Birthday of the name Valery. Angel Valery's Day according to the church calendar

The meaning of the name Valeria (female name): vigorous, strong and healthy.
origin of the name Valeria: from the Latin valeo - to be strong, strong, healthy.
Women with the name Valeria are always optimistic, independent and quite sociable. Very impulsive, which can create some difficulties in family life.
Friends and relatives can affectionately call Leroy, Lerochka, Lerusey, Lerunya, Lerusha. .

Happy birthday Valeria - congratulations

You are all fire, extravaganza,
Happy birthday, Valeria!
Oh, our Lera, Lerochka,
Red squirrel, squirrel.
You are our beauty
Already for the health of the bowl
You are drunk to the bottom,
Already a heavenly moon
His horn substitutes,
Like congratulations.
And the stars in the sky all lit up.
Salute from heaven! Look around!

With this joyful, fabulous day
We congratulate you all, Valeria
And let happiness be a big ship
Will sail on this day, Birthday.
Let him spread his sails
So that in your life you continue
This happy streak
So that the sun always smiles.

Valeria's birthday - congratulations

Oh, you are the rival of Venus,
Congratulations again!
Charming Lera!
Always fresh as young May.

Today, this happy day
On the day of bright, good name days
We want to be unique
Under your wonderful name!

Valeria! To you, beautiful
We wish you the most wonderful days!
Don't take offense in vain
Always love your friends!

Keep the wonderful aspiration
To nature and native land.
Let the joyful mood
Will be with you forever!

Congratulations to Valeria!
For Valeria - wishes!
Surround yourself with gentlemen -
Let them bombard you with confessions!
Surround yourself with fireworks
Travel to masquerade balls!
Let your life pass like a whirlwind -
Let love just stop:
Caravel of love in a quiet harbor
Going on a long voyage...

The day has come today
Festive and kind.
For fun, the time has come.
Smiling and kind
Be, Valeria, always,
Life will be good.
Let the years not grow old
Everything will be as it should be.

Congratulations to Valeria, girl

Like stars in the dark sky
Now your eyes are burning.
With you I'm like in a sweet dream
I bathe in bliss and love.
Valeria, my star,
I composed congratulations.
Here Lerochka, one trouble -
I wrote poetry for the first time.
For rhyme do not scold loving,
In verse it's so hard to wish
So that you can hug me
Celebrate your birthday!

Strong woman - a strong name,
To a bright gaze - the stars from heaven.
For Valeria now dance
The angels themselves have their own polonaise.
And heavenly music flows
To all those who know you.
May the sun shine on your life
Let the house be filled with love.

Valeria, hare, happy birthday
Today everything in the world is for you:
All gifts, smiles, mood,
Love, warmth, family and friends.

I wish you were happy
And she walked confidently towards her dream.
Hope, believe in dawns, a fairy tale, a miracle.
May life give you all the warmth!

Valeria is worthy of admiration!
Talented, beautiful and smart!
Thinks through every detail and
She always looks great!
Valeria - from the word to the gesture -
Exquisite. Don't take your eyes off her!
So let's drink, friends, to perfection!
And we wish her happiness now!

Happy birthday to my friend Valeria

Valeria, you are a good friend,
Caring, affectionate mother!
Sedin, let the blizzard not touch you
And let the joy ahead be waiting!
And your birthday is like a ray of sunshine
Will warm all friends with its warmth!
And this day will suddenly become the best
May it always be the best day ever!

Valeria is beautiful and smart,
The soul of the company and a wonderful friend.
We want to wish you a happy birthday
After all, we have gathered today not suddenly!
A great reason to drink for Valeria
Gathered today sincere friends.
May life bring happiness and luck
Fortune will be your companion!

Congratulations to the girl Valeria

What a wonderful name - Valeria
And the girl is not only wonderful in name
Today I dare to congratulate you
Goddess that is so beautiful and tender.
princess with a good heart
Magical and good looking.
I want to always be like this
Let the cherished dream come true!

