Why are there vertical stripes on my nails? Why do white stripes appear on the nails of the hands and feet? What do white stripes on nails mean? Troubleshooting

Many people notice that they form longitudinal or transverse stripes on the nail plate. This phenomenon is called leukonia. Changes in the structure of the stratum corneum most often indicate various deviations in the functioning of the body. Why do longitudinal stripes appear on the nails, what are the causes and treatment of this pathology?

Possible reasons

The appearance of longitudinal and transverse grooves most often indicates a malnutrition of the nail plate. Therefore, stripes of different directions on the nails of the hands should not be considered the norm. Their appearance may mean that there are some problems in the body. The reason for the rejection can be one or more than one. Most often this occurs as a result of the action of provoking factors:

External factors also play a significant role:

  • improperly done manicure with cuticle damage and infection;
  • mechanical injuries of the nail;
  • inflammatory processes in the periungual roller;
  • violation of the rules for removing the extended nail.

In older people, the appearance of lines on the nails is due to the aging of the body and dystrophic processes in it.

Symptoms of the disorder

The symptomatology that accompanies the appearance of transverse stripes or other changes in the structure of the nail depends on the cause of such a deviation.

If the pathology occurs when a fungus is damaged or as a result of another dermatological disease, the following symptoms are observed:

  • the nail exfoliates, thickens, changes color;
  • due to the inflammatory process, the skin becomes red, sore or itchy;
  • rashes, peeling on the skin are noted.

If the plate becomes white, heart or vascular disease, anemia, or pronounced hypovitaminosis are assumed. Uneven coloration may indicate skin pathologies or the presence of diabetes.

The appearance along with the strips of multiple small holes often indicates dysfunction of the pancreas or spleen. A striped and yellow nail indicates problems with the respiratory tract, liver, or improper fat metabolism. An oblong red line indicates a possible arrhythmia, tuberculosis, or hematopoietic pathology.

In case of violations that relate directly to the nail plate, changes will be detected only on it. For example, quite often the fungus appears only on the thumb.

Transverse or longitudinal stripes on all fingers indicate systemic failures throughout the body. Therefore, if there is a deviation, you should consult a doctor to identify which disease caused such symptoms.

What to do

A timely diagnosis will help get rid of the problem of not only the appearance of the hands, but also restore human health. Striation and violation of the structure of the nail plate should be treated by a trichologist or dermatologist. With systemic deviations, the therapist will help. He will conduct an examination, prescribe the necessary tests, refer, if necessary, to narrow specialists and make the correct diagnosis.

After finding out the cause, the doctor prescribes a comprehensive treatment aimed at eliminating the provoking factor.

Medical treatment

For the purpose of treating pathologies of internal organs, you should take medications recommended by your doctor:

Therapy should be carried out for a long time: until complete recovery or reaching a stable state.

Folk remedies

In addition to treatment with medicines, you can use the advice of traditional healers:

  1. Do salt baths 2-3 times a week. To prepare, you need to dissolve a tablespoon of sea salt in a glass of warm water. The fingertips are kept in the solution for 15 minutes, after the procedure, a nourishing cream is applied to dry skin and nails. This simple method helps to speed up the regeneration of nails, eliminate the influence of infection (bacteria and fungus). To enhance the effect, you can add 15 drops of essential oil (lemon, bergamot, pine or ylang-ylang) to the solution.
  2. You can whiten the nail and restore its structure with lemon. It is necessary to cut off a slice of citrus and rub the affected plate for 3-5 minutes.
  3. Every other day it is recommended to apply on everything fingers light massage oil solutions of vitamins A and E, olive oil or fish oil.


To avoid the development of negative changes, you should follow some rules.

To keep your hands beautiful and well-groomed, you need to monitor the condition of the nails. If their structure changes, it is important to find out the cause in time and start treatment as soon as possible.

I recently trimmed my nails and found stripes on some of them. “Here you go,” I thought. “What else is this?” I began to remember everything that I know about it. At the same time, I looked on the Internet, and this is what I found there.

By the condition of a person's hair, skin and even nails, one can judge his health. Moreover, some doctors can diagnose certain diseases just by looking at the nails.

