Magical amulets of the Celtic civilization. Powerful magical meaning of Celtic patterns: Celtic amulets

Weaving that creates a whole image that has neither beginning nor end is called the Celtic knot. This is a type of knot that is popular all over the world and has magical powers. The meaning of these symbols, until now, remains an unsolved mystery for many.

Celtic ornaments are an interweaving of various patterns. Harmoniously located, they create an aesthetic, mysterious symbolism.

By their appearance, the nodes are intricate ingenious labyrinths. The main goal of which is to make a person learn the various facets of his essence, being in constant search, throughout his life.

What does the Celtic knot mean?

All Celtic knots include various basic symbols that carry the main semantic load:

Spiral ornament, designation of eternity. Performed in triplicate. They symbolize the harmony of body and soul, constant spiritual renewal.
Butterfly is the personification of the soul, the rebirth of a person after death.
The Tree of Life is a symbol of the unification of the underworld, life in the Higher worlds with ordinary earthly life. Symbolizes a parallel reality. Depicted in the form of hands outstretched to the sky. The lower part of these drawings resembles the roots of a tree.
A cross with a circle is a combination of light directions, a harmonious coexistence of all four elements. The cross protects from the influence of evil spirits, fills with vitality.
The heart is a romantic symbol. This is a continuous line that characterizes the merging of two souls.
Trixel, one of the most commonly used ornaments. The shamrock indicates the union of the three elements: water, fire and earth. It has a protective effect, makes a person successful, rich and brings good luck.

The node can be executed in any form:

  • drawn;
  • burned on a tree;
  • made of metal, as an amulet;
  • pinned on the body;
  • made in the form of a hairstyle;
  • connected;
  • gossip.

The most common are the so-called knots of protection and love. For their weaving there are no specific forms. They are made in the form of rounded structures representing infinity. Various symbols are woven into the trefoil, characterizing, for example, love, determined by the subconscious of a person.

Scheme of weaving the Celtic knot

Knots are woven in varying complexity, including square, round, triangular and other shapes.

Basic weaving for beginners:

A loop is made at one end of the cord.
The second free edge is skipped. It turns out the shape of a heart.
The same end winds up alternately at the edges of the heart, passing between the turns.
Repeat on the other side.
Circled again.
Continues to pass through the loops.
The end of the cord is hidden on the back of the knot.
The Celtic knot is ready.

Weaving a bracelet "Celtic pattern" from paracord

To make such an ornament yourself is not difficult:

  1. Take 3 cords of different colors.
  2. Add up. Two of them are circled by the third, forming a loop.
  3. The remaining two parts overlap.
  4. Wrap around with a single end, crosswise.
  5. Then it is woven like a “pigtail”, overlapping alternately, a single cord with paired ends.
  6. At the end of weaving, with a single cord, two others are tied.
  7. At the end of the paired part, a Celtic button is knitted.

Celtic button

A detailed video on how to knit a Celtic button step by step:

Hairstyle "Celtic knot" in the hair

This hairstyle is an original way to style your hair. Well suited for owners of lush, long hair.

Braiding pattern:

  1. On each side, a separate strand is taken, at a small distance from each other.
  2. A loop is made on the left side.
  3. The left strand is superimposed on the right, then the right is held under the left part.
  4. Right end inside the loop on the left. The left side of the curl and its end is held by the free hand.
  5. The end of the right curl is passed through the center, after - the base of the left loop.
  6. The right strand is circled around the base of the left curl. It turns down, both strands are carefully pulled up
  7. The knot is straightened, fixed with varnish.

Such weaving is one of the simple oval knots of love, expressing infinity, eternal life.

You can learn more about Celtic patterns and their meaning from this article. They not only look beautiful in jewelry and clothes, but also carry secret meaning which is not known to everyone.

In the article:

Celtic patterns and their meaning

Almost all Celtic ornaments and patterns imitate weaving. Sometimes they resemble braids, fabrics or baskets. Many magicians believe that witchcraft is weaved, so there is an opinion that all Celtic patterns have a secret meaning and are not just decoration.

Celtic patterns

All the knots that make up Celtic weaving are made from one thread - the Thread of Life. In fact, they symbolize the life path of a person as a whole or certain segments of it. The Celts considered it impossible to modify the ornament, since it was given to them by the gods..

