Currant compote. The recipe for a delicious blackcurrant compote for the winter

As an avid gardener, of course, I prepare blackcurrant compote for the winter. Today I will share recipes for 3 liter and 1.5 jars, and also tell you a few more interesting recipes, not only for winter, but also for those that we enjoy drinking on hot summer days.

Blackcurrant for the winter compote recipes

  1. For compote, most often I take three-liter jars, but if your family is small, then use one and a half or two-liter ones so that the drink does not stand for a long time open.
  2. I always choose ripe berries, getting green compote spoils the taste, and if they are too overripe, they will quickly lose their shape.
  3. Good advice to novice hostesses, never pick berries for winter harvesting after rain, especially lingering rain, they are quickly saturated with moisture and become tasteless, watery.
  4. There are two options to make any compote for the winter, cook syrup separately and pour berries over it, or simply pour sugar into a jar immediately, and then pour boiling water. The first option is, of course, more reliable.
  5. My mother likes to close all berry blanks with nylon lids, those that need to be brewed with boiling water to take off or put on. If you are also a fan of such lids, then use them once for canning. All the same, plastic absorbs well not only odors, but also various bacteria.
  6. Banks, banks, banks, what to do with them? If the compote is sterilized according to the recipe, then the jars do not need to be sterilized separately, it is enough to rinse with detergent and soda. Recipes without sterilization require a sterile container.
  7. When preparing the berry, do not keep it in water for too long; after washing, let excess drops drain.
  8. For compote, berries can be left on twigs, they look very nice in a jar.

Blackcurrant compote simple recipe

For those who are always in a hurry, I offer the simplest recipe for making compote. Despite its simplicity, it is reliable and always turns out delicious.

We take:

  • Half a kilo of berries
  • Full glass of sugar

How to make blackcurrant compote:

If you really need a quick one at all, then leave the branches along with the berries, just rinse them in a colander and dry them a little. I usually fill the jars by a third of the volume, if you want a richer taste, or there is a limited number of jars, then fill in half, respectively increase the sugar rate.

The jars are easy and quick to sterilize in the microwave, they will not need to be dried. We pour the berry, sugar on top according to the norm and pour boiling water to the top. We wait a few seconds until it spills through the berries and pour more so that the water is up to the very neck.

We immediately roll up the jars, set them upside down and wrap them well, so the sugar will dissolve faster and the berry will give juice.

Blackcurrant recipe for a 3 liter jar

How to calculate the number of berries, sugar and water per 3 liter jar? Everything is very simple. I will give the basic proportions, which you can change according to your taste preferences. You can also make a concentrated compote, which is then diluted with water, this is to save space and packaging.

We will need:

  • Half a kilo of pure berries
  • Glass of faceted sugar

How to close blackcurrant compote for the winter:

Jars are prepared in advance. We wash the berries and fall asleep half a kilo for each jar, this is if the compote is not diluted.

Now in each jar we pour the usual cold water, cover with a lid with holes for draining and pour water into the pan. We measured the amount of water needed, we need to add another half a glass so that the jars are filled to the very edges.

We put water on gas, add sugar according to the number of berries and bring the syrup to a boil. Immediately pour into the berries and roll under the lids. Cool under a fur coat until completely cooled.

Blackcurrant compote with apples, recipe with photo - step by step instructions

I present another step by step recipe with a photo of currant compote with apples. In the recipe, the number of berries is calculated for three three-liter jars.

We use:

  • For a three liter jar
  • Three glasses of berries
  • Two handfuls of apple slices
  • Three glasses of granulated sugar

Instructions for rolling compote:

Prepare the right amount of berries and apples, wash the currants, and cut the apples into slices.

We measure out the water, three cans on the shoulders. Pour into a saucepan and boil.

While the water begins to boil, we pour into the sieve what is needed for one jar.

We lower the sieve into boiling water and blanch for about two minutes.

We lay out the blanched berries in jars.

Pour sugar into the water where we blanched. Boil the syrup for five minutes.

Fill jars and roll up lids.

Currant compote with gooseberries

I put less sugar in the currant compote with gooseberries, because the gooseberries themselves are sweet. Some people add only half a glass of sugar per liter jar to such a drink.