Beautiful as a camellia flower
And you are as gentle as he is.
I'm on your birthday, Valeria
I wish you a million happiness.

And hundreds of fabulous sunrises
Dozens of loyal friends
So that summer sparkles in the soul
And your life was clearer!

Wishes for congratulations on Valeria's birthday

This day is only once a year
So happy - so happy!
And you, the most beautiful
All people desire love.

Slightly encouraging blood
Please, listen to me, Lera.
Happy holiday! Hope, faith
Let them not leave ... and love!

Full of warmth and life Lera,
Just beautiful spring
Sounds in Spanish primavera,
She matches her name.

Warm people with your warmth
So that the clouds do not hang from above,
To meet faithful friends,
Breathe confidence into their thoughts.

You don't change, you're so beautiful
Spring young flower
I think that you agree
With the meaning of these glorious lines.

You, Valeria,
holiday day,
Won't go out, I believe
Good bastard.

that shimmers joyfully,
At the heart, warmth,
Warming up with a holiday
Your native home.

Let sorrow be forgotten
And one day
Let it come true soon
What matters most.

Difficult stories
Every book has.
Let in yours, which,
Want to read.

Let the snow melt
Blizzards at the window
And gentle with you
Spring speaks.

I congratulate you, dear Valeria, and from the bottom of my heart I want to wish you magical moments of happiness and incredible miracles, interesting ideas and victorious peaks, high goals and confident strength, unchanging good luck and the greatest love.

Valeria, be a bright star
Shine a smile on all your friends.
Good luck stay with you
And let go of your sadness.

And let it spill in my soul today
Grace leading to the world of happiness.
Let your angel laugh in heaven
To convey positive and joy!

Happy birthday, happy birthday, congratulations to Valeria! I wish you love, health and good luck from the bottom of my heart. May there be only success in all spheres of life, may every day bring something new and good, may the dark clouds not cover the bright sky of your happiness.

Dear Lerochka, you
Greetings from the bottom of my heart today!
Let spreading the network of magic,
Surrounded by hundreds of wonderful blessings.

May health never
In this life does not fail.
Let the dream come true soon
Let love drive you crazy.

We congratulate Valeria!
Happiness, joys of fun
We sincerely wish you
We love, appreciate, respect.

If you made a decision
It's hard to lead you astray.
You strive for achievement
Be like that, go ahead.

Dear gentle Valeria,
Let life be like a series
In which a new series
Striking success on the spot!

You will be the heroine
Receive thousands of awards
Remaining good and glorious,
The most beautiful of the girls!

Happy day, dear, charming Valeria. I wish you to find your incentive, to find something new, amazing, bright and incredible in every routine day. You should not focus on the mistakes of the past, let it go and you will start a completely different life. Tolerance to you, certainty and peace of mind.

Our beautiful Valeria,
Wonderful moments for you
I wish you good luck, warmth,
And only goodness!

Love, inspiration, hope,
Be the happiest and most tender
Let there be care and sweet comfort,
The family is always looking forward to it.

Your wisdom strikes
And great faith.
You are unbreakable by fate
Fairy Lera.

Be happy dear
As you wish.
Let dreams come true
Everything you mutter.

From misfortune and from bad weather
Protected by the keeper
Your bright angel of life
And soul healer.

In the Orthodox tradition, name days are given more attention than birthdays. This is no coincidence, because even in the pre-revolutionary years, children were called according to the church, choosing the name of one or another saint. In the Orthodox calendar, you can see the memory of two Valerievs. Accordingly, name days are celebrated on November 20 and March 22.

Martyr Valery Melitinsky

On November 20, the Holy Church commemorates thirty-four Christians who suffered persecution and torment during the reign of the Roman Empire by Bishop Diocletian. It is believed that Emperor Diocletian was the most cruel persecutor of Christians. During the years of his reign (4th century), thousands of believers in Christ were tortured and suffered violent death.

