Rituals and conspiracies on the day of the winter solstice. Rituals for the Winter Solstice

Whether we like it or not, everyone participates in all the processes taking place in the Universe. Everything that happens affects everyone. Therefore, it is so important to live in harmony with the rhythm of the universe. This is one of the most important conditions healthy life, prosperity.

Holidays, depending on the time when they come, have different meanings, but all these days are mystical, they are intended for spiritual work. it better days for spiritual practices, meditation, prayer. They are not meant for worldly affairs. It is no coincidence that the ancient sages prescribed certain rituals on these days.

The sages divide the year into two halves - the divine day and the divine night. The period from the winter solstice (December 21-22) to the summer solstice (June 21-22) is day, and the period from summer solstice to winter is night. The beginning of each of these periods is marked by a holiday, calendar ritual actions.

The sun is revered, deified by all peoples. The solstices were used to improve the quality of life, it was the starting point of a new life. Also important are the days of the equinoxes - these are the most important astronomical events, a special energy time, these are the central points connecting the earth's seasons.

Winter solstice, solstice.

2016: The winter solstice begins on December 21, 2016 at 10:45 UTC or 13:45 Moscow time when the Sun enters 0° Capricorn

Winter solstice, solstice, one of the most important, special days of the year. Starting from this day, daylight increases and night decreases. On this day, the height of the sun rises in the sky is the lowest. From that day on, the Sun begins its northern path of growth. At this time, the Earth is at the smallest distance from the Sun. Life on Earth largely depends on the Sun, so the approach of the Earth to the Sun and the distance are the most important astronomical events.

The moment of the solstice is the critical moment of transition. About 3 days before and after the solstice, the Earth receives a huge flow of creative energy, this is a magical, sacred time of transition. Like any transitional time, it is for spiritual practices. It is believed that this time is not for material affairs. It greatly contributes to God-centeredness, not ego-centeredness. The winter solstice is the beginning of the astronomical new year. This is a holiday of rebirth, the birth of a new sun.

From this moment a new cycle of time begins. The moment of the solstice, the end of long nights - this is the mystery of the birth of the new, renewal, rebirth, the transition from the old life to the new. This is the mystery of renewal, the day of laying hopes, a solid foundation for a bright future.
This is both death and resurrection, the mystery of the rebirth of old age into youth.

In this energetically special, charged time, you can burn your sins, change your destiny, be reborn, just like a renewed Sun is born again.

In the coming days before the solstice, it is favorable to get rid of everything obsolete, interfering, superfluous (both in the house and in terms of personality, habits, relationships, etc.). It would be good to let go of grievances, leave quarrels, resolve conflicts, favorably make donations, repay debts. AT new life better to go light.

With gratitude to God, with pure thoughts, pure intentions and wishes of happiness.
And in a clean place (you first need to clean the territory, get rid of rubbish, garbage and dust on the physical plane as well). It is very favorable to light lamps, incense.

The night before this day is the longest of the year. This is a dark, feminine, magical time. This night opens the door to a new life. It is good to sum up the results of the past year, to thank God for everything that He gives. It is important to get rid of worries, anxieties and enter a new life in a harmonious state.

At this time, together with the sun, all living things begin their path of growth, ascent. It is very important to be God-centered, to move away from the hustle and bustle, to turn inward.

Prayer, meditation at this time will have great power, as well as your good intentions, goals for the future. The rhythms of the Universe at this time are very conducive to this. The power of the resurgent Sun, the powerful energy of creation will fill them.

It is favorable to meet the sunrise, to express our respect to him, to congratulate him on his birth, to thank him for his gifts. It is important to feel this transitional sacred period, the turn from darkness to light, from ignorance to knowledge, from death to immortality. If this is done consciously (to discard the negative, the obsolete and create the intention to acquire the bright), then ahead - indeed - the bright path of rebirth, growth.

