Learning to pronounce the sound l. The child does not pronounce the letter l

One of the common pronunciation disorders in young children is the incorrect pronunciation of the consonant "L". Sometimes "L" is completely absent in the child's speech or is replaced by incorrect options. For example, the letter "Y" in the words "yug", "yisa" instead of "meadow" and "fox". How to contribute to the correct setting of the consonant sound "L" in young children, what exercises should be done?

Setting the correct pronunciation of the sound “L” will not take much time, it is enough to devote 15–20 minutes a day to exercises aimed at correcting and automating the pronunciation of this consonant.

We perform speech therapy exercises

The complex of speech therapy exercises necessary for the correct formulation of any sound that causes problems in pronunciation (including "L") includes several types of classes:

  • Articulation gymnastics;
  • Tasks for the development of speech breathing;
  • Exercises to automate the pronunciation of sounds.

It is desirable that any home lesson contains elements of the listed types of classes. It should be borne in mind that the total duration of such a lesson for a child of 3–4 years old should not be more than 15–20 minutes.

For children aged 5-6 years, the total duration of the lesson can be 20-25 minutes. In this case, it is desirable to alternate speech therapy exercises with tasks for the development of speech.

Exercises to establish the correct pronunciation of "L"

Articulation gymnastics, including the following exercises.


Purpose of the exercise: work out the position of the tongue, which is necessary for the correct setting of the sound "L".

Performance: The child slightly opens his mouth in a smile, sticks out his tongue, clamps it with his teeth and sings “Y-y-y-y-s”, imitating the whistle of a steamer.

Attention: If during this exercise (when “Y-s-s-s-s” is sung) an adult hears a soft “L ’”, then you should ask the child to stick out the tongue as far as possible, while clamping the teeth not on the tip, but on the middle part of the tongue.


How does a turkey talk? "Bl-bl-bl", gurgles and "buzzes". Have your child try to imitate a turkey "talk" using the following exercise:

Step 1. Having slightly opened his mouth, the child puts the tongue on the upper lip, while the tip of the tongue should slightly bend upwards, as if flowing around the lip.

Step 2 Practice, make a few movements with the tip of the tongue on the upper lip up and down.

Step 3 Connect the buzz on the exhale, at the same time increasing the speed of movements until you get “bl-bl-bl”.

This exercise will be very useful for the correct setting of the sound "L", as it perfectly develops the mobility of the tip of the tongue and works out the correct degree of its rise.

"How does the horse ride?"

This exercise has two parts. In the first part, the clatter skill is practiced, which helps to strengthen the muscles of the tongue well and develop the ability to lift the tongue up. The second part helps the child determine the position of the tongue in the mouth when he says "L".

Step 1. The child smiles, opening his mouth and showing his teeth. Then he clicks his tongue several times, resting against the palate. (We imitate the clatter of a horse).

Important: During this exercise, the lower jaw should not be mobile, only the tongue should move.

Step 2 Explain to the baby that horses can ride quietly, and repeat the tongue movements from the previous exercise, silently, without connecting your voice.

Important: Make sure that the tip of the tongue rests against the upper palate during execution, and does not protrude beyond the mouth.


Purpose of the exercise: learn to exhale air in such a way that it leaves the mouth along the edges of the tongue, and not along its central part.

Performance: the child opens his mouth and bites the tip of his tongue with his teeth. Then he needs to exhale, imitating the breath of the breeze. If it is not clear whether the child is doing this exercise correctly, put a piece of cotton in his mouth while he is blowing. This will help determine the direction of the air stream.

Possible distortions in the pronunciation of the sound "L" in children

There are two most common mispronunciations of "L" in young children. This is interdental and nasal pronunciation.

In the case of interdental pronunciation "L", the tip of the tongue extends beyond the upper incisors and is located almost between the teeth. It turns out a transitional option, something in between "L" and "B". To correct this problem, a standard set of exercises is needed to produce the consonant sound "L".

In the case of nasal pronunciation, the difference is more obvious. The speech apparatus works as follows: the tongue touches the soft palate with its back, and should touch the upper incisors with its tip. The passage of the air stream through the organs of the speech apparatus in this case is also different: it passes (partially or completely) through the nasal passage, making the resulting sound look like a combination of "n" and "g". The sentence "the pussy lived happily" will sound to the child in this case as "the pussy of spring ging."

