Magic rune protection from negativity. Protective runes and staves Protection for yourself when making runes of corruption


Do you want to protect yourself and your loved ones from negative magical influences? Then this article was created especially for you. Find out what runes of protection and reverse strike are, and also check out another, no less useful information. Enjoy reading!

What is runic protection with a reverse blow

Runes of protection in all situations will help remove negativity from any sphere of human life. The mirror method of work is the most common - any negative message from the outside will be automatically cut off from the operator, working according to the "boomerang" method. This approach will allow you to quickly identify the ill-wisher from your inner circle - constant illnesses, failures in business will be a frequent companion of this person.

In what cases is mirror protection with runes appropriate?

Mirror protection with runes will reflect any targeted magical effect on a person (damage, evil eye, love spell, curse, etc.). It acts like a "reflective surface" - all negative is automatically cut off from the operator, redirecting to the person who pointed it.

The combination of Scandinavian symbols (Isa, Hagalaz, Kenaz, Kenaz, Isa) allows you to remove any magical effect. Can be used during "forced stop" periods. Allows you to reassess your values, set the right life priorities, etc. When drawing up a reservation, be sure to indicate the areas of life that should be cleared of negativity. Before installing the above formula, be sure to conduct a preliminary diagnosis.

Runes used in mirror defense

To establish protection "mirror" with a reservation, the runes line up in strict sequence. The following are popular Scandinavian symbols that are used when creating mirrored protection.

  • Isa: Symbolizes ice in every sense of the word. It has a wide spectrum of action, allows you to "cover with ice" negative magical effects. Allows you to stop the course of diseases, repel attacks from the outside, and also minimize the manifestations of anger, rage
  • Kenaz: Allows you to increase the susceptibility of the operator, sharpen intuition. The main task is to cut off negative bindings due to self-confidence. Helps maintain excellent physical health
  • Hagalaz: The literal translation of this Scandinavian symbol is hail. It carries a powerful, destructive force aimed at the destruction of any negativity directed from the outside. The rune has an ambiguous effect, therefore it is recommended to use it only in extreme cases.

Runic staves for protection with a return

We bring to your attention the popular runostavs of protection with a return.

Runic becoming "Lotus"

The essence of the formula is the protection of the operator with a hassle, a reverse blow aimed at an ill-wisher. Diagnosed, provides strong, reliable protection. The stave includes the following runes: Algiz, Turisaz, Evaz, Nautiz, Soulu.

To enhance the effect, the formula contains runes of elves, Irish letters, runes of trouble. In the central part of the stave is the northern sun, whose task is success, prosperity in any sphere of life. Suitable for weak people. Activation of the formula does not require blood, it is enough to say the desired result, backing it up with the phrase "So be it."

Note! The formula is fully negotiated - rune activation is not required. Perfectly misses the magic of the operator

Runic protection "Cobra"

The combination allows you to break the incoming negativity, give a reverse blow, which will bring many problems to the ill-wisher. Works great over long distances.

Consider a detailed transcript of the stav:

  • Protection from negativity, reverse strike - 8 Teyvaz, 8 Algiz
  • Creating an impenetrable, hiding the operator from prying eyes - a branch from Stunginn Iss (Icelandic rune)
  • A strong reverse blow on the ill-wisher, the punishment of the offender - Hagalaz + Ur
  • Creating a concentrated stream, repelling an attack that works like a "blast wave" - ​​the task of Laguz
  • Cutting off possible attack attempts, eliminating vampire suckers - Eyvaz + Turisaz ("Axes of death")

Runic becoming "Choke"

The purpose of the formula is to eliminate any negative bindings by blocking access to the operator, his next of kin. She has proven herself well when working with children under 12 years old, adults.

