Name day of the novel by. Name day of the novel according to the church calendar

The name Roman is of Latin origin and translates as "Roman". It has its own secret and meaning.

a brief description of

Men with this name are distinguished by the ability to self-organize, as well as prudence, logic and the gift of persuasion, as well as patience and endurance. However, in addition to these qualities, he has a highly developed intuition, which rarely fails him. He is self-confident, objective, not amenable to other people's influence. Such a person can become an excellent politician, judge, leader, law enforcement officer. In work, he becomes a workaholic if he sees the possibility of self-realization, the prospect of taking a high position or getting good earnings. Roman is not indifferent to art, constantly improving himself and working on himself. In marriage, it is important for him to feel like a leader, not to feel the infringement of his freedom. Otherwise, he may begin to cheat or simply not be happy. Only a wise woman with natural cunning will be able to maintain a strong marriage with such a man for a long time, creating an atmosphere of trust and care.

Date of the day of the angel Roman

Such a holiday as the day of the angel should be celebrated by a person only once a year. In order to determine what date Roman's day is, you need to look at a special calendar, which shows the days of all saints (patrons) with that name. You should choose the date that will be the closest after the birthday.

Artistic Ambitious Hardworking

Roman Abramovich, billionaire

When is Roman's name day in 2019?

In order to prepare worthy congratulations for Roman's name day, you need to know about his preferences and character traits, which his name can tell about.

Its meaning can be interpreted in two ways: for example, from Latin this name is translated as Roman, and from ancient Greek it means “strong, strong”.

Despite this interpretation, Roma cannot boast of either good health or willpower. At the same time, he has a lively mind, perseverance and is an addictive nature.

He is lucky in life, because he is open, generous, interesting and active, happy to communicate and always tuned in to a wave of optimism.

It is desirable to make wishes for Roman on the occasion of his name day in an original way, the gift should either be very bright or benefit his health.

You can deal with the name days of all the Romanovs by following the Orthodox Christmas calendar. So in 2019, the owners of this name can celebrate Angel Day in almost every month.

But the main date for each of them is determined relative to the birthday - you need to choose the nearest one and mark it as a name day.

The patron saint of men, so named, is the Reverend Cleric Roman, a Syrian of Greek origin. With his diligence in church service, kindness and humility, he won the sympathy of the Syrian ruler.

To save him from the machinations of envious people, Holy Mother of God, which appeared to him after long prayers, endowed him with an unusually beautiful voice. Thanks to this, he went down in history as the Sweet Singer.

If you know when Roman celebrates his name day, do not miss the opportunity to congratulate him on such a day. And it is not necessary to look for grandiose presents, beautiful wish in verse or prose, sent SMS will be a worthy sign of attention.

Moreover, these congratulations are unique and inimitable, they will help you make an unforgettable impression and will definitely cheer up the hero of the occasion.

Name - Roman, from Latin - "Roman". In childhood, little Roland is often prone to respiratory diseases, which should be treated with great attention, as they can result in unwanted complications. At school, this boy studies - average. Often likes not to learn homework and likes to skip classes. It should be noted that a person with this name cannot endure the monotony of life at all. Therefore, it is not at all surprising if, six months before graduation, he goes to work, or neglects his diploma, for example, for the sake of a career as a non-professional actor.

Carried away by something, he too - lights up and is often able to captivate other people along with him. As a rule, he is often very amorous and without much remorse, he can often change his chosen ones until he finds one that is ready to dissolve in him and completely devote her life to him. But it should be noted that he is not at all an ideal husband. And such qualities of his character as passion, inventiveness and love for diversity can often complicate it. family life. But when children appear in the family, this person usually settles down and becomes a wonderful father. In the family, the owner of this name is almost always the leader, but without excessive dictate and stubbornness.

Roman gets married several times

Sexuality of the name Roman In the life of Roman, there are always a lot of women in relations with whom he often acts impulsively. It happens in repeated marriages, often disappointed, but, having gone through a series of divorce proceedings, remains a romantic. The novel is characterized by a love for complete personal freedom, independence and independence, an unwillingness to subordinate one's sexual behavior to generally accepted norms, a template. He does nothing under compulsion, his goal is to know, to give pleasure and happiness. Physical intimacy is also important to him in marriage, but if the attraction to his wife fades, Roman looks for a new partner, a new object of his passion. He is a devoted and passionate lover, but he is not used to advertising his connections.

