Goodwin from what fairy tale. Goodwin, the Great and Terrible Farewell, Emerald City! What is his creative potential?

James Goodwin is one of the most controversial sorcerers of the Enchanted Land and the rulers of the Emerald City.


Acquaintance with the "wizard" James Goodwin is unusual. At first, we only hear about him (in the scene when Villina tells Ellie about the Emerald City and its ruler), then Ellie and her friends talk about him, using the epithet "Great and Terrible" and thinking about how the sorcerer looks and what he is similar (head, mermaid, fireball, six-legged). And only then, by pure chance, thanks to the dog Totoshka, we see an elderly man of small stature, with a large head and a wrinkled face, dressed in a colorful waistcoat, striped trousers and a long frock coat. And the first phrase of this little man was a maxim:

“I am Goodwin, the Great and Terrible,” the little man answered in a trembling voice. "But please, please don't touch me!" I will do whatever you ask of me!"

When James Goodwin arrived in Fairyland, he was only about 30 years old, “He was short, strongly built, and had lush red hair. And most importantly, he was energetic and enterprising. He had golden hands, accustomed to any craft.

Personality and character

The prototype of James Goodwin was the wizard from Oz from a series of fairy tales by L.F. Baum. A.M. Volkov only changed the name and slightly corrected the "biography" of the imaginary sorcerer. S. Sukhinov supplemented information about Goodwin. In all three authors, the magician appears as a dreamer, dreamer, storyteller, inventor. By nature - kind, but somewhat selfish.


James Goodwin is an illusionist, magician and circus performer (according to S. Sukhinov, a local theater actor, then a carpenter, loader, salesman and director of a department store) from Kansas (although for some time our hero lived in the state of Dakota, in the city of Aberdeen, working as an aeronaut ). He is not a mage in the truest sense of the word. Just like Ellie, Goodwin ended up in Fairyland by accident, being carried by the hurricane of the evil sorceress Gingema. And, like Ellie, the simple-hearted locals mistook him for a great sorcerer.

Goodwin decided to take advantage of this: he hid the truth from them and became the ruler of the Green Country. In order not to be exposed, he came up with several tricks with masks, and the rumor about his "magic" spread throughout the Fairyland.

With the first lie began many years of pretense. It was not an easy life, as Goodwin himself later admitted.

Goodwin with Scarecrow brains

He built the Emerald City, in which everything was "green" in color. In fact, the emerald color was given by glasses that were worn by all the inhabitants of the city without exception. And only the emeralds on the highest towers of the city were real.

Goodwin's ingenuity is shown in the scenes in which the "wizard" gives Ellie's friends a coveted heart sewn from a red piece of cloth, brains from pins and needles, and "courage" from valerian.

Most of all, he was afraid of real sorceresses, he even tried to fight with them, but failed. The good-natured but weak-willed Goodwin was so intimidated that he sent a little girl and her friends to fight Bastinda.

When Goodwin was exposed, the imaginary wizard was even delighted: he was very sick of pretense, and he himself did not know how to get out of this story ...


Before departure

James Goodwin left Fairyland in a balloon, appointing the Scarecrow the Wise as ruler of the Emerald City. Actually, he flew away because of Ellie: the girl had to be returned home. But it so happened that the rope was torn off the Earth earlier, and Goodwin returned to Kansas alone. There he opened a grocery store. In the future, Ellie and her uncle, the one-legged sailor Charlie, saw Goodwin and called him to help the Fairyland, but he flatly refused.

Goodwin seated the guests in easy chairs and began:

My name is James Goodwin. I was born in Kansas...

How?! Ellie was surprised. - And you're from Kansas?

Yes, my child! Goodwin sighed. - We are countrymen. I left Kansas many, many years ago. Your appearance touched and excited me, but I was afraid of exposure and sent you to Bastinda. He lowered his head in shame. - However, I hoped that the silver shoes would protect you, and, as you can see, I was not mistaken ... But let's get back to my story. In my youth I was an actor, I played kings and heroes. Convinced that this occupation gives me little money, I became a balloonist ...

By whom? Ellie didn't understand.

