Winx Club Bloom is pregnant from Skye play. Games for girls about pregnant women

Pregnancy games help the younger generation understand how women feel, what they want, what they worry about, how they behave, how to take care of newborn babies.

Flash drives are opportunities for younger ones to feel like moms. Games are useful for little ladies, because any girl can be lucky enough to be a mother. An important clue is that the characters who play an important role are the heroines of cartoons and stories. Princess Jasmine from Aladdin, Diana, Snow White, etc. attract the interest of children. Girls have a chance to control their favorite cartoon characters.

Games are often updated with new princesses, fairies, mermaids, stars. Girls with a crumb in their stomach take care of getting enough vitamins. Some people worry about their own appearance. Others are about hard work. All of them are united by the need for care and attention.

During this period, pregnant women are trying more and more to acquire charm. They want to be beautiful with crumbs in their stomachs.

Each player gets a unique chance to try himself as a great designer. The player transforms young girls, gorgeous women in pregnancy.

Maternity dress up

All the heroines of the games have different tastes, they have different style preferences. Therefore, it is difficult to cope with this task without the help of girls. The task is to choose a wardrobe. Take care of the selection of elegant dresses, chic blouses or excellent trousers, as well as elegant accessories, bags, comfortable shoes for expectant mothers. Thanks to stylish things, ladies will be able to emphasize their beauty even in their interesting position.

Games for girls hospital for pregnant women

You must take care of the health of the heroines, take into account the attention to lead healthy lifestyle life. After all, the life of a defenseless baby who lives in the stomach now depends on you. We need to get rid of bad habits. Thanks to careful care, you can get a happy, healthy, cheerful baby. Pregnant women can often be capricious during these periods. Carefully, patiently take care of women in connection with their difficult situation.

In games hospital for pregnant women, it is periodically necessary to take women to hospitals. There they will be able to check, find out about the condition of the baby. This is an exciting moment for them, they are concerned about the health of the baby, expectant mothers are waiting for your help, support pregnant women. Take care of babies, bathe, change diapers, feed, put to bed. Think about future plans from a young age. The game can be just as useful for adults. To gain experience in this topic, first of all, you should play games from the "Pregnant" section. Be ready to live through everything passed here and become an ideal mother.

Their great-great-grandmothers played like this with bundles of straw: they twisted dolls out of it, gave names, sewed outfits, staged whole performances. Then there was a turn of real toys, and now - online games for girls about pregnant women and childbirth. The form changes, but the content remains the same as 100 and 200 years ago.

A glimpse into adulthood

Psychologists say that stories about pregnant women and how they give birth are the second stage in the natural process for girls to play with dolls. The first begins at the age of three years and is expressed in the imitation of maternal function. During this period, babies rush around with baby dolls: they feed, cradle, bathe, carry in a stroller - they portray their mother.

By the age of five or six, a natural question arises: how did the child get into my mother's tummy? Not all mothers, and, moreover, fathers are ready to paint the process in detail. Yes, this is not required. The version that modern games about pregnant women adhere to is quite suitable for girls at the second stage of knowing the world with the help of dolls. Its essence is as follows: a handsome prince meets a princess, falls in love, a couple kisses, plays a wedding. The young wife immediately rounds her tummy, and a happy family begins to wait for childbirth. There is nothing terrible about them either.

In games about pregnant women, the process of childbirth is shown schematically - the mother starts contractions, she breathes heavily, and after a while a screaming baby appears from under her skirts. They are supposed to be played like this: you need to wipe the sweat from the woman’s forehead, straighten her hair, give some water, give painkillers injections - perform the functions of a midwife for free. The controls are simple: actions are performed with the mouse, and arrows appear on the screen with tips on what to take, where to go, how to do it.

Free Online Games about pregnant women

Pregnant Princess Belle is injured. Game for girls and girls! This beautiful pregnant princess Belle didn't pay attention to the street, so she stumbled and fell. Go to the emergency room to find out how you can treat her wounds and make her feel better. Give Beauty a shot so she doesn't get infected, and make sure she takes her vitamin pills. Mommy-to-be will be ready to go home and get well in no time!