In order to successfully solve this problem, it is necessary to carry out exercises that will help adjust the direction of the air jet and.

Consolidation (automation) of the correct pronunciation of the sound "L"

Exercises aimed at training the correct automatic pronunciation of the sound “L” must be done after articulation exercises for 15–20 minutes.

We practice the pronunciation of "L" in syllables:

Lu-ly-la-lo, la-lo-lu-ly, ly-lo-lu-la;

Ol-al-al-yal, yol-ol-il-yel, yal-yul-ol-yel.

We compose speech therapy snakes using children's loto cards:

We train the pronunciation of words, following the speech therapy snake. Sample options for cards/words:

lily of the valley, swallow, pin, rock, noodles, school, ash, tent, diver, bathrobe, salad, lamp, kalach elk, boat, forehead, crowbar, soap.

You can use not only nouns, but also other parts of speech: verbs, adjectives:

He sang, washed, rumbled, blew, yawned, put on his shoes, arched, pinched, winnowed, sowed, stood, sat, hung, offended, saw, hated.

Hungry, cold, bold, ripe, cute, whole, dull, scarlet, white, lethargic, small, evil.

Particular attention should be paid to the pronunciation of the consonant "L" in difficult cases: when there are two letters "l" in one word and when the letter "l" is next to other sounds.

Two letters "L" in one word:

barked, sent, chatted, swam, swallowed, broke, served, received, imposed, burst, kissed, flew.

The confluence of "L" and another consonant sound:

Gratitude, eyes, burned, Klava, cereals, sweet, jinx, shred, globe, chores, merit, lumps, fangs.

We learn poems and tongue twisters:

Oh, on the river, on the Volzhanka

The nightingale floats on a stick

Sat on a thin board

He started a ringing song.

Invite the child to analyze the fable and explain what really cannot be. Learn the fable together by pronouncing the "L" correctly.

Petya is small, he took the mint and crushed it

I saw my mother, did not order mint mint.

Repeat the tongue twister together, articulating clearly in words containing "L". Ask the child to explain what mint is. Add elements of lessons on the development of speech: let him reason about why it should not be crushed.

Sets with speech therapy exercises: cards, books, games, lotto, teaching aids for parents

  1. Set for playing self-study at home "Speech therapist's suitcase" Setting the sound "L", "R". For children from 4-7 years old.
    The set includes: bright workbooks with tasks and exercises (recognition alphabet, texts, words, professions); developing domino "Funny animals"; developing lotto “Learning the sounds [P], [P ’]”; developing lotto "Learning the sounds [L], [L ']". Bright, high-quality publication, with positive feedback from parents and speech therapists. You can separately purchase only the developing loto "Learn the sounds of L".
  2. A set of 500 cards + guidelines - designed to consolidate and automate the skills of "pure" sound pronunciation, and to develop phonemic hearing. Designed for educators, but can also be used by parents for home schooling. The cards are two-sided (picture + spelling of the word with sound emphasis), the words for each sound are chosen in such a way that allows you to quickly and efficiently enter the set sounds into speech.
  3. Another wonderful set from "Clever Girl" - "We speak from the cradle". It will teach a child not only to correctly pronounce sounds in words, but also develop speech and intelligence in general. Suitable for children at the earliest age from 0-3 years old. Designed for a course of classes for 53 weeks. The set is very extensive in terms of materials, it includes: methodological support "Development of speech activity"; class diaries; leaflet books \ talkers \ repeaters; chatter cards \ copycats; soft toy Wolf. Kits from "Umnitsa" always have positive feedback from parents, it is interesting, easy and effective to study them.

Pronunciation of "L" and the age of the child

Some parents are in a hurry, trying to get the correct pronunciation of "L" in a child who has only recently begun to speak. According to speech therapy standards, the pronunciation of “L” and “R” is the most difficult for young children, therefore, the final setting of the sound “L” is considered to be the consolidation of its clear pronunciation at the age of 5-6 years.

Lecturer, child development center specialist
Druzhinina Elena

Lesson on differentiating the sound "L", speech therapist exercises:

A fairly large percentage of parents are faced with a problem when their growing baby does not pronounce words and certain letters. For some, this can go away on its own, as they say, the child pronounces. And other children need to work to learn how to pronounce this or that sound correctly.

A clear pronunciation of sounds is very important, since school performance, and self-confidence and self-confidence, largely depend on this. Speech defects can play a negative role already in adulthood and prevent self-fulfillment and success.