Ball-lo-ni-stom. I went up in a balloon, that is, in a balloon filled with light gas. I did this for the amusement of the crowd, driving around the fairs. I always tied my balloon with a rope. One day the rope broke, my balloon was caught by a hurricane, and it rushed off to no one knows where. I flew for a whole day, swept over the desert and huge mountains, and descended into the Fairyland, which is now called Goodwin's country. People came running from everywhere and, seeing that I was descending from the sky, mistook me for the Great Magician. I did not dissuade these gullible people. On the contrary, I remembered the roles of kings and heroes and played the role of a wizard quite well for the first time (however, there were no critics!). I declared myself the ruler of the country, and the inhabitants obeyed me with pleasure. They expected my protection from the evil sorceresses who visited the country. First of all, I built the Emerald City.

Where did you get so many green marbles? Ellie asked.

And so many different green things? asked the Tin Woodman.

Patience, my friends! You will soon know all my secrets,” said Goodwin, smiling. - There is no more greenery in my city than in any other. It's all about, - he mysteriously lowered his voice, - it's all about the green glasses that my subjects never take off.

How? Ellie screamed. - So, the marble of houses and pavements ...

White, my child!

What about emeralds? asked the Scarecrow.

Plain glass, but a good grade! added Goodwin proudly. - I spared no expense. And then, the emeralds on the towers of the city are real. After all, they can be seen from afar.

Ellie and her friends were more and more surprised. Now the girl understood why the ribbon around Toto's neck turned white when they left the Emerald City.

And Goodwin calmly continued:

The construction of the Emerald City lasted several years. When it ended, we had protection from evil sorceresses. I was still young at the time. It occurred to me that if I was close to the people, they would see me as an ordinary person. And then my power will end. And I closed myself in the throne room and adjoining rooms.

I cut off communication with the whole world, not excluding my servants. I got the supplies that you saw and started working miracles. I have given myself the solemn names of Great and Terrible. After a few years, people forgot my real appearance, and all kinds of rumors about me spread around the country. And I achieved this and tried in every possible way to maintain my glory as a great sorcerer. In general, I succeeded, but there were also misses. My campaign against Bastinde was a major setback. The Flying Monkeys have defeated my army. Fortunately, I managed to escape and got rid of captivity. Since then, I have been terribly afraid of sorceresses. It was enough for them to know who I really was and I would have come to an end: after all, I am not a magician! And how glad I was when I learned that Ellie's house had crushed Gingham! I decided that it would be good to destroy the power and the second evil sorceress. That is why I sent you so insistently against Bastinda. But now that Ellie has melted it, I'm ashamed to admit that I can't keep my promises! Goodwin finished with a sigh.

I think you're a bad person, - said Ellie.

No, my child! I'm not a bad person, but a very bad wizard!

So I won't get brains from you? asked the Scarecrow with a groan.

Why do you need brains? Judging by everything I know about you, your mind is no worse than that of any person with brains, Goodwin flattered the Scarecrow.

Maybe so, - objected the Scarecrow, - but still without brains I will be unhappy!

Goodwin looked at him carefully.

Do you know what brains are? - he asked.

Not! - confessed the Scarecrow. - I have no idea.

Good! Come see me tomorrow and I'll fill your head with top-notch brains. But you yourself must learn to use them.

Oh, I will learn! cried the Scarecrow joyfully. I give you my word that I will! Hey hey hey hey! I'll have brains soon! - dancing, sang the happy Scarecrow. - site

Goodwin looked at him with a smile.

And what about courage? - timidly stuttered Leo.

You are a brave animal! Goodwin replied. - You lack only faith in yourself. And then, every living being is afraid of danger, and courage lies in conquering fear. You know how to overcome your fear.

And you give me such courage, - Lev interrupted stubbornly, - so that I am not afraid of anything.

Good, Goodwin said with a sly smile. - Come tomorrow and you'll get it.

And you have it boiling in a pot under a golden lid? inquired the Scarecrow.

Almost so! Who told you? Goodwin was surprised.

Farmer on the road to the Emerald City.

He is well informed about my affairs,” Goodwin remarked curtly.

Will you give me a heart? asked the Tin Woodman.

The heart makes many people unhappy,” said Goodwin. - It's not a very big advantage to have a heart.