We use ingredients:

  • Half a kilo of currant berries
  • Kilo of gooseberries
  • Two-thirds of a glass of sugar for every liter of water

Cooking process:

The gooseberry is a dense berry and we will blanched it a little. We measure the approximate amount of liquid, according to the number of berries. Boil in a wide bowl and lower the berries in a sieve for a couple of minutes. On the same water, we will make syrup, immediately add sugar, and distribute the berries in jars, fill one-third.

Pour the berries with boiling syrup and immediately twist the lids. We turn all the jars upside down and wrap them under a fur coat until they cool completely.

Currant-cherry compote for the winter

I’ll say right away that for my taste, you don’t need to make the compote too saturated with cherries, it will be too tart. The berry also has to be frozen so that it can reach the currant harvest. In general, the drink is very beautiful and fragrant.

We will prepare for a three-liter jar:

  • Seven hundred grams of granulated sugar
  • Two glasses of currants and cherries

Harvesting process:

Berries can be left with twigs, if desired. Clean, without debris, we lay them out in sterile jars and fill them with pre-prepared boiling water. Pour the measured water back into the pan and mix with sugar, after boiling, cook the syrup for about five minutes.

Pour the finished syrup into the berries along the very edges of the cans and immediately roll it up, let it cool slowly under a fur coat upside down.

Black and red currant compote

Those who have ever made compote from red currants know which berry becomes inconspicuous, as if faded. Mixed with blackcurrant compote will be just a feast for the eyes.

We will prepare the ingredients:

  • For each three-liter jar
  • 3-4 cups of berries
  • One and a half cups of sugar


We sort out the berries and rinse in water, sprinkle them in jars, the proportions are at your discretion. Pour boiling water for fifteen minutes, cover with lids and let stand. Then the water must be drained into the dishes, where we will cook the syrup. Add sugar and cook as usual.

Pour the berries with ready-made syrup up to the very sides of the jar, roll up the lids with pre-boiled lids immediately. We cool under a fur coat during the day.

Assorted compote for the winter

Our assortment is always in great demand. I leave a few jars for the holidays, even berries are eaten, it turns out so delicious.

We will prepare products:

  • Half a kilo of blackcurrant
  • Half a kilo of red currants
  • Half a kilo of raspberries
  • Three large apples
  • Half a kilo of plums or thorns
  • five peaches
  • Three hundred grams of sugar per liter of water

How to cook:

We rinse the berries. We cut the apples into thin pastins, remove the skin from the peaches and cut them into quarters. Wash plums, cut in half and remove pits. Currants are simply sorted and washed.

Plums, apple slices, currants and pieces of peaches in a sieve are dipped in boiling water and blanched for two minutes. Then we distribute everything evenly in jars, sprinkle raspberries on top. We fill the jar by a third with a mixture of fruits and berries.

The water in which the berries were blanched should be measured in advance, how many cans you will have, approximately shoulder-length. We mix it with sugar and boil, pour the assortment with the resulting syrup and roll it under the lids. Cool wrapped until completely cool.

Frozen blackcurrant compote

Frozen blackcurrants can now be found in any kitchen and in any store. Compote from it is prepared indecently simply. In winter, we like to drink such a drink warm.

We use:

  • A glass of frozen berries
  • Half glass of sugar
  • Two liters of plain water

Cooking process:

Boil water and immerse the berries in it, add sugar and boil again. Turn off the stove and leave the compote on it, you can cover it with a towel on top so that it steams better. We let it brew for three hours, then we try.

Blackcurrant compote with mint or lemon balm

Compote with mint, sour, from freshly picked berries will refresh best of all on a hot afternoon. It can also be taken on the road, for example, to nature.

We use:

  • Three glasses of berries
  • Two sprigs of fresh mint
  • Two liters of raw water
  • glass of sugar

How to cook compote:

Rinse the berries and remove debris. Dip them in boiling water, add sugar and put mint. We are waiting for the boil under the lid. Boil for about three minutes and turn off, let it brew in the heat. Such a compote can be rolled up for the winter.

Currant compote with cinnamon and lemon

Such a spice as cinnamon always enhances the taste of the berry, gives an incredible aroma to the drink, ennobles it.