Among all the letters in the alphabet, there are those that are difficult for most children to pronounce - this is the sound "r", for example.

If we talk about the letter “l”, then it is considered easy to pronounce, and children can be taught how to pronounce it correctly in a few lessons. In this article we will tell you how to teach your baby to pronounce the letter "l".

From this article you will learn

Why speech defects occur

Before teaching children to pronounce the sound "l", it is important to understand what led to the development of just such a speech defect. There are several main reasons.

  • Oddly enough, one of the reasons why there are problems with pronunciation is the habit of lisping with your child. If you notice that the baby has begun to pronounce sounds poorly, then analyze your speech when you address the child.

If you pronounce a letter incorrectly, then most likely your baby will speak exactly the same way. Since he simply did not hear another and considers it normal. Try to speak clearly pronouncing all the sounds.

  • The second reason why the sound “l” was underdeveloped is the anatomical features of the development of the child. These include too short frenulum, soft palate, cleft lip. All these developmental anomalies prevent the tongue and uvula from moving correctly, which makes it impossible to pronounce the sound in words containing this letter.
  • Another reason that may affect the fact that the child begins to speak incorrectly is a developmental disorder of the hearing aid. In this case, he simply hears the letter incorrectly, which leads to the formation of a defect.

Define true reason, which entailed the formation of an incorrect pronunciation, a speech therapist will be able to. This specialist should be contacted if defects in a child are observed after 4.5 years.

Until this age, the sound "l" can form itself. It is believed that after 4.5 years the baby's speech apparatus is fully formed, and any incorrect pronunciation should be corrected in time. The sooner you try to teach how to do it right, the better for the child.

How should the articulatory organs be located when pronouncing "l"

Incorrect pronunciation of words containing the letter “l”, children can also notice different things:

  • skipping a consonant when pronouncing a word (horse - horse);
  • replacing the sound “l” with “y” (shovel - uopata) or with the sound “y” (spoon - yozhka);

Incorrect pronunciation can only be noticed when speaking words containing the letter "l" in a soft or only hard form.

The sound "l" is pronounced by resting the tip of the tongue against the upper teeth, the air being pushed out is quite strong and passes along the sides of the tongue. However, they do not rest against the lateral dentition.

Interestingly, numerous studies have shown that for every adult who knows how to correctly pronounce words with “l”, the position of the articulatory organs may change slightly, but the principle of their location is the same.

Teaching a child to say the letter "l" does not cause much difficulty. This can be done easily and at home by spending several sessions with the baby, using the right speech therapy exercises.

A set of exercises for setting the correct pronunciation of the sound "l"

Before any speech therapy session, it is necessary to warm up the organs of the articulatory apparatus. This is the same warm-up gymnastics.

For children, such activities are held in a playful way and they really like it. Ask your baby to show you his tongue, smile, twist his lips, folded into a tube, open and close his mouth wide.

Do some breathing exercises. This will be enough to set up the child's speech apparatus for further work and teach children to pronounce words correctly.

  • Smile. This exercise is very fun for kids. Ask the baby, without opening his lips, smile with his whole mouth and freeze in this position for up to ten seconds. You can do this up to 8 times.
  • Delicious honey. With your mouth slightly open, use the tip of your tongue to ask your child to lick their lips, as after tasting delicious honey. The exercise should be done for at least one minute.
  • Breeze. Blow air through a slightly open mouth, while biting the tip of the tongue. The exercise is performed for about three minutes.
  • The clatter of a horse. Show pictures. Ask the baby what kind of animal it is and ask only to click with your tongue, as a horse does. First, speed up the pronunciation of the sound, and then muffle it.
  • Show your tongue. This exercise is also very entertaining for children, as adults allow him to do what was previously forbidden. Ask the child to push the tongue forward as much as possible and try to reach it to the chin. The next step is to reach the tip of the nose.

If parents are faced with the task of teaching a child to pronounce "l", then it must be remembered that the learning process should be interesting for children. To do this, use bright pictures, for example, horses for the exercise of the same name.

The classes themselves should last no more than 5 minutes, as this is exactly the time when a 4-year-old kid can focus on completing one task.

Children who have problems pronouncing a word containing the letter “l” should do more drawing, applications, that is, fine motor skills exercises. This helps not only to develop speech and teach how to pronounce words correctly, but also contributes to better intellectual development.