The decoding of the stav is as follows:

  • Soulu: The energy of the sun destroys all attempts of the ill-wisher to bring negativity to the operator
  • Dagazy: The main task is to block access to the operator due to the interweaving of Mobius rings
  • Teyvaz + Turisaz + Uruz: An "explosive mixture" of energy that redirects negativity back to a person

Note. It is recommended to add a photo in the middle of the formula. Drawing on a picture is allowed - it is especially important when working with children under 12 years old. If we are talking about an adult, you can add a Slavic amulet / amulet, subject to the veneration of the Slavic gods

In the clause, indicate all areas of life from which negativity can leak out, mentally imagine that becoming protects you from all kinds of magical influences, blocks vampire channels, returning evil to the offender in a threefold amount. Fire activation.

Rates for protection against damage and the evil eye with a return

Consider the main runes for protection against damage and the evil eye, their most common combinations.

Runic becoming "Surprise"

Protects the operator from all kinds of magical attacks of targeted influence (damage, curses, evil eye, slander, etc.).

The basis of the stav is the "swastika" from Soulu + Teyvaz. The operator is symbolized by a central dot surrounded by Soulou. 8 Laguz allow to hide the work of the above formula, to wash away the negativity that has made its way back to the ill-wisher.

The task of the rays of "Surprise" is to block, hold the negative. For this, 5 runes of Isa are used. return magical influence the Hyèra + Dagaz combination is engaged in the opposite direction.

The following runes will help break any defense of the attacker into pieces, laying him on a hospital bed - Hyera, Teyvaz, Dagaz, Stungin, Kaun, Turisaz, Hagalaz, Uruz. The punishment for the evil done is carried out by 2 Turs (Icelandic runes).

Runic formula "Dragon"

The formula provides protection, cleaning the operator, his immediate environment from third-party programs, negative magical influences, etc. Negotiated in any form. better by breath or fire.

The detailed scheme of the stave is as follows:

  • 4 - help of the Gods, other higher powers
  • 2 Kano - detection of negativity in any sphere of the operator's life
  • 2 Turisaz - clipping malware / bindings
  • 2 Hagalaz - the destruction of the negative
  • 3 Soulou - the power of the Sacred Fire allows you to burn all the filth, dispersing the shadows
  • Nautiz - guarantees the "success of the operation", making sure that the negative does not come back

The operator is protected in the following way:

  • Jera - switches cleaning to protection mode
  • - indicates the completion of the cleaning phase
  • Central point - "I am" the operator
  • 3 Nautiz - triple protection
  • 2 Hagalaz + 2 Turisaz - destruction of magical attacks
  • 2 Uruz + 2 Teyvaz - stamina, strength of protection

How to put protection with a return after cleaning with runes

Check out the protection example after. The technique is simple, effective, so it is suitable even for novice runologists.

Buy a white wax candle, light it. Set the photo in a frame in front of you, put a candle on the right side of it. Look at the candle flame, mentally imagining that the power of fire cleanses you, your loved ones from possible negativity, cuts off possible bindings, preventing them from approaching the family. You can make a preliminary preparation of thoughts by writing them out on a piece of paper, reading them with expression during the ritual.

The candle must burn out completely. The photograph should be taken out of the frame and placed in a white envelope. Alternatively, use a paper box with white walls. The image should be kept for three years. After the expiration of the above period, the envelope / box together with the photograph must be burned, scattering the ashes in the wind.

Interesting! To remove negativity from your life and also to help yourself discover the unfulfilled creative potential, I recommend trying it - it will help heal your inner world and restore spiritual harmony

Let this information help you get rid of any negative magical manifestations, deservedly taking revenge on the offender. Follow the site for updates. All the best!

For personal protection of people and at home, to destroy damage, practicing magicians use runic staves created by modern masters. Although, of course, no one will forbid the use of the stavas of the past masters in practice.

There are strong stakes for protecting the home and protecting personal boundaries, runic stakes are known for removing damage and the evil eye, punishing the enemy, and many other things. But in order to work with them and correctly apply the runes for protection and revenge, you need to have knowledge in the field of black magic, study primary sources - Icelandic grimoires, collections of galdrastaves and other materials.