At this time, the sky opens, strong flows of energy go to the Earth. This is a time of Hope and Opportunity. It is very important to use it for your growth, improvement. This is a time of meditation, prayer, a time of good intentions. Should I miss this chance?

This is a great time to improve, change what needs to be changed; get rid of what gets in the way; lay a solid foundation for growth.

This day is celebrated in the culture of every nation. An indispensable attribute of the holiday is fire - these are candles, lamps, bonfires.

Christmas time was celebrated in the Slavic tradition.

Like the ancient Slavs, the inhabitants of central and northern Europe during the winter solstice performed symbolic actions with fire, celebrating Yule.

In Zoroastrian tradition, these days celebrate the Feast of Mithra. Mitra - God of justice, the all-seeing eye of Asha (Truth). Mitra is associated with the Sun, monitors the observance of dharma, order. On this day, 21 candles are lit.

Holland celebrates Saint Thomas Day. This is the last day of classes before the Christmas holidays. On this day, it is very important not to be the last to come to school, otherwise they will tease “sleepy Thomas”. On this special day, even children cannot sleep for a long time

Source: www.chela.ru

The winter solstice is a good time for those who are engaged in spiritual self-development, it inspires the opening of spiritual spaces and reveals past lives.
During the Night of Svarog - the darkest time of the year - a gap opens between the worlds. This allows beings to move freely in and out of our world. Although the most severe cold is yet to come (and they are needed to crystallize the intention laid down these days), but the middle of Winter falls precisely on this period. Three days are especially important during this period.

On the day of the winter solstice, you can guess in any way, using both ancient divination using various objects, runes, and divination on various symbolic and metaphorical cards (Tarot).

I will talk about three Nights dedicated to the Goddesses of Fate. So..

Night of December 20 - Mother of the past.

Night of the Old Woman Goddess. At this time, it is necessary to perform all cleansing rituals. Rites and rituals aimed at cleansing and protecting the Family also work flawlessly. As well as the Thanksgiving Day of the Gods of household spirits for help.

December 21 - Night of the Mother Goddess. This is the Goddess of Becoming.

At this time, you should lay a cycle of harmonious connection of the events of your destiny. For example, weaving fate from three threads. This is the time when both guests from the underworld and guests from the world of the Gods descend to the Middle Human World. In order not to offend the spirits, these days it is not customary to refuse hospitality to anyone - any traveler will receive a table and an overnight stay.

Dec 22. The night after the birth of the sun.

This is the night of the Goddess of the future. Here you lay down what should happen to you. This is the night when you make wishes. You can also return good luck and prosperity to your entire Family.

Light a candle in honor of the goddess of the Past on the night of December 20. And Ask her to cleanse your ancestral roots of negativity like this: " Take off, Mother Goddess, with your own hands, what is tangled on the roots of the family, what is imposed on the roots of the unkind, what is said with unkind lips, that in ignorance the unclean is broken. Truly so!"After reading the plot, put out the candle with your fingers.

On the night of December 21 light the second candle. Tell: "The world will get along well and the fate of my family will be adjusted! So be it!" Extinguish the candle.

Here you need to pronounce the vow. That is, you promise to do something for the good of the Family. The vow can be anything. Do not drink alcohol on New Year's Eve, refuse sweets for a period of 10 days, do some business that you put off until later ..

You just need to think carefully about how you want to make a vow, so as not to break it in any case. Having pronounced a vow, say "For the Good of the Family!"
Before dawn, take three candles and twist them into one in a clockwise direction. As soon as the edge of the solar disk appears in the sky, light a candle and read many times.

Spiridon-Solstice! Turn the sun for the summer, and the roads of my Family for the good, Strengthen the tree of the family in a catfish-short day. When the red sun rises into the heavens, when at a small hour it goes across the sky from sunrise to sunset. Strengthen Spiridon on my Tree, roots at dawn, branches at the zenith, fruits at sunset. Strengthen, Spiridon-solstice from this prayer, from the word of the conspiracy, high, noble Tree of my Family on high thresholds, on wide roads. It is good for the family to prosper, for all relatives to be in height and honor. Walk along wide roads, put profit in your wallet. Luck is laid on my Tree, luck with roots and fruits is laid from this hour to the age. True!
The plot should be read repeatedly until the candle in your hands burns out.