Is it possible to deal with the problem in the development of speech in crumbs at home?

It is rare that a parent does not face a problem in the development of speech in a crumb. But not every one of them has the opportunity to study with a speech therapist. In this case, you can practice at home.

How to quickly teach a child to speak?

How to quickly teach a child to speak?
  1. We expand our horizons. The child should walk as much as possible in different places. See different environments, people, animals, nature. This is how a store of knowledge about the environment is formed. Children who see and feel more find it much easier to express even their feelings. The more emotions and experience, the sooner the baby will start to babble
  2. We constantly talk to the child. If you sit in silence with the child, he will speak much later. The kid should always hear colloquial speech. We communicate with the child by saying everything aloud, what we see, what we do
  3. We read books. We do it with expression, with explanatory comments. Kids love to listen to the same fairy tales and rhymes several times. For children, this is the easiest method of perception.
  4. Singing songs. The kids love to sing. We sing by playing an instrument or just listen and sing, prompting the baby to support you. This is one of the best options since kids are very fond of music.
  5. We designate objects of attention. The Russian language is extensive. In order for the child to start remembering at least a few words, we often concentrate on some frequently repeated object. A locomotive has gone, a boy is walking, a dog is walking, etc. After that, we will definitely ask the kid what the name of this object is
  6. We speak in a literate, adult language. We do not lisp and do not speak the language of a baby. The words "abaca" instead of dog, etc. We do not repeat, we speak correctly. Without putting too much emphasis on it
  7. Listen to what the child says! An important condition for mom and dad is the ability to listen carefully and hear everything that the baby says. At any appeal to parents, the child should feel respect and attention. The child feels the inattention very clearly. Therefore, we stop all communication if the child asks a question or request. Even if it is not at all clear what the baby is muttering. Communication is important
  8. We instill in the child the ability to listen. For the development of a child's speech in relation to intonation, it is necessary to learn to listen. This applies not only to the speech of mom and dad, but also to all extraneous sounds. At this point, it is important to explain each sound
  9. Reciprocal conversation. If it is not clear what the child is talking about, we read various signs that explain the child. If the baby takes off his pants and mumbles something in his own language, he may want to pee. We ask him about it. And we draw conclusions on his further reaction. We just avoid the words “what are you muttering there, I don’t understand anything, leave me alone.” This can discourage the desire for mutual dialogue
  10. We do not rush things. The desire to quickly hear the conversation of the baby exists in every parent. But not every mom and dad are patient. Do not rush the baby, do not delay. Many moms and dads impatiently say: “Well, why are you silent!”, “What kind of nonsense are you talking about, where did you pick up these phrases from?”. The child will be offended by this. He will lose the desire for the process of learning colloquial speech.

How to teach a child to speak without a speech therapist?

How to teach a child to speak without a speech therapist? General useful rules for homeschooling a child:

  1. The eyes of the child and mother should be at the same level. So it will be easier for the baby to observe all the ongoing manipulations.
  2. Classes are held every day, in the form of a game. 10 to 15 minutes
  3. Facial massage, gymnastics are carried out daily. We pronounce sounds and tongue twisters at least 4 times a week

Facial massage

As a separate element, massage is not a special factor, but together with articulatory gymnastics and voice-speech trainings, it provides positive influence for correct speech.

When doing a massage, we pronounce our movements:

  • Gently stroking the eyebrows with our fingers, we say: “This is how we love ourselves, this is how we love ourselves.” Then, stroking along the nose, we say: “Nice nose, such a snub nose we have.” We massage near the lips, cheeks to the ears: "Our smiling mouth, the talker is still the same"

We make soft tapping with our fingers on the same parts of the face. Oncoming and opposite movements. We constantly communicate with the child: “We are beautiful! We are happy! That's how we caress ourselves!"

Gymnastics for clear and correct pronunciation

  • On the inflated, balloon, cheeks, we do a massage
  • We blow like a train, we pull our lips forward. We twist them first in one direction, then in the other
  • We smile with the baby. Then we collect the lips with a bow. We do it several times
  • We kiss with a child, straining our lips with a tube, and then relaxing
    We pass along the lips with the tongue in one direction and the other
  • We stretch the tongue to the upper lip, then to the lower. Also left and right
  • At the end, we do a semblance of washing on our face. The child must repeat

We turn to the pronunciation of vowels

With the pronunciation of these letters, the child practically does not have problems. But you still need to work out.