Equestria. Apple Jack becomes a mother. Game for girls and girls! Equestria. Apple Jack becomes a mother - a game for girls in Russian. Today in the fabulous land of Equestria, Apple Jack is expected to have a new family. In this case, all mothers, without exception, are very worried and need help. First of all, help the pregnant mommy to collect the necessary things and take care of a beautiful stroller for her baby. Then, girls, you have to play the role of a doctor for her. Make sure that the condition of the mother and her unborn baby is in order. Now comes a very important moment. Apple Jack went into labor. Calm down girls! You will succeed! Hooray! A girl was born. Take a crumb! To control the game you will need a mouse, up/down arrow keys and a spacebar.

Super girl gives birth to twins. Game for girls and girls! Super Girl is about to give birth so call 911 and make sure she drinks enough water and has enough oxygen until the ambulance arrives. After that, learn how to take care of children! Change diapers, feed them, and baby superheroes will be home with their amazing mom in no time!

Mom stumbled and fell while chasing the cat around the house. Game for girls and girls! Mom tripped and fell while chasing the cat around the house, oops! Go with her to the emergency room and become her doctor in this amazing new game. Check her pulse because she is very frightened and needs to be stable, then continue to treat her wounds. Learn how to give a pregnant mom an injection and you're done! The patient will be ready to go home and enjoy the rest of the day in no time.

Mom tripped and fell while chasing the cat

Princess Aurora is pregnant. Game for girls and girls! Princess Aurora is pregnant and needs to get checked out by a doctor before she goes on vacation with her prince! Find out how your pregnancy progresses and use the fun medical tools from the doctor's room. Listen to the princess's heartbeat, use the ultrasound to check on the baby as well, and then have fun choosing a belly tattoo.

The sleeping beauty princess has twins. Game for girls and girls! The sleeping beauty princess has twins! Call an ambulance and make sure the princess has enough water and oxygen while waiting. To make her relax too, call the prince before the time runs out. A few sweet kisses will surely help the mom-to-be. Once you are in the hospital, you will meet two cute babies. Take care of them by changing diapers and feeding them. Soon the new family will be home, healthy and happy!

Birth of the Ellie twins. Game for girls and girls! Birth of Ellie twins, game for girls and girls. Ellie is pregnant and will have twins! Are you curious to see boys or girls? Let's join this beautiful doll on an adventure and help her until she gets to the hospital. Make sure she drinks plenty of water until the ambulance arrives and then take care of the two little ones. See how much they weigh, change diapers and soon they will be home, ready to start their life as a family.

Caring for newborn kittens. Game for girls and girls! "Care for newborn kittens" - Best game for girls about caring for tiny, newly born pets. But before you can begin to care for the crumbs, they will have to be born. Now it will happen. Attention to the pregnant mother cat. She starts having contractions. Urgently take her to the hospital and play the role of a doctor for her. helping with the birth of her children. Take mom's blood pressure and temperature. Get an ultrasound of her tummy. The cat is fine. Now you will give mommy the right injection and she will have a couple of charming crumbs. Now you will have to provide newborn kittens with care and perform a number of necessary procedures for them. Treat their ears and eyes. Trim their hair and nails. Drop in their mouth the vaccine put in such cases. Determine their height and weight.. Well, now you can take on their outfits. Good luck! Control the game with the mouse. .

An accident with a pregnant mother. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you have to help a pregnant mother injured in an accident. You will have to make sure that despite the bruises and wounds received, nothing threatens the life of the mother and her unborn baby. Take your mom's blood pressure right now. Wonderful! It is normal for mom. To relieve mom from a stressful situation, let her breathe oxygen and put her on the necessary drip. Treat her wound and suture her. Now listen to her heartbeat and take her temperature. Fabulous! They are also normal. Having given a final injection to a courageous mother, you can send her home with a clear conscience.

Pregnant pixie fairy: Scheduled inspection. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you will play the role of an obstetrician-gynecologist conducting a routine examination of a pregnant pixie (elf) fairy in order to monitor the condition of the mother and her unborn child. And so, measure mommy's body temperature. Listen to her heartbeat, take her blood pressure and take the necessary measurements of her tummy. Now, in order to check the condition of the child, you have to do an ultrasound of the mother's tummy, listen to the tiny heart of the fetus and check its size for compliance with the expected gestational age. Mom fairy pixie and her fetus are all right. Mom is happy! Now she just should not forget about vitamins and recommended fruits and vegetables.