The appearance of stripes on the nails should be taken as a signal of the body about a violation in the work of its individual organs and systems. Thus, this is not just a cosmetic flaw that can be hidden under a layer of varnish. This is an occasion to pay attention to the state of your health and the opportunity to make timely adjustments to the regimen and lifestyle.

The stripes on the nails are transverse (vertical) and longitudinal (horizontal). They are shallow grooves. They can be located singly in the middle or edges of the nail plate, or over its entire surface.

vertical stripes on nails

Longitudinal grooves on the nails do not always indicate the presence of any disease. They can also appear in perfectly healthy people. They are especially common in older people.

But often this pathology of the nail plate is formed after the disease. And a few months after the cure, the stripes on the nails disappear without a trace.

Pronounced vertical stripes on the nail plates may indicate a malfunction gastrointestinal tract. In addition, they can appear as a result of experienced stress.

Sometimes vertical grooves on the nails are formed as a result of violations in the work of the cardiovascular system. They can also be caused by diseases such as psoriasis, gout, chronic rheumatoid arthritis. And they can talk about the predisposition of the body to the development of these diseases.

In medical practice, there have been cases of the appearance of two stripes along the edges of the nail plate. Moreover, the central part of the nail increased in width. In these cases, diseases of the heart, spinal cord, arterial hypertension were diagnosed.

Horizontal stripes on nails

Pronounced transverse grooves on the nail plates can serve as a signal of kidney disease. They are also formed when there is a lack of iron in the diet. In addition, transverse stripes on the nails may indicate problems with digestion, a metabolic disorder.

A single horizontal strip deserves a special discussion. The arched groove that crosses the nail from one side to the other is called in the language of physicians “Bo's furrow”. It occurs as a result of the suspension of the growth of the nail plate, caused by a malnutrition of the nail matrix.

If malnutrition is repeated at intervals, then several horizontal grooves form on the surface of the nail plate. As a result, the surface of the nail becomes wavy.

Temporary malnutrition of the nail can occur for a variety of reasons. Not in all cases, this occurs as a result of an illness. Furrow Bo can appear even after injury to the nail matrix in the process of inaccurate manicure.

In case of minor damage, Bo's furrow is located only on the surface of the nail plate. But with a significant injury to the nail matrix, the depth of the furrow can be very significant.

In addition to mechanical damage, malnutrition of the nail can be caused by infectious disease. This usually occurs with diseases such as hepatitis, measles, influenza, pneumonia. It happened that Bo's furrow appeared in children as a result of scarlet fever, measles and other childhood infectious diseases.

Malnutrition of the nail matrix can be caused even by a rigid diet, as well as long-term use of potent drugs.

Cases are described when Bo's stripes on the nails arose a few days after the stress.

The information provided in this publication is for informational purposes only. If you find yourself with stripes on your nails, do not self-medicate, but consult a therapist as soon as possible.

White stripes on the nails (leukonychia) - a symptom that is characterized by a pathological change in the nail plate, may be a sign of pathological processes in the body or manifest itself after mechanical damage.

Only a doctor can determine the exact reason why white stripes appear on the nails of the hands by conducting a physical examination and the necessary laboratory diagnostic procedures.


Vertical or horizontal white stripes on the nails may be due to the following etiological factors:

  • severe lack of minerals in the body;
  • or ;
  • gastroenterological diseases;
  • insufficient amount of amino acids;
  • kidney disease;
  • fungal diseases;
  • pathological processes in the liver;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • acute;
  • frequent stress, severe nervous strain, chronic fatigue;
  • mechanical damage to the nail plate;
  • adherence to too strict diet;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The nature of the stripes and their number quite often indicates the etiological factor itself, but only a qualified doctor can accurately determine this. Self-treatment is not recommended, as this can lead to subsequent complications.


By the nature of the occurrence, transverse or longitudinal stripes on the nail plates on the legs or arms can be:

  • true- indicate changes in the structure of the nail plate itself or may occur due to mechanical damage;
  • false- indicate the development of pathological processes in the body.

