh impressions and emotions, an escape from the dullness and stagnation of family everyday life;
  • misunderstanding, lack of support from the spouse;
  • really flashed feelings for another lady;
  • constant need for adrenaline and thrills;
  • increasing self-esteem next to a new passion.

So, in conclusion, we can say that recognizing the sympathy of a married man is not so difficult, you just have to be observant and patient. But if your guesses are confirmed, then you should not rush into the pool with your head and think carefully possible consequences romance that will touch you both.

Love is the most pleasant and unique feeling of a person, which is difficult to describe in words. But there are times when love arises suddenly and completely unplanned. And if among women the majority are monogamous, then the representatives of the stronger sex prefer diversity in their personal lives. How to understand that a married man fell in love?


Of course, in this case it all depends on the personality of each individual man. Each person has his own character and manner of behavior. Someone prefers communication and solving problems in a collective circle, while someone closes in on himself to find the right solution.

It is important to remember here that a married young man who feels great sympathy for the fairer sex always remembers that his passport already has a stamp.

If a man is not ready to betray his family and wife, then he will root out any contacts and connections.

But despite this, letting go of the desired girl is not so easy. Therefore, in such situations, emotions play a huge role, it is almost impossible to resist the pressure of which. Men in such cases try to find a reason for a conversation and a new meeting.

If he nevertheless decided to take a serious and responsible step, he would not hide his beloved from other people. He simply understands that it is pointless to hide it, and sooner or later everyone will definitely find out about his new interests, including his wife.

There are also cases when a young man behaves coldly in front of other people, while upon arrival home he immediately showers her with a huge amount of compliments, talking on the phone or on social networks. This may indicate that the man is not yet ready for responsibility, or he just wants to diversify his personal life a little on the side.


If a married man has good experience behind his back in dealing with girls and in conquering their hearts, and in this moment he is full of feelings, then he is unlikely to be able to control himself in relation to his new lover.

Usually feelings are manifested in glances, random touches. If a married man fell in love, then he will try to do everything possible for his chosen one.

First of all, a man in love will try to meet you halfway, will take care and worry. Between family and girlfriend, he will choose the second option.

If his friends went into action, then such behavior says just the opposite. Usually this means that the man does not experience any serious, deep feelings, and keeps the girl at a distance, using only as a mistress.

With such behavior, the young man tries his best to do everything possible so that the wife does not find out about his new connections.


All people can unconsciously show sympathy and other feelings without even noticing it. And when communicating with an object that causes a lot of emotions and feelings, it is extremely difficult to control the movements of your body.

Look closely at the gestures and movements of the man. Psychologists identify three main signs that a man is interested in a woman:

  1. Open hands. If a man does not keep his hands in his pockets, does not cross them, then this means that he is relaxed. He is comfortable and open to communication with this woman.
  2. Copying the pose of a girl. If the representative of the stronger sex folds his legs or arms in the same way as his chosen one, then this indicates a clear sympathy. Thus, he unconsciously shows that he likes the girl and is impressed by what she does.
  3. Scrolling a wedding ring. This applies specifically to married men. Psychologists explain such a gesture as a subconscious attempt to get rid of those “handcuffs” that do not allow him to fully trust and open up to a woman.

Be sure to pay attention to the eyes of a young man. During sexual arousal or erotic fantasies, his pupils will dilate slightly.

Gestures and other signs

The most important sign is that if a man carefully looks into the eyes of his chosen one for a long time, then this indicates his obvious interest. At this moment, he does not want to take his eyes off in order to enjoy her appearance, conversations, movements as much as possible.

You can conduct a small test that will help determine whether a married man likes you or not. To do this, tell a man the most stupid and unfunny joke that there is. If he starts laughing, it means that he has feelings and positive emotions for you. Thus, he shows that he is ready and wants to laugh at any nonsense said through the lips of his chosen one.

Pay attention to the gestures with the eyebrows. If, for example, a representative of the weaker sex enters the room and at the same time a man raises one eyebrow on a subconscious level, then this indicates sympathy for the opposite sex.

If a man experiences really strong feelings, then he will not restrain himself in any way so as not to touch his beloved. If he pretends to touch accidentally, then this is a clear sign of sympathy or great feelings towards you.

Pose of a man

Each representative of the stronger sex, like any girl, wants to be the best and unique. Therefore, if you notice that a man sharply straightens his back, raises his head, draws in his stomach, then these are the very signs of sympathy that he sends you.

An interesting gesture is placing the thumbs behind the belt.

Psychologists say that this is a clear intimate gesture by which men communicate their desire to take possession of this woman in bed. By the way, this is also a way to avoid getting into a very unpleasant situation. Thus, he subconsciously tries to hide an erection. And an erection can only arise from the appearance of a pretty girl for a man.

How to understand the intentions of a married man?

There are several ways to help you understand whether a woman will always be in the role of a mistress or whether a more desirable course of events awaits her.

Psychologists distinguish such behaviors and recommendations:

  1. Relationships are best started with a simple friendship. During the conversation, you should find out how the man met his wife. If he enthusiastically begins to tell the story of their love, paying special attention to how his wife cooks deliciously and so on, then it is unlikely that things will go beyond bed.
  2. If, after the beginning of a relationship with his mistress, the man did not tell her about his marital status, then this is a clear disrespect. Nothing serious comes out of such a relationship.
  3. If a man promises to divorce all the time, but along with his promises, new photos with his family constantly appear on social networks, then it is better not to continue this kind of relationship. A man simply leads his mistress by the nose.

In the case of falling in love with a married man, it is important to soberly assess the situation. Representatives of the stronger sex do not have the same mindset as women, and they will be able to leave their family only in the event of really very strong emotions and feelings for their mistress. Which happens very rarely.

How to understand that a husband has a mistress?