We use:

  • Three cups of ripe berries
  • two liters of water
  • cinnamon stick
  • half a lemon
  • One and a half cups of sugar

Cooking process:

We put the water on the fire, immediately after boiling we throw cinnamon and add sugar, after five minutes of rapid boiling we lay the berries. We wait until it boils again and count five minutes. At the end, throw in the lemon slices and turn it off. Cover the saucepan with a towel and let it stand for a couple of hours, then you can drink.

Blackcurrant compote with ginger root

Currant compote with ginger is a real ambulance for colds. It is easy to prepare from both fresh and frozen berries.

We take:

  • For two liters of ordinary water
  • Three glasses of currant
  • A glass of granulated sugar
  • Piece of ginger root

How to cook:

We clean the ginger root from the skin and cut into patches, pour boiling water and boil for five minutes, you can immediately add sugar to it. After we fall asleep the berries, once again we wait for the boil and boil again.

Compote of currants and cranberries for the winter

A very healthy, sour compote is obtained from blackcurrant with cranberries. You can also add red currants if you like. See according to your family's taste.

We will need:

  • Two glasses of fresh currants
  • glass of cranberries
  • A glass of granulated sugar

Cooking process:

These proportions are for a three-liter jar. We measure in advance approximately the required amount of water, I always pour it over the shoulders of the jar. We put the water to boil. While sorting and washing the berries, put them in a sieve and let them blanch in boiling water for about two to three minutes.

We distribute the berries in jars, and pour sugar into the same water and prepare the syrup. Boiling immediately pour the berries to the very edges of the cans and roll under the lids. We cool in a wrapped form.

Good afternoon dear friends. In summer, a huge amount of fruits and vegetables ripen, and it is at this time that many of us prepare a huge amount of conservation, and among this set there is also currant compote.

In this article, we will analyze in detail several popular recipes for making currant compote for the winter. Of course, it is more convenient to do this in three liter jars and 1.5 liter jars. There will also be recipes for making currant compote not only for the winter, but also for its summer use. And if anyone is interested in reading about how to cook, then follow the link and choose recipes for yourself.

Currant compote is not only tasty, but also very healthy. Before preparing this delicious drink, do not be lazy and sort through the berries well. Remove berries that are overripe or not yet too ripe, as they can give an unpleasant aftertaste to the finished product.


500 grams of currant.
250 grams of sugar.

Cooking process.

1. We throw the prepared berries into a sterile jar.
2. Pour a full jar of water, cover with a lid.
3. Leave the water for 10-15 minutes. During this time, the berry will give all the flavors.
3. Drain the water from the jar into the pan through a special lid so that the berry remains in the jar. Add sugar to this water and boil for 5-10 minutes.
4. Pour the resulting syrup into the jar again and now close the lid using a special seaming key.
5. We make jars with compote with the lids down and cover with something warm. Keep jars covered until completely cool.

Compote recipe for 1 liter jar without sterilization

In order for your compote to turn out both tasty and fragrant, do not pick berries after rain. Since the currant absorbs moisture, which is collected in the berries, and the cooked compote from such currants significantly loses its taste due to excessive moisture in the berries.

250-300 grams of currant.
150 sugar.
Cooking process.

1. Sort the berries and rinse well.
2. Pour berries and sugar into a jar. Pour in hot water and stir. Cover with a lid for 10-15 minutes.
3. After draining the water into a saucepan, boil and again pour into jars.
4. Screw on the lids, make the necks down and wrap.

5. After cooling, transfer to a cool place for long-term storage.

Redcurrant compote with sprigs and mint

As a rule, such a recipe is acceptable if you are going to cook redcurrant compote, as it grows on tassels that can be twisted into compotes.
In order for there to be nothing superfluous in the drink, we first fill the whole berry with water and mix all the dry leaves and twigs, they will float up and naturally need to be removed. We also remove spoiled berries.


Red currant 500 gr. For a 3 liter jar.
250-300 gr. Sahara.
1-2 sprigs of mint per jar.

Cooking process.