The effectiveness of runic staves to protect a person

Still, a very small number of people from those who come to rune magic comprehend the essence and true power of these mysterious ties, and become magicians. Runes are such a beauty and they are impressive, bewitching. They give the impression of grandiosity no less than demonic seals. It takes many years of practice and scrupulous theoretical work to have a connection with this egregor, however, correctly composed runic standing up for the protection of man will show the desired result, even if it is used by a beginner. This shows the great wisdom and democracy of the Runes.

Runes are a functional tool, they are subject to all spheres of human life, any appointments and roles. When defending against thieves, magicians use rune stakes to protect property. For a warrior, the magician makes an amulet with the inscription of a stave for protection in war. Modern masters have created a huge number of runic ties, galdrastavs, aghishjalms for solving absolutely different life tasks. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will tell you in more detail about one of the works of the respected Gray Angel, aghishjalme ZAVR (protection at all levels).

Runic becoming for protection and restoration of potential at all levels

Of course, there are many protections in rune magic. They respond to different tasks and do not work on the same principle. For example, becoming the "Holy Land" of the respected author Kantas fills the entire space with high-density energy, so that this barrier delays everything that could harm the object. Or powerful, with male energy, very hard and at the same time soft "Wall" from the respected Sam - a useful and effective defense against negativity. Or Num's "Chipper" is a good defense against thieves.

Or here is an example runic stave to protect the premises and property from Sam, which is called "Protection of property." Or the famous "Wolf Hook" - a tie of active attack and active defense, acting instantly. The elm captures the object of influence, and it hangs, as if on a hook. As for the runic stave of ZAVR (protection at all levels) from the Gray Angel, it was created as an armor covering a person at all levels of being.

What runes of protection against negativity make up aghishjalm:

  • Dot - I am
  • Salt - 2 protective circles on the subjective and objective plane of personality
  • 4 stylized Algiz + Turisaz + stylized Nautiz is a powerful triune armor: protection of the Higher Forces, destruction of evil and any negativity
  • 4 stylized Algiz + 2 Eyvaz is an active protection of the Higher Forces and Elements
  • Mannaz - returns the object of strength, potential, removes and neutralizes the negative in the inner world of the individual

When the magician bets runes for protection from damage, he makes a reservation, i.e. sets the work program of the rune stav.

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will give an approximate slander of ZAVR - a runic stav of protection at all levels:

“Agishjalm, by the power of the great Runes, with the support of the Elements and Higher Forces, creates armor for (name) at all levels of being, protects (name), destroys the negative - magical, mental, energy and physical, and also destroys blockages of paths and forces, as well as protects from the negative influence of evil spirits and settlers. In addition, aghishjalm restores the strength and potential of the person (name) to a comfortable level and works without harm to the helper spirits. May it be so. And so it is."

ZAVR is a strong, calm, runic protection, a good amulet against damage and the evil eye. The runic becoming ZAVR is not an active combat defense, it has a different principle of operation. This is a protection for an object with active destruction of the negative.

Now let's move on from personal protections to cleansing with runes from negativity.

Sometimes the feeling comes that there is something, and it's time to clean. Practicing magicians who are affected usually feel this. You can track the moment of hacking protections and forced negative impact. This can be felt in real life, but usually the information comes in a dream. And, of course, diagnostics to help. Mantic systems have existed for centuries in order to reveal the truth, to show what is hidden, and what is yet to happen. So, what runes are used to cleanse negativity in magical rituals?

Runic staves for cleaning from negativity

Professional magicians put protection on the induced damage. And not only for damage, by the way, but for other types of rituals too. And in order to qualitatively clean out all the black negative, these protections must be removed. Not all beginners know about it, so their work often turns out to be ineffective. There are runic staves of the destruction of the protection of corruption. They are used in the same order as the staves of a different direction, namely: the inscription of the stave is made on the carrier, the visa, slander or spell is pronounced, after which the stave is activated to solve the problem.

