National dishes of the Czech Republic: recipes with photos. Czech cuisine

Czech cuisine has always been famous for dense and memorable dishes. But, the only negative is that it is for the most part quite heavy. Because of this, not only guests of the country, but also the Czechs themselves always take something with them that helps digestion.

We are used to the fact that lunch should consist of at least three courses. But this does not apply to the Czech Republic. Here you should choose dishes one by one. It is not a fact that you will be able to eat even a three-course meal. Portion sizes are large enough. It is customary to serve main dishes with not one side dish, but two or several types of sauce.

In Czech cuisine, meat dishes, rather fatty dishes, hold the primacy. Pork here is the top that no one stands next to. Sausages and snacks (they are fried or pickled) are also in the first place. Although greasy and heavy, but incredibly tasty.

But first things first. Any Czech soup is called vole and has its own name attached to it. For example, Vole "Trenchin". . The soup menu is usually served separately, at the start of the meal. Soups are thick, almost like a sauce. The density of soups is achieved due to the fact that they add semolina or pureed vegetables. Butter and egg yolk are sometimes used. Approximately 2/3 of the first courses of Czech cuisine are pureed. In terms of popularity, the championship is held by:

  1. Garlic field.
  2. Onion field.
  3. Sauerkraut bent sauerkraut.
  4. Polevitsa with smoked products and mushrooms.
  5. Potato from puréed vegetables.
  6. Soup - goulash with cheeses.

Soups are served both in regular bowls and in bread.

Of the second courses, the indisputable first place is, and will be occupied by the world-famous Veprevo Knee. Speaking in Russian, this is a pork knuckle. Veprevo Knee is baked in dark beer. It is served with three types of sauce as standard, and with more at the request of the guests. In different restaurants, everything is different: in some Veprevo Knee is also served with sauerkraut, in others without. The knuckle, basically, in finished form weighs 800 grams. Minus the bone - 700. Some restaurants order smaller raw materials so that one person can eat it whole. Veprevo Knee is sold in restaurants and even on the street. Moreover, you can not take it entirely, but ask for as much as you need.

Second place should be given to honey pork ribs. They are baked until crispy. This is usually done in a combi steamer or on the grill. The ribs are served in the same way as the knuckle, with three or more types of sauce and pickled vegetables. The dish will weigh in its pure form at least 700 grams. You can feed three people.

Next in popularity is Svichkova with sour cream. This is, as an exception, a beef dish. Svichkova is served with dumplings, also a national Czech invention - small sticks of boiled potato dough. . Lemon slices, whipped cream and lingonberry sauce are also served with the dish.

Goulash in the Czech Republic is no less popular than in Hungary. There is definitely a difference. Moreover, there are hundreds of goulash recipes in the country. Beef, pork, rabbit, liver, assorted - whatever. But the leader is still beef goulash. Cumin, garlic, pepper are usually added to it. The dish is served again with dumplings, which is not surprising - dumplings are served with almost all hot dishes and soups. Sauerkraut is also served with goulash.

Another one of the dishes that can not be said about is the baked duck. Usually it is cooked whole with spices. Served with boiled potatoes, and again with three or more kinds of sauces.

Do not neglect the Czechs and fish. The inhabitants of the Czech Republic are very fond of carp. It is served either baked, or in the form of chops, or prepared from it as an ear. A traditional Christmas dish is carp baked in sour cream with potato salad.

Traditional side dishes in Czech cuisine are dumplings and sauerkraut. Dumplings can be ordered as a separate dish with sauces. Bacon will be served with them. Boiled potatoes are also served as a side dish with fried raw smoked bacon and three types of sauce. Well, Sauerkraut stew, porridge and potato balls, which are deep-fried.

Among snacks, Czechs prefer a cheese plate, fried cheese breaded in breadcrumbs. They use their own Germelin cheese. Serving - with sauces and cabbage. Another of the popular snacks Utopentsy. These are pickled sausages or skewers cooked with fried onions and peppers.