Mom's blog. Game for girls and girls! The heroine of the game - "Mom's Blog" - is pregnant. In addition, she is also a blogger. Our cute blogger devotes his posts to beautiful, fashionable clothes for pregnant women and other goods for babies. Today, in order for mommy to be able to do her favorite thing, she will need helpers. These assistants will be you girls. Take her to the store and buy jewelry, accessories and, of course, beautiful, comfortable maternity outfits for her. And then take a spectacular photo and post it on your mother's blog. Mom's funds were not enough for purchases from other departments. No problem! You can earn some money online and then go back to the store for the purchases you need to showcase them on your mom's blog pages. Good luck! Control the game with the mouse.

Pregnant Ladybug goes shopping. Game for girls and girls! Ladybug is pregnant and will soon become a mom. Today she plans to go to the store to buy the necessary things for the expected baby. You girls will accompany mommy to the store. First, help her earn as much as possible. more money in the Internet. And then go shopping with her. Perhaps you will not earn enough money and they will not be enough for everything you need. It doesn't matter, you can return home to earn more money. And having bought everything you need for the baby, you can then see how it all will look in the children's room. Good luck! Control the game with the mouse.

Emergency: Treating a pregnant superhero. Game for girls and girls! An emergency situation has occurred in our Internet country today. When performing her mission, the super heroine suffered and now she needs the help of a traumatologist. Of course, this happens quite often in the life of superheroines. But the situation is dangerous because our heroine is pregnant. Therefore, when examining a pregnant woman, you must be extremely careful. Watch out for something dangerous to the health of mommy and her unborn babies. Use the mouse to control the game.

Emergency: Treating a Pregnant Su

Pregnant: A photo album for a future mother. Game for girls and girls! The heroine of our game is so happy! She is pregnant and will have a baby very soon. The expectant mother would like to keep memories of this amazing event. A photo album with exclusive shots is something that will always remind her of this period of her life. Of course, in the photo in the album, the heroine should look amazing. Take care of that, girls. Choose her a chic hairstyle, beautiful jewelry and maternity outfits. Then decide on what background she will pose for the photographer. To make the finished photo artistically more interesting, you can edit it using special buttons. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Moana and Maui are expecting twins. Game for girls and girls! Since Moana left the island to study on the mainland, she always returned here for the holidays. And she missed not only her family. Here Moana was waiting for love. The study is over. The princess returned home and married her faithful friend Maui. And now, the princess is pregnant and the young family is waiting for the addition of the family. Moana and Maui will have twins It seems that this hour has come. Call an ambulance immediately. In the meantime, the ambulance arrives, try to distract Moana from the discomfort. Call her beloved Maui to her, let's drink liquids for her. Follow the wishes of the pregnant princess carefully and fulfill them correctly and in a timely manner. Then, with your support, the princess will be able to get to the hospital and give birth to charming babies there. And you will help her in caring for the babies. Play with the mouse.

Princess Anne becomes the mother of two babies. Game for girls and girls! Happy Anna and Kristoff are waiting for the addition of the family. This time they will have twins. This hour has come. Call the emergency room (911) urgently. In the meantime, the ambulance team has not arrived, change Anna into other clothes and try to distract her from the discomfort. Call Kristoff to her, give her an oxygen mask, or drink liquids. You will try to do everything right and on time! Therefore, as soon as the arrived ambulance takes the princess to the hospital, she will immediately give birth to two charming babies without any complications. And now, girls, you have to take care of mommy and babies. Give the babies navels, transfer them to cribs and perform the postpartum procedures necessary for them in such cases, and give mommy medicine. Wow! Babies are already asking for something. And there is! Babies want mommy's milk. Give them to Anna.

Princess Anna becomes a mother of two

Princess Anne is pregnant. Game for girls and girls! Anna is pregnant, but her beloved Kristoff knows nothing about it yet. Such news will be a pleasant surprise for him. Today the princess is going to tell him about it. But she intends to do this in an unusual way. And you girls will help her with this. To begin with, you will need to make an original postcard and arrange a beautiful envelope for it, having received which Kristoff will know that he and Anna will soon become happy parents. And then you can all go to the store together to buy new clothes for the pregnant Anna. And at the end of the game you have a pleasant task. You will have to deal with the arrangement of the children's room for the unborn baby. Good luck! You need a mouse to control the game.