By the nature of the lesion, leukonychia can be:

  • limited- stripes are observed on 1-2 nail plate;
  • total- more than 20% of the nail plates are affected, in any case, it indicates violations in the body.

It is advisable to immediately consult a doctor when transverse or longitudinal stripes appear on the toenails or hands, for timely diagnosis and treatment.


Since this is a symptom and not a separate disease, the clinical picture will depend entirely on the underlying factor. It should be noted that quite often the appearance of stripes on the nails is the only symptom at the initial stage of the development of the disease, which, in most cases, is not paid attention to.

With a lack of vitamins and minerals, the manifestation of such clinical signs is possible:

  • , its unhealthy color;
  • and nails;
  • deterioration in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which can manifest itself in irregular stools, periodic attacks and;
  • skin rashes, itching;
  • underweight or vice versa - overweight;
  • increasing malaise;
  • reduced performance.

In addition, they may worsen chronic diseases if there are any. Also, with a lack of vitamins, the immune system is weakened, which provokes the development of other diseases.

If the cause of the stripes on the nails is a gastroenterological disease, then the following clinic may be present:

  • different localization and character;
  • change in the frequency of bowel movements and the consistency of feces;
  • against the background of which weight loss can be observed;
  • dyspeptic disorders.

With pathologies in the liver area, the strips are localized in the lower part of the nail plate. A similar clinical picture may be observed with the following additions:

  • pain and sensation;
  • yellowness of the skin and sclera;
  • pain in the area of ​​the affected organ can be projected onto the lower back, back.

With kidney disease, the patient may be disturbed by the following symptoms:

  • quickened,;
  • in women it is possible;
  • general deterioration of well-being.

In case of disturbances in the work of the nervous system, white stripes appear randomly on the nail plate in the form of small dashes. Additional symptoms may be present:

  • , frequent ;
  • feeling tired even after a long rest;
  • seizures;
  • headaches;
  • drowsiness, increasing weakness;

In the event that the cause of the manifestation of such a symptom is not a pathological process, but simply mechanical damage to the nail plate, then, as a rule, there are no additional signs.


In this case, first of all, you need to contact a general practitioner, who, after an initial examination, if necessary, will give a referral to a highly specialized doctor. You may need advice:

In addition to the initial examination, the following diagnostic procedures may be prescribed:

  • UAC and BAC;
  • general analysis urine and feces;
  • endoscopic studies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs;
  • immunological studies.

The exact diagnostic program will depend on the current clinical picture and the history collected during the initial examination.


The course of basic therapy will depend only on the underlying disease. There is no symptomatic treatment in this case, since the strips on the nail plates themselves do not cause any physical discomfort.

The French believe that hands are the most truthful part of a woman, because they can tell about their mistress what her tongue will never tell. The same can be said about nails. Their condition often reflects the way of life and bad habits the person to whom they belong.

Nail problems

In children, white dots and stripes often appear on the nails. In this case, it is a manifestation of a lack of vitamins. It is enough to balance the diet and include more fresh vegetables and herbs in the diet or drink a course of complex vitamins. It is worse if longitudinal or transverse convex stripes appear on the nail plates. This can signal serious pathologies.

Longitudinal stripes

Why sometimes there are longitudinal The reasons are most often associated with impaired blood circulation, and hence nutrition in the area of ​​nail growth. This is a signal that something is wrong in the body. Such defects of the nail plates can occur in two ways. In one case, they can be single and located on only one nail. Another option is that longitudinal stripes are observed on each nail plate and cover their entire surface. In this case, the reason, most likely, lies in the pathology of the internal organs. Some representatives of the fair sex are trying to disguise the longitudinal stripes that have appeared on the nails under the varnish. This is not worth doing. It would be better to find out the cause of their appearance and correct the situation. And if you can’t cope on your own, then you need to consult a trichologist or dermatologist.

Longitudinal stripes on nails: causes

Let's take a closer look at what such a problem may indicate.