Of the desserts, fruit dumplings are popular; plums, apricots and strawberries are added to them. Czechs also love strudel. There is another national dish called Trdlo. Trdlo is for sale on all streets, on every corner. It is prepared from dough, grilled on skewers in the form of a cylinder, sprinkled with sugar. .

Czech national cuisine cannot be called highly diverse. But the listed dishes are worth a try.

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Perhaps no other country in the world preserves its culinary traditions as reverently as the Czech Republic, although they were formed under the influence of German, Hungarian and Austrian cuisine.

Czech food is characterized by solidity and calorie content. Thick soups, various meat snacks, baked poultry and pork ribs - no one will go hungry in this hospitable country. TOP 10 national Czech dishes will help you decide what to try in the Czech Republic from food during your trip.

Svíčková na smetaně (beef fillet with cream)

A real pride of traditional Czech cuisine. Fragrant meat in the most delicate vegetable sauce melts in your mouth. But for this, you need to be able not only to cook it correctly, but also to choose it skillfully, because the taste largely depends on the quality of the beef tenderloin.

You can try Svichkova in everyone, but everywhere this national food is prepared according to its own recipe: with mushrooms, lingonberries, celery or turnips. Even homemade recipes in different families are completely different and are carefully passed down from generation to generation. The main thing - be sure to serve svichkovu with dumplings.

Knedliki (knedliks)

Hearty and high-calorie traditional food in the Czech Republic - circles of potato and flour dough, which, in combination with various sauces and gravies, perfectly complement the taste of many national dishes. Knedlíki can also be made from meat, cottage cheese, semolina, or from sweet dough with fruit or chocolate filling.

If you are in the Czech Republic, you simply cannot fail to try dumplings. Any hostess prepares them almost daily, restaurants serve them with almost every order, and you can also buy frozen semi-finished products in supermarkets, which are boiled at home in boiling water, like dumplings.

Tlačenka (tlachenka)

Cold snacks in the country are as hearty and high-calorie as the rest of the food. Tlačenka, or spicy brawn, is one of the popular Czech dishes worth trying. It is a molded product different types meat and offal (pork, bacon, tongue, etc.) in a natural casing, reminiscent of jellied meat in taste. In eateries, it is usually served with the Czechs' favorite drink, and eaten with onions and black bread.

Bramboračka (bramborachka)

Everyone knows that in the Czech Republic they eat a lot of soups, and here they do not like liquid, low-fat first courses. But thick, rich, with a rich taste - that's it. Bramboračka is a traditional Czech potato soup with porcini mushrooms. It is prepared according to a simple rustic recipe, it turns out fragrant and very satisfying.

In many restaurants in the Czech Republic, bramborachka is served not in ordinary dishes, but in round bread with a cut out middle. You can try such food with an unusual presentation for an average of 49 Kč.

Pečená vepřová žebírka v medu

Juicy, fragrant pork ribs baked in a mustard-honey marinade is a delicious traditional Czech meal. And although in the Middle Ages it was considered the food of the poor, today it is rare in the country to do without this appetizing snack.

It is good to try such ribs in combination with some original sauce: cranberry, lingonberry - and, of course, beer, without which it is difficult to imagine a feast in the Czech Republic. Portions of zhebirka in restaurants are very large, so you can order one for two.

Pečené vepřové koleno (Boar's knee)

The most famous national dish of the Czech Republic is a large piece of pork shank baked with fragrant spices in no less fragrant dark beer. Before cooking, meat soaked in spices and intoxicated drink is marinated for almost a whole day in a cool place and only then sent to the oven.

You should definitely try it with fresh bread, mustard and horseradish - delicious! Just do not be surprised when your order weighing approximately 1-2 kg is brought. This amount of meat is incredibly difficult to eat alone, so just ask to put the leftover food with you or order a serving for two or three at once. In restaurants in Prague, pečené vepřové koleno costs an average of 200 Kč.