Ending the series runic cleansing from negativity, the victim, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend restoring energy. After that, personal runic protection from negativity is put on a person. If you yourself are not sure of the correctness of your diagnosis, if you have little command of predictive systems, contact the magician. Much depends on the correctness of the diagnosis. It happens that the Tarot or Runes show the energy negative of a different plan. May appear:

  • strong damage,
  • necrobinds,
  • negative for relationships
  • cadniki of good luck and happiness
  • money curses.

There are a lot of runic cleansings and staves to remove negativity. There are new and already well-tested, superbly proven staves of modern masters. You can test cleanings for yourself. But this is long and not safe.

To choose the optimal cleaning, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend doing preliminary diagnostics for the effectiveness of one or another runic stave from the evil eye, damage and others. Cleansing does not last long, runes from negativity work quickly, as a rule, after a few days they are removed and they test their condition or well-being of a person, find out if all the energy negativity has been removed. If not, and the damage remains, they clean it with other cleanings.

As in black magic, Rune magic provides for the return of negativity with runes. Lots of returns. For example, good cleanings:

  • "Underground",
  • "Clapperboard",
  • "Remove witchcraft and return back"

— from Sam. The runic return of the negative is very powerful, the enemy forcibly takes all his good back.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

Other authors' purges are also wonderful and work great. Timing removing negativity with runes it is desirable to indicate, after which becoming deactivated by the magician. Although, it is possible not to indicate the terms, but simply set the task for the runic stav to remove the evil eye, remove other negative. In this case, when there is nothing left to clean, the cleaning itself will stop working. YOU CAN SEE IT HERE…

Therefore, the magician puts runes to protect the house from negativity.

In addition, you need to protect a successful business from competitors, and conjuring enemies. In general, judging, any person should think about their own security and active defense. Not all events and a person is able to control himself. Often people find themselves at the mercy of circumstances beyond their control. And often the source of such uncontrollable circumstances is magic. Someone's evil will, someone's goals and selfish desires.

If it is about business, work, money, then it is possible to take control of the situation, to normalize life only with the help of witchcraft. Therefore, they practice runic cleansing and protection at work. You can't relax. It should always be remembered that any person at any time can become the object of negative magical influence. I'm not going to intimidate anyone. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, speak about what really is. There is a great tool for changing reality - magic. And it can be used for both good and bad.

We put protection (Tanechka) quick ritual

Tanya! For you.

You have an enemy at work. You know that this is a vile person and he will not leave you behind. He will "sling mud", and "you can't throw a scarf on someone else's mouth."
We will protect you. Those. you will do the protection yourself, and I will now tell you how this process can be done very quickly.

You are new to rune magic. But that doesn't mean you can't do anything.

Here is some information about the runes of the Northern tradition. Today I am writing only about them, because. We will only use them for now.
The rune set of the Elder Futhark (the so-called Scandinavian runes or runes of the Northern tradition) consists of twenty-four runes (24 runes).
The Elder Futhark is divided into 3 Attas with 8 runes in each Atta. This is for general development. Then I will tell you in more detail. How the runes look and what they are called, see the picture.

a small piece of paper (cardboard)
lighter (candle or box of matches)
cigarette "shoot" from her husband, some water in a cup
and a little earth from a pot with a flower.

And now you take a sheet of white paper, or even better, a small piece of clean cardboard (for example, inner pantyhose packaging) and you will write runes on it from left to right with a marker or felt-tip pen.

When you start writing runes, read this spell: (do not ask yourself and me questions, but why? Need it!)

"I know the third, -
It will protect
In battle with enemies
I dull their blades,
Their swords and clubs
Useless in combat."

For general education I report:
The third spell is designed to bind enemies, and therefore can be called "fetters of war", or, in terms modern psychology, a means of limiting action. According to tradition, the runes Turisaz, Isa and Nautiz have such an effect. Isa opens access to the energy of Jotunheim - the world of ice, the home of the Frost Giants. Runa Nautiz serves as her support, providing a binding effect. The rune Thurisaz in this case is used in its passive form - with the tip turned to the left.