Roman's name day

Roman celebrates name day: February 11, February 16, March 2, March 29, May 15, June 13, August 1, August 6, August 11, August 15, August 23, September 8, September 24, October 8, October 14, November 13, 1 December, 10 December.

  • Name Roman according to the zodiac sign: suitable for Aquarius.
  • Roman Talisman: amethyst.
  • Roman patron saints: Roman of Samosata, martyr, Roman the passion-bearer, Roman of Rome, martyr, Roman of Caesarea, Antioch, holy martyr, deacon.
  • Roman name compatibility: favorable relations with the names: Aurora, Ada, Alice, Anna, Valentina, Galina, Elena, Claudia, Love, Maya, Maria, Mirra, Nadezhda, Natalya, Olesya, Sophia.

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Name day is an important holiday for every Orthodox believer. It is similar to a birthday, because it is associated with baptism - a spiritual birth into eternal life according to the teachings of the church. When a person passes, he is called by some name, necessarily in honor of one or another saint. From this moment on, the newly baptized has in the person of this saint God's heavenly patron, with whom he will be spiritually connected throughout his life. Therefore, an unbaptized person, in general, does not have the right to celebrate name days, because he bears his name without reference to the personality of the heavenly patron.

For those who are initiated into the name and the patron is chosen by the parents (if the baby is baptized), or the person himself. The day on which church calendar the memory of the chosen saint is honored, and it becomes the name day. If someone was baptized in childhood, but there are no records and no memory left about which of the saints was chosen as the patron saint of the baptized, then the saint is determined as follows: the holy calendar is taken and it is calculated which day of memory of which of the saints of the same name is closest to his birthday. He turns out to be a patron. The same is done when a person at baptism chooses a name for himself, but does not know which of the saints to prefer. In all other cases, the patron can be chosen regardless of the date of birth, based only on intuition and a sense of special spiritual connection and sympathy. It could be any day on the calendar.

Roman, whose name day can fall in one of ten months of the year, has a fairly wide choice in this regard. Of course, once the choice is made, it cannot be changed. Below we give the main list of dates that Roman's name day falls on.


June 13 is the name day of Roman, named after the martyr of the same name, who suffered for his faith in Christ. It was in a place called Nicomedia.


On the day of August 1, the name day of those who have Prince Roman of Ryazan, glorified as a martyr for faith in Christ, is celebrated. He was tortured and killed at the Khan's court on charges of blaspheming the pagan faith of the Tatar ruler. This was done on the basis of a slanderous denunciation of the khan's tax collectors, from whose arbitrariness Prince Roman defended his subjects.


September 8 - Confessor Roman. Orthodox believers with the name Roman celebrate this day in honor of the holy confessor, who reposed in the Lord in 1937, after many years of repression by the Soviet government. During his lifetime, he was a priest, and shortly before his death, he also became a monk with the name Joseph.



November 13 is the name day of Roman, whose life, however, is unknown. There are many such cases in church history.


December 1 is the name day of Roman, named after the Hieromartyr of Caesarea (executed by pagans at the beginning of the fourth century for preaching the Gospel).


January 18 - the memory of Roman the Hieromartyr. All that is known about him is that he was martyred for the work of preaching.

On the same day, the memory of the homonymous martyr, who died at the end of the seventeenth century, is venerated. During his lifetime, he was one of the monks on Mount Athos. Once in Constantinople, he was forced by Muslims to accept Islam. For his determined refusal to do so, he was killed.


On February 11, the church commemorates the martyr Roman from the city of Samosata. He was killed there by pagans during the persecution of Christians by Emperor Diocletian at the end of the third century.


On March 2, the venerable disciple of St. Theodosius the Bulgarian is remembered. When the teacher died in the monastery he had founded, Saint Roman became its rector, in whose rank he ended his life.


On the 15th of May, the day of memory of the holy prince Roman (Boris), the faithful martyr, is celebrated. He was the brother of Prince Gleb, the son of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince. He suffered in Rostov from assassins sent on the orders of his other brother, Svyatopolk. Together with Prince Gleb, they are considered the first

For men named Roman, the date of the day of the angel is chosen independently. This is due to the fact that there are several revered days, and the choice should fall on the one located as close as possible to the birthday of the birthday man.