Darina Oleinik


The astrological transition of the Sun into the sign of Capricorn will occur on December 21, 2016 at 10:45 UTC or at 13:45 Moscow time. Capricorn is a sign closely associated with career prospects, unapproachable heights, long-term prospects, ascetics and directors.

Capricorn jumps on sheer cliffs, not at all embarrassed by gorges, landslides, or the absence of a direct road to the goal. Capricorn is perhaps the most vigorous hybrid of a materialist and an idealist in the entire Zodiac. All material planes all jumps from cliff to cliff necessarily have a specific idea behind them that warms Capricorn.

So we need to find between the material and the spiritual these days. You should not focus only on the ideal component of your projects, that is, dreams. It is impossible and headlong into monetization and profit, losing sight of the dream.
If you plan projects for the next year, then taking into account pragmatic earthly moods - with a financial plan and clear steps to achieve. This is not a reason to deny yourself a dream. It is only important to understand the first step that you will take to achieve it. And do it after the Solstice.)))

This solstice can have a transformative effect on people whose significant chart indicators are in the third decade of mutable signs (Virgo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces). Now their fate may change course. It is especially important for them to be conscious and honest with themselves and others so that the turn turns out to be good.

Today, December 21, is the shortest day of the year and the longest night. This is the winter solstice. Even in ancient times, it was considered magical - the Birth of the Sun (Winter Solstice, Kolyada). On the night of December 22, they made wishes, arranged fortune-telling and other rituals.

In astronomy, this day is considered the beginning of winter, so many signs are associated with it.

Winter Solstice: Signs

  • If there is frost on the trees, a lot of grain should be expected next season.
  • If the cut cherry branches bloom for Christmas, there will be many berries.
  • The rain is coming - to the wet spring.
  • The sun is clear, radiant - New Year frosty, gloomy and frost on the trees - on New Year's Eve it is cloudy, with a thaw.
  • Quiet windless day - a good harvest of fruit trees.

Rituals for the Winter Solstice

On the day of the winter solstice, you can perform rituals for the fulfillment of desires, draw up maps of your goals and plans. The day of the winter solstice helps to get more accurate answers in divination. Therefore, lovers of fortune-telling on cards on this day will be able to learn more than usual.

You can safely throw away old things, cleanse your thoughts and consciousness, and pray. On this day, you can say goodbye to the past and open your way to a happy future.

They say that on this day you can turn your destiny in the other direction, change the course of events and attract the desired events into your life.

Traditionally, in the old days, the rebirth of the Sun was celebrated on the winter solstice, it was celebrated at night, before sunrise. The holidays of Kolyada among the Slavs and Yule among the Germanic peoples are associated with this day. To give strength to the Sun, which, according to legend, should be reborn on this day, there was a custom to kindle a ritual fire. Often the logs for the fire were oak, because oak was believed to be a cosmic tree. Sometimes they took a pine tree, which symbolized the dying sun god. The logs were decorated with carvings and corresponding symbols. To perform the ritual of the revival of the Sun, 13 red and green candles were taken with the Sun and other magical symbols carved on them.

The old pagan customs of the winter solstice included the tradition of placing bread or cakes on the branches of old trees, pouring sweet drinks on the trees as a gift to the forest gods. This was done in the hope that in gratitude people would be given a good harvest in the coming seasons.

With the advent of Christianity, the ancient holiday of the winter solstice was timed to coincide with Christmas and the beginning of winter Christmas time. According to custom, on the longest night of the year, they caroled, guessed at the future.