Examination of a pregnant mother. Game for girls and girls! Each expectant mother during the entire pregnancy should be observed in the antenatal clinic. Carrying out a certain set of studies allows you to predict the course of pregnancy and childbirth, as well as prevent possible complications. In this game, you will play the role of a doctor, in which our heroine is observed. girls. And so, during the examination, you should be interested in the state of health of the mother and her fetus. Take mom's temperature and blood pressure. Listen to her heart. Having made an ultrasound of the tummy of the mother and child, make the measurements necessary in such cases. After making sure that mom and her baby are in perfect order, send her home and make sure that she takes her vitamins on time and includes vegetables and fruits in her diet. Use the mouse to control the game.

Baby Taylor: The Story of the Birth and Care of a Newborn Baby. Game for girls and girls! Girls, do you want to be part of the story of the birth of a newborn baby Taylor? Then arm yourself with a mouse and hurry to the house of our virtual couple. It's time for the pregnant mother to give birth. Urgently call her an ambulance and do not rush to leave her in the hospital. There you will play the role of an assistant to the obstetrician taking delivery. And then you are waiting for the care of the newborn baby. Decorate the baby's umbilical cord. Determine its weight. Put dry diapers on her. Wrap her in a blanket and put her on mommy's chest. And when mommy and baby Taylor get home, take care of her whereabouts. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Baby Taylor: The Birth and Care Story

Helping pregnant Ellie shop. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you and pregnant Ellie have to go to the mall to shop for baby clothes for the unborn baby. Before you go shopping, you will have to help Ellie earn money on the Internet. If the money earned is not enough to make the necessary purchases, you can return home and earn extra money. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Monster High: Gulia Yelps becomes a mommy. Game for girls and girls! Monster High. Gulia Yelps becomes a mom - a cool Monster High game in which you, girls, have to help the famous student of the School of Monsters - Gulia Yelps - become a mom as an obstetrician. The events of the game take place after Gulia graduated from the School of Monsters. She got married and is already going to become a mother. Today is the day when, with your help, she will have an amazingly beautiful daughter. Play: with the mouse.

Monster High: Gulia Yelps Becomes a Mommy

Police officer Judy Hopps becomes a mom. Game for girls and girls! News in Zootopia (Zootopia)! Police officer - bunny Judy Hopps - got married. She is pregnant and is about to become a mother. It's time for the bunny to go to the hospital. Girls, today you will play the role of an obstetrician for Judy. Start your duties by assessing the condition of the rabbit. Then take delivery from her. And when her baby comes into this world, make sure that he is healthy. To control the game "Police Officer Judy Hopps Becomes a Mommy" you will need a mouse.

Police officer Judy Hopps becomes a mom

Ariel and Eric have a new family. Game for girls and girls! Girls, it looks like the pregnant princess is going into labor. Call her urgently. In the meantime, there is no car, help Ariel to change clothes and collect the necessary things in a bag. try to distract her from the discomfort. Call her beloved Eric to her, give her an oxygen mask, or drink liquids. Well, the ambulance arrived and Ariel was taken to the hospital. Everything happened on time! Once in the maternity ward, the princess immediately gave birth to a charming daughter. Decorate the baby's navel, take her to the crib and take care of her and her mommy. Give mommy medicine, and for the baby, follow the necessary care procedures. Order! The baby is well-groomed and healthy. It's time for everyone to go to daddy. Use the mouse to control the game.

Snow White: The birth of a daughter. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you have to take care of the pregnant princess Snow White. She is preparing to go to the maternity hospital and begins to collect the necessary things for this. As you can see, she succeeds with difficulty. But will you help her? Put dresses for the unborn baby in her bag. The princess began to make a toy for her crumbs with her own hands. Help her finish the job. Then go with Snow White to the grocery store for fruits and vegetables that the hospital will need to make fresh juices. And, of course, do not forget about the makeup for the princess. Yes! Snow White has too many things planned for today. Call her urgently. To prevent the ambulance crew from wandering along the road, escort the car to the hospital itself. We are sure you will be able to deliver the princess on time. Snow White will have a wonderful daughter. And you can take care of a happy mom and her wonderful baby. To control the game "Snow White: The Birth of a Daughter" you will need a mouse. Good luck!

