Violation in the construction of a complex sentence examples. Syntax errors

9.1. When constructing a complex sentence, the most common grammatical error is an inept choice, incorrect or inaccurate use of unions and allied words: the incorrect use of one union or allied word instead of another, the use of an extra union.


Establish correspondences between sentences and grammatical errors made in them: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Task number 1

1) At the end of the school year, the class teacher wrote detailed characteristics of the students.
2) Reflecting on the pages of the story “Heart of a Dog”, you see how difficult it is to re-educate a person who does not feel an inner need to live the way he is offered.
3) Those who admired the portraits of Kramskoy were amazed at the depth of the disclosure of the human character.
4) A corner of old Moscow was recreated by V.D. Polenov in the landscape "Moscow courtyard".
5) The author shows a subconscious unwillingness to change anything in the established life of I. Oblomov and clearly revealed this in the relationship of the hero with Olga Ilyinskaya.
6) Having started studying music, I suddenly had many interesting acquaintances.
7) The housing problem in the city is not only solved through new construction, but also through the reconstruction of old buildings.
8) Everyone was looking forward to the Victory and when they drive the enemy out of their native land.
9) The tasks performed by students in the exam do not cause much difficulty.


Task number 2.

A) violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover 1) One of the heroes of the novel, looking for the meaning of life, opens the way to inner freedom.
B) an error in the construction of a complex sentence 2) Tracing the history of the creation of Sharikov, you remember how illusory the intention to re-educate millions of people by carrying out a socialist revolution turned out to be.
C) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application 3) In a short time, not only a new school, a hospital, but also a drama theater and a library were built in the satellite city.
D) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate 4) V. Astafiev recalled that “I have never seen such snowdrops anywhere as on the hills cut by the wind.”
E) violation of the species-temporal correlation of verb forms 5) Analyzing the poetic text, we started a dispute.
6) I.A. Goncharov not only reveals the depth of the main character's soul, his ability to think and feel, but also showed Oblomov's apathy, his laziness and inaction.
7) We have been subscribing to the magazine "Nature" for several years.
8) Those who have been striving for a dream since childhood often realize their life plans.
9) Immediately upon arrival in the capital, the famous actor met with reporters.

Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.


Task number 3.

1) A passer-by asked me if I didn’t know where the Moskva department store was located.
B) an error in the construction of a complex sentence 2) Many readers know the writer Gavriil Troepolsky from his book “Black Ear to the White Bim”.
C) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application 3) Everyone who read the stories and novels of K. Paustovsky was convinced of the writer's keen interest in the word, in its figurative basis.
D) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate 4) Contrary to the predictions of my companion, the weather cleared up.
5) Following the logic of the development of the image of Sharikov, you realize that to what extent this character is immoral, who does not stop at denunciation of his "benefactor", by all means capable of achieving a place in the sun.
6) In some microdistricts, a number of buildings have been put into operation without access roads leading to these buildings and which would allow cars to drive up to them from the nearest highway.
7) N.A. Ostrovsky subjects Katerina to the most difficult test - the "test of love" - ​​and this revealed the whole tragedy of a Russian woman.
8) Having graduated with honors from the university, I had a successful career ahead of me.
9) Daredevils who try to climb to the top of this mountain risk their lives.

Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.


Task number 4

A) violations in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover 1) L.N. Tolstoy considered the war an event unnatural to human nature and therefore shows horrific pictures of the death of hundreds of people.
B) an error in the construction of a complex sentence 2) On one of the autumn days, the forest, refreshed by cold air, seemed to rejuvenate, shone with gold and a reddish network of birch branches.
C) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application 3) The audience was surprised and admired the skill of the artist.
D) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate 4) A lot of critical articles and literary studies are devoted to the comedy "I Burn from Wit".
E) violation of the species-temporal correlation of verb forms 5) Upon arrival in St. Petersburg, we checked into a comfortable hotel.
6) Alekhin, entering the living room, exclaimed that I was very glad to see all of us.
7) After reading the story "Heart of a Dog", you realize that to what extent the transformation of Sharik into Sharikov is a literal realization of the idea of ​​​​the lines of the famous anthem: "Who was nothing, he will become everything."
8) Coming to a new team, relationships sometimes do not add up.
9) Everyone who has not yet lost his head was against Nazism.

Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.