Boar knee was cooked in Prague as early as the 11th century, when hunting was a favorite pastime of aristocrats, and after a successful hunt they did not miss the opportunity to feast. The main dish on the table was a roasted leg of a wild boar, aged in a marinade.

Vepřo-knedlo-zelo (vepro-knedlo-zelo)

Another pork dish that the Czechs love so much. These are pieces of baked pork shoulder or loin with a side dish of stewed cabbage. And, of course, you need to try such food with dumplings. The meat is marinated in spices, fried in a pan, and then baked in the oven, pouring over the resulting juice. Pork prepared in this way turns out to be unusually juicy, tender, melting in the mouth. And stewed cabbage is the most common side dish in the Czech Republic, which is served with many dishes.

Bramboraky (bramboraki)

This is the name of a Czech dish, behind which pancakes familiar to everyone are hidden. They are cooked with the addition of pieces of bacon, marjoram and garlic. All the ingredients together create a breathtaking aroma and taste.

You can try such food not only when visiting restaurants or cafes throughout the Czech Republic. Bramboraki are sold at various city fairs, where they are fried and eaten right on the street, washed down with cold beer.

In the north-east of the Czech Republic, bramboraks are baked on an open fire without the addition of oil, they are only called sejkory (seikory). There are also other varieties: strouhanec (strouganets) - a flatbread made from potatoes grated on a coarse grater, vošouch (voshouch) - bramborak with mushrooms, cmunda (tsmunda) - with cracklings.
Pečená kachna (liver kachna)

Roast duck with different fillings is worth eating in Prague. Most often, it is also served with cabbage, sauerkraut or stew, and dumplings. To get a fragrant golden crust, the duck is usually smeared with honey.

Pechena kachna in almost all restaurants is included in the jídelniček (Jidelniček) - a menu sheet with traditional Czech food. And pečená kachna or pečená husa (baked goose) are always present on the Czech Christmas table.

Makový koláček (poppy bell)

Sweet round, by appearance resembles a cheesecake, only in the Czech Republic it is baked with jam under a poppy seed layer, and not with cottage cheese. Top with shredded coconut or almonds. Usually poppy seed pods are small, up to 12 cm in diameter, but in some bakeries you can try real giants - up to 30 cm.

The cost of a poppy seed is 10-25 Kč. It is believed that in Prague the best of them are baked in Pekárna Kabát (price - 18 Kč).

Czech food is so diverse that it is unlikely that you will be able to try everything in one trip. You should definitely add to the gastronomic list:

- utopenec (drowned) - pickled sausages in sweet and sour sauce, popular;
- fried cheese hermelín (germelin) with lingonberry jam;
- pardubický perník (pardubický pernik) - ornamented honey gingerbread;
- horká láska (horka weasel) - cold ice cream with hot syrup;
- rolevky (voles) - Czech soups;
- pečený kapr na česneku (baked carp on garlic) - carp baked in garlic sauce.

Hearty, delicious food in the Czech Republic will not leave anyone indifferent. Each dish traces the national character of the people, the history of the country. Get ready for plenty of food, as well as beer, so just enjoy this unique gastronomic journey.

A trip to the Czech Republic will give not only an acquaintance with the history of the country and its sights, but also the opportunity to try colorful and amazing delicious food Czech cuisine. The unique recipes of Czech culinary specialists, like the history of the state, have been aged for thousands of years. In this article, we will talk about the features of national food in the Czech Republic and the most interesting dishes of local cuisine.

The origins of the national dishes of the Czechs

For a long time the country was under the rule of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which left its mark on the national cuisine of the Czechs. Here we will meet Austrian schnitzel, Hungarian goulash, German sauerkraut and roast goose. Some of the Czech dishes are primordially Slavic: soups, cereals, side dishes.

In the photo on the right (click to enlarge) is a popular Czech dish called "smeared rizek". This is the most striking example of the heritage of Austria-Hungary - a copy of the famous.