Currently, jewelry in this style is very popular. In Celtic times, these symbols were engraved on metal and carved on stone, and in the Middle Ages, monks decorated handwritten books with them. If you are going to acquire such a talisman, you should first decide on a specific symbol and find out about its meaning.

Celtic amulets - symbols

labyrinth - it is a symbolic image of a person's life path. This sign was most often used by monks when transcribing books by hand, it can be seen on every paper rarity. It personifies the continuity of the life of the Universe and the connection of all things that are inside it. This is a good talisman for those who are engaged in the development of their abilities, knowledge of the world, and not only that which is visible to everyone. Great option for meditation.

They have a rich history. Them appearance has many features similar to labyrinths. The cross has always been considered a symbol of the union between earth and sky, man and woman. This is a sign of support for higher powers and harmony. Wearing it for a long time can lead to the expansion of the boundaries of consciousness and horizons.

Spirals symbolize the spiritual growth of man. Celtic spiral amulets are usually triple. It is a symbol of the triple nature of man and the universe, the inner harmony between mind, body and spirit.

Classical weaving, which can be seen on the margins of old books, symbolizes the spiritual and life path, fate, so to speak.

Celtic amulets - animals and birds

Celtic means freedom and liberation of the human soul from communication with the world of the living. It can help in communicating with otherworldly forces, push the boundaries of consciousness and let something new into it. The Celts considered birds to be the messengers of the gods, so amulets with their images help in divination, the interpretation of dreams, and any attempt to find out what is hidden.

Speaking more specifically about birds, then raven and pheasant - these are birds, amulets with which the Celtic traditions require soothsayers to wear. In addition, the raven in many cultures was considered a symbol of death. Pigeon - a bird of spirituality, peace and as in most traditions.

Partridge was considered a bird of cunning. If this quality is not enough, you can get a Celtic partridge amulet. Duck helped to gain additional vitality and desire to develop. Heron was a bird of vigilance. An amulet with a heron made it possible to prevent deceit and betrayal.

Albatross meant movement towards perfection and striving for gaining wisdom.

The Celts considered it an amulet of healing. This is not only a suitable option for a sick person, but also for someone who is engaged in healing the sick, such as a doctor or medical student. Besides, snake also symbolizes wisdom, restoration, rebirth, spiritual stamina and brings additional vitality.

Deer in many legends, the Celts were the guide who accompanied the hero to his goal. The amulet with it will help in spiritual searches, bring prosperity and abundance. It is best suited for men, as it enhances the corresponding character traits. The amulet brings additional vital energy and makes a person more active, but within reasonable limits.

Celtic horse - this is fertility, motherhood and. A good talisman option for those who are fond of equestrian sports, gardening, and nature conservation. It is perfect for women, because it can help to conceive a child and give birth easily, preserve youth and gain inner and outer beauty. Such a charm can be a strong source of female vitality.

Dolphin the Celts symbolized spiritual purification.

Dog - fidelity, caution and protection. In the past, it was believed that such amulets bring healing, protection on the road and additional vitality. The one who wears it will rarely remember fatigue. Brings good luck and kindness to people.

Fish mean the search for secret knowledge, wisdom and the development of the ability to divination.

Boar responsible for hospitality, the ability to communicate with people and arrange holidays. It brings wealth and is well suited to people who make it their goal to be the soul of the company. Along with this, the boar provides protection and teaches you to stand up for yourself.

butterflies the Celts were a symbol of change, rebirth and new beginnings. They believed that the spirits of the dead could appear in this world in the form of butterflies. This is a sign of memory of one's ancestors and reverence for one's family, reincarnation and the ability to develop.

Bulls necessary for those who wish to gain self-confidence, strengthen health, physical strength, endurance and character. Excellent men's amulet.

Amulet with a picture lion better suited to men. It develops the appropriate character traits, strengthens health and physical strength, teaches nobility and reveals the positive qualities of a person.

Other Celtic symbols and charms

dragons existed in many cultures, not only in the Celtic. The latter gave the amulets with their image the ability to see clearly, not to be deceived, to grant the ability to divination and witchcraft. They have protective properties. In legends, dragons were the guardians of the sources of sacred knowledge from the uninitiated, and their lairs personified places of power, gaining wisdom and sources of energy. In addition, an amulet with a Celtic dragon amulet grants independence and the ability to control people.

sacred tree is the embodiment of the Tree of Life. Such an amulet brings wisdom and vitality, promotes the development of intuition and magical abilities, gives longevity and good health.