  • 18.01 - prmch. Novel.
  • 11.02. - torment. Roman Samosatsky.
  • 16.02. - book. Roman Uglichsky.
  • 02.03. - Rev. Novel.
  • 29.03. - torment. Roman Parisky.
  • 15.05. - passion-bearer Roman (book).
  • 05.06. - book. Roman Uglichsky.
  • 13.06. - torment. Roman Nicomedia.
  • 01.08. - mch. Prince Ryazansky Roman Olegovich.
  • 03.08. - nmuch. Roman Medved.
  • 06.08. - book. (Novel).
  • 11.08. - Rev. Roman Kirzhachsky.
  • 15.08. - Novel
  • 23.08 - martyr. Roman Roman.
  • 08.09. - new. arch. Novel
  • 16.09. - new. Roman (Marchenko).
  • 24.09. — 08.10. - Roman, mch.
  • 14.10. - Roman the Melodist.
  • 13.11. - Novel
  • 01.12 - schmch. Roman of Caesarea.
  • 10.12. - miracle worker Roman of Antioch.

Catholics celebrate Angel's Day

  • 07.02.
  • 28.02.
  • 09.08.
  • 18.11.

The word, according to one version, appeared in Latin. In translation, it means Rome, it sounds like Roma. Or by the name of the Roman goddess, who was worshiped by the inhabitants of the Holy Empire. Another point of view is the Greek origin. Interpreted as having strength, strong.

In Russia, it arose along with Orthodoxy, initially the bearers were exclusively noble persons. According to tradition, on the day of the name day, God's temple was visited, a prayer was made before St. Roman, then guests were convened for a treat. They could just treat all neighbors, passers-by, children with pies. In the evening they went outside with songs.

Characteristics of a man named Roman

From a young age, the boy grows sickly. Fails to complete the curriculum due to absenteeism. She loves changes in everything, gets tired of routine, monotony. Rush to become an adult, can quickly complete their education. Prefers an ostrich policy in solving problems, hiding from them. In a difficult situation, he can lose control, give up.

Talkative, communicative. With an abundance of friends, few true friends. The novel will not be unnecessarily strained because of the money. He is often haunted by financial failures, meetings with dishonest people who harm him, but the guy is almost always reborn from the ashes.

In love, fickle. It flares up quickly, and can also instantly cool down. The ladies love his company. He is looking for his only one, if he considers that he has found, he will immediately marry. As a family man, he fully copes with his role. Strive for leadership.

History of the Saints

There is more than one holy Roman in the church calendar. There are several of them, each with its own difficult fate, which demonstrates devotion to the Christian faith.

Roman Melodist

In V in the city of Emesa a Greek boy was born, the future saint. After studying, he became a deacon in Beirut. Later he serves as a clergyman in the St. Sophia Church in Constantinople. For sincere faith, he was approached by Patriarch Evfimy. This was not to the liking of the other ministers, who began to harm him. Roman did not have a strong voice, good hearing, and his enemies pushed him to the pulpit during the service and forced him to sing.

The emperor himself and many nobles attended the pre-Christmas service. The saint's voice trembled, it was not clear what he was singing. Roman experienced feelings of shame in front of everyone. Returning to his dwelling, he devoted himself to prayer before the icon of the Mother of God. He had a vision of the Blessed Virgin. She filed a scroll, indicated that the offended one should chew it. After this night, Roman found not only a wonderful voice, but also the gift of a poet.

Inspired, he composed the famous kontakion of the feast of the Nativity of Christ. He successfully sang his anthem the next day. He received gratitude from high persons and a nickname from the people, Sweet Singer. Wrote over 1000 prayers.

Holy Blessed Prince Roman Olegovich

During the Golden Horde, he defended the faith and the Fatherland. In battles with Batu, both grandfathers of the holy prince fell on the battlefield. The Orthodox ruler always took the side of his subjects, opposed the tax collectors, did not allow them to ruin people. The servants of Khan Mengu Timur informed him of Roman Olegovich. The prince was called for a conversation with the Tatars (1270). He was asked to choose: a fierce death or their faith. The prince remained a Christian to the end, calling the Khan's faith false. For this he was torn to pieces, cut into pieces, beheaded. They began to venerate the martyr Roman of Ryazan immediately after the incident.

According to tradition, a religious procession is held annually in his homeland, a prayer service is served, and in 1861 the temple was consecrated.

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