But even borrowed dishes in the Czech Republic have acquired their own special taste qualities, and they are cooked in Czech with the addition of their own ingredients. We will not look into cookbooks now, but will take a short tour of the dishes that you can try in Czech restaurants.

Features of Czech cuisine

Czechs love sweets. Even in salads, sauces and gravies, they add sugar, which makes the dishes sweetish. For example, Czech children love sweet noodles with poppy seeds and baked milk.

Among the spices loved by the Czechs, we will name: cumin, marjoram, poppy, red pepper, ginger, dill. Mustard is attached to all meat dishes that are marinated in vinegar. Sweet ketchup is also a favorite Czech sauce.

The main national dishes and desserts are very fatty and high-calorie. In addition, portions in cafes and restaurants are impressive. We urge you not to order many dishes at once, one serving is often enough for two. High calorie content affects the size of the country's citizens, 21% of the population is obese, the Czech Republic ranks 6th in the list of the “fattest” countries in Europe. Perhaps the first thing we - is to abuse food.

Soups - their varieties and features

Czechs call soups “voles”, without them it is impossible to imagine Czech cuisine. As in the Russian tradition, soups are given a place at the very beginning of the meal. Czech soups are dense in texture, often more like sauces. When cooking, semolina or mashed vegetables, butter and egg yolks are added to them.

Depending on the main ingredient, there are: garlic soups, sauerkraut, onion, vegetable, smoked meats, mushrooms, goulash soups, cheese, beer soups with cumin, sour cabbage soups with apple, dill soups with sour milk and others .

The dish is served on a plate or in bread (such a dish will cost twice as much). Among the popular soups we will name “garlic”. It is based on chicken broth with potatoes, in which about 10 cloves of garlic are placed. They bring it in rye bread. It is an excellent antimicrobial agent. It is clear that you should not go on a date after such a meal, unless you try the dish with your lover.

If you like meat, order goulash soup. It has a lot of meat, it is mashed and looks like thick porridge.

Cold soup on beer will seem unusual. Grated bread, sugar, raisins, lemon are put in beer. Not every gourmet can withstand such ingredients in one plate. Be careful with this dish.

It is unlikely that you will find dill soup with milk anywhere else. And in the Czech Republic it is cooked. It contains milk, sour cream, egg, flour and dill. The taste is unique and not for everyone.

The Czech Republic is a paradise for meat eaters

Be sure to try the main dish of Czech cuisine - knuckle: baked pork knee (Recene veprove koleno, in the photo on the right, click on the photo to enlarge). The dish is on the menu in every restaurant and cafe in the Czech Republic.

The meat is soaked for a certain time in beer, then boiled, then smoked. It becomes juicy and tender. It is usually served with sauces, mustard or horseradish, and sauerkraut can also be brought. Czech food is also prepared on the street on the grill. Huge shank are fried, optionally cut off as much as you want.

An old Czech dish “vepro-knedlo-zelo”. This is baked pork with dumplings and stewed sauerkraut. All this is poured abundantly with thick gravy. Can the stomach "survive" such a dish?

Goulash has always been a traditional food in the Czech Republic. Each restaurant has its own recipe for this dish. It can be beef, pork, rabbit, poultry, liver or assorted. Goulash is served with sauces, always with dumplings, sometimes with sauerkraut, seasoned with garlic, cumin.

Meat dishes surprise with their variety and method of preparation. And what are the sauces for them! We didn't talk about pork necks, hams, schnitzels, roasted duck with spices, Czech sausages. Order, try, enjoy!

Fish lovers will not see diversity in Czech cuisine. Traditionally at Christmas, Czechs roast carp and eat it with potato salad. In restaurants and cafes on the menu there are: fish soup from carp, chops or fried carp. If there is room left in the stomach after meat, take it for fish, you will not regret it.

