Wishes to graduates of grade 9 from parents. Material (grade 9) on the topic: Beautiful, touching wishes for graduates

One of the memorable events in the life of every person is the graduation ball, which is held by all educational institutions. And although graduation in the 9th grade is unusual in that this graduation is not for everyone, since many students stay at school for another two years, but still, for many ninth graders, graduation is a farewell to school. Here you will find congratulatory verses for graduates of grade 9.

Congratulations on graduation in grade 9

Recently we went to the first class
By the hand - a child and a parent.
Nine years have passed like an hour.
Goda, where are you? Wait!
Is it our graduation?
School is over for many
And we already this spring
Try out adult roles?

Ninth grade was challenging and fun
Still careless, but already serious,
And for parents - a complete disaster!
Ninth is the last grade of childhood!
And time seems to be divided
Metamorphosis happened:
Yesterday's boys and girls
Smoothed their swirls and bangs,
Forgetting for a while the prank and hubbub,
Joined together in the word "youth"!
And behind the back successfully passed the GIA,
And there is still intrigue ahead:
Dreams, desires, doubts!
For the first time, a decision has to be made.
Good luck on your chosen path
Spread your wings and fly!
Well, today is a holiday!
Walk in full, ninth grader!

Congratulations from parents to graduates of grade 9:
Behind ninth grade.
You are at a crossroads now.
Who do you dream of becoming in life?
Where to continue studying?
We, your parents,
Your choice is essential.
We do not give advice
We are waiting for your decision.
College or tenth grade?
You choose now.
Maybe you want to go
Are you in high school?
The man is famous for his deed.
Maybe the choice is yours?
How would you like to be proud
That you were able to achieve heights!
We don't care what you become.
I could avoid problems
How to live with a matter not to your heart, -
After all, it will close the door fortunately.
No interest in work
There is no progress in life either.
A very sad fate
It turns out then.
You mustn't be mistaken
We want to be proud of you
To take up his business,
So that you take place in life.

Congratulations to Graduates of Grade 9
Nine classes behind!
Graduation night!
And meets ahead
The adult world is different!
May the path be easy
Through all the years!
Let it not let you feel sad
Happy Star!

Ninth grade is over
Received a certificate
You tried very hard
And happy with the result
Let this release be
Just a new start for you
And let the goal in life beckons,
You go to her with passion!

My favorite ninth grade!
I congratulate you now -
With the fact that you are no longer kids,
With the fact that it's time to grow up:
It's time to understand everything
It's time to make decisions...
It's time! And let the tenth grade
Not one bit will change you!

The holiday is dressed with joy,
Schoolchildren with flowers!
9 years have passed
life with you.
How many were ... and do not count.
different over the years:
Studying, reading, singing,
summer hikes.
Found friends here
Knowledge received
To carry through life
What has been invested in you.
Ahead the whole world is open -
Choose your path!
Of course you won't forget
school threshold,
Big life ahead!
Happy Holidays - shout!
The heart is happy in the chest,
And the eyes are shining!

The hour of parting is coming
Your youth is calling on the road.
School releases you like chicks
In the long-awaited, free flight!
Good luck, dear ones, fly!
No more standing at the blackboard!
And today you will accept from us
Congratulations, graduates!

Nine years in one moment
And now you are a graduate!
You can choose further
By profession, who to become.
We know you'll find your way
Can you swing the pendulum
And control fate
To take more from life!

It seems like just yesterday you saw your children off to the first grade, and now they are already finishing the ninth and they are going to graduate. Not only children and teachers, but also parents take part in this holiday.

This is a great opportunity for you to express gratitude to teachers and give parting words to schoolchildren. As a rule, the honor of speaking in response is given to parents who have been actively involved in the life of the class and school for many years, they know all the teachers and graduates well.

It is up to you to decide what your speech will be - whether it will be a speech in verse or prose, how many people will take part in this miniature. The response word on behalf of the parents of the parents at the graduation in the 9th grade can sound in a comic form, or you can present it in the form of a presentation with a slide show and appropriate musical accompaniment.

Response speech of parents at graduation in grade 9

The speech of parents at the graduation of the 9th grade can be started with verses:
- School is over. The kids have grown up.
Marked in the certificates,
And the moment has come:
Two generations - "descendants" and "ancestors"
We came together as if we were going to the first lesson.

- Together today we will meet this day,
Let's celebrate the holiday of separation.
But obviously for moms and dads,
That he will forever be remembered by children -
Just finished high school.