One of these is the holy martyr Valery. He was one of the military squad led by Hieron. Warriors served at the court of Emperor Diocletian. For refusing to make sacrifices to the pagan gods, Hieron and his associates were tortured and then imprisoned. Seeing the steadfastness of the righteous, the emperor ordered the death of the Christians. The holy martyr Valery, among others, was killed by beheading with a sword.

Holy Martyrs of Sebaste

The second saint named Valery is one of the forty martyrs of Sebaste. This saint was also a warrior. The Passion-Bearers of Sebaste suffered in the 4th century in Armenia. The city of Sevastia became the last earthly refuge of confessors of the Christian faith.

The holy martyrs served in the royal army, whose leader was the pagan Agricolaus. Despite the regular service, Agricola decided to punish his combatants for practicing Christianity. The saints were forced to renounce Christ, but after a decisive refusal, it was decided to torture the righteous, so that the latter would "come to their senses" and depart from the path of "wickedness."

The martyrs were stripped naked and placed overnight in Lake Sebaste. In March, the weather was cool: the water in the lake was still covered with a thin crust of ice. For temptation and more suffering, a bathhouse was set up on the shore of the lake. However, the saints endured the torment. Only one of the martyrs could not endure the cold: he ran to the bath, but right in front of the entrance to it he fell dead.

The Lord performed a miracle: at night, 40 crowns descended from heaven on the holy martyrs. Seeing this phenomenon, one of the soldiers confessed himself a believer in Christ and jumped into the lake instead of the man who died in front of the bath.

In the morning the saints were placed before the tormentors and again forced to renounce their faith. After the confession of Christianity, the saints were ordered to be put to death. The legs of the Sebastian martyrs were smashed with a hammer, and then they were burned, and the bones were thrown into the river. After that, the local bishop had a dream vision of the sufferers, who indicated the location of their relics. Thus, the holy relics of the great ascetics were obtained, the particles of which are located in different places of the world.

In the Orthodox church calendar there are many holy names that are especially revered, but these names, with a difference in dates, are often repeated.

But the Day of the Angel, the name day of Valery and Valeria, are rare, only 2 memorable dates for a male and female name.

There are only four saints with these rare names, and until the 20th century, they were called, for the most part, the ministers of the Church. Only much later did these names gain their popularity among the population of Russia.

Patron Saints Valery and Valeria in Orthodoxy

In the Orthodox Saints, the bearer of the male name Valery has several patron saints:

  • Valery Melitinsky, who was martyred for Christ through torture and beheading;
  • Valery of Sevastia, who was martyred through torture on Lake Sebastia, in severe frost, and died on its shore.

Holy Martyr Valery of Sebaste

Women in Orthodoxy bearing the name Valery also have two patron saints:

  • Valeria of Caesarea, who was martyred for her religion;
  • Valeria, a queen forced to marry a pagan Emperor Maximilian, was executed for her faith in Christ.

Life of St. Valery Melitinsky

The life of Saint Valery of Melitinsky falls on the time of the bloody early Christian persecutions, during the reign of the pagan emperors of Rome, Maximilian and Diocletian. The saint lived on the territory of Cappadocia, and was one of the soldiers of the squad of Diocletian, led by Hieron.

When the mass destruction of believers by pagans began, Diocletian ordered the cruel and crafty Lysias to go to Cappadocia so that he would solve the problem with the Christian mood of the inhabitants of this city. And he zealously set to work, gathering pagan squads around him, who diligently dealt with the children of Christ.

Having learned that Hieron and his retinue were very strong, Lysias wanted to get his location, but news awaited him that the entire retinue was of the Christian denomination. This served as a fierce persecution of all 33 soldiers, among whom was Valery Melitinsky.

Valery, together with his brothers in Christ, fleeing from arrest, hid in a cave, where they had to fight with pagan warriors, who could not manage to take them by force. Then the pagans came up with the idea to lure out his commander, Hieron, leaving his friend and mother to influence his mind. But Hieron only said goodbye to them, saying that he would never change his faith, as well as his soldiers. He returned to his squad, which agreed to surrender to their enemy and be martyred for Christ.