  1. If longitudinal stripes appear on the nails, the reasons may be hidden in the improper processing of the cuticle. If the nail growth zone, which is located just below it, is violated, similar stripes form. In this case, the nutrition of the nail is disturbed, and such protruding strips are formed.
  2. Improper nutrition or violation are the following reasons. Grooves on the nails may indicate a lack of B vitamins, iron or zinc in the body. Excess consumption of carbohydrates and a lack of fresh vegetables and fruits leads to a similar defect in the nails.
  3. These uneven grooves along the nail can cause serious diseases of the internal organs. For example, problems with the endocrine system. In people with diabetes or overweight, you can find such nails.
  4. If longitudinal stripes appear on the nails, the reasons may lie in the incorrect functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. The next reason is a violation of the functions of the central nervous system or any spinal cord injury. It can be, for example, an intervertebral hernia or a tumor.
  6. Fungal or (psoriasis, lichen planus) are also quite common causes. The grooves on the nails in this case are most often accompanied by brittleness and, in addition, there may be such unpleasant sensations as redness, itching and burning. With such manifestations, it is necessary to contact a dermatologist as soon as possible.
  7. can also cause such stripes on the nails.
  8. Rheumatoid arthritis can cause such abnormalities.
  9. can lead to a defect in the nail plates.
  10. Stressful situations, emotional overstrain also do not have the best effect on the condition of nails and hair.
  11. Women who have nail extensions or false nails may also develop longitudinal streaks on their nails. The reasons in this case are the harmful external effects of chemicals that corrode the elastic structure of the nail. The nail plate with constant such exposure can be significantly depleted.

What to do?

Why do longitudinal stripes appear on the nails? We have listed the reasons for their appearance. Now you need to establish which one became the source of the problem in each case. If it was not possible to identify the cause on your own, you need to consult a doctor. It is possible that some studies will be assigned to identify pathologies of internal organs, for example, ultrasound, FGDS, a biochemical blood test.

Most often, the specialist will prescribe a complex treatment.

  • If the cause of the appearance of irregularities on the nail plates is associated with a disease of the internal organs, then the main therapy will be aimed at treating the disease that caused such external manifestations. Only after complete recovery will it be possible to restore healthy nails. In parallel with the main treatment, a complex of vitamins is prescribed.
  • If the appearance of such a defect as longitudinal stripes on the nails, the causes lie in fungal diseases, then antifungal agents are prescribed. Along with such treatment, it is necessary to balance the diet. A good result is ensured if the therapy is accompanied by daily consumption of food. a large number vegetables, and especially greens.
  • Overweight people are more likely to have a metabolic disorder. Particular attention should be paid to carbohydrate metabolism. You need to give up sweets and muffins. It would be nice to have your blood sugar checked at the same time.
  • At the time of treatment, it is necessary to abandon nail extensions and false plates. Poor-quality nail care products must be replaced with quality ones.

Why longitudinal grooves appear on the nails, we discussed the causes and methods of treatment. Now let's talk a little about the prevention of such a manifestation.


Prevention methods include proper hand and nail care, as well as a balanced diet.

  • If you prefer to do your own manicure, be especially careful with the cuticles. If you damage the nail growth zone, which is just in this place, then there will be problems with the nails, because the blood supply is disturbed, and therefore the nutrition of the nail plate.
  • If you can’t make a high-quality manicure with your own hands, use the services of a professional. When choosing a nail salon, preference should be given to a well-proven one. Make sure your tools are sanitized, or bring your own. But do not forget that your own manicure tools also need to be disinfected after each use.
  • Care products must be of high quality. With defects in nails, it is best not to use varnish for some time.
  • Fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs must be present in the diet. But it is better to refuse sweet and starchy foods. Fatty foods should also be limited.
  • At least twice a year it is necessary to take a course of complex vitamins. This will improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair.

Homemade nail care products

In conclusion, a few folk tips for nail care:

  1. It is useful to do warm baths for nails with a solution of sea salt at least twice a week. This advice is especially useful for those who have weak nail plates.
  2. It is useful to wipe the nails with a slice of lemon. This tool will help whiten your nails.
  3. If you wipe your hands and nails daily with olive oil, this will also give its positive results.

A lot of indicators speak about the correct or incorrect functioning of our body: from the unevenness of the skin of the face to the nail plates. So, longitudinal stripes on the nails of the hands may have causes associated with malfunctions in the endocrine system. But first things first.

