Only the most beautiful gymnasts! a lot of photos. World records in rhythmic gymnastics Claudia Fragapane

Beauties and smart women who have repeatedly been among the winners at world competitions

These athletes boast not only attractive appearance and charm, but also impressive sporting achievements and medal collections. All-Russian day of gymnastics is their holiday. the site presents the top 10 most charming Russian gymnastics stars who have conquered the sports Olympus and the hearts of men.

Alina Kabaeva (34 years old)

(Photo: Anatoly Zhdanov/KP)

One of the most titled athletes, whose name was entered in the Guinness Book of Records. Alina Kabaeva got on its pages after she became the only five-time European champion in the history of rhythmic gymnastics.

Initially, the parents saw a professional figure skater in the future champion, but due to the lack of strong figure skating schools in Tashkent, it was decided to send Alina to the gymnastics section. The girl made great strides, and the first victories were not long in coming. In 1998, at the age of 15, Alina already won the "gold" of the European Championship. After that, she became the absolute champion of Europe four more times, and in 1998 she won the World Championship.

Alina Kabaeva completed her sports career in 2007. She received two higher educations in absentia in two completely different areas: in the field of service and sports. The gymnast also tried herself in the cinema, starring in episodes of the Japanese adventure film Red Shadow. Alina has experience as a TV presenter: the ex-athlete hosted the program "The Way to Olympus" and even created her own program about the life of prominent people "Steps to Success".

Margarita Mamun (21 years old)

(Photo: Mikhail Frolov/KP)

Seven-time world champion, four-time European champion, multiple winner of the Grand Prix stages, which, thanks to her Bengali roots, was given the nickname “Bengal tigress” by fans. By the way, it fully reflects her stubborn character and will to win.

From a father, a marine engineer from Bangladesh, Margarita Mamun inherited an exotic appearance, oriental plasticity and a special grace with which she performs all the exercises. Mom, herself a former gymnast, sent Rita to the gymnastics section quite late - at the age of 7. Before that, Mamun was engaged in figure skating, but not for long - her mother was afraid that her daughter would fall unsuccessfully on the ice. At the age of 11, Rita began to consciously prepare for a career as a gymnast. Her first major successes began in 2011. At the Russian Championship, Mamun became the winner in the all-around and exercises with maces, ball and hoop. In 2016, the gymnast became the Olympic champion in the individual all-around at the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.

Evgenia Kanaeva (27 years old)

(Photo: Vladimir Velengurin/KP)

The first ever two-time Olympic champion in individual all-around, three-time world champion in all-around. rhythmic gymnastics Evgenia Kanaeva started practicing at the age of 6. Despite the fact that the girl’s mother is a coach and master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics, her grandmother, who was Zhenya’s most devoted fan in all competitions, gave her to the sport. At the age of 12, as part of the Omsk athletes, Kanaeva was invited to a training camp in Moscow, where she drew attention Amina Zaripova. Zhenya was asked to continue her studies at the Olympic reserve school.

In 2003, she wins her first international tournament, after which Irina Viner invites her to continue training at the Novogorsk training center. In 2009, Kanaeva became a real record holder - she won six gold medals at the World Championships in Japan. It seems incredible, but in 2011 at the World Championships in France, Evgenia managed to repeat this record again.

Laysan Utyasheva (32 years old)

(Photo: Larisa Kudryavtseva / "KP"

At first, the parents wanted to give Laysan Utyasheva to a ballet school, but her fate was decided by chance. Once in a store, a 4-year-old girl was noticed by coach Nadezhda Kasyanova, who immediately called the young talent for a trial lesson. At the age of 12, Laysan moved to Moscow, where her career began to rapidly gain momentum.

In 2001, Utyasheva won gold at the World Championships in Spain and became a master of sports. In 2002, at demonstration performances, she was injured, which nevertheless did not go without consequences. For this reason, in 2006, the girl decides to end her sports career.

Laysan Utyasheva has achieved success on television. She was a TV presenter of the programs "Main Road", "Morning on NTV", "Be Healthy", "Fitness with the Stars", "Dancing", "Personal Trainer". The gymnast tried herself as an actress, playing in the serial youth sports drama "Champions", as well as as a radio host in the "Romance Cafe" program.