Task number 5

A) violations in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover 1) Overcoming the barrier, the rider must follow certain rules.
B) an error in the construction of a complex sentence 2) Everyone who is going to visit the new exhibition on Thursday should sign up for a tour in advance.
C) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application 3) Thanks to modern technology, scientists have explored the depths of the lake and found the richest oil deposits under the muddy bottom.
D) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate 4) P.I. Bagration said about himself that for the sake of Russia I would sacrifice the last drop of blood.
E) violation of the species-temporal correlation of verb forms 5) Having performed an operation on a smart dog, the professor realizes that to what extent he was mistaken, considering it possible to raise an intelligent person from a frequenter of pubs, who was convicted three times Chugunkin.
6) L.N. Tolstoy loved his hero and reveals to us successively the process of changing his attitude to life, the "dialectics of the soul."
7) In Levitan's painting "Rain" all the charm of rainy twilight in the Volga town is conveyed.
8) The park in the distance, shrouded in bluish haze, was very beautiful.
9) We examined not only the ancient part of the city, but also visited new areas.

Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.


Task number 6.

A) violations in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover 1) Referring to the biography of M.A. Bulgakov, you understand that how tragic is the fate of a writer who was deprived of the opportunity to be published from 1927 until the day of his death (1940).
B) an error in the construction of a complex sentence 2) Stopping at the door, the sister said that I would be glad to invite all of you to visit on Saturday.
C) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application 3) We love and are proud of our school.
D) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate 4) In the comedy D.I. Fonvizin "Undergrowth" there are a number of characters whose names have become household names.
E) violation of the species-temporal correlation of verb forms 5) Those who play the piano know the names of great pianists.
6) Prince Andrei, in his striving for spiritual perfection, makes many mistakes and condemned himself for them much more than others.
7) According to the data of ancient Russian chronicles, the Suzdal prince Yuri Dolgoruky fortified Moscow in 1156.
8) Having glorified my name with in-depth research on diseases and the use of vaccines, I have developed wonderful relationships with all scientists.
9) Poachers who break the law face a serious fine.

Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.


Task number 7

A) violations in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover 1) Upon arrival at the airport, the leader of the group gave each of us a passport.
B) an error in the construction of a complex sentence 2) First, on the field of Austerlitz, Prince Andrei realized all the insignificance of his desire for glory, and then he understands the need for life for others.
C) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application 3) Many of those who read Dovlatov's works admired the writer's subtle sense of humor.
D) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate 4) Reflecting on the survivability of the ball ones, you understand that to what extent they are devoid of human feelings, except for the instinct of self-preservation.
E) violation of the species-temporal correlation of verb forms 5) In the story of the 17th century "The Beginning of the Reigning Great City" one can find one of the hypotheses explaining the meaning of the word "Moscow".
6) Using metaphors and comparisons, the emotionality and figurativeness of the description is achieved.
7) We often visit and talk about museums.
8) Nekrasov wrote that "I dedicated the lyre to my people."
9) In the epic novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" more than two hundred minor characters.

Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.


Task number 8

A) violations in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover 1) When compiling a sentence, the writer thinks over its structure each time.
B) an error in the construction of a complex sentence 2) In still life I.I. Mashkov's "Moscow Sned" depicts towering loaves on the table.
C) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application 3) Reflecting on the origins of M.A. Bulgakov, you understand that to what extent he was a student of his favorite writers: M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, N.V. Gogol and A.P. Chekhov.
D) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate 4) L.N. Tolstoy sought to deeply reveal the inner world of his characters and therefore subjects them to severe trials: secular society, wealth, death, love.
E) violation of the species-temporal correlation of verb forms 5) Whoever came to our town, everyone was amazed at the cleanliness and tidiness in which the yards, streets, and pier are kept.
6) Passport must be replaced after its expiration date.
7) According to A.P. Chekhov's "The Jumper" was made into a feature film.
8) During the war, the people hoped and believed in victory.
9) The poetry of the awakening spring is revealed by F. Tyutchev in the poem "Spring Waters"

Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.


Task number 9

A) violations in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover 1) The painter Serov painted the painting “Girl with Peaches” within a year.
B) an error in the construction of a complex sentence 2) By repeating only the old truths, new laws are deduced in a logical way.
C) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application 3) Contrary to analysts' forecasts, this year the airline managed to maintain the volume of traffic at the same level.
D) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate 4) Turning to the work of M.A. Bulgakov, you realize that to what extent his contribution to our literature is great.
E) violation of the species-temporal correlation of verb forms 5) Whoever studied the history of the Russian fleet, everyone admired the brilliant military art of Admiral Fyodor Ushakov.
6) I.A. Kuprin did not want to put up with vulgar, practical views on love and marriage and wrote the story "Garnet Bracelet" about true love.
7) We asked if we could do one project work together.
8) Tall houses, bordering the pond with a square, attracted the attention of foreigners.
9) The meteorological center reports a cyclone approaching from the Sea of ​​Japan and that there will be no more warm weather.

Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.


Task number 10.

A) violations in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover 1) The writer is often asked if all people can ever be happy.
B) an error in the construction of a complex sentence 2) Leafing through the pages of the great works of Russian literature, you understand that to what extent the novels of M.A. Bulgakov: "White Guard", "Master and Margarita".
C) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application 3) Towards a column of cars carrying food, a police patrol left.
D) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate 4) Those who did not know the words of the song silently opened their mouths.
E) violation of the species-temporal correlation of verb forms 5) Speaking about the richness of the language, a discussion began in the audience.
6) In A. Platonov's anti-utopian story "The Pit", people dream of a bright future, devoid of sadness.
7) In the story "Old Woman Izergil" Gorky portrayed exceptional characters, glorifies proud and strong-willed people, for whom freedom is above all.
8) A. Platonov in this story explores and discusses the utopian nature of the idea of ​​collective construction of "heaven on earth".
9) According to the intention of the writer, readers should think about the future, how not to lose it, not to destroy it.

Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.




job number Answer

USE Russian language.

Express preparation.

Task number 8.

syntactic rules. Errors in the construction of complex sentences.

Task number 8. Syntactic norms.

Errors in the construction of complex sentences.

Today, guys, let's figure out what mistakes in building a complex sentence can be in task number 7 how to find them and how to fix them.

Let me remind you that a complex sentence is a sentence that consists of several simple ones. By type of complex are:

  • compound
  • complex subordinate
  • unionless.

AT task number 7 you are prompted to find errors in the construction complex sentences.

Let me remind you that a complex sentence (CSS) is a sentence consisting of two or more simple ones, one of which is MAIN, and the other (or others) - ADDITIONAL.

A question is asked from the main to the subordinate clause, the subordinate clause depends on the main one, the connection in the sentence is subordinating.

Now let's get to the heart of question #8.

Let's look at common mistakes. There are quite a lot of them, so I grouped all the errors by micro topics.

Typical mistakes in the construction of complex sentences (CPP).

Errors in the use of subordinating conjunctions.

  • Incorrectly chosen subordinating conjunction.

Each type of subordinate clause has its own subordinating conjunctions or allied words. The use of a conjunction specific to another type of subordinate clause is a mistake.


where the appropriate decision was made.


The issue was discussed at the meeting on which a decision was made (at what meeting?)

  • The use of two subordinating conjunctions or allied words at once in a subordinate clause . Remember that there should always be only one union.


how much.


Reading the pages of Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace", you understand how much the author skillfully portrayed the characters of the characters .

  • Remember what particle LI used in the subordinate clause as a subordinating conjunction. Therefore, you cannot use the LI particle and the subordinating union at once.


We asked about , what Can whether


We asked about , Can whether prepare one presentation together.

  • You cannot use coordinating and subordinating conjunctions at the same time. to connect two simple sentences into one complex


how the show just started but suddenly my phone rang.


how The performance had just begun when my phone rang.

  • If there are several subordinate clauses in a complex sentence, which are in sequential subordination, then the repeated use of the same union is a mistake .


I asked a friend to he reminded me to I did not forget the prepared message for the lessons.


I asked a friend to he reminded me to bring a prepared message to class.

Errors associated with the use of demonstrative words in the main sentence.

  • Omitting a required index word.


My mother constantly scolds me that I am constantly late for lessons. (Missed a demonstrative word with the preposition "for that")


Mom always scolds me for that that I'm always late for class.


Mom always scolds me because I am constantly late for classes.

  • Unjustified use of a demonstrative word.


I have such guess he just wasn't prepared .


My guess is that he just wasn't prepared. .

  • Using a demonstrative word in the wrong case.


The teacher pointed out About


The teacher pointed out for that that there are errors in the essay.

Incorrect construction of a complex sentence.

  • Incorrect addition of a subordinate clause , which creates ambiguity in the perception of the meaning of the sentence.


The letter said that an auditor was going to the city, which was managed by the mayor. (The mayor manages the auditor or the city?)


The letter said that an auditor was going to the city, which was run by the mayor.

  • Incorrect use of the attributive clause and participial turnover as homogeneous members of the sentence.


Test, scheduled for Monday

And to which I was preparing, was suddenly cancelled.


The test, which was scheduled for Monday and for which I was preparing, was suddenly cancelled.

  • The use of the wrong form of the allied word "which".


She is was that hero , which has always fascinated me.

(What kind of hero? - which)


She is was that hero , which has always fascinated me.

Algorithm for completing task number 8.

Mistakes in complex sentences.