  • Without tension, not long and sharply pronounce - A - a - a
    Evenly on the exhale we pronounce for a long time - Aaaaaa - a long sound in one breath, without raising or lowering the intonation. We repeat in the same way with all vowels.

Gymnastics with consonants

We carry out pronouncing paired syllables, like a tongue twister. It is better to alternate: first we pronounce the syllable, then the tongue twister with this letter.
P - Pu-po-pa-pe-pi-py V - Woo-wo-wa-ve-vi-you F - Fu-fo-fa-fe-fi-fa G - Gu-go-ga-ge-gi -by K - Ku-ko-ka-ke-ki-by D - Du-do-da-de-dee-dy T - Tu-to-ta-te-ti-you F - Zhu-zho-zhe -zhy-zhy B - Bu-bo-ba-be-bi-by Sh -
Shu-sho-sha-she-shi-shy Z - Zu-zo-za-ze-zi-zy S - Su-so-sa-se-si-sy

The advantage of such classes is that they can be carried out anywhere: in the clinic, on the plane, walking down the street.

  • For the development of speech, it is very important fine motor skills.
  • Massage the palms of the child with hands and soft brushes
  • We glue applications, collect cereals, string small beads on a string, sculpt from plasticine, use a variety of nursery rhymes, for example, "Magpie Crow"

How to teach a child to say the letter s?
  • We give the child to clamp the cap from the pen with his teeth. Then we ask the child to blow
  • We ask the baby to stretch his mouth in a smile and rest his tongue against his lower teeth. We put a match on the tip of the tongue and ask the child to blow strongly on its base. A clear "s" sound is produced. Later, when you get the result, you can do this exercise without a match.

Video: Sound production p. How to teach a child to pronounce the sound with?

How to teach a child to say the letter w?

  • As often as possible, we pronounce words containing such a difficult letter
  • We show the baby the correct position of the lips and tongue
  • We pronounce special rhymes and tongue twisters
  • We pronounce the words drawlingly, imitate the buzzing of a beetle

Video: How to pronounce the letter J?

How to teach a child to say the letter t?

  • lips are relaxed
  • teeth are not closed
  • the tip of the tongue knocks on the upper teeth
  • neck does not move

Video: Setting the sound T at home

How to teach a child to say the letter g?

  • While the baby is pronouncing the syllable “yes”, with a teaspoon we gradually push the tongue back by pressing on the front of its back. When moving, the tongue will first appear the syllable "dya", then "tya", and after it "ga"

How to teach a child to say a solid letter l?
  • Pay attention to the correct pronunciation of this letter should not be earlier than 5-6 years
  • We pronounce this letter with a smile. We press the tip of the tongue to the sky. We show the baby this position and at the same time ask to buzz. Over time, we will hear how the child pronounces "l"
  • If the baby is hard to pronounce the solid sound “l”, we do exercises with the tongue. We show the baby how to lick the lips, stroke the sky and teeth with the tongue. Trying to reach the nose with the tongue
  • In order for the child to remember the correct pronunciation of this sound, when singing la-la-la, we ask him to bite his tongue slightly. So the baby will easily remember the correct position of the tongue.

Video: Staging sound l. How to teach a child to pronounce the sound l?

How to teach a child to say the letter sh?
  • For the correct pronunciation of the letter "w", we show the baby how to position the tongue by pressing it to the lower lip, while raising the tip and sides of the tongue
  • We do exercises, depicting a smile on the lips
  • We imitate chewing movements

Video: Setting the sound sh. How to teach a child to pronounce the sound sh?

How to teach a child to speak a word?
  1. We focus on articulation. We clearly, clearly and correctly pronounce the words that the baby does not pronounce correctly. Please pronounce it correctly
  2. When communicating, complex words are not replaced by simple ones. If we are talking about different items, for example, carrots, tomatoes, cabbage, we do not generalize that these are vegetables. Teaching children the names of objects
  3. We replenish vocabulary child with verbs. We do not speak in nouns, but in short sentences. For example, a tiger growls (walks, sleeps, plays)
  4. We use signs of objects in colloquial speech: watermelon - sweet, juicy, big
  5. Explain what opposition is. The floor is hard and the toy is soft. The car is moving and the plane is flying
  6. We replenish the child's vocabulary, read fairy tales and poems

Using all the methods listed in the article, with regular practice, you can easily solve small problems in the development of speech.

