The secret code of the name. Birth number: what is encrypted in it

On this day, the Cryptographic Service of Russia celebrates its professional holiday.

"Cryptography" from ancient Greek means "secret writing".

How were the words hidden?

A peculiar method of transmitting a secret letter existed during the reign of the dynasty of the Egyptian pharaohs:

chose a slave. They shaved his head bald and applied the text of the message to it with waterproof vegetable paint. When the hair grew, it was sent to the addressee.

Cipher- this is some kind of text transformation system with a secret (key) to ensure the secrecy of the transmitted information. made a selection interesting facts from the history of encryption.

All secret writing systems have

1. Acrostic- a meaningful text (word, phrase or sentence), composed of the initial letters of each line of the poem.

Here, for example, is a riddle poem with a clue in the first letters:

D I am generally known by my own name;
R the rogue and the blameless swear by him,
At tehoy in disasters I am more than anything,
AND life is sweeter with me and in the best share.
B I can serve the happiness of pure souls alone,
A between the villains - I will not be created.
Yuri Neledinsky-Meletsky
Sergei Yesenin, Anna Akhmatova, Valentin Zagoryansky often used acrostics.

2. Litorrhea- a kind of cipher writing used in ancient Russian handwritten literature. It is simple and wise. A simple one is called a gibberish letter, it consists in the following: putting consonants in two rows in order:

they use upper letters instead of lower ones in writing and vice versa, and the vowels remain unchanged; for example, tokepot = kitten and so on.

Wise litorea implies more complex substitution rules.

3. "ROT1"- cipher for kids?

You may have used it as a child too. The key to the cipher is very simple: each letter of the alphabet is replaced by the next letter.

A becomes B, B becomes C, and so on. "ROT1" literally means "rotate 1 letter forward in the alphabet". Phrase "I love borscht" turn into a secret phrase "A yavmya vps". This cipher is meant to be fun, easy to understand and decipher, even if the key is used in reverse.

4. From the rearrangement of terms ...

During World War I, confidential messages were sent using so-called permutation fonts. In them, the letters are rearranged using some given rules or keys.

For example, words can be written backwards so that the phrase "mom washed the frame" turns into a phrase "amam alym umar". Another permutation key is to permute each pair of letters so that the previous message becomes "am um um al ar um".

It may seem that complex permutation rules can make these ciphers very difficult. However, many encrypted messages can be decrypted using anagrams or modern computer algorithms.

5. Caesar's shift cipher

It consists of 33 different ciphers, one for each letter of the alphabet (the number of ciphers varies depending on the alphabet of the language used). The person had to know which Julius Caesar cipher to use in order to decipher the message. For example, if the cipher Ё is used, then A becomes Ё, B becomes F, C becomes Z, and so on in alphabetical order. If Y is used, then A becomes Y, B becomes Z, C becomes A, and so on. This algorithm is the basis for many more complex ciphers, but by itself does not provide reliable protection of the secret of messages, since checking 33 different cipher keys will take relatively little time.

Nobody could. Try you

Encrypted public messages tease us with their intrigue. Some of them still remain unsolved. Here they are:

Cryptos. A sculpture by artist Jim Sanborn that is located in front of the Central Intelligence Agency headquarters in Langley, Virginia. The sculpture contains four ciphers; it has not been possible to open the fourth code so far. In 2010, it was revealed that the characters 64-69 NYPVTT in the fourth part stand for the word BERLIN.

Now that you have read the article, you will surely be able to solve three simple ciphers.

Leave your options in the comments to this article. The answer will appear at 13:00 on May 13, 2014.


1) saucer

2) The baby elephant is tired of everything

3) Good weather

The need for encryption of correspondence arose in ancient world, and simple substitution ciphers appeared. Encrypted messages determined the fate of many battles and influenced the course of history. Over time, people invented more and more advanced encryption methods.

Code and cipher are, by the way, different concepts. The first means replacing each word in the message with a code word. The second is to encrypt each symbol of information using a specific algorithm.

After mathematics took up encoding information and the theory of cryptography was developed, scientists discovered many useful properties this applied science. For example, decoding algorithms have helped unravel dead languages ​​such as ancient Egyptian or Latin.


Steganography is older than coding and encryption. This art has been around for a very long time. It literally means "hidden writing" or "cipher writing". Although steganography does not quite meet the definitions of a code or cipher, it is intended to hide information from prying eyes.