Saint Valery, like his brothers, was taken into custody, and he was taken out only for severe torture, so that he would renounce the Christian faith and perform pagan sacrifices. The saint's steadfastness only irritated and intensified the ongoing torture. Neither flattery nor terrible torment could break the will of the saint. Lysias sentenced them to death penalty, through beheading.

Stepping to the place of his death, Valery, together with his brothers, joyfully sang the words from the psalms, and then, kneeling down, prayed to God to take his soul to himself. At these words, the head of Saint Valery was cut off.

Life of Saint Valeria of Caesarea

Very little is known about the life path of the early Christian Saint Valeria of Caesarea, and the data that are present in the Lives of the Saints are very scarce.

One thing is known for certain that Valeria lived in the Palestinian city of Caesarea, at the turn of the 2nd and at the beginning of the 3rd centuries, during a particularly fierce persecution of Christians, under the reign of Emperor Diocletian. He fortified the borders of his country and restored peace to the Roman Empire, but he could not cope with the influence of the spreading Christianity.

Together with Galerius, his co-ruler, Diocletian issues decrees prohibiting the Christian religion, and fierce persecution of the children of Christ takes place everywhere, Christian books are destroyed and churches are closed, under the guise of various threats, renunciation of faith in Christ was required, and those who did not agree were executed.

Valeria, together with her sisters in Christ, at that time lived far from worldly fuss, leading a righteous life, in prayers for the people, for the forgiveness of sins and an end to persecution. They also helped all those who were suffering, and enlightened people about the advantages of the new faith over faith in paganism. Furious zealots of the pagan faith found out about their activities and reported to their ruler.

Captured Valeria and her sisters were arrested, and in all various ways, from exhortations and terrible tortures, they tried to force them to bring sacrifices to a pagan deity. Valeria was the first to refuse to take the required actions, followed by her friends, which served as an immediate death penalty.

Name day at Valery

In Orthodoxy, the dates of the holy great martyrs are annually celebrated:

  • Valery of Sevastia - March 22;
  • Valery Melitinsky - November 20.

Saint Valery is asked for help in gaining confidence, in resisting temptations and in search of lost things.

Name day at Valeria's

Name day of the holy great martyrs in Orthodoxy:

  • Queen Valeria - May 6;
  • Valeria of Caesarea - June 20.

People turn to Saint Valeria for help in everyday affairs, to resolve issues and difficult situations.

Strong Confident Persistent

Valery Meladze, Russian pop singer

When is Valery's birthday in 2019?

Congratulations on Valery's name day should be timely. He firmly and confidently moves forward, often igniting the surrounding crowd with his purposefulness, but, alas, he himself often burns out and is distracted by new things.

It is worth considering the latest trends in his life and be prepared for the fact that even on his birthday, and not just on his name day, you can miss.

If you manage to prepare a cheerful and positive gift for this date, you can count on a favorable result and a happy birthday man.

The strong energy of the name Valery is transmitted to its owners: they are cheerful and cheerful, like hardened walruses near an ice hole in the middle of winter. You might think that optimism is their middle name, and there is simply no place for despondency in Valera's life.

But, in addition to the liveliness of character, the owners of the name are distinguished by the sharpness of the language. That is why both the date of congratulations and the congratulations themselves must be carefully chosen. Otherwise, you may become the object of barbs.

According to the church Orthodox calendar name day, as well as according to the holy calendar, several dates of the day of the angel are celebrated in 2019. A calendar with dates is attached below. It is curious how these days are the opposite of each other - the beginning of spring and the end of autumn. The awakening of nature and preparing it for sleep, which is just the way to go with his changeable nature.

It is very simple to congratulate Valera on a birthday: short SMS with a few touching or comic lines are quite suitable. If you have no time to invent new rhymes, you can always use prose lines or ready-made verses.