  • Find grammar basics, prove that this is a complex sentence.
  • Prove it's complex sentence sentence (it has a main clause and a subordinate clause).
  • Look at union or allied sl ovo: does it make sense for this type of NGN? Are there two unions (including LI particles). Isn't a coordinating conjunction used illegally in the main clause? If the conjunctions do not fit, or if there are two subordinating conjunctions, or a coordinating conjunction is incorrectly used, then this mistake.
  • pay attention to index word in the main: is its use justified, or, conversely, is it not, although it should be). If there are violations in the use of the index word, then this mistake.
  • note to build a proposal: there should not be two identical unions related to different simple ones; There should be no ambiguity when using the word "which". If data is found mistakes, the sentence is incorrect.
  • Please note not used whether the participial turnover and the relative attributive as homogeneous members. If yes, then this is a mistake.



Types of subordinate clauses and subordinating conjunctions, allied words in them.

Type of adnexal


Subordinating conjunctions

Union words.



Which one

what, whose, what, when, where, where, from where.


Questions of indirect cases.

What, to, as, as if, as if, the LI particle in the role of the union “what”.

What, who, whose, how, when, where, where, from where, why, why, why, how much.


mode of action



What, to, as if, as if.



How much?

What, like, like.

How much.


How? In what degree?

What, like, like.

How, how much.


Where? Where? Where?

Where, where, from where.


When? How long? Since when? How long?

When, until, barely, as soon as, before, while, since, until, before, after.



From what? For what reason?

Because, because, since, for, because, due to the fact that, due to the fact that.


What follows from this?

So that


What for? For what purpose?


In order to,

In order to, in order.


Under what condition?

If a,

when, times.


Despite what? Against him?

Although, despite the fact that, let, let.

Who, what, how, where, how much + neither (particle)


How? Compared to what?

As, as, as, as, exactly, as if, as if, as.



while, meanwhile, while, while,

If - then.



What, why, why, why, why, etc.

This is the execution algorithm tasks number 8 if it contains a task related to an error in a complex sentence.

I wish you good luck in your preparation for the exam!

Vera Alexandrovna.

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In the main part of many complex sentences, a demonstrative word (pronoun) is needed, to which the subordinate part refers. Omitting such a required component results in errors:

*By the way, once I was spotted by a teacher, as I gladly shot one of the school windows and enjoyed its fall(gas.).

This sentence mixes two possible construction options - two different models of a complex sentence:

    a) ...teacherspotted (= saw), as I shot the window...;

    b) ... the teacher spotted(= found) me for how I shot the window...

The confusion between the two models is caused here by the fact that the speaker (a well-known musician who is being interviewed) used the slang word "spotted", referring to its two meanings at once ("saw" and "found"), while these

values ​​require different construction construction. The fact is that the second value requires addition me inside the main sentence, but as soon as this addition appears, it is no longer possible to do without a demonstrative word organizing a connection with the subordinate part - there is a transition from model (a) to model (b).

Another similar example:

*Ivanov's last meeting with Albright shows that we can succeed in this direction(gas.)

Should have been:., testifiesAbout, what...

In the last decade, the number of errors in such designs has increased markedly. This is due to the fact that in the system of complex sentences of the Russian language, close models coexist:

    a) withexplanatory subordinate clause (without a demonstrative word in the main part); some of these suggestions allow inserting a pointer (but don't require one), compare: ...said that... -talked about...;

    b) so-called offers accommodating type - with compulsory demonstrative pronoun in the main part: ...witnessedAbout, what...(in school grammar, such sentences are also referred to as explanatory).

In the group models (a) the subordinate clause refers to such a word in the main part that has a clearly delimited meaning of speech/feeling/thought/will; most often these are verbs (say, speak, report; feel, see, hear; think, suggest, prove; ask, ask, order and etc.). The introduction of a demonstrative pronoun in such sentences does not change the matter: in any case, the subordinate clause does not obey it, but the word with the indicated meaning:

I don'tsaid mom (about)what didn't really study for the exam.

The situation is complicated by the fact that not all verbs capable of attaching explanatory clauses allow a demonstrative pronoun in the prepositional case next to it. (About): you can, for example, to tell or to talk about but you can't prove that or assume about it.