1. We measure the right amount of water according to the number of cans.
2. Add sugar to a pot of water and boil water.
3. We distribute the berries among the banks for 1/3 banks.
4. When the water with sugar boils for 3-5 minutes and the sugar is completely dissolved, you can pour the syrup into jars. But we just do it very carefully so that the banks do not crack.
5. And it remains only to tighten each balloon with sterile caps.
6. Then turn the necks down and make sure that the lids do not leak. We wrap the jars and hold for 2-3 days, after which we transfer them to the cellar.
7. Currant compote with sprigs looks very nice. Enjoy your meal.

Blackcurrant compote recipe without double filling

Of course, not all currant compotes will be rolled up for the winter, you can also cook compote for its use after dinner. In the summer heat, such a drink is very refreshing and quenches thirst.

Ingredients for a 6 liter pot.

200 gr. Currants.
1-2 apples.
A handful of raspberries.
500 gr sugar. It is possible and more at your discretion.

Cooking process.

1. We wash the currants and raspberries.
2. Cut the apples into slices.
3. Pour water into a saucepan and add fruit. Bring water to a boil, add sugar and stir.
4. Boil for 2-3 minutes and you can remove the finished drink from the stove.
5. It is advisable to cool before serving. Since hot compote does not quench thirst.
6. You can also simply pour the finished hot compote into jars and tighten the lids.

Blackcurrant and raspberry recipe

In addition to currants, you can always add something else, such as raspberries, apples, red currants or gooseberries.

When rinsing a berry, do not keep it in water for too long. So that it does not absorb excess moisture. And after washing, dry it a little.

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar.

1 glass of currants.
1 glass of raspberries.
2 cups of sugar.
2.5 liters of water.

Cooking process.

1. Rinse and dry the berries.
2. Put raspberries and currants in a jar, pour hot water. 3. Cover with a lid and leave for 10 minutes.
4. Drain the water and add sugar.

5. Boil the syrup for 5 minutes, pour the finished syrup into jars and close the lids.

With currants with apples

Almost any fruit makes delicious compotes. the combination of currant and apple is also very tasty and healthy.

Here are just a small part of the recipes for making currant compote for the winter. What recipes do you use to make compotes? Share your recipes below in the comments below the article. And that's all I have for you, bon appetit.

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Berries and fruits, when cooked, release juice, which, when mixed with water, forms a completely new tasty drink - compote. It contains all the useful substances from the fruits used. One of the most useful ingredients of such a drink will be blackcurrant, rich in vitamin C. Any recipe for such a dish is quite simple, even a novice hostess can cook it. You will learn how to make blackcurrant compote with the addition of other fruits right now!

From apples and black currants

The most common drink recipe involves the use of apples. You can make a similar compote from frozen blackcurrant, but during the ripening period it is better to use a fresh product.

Before you brew a sweet-tasting drink, you need to prepare:

  • 0.5 kg of apples. You can even use sluggish fruits, but there should not be rotten among them;
  • 150 g of black currant fruits;
  • 100 g of granulated sugar;
  • 3 liters of water.

A fairly simple recipe for the dish is as follows:

  1. First you need to prepare the apples: rinse, cut into 4 parts and remove the seeds.
  2. Pour water into the prepared container. You should calculate the volume so that all the prepared fruits fit in the pan.
  3. We put cut apples and currants into the water. If you are preparing a drink from frozen berries, they are thawed beforehand.
  4. Turn on the fire and wait until the liquid boils.
  5. Add granulated sugar to the compote. Its amount can be adjusted to taste.
  6. We make the fire weaker, cover the container with a lid and let it simmer for 5 minutes.
  7. Turn off the stove and insist the finished product for about half an hour.

Such a drink is able to make up for the lack of nutrients in the body, primarily vitamin C. Such a product is especially useful for breastfed babies: it will replenish the balance of trace elements in the baby's fragile body.

Question is it possible for nursing mothers to have a similar dish, doctors answer in the affirmative. However, you should start using it with caution and carefully monitor your own health and the condition of the child. At breastfeeding the risk of allergies in the baby is too high, so it is worth introducing into the diet of a woman New Product follows gradually.

Compote with orange

Orange gives blackcurrant compote an exquisite citrus smell and a tart aftertaste. To prepare such a compote for the winter means to provide yourself with a summer mood in the cold season.

A 3 liter jar will require the following amount of products:

  • 0.5 kg of berries;
  • half an orange;
  • 300 g of sugar;
  • 3 liters of water.