The parents will then contact the school administration and teachers.
- Dear administration of our beloved school! Thank you so much for your attention to our children, for creating decent conditions for them to study. Thank you for not remaining indifferent to the problems that arise with our difficult children and constructively solving them.

- It was useful for us, parents, to have the opportunity to hear detailed information about the life of the school at parent meetings from the headmaster, head teachers and teachers several times a year. We, the parents of high school students, will continue to try to help the school as much as possible.

- A low bow to all employees for their daily work for the benefit of our children, good health and success in all your affairs!

- We want to say a lot now -
How grateful we all are to teachers,
Who gave all their strength
And how we worried about the children!

Children love our teacher
She is considered the best in the world.
And low bow to her from dads and moms!
She managed to find an approach to us!

The director unites the team,
Protects the entire school from storms and troubles.
We sincerely wish her to continue
Burn with teacher's work!

Both teachers and children will remember the response word of their parents at graduation in a comic form.

- Oh, that terrible teacher -
Girls, boys tormentor!
Everyone teaches and teaches them.
And how not to get bored!
He doesn't look upset
From the same boys, girls,
To the one who was a terrible bore,
Messages are coming in.
Talents and mediocrity
They write words of gratitude.
There is no better profession
We will remember her this holiday!

In the speech of the parents at the graduation of the 9th grade, one should express gratitude to the teachers. At the same time, one can bring Interesting Facts from the life of students, vivid examples of the excellent work of teachers.

– Dear teachers! 9 wonderful years have flown by, which will remain in our memory just like the guys. Everything happened, not everything went smoothly. But we always knew that they would listen to us here, help us, support us.

- Dear teachers, all specialists of the friendly school team, thank you for our children! Gratitude for your work is difficult to express in words and just as difficult to evaluate. We wish you and our school only good luck, success and prosperity. Thanks again!

Congratulations on behalf of all parents at the graduation of the 9th grade in verse can be read by several people.

- Here it is June again, graduation class again,
As a particle of yourself, see you on your way.
Gratitude and low bow to you on earth,
Because the soul was not allowed to sleep!
There will be new classes and new days
The whirlwind of school everyday life will spin you around again.
But we know you will remember them:
They have your soul, they have your love!
We wish you health for a thousand years,
Easy classes, more salaries and on time!
And patience in everything and less so that troubles,
We ask you from the bottom of our hearts - continue the lesson!

- Nine years of study behind.
Our children have changed a lot.
And on this difficult path
They have learned a lot from you.

Dear our teachers,
We thank you today!
You gave our children a way
In this very complex adult world.

Let your work be a pleasure,
Let every student be happy.
All turns lead only to the best.
Let every moment be happy!

And then the response word of the parents will be heard at the graduation in a comic form.

- We love all teachers - it's not a secret.
There is no such thing anywhere else!
Chemistry teacher teaches everyone in the mind -
So much so that everything is in smoke from the test tubes!

Our mathematics teacher is like a magician,
He rarely sets tasks without any fuss!
Russian teacher - philosopher and poet,
She puts everything on the shelves, gives advice.

History teacher is a treasure trove of knowledge,
Tell about Berlin and Petrograd.
Let's hasten to congratulate everyone on graduation!
And congratulations on this will end.

The end of the 9th grade puts the guys before the first serious choice in life. It largely depends on him how their fate will develop in the future. This can be said in the speech of the parents at the graduation, referring to the perpetrators of this celebration.

– Our dear graduates, our beloved children! Today you are celebrating your graduation - this is a very significant event for you and for us. You have to make a difficult choice - to study further at school or choose other educational institutions and get a profession for life.

– In any case, we sincerely wish you to find your way in life, be able to achieve high goals, strive for your dreams and fill every day of your life with bright colors and victories.

- You have become adults and independent, and we, the parents, are very happy for you. But for us, you will always be the same children as before. Have fun and rejoice, today is your day, your holiday!

“Your first adult graduation…”
You've completed ninth grade!
Follow your dream -
Everything will be as you decide!

Let learning be easy
Let everything go smoothly!
Let luck smile
All of you without exception!

- Waiting for grown-up children to change,
They will become solid and sedate,
But they will never forget
Your school is not government walls,
And the feeling of a native nest.
It's hard to live on this planet
Various difficulties await them in the world.
But grateful, warm and light
Our adult children will remember more than once,
How lucky they were in the beginning!

And the congratulations from the parents at the graduation in the 9th grade will be completed by presenting flowers and gifts to the school administration and teachers.