Side dishes for main dishes

The main and indispensable side dish in the Czech Republic is dumplings. Flour or potato dough is steamed, liver, meat, onion or cabbage are placed inside. Dumplings are laid out in slices for dishes, mainly meat. They can be served with sauce and bacon. There are sweet dumplings, they put fruit or cottage cheese and sprinkle with sugar.

Potato dishes, cabbage, vegetables, and croquettes are also popular side dishes.

Try ”bramboraki” - potato pancakes (like our potato pancakes, in the photo on the right, click on the photo to enlarge). They put marjoram (aromatic seasoning from a perennial plant) or meat.

Before ordering a side dish, make sure that it is not included in the second course.

Salads and beer snacks

Among the salads, we note “Bramborovy salat”. In addition to potatoes, they put carrots, parsley root, pickled cucumbers, red onions, bacon cracklings and other ingredients at the request of the cook. Czechs prepare this salad for the Christmas table. Salad "Vlashsky" will remind you of the usual "Olivier".

Czechs love cheeses and dishes with this product. The national dish is considered to be "camembert" - a cheese fried in breading. It is served hot with sauces or cabbage. Another national appetizer is “drunks”, these are pickled sausages or sausages seasoned with pepper and onions.

Abundance and variety of sauces

Czech sauce is an independent gourmet dish. Several centuries ago, the basis of the sauce (it was called yiha) was flour fried in fat. Wine, water or beer, spices and roots of various spices were added to it. It was an independent dish, sometimes it was served with meat.

Nowadays, cucumber, horseradish, tomato, garlic, dill, onion, etc. can be a fundamental ingredient in the sauce. They are called “omachki” (from the word “dunk”). Such a sauce is prepared on the basis of the juice of fried meat, sour cream or wine. Omachki is served with meat and potato dishes.

Czech desserts

This is a roll of thin dough, inside it there is a filling: fruits, berries, nuts, poppy seeds, chocolate, cottage cheese. Served with whipped cream, ice cream or chocolate syrup.

Trdelnik - empty tubes, made on an open fire, covered with vanilla, icing sugar or cinnamon. In Russian, the word is translated as "fool", A hint that the sweetness is empty inside.

Another interesting cake, especially with its name, is “Rakvicka” (in Russian “coffin”). It is a popular dessert among Czechs. The cake has an oblong shape, it has a lot of sugar and cream.

At the end of the dinner, if you can, order “palachinki” (pancakes). They will be served with ice cream or whipped cream. By the way, the Czechs are very fond of ice cream, it is sold everywhere and in different variations. Among the traditional Czech desserts, we highlight “Hot Love” - vanilla ice cream filled with hot raspberry syrup.

Favorite drinks in the Czech Republic

Of course, beer. About 70 breweries work for the benefit of the worldwide fame of Czech beer. Tasting the products of these factories is a favorite pastime of most Russian tourists.

An excellent process of digestion will contribute to the national herbal liquor "Becherovka" or tea with lemon. Czechs love soda water and juices: orange, apple, pear.

Catering service in the Czech Republic

You can eat everywhere in the Czech Republic: on the street from stalls, buying food from vending machines, in snack bars, canteens, patties, cafes and restaurants. Well, pubs are simply innumerable.

If you go to a cafe or a restaurant, then be prepared for some of the nuances of Czech service in such establishments. The menu is often displayed in front of the establishment, you can familiarize yourself with it before entering. Neighbors may sit down at your table, this is quite normal. Take it philosophically, because there will be a chance to make friends.

Another surprise will be the dog that the owner brought to the place where people eat. Czechs are very fond of dogs, and animals in general. The dog can sniff your table, food and it will be in the order of things.

Do not rush to order several dishes, they are all satisfying, the portions are large, so get full gradually, ordering dishes at regular intervals.

Desserts are not eaten in the Czech Republic after the main courses: it is a small snack if you caught hunger by surprise, or the lunch is too short.