Leaves can often be seen in Celtic symbols and weaving amulets. Their interpretation depends on the type of wood. The leaves, in general, symbolize the energy of the tree and the gods to whom it is dedicated. The Celts attached great importance to plants, so the interpretation of the images of fruits and leaves will depend on

In this article, we will get acquainted with the mysterious and fascinating part of the culture of one of the most ancient peoples. Western Europe. The Celts disappeared under the pressure of the Romans and settlers from the eastern lands, leaving behind many secrets.

Mysterious Celtic knots that adorn stones and books, are woven from leather and fabric, engraved on jewelry and weapons, will be the subject of our virtual tour.


A mysterious warlike conglomeration of tribes that worshiped the forces of nature, believed in reincarnation and was destroyed by the Roman Empire. After the capture of their lands by the legions, the Celts gradually assimilated and created some of the modern Western European states.

Today there is no ancient written evidence of this people. But archaeological finds allow us to recreate at least partially their culture, beliefs and way of life.

The famous Celtic knots are best preserved to this day. This is a bewitching interweaving of lines that go in a circle and never end. Next, we will talk in more detail about the individual elements of this art.

Worldview and magic

Often, Celtic knots are associated with cosmology and magic of the ancient people. Druids often decorated various and other ritual objects with mysterious ligature.

Ireland, Wales, Scotland still fascinate with their beauty.

Researchers today see in these signs protective symbols from evil spirits. Parallels are drawn with the Indian "wind catcher" and Mongolian amulets.

In addition, trinity is often used in Celtic ornament. Scientists believe that this is a reflection of the triune mythological world of the Celts. It included the realm of living people, gods, and souls awaiting rebirth.

Simple symbols

Celtic knots are a complex and multi-valued phenomenon in the ancient culture of Europeans. But, like most intricate compositions, these symbols are decomposed into simpler components.

These are circles, spirals, triangles and squares. Let's talk more about each of them.

So, the circle in different cultures correlates with the sun and eternity. The Celts were no exception. Their circles often symbolized harmony, the eternity of creation and the constant circulation of life.

The spiral was a continuation of this thought. Usually they depicted rebirth, what is known today as the word "reincarnation". In addition, researchers often see this symbol as an expression of spiritual growth. Particular attention is focused on the triple nature of spirals.

Triangles, which today are the most famous Celtic attributes, were depicted in the form of triskelions and triquetras. These are symbols of the solstice, the triad, the supreme deities of the pantheon (Torah, Manannan and others).

Also often it was a designation of the trinity of parts of the universe - the world of gods, people and souls of the dead.

The squares symbolize magical angles, nodal protection from the evil eye and hostile spirits.

Labyrinth and cross

Gradually, the Celtic knot improved and moved from the field of ceremonial fine art of priests to the life of ordinary people.

There are amulets carved from wood, and woven amulets from strips of leather.
This stage is characterized by the presence of transitional features to Christianity. At this time, a foreign religion, along with approached the threshold of the Celts in the north of modern France and in Britain.

The new symbols depicted spiritual search, energies and life path. In particular, these include the classic labyrinth. It is he who has such a meaning. The Celtic knot consisted of many plexuses, but all its threads led exclusively to the center of the composition.

With the advent of Christianity, this symbol is slightly transformed and takes the form of a cross. The famous Celtic crosshairs in the circle came from the first labyrinths. Often, its ends expand outward, which symbolized the infinity of spiritual development with the interconnection of the spiritual and worldly, as well as feminine and masculine principles.

knots of love

Today, the Celtic knot is perceived as an interesting accessory that will suit various forms of clothing. Leather weaving - to informal, metal rings, pendants, bracelets with the image of ancient symbols can even be combined with a classic suit or evening dress.

It is believed that any plexus is associated with the interaction of male and female principles. Therefore, the perception of the symbol as a love amulet is a matter of personal taste.

However, today a single node in the form of a heart or whole compositions of such elements are quite common. You can see an example in the photo below.

Modern tendencies

Weaving is becoming fashionable these days. The Celtic knot instantly became one of the most beloved motifs. There is something fascinating and infinite in its interweaving. Many perceive such compositions as a Western European analogue of oriental mandalas and yantras.

Celtic knots, knitting patterns, meaning various variations often searched on the Internet. We will give some examples to help you learn how to create the simplest patterns. Further development is a personal matter for everyone.