Steganography is the simplest cipher. Swallowed notes covered in wax are typical examples, or a message on a shaved head that hides under grown hair. The clearest example of steganography is the method described in many English (and not only) detective books, when messages are transmitted through a newspaper, where letters are inconspicuously marked.

The main disadvantage of steganography is that an attentive stranger can notice it. Therefore, in order to prevent the secret message from being easily read, encryption and coding methods are used in conjunction with steganography.

ROT1 and Caesar cipher

The name of this cipher is ROTate 1 letter forward, and it is known to many schoolchildren. It is a simple substitution cipher. Its essence lies in the fact that each letter is encrypted by shifting alphabetically by 1 letter forward. A -\u003e B, B -\u003e C, ..., Z -\u003e A. For example, we encrypt the phrase "our Nastya cries loudly" and we get "general Obtua dspnlp rmbsheu".

The ROT1 cipher can be generalized to an arbitrary number of offsets, then it is called ROTN, where N is the number by which the letter encryption should be offset. In this form, the cipher has been known since ancient times and is called the "Caesar cipher".

The Caesar cipher is very simple and fast, but it is a simple single permutation cipher and therefore easy to break. Having a similar disadvantage, it is suitable only for children's pranks.

Transposition or permutation ciphers

These types of simple permutation ciphers are more serious and were actively used not so long ago. IN civil war in the United States and in the First World War it was used to transmit messages. His algorithm consists in rearranging the letters in places - write the message in reverse order or rearrange the letters in pairs. For example, let's encrypt the phrase "Morse code is also a cipher" -> "akubza ezrom - ezhot rfish".

With a good algorithm that determined arbitrary permutations for each character or group of them, the cipher became resistant to simple breaking. But! Only in due time. Since the cipher is easily broken by simple brute force or dictionary matching, today any smartphone can handle its decryption. Therefore, with the advent of computers, this cipher also passed into the category of children's.

Morse code

The alphabet is a means of information exchange and its main task is to make messages simpler and more understandable for transmission. Although this is contrary to what encryption is intended for. Nevertheless, it works like the simplest ciphers. In the Morse system, each letter, number, and punctuation mark has its own code, made up of a group of dashes and dots. When transmitting a message using the telegraph, dashes and dots mean long and short signals.

The telegraph and the alphabet was the one who first patented "his" invention in 1840, although similar devices were invented in Russia and England before him. But who cares now ... The telegraph and Morse code had a very great impact on the world, allowing almost instantaneous transmission of messages over continental distances.

Monoalphabetic substitution

The ROTN and Morse code described above are examples of monoalphabetic replacement fonts. The prefix "mono" means that during encryption, each letter of the original message is replaced by another letter or code from a single encryption alphabet.

Simple substitution ciphers are not difficult to decipher, and this is their main drawback. They are solved by simple enumeration or frequency analysis. For example, it is known that the most used letters of the Russian language are “o”, “a”, “i”. Thus, it can be assumed that in the ciphertext the letters that occur most often mean either "o", or "a", or "and". Based on such considerations, the message can be decrypted even without a computer enumeration.

It is known that Mary I, Queen of Scots from 1561 to 1567, used a very complex monoalphabetic substitution cipher with several combinations. Yet her enemies were able to decipher the messages, and the information was enough to sentence the queen to death.

Gronsfeld cipher, or polyalphabetic substitution

Simple ciphers are declared useless by cryptography. Therefore, many of them have been improved. The Gronsfeld cipher is a modification of the Caesar cipher. This method is much more resistant to hacking and lies in the fact that each character of the encoded information is encrypted using one of the different alphabets that are repeated cyclically. We can say that this is a multidimensional application of the simplest substitution cipher. In fact, the Gronsfeld cipher is very similar to the one discussed below.

ADFGX encryption algorithm

This is the most famous World War I cipher used by the Germans. The cipher got its name because the encryption algorithm led all ciphergrams to the alternation of these letters. The choice of the letters themselves was determined by their convenience when transmitted over telegraph lines. Each letter in the cipher is represented by two. Let's look at a more interesting version of the ADFGX square that includes numbers and is called ADFGVX.