This is a great day to do a meditation to celebrate new beginnings and projects. If you have something new in mind, make time for this day, because meditations for the winter solstice are especially powerful.

The winter solstice is a good day for those who are engaged in spiritual self-development, it inspires the opening of spiritual spaces and reveals past lives.

This day is suitable for rituals for the fulfillment of desires. If you have a cherished wish, make it on the day of the rebirth of the Sun.

Rituals of healing, prosperity, gaining strength and wisdom are performed.

Divination of the winter solstice gives accurate results, well suited tarot divination and oracle.

The room where the ritual or meditation is performed is decorated with dry leaves, nuts and fruits. 13 candles, decorated with symbols of the Sun, are placed in the center of the ritual altar. To flavor the air, it is good to use juniper, cedar, pine and rosemary oils.

Herbs, stones and metals of the winter solstice

Use the herbs, stones, and metals appropriate for the day to help with rituals and meditations. Herbs: anise, elderberry, verbena, clove, ginger, coriander, cinnamon, jasmine, lavender, laurel, juniper, lemon balm, moss, rosemary, rue, blackthorn, thistle. Stones: aventurine, turquoise, chiastolite, moonstone, ruby, sapphire, tiger's eye, black tourmaline. Metals: gold, silver, brass, steel.

As treats for the festive table on the day of the winter solstice, it is better to offer: pork and lamb dishes, pies, fruits (apples, pears, bananas, etc.), nuts, juices, ginger tea.

According to materials:

Good day. The magician Azal is with you. Today we continue our conversation about the upcoming holiday. In this article, I give the rituals and rituals I promised for the winter solstice for self-fulfillment. As always, I will describe everything in as much detail as possible in order not to be mistaken in anything. Let me remind you that the rituals will be of the following sense:

  1. To commemorate the undead dead relatives, which is done on this day in order to help them, receive news from them, ask their forgiveness or fulfill any of your requests
  2. A ritual in order to stop a series of failures, problems and misfortunes, if any, and change your life for the better

All this I plan to tell you in this article.

For those who have not read the previous article, in which I gave the entire "theoretical part" of these rites and their rationale, why they are held only on this day of the year and no other - please read it, and then come back here and get acquainted with yourself rituals. Here is the link - " The holiday of the winter solstice among the ancient Slavs and today: the magic of Kolyada».

As I said in a previous article, food was prepared on this day, two parts of which were separated at once to treat the dead. One part was taken out of the house for the wandering dead, unable to find their home and relatives, and the other part was left at home for a special "white table".

Rite for the Wandering Dead

First, I'll tell you more about the first part. Our ancestors greatly valued blood ties and paid much more attention to the commemoration of relatives than can be found at the present time. If there was a person in the family who died untimely or was killed and was not buried or did not rest, then they did so. They took the treat to the place where the person died or similar to the place of death of this person:

  • If a horse was knocked down on the road, then they carried to the road
  • If he disappeared in the forest, then they carried him to the forest
  • If he drowned, then carried to the reservoir
  • If you fell into a precipice, then carried to the precipice
  • Did not return from the mountains - carried to the mountain or hill
  • Food was left at the crossroads of three roads for those who went missing under unclear circumstances or who died while traveling.

The dead often "hang" in places similar to the place of their death, often near their body. Sometimes they can leave such places for a short time. In particular, on the day of the winter solstice, after sunset, such souls wander and return to their bones at dawn. After the treat, he will gain strength, and he will be able to prove himself. For example, having entered your dream this night, to inform you about yourself or about something important.

What exactly to attribute and how to do it? You need to carry what you eat yourself or what the deceased liked to eat. For such a ritual, you need a small piece of white cloth, plates of food and glasses of drink (disposable paper can be used), a wax candle. Take exactly as many candles as you are going to commemorate the wandering souls.

With all this, before sunset, go to the place you need, for example, it will be a crossroads of three roads. Lay a fabric in the form of a tablecloth at the crossroads, arrange plates and cups on it, distribute food and drink. Light candles - it is best to place candles in a glass jar so that the wind does not extinguish them.