Irina Chashchina (35 years old)

(Photo: Maxim Shemetov/TASS)

Irina Chashchina called the most elegant gymnast in the world and the most charming gymnast of our time. At the World Championships in Baku, Chashchina was even awarded the Miss Elegance special prize, although then she took only second place.

Initially, Irina was engaged in swimming, music and rhythmic gymnastics, but she was really fascinated by sports. At the age of 12, Chashchina joined the Russian national team. As a junior, Irina won first place at the CIS Spartakiad. After leaving the sport in 2006, the girl began to develop her own program, which was presented the following year under the name "Flexible Strength". Chashchina got the second higher education at the Academy of Civil Service and for some time worked as Deputy Prefect of the Northern District of Moscow for Sports and Tourism. The gymnast took part in several television projects with pleasure, including "Circus with the Stars" and "Dancing on Ice". In 2009, Irina played in the feature film The Way, and in 2013 she opened her own rhythmic gymnastics school in Barnaul.

Yana Kudryavtseva (20 years old)

In my 20s Yana Kudryavtseva boasts 13 gold medals in world championships and 11 in Europe. She became the youngest absolute champion in the history of rhythmic gymnastics, which conquered Europe and Asia. However, could it be otherwise?

Yana is the daughter of a famous swimmer, Olympic champion in 1992 Alexey Kudryavtsev, so it is not surprising that the girl was seriously interested in sports. In 2013, at the European Championships in Vienna, she showed the best result - she not only won gold, but also scored the highest number of points according to the new refereeing system, 19 out of 20 possible. For grace, natural charm and beauty, Yana was given the nickname "crystal girl", and for elegance at the Israeli World Championships, Kudryavtseva received a special prize provided by Longines.

Uliana Donskova (25 years old)

Russian gymnasts Anastasia Bliznyuk, Uliana Donskova, Ksenia Dudkina (from left to right) during the Russian Olympians Ball 2012 at the State Kremlin Palace. (Photo: Valery Sharifulin/TASS)

Four-time world champion, five-time champion from the small town of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, in the Rostov region, for perseverance and dedication, Irina Viner was gifted with the nickname “ grey Cardinal". In 2000 Uliana Donskova won the regional championship in the first category, in 2008 she was selected to the national team for group exercises. After winning the London Olympics, Donskova ended her sports career. In 2013, she took part in the eighth season of the television project Dancing with the Stars, where she took 6th place.

Daria Dmitrievna (31 years old)

Russian gymnasts, Evgenia Kanaeva (left) and Daria Dmitrieva (right)
(Photo: Vladimir Velengurin/KP)

Daria started rhythmic gymnastics at the age of 8 under the guidance of the Honored Coach of Russia and the USSR Olga Buyanova. In 2009, at the Penza Russian Championship, she won three medals: gold for a hoop, silver for a ribbon, bronze for a ball. In 2013, due to an injury, she had to leave the sport, but she continued to do her favorite thing, only as a coach. Together with the world and European champion Ekaterina Donich, Darya Dmitrievna opened a school of rhythmic gymnastics, where not only children, but also everyone who wants to train.

Yana Batyrshina (38 years old)

(Photo: Larisa Kudryavtseva/KP)

Honored Master of Sports, Yana Batyrshina represented rhythmic gymnastics in individual exercises. During her sports career, Yana won seven gold medals at the World Championships and five awards of the highest dignity of the European Championship. From big sport Yana Batyrshina left at the age of 19, a year later she became the coach of the Brazilian national team. In 2000, she began her career in television. She was the host of the Up to Sixteen and Older program, hosted intellectual shows for schoolchildren on the Karusel TV channel and sports newscasts on the Stolitsa channel.

Dina and Arina Averina (19 years old)

(Photo: Schreyer/TASS)

These twin sisters, despite their young age, are already Olympic champions in rhythmic gymnastics, multiple winners of world and European championships, international masters of sports. Girls were brought to gymnastics by their mother and their older sister Pauline, which the sisters initially accompanied to training. Polina herself did not become a gymnast, having made a choice in favor of studying.