A step-by-step recipe for a delicious drink is as follows:

  1. Wash the berries cleared of debris and leave to drain.
  2. Sterilize a 3 liter jar.
  3. Pour currants into a container, put an orange cut into slices on top.
  4. Add boiling water and cover. Let the mixture stand for 15 minutes.
  5. Drain the water into an enamel pan and add sugar to it.
  6. Put on a small flame, bring to a boil.
  7. Cook for about 3 minutes.
  8. Pour water into the fruit preparation and roll up.
  9. Put the sealed container on the neck and cover with a blanket.

This product is able to support immunity even in the coldest time. However it should be used with great caution: such a product will not harm a nursing mother, but the orange that is part of the drink can cause allergies in a newborn baby.

Blackcurrant and cranberry drink

Many housewives prefer to add cranberries to blackcurrant compote: the sour berry fills the drink with a deep taste. The most important thing is to choose the optimal amount of sugar, otherwise the drink will sour too much.

Required for cooking:

  • 180 g currants;
  • 200 g cranberries;
  • 0.8 l of water;
  • 0.2 kg of sugar.

How and how much to cook compote? The recipe includes the following items:

  1. Boil water on the stove.
  2. Add sugar and bring to a boil again.
  3. Wash the berries of both plants thoroughly.
  4. Add cranberries and currants to boiling water.
  5. Cook after boiling for 3 minutes.

According to this recipe, you can prepare a drink with gooseberries, which will successfully replace cranberries. A mix of red and black currants is cooked in the same way.

With lemon and mint

Mint and lemon are indispensable components of popular drinks. By mixing them with blackcurrant, you can achieve a unique set of vitamins. The benefits of this drink are obvious: it helps to strengthen the immune system, effectively fights cholesterol and insomnia, saturating the body with essential vitamins and minerals. The calorie content of this drink is minimal, so it can be consumed even by those who adhere to a strict diet.

Children will especially like this refreshing mint juice: it can be offered both instead of water and used as an addition to a birthday cake. An amazing combination is perfect for a festive table, as well as for everyday meals.

The preparation of this drink will require a minimum amount of ingredients, which will not affect its taste component at all. You should purchase products in advance in the following quantities:

  • 1 lemon;
  • 3 sprigs of fresh mint;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 2 cm ginger root;
  • a glass of currant;
  • 100 g sugar.

If planned a large number of guests, then the number of ingredients must be increased in proportion to each other.

To get the most delicious drink, follow these steps:

  1. Wash the lemon.
  2. Pour boiling water over the fruit so that the peel does not give the drink a bitter aftertaste.
  3. Cut into pieces of arbitrary shape.
  4. Boil water.
  5. Add berries to the pot.
  6. We rub the ginger.
  7. We put the remaining ingredients in boiling water: lemon, ginger root, sugar, mint.
  8. Boil the mixture for 5 minutes.

This drink can be consumed both hot and cold. It will help strengthen the immune system and give healthy sleep to adults and children.

step by step recipe with photo

Blackcurrant is a juicy and tasty berry with a bright aroma, which is why gourmets appreciate compote from frozen blackcurrant. In addition, the berry is rich in vitamin C, so fruit drinks, compotes and jelly from it are recommended to be consumed in the cool season so that they help strengthen the immune system. In the summer season, it is recommended to eat fresh berries, sprinkling them with sugar if desired. You can find frozen blackcurrants in any supermarket, or stock up on blackcurrants in the summer season by washing them and freezing them in small containers.


You will need for 1 liter of drink:

  • 350 g frozen blackcurrants
  • 6 art. l. Sahara
  • 700–750 ml hot water


1. Pour the frozen blackcurrant berries into a deep bowl or salad bowl and fill with cold water, rinse and drain the water.

2. Go through the currants to remove stems, twigs and other random debris.

3. Pour the berries into a saucepan or saucepan. It is advisable not to use white enamelware, as currant juice can stain the container.

4. Add sugar. If the berries are sour, increase the amount of sugar.

5. Pour in hot water and place the container on the stove. Turn on the maximum heat, bring the contents of the container to a boil and reduce the heat to the minimum. Cover the container with a lid, leaving a small gap for steam to escape, boil for 10 minutes.