Contact your deceased relative. Even if he does not hear you now, the forces that live in these places will convey your words to him. Ask him to come to eat and drink, not to harm the family, but rather to help as much as possible. If you want to say something of your own, personal, ask for forgiveness for something in front of him, do it.

After you have said whatever you wish, leave. They leave with such a ceremony in a certain way - first they take seven steps backwards, without turning away from the tablecloth with refreshments. After that, they already turn around and go home without looking back. You must return home before sunset.

Even if for some reason your relative did not find the food left to him, then someone else's wandering dead can eat it. The ancient Slavs believed this: "You will feed someone else's dead, and the other person will feed your dead relative like that."

"White Table" or "Table of Ancestors"

Previously, in large houses, there was a small white table in the corner of the kitchen-dining room, at which no living person ate. Moreover, this happened not only among the Slavs, but also among many other peoples. The table was there specifically for the commemoration of the dead. Nowadays, if it is not possible to keep a special table for such purposes, it is permissible to use “temporary substitutes”. For example, a tray or stool covered with a white tablecloth or a piece of white cloth.

This table was also served until sunset. They also put plates, glasses, food, drinks, lit wax candles. You can also put objects of connection with these dead on the table of the ancestors - a photograph of a person or his personal thing. If you want to ask your dead for something, then write your request on paper. Fold this paper and place it under the candle of the dead person to whom your request is addressed.

If candles were placed for each deceased by name, then the following was noticed. If this dead man came, then the candle went out. This is how he announced his presence. In addition, this night the deceased could also appear to you or someone from the household in a dream with some kind of news.

Ritual "Complaint to the Spirit" in order to end a series of troubles

This ritual is performed exclusively on the night of the winter solstice and on no other night. There is a whole series of similar rituals, however, I cite only this one, since I consider it the most appropriate and relevant.

Let me remind you what it is done in the case when a person has a long “black streak” in life. When constant troubles, troubles, losses haunt him, and he wants to finally change the course of events in his life.

To conduct this magical ritual, they prepare a little in advance. To do this, they patiently and thoroughly write down on a piece of paper all the bad things that happened to a person over the past year. Stick to chronological order - you should show how one event after another happened in your life.

In addition, prepare everything you need for a trip to nature - this ceremony is not performed at home, but only in nature. There you will need to light a fire and offer food to the spirits. If you live in a private house, you can conduct the ceremony in your yard.

At the onset of the longest night of the year, go out alone from the house and go with everything prepared to a place where no one will disturb you. Outline a large circle (you can use a stick in the snow or on the ground, magicians use their athame). In a circle, kindle a fire and sit near the fire, also within this circle.

In the same place, in a circle, lay out everything in the same way as described in the previous rituals: on a white cloth, in dishes (can be disposable), lay out the treats you brought with you: bread, food, sweets, fruits and drinks. It is better to take alcoholic drinks: wine or vodka.

After some time after such sitting by the fire, you will feel that you have come to you. In addition to the dark spirits that your fire will scare away, other good forces also roam this night. In addition to your personal feelings, you can find out that you have come from the rustle of branches, as if someone is walking and breaking them on their way, from the creak of snow, from birds that startle up and take off from the branches, or other signs.

You throw a small part of the food laid out on the tablecloth into the fire, and you also sprinkle some alcohol on your fire. This is how you treat your guests. After that, you will feel that the force seems to have “settled”, become softer. This means that she liked your treat, and she wants to taste more. She is ready to listen to your conditions.

Now you take out your piece of paper and slowly read to it the whole list of what has happened to you lately. After reading the entire list, say the following:

“Let my problems go away with this paper”

And throw the paper into the fire to burn it. This is how you show strength what you expect from it. Do not make any wishes, conspiracies or other initiatives! Your task and your only request is to end your series of failures, and with this ritual you achieve just that and nothing more.