With very large deviations of speech, you can not do without the help of a specialist.

Video: How to teach a child to speak?

Usually this sound "L" is put easily and quickly, but on condition that the exercises are performed very accurately and correctly, for example, according to our method. All exercises are performed in front of a mirror in order to be able to control the position of the child's lips and tongue.

So, first things first. In order to correctly pronounce the sound “L”, the lips must be in a smile, the teeth are not closed, the distance between the lower and upper teeth is about 1 centimeter. The tip of the tongue rests on the upper teeth. Children usually either skip this sound or replace it with sounds - S, Y, L, or V. If the back of the tongue is raised and the tip of the tongue is lowered and moved away from the teeth, then the sound “L” is replaced by the sounds “S” or “Y”. If the tip of the tongue is at the top, but moved away from the teeth, then the sound “L” is obtained. If the child raises the lower lip to the upper teeth, then instead of the sound “L”, the sound “V” is heard.

And now let's start performing articulation exercises of the tongue to correct the soft sound "L" to hard.

Lip exercises:

Fence - Teeth closed, lips in a wide smile. Upper and lower teeth are clearly visible. Hold still for about 5-6 seconds.

TV - The teeth are closed and visible, the upper and lower lips are raised, the corners of the lips are shifted to the center. The lips form a wide square, as in the sound "sh". Two upper and 4 lower teeth are clearly visible. Hold still for about 5-6 seconds.

Smile - The lips are closed and stretched in a wide smile. Hold still for about 5-6 seconds.

Proboscis - The lips are closed, the corners of the lips are shifted to the center. Hold still for about 5-6 seconds.

Rabbit - Lips closed and stretched in a wide smile. Lower the lower lip so that only the lower teeth are visible, and the upper ones are covered by the upper lip. Hold still for about 5-6 seconds.

Each exercise must be repeated 4-5 times.

Then you need to alternate exercises in pairs:

Fence - TV, Smile - Proboscis, Smile - Rabbit. First, alternate at a slow pace, repeat everything 5-6 times, hold each position of the lips motionless for 2-3 seconds. Then alternate at a fast pace 5-6 times.

Setting the sound "L"

Donkey song - The mouth is slightly open, the lips are in a wide smile, the upper and lower teeth are clearly visible. Pull the sound "Y-Y-Y". (Possible errors - the sound “Y-Y” is pronounced “on the nose.” To check the correct sound, put the back of your hand on the child’s neck and feel a slight vibration). Then open your mouth wide and add the sound "A-A-A". Pronounce the syllable -YA- together, pull both sounds. (Possible errors - replacing the sound -А- with the sound -Я-).

Repeat the syllable "YA" several times and make sure that both sounds are pronounced correctly. Then hold the tip of the tongue with your teeth (do not change the position of the lips) and say the syllable -YA-, pull both sounds, at the sound -a- mouth open wide. If both sounds are pronounced correctly, then the syllable "LA" will be heard. Pay special attention to the fact that the lower lip does not rise, otherwise, instead of "LA", the syllable "VA" will turn out. If instead of “LA” the syllable “LA” is heard, then the syllable “YA” should be repeated several times, without clamping the tip of the tongue with your teeth, make sure that the sound “A” is not replaced by the sound “I”.

Very often, a child, having heard the resulting syllable “LA”, involuntarily tries to say the syllable “LA” instead of “YA”, and he gets a habitually distorted sound “L”. Therefore, at first, when doing the exercise, it is advisable that you suggest that the child say “YA”, and not “LA”.

The resulting syllable "LA" must be repeated many times to consolidate the correct pronunciation. To repeat it was interesting, play the game "Tir". Shooting game - draw 10 target circles on a piece of paper. Repeat the syllable "La". If the syllable is spoken correctly, then they hit the target - cross out 1 circle, if the syllable "LA" is pronounced incorrectly, then put a dot next to the target circle to indicate a miss. Agree in advance with the child that after how many “misses” you will move on to the next target. When finished, count the number of hits and misses. Repeat the game 3-5 times and compare the results. First repeat the syllable "LA" one at a time, and then in groups of 2-3 syllables. You can draw targets from 2-3 circles.

Having achieved the absolutely correct pronunciation of the syllable "LA", proceed to practicing the correct pronunciation of the syllables "LO, LU, LE, LY". Make sure that the tip of the tongue is clamped between the teeth. Most often, the correct pronunciation of the syllable "LU" is difficult, since it is necessary to change the position of the lips.