Currant is a garden berry that has useful properties. That is why the compote from its berries is a storehouse of useful substances in the cold season. Of course, some of them are lost during cooking, but the vitamins that we need so much in winter are still preserved: potassium, ascorbic acid, beta-carotene, calcium, phosphorus, etc. It is worth noting that healthy drink stabilizes the level of glucose in the body, normalizes activity gastrointestinal tract and contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes in the body, and also prevents the appearance diabetes. A blackcurrant compote recipe is definitely worth having for those who suffer from ulcers and frequent colds. The drink can also be used for preventive purposes. In a word, the berry is so good that you should definitely make a harvest from it for the winter. Blackcurrant compote (recipes will be given later in the article) is prepared quite simply, so it does not require much effort.

The easiest recipe

The simplest recipe for blackcurrant compote involves the use of just a few ingredients. For cooking we need:

  1. Sugar - 360 g.
  2. Currant - 970
  3. Three liters of water.

For harvesting compote, it is convenient to use three-liter jars. They must first be thoroughly washed with baking soda, then rinsed with water and sterilized.

Currant berries are also washed in water and allowed to drain excess liquid. Pour the water into a saucepan and send it to the stove, then add sugar and prepare the syrup. We shift the berries into each prepared jar and pour the prepared boiling syrup to the top. Next, the jar is rolled up with a lid, which must also be sterilized beforehand. Ready compote is placed upside down and wrapped with a blanket on top. Banks should stand in this position until completely cooled, after which they are sent for storage in a dark, cool place. As you can see, the recipe for blackcurrant compote for the winter is very simple, so even the most inexperienced person in matters of seaming will cope with its preparation.

Raspberry, lemon balm and currant

There are many options for making blackcurrant compote. A recipe with raspberries will allow you to make an even more aromatic and fortified drink, which is very useful for colds.


  1. Raspberry - 250 g.
  2. Currant - 850 g.
  3. Liter of water.
  4. A kilogram of sugar.
  5. ½ lemon.
  6. Several branches of lemon balm.

We sort out the currant berries and wash them well, after which we pour boiling water over them. We shift the currants into clean and sterilized jars, filling it up to about half, then add lemon balm and lemon.

Pour water into a saucepan and send it to heat on the stove. As soon as the liquid boils, add sugar and raspberries. The resulting mixture should boil, after which the stove must be turned off. Fill the jars with berries with the syrup mixture and let the compote brew (about 20 minutes). After that, pour the liquid into the pan and boil it again. Next, pour the compote into jars and close them with tin lids, send to a warm place. After cooling, the workpiece must be moved to a storage location - a dry and cool pantry or basement.

The most fragrant and delicious compote

Currant itself is an incredibly fragrant berry. Probably, for this reason, blackcurrant compotes are popular. A recipe for the winter will never be superfluous.


  1. ½ kilogram of sugar.
  2. Two liters of water.
  3. A kilogram of currants.

Before cooking, the berries must be sorted out, removing the twigs, and rinsed well. Next, half fill the sterilized jars. Bring water to a boil on the stove and pour over the berries. Moreover, it is necessary to let the compote brew for at least twenty minutes. During this time, the liquid will acquire a bright shade. Then we drain the water into the pan and bring it to a boil again, then pour it into jars. The process must be repeated again (in total, the berries are poured with boiling water three times). At the last approach, pour sugar into the pan, as a result we get a syrup. We fill them with currants and roll up banks.

Vitamin compote

As we have already mentioned, there are many recipes for blackcurrant compote. How to prepare the most healthy drink for the winter? The question is quite relevant, because the main criterion for a good recipe should be the ability to preserve the maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients. Many experts in this matter recommend using a completely different processing method, replacing boiling with sterilization.


  1. Liter of water.
  2. Sugar - 600-800 g.
  3. Currant - 320 grams for each half-liter jar.

We carefully sort the berries, removing the twigs, then rinse and leave to drain in a colander. As soon as the excess water is gone, we shift the currants into jars and fill them with hot syrup. We cover the jars from above with lids and send them to a container for sterilization for ten minutes (any large saucepan can be used).