One can argue about that,” the Tin Woodman resolutely objected. - I will endure all misfortunes meekly, if I have a heart.

Okay. Tomorrow you will have a heart. After all, I had been a wizard for so many years that it was hard not to learn anything.

What about going back to Kansas? - Ellie asked, very worried.

Ah, my child! This is a very difficult task. But give me a few days time, and perhaps I will be able to transport you ...

You can, you definitely can! Ellie exclaimed happily. “After all, the magic book of Villina says that I will return home if I help three creatures achieve the fulfillment of their most cherished desires.

Friends, satisfied, left the throne room of Goodwin, and Ellie had hope that the Great and Terrible Deceiver would return her to Kansas.

When Ellie and her friends returned victorious to the Emerald City, Goodwin had already figured out how to fulfill their cherished desires.

He realized that even without any magic, the Scarecrow was smart, the Tin Woodman was kind, and the Lion was brave. But all three simply lacked self-confidence. And it was very easy for Goodwin to inspire them with such confidence. After all, he managed to convince all the inhabitants of the Green Country, and even Stella and Villina, that he is the Great and Terrible Wizard!

It was much more difficult to fulfill Ellie's cherished desire, who really wanted to return home to Kansas. But after all, Goodwin himself dreamed of returning to his homeland! He was sick of being a recluse in the Emerald Palace and ruling the Green Country. There was little joy from this, but Goodwin was very tired of loneliness.

And then he remembered his old balloon. Even before Ellie arrived in Wonderland, Goodwin figured out how to extract hydrogen from ordinary water. If the balloon is repaired and filled not just with hot air, but with hydrogen, then on it, with a fair wind, you can fly even to distant Kansas!

And finally, the day of fulfillment of desires has come. Goodwin stuffed the Scarecrow's head with bran mixed with needles and pins. The Straw Man immediately proudly declared, "I'm starting to feel wise!"

Goodwin put a red silk heart stuffed with sawdust into the woodcutter's iron chest. “Oh, how happy I am, my dear friends!” exclaimed the Tin Woodman joyfully, with tears in his eyes.

Well, with the Cowardly Lion there was very little trouble. Goodwin gave the mighty beast to drink fizzy kvass mixed with valerian.

"I'm already getting strong! - said the delighted Leo. “Courage flowed through my veins and fills my heart!”

Goodwin only smiled when he heard those words. He knew perfectly well that the three friends had simply fallen for his trick. And for the first time in his life, Goodwin felt that someone benefited from his deceit.

It remained to fulfill Ellie's cherished desire. On Goodwin's orders, the arzals quickly patched up the balloon and dragged it to the main square of the Emerald City. And then the balloon was filled with hydrogen and it slowly rose into the air. Now it was only held by a rope.

The farewell was very touching. Hundreds of excited citizens gathered on the square. Goodwin announced to them that he was flying to heaven to see the great magician Sun. He ordered the townspeople to never take off their green glasses, and left the Scarecrow the Wise as the ruler in his place. And then he shouted:

- Goodbye, my friends!

What's up here! After many years, the Arzals finally saw the Great and Terrible Goodwin with their own eyes. And this time he appeared before them not in the form of a monster, but in the form of a fat, bald man with kind eyes and an affectionate, slightly sad smile. How can you not scream with joy? But this joy was with tears in his eyes - after all, Goodwin flew back to heaven! Who knows if he will ever return?

- Ur-r-a-ra! - rushed over the square. Farewell, Goodwin! Long live the Scarecrow the Wise!

Goodwin waved sadly at them. He was very sorry to leave the Emerald City, and forever say goodbye to the kind and hardworking arzals. But he so wanted to go home to Kansas!

And Ellie and Toto at that time were saying goodbye to their friends - the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and the Lion. No one hid their tears - after all, they all managed to make friends like that!

And then a strong gust of wind came up. Goodwin was alarmed.

- Ellie, hurry to the basket! he shouted.

But the rope suddenly snapped, and the balloon soared into the sky.

Goodwin looked longingly at the Main Square. Ellie ran, waving her arms at him and shouting something. Probably, the girl asked him to go down again - but how could this be done with such a strong wind?

The balloon quickly rose to the clouds. Goodwin stared at the glittering towers of the Emerald City. He could not even believe that it was he, together with the Arzals, who had built such a wonderful city.