If the power is willing to intervene in your life and fulfill your request, then you will feel it. She will not go anywhere and will be near you by the fire. When you clearly understand this, you can go home satisfied. Leave everything laid out on the tablecloth as it lies, and just leave. The Force itself will eat up everything that you have left for it. You can consider the ritual successful, focusing on your sense of inner satisfaction and tranquility.

However, when making a contract with force, keep in mind a few things:

  • Sometimes power cannot solve everything at once, even by taking on your situation; in this case, it will cover some of your problems, which, in general, is already very good
  • Sometimes your payment may not be enough to fulfill your desire, and you will be told about it. That same night or in the next couple of nights, this power will come to you in a dream, where it will ask you to increase the fee. Usually she means specifically what she would like to receive if your desire is fulfilled. If you agree to increase the fee, then you will definitely need to pay with force according to the agreement. If you “forget” to pay, then you will simply be “crushed” and “demolished” with problems
  • The Force may also come to you in a dream to clarify some elements of your contract with it.

I also ask you to pay attention to the following "little things". Sometimes it happens that along with a bad person, something good comes into life. For example, he broke his leg, but in the hospital he met a very pretty nurse. A romantic relationship began with her, about which one can say with confidence "there would be no happiness, but misfortune helped." Yes, now limp all my life on this leg, but it is near now. Be careful in such situations to handle such a solstice ritual! Along with the bad, the good that was given to you can also leave your life.

There are cases (and quite a few) when the power will attentively listen to all your complaints about your life and your wish that all these troubles go away. After that, the force can turn around and leave by itself. This is her refusal to take on the correction of your destiny. The reason is most often the difficulty of fulfilling your desire and insufficient payment for such work. If the power has failed, then you can now repeat the ritual only on the next winter solstice. Therefore, to avoid this, offer a generous payment in a proportionate amount and quality alcohol.

In case of power failure, by the way, you still leave the remaining treats near the fire. Do not take with you!

And one more nuance that can sometimes happen. An unfriendly dark force may come to you “at the light”. That kind of power needs to be repelled. Take with you special formulations or herbs for such cases. For example, this can be the same wormwood, lavender, cream of tartar or something else. Herbs are thrown into the fire. The bonfire is also maintained until the force recedes and leaves until the road home is clear. After that, you can leave the circle and go home.

That's all for today. I am glad that I managed to give you all these effective methods just before these upcoming holidays. I congratulate you on them and wish you to change your life only for the better. Share the note with your friends by clicking the buttons below. If you have any questions about the above rites, ask them in the comments - I will definitely answer. Sincerely, magician Azal, author of articles and owner of the site "

Strong prayers and conspiracies I believe, Lord. RU Published: December 18, 2018


A conspiracy on the day of the winter solstice to lure good luck, how to celebrate the solstice from December 21 to 22?

Our ancestors on the night of December 21-22 celebrated the solstice, or, as we now call it, the day of the winter solstice.

The winter solstice is the longest night of the year. The people said that on this night the whole universe perishes, and they feared that the sun might not rise in the morning. Therefore, all night long, splinter and candles burned in the houses to help the gods cope with misfortunes and so that a new day would still come. At the same time, there was a custom to think, which must have been fulfilled.

They said that if you do not celebrate the day of the winter solstice (solstice), then the whole next year will be haunted by failures and misfortunes. If you decide not to miss your chance and celebrate the winter solstice (solstice) to lure good luck, then you can do it like this.

On the afternoon of December 21, it is advisable to have a good night's sleep. Then set the table, on which there should be at least twelve dishes (let it be modest salads). But the more dishes, the happier and more fruitful the year will be.

At sunset, sit down with your family, loved ones, or even alone at the table and see off the old sun (as they see off the Old New Year). Then light 12 candles or incense sticks, then start making wishes. And don't be stingy! At this time, the rule applies: who asks more, he will receive more.