Elsa and Ariel: Pregnant girlfriends. Game for girls and girls! Disney princesses Elsa and Ariel are pregnant and expecting their newborn babies to show up soon. During this period, expectant mothers need special care. At this stage, you girls will take care of the pregnant princesses. When sending pregnant Elsa and Ariel for a walk, take care of their outfits. Outfits should be pretty and comfortable enough. Maybe the princesses will need different hairstyles during this period, think about it. Do not recommend princesses to wear high-heeled shoes for a walk. During pregnancy, the legs of the princesses will quickly get tired of such a load. Want to give the princesses a special treat? Then take care of their unborn babies - design their children's rooms. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

The pregnant princess is hosting a reception. Game for girls and girls! Princess Elsa is pregnant, but she continues to lead an active lifestyle. For example, today she hosts a reception in her castle. As on any other day, Elsa wants to look stunning today. And you girls will help her with this. Choose such outfits for the princess so that against their background the tummy looks like a natural decoration for the princess. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Clothes for pregnant princesses. Game for girls and girls! Disney princesses - Elsa, Ariel and Jasmine - are pregnant. There is very little time left before the birth of their babies. However, in their interesting position, the princesses are still active and sociable. They go to visit each other, walk together. And sometimes, like today, princesses even have friendly parties. Of course, in such a situation, the princesses will need help. Girls, choose beautiful outfits, hairstyles and jewelry for them. And also work on the design of the room in which the princesses intend to have a party. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Princess Rapunzel is having twins. Game for girls and girls! Life goes on! Princess Rapunzel is pregnant again. This time, Rapunzel and Flynn, to their great joy, are expecting twins. Apparently, that time has come. Rapunzel is in labor! Girls, urgently call an ambulance by number 911. In the meantime, the ambulance has not arrived, change the princess into different clothes, collect the necessary things for her and try to distract her from the discomfort. Call her beloved Flynn to her, give her an oxygen mask, or drink liquids. Well, the ambulance arrived and Rapunzel was admitted to the hospital. Everything happened on time! Once in the maternity ward, the princess immediately gave birth to two charming babies. Decorate baby navels, transfer them to cribs and take care of them and their mommy. Give mommy medicine, and for babies, follow the necessary care procedures. Order! The babies are well-groomed and healthy. It's time for everyone to go to daddy. Use the mouse to control the game.

Belle and Ariel: Pregnant beauty princesses. Game for girls and girls! Disney beauties - Belle and Ariel - girlfriends and both pregnant. Now nothing prevents our princesses from spending a lot of time together. Such communication to girlfriends is beneficial. In addition, in their interesting position, both princesses need outside care and it will be more convenient for you girls to keep an eye on them while they are together. Use the mouse to control the game.

Belle and Ariel Pregnant Beauty Princesses

Pregnant Princesses: Golf Outfit. Game for girls and girls! Frozen princesses Elsa and Anna are pregnant. The princesses comply with all the prescriptions of doctors, so they feel great and even allow themselves to lead a fairly active lifestyle. And now Elsa and Anna decided to take a walk on fresh air and play golf. No matter how the princesses feel, in their position. girls, it's best for you to help them with the fees for a walk. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Pinkie Pie becomes a mom. Game for girls and girls! ATTENTION! TO ENTER THE GAME, FIRST PRESS ON THE PINK STRIP AND THEN ON THE YELLOW BUTTON WITH THE WHITE JOYSTICK INSIDE. Pinkie Pie Becomes a Mommy is the best game for girls in the hospital games series, in which girls, you, as obstetricians, will help a pregnant girl, Pony from Equestria, in the birth of her child. Time does not stand still. Pony girls we know grow up, get married. As expected, they have children. It's time for Pinkie Pie to give birth. Girls, urgently prepare her necessary things for the hospital. Don't forget to check if the stroller is ready for her baby. Now take Pinkie Pie to the hospital. In the hospital, first of all, make sure that everything is in order with mommy and her unborn child: listen to the baby's heartbeat, measure mommy's temperature and pressure. Everything is fine! Girls, the most important moment has come. Give mommy a booster shot, offer her an oxygen mask, and start controlling mommy's contractions. You will succeed! Pinkie Pie is having a healthy baby girl. Now, girls, you just have to perform all the necessary procedures for the baby in such cases. Play with the mouse.