Did you write runes?

Now trace the runic formula (these three runes written in a row are called the "runic formula") with lines above and below, and on the back write your name.
When drawing the top line, one must say: "In the name of Odin!", And when drawing the bottom line: "So be it!"

Now take a candle, a lighter or a match, and passing the leaf over the fire three times, say: "I sanctify you with the power of fire!"

Now run the leaf three times with a finger moistened with water or (in extreme cases) with saliva, saying: "I consecrate you with the power of Water!"

And at the end, run the fingers that have been in a pot of flowers (that is, touched the ground), three times according to the runic formula with the words: "I sanctify you with the power of the Earth!"

Then say the following disclaimer:
By the power of the runes Turisaz, Isa, Nautiz, I receive protection from all ill-wishers and enemies, visible and invisible. This protective shield will repel all attacks and render my enemies and detractors powerless. May it be so! In the name of Odin!
After that, you need to exhale, using the breathing technique with your stomach, for as long as possible on the amulet, charging it with the power of your spirit. (This will revive the amulet).

After all this, fold the sheet in such a way that the name on its reverse side and the top of the runescript coincide in the top-top and bottom-bottom positions. Put the amulet in your pocket with the words: "So be it! In the name of the great Odin!"

Original entry and comments on

Runes take their origin from the history of the ancient Scandinavians. At first they were used as an alphabet for the transmission of oral creativity. Runes became the source for many languages ​​of the European continent. However, over time, the great magical power that each runic symbol contained was noted. Therefore, they began to use runes to protect people from witchcraft, making magic formulas out of them.

The ancient Vikings were the bearers of knowledge about the runes. And since this people was a conqueror, they were able to spread their knowledge far beyond the place of origin to enlighten their yesterday's enemies. Giving knowledge to the conquered peoples, they introduced their own laws into the development of foreign languages.

Over time, the protective runes and their interpretation became a whole layer of knowledge, in which the witchcraft teachings of local tribes were fairly interfered and added. Thus, century after century, what has come down to us has been formed.

The alphabet of the ancient Scandinavians had a name - "futhark" (futhark). These are the first rune symbols, in consonance with which the Viking alphabet was named. The greatest contribution to the addition of futarka was made by British sorcerers and magicians.

Futhark is two groups of signs. The older, more ancient, and the younger, the signs of which were supplemented over time.

Runic protection has become the basis of any magic. All symbols are filled with a certain meaning and endowed with the power to create energy flows of influence on the fate and aura of a person.

Main protective runes - the basis for formulas

The senior level futhark has protective rune, which serves as the basis for compiling the formula. Combining it with other runes, they achieve a certain impact on the negative sent to a person.

As a rule, for effective work, four signs of runes are combined. Runic symbols are able to supplement their own properties, creating a force that can withstand all the troubles that enemies send.

Runic symbol of protection. Old Norse languages ​​associate it with sedge and elk.

  • Sedge is a sign of caution. As the leaves tremble from the breath of the wind, so the rune is susceptible to any intrusion into the biofield of people.
  • Elk is a very cautious animal, quickly perceives any negative or manifestation of evil.

Therefore, Algiz is taken as a basis, compiling runic formulas - she quickly reacts to the invasion of evil, warns of the dangers that enemies are preparing or sending. The first to catch the manifestation of the evil eye and damage, becoming an excellent basis for any talisman of protection.

Algiz fit into almost any talisman. It is equally effective both for protecting the house from the evil intentions of people, and in helping to develop a business, improve health.

Do not forget that Algiz is often used as a sign to protect children. Becoming the protector of the child, Algiz will react very quickly and activate the protective talisman, protecting him from damage, the evil eye and the envy of people. Closing the baby's aura with a talisman, we thereby protect ourselves, because the auras of adults and children are very interconnected. Therefore, enemies can use this path to stab adults.