“Farewell, Fairyland…” he mournfully whispered. "Will I never come back here?"

Suddenly he noticed that a small pink cloud appeared among the gray clouds. It was rapidly approaching the balloon. Suddenly the cloud melted, and Goodwin was surprised to see the sorceress Stella fluttering in the air. In her hands she held a red rose.

Goodwin bowed respectfully to the sorceress.

“Please forgive me, dear sorceress,” he said in a voice full of remorse. “For many years I have deceived all the inhabitants of the land of Thorn, including you and Villina. You see, I have never been a magician! I am the most ordinary person. I have always dreamed of wealth and power. And here, in the land of Thorn, I have achieved everything I wanted, but only through deceit! Perhaps that is why neither the title of the ruler nor the treasure brought me either joy or happiness...

He sighed bitterly and bowed his head. But Stella laughed and shook her head.

“Not so bad, dear Goodwin,” her silvery voice sounded. - Yes, you took the throne of the ruler of the Green Country by deceit, and this does not paint you in any way. But, despite this, you have done a lot of good here! You have built a wonderful Emerald City. You have protected the Green Country from evil witches. You fulfilled the cherished desires of the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and the Lion. You probably already guessed that Villina and I are counting on their help in the future. There are many disturbing events ahead of the Magic Land, and we will really need such true friends and good helpers!

Goodwin nodded.

Yes, I already understood that. But, unfortunately, I could not fulfill Ellie's cherished desire. The rope broke at the wrong time! Or... or did it happen for a reason, too?

Stella narrowed her eyes mischievously.

“Nothing happens by chance here in Fairyland, dear Goodwin. We are counting on Ellie! Villina believes that this girl will someday be able to become a great sorceress. Therefore, Villina did not reveal the secret of the silver slippers to Ellie. If Ellie would immediately return home to Kansas, then she would not find true friends here, and would not have time to fall in love with the Magic Land.

"So you're going to help her get back to Kansas soon?" Goodwin agreed.

- Certainly! Stella nodded. “But Ellie and her friends have a few more tests to go through. Tomorrow she will go to me, to the Pink Country. I really want Ellie to help the Lion become the king of the beasts, and then get acquainted with the Marrans and my subjects Chatterboxes. She will have to go through some dangerous adventures, but everything will end well, I will take care of that.

“Is that so…” Goodwin muttered. “So Ellie will ever return to the land of Thorn forever?”

“Yes,” Stella replied. “And you can trust me that Ellie and all her friends will always remember you with a kind word.

Goodwin lowered his head and said softly:

– It turns out that I didn’t live my life in vain... I told the children about the Magic Land so many times, but I never thought that I would help make it even more beautiful and wonderful with my own hands!

He hesitated, and then took out a magic mirror from under the bench and handed it to Stella:

– Give this thing as a gift to our dear Ellie! I wanted to take the mirror to Kansas, but I think Ellie will need it more.

- I will definitely tell you - when the time comes, - Stella agreed. Farewell, Great and Terrible! Let your life there, in the Big World, be truly happy! And here, in the land of Thorn, your memory will live forever. Although you were not a wizard, you managed to build a wonderful Emerald City that will exist for thousands of centuries - as long as people live on Earth!

Stella handed Goodwin a red rose and unexpectedly kissed him on the cheek. And then flew away and disappeared among the clouds.

Goodwin gazed after her, touched.

“I would like to know what will happen in the Magic Land after many years, when Ellie returns here forever ... Will she really turn into a great sorceress? What if she someday even becomes the queen of the Emerald City? Why not?

And then Goodwin looked the other way and saw the snow-capped peaks of the Round the World Mountains in the distance. They were getting closer every minute.

“For so many years I dreamed of returning to my native Kansas ...” he whispered. “So why is my heart clenching in pain right now?” Farewell Emerald City, farewell my friends! Will we never meet again?

But Goodwin was wrong. One day, many years later, he met Ellie and the Scarecrow again, and even made a long journey with them along the yellow road from the enchanted mountain to the sea of ​​\u200b\u200bThorn. You will read about this in other books about the Magic Land. See you soon, my dear readers!