Another complication factor: almost all of these verbs form other parts of speech (nouns, adjectives), which do not always exactly inherit

control of the parent verb. Thus, in the sentences of models (a) and (b), there are three groups of verbs and verbal words:

Complex sentences with explanatory clauses

Complex sentences of enclosing type

Verbs that do not allow the demonstrative pronoun ABOUT THAT

Verbs that accept the demonstrative pronoun ABOUT THAT

Verbs and nouns requiring a demonstrative pronoun

to see, what to prove, what to testify, what to conclude, what to explain, what to confirm, what to emphasize, what to show, what to believe, what to feel, what to suppose, what to decide, what to see, what to assert, what and etc.

to know (about), what to remember (about), what to say (about), what to think (about), what to declare (about), what to know (about), what to inform (about), what to write (about) what to remind (about), what to write (about), what to remember (about), what to report (about), what to argue (about), what / how and etc.

discuss what to agree on what proof what to think about what notice what to start with what to start with what position what suggestion what to rant about what to talk about what to think (about), what to argue about what the decision is about what information about what to testify about what to conclude that the message is that the dispute is about how and etc.

As can be seen from this table, there are not so few verbs that do not allow a demonstrative pronoun. But there are clearly more verbs and derivative nouns of the second and third groups; if we take into account that many of them are widely used and, moreover, have common roots with the verbs of the first group, it becomes clear why in the minds of people who do not fully master the culture of Russian speech, the model with the participation of the demonstrative pronoun acquires the status of universal. Hence the numerous errors.

1. Small introductory sentences are usually separated by commas, For example: You, I think, are used to these magnificent paintings (Lermontov); He was now driving to the Yauza Bridge, where, he was told, Kutuzov (L. Tolstoy) was; ... On this day, not only did the chicken have nowhere to get drunk, but even, mother said, the sparrows froze on the fly (Sholokhov).

Less commonly, such assumptions are distinguished by a dash, For example: The lady herself - they said about her - does not know how to distinguish boiled pork from veal and once shamefully bought instead of parsley - horseradish! (Bitter); The accuser flies headlong into the library and - can you imagine? - Fedin does not find either a similar number or such a date of the month of May in Senate decisions (the interrogative nature of the introductory sentence plays a role).

Commas are introductory sentences, included by means of subordinating conjunctions and allied words like, if, what, how much, etc., For example: A painter helped me, or, as he called himself, a painting contractor ... (Chekhov); These dogs, if I am not mistaken, descend from simple mutts and shepherd dogs (Kuprin); ... Given was half a copper for consumption and, more importantly, a clever instruction ... (Gogol).

The setting in these cases of a dash occurs as an exception, For example: To let the enemy leave, or - as they say in the solemn language of military regulations - to let him break away - this is a major nuisance for scouts, almost a shame (Kazakevich); ... They sit here under the fear of death and - even worse - pouring rain (Kazakevich).

2. Plug-in sentences (that is, sentences containing various kinds of additional remarks, incidental indications that explain the sentence as a whole or individual words in it and sometimes sharply fall out of the syntactic structure of the whole) are distinguished by brackets or a dash (brackets are a stronger switch-off sign). For example:

a) Vladimir Sergeyevich (that was the name of the young man in the overcoat) looked at his man in bewilderment and said in a hasty whisper ... (Turgenev); Having passed some Austrian troops, Rostov noticed that the next part of the line (it was the guard) had already entered into action (L. Tolstoy); The sleigh sharply knocked on a pile sticking out of the water (a trace of a blown bridge) and turned over with strange ease (Sholokhov );

b) My arrival - I could notice this - at first somewhat embarrassed the guests (Turgenev); ... Imagining that the lock was locked, I took out the key, and - oh horror! - I only had the head of the key in my hands (L. Tolstoy); ... Even my hosts - if they were at home - opened the windows and, listening, praised the musician (Gorky).

In a number of cases, brackets and dashes are used on an equal footing to highlight plug-in structures. Wed punctuation in sentences that include plug-in constructions of the same structure:

Litvinov remained on the path; between him and Tatyana—or was it only his imagination? - something was happening ... unconsciously and gradually (Turgenev); - And every evening, at the appointed hour (or is it just a dream to me?) A girlish camp, seized with silks, moves in a foggy window (Block);

Bakers - there were four of them - kept aloof from us (Gorky); - The soldiers (there were three of them) ate, ignoring Pierre ... (L. Tolstoy).

The presence of a comma as an additional sign with a dash is due to the conditions of the context. For example:

He liked to brag - this sin happened to him, - maybe he added something here for a red word ... (Furmanov) (a comma before the second dash serves to separate the introductory word can, which begins the part of the sentence following the plug-in construction).

I climbed into a corner, into a leather armchair, so large that one could lie in it - grandfather always boasted, calling it the chair of Prince Gruzinsky, - I climbed in and watched how bored the big ones were having fun ... (Bitter) (a comma before the first dash closes the previous subordinate clause sentence, and a comma before the second dash closes the adverbial turnover in the insert construction itself).