In 2011 Dina and Arina Averina begin to train at the training center "Novogorsk". There they are noticed at the Young Gymnast competitions, and after the training camp in Croatia they are invited to study with Vera Shatalina. In 2014, at the Israeli tournament, the sisters took first and second places with a difference of hundredths of a point, which eloquently speaks of the identical high level of skill of the twins. In 2017, at the World Championships in Italy, 19-year-old beauties shared the main awards among themselves. Dina Averina was the best in exercises with a hoop and clubs, and Arina - with a ribbon and a ball.

Gymnastics is one of the most fascinating sports. At first, gymnastics appeared. It included various exercises and apparatus competitions.

Much later appeared and Competitions in this sport are held to the music with any object. In fact, it is an acrobatic and graceful dance. The items that the athletes perform with include: ribbon, club, ball, rope and hoop.

If we compare sports and then the latter is a safer and more beautiful sport. Russian gymnasts take first place in gold medals at various international competitions. In 1999, the athletes approved a professional holiday, which takes place annually on the last Saturday of October.

Russia gave the world the performances of the most beautiful and titled athletes in the entire era of gymnastics. Many of them have completed their careers, but are engaged in social activities and lead an active public life. The performance of Russian gymnasts still attracts the attention of numerous fans of this sport around the world.


Lyudmila Savinkova was the first champion in rhythmic gymnastics. She was born in 1936. The girl's coach was Tamara Lisitsian, later her sister Maria. Lyudmila won her award in Budapest, she was the first among 28 athletes.

Svetlana Khorkina is a native of the city of Belgorod. Was born in 1979. She entered the sport in 1983. In 1992, thanks to hard work and extraordinary talent, she entered the gymnastics team. The coach was Boris Pilkin. Gold at the 1996 and 2000 Olympics in uneven bars. Three-time world champion and three-time absolute European champion. Honored (1995). At that time, all the young gymnasts of Russia were equal to her.

In 2004, Svetlana announced her retirement. In 2005, Khorkina's son Svyatoslav was born. The birth was in Los Angeles, so the child automatically received US citizenship. In 2011, Svetlana's life changes dramatically, and she marries security general Oleg Kochnev. In 2007, a monument was erected in Belgorod to Svetlana Khorkina. Today, she holds the position of vice president in the Russian Artistic Gymnastics Federation. And also Svetlana is a beloved woman and a caring mother.

Artistic gymnasts of Russia

Born in Omsk in 1982. She came to sports at the age of 6, by the age of 12 she was already a member of the Russian rhythmic gymnastics team. At a young age, she won the CIS Spartakiad. 2004 brought Olympic silver in Athens. Her coach was the famous Irina Viner. In 2001, there was a nasty suspension from the sport for two years due to a doping scandal.

After the end of her career, Irina began to participate in television shows, opened a rhythmic gymnastics school in Barnaul. Personal life is also good. She met Evgeny Arkhipov and got married in 2011. Russian gymnasts today educate the younger generation, and they do it no worse than performing at international competitions.

Talents from Tashkent

Alina Kabaeva is from Tashkent. Born in 1983. From the age of 3, Alina began to play sports. Alina's mother, observing the development of the girl's sports talent, decided to move to Moscow. Irina Viner was Alina's coach. Since 1996, she has also been a full member of the Russian national team.

Kabaeva is one of the most titled gymnasts. She has 25 gold medals, 6 silver and 5 bronze. In 2007, she completed her sports career and entered politics the same year. Alina became a State Duma deputy. Gymnasts of the Russian national team do an excellent job with public affairs.

Yana Batyrshina. This athlete, like Alina Kabaeva, is a native of the city of Tashkent. Born in 1979. I started gymnastics at the age of 5. At first she played for the national team of Uzbekistan. After the collapse of the USSR, she moved to Russia and began to play for the national team. Her achievements are impressive. Yana has 180 medals of various denominations. In 1997, Yana was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree. She retired from big sport at the age of 19. She left for Brazil and worked as a head coach in rhythmic gymnastics. She is happily married to Timur Weinstein and has two daughters.

Bashkir beauty

Laysan Utyasheva. Bashkiria gave us this beautiful athlete. She was born in 1985. The parents wanted to send the girl to the ballet, but Nadezhda Kasyanova, a gymnastics coach, noticed her quite by accident in the store. Since 1994, Laysan has been training with Tatyana Sorokina, and then with Alla Yanina and Oksana Valentinovna Skaldina.