It is customary in the country to drink a lot of beer with food, because the food is heavy, fatty, there are a lot of marinades, smoked meat, salty, sweet. Therefore, do not be surprised by its abundance in cafes and restaurants.

Beer is not drunk immediately after serving, waiting for the foam to settle. Do not order several varieties at the same time. Snacks should also be taken along with the beer.

If alcohol is not your drink, then order tea and a piece of Prague cake.

You can dine on weekdays in restaurants offering business lunches (danny nabidke). It includes a main course, salad, dessert and a drink.

Tips may not be included in the bill. If you did not like the service and food, then tell in advance so that the bill is not rounded up, but the calculation is made strictly according to the menu. However, you will find establishments where tips are included in the bill.

Pay attention to the fact that the Czechs get up early and go to bed early, so they start breakfast around 9 am, lunch close to noon, and dinner runs until 9 pm. After this time, it will be difficult to find an institution with a full menu.

Products as a souvenir from the Czech Republic

Tourists try to bring something unusual from the Czech Republic. Often, products are also bought as a souvenir. The most demanded gifts from drinks are liqueurs, vodka, beer, Moravian wines.

Those with a sweet tooth take with them to their homeland payments, strudel, Prague cake, gingerbread. Cheese lovers buy Germelin, Olomouc curds as a souvenir.

When taking products with you, you should take into account their expiration date and storage conditions. We recommend reading our review "".

We wish you to fully enjoy Czech cuisine, and read our interesting articles about the Czech Republic ( links below).

  • Pečený kapr na česneku- carp, cooked with the addition of a large amount of garlic.
  • Traditional smaženy kapr- carp, fried in the traditional way, in a pan.
  • - whole baked trout and served on a plate "surrounded" by lemon, cheese and herbs.
  • Pecený candát se sýrovou omáčkou- pike perch (whole) or its fillet, baked and poured over with a specially prepared sauce of cheese, butter and spices, and baked in the oven. Served on a large beautiful dish with slices of lemon, tomatoes and salad greens.
  • Smažená treska v pivním těstíčku- cod cooked in batter with the addition of beer. Traditionally served with vegetables and cheese.
  • Kalamari na česneku- squid fried with the addition of a large amount of garlic. Brought on a large plate, sprinkled with herbs and garlic.

Side dishes (Přilohy)

Potatoes and legumes are most often used by Czech cooks as a side dish.

  • - various figures from potato mass, poached in in large numbers oils.
  • Kari platky- round pieces of potatoes, deep-fried with curry.
  • Hranolky- fried potatoes, cut into cubes.
  • Fazolove lusky na slanině- beans with cracklings
  • Croquety- deep-fried potato mini-cakes.
  • Varena zelenina- boiled vegetables with spices and sauce.

Soups (Polevky)

  • Bramboracka(Bramborachka) is a favorite of all Czechs potato soup with smoked meats. Mandatory components - carrots, celery, greens, there may be mushrooms.
  • Gulasova polevka(Goulash soup) A lot of meat, potatoes, onions, garlic, spices are used in cooking.
  • (Chesnechka) ( be sure to try). The composition of this dish includes potatoes, smoked meats, eggs, garlic and rye crackers (preferably homemade).
  • Drstkova(Drshtkova) - soup from scars.
  • Zeleninova polevka- vegetable soup.
  • Zelňacka- sauerkraut soup
  • Pivni polevka(beer soup) When cooking, beer, beef broth, sour cream, eggs, butter are used.This soup is served like this: bread crumbles into a plate and poured with cooked soup.

Knedliks ( Knedliky) (be sure to try)

  • Classic - small balls that are made from flour, yeast, warm milk, eggs. Dumplings boiled in boiling water are laid out on a plate, poured over with a thick sauce and decorated with herbs.
  • Potato - prepared from raw potatoes, grated on a fine grater and mixed with sifted flour, raw eggs, salt, pepper. Served with fried onions and cracklings.
  • Bread is made from yeast dough.
  • Cottage cheese, as a rule, is used as a dessert. Cottage cheese balls are often stuffed with jam, fruits, honey, nuts.
    Powdered sugar, jam, marmalade, jam - a great addition to curd dumplings.
  • With bacon. Dumplings are formed from dough with the addition of an onion, fried in a large amount of fat. Served with a foamy drink and as an independent, very nutritious dish.