A comma, which, according to the conditions of the context, should have come before the first bracket, if the inserted construction is highlighted with brackets, is placed after the second bracket, For example: Tatyana, who, as we said above, was in the position of a laundress (however, as a skilled and learned laundress, she was entrusted with one thin underwear), was a woman of about twenty-eight, small, thin, blond, with moles on her left cheek (Turgenev) (comma , closing the participle turnover, is not placed before the brackets, but after them).

If there is another insertion or introductory structure inside one insertion sentence, the first sentence (external, so to speak) is highlighted with brackets as a stronger switch-off sign, the author’s (internal) - with a dash, For example: I had a quick lunch, not answering the caring questions of a kind German woman, who herself burst into tears at the sight of my red, swollen eyes (Germans - a well-known case - are always happy to cry) ... (Turgenev).

introductory word- a word (or phrase) that is part of suggestions, but not joining with it members into a syntactic relationship. Usually expresses the speaker's attitude towards statement, its evaluation, gives information about the source of the message or connection with context.


Despite the fact that the introductory word is not syntactically related to the members of the sentence, it can be part of its structure. At the same time, it expresses adversative (“however”), concessive (“truth”), separative (“may”) and other types of relations.


Typically, but not always, introductory words are punctuated on both sides. .


    Modal meaning. Expresses the degree of reliability of the statement from the point of view of the speaker: confidence, doubt, assumption, etc.

“It is all the more pleasant to treat you with brandy that has been aged, no doubt, in the highest quality oak packaging"

“Hat, cloak, boots, briefcase, clearly matched like an ensemble, had tobacco and, probably, once popular color "

    Ordinary committed:

"A few days he normally, fried cutlets and cooked borscht "

“From the resort and then it happens, come transparent"

“After a long separation, they sat down on the porch and, as usual, have spoken"

    An indication of message source:

"Gone away they say, take some exams at Inta "

"And before, say when the end of the world was far away, we all demonstrated high morality and, accordingly, impeccable morality ... "

"- And where is, In your we are now? I asked

    An indication of mode of expression thoughts. The words “actually”, “generally”, “or rather”, “more precisely”, “rather”, etc. are introductory if the word “saying” can be added after them:

"And the man frankly speaking, sneaky to the point of impossibility "

“Swimming is a striving forward, movement, in other words»

« Word no matter how much I racked my brain, I could not find clues ”

    call to the interlocutor:

«― Understand, something very serious happened, but I still don’t know what”

"And he, Imagine, immediately appeared as if by a wave of a magician's black wand "

“And he also you see drinking tea!

    Communication indication and sequence of thoughts:

« Besides Is it possible to be angry with a person deprived of for example, musical ear?

« By the way the bus was due to arrive soon.

« By the way, after a few years, our theater still burned down, which once again confirms the correct, but fruitless idea that our dreams come true too late "

"You, means, you suggest that I refuse the match and, hence lose ten thousand dollars?

    Expression of the speaker's feelings (joy, regret, surprise, etc.), emotional grade:

"Comrade, Fortunately didn't go to work"

“Do not be distracted, follow the road, otherwise not even hour, and you will kill us, and you will break yourself ”

“But today's Ivan was already significantly different from yesterday's Ivan, and the first path seemed to him doubtful: what good, they will take root in the idea that he is a violent lunatic"


"- Not, no joke I have always missed you"

"However, between us, you yourself have a weakness to eat tasty food ”


The question of whether the introductory word is part of speech, remains open. Some of these words traditionally refer to adverbs (probably, of course, apparently), part - to unions (so first of all), accompanying them with the mark “in the meaning of the introductory word”. Some linguists ( L. V. Shcherba, V. N. Sidorov) do not include them in their classification, V. V. Vinogradov considers them as a special category. AT Grammar Dictionary of A. A. Zaliznyak introductory words are highlighted as a special part of speech.

Morphologically, introductory words can be:

    registered(“fortunately”, “in fact”);

    verbal(“say”, “remember”);

    adverbial(“or rather”, “shorter”).

In introductory combinations, in addition, words of different morphological classes can be combined (“more precisely”, “without any doubt”).

11) Punctuation marks in Russian

Knowkiprepiń nia- elements writing, performing auxiliary functions of separating (selecting) semantic segments text, sentences, phrases, words, parts of a word, indications of grammatical and logical relationships between words, indications of the communicative type of a sentence, its emotional coloring, completeness, as well as some other functions.

Punctuation marks, syntactically shaping the text, facilitate its visual perception and understanding, and when the text is played aloud, it helps to carry out its intonational design (intonation, semantic pauses, logical stresses).