In the 90s, Laysan deservedly received the title of master of sports. In 2001, she became the absolute winner at the World Cup stage and received a gold medal at the championship in Madrid. In 2002, she was injured, undergoing treatment, but it is still contraindicated for her to play sports. In 2006, she retired from the sport.

Having completed her career, she did not go into the shadows. Laysan starred in TV shows, works as a sports commentator, and hosts a TV show. The gymnast successfully married TV presenter Pavel Volya and gave birth to a son, Robert, and a daughter, Sofia.

Pupil of Irina Viner

A native of the city of Omsk. Born in 1990. Her mother was a master of sports in gymnastics, so the girl's future was determined from early childhood. From the age of 12 she was a member of the Moscow youth team. After Zhenya trained at the school of the Olympic reserve. Her coach was also Irina Viner.

Kanaeva has many achievements and awards, including 57 gold and 3 silver medals. In 2012, she ended her career. Her personal life is successful, she is married, and already in 2014 her first-born son Vladimir was born.

All of these greatest Russian gymnasts are Honored Masters of Sports, and some of them are Masters of Sports of international class.

Rio de Janeiro

At the last Olympic tournament, the gymnasts were the main hope of the fans. Russia, for which the Olympics was associated with unpleasant doping scandals, hoped for athletes more than ever.

And if the gold in the team championship in rhythmic gymnastics was predictable, then the bronze medals in sports were a pleasant surprise.

November 12, 2016, 22:41

Svetlana Khorkina twice won Olympic gold in gymnastics, became a three-time absolute world champion and a three-time absolute European champion. Thanks to the implementation of the most difficult combinations on the uneven bars, she received the unofficial title "Queen of the bars".

Alina Kabaeva- one of the most titled gymnasts in the world. Her name is inscribed in the Guinness Book of Records, since at the age of 15 Alina became the absolute champion of Europe in rhythmic gymnastics among adults. Today she is known not only for her sporting achievements, but for her active political and social activities.

Evgenia Kanaeva became the first ever two-time Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics in the individual all-around. And at the 29th World Championships in the Japanese city of Mie, the athlete set an absolute record by winning 6 gold medals out of 6 possible.

Aliya Mustafina in Rio de Janeiro for the second time she won Olympic gold in gymnastics for her country. For the first time this happened at the 2012 Olympics in London - in the same year, Aliya was recognized as the athlete of the year in Russia.

World champion, six-time European champion Laysan Utyasheva won many deafening victories, four elements of rhythmic gymnastics invented by her are named after her. And although an injury in 2002 forced her to abandon big-time sports, she continues to be a media personality as a television and radio host.

Irina Chashchina achieved fame at the same time as Alina Kabaeva, which is why the athlete for a long time was on the sidelines. One of these cases is the Olympic Games in Athens, where Irina lost gold to Kabaeva.

Two-time Olympic champion in artistic gymnastics in 2000 Elena Zamolodchikova won many more victories at the world and European championships, but the title of "Bride of Sydney" was assigned to her.

Two-time silver medalist at the 2016 Olympics Apiary Maria on the this moment performs the most difficult vault in the Russian gymnastics team.

Margarita Mamun brought Russia a gold medal in the individual all-around rhythmic gymnastics at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. The coach and fans call the girl the "Bengal Tigress" because her father is from Bangladesh.

Yana Kudryavtseva, who brought Russia a silver medal at the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, is the youngest absolute world champion in the history of rhythmic gymnastics.

Elena SOBOL from Pesaro

The culmination of the individual tournament was the Olympic discipline - all-around. On the third day of the competition, the gymnasts re-showed all four of their programs, gathering the full stands of the Adriatic Arena. That evening, a crowded stadium in a small Italian town hummed so that the whole neighborhood could hear - the best of the best performed on the carpet. But the warmest welcome was, perhaps, the Italians as hostesses and the Russians - as the absolute strongest.

World Championship Debutantes Dina and Arina Averina became the first and second in the all-around, collecting all five gold medals for two in the individual championship, and in total having already won ten medals in Italy. In addition to five gold, four silver and one bronze.