Delicious pastries, sweets prepared with great imagination are very loved in the Czech Republic.

  • Zmrzlinový pohár s čerstvým ovocem- ice cream with various sweet "additives" (fruit, syrup, waffles, chocolate). It looks like a three-story sweet tower, decorated with fruits, chocolate, nuts.
  • (hot love) - scoops of ice cream with hot raspberry syrup.
  • Zmrzlinové palačinky s horkými malinami a šlehačkou- delicious thin pancakes with cold ice cream, hot raspberry syrup and heavy cream whipped into a strong foam.
  • Jablečny štrudl s vanilkovou zmrzlinou- Apple strudel.
  • Jablečny zavin(Apple roll) - puff pastry roll with apple filling. Drizzled with sweet sauce and garnished with an icy sweet ball and whipped cream.

5th place

Cremrole - a delicious tube

In Czech "Kremrole" (Kremrole) or in Slovak "Trubička" (Tubichka).

It's a puff pastry tube filled with buttercream. The main thing is not to confuse cremrolle and trdelnik, they are different desserts. Kremrolle is baked from puff pastry, and trdelnik from yeast. Kremrolle is stuffed only with cream, and in trdelnik there can be almost any sweet filling inside.

Kremrole is very similar to our popular tubes with cream. The main difference is that our tubes are made in the shape of a cone so that the cream does not flow out from the opposite side, but in the Czech Republic a tube is really a tube. To be honest, the shape of the cone is still more convenient, and Czech Cremrolles need to be eaten carefully so that the filling does not fall out.

A similar dessert is popular in neighboring Germany, Austria, and Poland. It is no longer possible to find out who, when and how invented Kremrolle. However, the Czechs consider it national. The famous Czech writer and food critic Vladimir Poshtulka claims that Czech cremrolles are an adapted copy of the French dish “cornets d’amour” (cones of love).

The price of cremrolle in cafes and on trays is 10-20 kroons per piece. Bringing them home is unlikely to succeed, as the cream quickly deteriorates, and the dough becomes tough. Expiry date is only 24 hours.

However, you can buy pastry cylinders in Czech stores and use them to make cremrolles at home. The price for 30 cylinders is 100-120 kroons.

4th place

Vetrnik - the most delicious purchase from France

In Czech, “Větrnik” (Vetrnik).

The Czechs borrowed this dessert from French cuisine, but in a slightly modified form. Probably for this reason, in the Czech Republic, the windmill is considered a national dish.

Vetrnik is made from custard dough, a cavity is formed inside the bun. A wavy surface forms on top, hence the name of the dessert. The word “wind” is translated from Czech as “weather vane” or “windmill”, there is such a children's toy. The bun is usually about 15 centimeters in diameter.

After baking, the bun is cut in half, the filling is placed in the center. The classic windmill has a two-layer filling. Bottom layer of buttercream with vanilla and rum. Topped with whipped cream topped with coffee or caramel. Top the bun with chocolate or caramel.

Dessert turns out very tasty, but very high-calorie. Keep in mind that the choux pastry bun hardens quickly, and after a couple of hours, the windmill becomes hard and tasteless.

The price in a cafe or in the culinary departments of shops is 10-20 kroons per piece. Expiration date - 24 hours.

In stores, you can buy factory windmills, usually 3 pieces per pack, the price is 12-16 kroons per 100 grams. The shelf life is already higher - up to 7 days, but they should be stored in the refrigerator. If you buy absolutely fresh ones on the last day of your vacation, they will survive the flight to Russia.