A. P. Chekhov in a letter to N. A. Khlopov, he narrated: “The punctuation marks that serve as notes when reading are arranged with you like buttons on the uniform of a Gogol mayor” .

Types and functions of punctuation marks

In modern Cyrillic, Latin, Arabic, Hebrew, Indian writing, punctuation marks are distinguished that perform the following functions:

    highlighting complete semantic segments of the text - sentences - with a simultaneous indication of their communicative type, emotional coloring, degree of completeness (period, question and exclamation marks, ellipsis);

    an indication of the relationship between parts of the sentence (comma, semicolon, colon, dash);

    highlighting direct speech, quotations (quotes);

    an indication of an emotional attitude to individual words and phrases (quotation marks, question and exclamation marks enclosed in brackets);

    indication of text omissions (ellipsis);

    abbreviations words (period, hyphen, slash, and others).

Punctuation marks are solitary and paired. Paired punctuation marks include two commas and two dashes (used when separating parts of a sentence as single characters), brackets and quotation marks.

As a special punctuation mark, Red line, which serves to separate large semantic segments of the text, the transition to a new "topic" of the story, as well as a space separating words from each other.

Punctuation marks in Russian

Until the end of the 15th century, texts in Russian were written either without spaces between words, or were divided into undivided segments. Approximately in the 1480s, there appeared dot, in the 1520s - comma. Appeared later semicolon at first it was also used in the meaning of a question mark. The next punctuation marks were interrogative and exclamation marks.

In "Grammar" Meletius Smotrytsky(1619) the first double punctuation mark appeared - round brackets.

By the end of the 18th century, they were in use dash(one of the first to use it Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin), quotes and ellipsis(for the first time in Russia used by the same author).

The role of punctuation

In the history of Russian linguistics, three main directions have developed in assessing the role and principles of Russian punctuation: logical, syntactic and intonation. Theorist of the logical or semantic direction, F. I. Buslaev, formulated the purpose of punctuation as follows: “Since one person conveys his thoughts and feelings to another through language, punctuation marks have a dual purpose:

    contribute to clarity in the presentation of thoughts, separating one sentence from another or one part of it from another, and

    express the sensations of the speaker's face and his attitude towards the listener.

In the second half of the 20th century, along with these traditional trends, there was also a communicative understanding of the role of punctuation - "the possibility of emphasizing in a written text with the help of punctuation marks the communicative significance of a word / group of words." The main function of punctuation (traditionally understood as a system of graphic non-alphabetic signs - punctuation marks - involved in the translation of oral speech into written speech) is also subordinated to the solution of the communicative task - by means of division and graphic organization of the written text "to convey to the reader the meaning of the written as it is reproduced by the writer" [ source unspecified 283 days ] .


The punctuation system of European languages ​​goes back to Alexandrian grammars. II-1st century BC e. (Aristophanes of Byzantium, Aristarch, Dionysius of Thrace) and got a modern look at the end 15th century(system Alda Manutia) [ source unspecified 283 days ] . In other writing systems of antiquity and modernity, punctuation marks are different. The most common are word break marks (a space in many systems and ":" in Ethiopian) and sentence boundary marks (a vertical line in Indian writing for Sanskrit and in Tibetan, "::" in Ethiopian and others). AT XX century the European punctuation system permeates other writing systems. So, it was completely or with modifications borrowed by Japanese, Chinese and Korean letters and partially (brackets, ellipsis, and in some systems - question and exclamation marks, quotation marks) penetrated into the Tibetan, Ethiopian, Burmese, Thai, Lao, Khmer letters .

Sentences consisting of two or more parts, each of which has its own grammatical basis (subject and predicate or one of the main members), are called complex. Parts can be connected with the help of unions or only with the help of intonation. In written text, parts of a complex sentence are usually separated by a comma or other punctuation marks.

Mistakes in compound sentences

1. Violation of the logical and grammatical connection between parts of a compound sentence: "My father did not forget this story for a long time, but he died."

2. The use of a pronoun in the second part of a compound sentence, leading to ambiguity: "May the hopes come true and they will return."

Errors in the use of compound unions:

a) connecting - to connect the parts of a compound sentence in the absence of adversarial relations between them: "Yesterday there was a storm, and today everything was calm around."

b) adversative - to connect the parts of a compound sentence in the absence of adversarial relations between them: "A birch grows in our yard, but buds also swell on it."

c) double and repeating: “It’s not like a bird has landed on the water, or the wreckage of a broken boat is floating on the sea.”

d) unjustified repetition of unions: "And suddenly the girls saw a small black dot, and they had hope."

e) an unsuccessful choice of unions: "Mitrasha was ten years old with a ponytail, but her sister was older."