In the south, they practice rolling blackcurrant compote without sterilization. If you want to get a fragrant and tasty compote, then put no more than a third of the berries in jars, and if you need currants, then you can fill the entire container to the top with it.

Each of these blackcurrant compote recipes implies that the syrup is prepared at the rate of three hundred grams of sugar per liter of liquid. Such a drink can not be stored for more than a year. Therefore, in the cold winter season, you need to enjoy the fruits of your summer labors.

Assorted currants

As a useful and vitamin preparation for the winter, you can make compote from red and black currants. The recipe for this drink is very simple. Compote is prepared from black and red currants in a ratio of 5:1. It is worth noting that you can change the number of berries at will and observe this proportion is not at all necessary.


  1. Black and red currant - the number of berries at will.
  2. Sugar - two hundred grams per liter of liquid.
  3. Muscat, cinnamon, cloves.

We sort out currant berries (sulphuric and red). For cooking, you need to take only ripe and whole. After the currants have been cleaned of twigs and debris, they must be washed very well in a colander, and then left to drain the water. Next, the berries are laid out in jars. In this case, the currants are laid out in layers. First comes a layer of red berries, and then black ones. In general, the amount of currants in the jar should not be more than 2/3 of the entire height. Next, fill each of them with boiling water and let the liquid brew. After that, drain the liquid and bring to a boil again, adding sugar. It is worth remembering that we put a glass of sugar on each liter of container. If desired, you can add cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg. Bring the liquid to a boil, then remove the container from the stove. While we were preparing the syrup, it was necessary to boil the lids in a separate bowl. Fill the jars again with liquid and roll them up. Next, turn them upside down and cover with a blanket. In this form, the seaming is stored until completely cooled, after which it can be transferred to a cool dark place. Of course, this is not the easiest option for making blackcurrant compote (the recipe with a photo is given in the article) is not the easiest, but the result is worth it.

and pour boiling syrup. We cover each vessel with a lid from above and send it to a container for sterilization. A half-liter jar should be boiled for about ten minutes, and a liter jar for fifteen. Next, the banks are clogged and sent to a warm place to infuse. After complete cooling, the compote is rearranged in the pantry. This recipe uses a syrup prepared at a ratio of three hundred grams of sugar per liter of water.

Currant compote with cranberries

Blackcurrant is good on its own, but in combination with other berries and fruits, you can get a wonderful drink, the smell and taste of which you will certainly enjoy. We offer a recipe for blackcurrant compote with cranberries. These two berries go great together. Cranberries add sourness to the drink. In addition, red currants can also be added to the compote (optional).


  1. Currant - two glasses.
  2. A glass of cranberries.
  3. A glass of sugar.

These proportions are given for a three-liter jar. It is necessary to measure the right amount of liquid in advance and send it to boil on the stove. We sort the berries and wash them, then put them in a sieve and blanch for a few minutes.

Next, we lay out the berries in jars. For further preparation of the syrup, we use the water in which the currants and cranberries were blanched. Add sugar to it and cook the mass. Fill the jars with boiling syrup and roll up the lids. We send the compote to cool under the covers.

Blackcurrant compote with ginger

We bring to your attention another original version of blackcurrant compote. The recipe with ginger allows you to make a very healthy drink that is incredibly effective in treating colds.


  1. A glass of sugar.
  2. Two liters of liquid.
  3. Ginger root.
  4. Currant - three glasses.

Remove the skin from the ginger root and cut into circles. Then pour it with boiling water and boil for a couple of minutes, adding sugar. Next, add sugar and bring to a boil again and boil for several minutes. Here the compote is ready.

Apple-currant compote

Very tasty and fragrant compote is obtained from blackcurrant and apples. The drink recipe is very simple and does not require large expenditures.


  1. Currant - three cups.
  2. Three apples.
  3. Sugar - three glasses.

This amount of ingredients is indicated for the preparation of a three-liter can of drink. We sort out the currant, wash it. Wash the apples too and cut into slices. Pour three liters of water into the pan and send it to the stove. As soon as the liquid begins to boil, we shift the fruit into a sieve and blanch them. After that, we lay them out in banks. Pour sugar into the water, and boil our syrup for five minutes. Next, pour it into jars and roll it up.

Strawberry and black currant compote

The recipe for making a drink is not too different from the classic version.