Any negativity is able to penetrate the family, using one person, looking for a weak spot. Therefore, the principle of the work of talismans with Algiz is to protect the health of all people from the family.


The literal translation from ancient languages ​​is ice. So in this property, Isa manifests itself - it freezes any evil promises of enemies, including the energy of evil - manifestations of damage and the evil eye.

  • One of the first purposes of Isa is to maintain self-control. After all, enemies use your emotionality to harm you. Having become aggressive, and having ceased to control his own Ego, a person becomes an easy victim of witchcraft, taking a blow to the very heart and mind.
  • The influence of Isa is favorable for helping those who are prone to self-destructive weaknesses. Becoming a symbol of cooling, Isa blocks people's desire for alcohol, gambling and other problems that destroy the personality and are harmful to health.
  • Isa has a great effect on the healing of spiritual wounds. Those who have suffered the blow of parting are recommended to wear this sign as a talisman. Isa, cooling the senses, is a strong protection for the soul going through difficult times.

Isa is not used to guard inanimate objects. This rune cannot protect the walls of the house from negativity. Having established itself as a reliable talisman, however, it is useless for protecting people's homes from damage and the evil eye.

Important! Isa is not used in a talisman for dwelling. This sign is able to freeze the atmosphere in the family, becoming a problem for people's relationships. Languages ​​interpret ice as cold, so the rune on the walls of the dwelling kills passion and love.


The rune Teyvaz symbolizes the spear of Thor. Interpreting transcription from the languages ​​​​of ancient Europeans, this is the rune of determination. The principle of its work is to give strength of mind to the weak in order to repel the attack, the attack of enemies.

  • Becoming a talisman, Teyvaz gives determination and courage.
  • It is often used to protect material values ​​- home and business from damage and the evil eye.
  • It has the destructive power of influencing those who build intrigues and plans against you.

Wearing the rune Teyvaz gives strength to its owner, especially sharpening his insight and insight. Makes the reaction instantaneous to any encroachment of enemies in the direction of an attempt on your values ​​​​of the material plane.

Important! Runa Teyvaz is recommended for those who are engaged in serious financial enterprises. Becoming a symbol, Teyvaz will give this person an amazing ability to enrich himself, multiply wealth and quickly respond to the machinations of ill-wishers.


Rune of active protection. According to the collected material from the Scandinavian languages, Turizas symbolizes the hammer of Thor, which by its nature is not only a defense, but also a powerful weapon of attack.

  • Protective runes, reflecting the magical wave of corruption and the evil eye, are able to turn it against the one who is the creator of evil intentions.

Using the Thurisaz rune, you can strike at those who create a wave of negativity directed at you. The rune helps in those situations when it is necessary not only to block, but also to destroy a particularly dangerous sorcerer, magician or enemy using magical attack methods.

Shield of Yggdrasil

A powerful talisman, having become your amulet, can not only act as a shield, but also increase your abilities in magic. It has a collective interpretation, difficult to interpret from ancient languages. This is a protective rune, as well as a rune for revealing the magical abilities of people.

  • Main! The shield of Yggdrasil is a magical protection against corruption and the evil eye, any witchcraft.
  • Copes with the functions of a guard of flesh and health from the influence of external factors, including enemy attacks in open battle.
  • The shield has shown itself in cases of epidemics.
  • The signs of the shield, applied to the walls of the house, shelter the dwelling from the penetration of magic - damage and the evil eye for all members of the family.

Examples of protection formulas for the most common problems

By connecting the signs of the runes, you can achieve an increase in your own abilities and elemental interactions. Basing these combinations on the meanings of the ancient Germanic languages, several of the most commonly used formulas have become accepted. Any person, having learned the secret of the runes, will be able to make their own combinations.