The eyes are the mirror of the soul, and the nail is the body

Everyone's favorite and revered poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was not only the mind of our time, but also a famous fashionista. His phrase "You can be a smart person and think about the beauty of nails" from the novel "Eugene Onegin" to some extent reflects the very essence of the writer. From the descriptions of the poet's life, it was known that Pushkin followed his nails with particular care. He even wrapped a particularly long nail on his little finger in a special case when he went to bed.

However, in those days, doctors cared little about the condition of the patient's nails, but today this is given close attention. Of course, doctors do not dare to make an accurate diagnosis, relying only on these signs, but you can suspect problems in the body yourself.

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Raised lines can appear as a result of improper diet or nail care, as well as for other reasons. In turn, depending on the causes and appearance, the protrusions on the nails can be divided into vertical and longitudinal:

  • The causes of transverse stripes on the nails of the hands are most often generalized. Basically, such grooves are caused by injuries to the plate or base of the nail bed. Some of them can be in a person from birth and clearly manifest only in old age.
  • Vertical stripes on the nails of the hands have deeper causes. A similar sign can signal nail psoriasis, fungal infections, malfunctions of the lungs, small intestine, and other medical conditions. But this is not always the case, and most often even the presence of vertical stripes is quite normal.

Of course, all these judgments are relative, but if the furrows are clearly visible and bother you with their appearance, it will not be superfluous to contact a dermatologist. But it’s worth reconsidering your lifestyle and diet if, along with longitudinal stripes on your nails, you notice other symptoms:

  • Nails are brittle and brittle - this means that there is not enough vitamin A, iron, fatty acids, protein or calcium.
  • White lines or specks on the nails are a symptom that indicates a deficiency of vitamin B6 and zinc, as well as problems with the small intestine and spleen.
  • A lack of vitamin B12 can lead to dry nails and cuticles.
  • A low level of gastric juice leads to delamination of the nail plate.
  • Slow nail growth suggests a deficiency of retinol and folic acid.
  • Blue oblong stripes under the nail indicate heart problems, and brown ones indicate chronic alcoholism.
  • White and brown furrows - violations in the work of the kidneys.
  • Prolonged illness, excessive smoking, stress and allergies lead to discoloration of the nail.

With the correct interaction of internal organs and systems, the nails will be pinkish in color, strong and fairly smooth. Of great importance for the external beauty and health of the nail are good nutrition, good sleep, outdoor activities and walks in the fresh air.

Beauty from the tips of the nails

There are many ways to maintain the health and strength of nails, but, first of all, you need to review your diet. For example, you can eliminate the causes of the appearance of longitudinal grooves on the nails of the hands if you eat the following foods:

  • Onions, root vegetables, cucumbers, oats and barley, green leafy vegetables and cereals are foods that are rich in silicon.
  • Season your food with apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, or add a leaf of bitter lettuce to help your body absorb minerals better.
  • Essential fatty acids can be found in fish oils, nuts and seeds, avocados, sunflower oil and seaweed.
  • Vitamin B, silicon dioxide and folic acid are found in sufficient quantities in green leafy vegetables, broccoli, cabbage.
  • It is also necessary to ensure that you consume enough protein, which is part of chicken meat, eggs, banana, seafood, legumes and milk.

In addition, it would be useful to ask a dermatologist about the possibility of taking an additional complex of vitamins from a pharmacy.

Take note of the tips on how to properly care for your nails and skin of your hands:

  • Protect your hands every time you work with household chemicals or mess with the ground.
  • Get in the habit of using a moisturizing and protective hand cream after every wash. This will help protect your skin and nails from drying out.
  • You can keep your nails and cuticles healthy by applying peach, castor, or jojoba oil to your fingertips.
  • If the nails are weak, then it is better to abandon the mechanical and trimmed manicure. Give preference to European types of procedures.
  • Before applying decorative varnish on the nail, paint it with a special protective coating. This will prevent exposure to the harmful chemicals found in most dyes.

If appearance nails acquire completely abnormal features or other additional symptoms appear that indicate the onset of an infection or a disease of internal organs, you do not need to self-medicate - consult a doctor.