Grade 9 is over, and you are standing at a crossroads,
What to do? Continue to study?
About this you are a little sad,
And suddenly your dream will rush away from you?
You think, you decide, you don't need advice
Get used to solving your own problems
And now the excitement is already awakened in you,
Decided to study! Do you want to know even more!

At the crossroads of two roads you found yourself today,
Grade 9 is behind us, what lies ahead?
But you were not afraid to solve this question,
Decided to continue to study you go!
After all, without new knowledge, you seem to be unarmed,
And you got used to achieving your goal,
You need knowledge experience
And you won't risk leaving their school!

You faced a difficult choice
You need to decide for yourself
You just do not rush to the final choice,
After all, it concerns your future!
9 classes - a lot, but you can learn even more,
And to study at school - there is nothing easier,
Do you think you can continue to study?
But remember, in the last classes, you must not be lazy!

Happy 9th grade, congratulations! Hooray!
The long-awaited time has come for freedom!
Now you belong to yourself!
And we wish you only the right decisions!
You will need advice, you contact,
And enjoy your freedom in moderation,
Don't forget about the next steps to success
And don't trade your dream for anything!

Years flew by unnoticed -
Goodbye, school forever!
Know this moment of parting
You can never forget!
Try to make your dream come true
And in great life dare to go!
Believe in friendship, do not doubt yourself -
Waiting for success and happiness ahead!

Good luck, graduate
Good fortune and good luck!
Let knowledge be a magic spring
It will help you solve all problems!
Let the dream become available
A sea of ​​wishes will come true!
Let beauty please life
And the calling will be found!

We know everything - learning is light,
And you studied for nine years!
The time has come, I finished 9 classes,
In some subjects, you have become a real expert!
We congratulate and wish to live
Great, and do not grieve in life!
And choose the right path in life,
And along the way, I understood the essence of life!

Nine years flew by unnoticed
Children have grown up
And there is only summer for rest,
You need to gain strength, and then
Back to battle! We wish everyone good luck
Happiness, peace, and wonderful days!
Let all problems in life be solved,
And life is always more fun!

It's time to make a decision
After all, nine classes are behind,
Congratulations, of course.
Go through life boldly!
Think about ten?
No, there are so many other places.
In front of you is the vast world
Only with good intentions!

Certificate in hand, and behind the ninth,
What's next? You thought, my friend!
We congratulate you on this date
Everyone came. Know you are not alone!
Congratulations, be always happy
And find the right way
May there be no rainy days in life,
And luck is just ahead!

Congratulations on the last call:

Entries 1 - 20 from 40

Behind the ninth grade
First adult graduation.
May good luck at the right time
Should always be with you.

And fate will open the door
To the world of success and dreams.
Listen to your heart more often -
It will be the way you want!

You've been together for nine years
All divided in half
It got, however, often
Poor teachers!

And now you've grown up
Became wiser at all
I wish further
Life would be without problems!

Behind the ninth grade, ahead - the road.
Not one, but a hundred thousand, in general, a lot.
We wish you, friends, not to be mistaken here -
Choose yours, don't stop!

May the road lead to happiness and success
There will be work in your life, and then joy.
There will be everything that a person can enjoy.
And you don't have to be afraid of anyone!

This day is definitely special.
We sincerely want to congratulate you -
Behind already nine years of study,
Here is your ninth grade!

Have fun, rejoice, but for a long time
Don't try too hard to relax.
There's a long road ahead.
Take your knowledge on the road!

And take your friendship with you,
What did you find in your school.
Put it all to the service
Happiness, peace, joy, love!

The ninth grade is already over,
Tonight is graduation night.
Don't be sad, laugh louder
And with that attitude,
Step boldly into the future.
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
To do what you love
Don't let work scare you.
May luck be with you:
In study, in life and in work,
So that, enjoying the little things,
Any difficulty to overcome!

The years flew by so quickly
It's been a fun time.
Today you will leave proudly
From the native class forever.

The ninth year is over
Say goodbye to school, you are dear.
Your teacher will cry furtively,
You have become a family for a long time.

I wish you good luck and happiness
May the new path be bright.
Appreciate every moment
A worthy life will only be let.

9 classes behind!
You are on the right track.
We wish you only good luck
To make it easy with any task
You did great
As usual, as usual!
Everything will work out for you
After all, you are the best class!