  1. Strawberries - 110 g.
  2. Red currant - 130 g.
  3. Black currant - 120 g.
  4. Sugar - 130 g.

The ingredients are given for the preservation of a liter jar. We sort out the berries and clean them from twigs and tails, wash them and put them in one container. Wash and sterilize jars and lids. Next, we shift the blanks into jars and fill them with boiling water. We close the top of the container with lids and let it brew (the berries should let the juice go).

Pour the compote from the jar into an enamel bowl, add sugar and bring it to a boil. Stir the contents of the pan with a spoon so that the sugar is completely dissolved. The compote should boil for three minutes. Now we fill the jars with berries with ready-made syrup and cork them. Turning each of them upside down, wrap the containers and leave in this form until completely cooled. Then you can move the jars to a place to store supplies for the winter. As you can see, this is a fairly simple recipe. Blackcurrant compote is a versatile drink that adults and children love.

Currant-cherry drink

We offer another good recipe blackcurrant compote. Whatever berries and fruits you add to blackcurrant compote, you will certainly get a tasty and fragrant drink, and besides, it is also very healthy.

Cherry makes compote very rich, so do not overdo it with its quantity. In addition, it must be frozen before the currant harvest. For a three-liter jar we need:

  1. Sugar - 720 g.
  2. Two glasses of cherries.
  3. Two glasses of currants.

We sort out the berries, clean them of debris, and then wash them. Next, lay them out in sterilized jars and pour boiling water over them. The compote should stand for a while so that the berries have time to release the juice. After twenty minutes, pour the liquid into the pan, add sugar, bring the syrup to a boil, and then boil it for another five minutes. Next, fill them with jars, cork them with lids and send them to cool under the covers.

Currant with gooseberry

Currants and gooseberries ripen at the same time, so it is quite possible to make a wonderful compote from them for the winter. You can put less sugar in such a drink, since the gooseberry itself is very sweet. About 2/3 cup of sugar can be put on a liter jar.


  1. Currant - ½ kg.
  2. A kilogram of gooseberries.
  3. No more than 2/3 cup sugar.

Since the gooseberry has a dense skin, it must be blanched. Pour water into a saucepan, bring it to a boil. My gooseberries and transfer to a sieve. As soon as the water boils, lower the sieve into the water and blanch the berries for five minutes.

Next, gooseberries and currants are laid out in jars. And after blanching, add sugar to the water and cook the syrup. Pour it into jars and seal them with lids. We turn the finished seaming upside down and wrap it with a warm blanket. Banks should completely cool down in such conditions. After that, they are sent for storage until winter in a cool and dark place.

Currant, cinnamon and lemon

Cinnamon is a spice that always enhances the flavor of berries. A drink with cinnamon in combination with lemon acquires a special aroma.


  1. Cinnamon stick.
  2. Three glasses of currants.
  3. Two liters of water.
  4. ½ lemon.
  5. Sugar - one and a half glasses.

We put water in a saucepan on fire and bring to a boil, then add sugar and cinnamon, and after five minutes of active boiling, you can throw berries. Compote should boil for another five minutes. At the very end, we throw in a lemon, cut into slices and immediately turn off the fire. You can wrap a pot with a drink in a towel for a couple of hours, and then drink it.

Assorted berries and fruits

Assorted compote is the best solution. He is always popular with every family.


  1. Blackcurrant - ½ kg.
  2. Raspberries - ½ kg.
  3. Redcurrant - ½ kg.
  4. Apples - 3 pcs.
  5. Peaches - 5 pcs.
  6. Plums - ½ kg.
  7. We will put sugar at the rate of three hundred grams for every liter of water.

We sort the berries and wash them thoroughly. Cut apples into thin slices. In peaches, it is better to remove the skin, after which they can be cut into quarters. Plums are divided into two parts and bones.

Transfer apples, plums, peaches and currants to a sieve and blanch. Next, all the fruits are evenly distributed over sterilized jars, and on top we lay currant and raspberry berries. In general, the berry-fruit mixture should fill a third of the jar. We will prepare the syrup for seaming on the water in which the fruit was blanched. Add sugar to it and pour fruit with syrup. We roll up the banks and send them to cool under the covers.