Psychologists have identified several signs that will help women recognize that their husband has fallen in love with another woman:

  • a sharp disappearance of intimacy with a spouse or a significant decrease in it;
  • a man tries to look good and constantly preens;
  • frequent delays at work, business trips, reasons to jump out of the house somewhere;
  • lack of gifts, a man forgets about family holidays and does not show any attention to family dates.

A man in love can refuse joint breakfasts, dinners, and his wife's hugs will only annoy him.

If the wife tries to seduce and captivate him by wearing erotic lingerie, preparing a romantic dinner or a bath, then the man will refuse it with all his might, explaining his behavior by fatigue, workload or a headache.

Male love is a flash. It can fade away as quickly as it started. Therefore, sometimes a woman should wait a bit and be patient.


By what signs can you find out about the love of a married man?


Good day, dear girls and women!

The structure of this article will be built as follows.

First, I will talk about the situation, how to understand whether a married man with whom you are not familiar loves you. For example, you often see each other and communicate little or not at all.

The second part of the article will contain information on how to understand that a married man is in love, but hides his feelings with whom you are familiar and you communicate.

In fact, what will be said in the article, you know or guess about it. Therefore, after reading this article, all your understandings will be put in your head on the shelves so that you can understand with 100% certainty whether a married man likes you or not .

  1. How to understand if a married man loves you from a distance.
  2. How to understand that a married man is in love, but hides his feelings towards a girl.
  3. Conclusion.

Nice guys tend to have one big flaw: they're all kind of married.

1. How to understand if a married man loves you from a distance

You can't even imagine how simple everything is in this situation. After all, men in such things as falling in love with a girl are almost all the same.

Be honest, if you ask a similar question in search engine, then you probably know that something interested a man. He often looks at you and you want to understand for sure if he fell in love?

I understand you like it too...

And we have already answered your question.

How to understand that a married man is in love with you, but hides his feelings just by sight.

Gestures, facial expressions, behavior, some kind of incomprehensible energy - all this is lip service to your brains. You are not a professional psychologist or psychic with 20 years of experience.

If a:

  • he often looks at you
  • lowers or averts his eyes, meeting your gaze,
  • when he stands alone or communicates with someone on the side, his body is constantly turned in your direction,
  • then read on.

If there are no such signs, then most likely you fell in love with him, but his feelings for you are a big question. I will write about how to attract the attention of any man in my next articles.


Therefore, the fact that he really likes you or he is in love with you is for sure. No guy or man will just look at a girl that often, even if you work nearby.

Do an experiment, after which you will either get to know each other better, or you will know for sure that he is not ready to get close to you and why.

Experiment. Must be done at least twice.

The next time you meet his eyes, just try to smile.

If he answers with a smile, then he is 100% ready to communicate with you.

The more you smile at each other, the faster you will get to know each other.

I quickly bring men to clean water! After a week of communicating with me, I see that he is a nervous ... twitchy ... psychopath ...

After meeting and communicating with him, everything will fall into place.

But if you don’t get to know each other and continue to smile stupidly, then there is only one way out, or rather yours. No other way. How to do this is described below.

Do you know why he doesn't take the first step towards you?

He does not know, are you ready to secretly meet him . But he also understands that you like it.

Vicious circle: you are shy, and he does not know your reaction to secret meetings.

Just come and invite them to a joint lunch or a cup of coffee in a coffee shop.

Understand that a man will not smile without sympathy just like that at an unfamiliar girl whom he constantly looks at. Therefore, the probability of its failure tends to zero.

If during the second time of your experiment, he does not smile and lowers or looks away, then:

  • he's afraid of the consequences
  • he doubts you (will he be left alone later),
  • all of the above.

I spent the night with him ... I slept well ... In general, I realized - not mine ...

2. How to understand that a married man is in love, but hides his feelings towards a girl

In this case: you know each other and sometimes communicate.

And you wonder: how to understand if a married man loves you?

Then we continue.


Signs of his love:

  • worries you about all sorts of nonsense,
  • during communication, sometimes, looks at your lips,
  • he often looks at you
  • when you catch his eye, he smiles, and if this happens often, he looks away a little to the side or down and pretends not to look at you (guys do this option more often).

How to understand that a married man is in love, but hides his feelings? Conduct an experiment, after which you will confidently know his attitude towards you.

Experiment. Do at least 3 times.

Ask him to do something for you, such as:

  • go and buy something (your money should be a little lacking),
  • do a job for you or help with something, but it must be something boring that he knows about, but would never do himself.
  • if you are studying, then ask to make you an essay, at least via the Internet.

Basically, I don't know your situation. You're not stupid and you can figure out how to puzzle him yourself. Stupid girls don't know how to use the internet.

Off topic joke:

My husband came home drunk, he didn’t reach the bed ... he collapsed to the floor and fell asleep. His wife threw him a pillow and a blanket…..Woke up at night from a roar and matyukov… The husband crawls on all fours on the floor and yells:

- Natasha, turn on the light .... I can't get out of bed??

What I wanted to draw attention to- all tasks should take at least 2-3 hours of his time.

Since you are a smart girl, you perfectly understand yourself that a guy or a man, and even more so a married one, will not waste time on you all the time when you need it. The only request - yes, just an acquaintance can do it, and even that is not a fact. But constantly (at least three times) fussing for you ...

In general, my proposal is this - do not be stupid if you like it. Catching his glances, looking at his behavior, listening to what and how he says is not only a waste of time, but also not exact result. Besides, you're not a psychologist.

But come up with three requests - it's not a problem for you at all . You can already puzzle him tomorrow and by his behavior you will understand how he treats you.

And then ask yourself: how to understand that a married man is in love, but hides his feelings; you will not.

3. Conclusion

How does a man hide his feelings for a woman?