When the child learns to pronounce all these syllables, you can proceed to the pronunciation of words with the sound "L". First, you should repeat the words beginning with the sound "L". In these words, it is easier to correctly pronounce the sound “L” correctly, since the child clamps the tip of the tongue with his teeth, pronounces this sound, and only then the whole word. It is more difficult to pronounce the word after the preposition, because in this case it is necessary that immediately after pronouncing the previous sound, the lips and tongue quickly take the correct position for the sound L. Therefore, it is better to first repeat individual words with the sound “L”. Choose 10-15 words that begin with the syllable "LA" and repeat them like this (pull the sound "L", achieve a clear solid "L"):

- 1st time - sound - syllable - word (LL - LLA - LLAk, LL - LLA - LLApa, LL - LLA - LLampa and so on);

- 2nd time - syllable-word (LLA - LLAk, LLA - LLApa, LLA - LLampa and so on.);

- 3rd time - one word at a time, pull the sound "L";

- 4th time - the game "correct the adult" - you repeat the words, alternating, correct and distorted "L". The child must determine whether the word is said correctly and repeat it correctly;

- 5th time - in groups of 3 words (1st, 2nd, 3rd word, 2nd, 3rd, 4th word, 3rd, 4th, 5th word and etc.). This task is the most difficult, as the child is old.

If the child is easily given the correct pronunciation of the sound “L”, then you can start with the second task (syllable - word).

Here is an approximate set of words for practicing the sound "L"

At the first stage, repeating syllables and words, pinch the tip of the tongue at the sound "L". But this position of the tongue is preparatory. In the correct position, the tip of the tongue is behind the teeth and rests against the upper front teeth. Therefore, gradually try to translate the tongue by the teeth and try to achieve a clear solid sound "L" with the correct position of the tongue.

Very good, consistently selected and varied speech material can be found in the book by Yu.B. Norkina "Home notebook for speech therapy classes with children" issue 1, sound "L". In addition to words, sentences, poems and stories, the book contains many exercises for the formation of the correct grammatical structure of speech, as well as tasks for the development of a child's coherent speech.

With the main organs involved in the creation of sounds. This can be done with the help of articulatory fairy tale gymnastics, which will interest the child and quietly warm up the lips, cheeks, and tongue.

Work on speech breathing. Since speech is exhaled, the incorrect distribution of air during exhalation can greatly distort the sound pronunciation. The most famous games that help in the development of breathing are games with soap bubbles, blowing out imaginary or real candles, and launching boats on the water. So in a fun and relaxed atmosphere, he learns to control the air stream released. Make sure that he does not inflate his cheeks at the same time, but draws into his lungs.

Perform a set of exercises to develop the correct pronunciation of the sound “l” in front of a mirror. Slowly at first, if some movements do not work out, help with a spoon (handle). Sit in front of him so that he can clearly see your movements of the lips and tongue. Do exercises with him. The purpose of all corrective exercises for the sound “l” is to develop the mobility of the entire tongue and its parts, to adjust the correct air flow.
“The horse is the well-known sound of clattering hooves. Ask the child to smile, showing his teeth and opening his mouth. In this position, let him click the tip of his tongue like a horse. Do it with him, slowly at first, then faster. And make sure that only the tongue works, and the lower jaw remains motionless.
“The horse rides quietly - this is a mandatory variant of the previous exercise. Invite the child to do the same with the tongue, but only without sound, like a horse on reconnaissance. The rules remain the same - do not stick out the tongue and do not move the lower jaw.
“The wind is blowing. Smile, open your mouth, bite the tip of your tongue with your front teeth and blow. You should get two air jets from the corners of your mouth. Teach your child this and control the movement of air with a fluffy piece of cotton wool.
"Delicious jam. Together with the child, slightly open your mouth and lick the upper lip with the wide front edge of the tongue, moving the tongue from top to bottom, but not from side to side. Do not move your lower jaw while doing this. If the child does not succeed, first practice holding a relaxed wide tongue on the lower lip (the tongue must be stuck out and placed on the lower lip without tucking it over the teeth). Then offer to lift the tongue and touch the upper lip.
“The ship is humming. Invite the child to open his mouth and pronounce the sound “s” for a long time (like a steamer is buzzing). Make sure that the tip of the tongue is lowered and is in the depths of the mouth, and the back is raised to the sky.