“With a new light, with the first ray, I am waiting for happiness, waiting for help. Bright light comes, pure light, I ask (and here list your desires) with renewed vigor, everything will work out. May it be so!"

In the morning, at sunrise, our ancestors went to an elevated place with food and intoxicating drinks. When the sun rose, he was greeted with dances, songs and merriment.

The day of the winter solstice has long been considered an energetically strong period. Our ancestors believed that at this time you can easily attract positive changes, material wealth and prosperity into your life.

The winter solstice is the longest night of the year. The sun occupies the lowest point above the horizon and illuminates the sky for a minimum number of hours. This is the turning point of winter: after the Solstice, daylight begins to increase, and the hours of darkness gradually subside.

Almost all nations believed in the mystical power of this time. It was believed that the Solstice marks the rebirth and renewal, and the subsequent addition of daylight hours - the victory of light over darkness. The longest night of the year was always met in a special way: various folk holidays. For example, the Celts at that time celebrated Yule - an analogue of our New Year. Slavs on the day of the Solstice revered Karachun - the lord of winter, the deity of darkness and cold. According to Slavic beliefs, at this time darkness overcomes light, but with the onset of morning everything ends happily: the temporary “defeat” of the Sun is followed by the victory of light and the renewal of the world. The day begins to increase, the night to decrease, and good triumphs over evil.

In all cultures, the time of the winter solstice was considered the most favorable for various rites and rituals. The energy of renewal and transition from darkness to light contributes to getting rid of everything unnecessary and attracting what is desired. Many ancient rituals can be used now - after all, over time, the power of the longest night of the year has not decreased, and people, as before, have a desire to change themselves and their lives for the better.

Ritual for getting rid of problems

Considering the fact that the Solstice occurs shortly before the New Year, the rite to get rid of problems is especially relevant. After all, everyone wants to enter a new stage of life, leaving difficulties and failures behind. On the longest night, this is possible: the energy message sent to the Universe during the ritual will be a reliable help in solving problems.

The ceremony should be performed in solitude, after sunset. Light a candle, and while looking at it, think about the problems that you would like to get rid of. Say these words:

“I drive away the darkness with fire, I save myself from oppression. The night will pass - it will take my problems with it. As the day increases, so my life will be filled with happiness. To be this"

After that, put the candle in a safe place. Let it burn for some more time. Before going to bed, extinguish the flame and complete the ritual with the words: “Everything that you wish (a) will come true”

Ritual for good luck on the day of the Solstice

Often a little bit of luck is not enough to achieve the goal. You can attract the location of Fortune to yourself and help ensure that all undertakings develop successfully, with the help of a ritual on the day of the winter Solstice.

For the rite of luck, you will need a glass of drinking water. Prepare it before sunset and place it next to the window. After evening comes, speak the water as follows:

“Water has absorbed the power of the Sun, it will give it to me. The sun will shine more - my luck will come. The night is waning - failures away"

The charmed water should be drunk immediately after the ritual.

Ritual to attract financial well-being

A simple ritual on the day of the Solstice will help to attract financial flows and material well-being. To do this, you need a few coins or banknotes (the denomination is unimportant) and a mirror. After the Sun disappears behind the horizon, put the money in front of the mirror and, peering into their reflection, say the plot:

“As a mirror increases money, so I will have more of them. As the day goes on increasing, so the profit will grow. The sun will rise - my request will be fulfilled. Key - lock - tongue. Amen"

After such a ceremony, the financial situation will gradually begin to change for the better, and the work will go more productive and easier.

Rituals are especially effective at such an energetically saturated time as the day of the Solstice. Therefore, do not miss the chance to experience their beneficial effects on yourself - after all, such a period happens only twice a year. We wish you success and prosperity, and do not forget to press the buttons and

21.12.2016 02:10

Spring is a time when any energy becomes extremely unstable. Most people on this ground...