To this sister's success Averins have been going for a long time. Last year, the athletes were ready to perform at the highest level, which they proved at the Grand Prix and World Cup competitions, but remained in the shadow of the first numbers, Olympians Yana Kudryavtseva and Margarita Mamun. However, after the older friends left the sport, the twin sisters did not give up and managed to firmly take a leadership position. So that they again remain inaccessible to rivals and win by a wide margin.

After the judges have announced the scores Dina Averina during the fourth exercise, and it became clear that no one would bypass her, Arina met her sister, ran out to her in the kiss and cry zone, and hugged her warmly. Main coach Irina Viner-Usmanova also could not hide her smile - her athletes gave all of themselves on the carpet.

The fight for third place in the all-around unfolded between several gymnasts, but did not miss her Linoy Ashram from Israel, who was third and in qualification. For the Israeli gymnast, this award is a great success and a good start for the future.


Reward the winners came out Alina Kabaeva- the official ambassador of this world championship. She was present at all the competitions and warmly congratulated the winners of the all-around, thanks to which the crowded arena froze to the Russian anthem, and at once two tricolors soared under the dome in their honor. After the award, the Olympic champion presented the Italian Milene Baldassarri an award of his name - a small figurine in the form of a gymnast. Special prize "Miss Elegance" went to another Italian - Alexandre Ajirgiculese.


The absolute world champion - about her emotions after the victory.

I'm happy that it's all over and that everything worked out well. I want to tell everyone thank you so much! Irina Alexandrovna Viner-Usmanova congratulated me and said that we coped with the task, that we were great, we tried. She is happy and content. When I found out that I was the first, there were even tears of joy. Me Arina met, we hugged and - that's it ... She cried with happiness that everything ended well.

World Championship. Individual all-around. 1. D. AVERINA - 74,700 2. A. AVERINA - 73,450 3. Ashram (Israel) - 70,025.

The Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships in Bulgaria ended in the overall medal standings. We have seven gold, two silver and three bronze medals.

Last impulse before the performance. Each has its own approach. Take a deep breath, exhale - and on the carpet. Fans meet standing. Both the team and the coach have been in such tension all week. Now, finally, you can exhale. The Russian team completed the task to the maximum - the first ticket to the Olympic Games was received.

“We are leaving with seven gold medals. Italy has one medal, Bulgaria has one medal, and we have seven! You can’t win everything. Otherwise, the sport must be closed if Russia wins everything at all. - to win," says the head of the All-Russian Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics, Irina Viner-Usmanova.

The individual all-around is coming to an end. The last participants continue to warm up. Our Dina Averina is still leading in the overall standings, and the performances of these gymnasts separate her from the fifth gold medal at this championship.

When it is clear that everything is already over, the hall begins to chant the name of the athlete. It is this, the most expensive, medal that she will give to her sister. For the support. Arina now performs less - she was injured before the European Championships. But if another Averina enters the carpet, then the World Cup turns into a championship between the two sisters.

Why they are confused, the sisters do not understand, because they are almost opposites. Eight medals, six of them gold. They say that individually they would not have been able to achieve such success.

Workout twice a day, six days a week. Champion items. Along with rhinestones, there are also shiny plates that imitate the armor of Spartacus. As a result, the viewer sees not exercises, but performances on the carpet.

“God loves the strong, and how much we trained was a lot. Our last training camp was in Latvia at 38 degrees in the gym. We trained for 9 hours,” recalls Irina Viner-Usmanova.

An emotional performance to the music of Alla Pugacheva brought Alexandra Soldatova her first individual gold at the World Championships.

The most important task of our gymnasts in the group tournament is to enter the top three. Strong rivals are the Italians and the hosts of the tournament from Bulgaria, who are met here like rock stars. But both programs were executed without a single error.

During the announcement of the marks, the gymnasts, together with Irina Viner, hold hands. Our girls rise to the highest step of the podium. They not only won the seventh gold medal at this championship for our team, but also won a ticket to the Tokyo Olympics.

“There were no failures, there were no stops,” said Irina Viner-Usmanova.

Out of nine possible, the Russian team won 7 gold medals, as well as two silver and three bronze. But it's not just about medals and not even a ticket to the Olympics - our athletes showed real rhythmic gymnastics.