  1. The amulet for the dwelling is the Otal rune (a symbol of housing, space with walls), and the Algiz runes are drawn on two sides of it.
  2. Protection of a car, transport - draw one Raido rune and one Algiz. Raido symbolizes transportation.
  3. The combination of runes against theft - Algiz next to Fehu (a symbol of property, belonging).
  4. Protection from magical harm to mother and child, not excluding pregnant women - Algiz and Berkana (motherhood). It brings people the protective power of a talisman for growth and development.
  5. In case of inexplicable anxiety and concern for oneself and the family, a combination of runes is drawn - Evaz, Algiz and Isa. Algiz in this case guarantees the mistake of the enemy, which he will show himself, give out.
  6. To protect the relationship of lovers from the interference of extraneous forces, as well as to strengthen the feelings of both for each other, they use a combination of runes - Gebo and Algiz. For couples, it is recommended to add the Otal rune, bringing the meaning of family unity into the combination.
  7. Combining the signs - the Teivaz rune and a couple of Turizas, you can create a formula, the principle of which will be the destruction of the enemy. But it should be remembered that becoming your talisman, it multiplies the aggression of the owner. Sometimes it's better to dilute their influence with the Isa rune if you start to lose your temper.
  8. By adding the Yggdrasil Shield rune to any of the combinations, you multiply the magic protection of the formula many times over. But do not forget that it makes your thoughts and words powerful. Be careful in your wishes, so as not to become a source of trouble.

It's no secret that it is possible to influence a person's will without even approaching him. Energy negativity can harm more than physical impact. Ancient runes will help protect against energy attacks and return everything to the enemy.

What are runes

Runes are the oldest symbols that were used by our ancestors not only for writing, but also to enhance certain qualities. Some signs gave the ability to communicate with the Higher Forces, others instilled confidence and strength, others attracted love and happiness. It is believed that love can destroy any barriers, which is why many people wanted to find it so much in order to be protected and just live happily at the same time.

Ancient shamans used such signs in order to know the future and protect their people from disasters and the negative impact of other tribes. Since runic symbols appeared long before the emergence of writing, knowledge was passed down from generation to generation only to the elite. Unfortunately, only a small part of the information that our ancestors possessed has survived to this day. But even it is enough to change your life for the better.

Ancient formulas against energy negativity

There are several options runic formulas that help in various situations. Some are aimed at protecting a specific person, others can be used to clean rooms.

The following formula is able to protect you from troubles and negativity coming from others. Moreover, such a combination can not only repel the blow, but also return all evil to the one who sent it. Thus, it works both as a shield and as retribution against ill-wishers. As a rule, it is used to protect against the effects of energy vampires, who are able not only to draw out all the energy, but also to influence your will. There are also other ways to protect against this type of people.

Isa, Hagall, Algiz- such a runic ligature can protect you from all negativity. She also stops the negative impact, destroys it and, with the right stipulation, sends it back.

Such a formula should always be carried with you, and if it wears out, draw a new one. A special clause will help strengthen its effect: “By the power of these runes, I protect myself from any negative impact and protect myself from events that can harm me. All evil and energy attacks in my direction are returned to the sender multiplied.

The following formula helps to cleanse the room and protect it from any negativity. Moreover, you will be able to observe the strange behavior of people if they enter your house, and in some cases the invitees refuse to enter the premises and find any excuse to leave. In such cases, you do not need to be offended by people, but simply thank the runes that they have repelled a negative person from you.

Hagall, Algiz, Inguz- this runic formula will cleanse the room of everything bad and of stagnant energy. It will also fill your home with light and abundance and protect it from negative influences.

After such a formula, all family conflicts and misunderstandings are resolved, insomnia will stop tormenting you, and abundance will firmly enter your life.

There are many ways to apply runic formulas. You can choose any that you feel comfortable with. There is also the option of making amulets using runes. This method will be more durable and powerful, since you will use your energy in the manufacture. You can learn about manufacturing methods from this article. Trust the universe, love each other and don't forget to press the buttons and

10.07.2016 04:32

Runes are one of the most powerful tools for influencing Destiny, making desires come true. They often...