A J Q A 5 H D
D 2 E R V 9 Z
F 8 Y I N K V
G U P B F 6 O
V 4 G X S 3 T
X W L Q 7 C 0

The ADFGX squaring algorithm is as follows:

  1. We take random n letters to designate columns and rows.
  2. We build an N x N matrix.
  3. We enter into the matrix the alphabet, numbers, signs, randomly scattered over the cells.

Let's make a similar square for the Russian language. For example, let's create a square ABCD:

A HER H b/b A I/Y

This matrix looks strange, because a row of cells contains two letters. This is acceptable, the meaning of the message is not lost. It can be easily restored. Let's encrypt the phrase "Compact cipher" using this table:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Cipher bv guards gb where ag bv db ab dg hell wa hell bb ha

Thus, the final encrypted message looks like this: “bvgvgbgdagbvdbabdgvdvaadbbga”. Of course, the Germans carried out a similar line through several more ciphers. And as a result, an encrypted message that was very resistant to hacking was obtained.

Vigenère cipher

This cipher is an order of magnitude more resistant to cracking than monoalphabetic ones, although it is a simple text replacement cipher. However, thanks to a stable algorithm for a long time considered impossible to hack. The first mention of it dates back to the 16th century. Vigenère (a French diplomat) is erroneously credited as its inventor. To better understand what is at stake, consider the Vigenère table (Vigenère square, tabula recta) for the Russian language.

Let's proceed to encrypt the phrase "Kasperovich laughs." But for encryption to succeed, you need a keyword - let it be "password". Now let's start encryption. To do this, we write the key so many times that the number of letters from it corresponds to the number of letters in the encrypted phrase, by repeating the key or cutting:

Now, as in the coordinate plane, we are looking for a cell that is the intersection of pairs of letters, and we get: K + P \u003d b, A + A \u003d B, C + P \u003d C, etc.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Cipher: Kommersant B IN YU WITH H YU G SCH AND E Y X AND G A L

We get that "Kasperovich laughs" = "bvusnyugshzh eihzhgal".

Breaking the Vigenère cipher is so difficult because for frequency analysis to work, you need to know the length of the keyword. So the hack is to throw the length of the keyword at random and try to crack the secret message.

It should also be mentioned that in addition to a completely random key, a completely different Vigenère table can be used. In this case, the Vigenère square consists of a line-by-line written Russian alphabet with a shift of one. Which refers us to the ROT1 cipher. And just like in the Caesar cipher, the offset can be anything. Moreover, the order of the letters does not have to be alphabetical. In this case, the table itself can be the key, without knowing which it will be impossible to read the message, even knowing the key.


Real codes consist of matches for each word of a separate code. To work with them, so-called code books are needed. In fact, this is the same dictionary, only containing translations of words into codes. A typical and simplified example of codes is the ASCII table - an international cipher of simple characters.

The main advantage of codes is that they are very difficult to decipher. almost does not work when they are hacked. The weakness of the codes is, in fact, the books themselves. First, their preparation is a complex and expensive process. Secondly, for enemies they turn into a desired object and the interception of even a part of the book forces you to change all the codes completely.

In the 20th century, many states used codes to transfer secret data, changing the code book after a certain period. And they actively hunted for the books of neighbors and opponents.


Everyone knows that the Enigma was the main cipher machine of the Nazis during World War II. Enigma's structure includes a combination of electrical and mechanical circuits. How the cipher will turn out depends on the initial configuration of Enigma. At the same time, Enigma automatically changes its configuration during operation, encrypting one message in several ways throughout its entire length.

In contrast to the simplest ciphers, Enigma gave trillions of possible combinations, which made breaking the encrypted information almost impossible. In turn, the Nazis had a certain combination prepared for each day, which they used on a particular day to transmit messages. So even if the Enigma fell into the hands of the enemy, it did nothing to decipher the messages without entering the right configuration every day.

They actively tried to crack the Enigma during the entire military campaign of Hitler. In England, in 1936, one of the first computing devices (Turing machine) was built for this, which became the prototype of computers in the future. His task was to simulate the operation of several dozen Enigmas simultaneously and run intercepted Nazi messages through them. But even Turing's machine was only occasionally able to crack the message.

Public key encryption

The most popular of which is used everywhere in technology and computer systems. Its essence lies, as a rule, in the presence of two keys, one of which is transmitted publicly, and the second is secret (private). The public key is used to encrypt the message, and the private key is used to decrypt it.