9 classes we worked,
visiting school,
And they wrote and read
Resting without knowing.
But the end has come
To all our torments,
Graduation is coming
"Goodbye!" - school
Let's say it together!
All success and love,
life luck,
To make all dreams come true
And nothing else!

You are standing at the fork
You can go straight ahead
Well, you can - back to school,
She is waiting for you as before.

Grade ninth is an important occasion,
Your serious graduation.
Well, decide what's best:
Back to school or to fight?

Nine years have passed
Like one moment
There is a light ahead
Labor and inspiration.

Take care of your knowledge
Both love and friendship.
Everything that you took at school
It will be necessary in life.

Dear our graduates! Congratulations on finishing 9th grade. Many of you will continue your studies at our school. And for those who have decided to start a new, independent life, we want to wish you an easy overcoming of obstacles on the way to the intended goal. May today be a successful start to your adult life. Good luck, our beloved students!

I want to congratulate you on your graduation
On this day, 9th grade,
The bell will ring today
Let it be the last time for you.

Let you joyfully swirl
Long awaited graduation
9 school years happy
They stay behind.

I wish all graduates
I have a happy journey
To the right path
In life you could find.

Graduation in the 9th grade,
The students are excited
Someone is already on their way
Someone will be at school.

There are many roads ahead
Choose, try!
We wish you success
Confidence, happiness.

Graduation in the 9th grade,
But in the eyes and sadness and joy.
You are already graduates
You are students of life.

Let life lead you around the world,
May fate send you greetings.
Always be people.
Happiness in life on the way!

Graduation is today
Finished 9th grade
We wish you joy and happiness,
And a year's worth of patience.

We wish you success
So that your dreams come true
More joy, delight, laughter,
So that you can reach the heights!

Graduation is without a doubt one of the most memorable events!
The Alumni Ball is held by all educational institutions, schools, colleges. In schools, graduation parties are usually celebrated at the beginning of the twentieth of June, after all school exams are over. At the official ceremony, schoolchildren who received medals and diplomas as a result of their studies are traditionally honored, then they are awarded certificates.
True graduation in the 9th grade is somewhat unusual - it is, if I may say so, "graduation is not for everyone." Usually, some of the students really graduate from school and move on, as it is now fashionable to say, to the next stage of education - vocational schools, technical schools, colleges. And the rest remain to study in grades 10 and 11. And graduation for them is a farewell to classmates.
There is no graduation party without an incendiary disco, trendy dance music, an excellent DJ, girls in chic prom dresses, elegant gentlemen, and also a wonderful mood! Why be sad? School years late? And how many new and interesting things await ahead - at seventeen, life is just beginning!

Congratulations on graduation in grade 9 in verse

My favorite ninth grade!
I congratulate you now -
With the fact that you are no longer kids,
With the fact that it's time to grow up:
It's time to understand everything
It's time to make decisions...
It's time! And let the tenth grade
Not one bit will change you! ©

Graduation Poems in Grade 9

Ninth grade was challenging and fun
Still careless, but already serious,
And for parents - a complete disaster!
Ninth is the last grade of childhood!
And time seems to be divided
Metamorphosis happened:
Yesterday's boys and girls
Smoothed their swirls and bangs,
Forgetting for a while the prank and hubbub,
Joined together in the word "youth"!
And behind the back successfully passed the GIA,
And there is still intrigue ahead:
Dreams, desires, doubts!
For the first time, a decision has to be made.
Good luck on your chosen path
Spread your wings and fly!
Well, today is a holiday!
Walk in full, ninth grader! ©

All nine years you worked hard:
You have worked and learned a lot.
No longer a schoolboy - now a graduate
In the Assembly Hall, he appeared smartly!
Celebrate today, spin in a fast dance!
No more carrying books around in your backpack.
You rest, well, tomorrow you will be
Choose your own life path! ©

Ninth grade is over
Received a certificate
You tried very hard
And happy with the result
Let this release be
Just a new start for you
And let the goal in life beckons,
You go to her with passion! ©

Nine classes behind!
Graduation night!
And meets ahead
The adult world is different!
May the path be easy
Through all the years!
Let it not let you feel sad
Happy Star! ©

Nine years in one moment
And now you are a graduate!
You can choose further
By profession, who to become.
We know you'll find your way
Can you swing the pendulum
And control fate
To take more from life! ©

What has been invested in you.
Ahead the whole world is open -
Choose your path!
Of course you won't forget
school threshold,
Big life ahead!
Happy Holidays - shout!
The heart is happy in the chest,
And the eyes are shining! ©