Errors in complex sentences

1. Inconsistency of the type of the subordinate clause with the meaning of the main one: "But they will still wait for their father, since the fishermen must be expected on the shore."

2. Using composition and subordination to connect parts in a complex sentence: "If a person does not play sports, and he is aging quickly."

3. Weighting structures due to the “stringing” of subordinate clauses: “The sail appeared in the sea as happy news that everything is in order with the fishermen and that the girls will soon be able to hug their parents, who were delayed at sea because there was a strong storm.”

4. Omitting the necessary index word: "Mom always scolds me for throwing my things."

5. Unjustified use of the index word: "I have such an assumption that the fishermen were delayed by a storm."

6. Incorrect use of unions and allied words with their correct choice:

a) the use of unions and allied words in the middle of a subordinate clause: “There is a TV in the room on the bedside table, after school I watch entertainment programs on it.”

b) violation of the agreement of the allied word in the subordinate clause with the replaced or attributive word in the main sentence: "On two shelves - fiction, which I use in preparing for lessons."

7. The use of the same type of subordinate clauses with sequential submission: "Walking along the shore, I saw two girls who were sitting on an overturned boat, which lay on top of the keel near the shore."

8. Using a subordinate clause as an independent one: “Girls are worried about their relatives. Therefore, they look so sadly into the distance.

Mistakes in non-union complex sentence

1. Violation of the unity of the constructions of homogeneous parts as part of a non-union complex sentence: "The picture shows: early morning, the sun is just rising."

2. Decomposition of parts of an allied complex sentence into independent sentences: “The girls are dressed simply. They are wearing summer print dresses. On the head of the elder is a scarf.

3. Simultaneous use of non-union and allied communication: “The clothes on the girls are simple: the older one with a scarf on her head, in a blue skirt and a gray jacket, the younger one without a scarf, in a purple dress and a dark blue jacket.”

Mistakes in a complex sentence with different types of connection

1. Violation of the order of the parts of the sentence: “The waves are still foaming, but they calm down near the shore; the closer to the horizon, the darker the sea; and so the girls have hope that their father will return.”

2. Use of pronouns that lead to ambiguity: "We see that the girl's bed is not made, and she confirms that the girl just got up."

1. In a complex sentence, several unions with the same meaning should not be used, this leads to redundancy, i.e. to an error. Not right: It's better to overestimate the risk than than not notice him.Correctly: It is better to overestimate the risk than not to notice it.

2. A common mistake is overusing the particle would. Not right: If we had time to develop a program, we could start work next month. Remember that union to includes a particle would so there is no need to repeat it. Not right: I want you to remind the secretary about the meeting tonight.

3. A common mistake is the unjustified use of a correlative word then. Not right: I understand that the meeting was postponed due to disagreements between the participants. Or: I understand that the meeting was postponed due to disagreements between the participants. Correctly: I understand that the meeting was postponed due to disagreements between the participants.

4. If in a complex sentence there are several subordinate clauses that are in sequential subordination, then the repeated use of the same union is a mistake. Not right: I wanted, to you reminded the secretary, to she specified the time of the meeting. In order not to repeat the union, it is necessary to use synonymous constructions, For example: I would like you to remind the secretary of the following: let her specify the time of the meeting.

5. An attributive subordinate clause cannot be homogeneous with participial turnover. Not right: Doctor, appointing treatment and to which I was supposed to come this week, suddenly got sick. Correctly: The doctor who prescribed me the treatment and whom I was supposed to see this week suddenly fell ill.

6. If there is a subordinate clause in a complex sentence, then pay attention to which word in the main sentence it refers to which otherwise ambiguity may arise. Failed: I showed the guests the writer's autograph, which is very dear to me.(Who is dear - an autograph or a writer?).
In such sentences, you need to carefully check the form of the word. which(gender, number, case): the form is determined by its role in the sentence (if it is the subject, then the nominative case, if the object, then the control word dictates the form). Not right: This was the very argument that we lacked so much.. Correctly: It was the very argument that we lacked so much.

7. Be attentive to sentences with indirect speech: often indirect speech is mixed with direct speech. Not right: Within half an hour, some students said that we were ready to hand in the work.. Correctly: Within half an hour, some students said they were ready to hand in their work.

Examples of complex self-test sentences:

1. It is more useful for any person to take a walk in the park than to sit at the computer all evening.
2. She had to return to the city where she spent her childhood, which now seemed so far away.
3. In the questionnaire you need to enter passport data and in what position you currently work.
4. If at that moment an adult had looked into the room, he would have seen a strange sight.
5. Few people expected that the USE would become the main form of entrance examinations in most of the country's universities.