So, below is a photo of step-by-step actions that will lead you to create an amazing knot in the form of a heart.


Who is not fascinated by the Celtic knot with its endless plexuses? Many lovers of extreme jewelry are not averse to seeing a tattoo with such an ornamental masterpiece on their bodies.

What do these images mean? Let's take a closer look.
Oddly enough, but in this area of ​​​​tattoo there are no hidden elements or coded images, as, for example, in the criminal world. Each reflects one thought, no matter how it was created.

A spiral on a weapon or armor, the wall of a house or the shoulder of the owner always means only growth and development. So, three similar figures symbolize only perfection in three planes. Today esotericists call them physical, astral and mental.

Labyrinths, which are the most popular ornaments, depict the life path of a person. The Celts did not believe in final death, therefore all patterns are endless, the movement in them goes in a circle.

Thus, today we got acquainted with the unique culture of the ancient Western European people. Today, in a period of special enthusiasm for the mysterious and sacred, this information will be of interest to many.

The famous Celtic cross and popular Celtic patterns are magical symbols that are the basis of amulets. And the Celtic amulets themselves are considered hallmark and one of the most important components of this civilization. One of the most popular in Western world considered a Celtic culture. And an important role in this was played by Celtic folklore. This civilization is very mysterious and left a legacy of many legends and beliefs.

The beliefs of the Celts are based on the spiritualization of the world and giving each individual object character and features. This feature is quite strongly traced in the connection of man with the natural elements.
Each element, in accordance with the beliefs of the Celts, had its own soul and individual traits that could be useful for people. Naturally, a way was needed to transfer them, these characteristics, to a person, endowing him with strength and power. Celtic amulets became such a tool.

Amulets are clearly divided into four elements :

Amulet of water

The main qualities of water amulets are perseverance, strength and speed. As a rule, such amulets were used by warriors.

The most common amulet of the water element was the dragon, which accompanied the warriors on their campaigns and promised good luck in battle.

The amulet of air was associated with intangible spiritual values. Also, these items were used in the love sphere and to protect a person from various influences.

As amulets of the air element, the most common were figurines of various birds. It is believed that a pair of doves, which have become a symbol of the newlyweds, came from the Celtic culture.

Fire Amulet

Naturally, fire Celtic amulets were associated with the sacred status of fire and helped protect a person, home, family, people. Circles and rings were considered amulets of fire - and this is Brigid's ring, Brigid's bracelet and so on.

As a rule, they were kept in the house to protect the person and his entire family. They could be put on the hands of small children, since children were considered the most susceptible to negative effects.

Earth Amulet

Amulets of the earth were considered feminine and associated with fertility and protection of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. The most common object of this element is the shamrock.

This magical item was usually made of durable metal and promised a person good luck in all endeavors. A four-leaf clover, which was a symbol of prosperity, was also considered a good magical companion.

The value of each amulet was individual and, depending on belonging to a certain element, certain people were supposed to wear this amulet.

In addition to the amulets described above, which belonged to certain elements, Celtic magical amulets were also of general use.

Such amulets were a symbol of peace, goodness, health. Long and very complex Celtic patterns are nothing more than a reflection of the picture of the world through the eyes of the author. These patterns quite often consist of three components: the afterlife, the world of the gods and the world of people.

These worlds are connected by a constant cycle of life, which includes both birth and death. The cross deserves special attention. This complex and unusual product is not only a symbol of the Celtic civilization, but also carries its own purpose. The cross combines all four elements, which are displayed by its ends, and the central circle denotes the unity of humanity.

In Celtic culture, amulets and talismans occupied a special place. In addition to the four elements that endowed a person with the qualities of the chosen element, there were also common amulets. And the most popular of them is the Celtic cross, which symbolizes the unity of all four elements and humanity. Their unity acts as a guarantor of a full life and protection of a person from misfortunes and obstacles.

The Celtic cross symbolizes the unity of the four elements; water, earth, fire and air. The meaning of this symbol is isolation and cyclicality, which is indicated by the circle located in the very center of the amulet.

Such a cross is made up of many knots, but consists of only one thread. This ornament is considered a period of life, and the thread is life itself. The Celtic cross is also a collective image. He can combine masculine and feminine principles, earth and water, strength and humility.

The Celtic cross is still considered a very effective protective amulet. Also widespread among the Celts were such amulets as the trixel and the knot of fate, the meaning of each of which was unique.