The public key is most often a very large number, which has only two divisors, not counting the unit and the number itself. Together, these two divisors form a secret key.

Let's consider a simple example. Let the public key be 905. Its divisors are the numbers 1, 5, 181 and 905. Then the secret key will be, for example, the number 5*181. Are you saying too easy? What if the public number is a number with 60 digits? It is mathematically difficult to calculate the divisors of a large number.

As a more realistic example, imagine you are withdrawing money from an ATM. When reading the card, personal data is encrypted with a certain public key, and on the bank's side, the information is decrypted with a secret key. And this public key can be changed for each operation. And there are no ways to quickly find key divisors when it is intercepted.

Font Persistence

The cryptographic strength of an encryption algorithm is the ability to resist hacking. This parameter is the most important for any encryption. Obviously, the simple substitution cipher, which can be decrypted by any electronic device, is one of the most unstable.

To date, there are no uniform standards by which it would be possible to assess the strength of the cipher. This is a laborious and long process. However, there are a number of commissions that have produced standards in this area. For example, the minimum requirements for the Advanced Encryption Standard or AES encryption algorithm, developed by NIST USA.

For reference: the Vernam cipher is recognized as the most resistant cipher to breaking. At the same time, its advantage is that, according to its algorithm, it is the simplest cipher.

Find out with the help of numbers, on the strength of which, as the great Pythagoras claimed, the world is built, determine the code of your name, correlate it with the number indicating the date of birth, and look into the secret of your character and destiny. The number of the name can merge with the number of the date of birth, adapt to it or contradict it. The first option is good, the last is bad.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9



S T U V X Z H W ​​W

b y b e yu i

Add the numbers, reduce the resulting amount to an elementary number.

For example:


In total, we get 14. After simplifying (1 + 4), we get “five”.

SERGEY. C + E + R + G + E + J

In 1533, one of the most learned people of his time, the famous Cornelius Agrippa, named the meanings of nine digits. It's worth remembering them.

  • 1 - the number of the goal, which manifests itself in the form of aggressiveness and ambition.
  • 2 - the number of balance and contrast at the same time, maintains balance, mixing positive and negative qualities.
  • 3 - instability, combines talent and gaiety, a symbol of adaptability.
  • 4 - means stability and strength.
  • 5 - symbolizes risk, reaching its final result through travel and experience. The happiest number - on the one hand, the most unpredictable - on the other.
  • 6 is a symbol of reliability. An ideal number that is divisible by both even and odd, combining the elements of each.
  • 7 - symbolizes mystery, as well as study and knowledge, as a way of exploring the unknown and invisible.
  • 8 - the number of material success, means reliability, brought to perfection.
  • 9 is a symbol of universal success.

The followers of Agrippa expanded these interpretations, highlighting separately the meanings of the number of the name and the number of the date of birth. Before you get acquainted with these interpretations, you should learn how to determine the number of the date of birth. It's quite simple. Add up the numbers for the day, month, and year of birth. Suppose a person was born on September 29, 1939.

2 + 9 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 3 + 9 \u003d 42 \u003d 4 + 2 \u003d 6. So, the number of this person’s birthday is “six”. This is very important to know, since it is in this number that information is contained that determines a lot in fate.

And now correlate your numbers with their interpretations - and get to know yourself better, maybe your future will be slightly revealed to you. In the same way, you can calculate the fate and character of your child if you have already chosen a name for him.

In our time, which always marks the transition from one century to another - from the 20th century to the 21st, which is always mysterious for a person, the interest in society in all kinds of forecasts has noticeably intensified: be it the fate of the world, one country or one person. Facilities mass media, book editions introduce us to a variety of theories and versions, the names of old and new authors. Of course, both the authors and the information itself are far from unambiguous. Among this huge flow, attention is drawn to the approach to interpreting the content and meaning of numbers, which is offered by a modern researcher, doctor of medicine and doctor of philosophy, astrologer S. A. Vronsky, whose fragments of reasoning, I think, are of interest.

So, having determined the number of your name, click on this number.

Name ciphers

The basic, basic information that can be learned from the analysis of the Number of the Name and the Number of Destiny can be supplemented with some clarifying details, they are determined directly by the letters of your name. This will dot the i's and help put some finishing touches on the picture of your name. Like a cherry on top of a creamy cake.

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