If the cross was a symbol of unity, then the Celtic spirals meant growth and the constant expansion and change of life. The meaning of this symbol is spiritual growth and development. Celtic spirals are usually made triple.

Their triplicity demonstrates the tripartite nature of the human spirit, which is concentrated in a central point.

Celtic knots, as a rule, imitate weaving. This weave can be braid, basket or even cloth. Indeed, witchcraft sometimes resembles exactly weaving - the manipulation of energy flows is carried out in the same way as with threads.

The Celts believed that the human spirit is a part of the world Spirit and ornaments were made from separate knots. Each knot was created from one thread - the thread of life, which symbolized the path of a person and was his map.

ancient celts

All talismans, charms and amulets of the Celtic civilization are unusually beautiful. Them magical effect considered very strong, which led to their popularity in the modern world.

The Tibetan infinity knot is perhaps the most ancient magical symbol. At the same time, its essence is surprisingly dual: both the tying of the knot and the process of untying it have a special meaning. Moreover, the first is associated with the capture, attraction of something, and the second with the release, the node itself is able to store energy or an idea.

Of great importance is the purpose for which it is tied, because with its help you can attract happiness and good luck with equal success, or you can cause, for example, crop failure.

Tibetan infinity knot in the Vajrayana system

The infinity knot¹ - "the knot of eternity", "the knot of happiness" - is one of the eight auspicious symbols of Tibetan Buddhism. It symbolizes the desire for knowledge, eternal youth and beauty.

However, this symbol takes on a deeper meaning in the Vajrayana systems² (a kind of occult Buddhism). In Tibet, the teachings of the Vajrayana are considered the crowning glory of reverence for the Buddha. According to the Vajrayana method, the infinity knot is a symbol of karmic³ consequences (a kind of universal justice).

Any action will have consequences. Untangling the knot at one end, you tangle it at the other. Those. our deeds, good or bad, sooner or later will affect us anyway. The very form of this symbol shows the rebirth of a person and his karmic connections with the world and the universe.

What does the infinity knot symbolize?

The Tibetan Endless Knot represents the changing nature of time, the impermanence and interconnection of all things in nature, and the unity of wisdom and compassion. It is also a symbol of the interdependence of all phenomena and living beings in the universe. It is quite natural that the infinity knot becomes a symbol of love.

What can this symbol be made of?

The infinity knot is used today most often as an amulet.

It can be made from metal wire or ribbon, knitted from cord, or simply drawn on paper. You can purchase it at the store or make it yourself (this way the talisman will work more efficiently).

What gives the infinity knot?

In the form of a pendant or pendant on a bracelet, the infinity knot protects its owner from imprudent acts and opens up power over time. A person who wears such a symbol is able to accurately determine goals for himself and achieve them, bypassing all obstacles.

Sometimes in jewelry, the knot of happiness is combined with other magical symbols, enhancing their meaning. The most interesting thing is its combination with oroboros (ouroboros⁴) - the emblem of eternity, indivisibility, and also the cyclical nature of time.

Infinity Knot in Feng Shui

In China, the mystical knot of infinity is called the knot of happiness. It is often used as a traditional symbol of good luck, happiness, success and prosperity. Therefore, this magical knowledge can be used in carving, embroidery, patterns on carpets and other interior items.

If the infinity knot is combined with another symbol or amulet, then it gives the latter an unlimited effect. For example, tied to a money talisman, it provides a continuous flow of money, with amulets for love, health, creative energy means inexhaustible resources of these benefits.

How to use the infinity node?

For maximum interaction of the symbol with all aspects of life that are important to you, you can place its image or the plexus itself in a frame and hang it on the wall in your home or office.

Ornaments in the form of ribbon knots or plexuses symbolize happiness, following one's destiny.

How to weave an infinity knot?

The knot is quite complicated, so study the diagram before you start weaving.

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Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ The endless knot or eternal knot is a symbolic knot in Tibet and Mongolia (Wikipedia).

² Vajrayana is a tantric branch of Buddhism, formed within the Mahayana in the 5th century AD (Wikipedia).

³ Karma, kamma is one of the central concepts in Indian religions and philosophy, the universal law of cause and effect, according to which the righteous or sinful actions of a person determine his fate, the suffering or pleasure he experiences (Wikipedia).

⁴ Ouroboros - a coiled snake biting its own tail (
